6.1 - Mousing Around

Story by Quillhog on SoFurry

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#8 of Billy

A side trip with Pinny. Written 2015-2016.

Pinny bounced around the car, excited to finally be giving the two lovebirds some alone time. She could already imagine the sound of Billy's quills rattling as he humped his cute mouse girl. She opened the door and slipped into the passenger seat, then turned to smile at Mr Hiller.

She quickly dropped her glee when she saw him sitting frozen with his paws on the steering wheel and gearshift, staring at his lap.

He spoke quietly without looking up, "I'm sorry. I don't really have anything that I need to get."

She understood what he meant, but didn't interrupt him.

"I was starting to feel uncomfortable in there. I ... want them to be happy. I really do. But... It's all ... It just reminds me of how much I've screwed up my life."

He looked like he was about to fall apart and Pinny put her paw on his. He looked up at her with tears in his eyes.

She smiled, then leaned closer and whispered in his ear, "You've had an adventure that yielded unexpected treasures and there's more to come." She leaned back and waited a moment to let it sink in, then twitched her nose, "They'll be expecting us to come back with something. Let's go shopping."

He stared at her, his eyes slowly clearing, "You are a strange rabbit."

Pinny smiled, then leaned in and kissed his cheek, "I know." Then she sat back up, ready to go, as if nothing happened.

The stunned mouse gave a chuckle and started the car. It was a short trip to the store and Pinny waited quietly while Mr Hiller's mind churned. He parked and they walked into the store in silence. He started to grab a shopping trolley, but stopped and looked at his rabbit companion, "Do you really think my life is going to get better?"

She beamed and replied without missing a beat, "Without a doubt. You are surrounded by amazing people, so amazing things are bound to happen."

He echoed her smile and pulled the trolley out of the stall, "I'm glad you're one of those amazing people."

"Think you can keep up?" She gave him a wink and trotted ahead with her tail flicking back and forth, respectfully above her skirt.

He followed behind, watching that fluffy tail bounce, his mind exploring thoughts he hadn't entertained in years. Suddenly she turned around, caught the front of the basket and leaned over with a smile, "We should get something special."

He shook himself out of his head, hoping she couldn't tell what was inside, "What do you mean, special?"

She crept around the trolley to get closer, "As well as they get along, we're pretty sure they'll get married eventually, so they're practically engaged and we should celebrate."

Mr Hiller let go of the handle and stepped back, "Wait, whoa, what? You think they're going to get married? But they're just kids."

She pulled the cart back to him, "They've made a kid of their own; both have had a crash course in growing up; and even you can see the connection they have. She wants him and once he figures out that he can settle down, it'll be with her." She put his paws back on the handle and held them there, then started walking beside him.

He walked absently with her, "You really think they'll get married?"

She nodded and moved to the front of the cart as they walked.

"Wait, what did you mean 'even _I_can see'?"

She answered plainly, "You're still wearing your parent goggles. She's still your little baby."

"My little baby has grown up and has a baby of her own," he knew his girl was no baby, but she was still only fifteen.

"Yep, but even though you know how babies are made, you still haven't thought about her making one."

"Oh, warren." He stopped in his tracks as the image suddenly shot into his mind. He thought about the porcupine forcing himself on his little girl and felt angry, but that didn't seem right and he knew it wasn't. Then he pictured his sweet little mouse seducing the older rodent and he felt sick, but he knew that was wrong, too. His mind finally settled on a tender and innocent moment of love, much like he had dreamed of when he was younger, and it didn't scare him. A smile crept across his face and soon Pinny was close beside him.

"Maybe we should change the subject. Those pants are a little thin, aren't they?"

Mr Hiller looked down and noticed his tent. Surprised, he hid between the rabbit and the potatoes and readjusted his pants to hide his unexpected erection, "I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"Oh, don't be sorry, but let's not test the tensile strength of your pants. A breakout might get costly."

The mouse turned red under his white fur.

"How about some fancy cheese?" Pinny stepped away and headed for a display of various cheeses.

After composing himself, the mouse joined her, "I never bothered with any of these craft cheeses. I always thought they were overpriced."

The rabbit flashed him a smile and bounced to the counter, then straightened up and put on an aire of superiority, "Pardon me, sir. Mr Hiller, here, would like something special to help celebrate his daughter's engagement. Is there anything that you would recommend?"

The blonde haired human stepped out from behind the display counter, "If you're looking to spend some money, we have a Champagne Stilton."

"We're not interested in the price as much as something we'll enjoy; to add to the moment."

"I see. Well, we have some varieties of Baby Bells that are delicious and convenient if you're having a party."

"How about something unusual, but not shocking."

"Personally I enjoy the chocolate cranberry white cheddar. It's not expensive nor too stunning, but still a delicious choice for a special celebration."

"It sounds like just the thing for our little gathering. How much would you recommend for six people?"

"Are you serving anything else?"

"We will be eating afterwards."

"Then you should do fine with just a quarter pound. Would you like it sliced for crackers? These are light and don't interfere with the flavor of the cheese." He tapped a box displayed beside the cheese.

"Yes, please, and we will take the crackers, as well."

"Very well, ma'am."

As he stepped behind the counter to prepare her order, she turned around to giggle at Mr Hiller and sigh.

He looked at her with half a smile, "What was that?"

"A mouthful of icing."

"Why don't you talk like that more often?"

"It's very tiring being that stuffy. I'd rather keep it simple and fun."

"You do it very well."

"You should hear my mother."

"Here you are, ma'am."

Pinny stood instantly straight and turned around to accept the paper wrapped cheese and box of crackers.

"May I also recommend you pair this with a fruit wine or juice, like apple or pomegranate."

"Thank you very much. Good day."

"Good day to you, ma'am."

Pinny grabbed the front of the basket and led Mr Hiller away from the counter and out of view before she nearly fell into it, trying to hide giggles, "Come on. Let's grab that juice and get out of here before one of us gets in trouble."

She headed for the coolers and he followed, still trying to figure her out. He caught up with her grabbing some pomegranate juice, "Pinny?"

The rabbit stopped and looked up as he walked to her.

"Call me Greg"

She smiled and put her paw on his, keeping it there as they found a carbonated apple juice, paid, and got back to the car.

"Why are you afraid of being an adult?" He started the car and headed home, then realized she hadn't answered. He glanced over and she was staring straight ahead.

When she noticed him looking, she smiled, "I'm not afraid of being an adult. I'm just not the type of haughty snob my mother is. I don't want to fit into their crowd."

"Well, you didn't do anything wrong. Nothing that would have gotten us into any trouble."

"It's just not who I am. My father used to tell me that not being yourself is a crime, but he didn't know who I really am."

"Who are you, really?" he backed the car under the shelter behind his house.

"Winny says I'm an angel of compassion, love and joy, but I'm just a bunny trying to be happy." She kissed his cheek and got out.

He smiled and got out of the car, grabbing the bags, "It hasn't been quite an hour yet. Should we wait out here for a while?"

The thought of what might be going on inside got her excited, but she hid it, "We should put the food away. We'll just be quiet."

She opened the door and silently crept through the kitchen. She heard some soft moans and gasps and followed them to the next room. She stood in the doorway and smiled when she saw the naked, pregnant mouse passionately kissing her porcupine. Jinsey slid down to the couch and Billy started rubbing her belly, and lower. The rabbit was mesmerized as the porcupine slid off the couch and buried his face between his mouse's legs.

Greg carefully put the bags on the table and noticed Pinny standing in the hall. He walked up beside her and saw his daughter laying nude on the couch with her legs spread and the porcupine's face buried between them. The sight stunned him, but his impulse reaction was to say something.

Pinny noticed him about to speak and quickly clamped her paw over his mouth, pulling him back and pressing him against the wall. She continued to watch the young rodents and slowly released his mouth, leaving a finger on his lips.

Greg listened to the rising sounds of pleasure from his daughter and couldn't help but compare them to her mother, his ex-wife. When she made those chirpy squeaks, he knew she was enjoying it.

Pinny felt the older mouse's erection throb against her leg and she smiled at him, sliding her paw down his body. She gently kissed his lips as her paw opened his pants and found his reaction inside. He grabbed her arms, but didn't stop her, letting her stroke his aching appendage. Another glance to the room and she saw Billy was now standing, his quills bounced and rattled as he thrust into his moaning mouse. She smiled at her partner and slowly knelt in front of him, then rubbed her nose teasingly along the length of his shaft. He started to speak again, but she quickly swallowed his length and began urgently sucking.

He inhaled sharply through his teeth and tried not to moan loudly as her tongue danced around his neglected penis and sent him waves of nearly forgotten pleasure. He heard the squeaks of pleasure begin again and listened carefully, trying to fight back his own climax. The rabbit was very good at what she was doing to him and he took her ears in his paws, wanting to tell her to stop, they shouldn't be doing this, but enjoying it too much to put the words together. Then he heard it, the sound he hadn't heard in over four years. Those pleasured squeaks reached a crescendo that spiked his brain. The impulse took over and he thrust his hips forward, exploding into her mouth all the frustration he had saved; adding his moan to the grunts, squeaks and squeals coming from the other room.

Pinny took it all, then licked her lips and closed his pants as she stood up, smiling. When he looked at her, the bliss on his face washed away to a look of horror as he remembered the situation. She quickly pulled him through the kitchen and out the back door, closing it quietly behind them.

He covered his mouth with his paws and walked around the small fenced patch of grass, "Oh warren, what have I done?"

The rabbit ignored the second slight against her species and stepped up to console him, putting her paws on his shoulders, "You didn't do anything wrong."

"I just got off to listening to my daughter have sex. What kind of sick pervert am I?"

Pinny smiled and guided his wandering around the fence, "That wasn't all that was going on."

He wrung his paws in front of him as his feet moved absently, "No. I was thinking about Maude, my wife... ex-wife. She would squeak just like that when we had sex."

The rabbit led him around the corner, "So, you were enjoying the memory of good times with your wife."

He looked up at her, "But it wasn't my wife, it was my daughter."

Pinny smiled slyly, "It wasn't your daughter in front of you."

"No, that was you," his thoughts shifted as they turned another corner. "You were amazing. I've never felt anything like it."

She smiled and wrapped her arm around his shoulders, "I aim to please."

He stopped short and looked up at her, "You did that on purpose."

"Well, it wasn't an accident."

"But why?"

"You needed the release and they needed the chance to finish."

"But you..." He stopped as he suddenly realized they were standing at the foot of the stairs to his own front door.

"We should go back in. The juices need to be chilled."

"But what about..."

She guided him up the stairs, "Straight to the kitchen. They'll know we're here, but we'll give them time to compose themselves."

He nodded and burst through the door, hurrying down the hall. Pinny caught the door and closed it behind her, then followed, giving Billy a wink as she passed.

She walked into the kitchen behind Greg and he turned around suddenly, right in front of her, shouting in a whisper, "How can I be okay with this?"

Pinny whispered back, "How can you not?"

"She's only fifteen."

"And having her second child."

And having sex with the father of her fist, in my living room, while I'm watching, and you're sucking me off and I'm ... enjoying it," he lost his steam and stared at the rabbit's chest in front of him, "Am I a bad person?"

She put her paws on his arms and he looked up at her smiling face, "You're a wonderful person, but you're in danger of being a bad host."

"What?" he tried to follow her thinking, but his brain had left on a different track.

"Well, they just burned some calories and you haven't offered them anything to drink."

"Right," he wasn't quite with her but it sounded right. He stepped past her and walked to the other room. He stood frozen, watching as Billy helped his pregnant daughter slip her panties over her feet and slide them up her legs. He could see drips of the porcupine's cum dribbling out of her wet vagina as she moved, until her panties slid up and covered it. Billy kissed Jinsey tenderly on the lips, then turned around and they both noticed him looking at them.

He heard Pinny's soft voice in his ear, "Do you want them to give you another show?"

Her nose teased the edge of his ear and he could feel part of his brain wanting to say yes, but he cleared his throat and focused on the reason he came into the room, which seemed weak and meaningless now, "Would you two like something to drink? We picked up some juices and c...um..." He could still see his daughter's panties and the wet spot forming between her legs. He heard the words come out and felt instantly mortified. Not only was he getting aroused thinking about his own daughter, but now everyone certainly knew it. Pinny's elbow jabbed his arm and he found the word he wanted, "colas." Everyone was staring, they knew what was on his mind. They probably knew he liked it. He was burning and needed to get away. He quickly returned to the kitchen.

Pinny winked to her porcupine and went looking for her mouse. She found Greg finishing up pulling out the groceries very sternly.

When she walked over to him, he buried himself against her chest and started crying, "Why am I such a mess?"

Pinny wrapped her arms around him comfortingly, "You're not a mess. Your life is changing. You just need to accept that and adapt."

He held her close, breathing deeply between her breasts. He missed this intimacy. Even when his wife was still living with them, she had grown less interested in physical contact. He wanted to feel her slender tail wrap around his arm again, but he found a small, fluffy one. He pulled his head back to see the rabbit and noticed the porcupine watching them. He pushed away from Pinny and straightened his shirt. "So. Did you get reacquainted? Er, Do you know each other better now? I mean,..." he looked up at Pinny, flustered, "What do I mean?"

She put her paw on his shoulder, "It's okay, Greg. They're fine."

She kissed his ear and he turned red again, then scrambled to get cups and move the conversation on to something else, "What would you like to drink?"

"I'll have some of that apple juice."

Jin came back and with a look at her father's expression, "What'd I miss? What's wrong?"

Mr Hiller pulled a smile onto his face, "Nothing's wrong. Have you heard from Mrs King?"

Jinsey accepted the distraction warily, "Not yet, but it's still early."

"Well, it's been a nice visit," he cleared his throat as he busied himself with serving and cleaning, trying not to look at anything. "We have about half an hour until we have to go pick up Billy, our Billy, which is your Billy, little Billy? Oh, warren."

Pinny set her drink down hard on the table, grabbed his shoulders, pulling him up straight, and pushed him back against the counter, holding him firmly as she glared into his eyes. "I don't know where you learned that word, but I'm tired of you abusing it. There is nothing wrong with you being happy for your daughter or even enjoying seeing her happy. She has grown a lot since she was your baby and she has a baby of her own, your granddaughter, and you have every right to be proud of her. Just don't forget that you are still alive, every part of you."

He looked terrified for a moment as everything processed and he started to defend himself, "I'm sorry, Maude's father would use it all the time and I picked it up from her." He took a deep breath and sighed, and looked at the porcupine as Pinny released him, then smiled at Jinsey. "Would anyone like some cheese?


After picking up Billy and enjoying the cheese and crackers, Jinsey shooed everyone out of the kitchen, "Go show your ... pappi our room while I make dinner."

Billy grabbed Billy's paw and led him out, "Come on. I've got my own bed."

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Pinny stacked some plates and handed them to her.

"No, I know what I'm going to do. Go on."

Mr Hiller whispered to the rabbit, "I'd show you my room, but ..."

She tucked her arm under his with a smile and started out of the kitchen, looking back to wink at Jinsey, "I'd love to see your room."

The stunned mice looked at each other as Jinsey's father left with the rabbit. He led her to his bedroom and she looked around. "It has seemed empty since Maude left. I still have the big bed, but no one to share it with."

Pinny pushed her paws into the bed, then laid down and stretched out on her back with her feet crossed and her paws behind her head.

Greg looked over her lapine form spread on his bed, from her long legs and fit body with two round breasts to her smiling eyes and perky ears. He smiled awkwardly and crawled up to lay down beside her. It had been so long, he wasn't quite sure what to do first.

Pinny wiggled her nose and leaned close to whisper, "It's comfortable," then popped up and hopped off the bed to look around the room some more, leaving the confused mouse alone in his bed.

He sat up and watched her examining his things, then slid off the bed and walked over to lean on the end of his low dresser and look at her. "I just don't understand. One minute I think you're coming on to me and the next you're bouncing away. It makes me think I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what. I just don't know what to think."

She put her paw on his and smiled, then followed his arm up and slid around behind, wrapping her arms around his chest to hug him, "Don't think too hard."

He sighed and put his paws on hers, "This is what I mean. I mean ... I know you're married to Dr Lem and pregnant from Billy, but I'm just an old mouse, a grandfather. I can't play these games."

Pinny slid her paw down and grabbed the crotch of his pants, finding his balls inside, "You're still a buck."

"What good does that do me. I already have Jinsey and Maude is gone and I'm too old to be chasing does and starting over."

She slipped her other paw into his pants and found his penis, making him gasp, then opened his pants and pulled it out as she started stroking it.

"What are you doing?" He put his paws on her arms and watched her work him to erection.

She nuzzled and nibbled his ears without a word as she stroked him, her fingers working down to the root of his shaft.

Greg fought to keep quiet as he thought of little Billy in the next room and Jinsey in the kitchen, but that only reminded him of the pleasured squeaks she was making when the porcupine was having sex with her on the sofa earlier and how it reminded him of her mother. He tried to think of Maude's disapproving glare, but instead he remembered her face as he humped her in the booth and heard her squeaking her orgasm. He realized they were his own squeaks and forced himself to speak instead, "Pinny ... I'm ... Ah."

The rabbit put her paw in front of his tip and caught each squirt as she milked it from him, then kissed his ear, "See, you've still got lots of spunk inside you."

He looked down at her paw filled with his cum as he gasped for breath, "That ... That was you."

She closed her fingers around his seed to hold it gently as she slid her other paw down to hold his balls, "It came from you."

He watched as she slid her paw out of his pants, leaving him exposed, then gave him a wink and a tail shake as she walked out the open door. He quickly put himself back together and followed.

Jinsey watched flabbergasted as the rabbit casually walked to the kitchen sink to wash her paws and leaned in to sternly whisper, "Did you just have sex with my father with my daughter in the next room?"

Pinny looked at the pregnant mouse and smiled, "No."

"I heard him. What did you do?"

She dried her paws and stroked Jin's cheek with a smile, "I gave him a lesson in personal acceptance. Is dinner ready?"

Greg came in, still looking flushed and looked worriedly at the two.

Jinsey looked at her father, trying to put together what happened, "A - almost. I wasn't expecting you, so I had to stretch it a bit."

"I should be getting home to feed_my_ family."

"Oh. ... Well, I guess I'll go get Billy."

Mr Hiller watched his daughter leave the room, then leaned on the table and whispered at the rabbit, "What are you doing? You've been teasing me all day and now all I can think about is having you naked on this table ... while listening to my own daughter's sex squeaks." He closed his eyes and fought back the rest of the image. "And you're just going to do that and leave? I'm not used to feeling like this. Maude didn't ... I'm alone here with two girls I can't ... I can't let myself ... even think about it." He shook his head at the horrible thought, then glared at her with an exasperated huff.

Pinny dropped the towel on the counter and smiled as she thought about his fantasy about her, then leaned on the table to put her nose a breath from his and stare at him a moment before she spoke, "You're stronger than you think. You'll be fine tonight." She smiled as she watched his nervous expression. "I know someone I think you should meet."


"I'll call you." She kissed his nose and stood up as Billy came running in.

"Pinny! I drew you. Do you like it?" She held up her drawing book.

"I do." She held the book steady to look at it. "What's that on my belly?"

"That's the baby Billy gave you inside your belly."

"Oh? Who told you about that?"

"You did, when we were visiting that weird doctor."

"Oh, so I did. You listen to a lot of things, don't you?"

Billy nodded.

Pinny leaned down to whisper, "So do I."

Billy giggled as her parents came in.

Pinny smiled at the bigger Billy, then looked down at the smaller one, "Dinner's ready. I need to go feed Winny."

"Does Billy _ have _ to go with you?"

Pinny shook her head, "He doesn't_have_ to."

Billy cheered.

"But you should find out if he _can_stay first."

She ran around to grab Billy's paw, "Can you stay?"

"I would love to stay." He smiled at his mouse.

Billy looked at her mom, "_Can_he stay?"

"I would be happy if he stayed." she looked to her father.

Billy got the message and spun around, "Ple_e ee e_ease Poppi, can he stay?"

"We don't have anywhere for him to sleep."

She wasn't going to let that stop her, "He can sleep in my bed."

"He's too big to fit in either of your beds."

She started to droop, then perked again, "You've got a big bed."

"I'm using my bed."

She sprung to him and grabbed his paw, her tail softly thumping against her legs, "Pleeeee_eeeeeeeeee__ eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee _..."

"I'm okay sleeping on the sofa or the floor." Billy interrupted her pleading.

Pinny scowled and Jinsey smacked his arm, "No more floor."

Mr Hiller sighed, "I guess sofa it is, then."

Billy cheered and hugged him, then grabbed her father's paw, "Come on, I'll show you where it is."

"It's time to eat first, Billy." Jinsey headed for the counter

"Oh yeah, you can have dinner with us, too!"

"Get your book off the table." Jinsey set four plates out.

Billy hurried to grab her book, then stopped, opened it, and ripped out the picture of Pinny to give to her.

"Why don't you keep it, but I _would_like a picture of you with your family."

Billy stared at her book, starting to droop, "But I wanted to keep that one."

"Can you draw me another one?"

"Yeah!" She sprung up and bounded out of the room.

"Later, Billy. It's time to eat." Jinsey placed a big, steaming dish of pasta on the table

Billy looked to Pinny, "Will you be coming back?"

She nodded and the little one ran off with a giggle.

"Wash your paws!" Jinsey scooped some pasta onto a plate.

Pinny walked around the table to kiss the porcupine's cheek and whispered, "I'll bring your things tomorrow." Then turned around and tucked her arm under Mr Hiller's, "Would you walk me out?"

He let her guide him to the door, still trying to settle his mind around everything that had happened. Then he heard Billy yell "_ CHEESE MONSTER _!" and relaxed; at least something was normal.

Pinny stopped at the door and turned him to face her, just smiling down at him, then took his cheeks in her paws and kissed his lips.

So much for normal. He grabbed her shoulders as his venereal thoughts returned, along with Billy's giggles reminding him that he could do nothing about them. When she released his lips, he started crying like a child and she hugged his face to her chest. When he caught his breath again, she stood him up and smiled at him. Her face seemed to say everything was going to be okay and he believed it this time.

She stroked his shoulder, then opened the door.

He follower her, wanting to say something, "Pinny..."

She stopped on the stairs and looked at him patiently.

"...Thank you."

She stepped back up and hugged him again, then slid her paw down his back to catch the base of his tail and let it slowly slip through her paw as she turned and walked down the stairs.

He watched her tail wiggle, as if saying good-bye, and felt the tingle run from her fingers on his tail and up his spine, straight to his whiskers. He was still thinking about her little, fluffy tail as she got in her car and drove away. The rest of the evening felt like a dream. They were a happy family having dinner, talking about their day, getting ready for bed, saying good-night. He watched the porcupine lay down on the sofa, then went back to his room and got himself ready for bed, but he didn't feel like sleeping.

He felt like he would be up all night with thoughts of the rabbit and her mysterious someone. She must know a mouse and was planning to match them up. That could be a disaster. But it could be nice. He pictured a sweet mouse, nothing like Maude. She was dainty and gentle and generous, with smooth ears and a long, thin tail. She was caring with the kids and with him. They enjoyed cuddling together to watch movies or just to be alone and the bed still seemed big because they slept wrapped together with their tails entwined. He thought of how much he would enjoy making love to a gentle mouse that loved him back.

He woke with a start and looked around. The sheets were tangled and he noticed that he had wet his pajamas. He sighed, annoyed that he had let his dream take off with him and glad that Maude wasn't there to scold and mock him, then froze as he heard a soft knock at the door. He got up and hid behind the door as he opened it a little to find the porcupine smiling worriedly.

"are you alright?" he whispered.

"I'm fine. I just had a ... I was dreaming. Excuse me. I should go to the bathroom." he pushed past the wall of quills and across the hall, closing the door behind him. He quickly relieved himself, then heard quiet voices in the hall.

"what's going on?"

"I heard your father squeaking and grunting and checked on him."

"is he okay?"

Greg opened the door a little to see.

"he's fine. It was just a dream."

Jin stroked the porcupine's face, "if I'm having a dream, I don't want to wake up."

The porcupine kissed his daughter's lips and wrapped around her pregnant belly, but it didn't bother him this time. This was what he was afraid of, but he felt good seeing it; he wanted to see it.

"can I join you on the sofa?"

"what about your father?"

"he'll be fine."

"and Billy?"

"she's asleep."

They walked away and he was tempted to follow them, but forced himself to go to his own room. He leaned on the foot-board and remembered seeming his naked, pregnant daughter spread on the sofa with the porcupine between her legs. He thought about her happy squeaks and the rhythmic rattling of his quills like music of love. He remembered the rabbit, but this time he thought about having her naked on his bed; bent over with her tail raised as he finally got to hump her. Then it was his dream mouse he was thrusting into and she was squeaking her orgasm, just like his daughter. He quietly groaned his release, then looked down at the lines he left on the sheets and his penis in his paw.

There were no squeaks or rattling; it was quiet. He pulled his pajamas back in place and slipped quietly out of his room to check on them. He half hoped to find them naked and in the throes of passion, but instead, they were sitting beside each other on the sofa, quietly cuddled in the dark. He realized that he had been worried about them, but he was the one that couldn't control himself. All Jinsey's life, he had been focused on what was best for her and Maude, but one day with a rabbit had turned him into a selfish, sex-crazed kid again. He sighed softly and returned to his room, knowing that he would need to change the sheets before he could sleep again.