Brother's Aside Two - Side Job

Story by Darokko on SoFurry

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#11 of Brothers

Hey look! Another side story! This time a little tiny 'taste' of something I feel like a lot of people have wanted.

Now this one is for FA: Noodlebeast... Who also owns the characters with me

Arseni kept his breath measured and his tail still despite the over stimulation and excitement, instead focusing on his wallet in clutched his hand. For the fourth time in two minutes he flipped the fold of leather over and glanced down. On one side was his ID and the other was a photo of his sons. They were in their elementary school uniforms still with Lenka hugging Jurek to his side, both of them with wide smiles. He couldn't help but smirk before a loud yet muffled moan interrupted his tender moment. He looked up from his wallet to the sullen face of a peacock approaching him with a clipboard in his hand.

"Are you sure you still want to do this, Arseni?" The peacock asked, cringing slightly as he spoke.

"Yes, I am sure." The Rottweiler answered with a gentle nod. "As long as you are sure I will make good money."

The peacock let out a bitter chuckle before flipping a page over on his clipboard. "Oh a fella like you is sure to get plenty of work. It's just that fellas like you..." The peacock trailed off, shaking his head. "Anyway, I pulled some strings and paired you up with someone who easy on workers, real high roller too."

"Yes?" Arseni gave a hopeful smile.

"Only catch is, it's a guy." The peacock frowned softly. "Sorry about that."

Arseni's bright smile hadn't faltered for a moment, instead he stood up from the plush bench and clasped the bird's shoulder. "I know you did best you could."

The peacock's tail fluttered before shrugging helplessly.

"And besides, trying new things will not kill me. Not right away."

A genuine laugh left the peacock now. With a shake of his head the bird motioned for Arseni to follow him. The peacock lead him down a surprisingly pleasant hallway, the decor and lighting conducive to relaxation.

"And I thought place would look unwholesome." Mused Arseni aloud as they passed a vase with rather convincing silk roses.

"You watch too many movies." The peacock said in a hushed tone, stopping at a door with a golden '4' nailed to the door .

"Maybe I am just watching wrong movies. You should come and show me right ones." The dog grinned roguishly at his friend who tired to hide his flushed cheeks.

"You're taking to this well." The peacock said with a heavy sigh before nodding toward the door. "Now just remember all the stuff I told you and you should get a nice tip too."

Arseni opened his mouth, his golden eyes bright with another joke only to have the peacock shake his head. The rottie chuckled, took a deep breath and opened the door. He was greeted with the sight of a stern looking weasel dressed in a finely tailored suit with frameless glasses perched on his snout.

"You're early, that's good." The weasel praised, but his tone was sharp and curt.

"I was excited to see you." Arseni said warmly, his winning smile spreading slowly over his muzzle. He remembered some of the peacock's words, 'make the client feel like you want to be there.'

"Oh, and what's my name?" The weasel frowned deeply. Arseni's smile faltered for a moment before letting out a deep sigh and giving an honest answer.

"I am ashamed to say I did not catch name. I was told I had handsome weasel waiting for me, and well..." A half honest answer anyway.

The weasel raised his brow before clearing his throat and standing from the bed. "Yes well, I'm not paying extra for that." He said tersely.

"I do not expect you to, extra few minutes are on me." Arseni said with a thoughtful nod. "Now, how would you like to start?"

The weasel's small, round ears flicked forward before he studied the ground, his business-like facade cracked but only for a moment. "I would like you shirtless, on your knees." He said with a short nod.

The older dog smiled and nodded in return before he fingers went to the hem of his shirt and made a slow show of peeling the close fitting fabric off his muscular form. The weasel's eyes widened as Arensi revealed his torso. The dog's shoulders and chest were wide and his arms thick and powerful while his short black and tan coat only extenuated his build. Like the weasel had commanded, once he was free from his shirt he kneeled and sat on his heels.

The weasel made a short sound of approval but his ears seemed to betray his veneer once more, twitching and wriggling softly. He approached Arseni silently, doffing his jacket then unfastening his belt with shaking hands. Arseni watched with a slight smile, patiently waiting for the weasel to reveal what was tenting his fly so grievously.

The weasel was of modest size but Arseni recalled more of the peacock's advice, 'Make them feel confident.' The dog stared hungrily at the weasel's modest endowment, licking his bottom lip in feigned anticipation before turning his attention back up to the weasel.

"You must make partners very happy." Arseni mused aloud, reaching out and brushing his fingertips along the weasel's thigh.

The weasel scoffed but his small ears were stained red thanks to the comment. "You don't need to stroke my ego." Said the weasel sharply.

"I was not trying to, I will stroke other parts though." Arseni kept his eyes trained on the weasel before he curled his thick hand around the male's member. Once again he was offered a peek at how the weasel really behaved as his fingers squeezed around the turgid flesh. The mustelid's knees buckled and a gentle whimper slipped from his muzzle as he was handled.

"You are very hard." Rumbled the dog, rubbing his thumb against the underside of the weasel's length. "Must be eager too. I'm glad."

"O-open your mouth." The weasel ordered quickly, his slim fingers working at the buttons on his shirt before giving up halfway down. "Now."

Arseni bit his lips softly before opening his muzzle with a quiet huff. The weasel uncurled the canine's thick digits from around his cock and leaned forward, hastily pressing the achingly stiff shaft into Arseni's offered maw. The dog didn't know what to expect from his first taste of another male, he was already warned that mustelids tended to taste a bit sharper and more musky than other species however, it wasn't nearly as bad as he imagined. In fact, it was actually rather pleasant to his palate.

The sensation of the cock between his lips wasn't wholly unlikable either. He let his wide tongue roil and rock against the underside of the weasel's member, feeling the veins just under the surface of the skin throb along with an excited heartbeat. He took a selfish moment to explore his own curiosity, pressing his tongue hard against the flesh and feeling the way it pushed back just as hard. The weasel must have been very wound up. The dog smiled inwardly over this revelation.

The smaller male began to thrust into Arseni's maw, his motions wild and unfocused, smacking his rather heavy sac against the rottie's bearded chin. Arseni might have still been new but he knew what it looked like when a male was close. He let his tongue relax and began to suck, silently encouraging the weasel to not hold back. Small hands gripped his ears and tugged softly, drawing a stiff growl from the dog until he remembered his hasty training and allowed the weasel to tug and grip whatever would make him feel the most pleasure.

'O-ooh! I'm going t-to cum!" Panted the weasel. Arseni just hummed a response and ran a hand behind the weasel's knee and slowly made his way up the quaking thigh.

With a strained groan and breathless gasps, the weasel hit his peak and erupted. Thin but plentiful ropes of seed left the weasel's jerking cock and splattered against the back of Arseni's throat. The rottie had a small crisis as the weasel came, his dick might have tasted nice but his semen didn't, it was oily and had the flavor of what he assumed a gym sock tasted like. And the weasel gave him so much of it too.

The weasel let loose his last jet of cum before his overly hard cock became oversensitive and stumbled free of the big dog's grip, leaving Arseni with a muzzle full of pungent weasel spunk.

"Did you swallow?" Groaned the weasel as he readjusted his glasses. Arseni shook his head and readied himself to take it all like a bitter pill.

"W-wait." The weasel said, kneeling before the Rottweiler and pushing him into a hasty kiss. Arseni's first instinct was to wrench the weasel away from him as he felt a slender tongue work its way past his lips but, he remembered his place and gracefully accepted it. He allowed the weasel to taste his own sharp product, which the weasel took with gusto. He opened an eye and grunted while the weasel forced his muzzle open a bit wider, causing the dog to spill the still hot cum right into the weasel's maw. Arseni wanted to cringe and laugh all at once, his large form shifting in place on the floor as the weasel lapped his own musky spunk from the canine's maw before tugging away with a shuddering groan.

"Did you have good time?" Arseni asked, pushing the new and strange events to the back of his mind to deal with later.

The weasel only answered with a weak nod.

"You still have forty minutes left. Another?" Offered Arseni with a bright smile.

The haze in the weasel's mind quickly subsided as he thought about a second round with the dog.


The weasel limped from the room before Arseni even had his pants back on, his tail arched as an awkward angle, his suit rumpled in spots and his glasses held between shaking fingers. He passed by the front desk and knocked on the counter to get the distracted peacock's attention before leaning on the wooden surface heavily.

"Did you enjo-" The peacock started before the weasel cut in.

"I would like to set up another appointment. With the really big dog." He panted.

"Arseni? Of course sir." The peacock's eyes widen as he spoke. "How does seven pm on Tuesday of next week sound?"

"Perfect." He said, pushing himself off the counter. "Charge my account, and give the dog a fifty percent tip. He earned it."

The peacock paused for a moment, before shaking his head softly and offering the leaving weasel a smile. "Certainly sir. Have a good evening."

With a half hearted wave, the weasel shambled out the door and the moment he did the sprinted to the room. Arseni was still there, smoothing down his short fur and singing quietly in Russian.

"What the fuck did you let him do to you?" Questioned the peacock, his expression split between concerned and amused.

Arseni's head darted up before a gentle grin crossed his muzzle. "Would you like to see?"

Brothers: Chapter Nine, Victim and Vice

Lenka embraced his brother tightly, holding the eldest dog as the situation sank in. Jurek cried until his head ached and his muzzle was soaked with tears. By the time either of them decided to speak, their dinner had already gone cold. "So, what are...

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