Digging in the Dirt, part 3

Story by Seres North on SoFurry

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I realize that since Regina is technically 'reptilian', it might seem odd that she has breasts. My reasoning for this, beyond purely aesthetic appeal, is that as her race became more humanoid, they gradually adapted to fit in with the mammalian races (who comprise the majority the overall galactic population.)

Following that logic- her breasts are more modest (a b-cup) compared to some of the girls, like Ursa (a large c-cup) and even Vicky (a d-cup!). Ichthillians have a more "ethnic" appearance than other races as well, such as the fact that Regina has dark black hair that done up in dreadlocks. I picture them as being somewhat Arabic in terms of their culture- they come from a warm dry climate.

The men and women wear light colored head-wraps (for functional reasons) and cloaks- both with colored beads threaded into them. Under this, they wear long-sleeve tunics and trousers- though they are always barefoot.



Digging in the Dirt, Part 3


Regina stepped out the shower and quickly crossed the room while under Xander's friendly gaze. She picked up her simple black underwear (up off the pile of clothes near the bed) and slipped them on in one quick fluid motion. She paused and turned to look at him- still topless- and smiled.

"I'm going back to work today... so I'll just head straight out from here and clock in." She explained briskly while reaching up behind her head to bind up her sleek dreadlocks into a red hair band. The reptilian woman failed to notice the wolf glance down to see the slight bounce in her smallish breasts as she moved. Regina stopped again and sat back down on the edge of the bed, and slipped on a black sports top.

Xander nodded thoughtfully while she continued getting dressed- putting on a white t-shirt and then a black pair of jeans. "I just noticed- you don't ever wear bras, do you?" He asked softly, shifting a bit in his seat across from her.

She looked at him and shrugged. "I don't really see the point in wearing them- I'm not really that busty, so if I'm dressing down then I wear a top underneath for modesty." She explained as she slipped her socks on and then her boots. "Of course, I expect that for a woman like Ursa," She paused, flashing him an odd smile. "Something like a bra would be an essential part of her wardrobe." She reasoned, getting to her feet.

The wolf seemed to perk up just then. "Speaking of which," Xander said, getting to his feet. "She sent me a private message- she wants you to come by her quarters later on." He finished, moving to her side.

"She didn't really give a reason- she just wanted you to drop in when you have a chance." The door slid open and they stepped out into the den-like front room. The dining area was off to the right of them as they headed towards the front door. She stopped and turned to face him.

Regina looked at him and gave a funny smile. "Hmm, I wonder what that little minx could be up to." She mused in a good natured tone, placing a hand on his shoulder and leaning in towards him. Their lips were almost touching when she spoke. "Perhaps she wants to make another one of her 'shows'... something for all of us." She added, brushing her lips against his.

The reptilian woman promptly pulled back and pressed the touch panel- making the door slide open. She stepped back through it with devilish grin and paused for a moment. "I guess you'll just have to wait and find out." She finished, stepping out of the way and leaving the door to slide shut before he could muster a reply.

Xander could only smile at that. He stepped back and returned to his room to get dressed for his shift. "Maybe I'm just looking for ghosts in my own shadows." He thought to himself. "After all, it's much more likely that Rex simply just left in a hurry." He reasoned. Truthfully, Xander was much more interested in getting to know Regina better... as well as making sure that Ursa didn't try and steal her from him!


The expansive lavish casino was situated at the center of the station on the central level. It was a single massive circular area with a high domed roof, it was about three hundred feet wide. From the very center of the casino was a large cylindrical structure that rose up from the ground to the top of the domed ceiling. It was about thirty feet in diameter and covered in reflective glass. It position and design was perfect for observing everything in the casino...

Rick watched through the two-way glass down at the multitude of guests happily moved about the casino from place to place. Both the machines and the playing tables were bustling with activity. The entire place seemed alive. The coyote smiled and turned around and took a cigarette out of a pack he kept in his jacket. He lit it and sat back down. The second level of the private executive "tower" made for a good vantage point.

"It really all seems so simple from here doesn't it?" He looked up to see Grace emerge from the staircase that linked the two levels together. The wolf took off her glasses and placed them into her coat pocket. "But I suppose it really ever isn't when it gets down to it." She mused, joining him at his side.

"I hope you didn't come here to bring me more bad news." He began. "After everything that's happened- I'm not really in the mood for it." He finished speaking. He turned to face her. "On the other hand, if your hear for personal reasons- then that's a different story." He added with smile, reaching up to brush a hand across her cheek.

Grace reached up and caught his hand, moving it away from her with a smile. "Oh, quite the contrary," She announced. "You'll be glad to know that Regina is now back on active duty." She explained, noting that he didn't really seem upset by her rebuff. "But that's not all- the star attraction of tonight will be Vicki DeLane and her dance troop."

Rick stepped back and shrugged. "In all honesty, as long as Miss DeLane is able to keep a low profile and stay out of too much trouble, then I could care less what some glorified dance girl is doing with her time." He replied. "At any rate, the Xanxes will be arriving soon. Once it docks- I'm going to be personally making sure that the cargo is unloaded without incident." He admitted, snuffing out the cigarette in a nearby ashtray.

He tucked his hands and his pockets and walked up beside Grace. "Now, my dear, if you'll excuse me- I have a resort to run." He finished and made his way down the steps. He abruptly paused. "Oh, and if you happen to see Regina- please, give her my regards." He added with a smile.

Grace turned to watch him leave and looked down at his back as he disappeared. The dark-haired she-wolf narrowed her keen eyes slightly and frowned in annoyance. "That impertinent little shit!" She thought to herself silently.


Regina finished toweling herself off as she stepped out of the showers in the locker room. She was alone now, so she didn't worry about being seen with just a towel on. She reached her locker and quickly got dressed- slipping her underwear on and then her pants and shirt. She finished slipping her boots on and headed out, her dreads still hanging down loose.

The green reptilian woman stepped out into the hall and began walking. She glanced briefly at either side of the corridor she was traversing. This hallway, much like all the others, was pretty dull and nondescript. For the most part, twenty-first century Terran culture hadn't done too bad in envisioning space vessels as bland metallic structures. Thankfully, however, they weren't nearly as dark and claustrophobic as some films had predicted.

The halls were fairly empty at the moment, so it wasn't hard to detect the approach of another person. Regina heard her name called out and turned in time to see Ursa walk up to her- long blond hair and blue eyes both shining in the light. She had on a nice dark red skirt and matching vest over a light blue shirt and a dark blue cravat. The skirt stopped just above her knees- she wore dark stockings and similar red high-heels on.

The rabbit paused paused and braced herself, slouching and resting her hands on the front of her hips for a moment. Much like Lewis' rabbit, she seemed to have been in rush as she seemed slightly out of breath. Ursa looked up at her and smiled. "I'm glad I spotted you..." She managed to say. The Ichthillian wondered if she'd actually just run down the hall in high-heels. If so, then she was fairly impressed.

Regina smiled at her. "Well, if it isn't the golden-haired temptress herself." She remarked, looking at the rabbit girl before her. Regina had to admit that she was beginning to see why Xander (along with so many others) would be attracted to her. The outfit she had on hugged the curve of her breast and hips nicely- everything about her was so sexy. "What can I do for you?" She asked coolly.

Ursa flicked her head back in mock indignation as she straightened herself out. "Well now, aren't you cheeky?" She remarked teasingly, resting her hands on her hips. "Bumping into was certainly in a lucky turn." She explained, her soft pink lips curving with a cute little smile. "At any rate, as I said- I've been looking for you." She revealed.

The green woman smiled strangely, looking at her. As much as she hated to admit it, she was really starting to like the rabbit. "Not that I don't cherish these little meetings of ours, but I'm feeling rather tired right now." She remarked, straightening herself out and bending back a little in an attempt to tweak her back.

Ursa tilted her head to side a bit to observe the curve of Regina's back as she stretched. She then glanced around the area for a moment and then back to Regina, who returned her look with a quizzical expression. "Actually, I'd prefer to continue this conversation in my quarters..."


Rick walked over to the table where an older fox with gray hair was sitting by himself. The lights started to dim as he sat down beside him. The older fox was dressed smartly in a white sports jacket and black turtleneck sweater. He had on a pair of designer sunglasses over his eyes.

The coyote was about to say something when the fox simply held up his hand and made a low shushing sound at him. He then gestured towards the stage. "Not now my friend... the shows starting... I want to savor this moment." He said in a hushed tone, removing his glasses and tucking them away inside his coat.

The stage was lit up by spotlights and the heavy red curtain parted and a fox with long red hair stepped forward. She was decked out in a long shimmering white dress with long slits up both side to show off her legs (covered in sheer white stockings) and the fancy high-heals she had on. The top of the dress was tied around her neck with a super-low back and a plunging gap in the front showing off the light colored fur of her ample cleavage.

She held up the mike in her hand and spoke. "Hello everyone- I'm Vicky DeLane, and I hope you're all having fun. I know I am." She said with a wink. Her keen brown eyes twinkled under the lighting as she spoke. "Tonight, It's my pleasure to not only be here entertaining such a lovely audience; I'm also the Master of Ceremonies for this show."

After a bit of applause from the audience, she continued, "Tonight we have a great line-up planned for you, Mr. Marino will be joining me one piano later for some songs." She said cheerfully. "We've also got magic acts and other amazing performers." She continued. "And of course... how could we overlook my girls!" She exclaimed happily to the approval of the audience.

Rick felt increasingly on edge and the other man's total lack of concern did little to ease his anxiety. The coyote leaned in closer to the older fox. "Lucian, I need to talk with you." He said in a whisper.

The fox frowned at the words, but didn't bother to turn and face him when he replied. "Have you ever just stopped to savor something- a flower, a fine wine?" He asked cryptically. "I don't think you ever have- I can tell this by the fact that you want to talk about business at a time like this."

Lucien smiled as he spoke. "Right now, the only thing I'm interested in is the magnificent creature on stage." He announced, gesturing towards Vicky. He then turned to face Rick. "When you've been around as long as I have, you'll understand the importance of taking the time to enjoy what life has to offer." With that, he leaned back in his seat and watched as the show began.

Rick sighed (shaking his head) but accepted the situation and sat quietly while Lucian enjoyed the show before them.

Mimi was decked out in her little waitress outfit- looking more like a 'playmate' than a server in her strapless top and miniskirt. She paused, glancing at the stage in time for Vicky to cast a brief glance in her direction and smile- as if looking right at her. The small catgirl blushed faintly and hurried off.


The two women entered the front room of Ursa's quarters. The rabbit quickly kicked her shoes off. Ursa quickly undid the cravat around her neck and undid the top button of her collar. Behind her, Regina was sitting on a black leather couch- her boots already off.

Regina noted that while both she and Xander lived in single-berth quarters- Ursa's seemed to be double-berth accommodations. As if in response to Regina's exploratory glances, the white rabbit spoke up.

"Big, isn't it?" She began. "My position as head of public relations has it's perks- I've been bringing a number of highbrow clients to this place, so they were more than happy to upgrade me to this when I asked them." The rabbit explaining.

"But why would you need a second room?" Regina asked her while easing into the plush surface of the couch.

"I had it converted to a massage therapy room." Ursa replied with a smile. "I'm quite good with my hands." She added coyly. Regina grinned at the insinuation.

The white rabbit looked over her shoulder and smiled at the 'lizard' woman. "I really hope we can become friends- I've come to like you a lot and I'm hoping you feel the same." She spoke, unbuttoning her vest and setting it on top of a nearby counter. "I guess I must seem pretty shallow to you." She said in a surprisingly down-beat way, her expression seemed almost sad.

Regina held out her hand. "No, I..." She paused for a moment while Ursa undid the ruffled cuffs of her blouse. "Well, maybe at first- I mean you're so beautiful and men seem to flock to you." She commented, looking off to the side.

Ursa paused and looked at Regina, who now seemed uncertain. "There's no comparison- you're gorgeous and I'm just so plain by comparison." Regina confessed. "I guess that it was just easier to write you off..." She continued in an unsteady tone. "But now I realize that that makes me the shallow one." She finished, looking down at her lap.

By now, Ursa had finished unbuttoning her blouse and quickly undid the zip on her skirt and cast it aside with the rest of her clothing. The rabbit then slipped off her blouse and walked over to where Regina was sitting. The Ichthillian flinched a bit at the sudden feeling of Ursa's soft, warm body against her. She instantly recognized that it was the other woman beside her, hugging her tightly.

The dark-haired reptilian turned to face her and their eyes met. Ursa's expression was serious and yet full of warmth and affection at the same time. Regina suddenly found herself wanting to get lost in the rabbit's bright blue eyes... "I may not know you all that well- but what I have seen so far has made one thing clear to me," Ursa began in a firm tone.

"I can tell that there's something wonderful shining within you... I see it your eyes, I hear it in your voice, and I feel it in the beating of your heart." She offered, resting her hand against her chest to illustrate her last point. Regina was at loss as to what say. Her felt heart race as Ursa leaned in closer and brushed her lips against hers.

Regina quickly calmed down and returned the gesture. She snaked her arms around her and held Ursa's curvy form against her- her smooth hands now resting on the rabbit's hips. It was at that moment that Regina became aware of something... She'd fallen for Ursa! Despite already having feelings for Xander, she knew that she felt something for the woman beside her as well.

...People, as a whole, tend to misunderstand and even oversimplify things...

For example, Ursa had never given any real thought to defining either herself or her sexuality one way or the other. For her, it wasn't so much a matter of males and females, but about weather she liked the person. She had had relationships with both men and women, but she didn't really consider herself self bisexual- the gender of the other person was largely incidental.

In Regina's case, she had only been in relationships with men. It wasn't any sort of conscious effort on her part- it was simply a matter of her acting upon what came natural. In her case, she probably would have defined herself as pretty well being "straight"...at least for the most part. She doubted that her preferences were all that wide. It was just in this case, she suddenly found herself attracted to Ursa... who just happened to be a woman.


"You're such a tease, you know that don't you?" Ursa asked in an amused tone as she walked over to the massage table. Regina was currently laying on her stomach across the top of the table- her chin resting neatly on her crossed arms. "I wish I could have seen the look on his face when you said that to him." She added while rotating her arms gently.

Regina found herself almost totally naked- save for her black underwear. She'd grudgingly removed her black sports-top at Ursa's suggestion. The rabbit had claimed that it would give her better access to the other woman's shoulders. The reptilian lady grinned at the remark. "It did feel nice to leave him hanging like that..." She mused softly to herself. "Maybe I do have a bit of a mean streak to me?" She asked without looking up.

Ursa tweaked and worked the muscles in her upper back with expert hands. Slowly and methodically, she made her way down her lower back- her skilled hands sliding across the smooth cool surface of the Ichthillian's toned body. Regina murmured happily in response, making the rabbit smile. "Not at all, you have to maintain a degree of mystery in a relationship." She replied.

"That's all part of what makes it exciting- the guessing!" She remarked happily and cupped the other woman's bottom playfully with both hands. Regina gave out a little startled yelp as she felt the slender fingers grip her backside and then slide along her inner thighs with slow deliberate motions that bordered on teasing. Ursa leaned in and spoke in a breathy whisper. "Now turn over."

Regina complied and rolled onto her back. She felt the soft flesh-like scales on her face grow warm under the appreciative gaze of the bunny girl- who happened to only be wearing a rather showy pink panties and bra combo. Truthfully, Regina was surprised that she had agreed to do this sober! Normally, she would have preferred to have been nicely buzzed before taking part in something like this.

Ursa moved down to the foot of the table and began massaging her feet. She paused to admire the lean muscle tone in her legs- noting the subtle musculature in her calves and inner-thighs. After massaging and flexing both of her legs, Ursa ran her hands up towards her stomach, deliberately letting her hands brush light against her groin.

"You're awful." Regina groaned, feeling herself blush again. "I can't believe I agreed to let you do this to me..." She said in a cute whimper. Ursa proceeded to caress her toned flat stomach and tapered hips, before moving her hands up again. She intentionally made sure to linger as she moved her hands across Regina's smaller breasts- causing her to gasp slightly.

Things became silent and Regina opened her eyes in time to see Ursa taking off her bra and then kick her discarded panties off, along with them. She blushed darkly at the sight of her pink nipples and slit (in stark contrast to her own dark green nipples and slit).

"This is the best part." She said to her simply as she climbed up onto the table and gripped the hem of her underwear. Ursa removed the simple garment with little trouble, exposing the other woman's mound to the cool air of the room. Regina hissed briefly at the sensation. She was far too confused to protest and didn't resist as the rabbit then spread her legs apart.

Regina felt herself become wet as Ursa teased her aching slit with her fingers. She started by just brushing her fingers across the soft outer-lips for a moment. After a bit, the white rabbit inserted a finger inside her, causing the Ichthillian to buck her hips at the sudden intrusion. Ursa then slipped another finger inside her now slick passage. She gave Regina a moment to adjust before gently thrusting her digits into her dripping core.

Ursa continued driving into her with one hand- tweaking the sensitive inner walls with her fingers. She smiled to herself as she reached down and teased Regina's clit with her other hand. The green-skinned woman cursed in response to the attention and reflexively moved her hips against Ursa's hand- desperate to continue the rush of pleasure she was experiencing. At any other time, she would have hated the level of control that Ursa had over her, but right now- she just wanted more!

Much to Regina's disapproval, Ursa abruptly slipped her hand out- making a wet sound as her fingers exited her dripping core. Ursa noted the confused, wanting look of on Regina's face and smiled down at her (her own heart fluttering slightly). The rabbit held up a long smooth object- it was about eight inches long with a rounded narrow tip. Ursa moved back down between her legs and teased the entrance of her passage with the end of the object for a moment.

When she was satisfied that she had tormented the other woman enough (and partly in realization that she might throttle her if this dragged on any longer), she slowly slid it into Regina. The wet folds easily parted for the object as it slid effortlessly into her. Regina moaned noisily under Ursa's gaze. Then, after a moment of inaction- the object hummed to life and the lizard cried out as it began pulsating inside her. "Don't worry dear; you're going to love this!" Ursa declared.

"Oh shit!" Regina exclaimed. "Oh... gods, I've never... had one of these in me before..." She managed to blurt out amidst a stream of pleasured gasps. Ursa just smiled at the sight of the squirming woman before her. She had to admit that sight of Regina writhing about in a mix of confusion and pleasure was turning her on. She wondered if Xander felt the same way when he'd made love to her... had she cried out like this as he thrust into her?

If so, then Ursa could see the appeal in making love to her. Regina's body seemed particularly sensative to physical stimulation. The end result just made Ursa want to drive her on even further to brink of ecstasy! Well, that question could wait... Regina reflexively began grinding her hips against the object as it droned on within her.

Several moments (and various exclamations) later- a powerful shiver ran through Regina's entire body and she cried out. Ursa's hand was soaked with the woman's juices as she climaxed around her. The rabbit could feel her inner walls tense up and clamp down around the sleek metalic shaft of the object as she came.

Regina glared up at Ursa. She was flushed and a little annoyed. The white rabbit reached down and cupped her cheek. She smiled down at her impishly. "So... was it good for you?" She asked in a husky tone.

Regina just rolled her eyes...

**(- End of Chapter 10 -)


I needed to tie a few plot threads together and get the story moving along again, so this chapter ended up being pretty long. Please let me know what you thought about it.

One of things I did in this re-write, was to expand on a number of scenes. One of the reviewers said that the chapter could do with more detail and description. After some thought, I realized that I was a bit too brief with a number of scenes- so I set out to try and improve them.

-Seres North

Original version: Dec 14, 2008

Revised version: Oct 15, 2009

Chapter IV: Secrets in the Water

**Original Version (8/29/09):** This was my first ongoing story on YiffStar, so it holds some significance for me. When I posted the first two chapters, I wasn't sure where this was going. Chapter three changed the direction of the story, shifting the...

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Digging in the Dirt, part 2

Well, I finally got around to writing the next chapter of this story. I really think it's starting to get good. I've come to like the characters a lot- so the adult stuff sort of slowed down while I built of the story and characters. Still, you can...

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Modern Living For Misfits

Relationships are, as is often the saying, a 'matter of give and take'. However, fore some, the lines between the 'giving' and the 'taking' are not very clear and don't make very much sense. Still, when you've got something good (if such a word could...

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