In Between the Lines

Story by Sanura Mosi on SoFurry

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Challenge #14 was:

sexes- MF choosy third (M, F or herm)

Races- collie, arctic fox, brown bear

Setting- Business office

I tried a different approach with this one and i hope it turned out as well as i'd hoped. >^.^<

In Btween the Lines

by Kitten

"Line B, column 1...$1,564...what does that say?" The collie's head popped up from his laptop. He blinked his eyes a few times, thinking the late hour was playing with his mind (in which case he'd definitely have to stop- late for deadlines or not). He adjusted his designer glasses and looked back at the paper in front of him.

"No, that still says adult toys." He looked in confusion. "How does she justify that as work expenses?" He looked at the hour and shrugged. He could call her now, and even though it was 2:30 in the morning, he knew she'd be at her office. He wasn't sure why, but her business involved a lot of night hours. He chuckled a bit and saved off the Excel spreadsheet and closed the laptop. You'd figure an accountant would know more about his client.

He sighed and closed his eyes, enjoying the sounds of the three small fountains he had in his living room. The whole room, as well as his entirety of his penthouse was dedicated to relaxation and Zen. Had any of his clients bothered to look past the stereotype of accountant that he seemed to be, they would have also found out he not only did martial arts, but he was heavily into Japanese influenced ideals. Such as practicing staying well, as opposed to not getting sick. He also believed in patience, in waiting to see the whole of the picture before acting. He smiled as he set his laptop on what his clients would have considered a very short table, but set around the floor cushions and the one couch he had that was little more than a couch cushion with a high back. His dining room was something out of some anime. His table was totally oriental in origin, complete with expensive cotton cushions to sit on around the low table, and a removable top to slip a blanket under for the colder months.

Had any of his more higher paying clients had seen his apartment, they would have realized exactly how expensive his dining room, and most of his furniture for that matter, was. He was happy letting them think what they wanted. His "public" office was just like any other office, nothing special, and he only did his work there when he absolutely needed to or had an appointment with a client. Considering he preferred lunch meetings with regulars and he kept their files on a secure database he could access from his laptop anywhere in the world, those times were few and far in between.

He did feel bad for his secretary, although she was highly paid, she had the office to herself constantly and most of the time dealt with the paper-pushing part of his job. Delivering and sending papers- allowing him the freedom he did have. She had never complained, but he knew that it had to get pretty lonely.

He sighed and headed for his large bedroom to do some meditation, he felt as if he'd need all of his presence of mind for his meeting with the Arctic Fox tomorrow about her "business expenses".


Shellia walked down the hall with a frown and a very brisk pace, her face was set and as she passed the cheetah, Keil, in the hallway, she cut her off before she asked what was wrong, not pausing in her stride. Her business suite was impeccable and her hair was discreetly mussed, shortly cropped to her head, giving her a chic sort of style. She finally got to her destination, a set of double doors and threw them open without pause.

"You!" She pointed at the half naked male horse on the bed under the bright studio lights, and then at the hermaphrodite bunny beside him. "And you! Room 4 now, I have a meeting with that accountant tomorrow and darned if I'm going to visit him horny." The two chuckled and made a show of taking their sweet time before she narrowed her eyes. "Now!"

They blinked and looked at each other, then scrambled out the double doors. The bunny had a smile on hir face as shi tossed back hir answer. "Yes ma'am, you're the boss." Shi winked at the arctic fox.

The "boss" had a better reputation than any yiffer here in her studio. She may be an arctic fox, but she was hornier and hotter (sex AND looks) than any red fox she'd ever employed- even the gay ones. She was widely known for yiffing her employees- only those willing and yiffy enough, of course (which happened to be pretty much everyone anyway). She grinned in anticipation as she followed them into the yiff room and locked the door behind her.

"I may be tired tomorrow, but I'm counting on being sated as well."

The horse smirked as all three got her clothes off. "We sure will try." The horses erection was already growing into its large size and Shellia murred and leaned down to get a mouthful, secretly thinking of it as the collie's cock, a smile on her muzzle.


"Now your expenses. You seemed to have done better this year gathering up your receipts and your return will be much higher than last year." Chai Deryln paused and glanced up at Shellia Freedman and handed her the paper she'd given him. "But I'd like to know if I read the third expense down correctly."

Shellia had been unusually quiet during their meeting, preferring not to order anything and drinking some coffee. He knew she was tired, it didn't take his perceptiveness to see that, but what did confuse him was that she seemed distracted and refused to look at him. She finally glanced at him and smiled for the first time. She didn't take the paper but she did repeat what she knew the expense said. "Adult Toys."

He saved what he'd had up on his laptop, put the paper and laptop back into his briefcase, and then closed it before answering. "Not that it's any of my business, but how do you justify dildos as a business expense?" He raised an eyebrow and sat back in his chair.

He noticed for the first time the reason she wasn't looking at him. Her blue eyes were hot as small blue coals, but he had to admire her composure for even as her eyes devoured him, her face betrayed nothing. "Its an essential part of my business."

He watched her for a moment, and then ate another piece of his salad before answering. "I take it you've decided to tell me what your business is."

Shellia sipped her coffee and muttered a bit tersely. "You really take the fun out of this." When Chai pretended he hadn't heard that she smirked. "Actually I desperately want to have sex with you and I put that in there hoping you'd satiate my constant needs." She looked up to find him merely smiling at her. He wasn't taking it how she'd expected.

"I've known that since I was hired." His face retained its peaceful smile as her surprise showed before she deliberately tried to hide it.

"H-how the hell did you know that?" She looked at him a bit in fear- as if she feared he could read her mind.

"Well other than me being more perceptive than normal, you told my secretary so the first time you came. I have rather good hearing."

She looked away. "So do you already know what my business is then?"

He shrugged. "I'm patient, I was waiting for you to tell me yourself."

She was uncomfortable with it now. This morning she'd looked forward to it, couldn't wait to get the best of his rock solid composure, now she had no idea how he'd react. He'd gone three years knowing his client had an all out obsession with him, and hadn't given a hint of his knowledge, meanwhile, he'd apparently been reading her like a book. She bristled at that. She'd gone through her entire life being celebrated for her mystery. Her irritation gave her a boost of courage and after her few minutes of thought she looked up and raised her chin, smiling her sensual, natural smile.

"I'm the sole owner, creator and founder of Burning Ice Productions." She did get a low whistle from him, and it made her feel a bit better.

His comment didn't. "Weren't you one of the original yiff artists? Doesn't that make you..." She was too angry to see his eyes twinkling.

"Yes!" She growled a bit. She started to tell him she was much more beautiful than the young novices she taught and much more knowledgeable, when she heard him chuckle.

"Are you going to proposition me yet or should I wait while you defend your honor?" He smiled at her in amusement.

She opened her mouth, then closed it and realized. Why should she be offended when she could be getting yiffed? She smiled. "Now or later?"

"What's better for you?" He smiled back at her.

"Now. Here."

He chuckled. "The restaurant owner wouldn't appreciate that."

"She will if she gets to join me later. Why do you think we met in a private room?" She gestures around. They were in one of the party rooms of the restaurant, and they had been noticeably by themselves since they had gotten there an hour ago, only the waiter and a nice young leopard who had delivered the food had some or gone. Now that Chai thought of it, he hadn't seen either of them for a half hour.

"You were awfully confident that you'd get your way." He slid his salad away and watched her quietly.

Shellia smiled. "Maybe I just like to be prepared for the possibility."

"You didn't need a private room for that." His voice seemed a bit lower, smoother now to the fox's ears.

"I didn't think you'd have the same voyeuristic tendencies that I do. I wanted to be prepared for that possibility." Her index claw tapped on the table as she eyed his body, obviously wanting to get her paws on it.

The collie smiled slowly and took her nervous paw in both of his and started to rub slow, firm circles into her palm, coaxing a murr out of Shellia, as the sensations (and perhaps something more) flowed with a tingling sensation up her arm and spread throughout her body. Soon she was panting lightly and eyeing him with open need, and when he did as little as lean down and touch his tongue to the middle, she gasped, close to orgasm.

"How...?" She panted, a confused, but highly aroused expression on her face. "How are you doing that?" She asked breathlessly, wanting him to let go of her paw and at the same time wanting him to take his attentions elsewhere. She'd never been affected so much by a simple touch before. Simple? This feeling is anything but simple.

"My chi." He smiled affectionately, the smile- Shellia could swear- she could feel radiating into her hand and up her arm. "I'm extending mine into yours, using my energy to..." He didn't finish but instead twitched his arm a bit, and the white fox suddenly orgasmed on the seat.

She pulled her hand away, a bit shaken. "I'm not sure whether I want you to stop or I want more." He leaned back and seemed, for all the high energy she'd...felt from him, to have all the time in the world. She growled pleasurably and slid out of her chair and kneeled next to his lap, wanting his cock in her muzzle. That was something she knew she did very well.

Without hesitation she took of his belt and open his pants, half expecting him to object, but not surprised when he just sat there, watching her with those penetrating eyes. She was more than a bit surprised to find nothing underneath but an erection much harder than it should have been for his attitude. He was only about six to seven inches long, but he was thick and hard as a rock. She licked her muzzle, and missed the hot expression in his eyes as he put his paw on her shoulder to feel her energy, to let it feed his growing need. He let out a small sound as she took him into her mouth, wondering to himself how long it had been, and not being able to remember.

She spent the next few minutes giving him all the sweet torment her tongue, fingers and mouth could give. He sensed more than saw when her hand slid into her pants and started to masturbate. He growled a smile and used his paw to urge her away from him, which she did with an apparent reluctance.

He took her chin in his paw in tilted it up to meet his eyes, and when she saw the heat there she grinned, reveling in it. He pushed her back gently onto the floor and slid her pants down, smiling when he found she too had deigned to go without underwear, and wasn't surprised at all about that fact. He bent and tasted the juices darkening the furr around her folds, closing his eyes to savor the flavor and continuing inside them to tease and taste, his paws on her thighs, taking and sharing sexual energy as he felt her squirm under him helplessly and tasted her cum as she moaned and murred. Despite his patience, he'd been without a sexual partner for a year, and he needed the pussy he was tasting more than he needed to breath.

He wanted to try a few more things. He was getting high off of her need and he wanted to feel more of it, so he pushed up her shirt and let his paws gently knead her breasts, earning more moans from her as she arched into him her nipples pushing into his palms as he lined himself up with her cunt without hesitation and drove into her with a single smooth movement.

Shellia, who long before had closed her eyes before the onslaught of feelings, flung her eyes open to look up into his. In all her years she'd never had an overwhelming feeling of being connected to someone. It was as if they were truly one being, body and soul, and as Chai moved slowly, his paws still kneading her breasts she moved as well, her body moving when his did, as if he were controlling them both.

As the heavenly torture heightened, and her claws dug into the smooth carpet under her and a scream started to build...she remembered.

As her orgasm hit with the force of a train going ninety, time suddenly suspended, and she was suddenly right back to that moment. Her mind, somewhere in the back as known she knew this feeling. She saw the mussed head furr, the black head furr of the fox as he licked at her breasts, plucking at her heart and soul as she did. Even know she felt the rising fear. Not from danger...any real danger. The red stockings of her partner ran along her sides, causing her to pant and whine with urgency, needing him, yet wanting the torture to continue. He looked up with his loving half grin and kissed her, exalting in their lovemaking, his expression full of the passion he felt for her, the love.

She seemed to watch herself and she wanted to close her eyes, but couldn't. That moment, that love had scared her, and she watched herself as she rejected the only man who had ever truly cared for her. She watched the fever of his passion fade slowly from his face as Shellia moved away, told him she didn't want to see him anymore...and the worst lie of them all. That she had never loved him. She hadn't seen them then, she hadn't had the courage to look at his face as he left, but his eyes didn't hold hate, they held such a deep sadness, and she realized as she watched herself again. He knew how I was and he still loved me, he knew why I told him to leave, and he loved me so much he let me do it. How could he have loved me?

She started fading back to the present, and needed to see his face again, needed to see his dark blue eyes shine at her again. She needed to feel connected again. She needed to know what he saw in her that he had loved so much.

Chai was slipping out of her as she came back fully; bits of his long furr here and there damp and stick together. He smiled over at her with the same smile as before, but Shellia was distracted this time. He nodded and politely handed her a few napkins to clean up with and readjusted his clothes, sitting down and watching her once more with eyes that saw too much. Shellia looked up at him finally after she had straightened herself to look presentable once more.

She didn't say a word, but her eyes asked, or maybe they were still connected somehow. Did you do that?

He never said a word, didn't nod, but his eyes were warm with a smile that grew on his muzzle.

"When will out next meeting be madam?" It wasn't a simple question, it was full of sexual innuendo, something Shellia was used to, and would normally have responded to.

"I'll get back to you when I want to know more about my taxes." She didn't say it to be cold; she simply didn't want a misunderstanding.

She really looked at his eyes and saw that he was disappointed and happy for her at the same time. Her doubts about him being responsible for her flashback were laid to rest as she walked out the door and he murmured. "Good luck."

She paused in the doorway and smiled. "Thank you."


Later that day, back at the office...

"I don't think Shellia will be having such a direct hand in her business any longer." Chai said as he set down his briefcase, a smile on his muzzle.

His secretary, a slender, shapely bear named Heather looked up at him with a smile in her lilac eyes. "She finally found what she was looking for?"

He looked at her with his dark eyes and nodded, not really seeing her. "She finally saw what it was she really wanted." He took off his suit coat, not noticing the swallow Heather made, trying to keep down the need at the sight of his muscles under the shirt. She'd seen him doing a few movements in Tai Chi one day, his shirt off, before he saw her and paused, asking her what she had needed. The way his muscles moved had entranced her, and ever since she'd first been employed with him, she'd curiously looked into his way of life. She found she had a gift for moving and projecting her chi, one that she had used these years to cultivate. She had tried using it during sex, but found if she didn't truly care for her partner, it was hard to keep up.

She'd spent countless hours pretending her partner was him. He was the only Furr she wanted, no, needed, and here he was ignoring as usual. She could smell the scent of sex on him and it didn't put her off like it should have, the jealousy didn't cultivate, as it should. She had the overwhelming urge to go after what she wanted finally.

The collie had been thinking to himself and as he started to go into his office, she stopped him with a paw on his arm.

"Chai, I have something I've been meaning to do for some time now." He turned, his face curious, clueless as he looked at her.

"What is that?"

She didn't answer but swiftly put her paw behind his head and kissed him for all she was worth, which was quite a bit. She brushed her chi into his, conveyed the love she felt in that single kiss and when she let him go and stood back, he looked dazed, shocked. It took him some time to look down at her, and when he did, he truly saw her for the first time. Oh he never ignored her; he'd never do that. He just simply had never bothered to look past her, to look into her like he did to most people he met. He had to look away after a few moments of looking into her eyes, and put a paw on her desk to steady himself.

He was right, she had been projecting herself to him, he'd felt for the first time what it must be like for anyone who'd ever been with him, it was indescribable coupled with what she had been projecting to him. He'd never felt feelings like that before. Even Shellia's pure lust didn't match up to this. This was more patient, gentler, yet much more passionate and needy.

He looked up at her, lost; not knowing how could've missed this. How he could have looked over her without seeing it shining her eyes when she looked at him. He tried to speak, knowing that this needed a response. "I...How did you..."

She smiled and kissed him, a small calming kiss this time, her eyes warm, inviting, he felt the overwhelming urge to wrap himself up in them. "I love you." She answered simply. "And I need you so much I'm not sure how much longer I can wait for you to finally notice."

He finally lifted his paw, cupping her cheek and brushing her soft cheek furr with his thumb. He indeed felt the need underneath, and although he'd just came an hour earlier, he felt himself growing hard in response. He let go, needing some calm to say what he needed to say before giving in.

"How long have you...?" He trailed off, not being able to say the words.

"How long have I loved you?" She wanted to reach out and stroke the long furr beside his face, but she knew he needed the space, had felt him respond to her need. "Ever since I first saw you. I needed to know you more, so I got the job here. Take me, please." She added softly.

He was on the edge, his restraint tested beyond its capabilities, and he shook slightly as he tried to resist. Moments later, it snapped, and he pulled her to him hard with one movement, their bodies as close as possible with their clothes in the way, and kissed her. He let it become deep and thick and passionate, and found her paws in his long head furr as he let his hands roam, feeling their chi collide and mingle, push and pull and share. Somewhere he loved her, as if his chi had known along before he had decided to acknowledge it. It should have brought him up short, as he had spent his life being connected to it, yet he felt more at peace with what was happening, as if now he had the right approval to go forward.

His paws seemed to be everywhere at once as they went under her clothes and took them off, stroking and kneading, as she did the same, stroking her paws along the muscles that were just as delicious as they looked, all while she reveled in what she felt. She'd wanted long ago to dive into those intense eyes, and it felt as if she had done just that. He was surrounding her at the same time she surrounded him. And when they finally became on, Heather's shapely rear pressed down on the top of the desk, with Chai's paws under it, kneading and probing as he thrust into her, it was otherworldly. Magnificent in a sense only lovers can understand, life changing in a way that only the two people can ever understand.

If that wasn't enough to bring on their orgasm, their chi started to meld with the heat of their need as the moved faster, each movement smooth and meaningful, each part that touched was felt with every fiber of their being and as they came, they reached a place neither had been to before, and floated there in a sense of wholeness and completion no amount of meditation can achieve.

As they came back to earth, Chai lay on top of her, panting roughly against her throat, her own panting ruffling his long head furr as they cuddled close, not wanting to let go.

When they finally looked at each other they didn't need to say it aloud, it was clear in their eyes, but they did anyway, simultaneously. "I love you."

They both chuckled, still feeling connected, even when Chai shrunk back into his sheath and out of her warm opening, even after they parted reluctantly, they still felt each other.

"Who would have thought" She paused to cup his muzzle, smiling when he nuzzled her paw "that someone who'd as perceptive as you are, could have overlooked something like this."

He kissed her paw and then her muzzle. "I never claimed to be enlightened." He grinned. "Although I feel damn close to it now."

"That's alright." She slipped her body closer. "You can make it up to me later."

He grinned widely, lust in his eyes and in his touch. "Why not now?"

Needless to further work got done that day.

....and they lived happily ever after. *giggles* someone had to say it =P

Happy Yiffing to all!! >^.^<