The Life of Another - Chapter 33

Story by Jake Atkinson on SoFurry

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#37 of The Life of Another


As the P.O.V. changes quite a bit in this chapter I thought it might be helpful to mention a few character's full names. Jack Ward tends to think of everyone by first name only so where we'll see Roger calling her Ms. Thurlington, Jack will be referring to her as Sarah. And also Kathryn is Mrs. Patterson.

The writing of this chapter went about as smoothly as driving a square wheeled car so if you see a glaring mistake please drop me a private message and I'll get to it as time permits. --Damn you mercury retrograde! ;)

Thanks again to everyone who takes the time to fav and 5 star rate, you guys are what keeps this story going! ^^

The Life of Another - Chapter 33

© Jake Atkinson

P.O.V. - Roger

Natsume turned his attention from my flashing aura down to the folded paper he now held in his hands. Although normally a reserved person, his dismay became readily evident from the moment he saw his name in kanji form.

Unsure how he'd react to the inside of the note, I decided to keep acting as if I didn't know what it said. "He seemed pretty rushed, guess that's why he didn't want to stop in. Anyway, I take it that you're..."

The Wolf looked up and locked eyes with me. "Where was he headed?!"

"Uh, for the stairs I guess. But he was really moving, I doubt you'll be able..."

Before I could finish Natsume bolted out the door.

Steven cocked an ear and looked at my quizzically. "What's that about?"

Feigning ignorance, I shrugged, but keeping my cool without my deviance going crazy was proving to be a serious challenge.

"Didn't you read the note?" he asked.

"No," I replied. "It was written in Japanese symbols."

Steven's ears lowered in concern. "He's not the type to get all emotional and run off. Hey uh, the guy who gave you the note, was he a Grey Wolf?"

Holy crap, he remembers me?! He was so young last time he saw me. But I suppose his mother and stepfather talk about me from time to time, in affectionate terms I'm sure! I thought sarcastically. This could get out of hand. I don't want word getting out that Eric isn't as dead as he seems.

"No, it was kind of dark but I'm sure he was a Cougar." I replied.

"Oh," he said, looking almost disappointed. "Thought maybe it was..."

Steven was interrupted as Natsume reappeared, more than slightly out of breath. He looked confused and upset but the grief that haunted his eyes earlier had been replaced with a spark of hope. "I'm sorry." he said. "My name is Natsume Tanaka. I'm Steven's father."

I nodded in greeting. "Glad to meet you. My name is Roger Evans."

Natsume performed a keirei before saying "Thank you for helping my son."

The respectful bow caught me off guard, reflexively shifting my mindset to the point that I started responding in Japanese before catching myself. "I'm glad I was able to... uh, help."

Embarrassed and worried, I lowered my ears. "Sorry, just sort of slipped out. I've picked up a phrase or two from all the anime I watch."

Natsume's gaze narrowed. "I'm impressed. Japanese can be a challenging language to learn. Steven was telling me earlier that you know Aikido too."

My tail curled as I considered what Steven might have been saying. "That was uh, a bit of a misunderstanding."

"Oh?" he replied, tipping his head to look at Steven. "Didn't you say something about Roger showing you an application of sankyo?"

Steven's response was slightly delayed by his medicated state but he caught on quickly enough. "Yeah, he showed me what to do if someone grabs you by the shirt."

"I see." Natsume replied, turning my way again. "Would you mind demonstrating it for me as well?"

Hmm, I'll bet he's testing me to see if I picked up a thing or two from Eric.

"Alright," I said. "Grab the front of my shirt with both hands."

As he complied a torrent of emotions came rushing to the fore, fueled by vivid memories of our countless sparring matches and passionate embraces. Desperate to break contact before becoming overwhelmed, I performed the maneuver at full speed. Even so, he instinctively followed my direction and was able to avoid injury, gracefully falling into a kneeling position until I released him.

Realizing I could have seriously harmed him by acting with such unexpected velocity, I was quick to apologize. "I'm sorry! Something just came over me. Are you alright?"

Despite the awkwardness of the encounter, his eyes danced with a new light. "I've only met one other person who moves like that. And the way you finished up the lock is as unmistakably unique as it is effective." He grinned subtly and turned his attention to the doorway.

I had been so focused on Natsume that I hadn't noticed the return of the Hamptons and Ms. Thurlington. Luckily, any concern about how much they may have overheard dropped away the moment I got a closer look at Mr. Hampton. The whimpering, sniveling Wolf now before me was almost unrecognizable.

He wiped his runny nose on his sleeve before grasping my hand with an almost pleading gesture. "I feel terrible Roger!"

What the...? Since when does an ass as big as this guy apologize? Wait... Thurlington! She must have zapped him when they were away!

"Don't mention it." I said dismissively. "I know you've been under a lot of stress."

Especially when you were with that Vixen, hah!

He released my hand and rubbed at the tear stained fur under his eyes. "You boys have got me all tied up inside. I've never felt like this before."

Ms. Thurlington jumped into the conversation, perhaps to deflect everyone's attention, and extended her hand towards Natsume. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Sarah Thurlington, one of the counselors at Steven's school."

Natsume inclined his muzzle slightly as he shook her hand. "I am Natsume Tanaka, Steven's father. If only we could have come together under better circumstances."

"Yes," she said as she moved to stand at Steven's bedside. "It really has been quite a turn of events. Steven, how are you feeling? Perhaps you'd like to be alone so you can rest now?"

Steven blinked slowly, his gaze unfocused. "It's ok. I like the distraction."

The counselor looked skeptical. "Well maybe a few more minutes, but then we have to be going."

Natsume cleared his throat. "Ms. Thurlington, while you were away the three of us were discussing Roger's interest in Aikido. As it turns out, Steven and I used to practice by the hour and, in fact, I run a small studio devoted to it. I would be honored to have Roger come by for lessons."

Despite his manipulated feelings Mr. Hampton was still quick to voice his thoughts. "Always looking to get your hands on some fresh meat aren't you?!"

Suddenly displaying a newfound confidence, Mrs. Hampton raised her voice. "Alvin, you've done nothing but embarrass us and I've had it! If you can't act respectably then go sit in the car!"

My eyes immediately tracked to Ms. Thurlington. Hah! She's got one hand buried in her purse. I'll bet she's gesturing up a storm! __If the situation weren't so tense this w_ hole_ scene could almost be entertaining. Too bad I can't just pull Natsume aside while they bicker. Still, the Aikido lessons should provide a good opportunity for us to talk. What will I say though?!

"_I've_been embarrassing us?!" Mr. Hampton bellowed. "You're the one making all the noise!"

A Leopard nurse popped his head around the edge of the doorway. "I've warned you before Mr. Hampton! This is a Critical Care unit! And there are too many people in here. Everyone out but the mother!"

Mr. Hampton's ears shot back. "You aren't about to tell me what..."

The nurse didn't relent. "Everyone but Steven's mother, OUT! Or I'm calling security."

"Maybe we can talk on the phone later Steven." I said as I edged towards the door. "And I'll visit again when I can. Uh, take care, ok?" Now closest to the exit, I was the first one to comply with the Leopard's orders and headed straight for the elevator, followed shortly thereafter by Natsume and Ms. Thurlington. Mr. Hampton lingered momentarily, as if trying to prove that he was really leaving on his own terms, but finally emerged and headed straight for the stairwell, much to everyone's relief.

Natsume broke the momentary silence just as the arrival of the elevator was announced by a soft chime. "I'm sorry your visit was so brief. However, I believe Steven needs the rest."

"My thoughts exactly Mr. Tanaka." said the counselor as we entered the elevator. "Although I feel as if we haven't really accomplished what we came for."

I thumbed the button for the ground floor while Natsume replied. "The atmosphere did make proper discourse something of a challenge. Perhaps in a few days we could arrange another meeting, a less crowded one. And afterwards Roger could stop by my studio?"

"Hmm," the counselor tapped at the side of her muzzle with an idle finger as the elevator descended. "Roger has certain special needs that create some unique challenges when it comes to off-campus activities."

I groaned and rolled my eyes. "So I'm a special needs student now? Come on! There's no one at the school for me to practice with and I'd be with Natsu... Mr. Tanaka the whole time."

The elevator came to a pause at the next floor and the doors opened to allow a tired Arctic Fox in rumpled surgical scrubs to join us. He seemed to be unaware, or at least uncaring, of our presence and mindlessly pressed the button for the main floor even though it was already lit. Ms. Thurlington shuffled to the side to make proper room for him and then continued as if he wasn't there. "Roger you know perfectly well why we have to give something like this serious consideration. What if you get worked up during the excitement of practice and start to lose control of your talents? Fighting like that, even in practice, could bring up all sorts of emotions."

The newly arrived Fox's ears perked but he continued to look straight ahead at the closed doors. Uncomfortable at the idea of discussing my deviances so publicly, I struggled to continue pushing my point of view. "What if I just go and watch? Maybe record a few moves with my tablet, when I get a new one, and then practice on my own back at school?"

Mercifully, we arrived at our floor and the stranger I was forced to talk around quickly made off in a different direction. However I found it amusing that the counselor stared after his departing tail with more than idle curiosity.

She's totally checking him out! Suppose I can't blame her, not many Arctic Foxes around these parts.

However distracted, Ms. Thurlington didn't let it slow her thinking as we made our way to the main lobby. "Even better still, perhaps you could arrange for a video conference of sorts? Mr. Tanaka, would you be up for trying a video call with Roger? I know it's hardly the same as hands-on training but under the circumstances it seems to be the safest alternative."

Natsume looked as disappointed as I felt. It was clear he was desperate to ask me about the note. "I admit I don't know about Roger's special circumstances but, judging by the brief demonstration he gave while you were away, it would be a shame to let such abilities go undeveloped. Would it make any difference if I came to the school instead of Roger coming to me?"

We paused in the lobby and the counselor asked "Roger, is it alright if I tell Mr. Tanaka about your talents?"

I looked around the crowded area, and while no one seemed to be paying particular attention to us, it still made me feel more than a little awkward and I was sure my aura was starting to show it. Nonetheless I replied "Yeah, just... keep it down."

Ms. Thurlington's ears flashed back briefly and her eyes softened. "Roger, it's nothing to be ashamed of." she said as she turned back to Natsume. "It's just that when Roger's emotions climb, the built up energy can get spun off in a way that can hurt people nearby. Your heart could start beating very quickly, or stop beating altogether. Actually, he could affect your whole metabolism in such a way as to leave you under the effects even hours after contact. We're working to help him learn to control it but he only just arrived at the school. We have a ways to go before we would feel safe approving that type of activity anywhere. I really think the video call idea is the only acceptable alternative for now."

She must have sensed the disappointment in both of us because she was quick to add "But I'm sure with time and practice that could change. After all, it's only been about a week since you arrived Roger and you've already shown remarkable progress."

Knowing I wasn't going to change her mind, I reluctantly nodded before turning to face Natsume. "I'm without a phone or tablet at the moment but perhaps you could get Ms. Thurlington's number so we can arrange a time? If nothing else I'm sure I could borrow a friend's tablet for our training session."

Ms. Thurlington produced a business card from her purse and passed it to Natsume. "You can reach me here, and thank you Mr. Tanaka."

He bowed slightly as he accepted the card and addressed me with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. Entirely in Japanese he said "It has been an honor meeting you. I look forward to our next encounter with great anticipation."

One of my former talent's more useful aspects was the way it allowed me to assimilate foreign languages, but the benefit wasn't without a price. Just as advanced mathematics could pull my perceptions into a whole different way of interpreting the world, so too could exposure to nonnative tongues and customs that I had used my former talent to learn. As such, Natsume's mannerisms and repeated use of Japanese drew me into a frame of reference unique to natives of the culture that proved to be much more overwhelming than the brief German discourse I had shared with Mrs. Patterson.

A wave of confusion overtook me much like a panic attack and I squinted my eyes tightly shut; momentarily disoriented by my new appreciation of negative spaces, symmetry, body language and other perceptions unique to a Japanese mindset.

Ms. Thurlington placed a hand on my arm. "Roger, what's wrong?"

Although I understood what she said, the words felt inherently alien and my reply came in Japanese. "I'm alright, just a little dizzy."

P.O.V. - Jack - Temporary monitoring station in the apartment next to Roger's - After Lunch

"I dunno Sarah." I said while glancing at the screen in front of me. "I think we've been underestimating Roger. There's no reason he couldn't handle a few Aikido lessons. And hell, I wouldn't mind tagging along to keep an eye on him if that makes a difference."

The Marble Fox shook her head. "That's not my point. Jack, you weren't there. Something is going on within Roger and it's serious."

"Heh, so serious you got taken off his case! Lighten up Vixen. Look at him right now." I said as I gestured to the image of Roger's living room on the monitor. "Kathryn's trusting him with her cello and that thing is worth more than my house! So it turns out that he can speak several languages or that he can rebuild a car... that doesn't mean we have to smother him. If anything, I think he's been holding back. Personally I think he's just playin' us."

Sarah's ears flattened. "If you had seen his behavior as we were leaving the hospital you might think differently. Natsume said something in Japanese and out of nowhere Roger panicked! His tail curled, his aura flared... and then he started talking in the same language! And I don't mean a simple s_ayonara_ either! After that he bolted for my car where I found him sitting on the curb holding his hands over his folded ears like he was trying to shut out the world. It was almost twenty minutes before he calmed down. Even then it wasn't until after we ate lunch that he seemed back to his usual self."

I shifted in the chair and glanced to the screen where I could see Roger tuning Kathryn's cello. "He already proved he could speak German this morning, why not Japanese? I don't get why he would panic though. You sure he wasn't just being self-conscious? He can be pretty sensitive. Maybe that Natsume guy said something about his tail or his aura and got him all paranoid. And Roger wouldn't have said sayonara unless they were never seeing each other again. It's a very final way of saying good-bye."

Sarah shot me a look of consternation. "He didn't actually say that, I was just trying to make a point. And I suppose it's possible. When I asked Roger about it over lunch he tried to say that he just got a dizzy spell, which I suppose is possible given recent events. But still, I have a few questions for Natsume. After Roger said something to me, the two of them had quite an animated exchange. I couldn't understand a word of it but, whatever they said, it really got Roger going. His aura started doing that light-absorbing, black banded pattern we saw during his initial test. Luckily he caught on right away and ran out to the car but it got me to wondering if he was the cause of the brief power outage that happened earlier."

She pointed to the monitor. "Oh there's Kathryn's signal. I'll call her."

The counselor leaned forward and cued the intercom so she could be heard in Roger's apartment. "Mrs. Patterson? Sorry to interrupt but Mr. Burwell needs you in his office. There seems to be some sort of scheduling conflict."

Sarah released the button and looked back to me. "Anyway Jack, I think you're letting your feelings for Roger get in the way. I know you see a lot of yourself in the young Wolf but try to look beyond all that. Until we have more hard data I just don't..."

"Yeah yeah," I said as I waved dismissively to end her lecture. "All I know is that I've sparred with Roger a couple different times and do I look dead? His file says the main risk is that he can alter people's metabolism. Have we seen even one episode of that since he got here? No. Did something like that happen at the hospital? I'm guessing no. So what's the harm in letting this Natsume guy come to the testing room to give Roger a couple lessons?"

She started to reply but I was saved further dispute by the entrance of Kathryn who quickly took a seat in the chair between myself and Sarah.

The Panther's tail stirred excitedly. "I can't wait to hear him play! Did you see the way he tuned it?! Most students use a meter but he did it by feeling the instrument's resonance!"

To my relief, Kathryn provided Sarah with a fresh target for her incessant nagging. "I still can't believe you're letting him anywhere near your cello! Your orchestra would never forgive you if it got damaged. Owning a piece of history like that comes with certain responsibilities!"

Kathryn started to respond but the Vixen continued. "And is this cloak and dagger routine really necessary? If he finds out this is all a ruse to test him, as well as the apartment, it could erode what little trust we've built up."

"Sarah," replied the exasperated Panther. "From the moment he took it out of the case Roger has handled that instrument like a veteran musician. I trust it in his hands more than yours! And I think this_ruse_ is a fabulous idea. You know how he hates being the focus of attention. If he believes he's being actively recorded he might hold back or choke up. The way I told it, he thinks we're still hooking up most of the equipment in here and we won't be ready for at least twenty minutes. That should give him more than enough time to unwind and practice. Then we might finally get that baseline reading we've been so anxious for."

P.O.V. - Roger - A few minutes back

"What's with Cluck Norris over there? Did something happen to 386?" I asked as I eyed the rooster in the portable pen nearby.

Mrs. Patterson set down the cello and looked over. "What do you mean?"

"386 was the chicken they brought in for my original test." I replied as I took a seat.

"Oh, I don't know." she said as she flipped the latches on the cello case and opened it. "I'm not usually involved with that side of things. Anyway, don't mind him. They'll be moving him to the other side of the wall when they're ready to start the tests. Until then I hear he's rather fond of classical music." The Black Panther smiled warmly from her seat next to me and nodded her muzzle towards the cello. "Go ahead, try it out. They won't be done setting up the equipment in the next room for another twenty minutes or so."

Out of awe and respect for the rare instrument I hesitated, but only for a moment, before carefully grasping it by the body and gently lifting it from the case. Although it was hundreds of years old, it felt surprisingly sturdy and when I put my nose to one of the F holes I'd swear I could smell the original varnish applied centuries ago.

"This is really an amazing instrument... and it has an endpin! I wasn't expecting to see that on a cello from this period. Do you know when it was added?"

Mrs. Patterson beamed with pride, her tail tossing energetically behind her. "The provenance is a little grey on that but the general consensus from the appraisers places that modification at somewhere around 1870, a good 130 years after its original construction. You really do know your cellos don't you Roger?"

I found myself absentmindedly checking the tune as we talked. "I uh, do have something of a passion for them. Not that I'd admit to it back home though, heh. Actually I can't believe I even mentioned it here. I'm getting teased enough already! If word gets out that I play the cello I doubt it would improve my standing."

This is pretty far out of tune. I'll bet she intentionally loosened a couple strings just to see if I'd notice! Fair enough... I placed my hand around the base of the neck and ever so gently set my thumb and index finger just adjacent to the outermost strings. With my other hand I began plucking each string in turn and adjusted the pegs until everything resonated in perfect harmony. As I finished I suddenly realized that I had stopped to tune it mid conversation.

With a sheepish grin, I looked up at Mrs. Patterson. "Sorry, I sorta get lost in the moment sometimes."

The Panther scratched idly at the back of her neck. "Don't give it a second thought. Oh, and I wasn't sure what you'd like so I brought music sheets for several different pieces."

Humbled by her efforts and generosity, my ears folded. "I usually just play from memory but thank..."

Ms. Thurlington's voice cut in from a speaker mounted on a tripod in the corner. "Mrs. Patterson? Sorry to interrupt but Mr. Burwell needs you in his office. There seems to be some sort of scheduling conflict."

Mrs. Patterson rolled her eyes. "Oh what could be so important?" She sighed and addressed the speaker. "Ms. Thurlington, would you please call him back and tell him I'm busy? ... Hello?" She looked back to me. "I guess the mic isn't hooked up yet. If you'll excuse me Roger, I'd better go see what he needs."

I nodded with a knowing smile. "It's pretty clear who really keeps things running around here. And don't worry about your cello, I'll be exceedingly careful."

She patted my shoulder on her way to the door. "I'm not worried Roger."

With a wave, she was gone and I returned to my thoughts. Finally, achance to decompress! Hmm, what to play?

P.O.V. - Nick - Arriving at his room shortly after his last class

I can't wait to hear about Roger's test results, too bad he wasn't around at lunch. I wonder what he's been up to? It sure is hard keeping up with that Wolf but the phone I ordered should help once it gets here. Till then... "Hey David. How's your day been?"

The Bear looked up from his desk where a complex function could be seen forming under his now hovering pencil tip. "Ok I guess."

The emotion I sensed behind his words said otherwise. "You know you can't hide anything from me. What's going on?"

He sighed and set down his pencil. "Uh, I don't really know how to tell you... but it looks like Roger's gone."

My heart skipped a beat. "What do you mean?"

"I heard some shuffling around earlier in the day but didn't think much of it until Jim came by." said David as he spun around in his chair. "He was here just a few minutes ago, said he was trying to figure out where Roger went."

"He couldn't have just up and left! Did Jim say anything else?"

David hesitated and looked away before responding. "Just that Roger was all packed when he got in last night... and something about a note. Anyway, he went to the admin office to sort it out."

Holding back a whimper, I hastily produced my phone to call Jim but David stalled my hand. "I don't think Jim's gotten a new phone yet but maybe you can catch up with him at the office."

P.O.V. - Jim - Just leaving the admin office

"Thank you Mr. Forester." I said as I turned to leave.

"It was no trouble. Would you hold the door please?" replied the Fisher. "I'm headed over to see Roger now."

I did as he asked and he took the handle from me a moment later, locking it behind us as he talked. "I'd invite you along but it'll probably be an hour or so before he'll be free. Would you like me to pass him a message?"

"Uh, no." I responded. "We're both without phones at the moment and I don't want to make him run across campus just to talk with me. I'll catch up with him later."

"Oh that reminds me..." he said as he pulled the keys back from his pocket. "I was going to bring Roger his new tablet. I almost left it behind! And I have something for you too. Things have been so hectic since I returned from holiday! Would you please wait here? I'll only be a moment."

The Fisher disappeared inside, leaving me lingering in the hallway. Although I had a short meeting or two with Ms. Thurlington since my arrival at the school, it was with Mr. Forester that I had spent most of my counseling time and while I waited my mind wandered back to our first meeting. It was late summer and his fur was a mossy, hunter green; different when compared to a Fisher's usual shades of brown but hardly noteworthy next to my luminescent orange pelt. But what did catch my attention was his golden Wolf eyes. Although they blended well with the other Lupine attributes brought on by his deviance, I found them to be uncomfortably penetrating despite his friendly demeanor. They always left me with the impression that while he may humor me by pretending to fall for a lie, he really knew it for what it was.

He emerged from the doorway once again and handed me a rectangular box. "For you Jim. The representative at the store took care of transferring your account but I'm afraid restoring the personal data was impossible given your old phone's unfortunate demise."

I looked down at the box and blinked. "This is an S7! I didn't even know this model was out yet. I can't accept this, my old phone was just an S4."

"Was it?" he said with a wry grin. "The school's system for handling such matters is so needlessly complicated. I must have hit a wrong key somewhere. Well no matter, it would cost more to sort out the mess than to just leave everything as is. Consider it recompense for your pain and suffering. I certainly know how lost I feel without my phone!"

He locked the door once again and started down the hall where I fell in step beside him. "Uh, thanks." I said. "But how did this all happen so fast? I never even reported it."

"Roger apparently mentioned it this morning and, since my phone's display got cracked while I was on vacation, I volunteered to fetch your new phone. It provided the perfect opportunity to tend to both matters at the same time." In a surprisingly Lupine gesture, his tail wagged. "I even managed to grab lunch next door while they replaced my screen, a wonderful little Italian place."

I nodded, only paying partial attention to the latter part of what he said. "I really didn't expect to get a replacement so quickly, thanks again. Hey I guess since Roger will have his tablet, and now that I've got a new phone, would you mind asking him to shoot me an email when he's free?"

Just as we were reaching the exterior door it burst open and Nick skittered to an abrupt halt in front of us.

"Sorry about that." he said as he lowered his ears and tucked his tail. "I was hoping to catch up with you and got a bit carried away."

"No harm done." declared Mr. Forester. "But do try to be more careful in the future. And Jim, I'll make sure to pass along the message. Now if you'll both excuse me..."

He tipped his head in parting and stepped briskly outside, leaving me alone with Nick in the deserted hallway.

I fidgeted uncomfortably and momentarily stared at the box in my hands before making eye contact. "Hey Nick, look..." I said while holding up the package. "They already replaced my phone."

Nick's tail wagged faintly but he was clearly upset about something. "That's great, must be a relief. Hey David just told me that Roger's gone. What's going on?"

"I don't really know much." I said as I stepped around him to open the door. "But from what I've gathered it looks like he somehow convinced the school to give him a new room over in the William Lachlan building."

While Nick processed the information, I started down the sidewalk and he followed alongside. After a few paces he canted his head and looked at me. "But why would he do that?"

I snapped "How would I know?! It's not my fault!" and stopped in my tracks to face him.

His hurt, shocked expression jolted me out of my sudden burst of anger but, before I could apologize, a steadily rising wave of classical music distracted us both.

The Life of Another - Chapter 34

The Life of Another - Chapter 34 © Jake Atkinson P.O.V. - Roger - Right after Mrs. Patterson leaves him alone in the apartment I closed my eyes and started to take a deep, calming breath. Unfortunately a rancid odor ruined the moment. "Ugh, no...

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Chapter 33 deleted scene - Not a spoiler

The Life of Another Deleted Scene from Chapter 33 © Jake Atkinson P.O.V. Roger - Steven's hospital room, talking with Natsume "That was just something I picked up from a video I found on the internet." I said dismissively. "I've always wanted to...


The Life of Another - Chapter 32

The Life of Another - Chapter 32 © Jake Atkinson P.O.V. - Roger - On his way to the hospital _What a morning!_ I thought as I shut the passenger door on Ms. Thurlington's car. _I am in so much trouble!_ _What was I thinking by showing off on those...

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