That Bright Chord

Story by Bjorn on SoFurry

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I stepped out onto the balcony, and took the first deep breath of the evening. The scent was so pure, the thick hyacinths on the rooftops below me drifted their smells into the warm air, and the moon shone a bright light onto the paths.

Behind me, the sound of my friends getting ready for the dance, jovial laughter, and running cloth, seemed magnified a hundred times in the cooling breeze. I wondered to myself, could anything have been sweeter?

We were to stroll into the heart of the town, a band was going to play, according to the locals, and the market food was glorious, sweet roasted pepper, roasted meats. The town had been like a slice of heaven to find.

I smiled as I turned back into the house, and joined them; slapping backs, chuckling and talking of what was to come. We were free, no work for months, nothing to do but enjoy the moonlight and dance.

A slender fox, James; walked beside me in the streets, the others were behind us. The cobbles rang beneath our feet, the stars shone overhead, and all was sweet calm. I was enthralled to be there.

Weeks before, I had been approached with a proposition for the summer. A holiday, a warm destination and companions. As it was, Peter, who invited me, pulled out due to an ill-timed flu, but I was still welcome, I was told.

It seemed like a dream come true, an escape from a tedious break from the job I relished. I am a decorator, painter and carpenter, and I adore the satisfaction of my work, but I had organised a holiday long before, only to find that by the cruellest of circumstances, the friends with whom I would have spent the summer relaxing by the riverside; were nigh on all away, on various trips.

It was a nasty revelation; I would have had little to do, so this offer of a holiday was pure bliss. And when I arrived at the airport, I was more than a little shocked by my new travelling companions. There were four, Kirsten, James, Tom and Ruari. Tom and James were both foxes, brothers, deep red with thick white-tipped tails. Ruari was a leopard, with a deep gravelly voice, and Kirsten a russet falcon.

What was shocking however was that I already knew most of them. Tom and James were the most recognisable, and the pair caused me a double take that stopped me in my tracks. Both were models, the faces behind the adverts of Trilicom; the phone company. I must have watched them hundreds of times on TV. Their twin tails curled to form the company logo on a thousand billboards.

Ruari I did not know, but was apparently a famous figure in the climbing world, one of the nation's top boulderers. And Kirsten was equally famous as the twins; she was a jewellery model, and just as Tom and James, her face adorned adverts throughout the country.

And there I was, walking at James' side, smiling nervously at him, still unable to escape the novelty of such friends. We had landed only that day, and I was assured that the dance was the place to be. We walked across a crossroads, and to our right the valley spread out far below the hill-town. He pointed.

"It's a great view, isn't it?" He smiled wistfully at the moonlit scene. I nodded slowly, as we stopped to admire the vista.

"Yeah, this is a beautiful place. How many times have you been here before?" I rested my arms on the cool stone of the wall.

"This is my third. Tom came here on his own before that though." We heard the others approaching, and walked on, strolling slowly, there was no reason to hurry. I looked back and waved at Ruari, who was walking silently, the others chatting beside him. He smiled and returned the languid wave.

"It's only just over here." James took a left turn, and I followed him, through a thin street crowded over by the tall, shuttered houses. The sound of chatter and activity echoed down from ahead of us.

We mounted the rise, and emerged into a large, flat square. The cobbles were lit by braziers of burning wood around the benches that clustered one half of the space. At the far end was a stage, instruments and equipment laid out and ready. People were already thronging.

We stopped, James with hands on hips, watching the bustle, till the others quickly caught us up. Tom clapped James on the back, grinning, and pointed to a stall where sausages were frying.

"Sausages. Definitely." Tom laughed and nodded. Ruari stepped up on my right, Kirsten at his side. We walked together to a table and sat, talking for a moment of the beautiful night, and considering the various food stalls around the square.

"I'm for ratatouille." Said Ruari, his bass Hispanic accent rolling out over the murmur of the crowd. I agreed heartily, I'm a lemur, and meat doesn't really float my boat. Kirsten wandered off to buy bread and wine, and I walked with Ruari to the ratatouille stall, queuing patiently.

"Do you like it here Rick?" He asked me, smiling slightly at me, eyes attentive. He struck me as a very polite sort of creature. I grinned, my tail sweeping gently.

"It's awesome, really. I've never been somewhere like this. Or to Europe, either." He chuckled and motioned to the stage.

"It's worth it just for the band. They're regulars, and brilliant fun. I hope you dance." I nodded, but in reality I didn't really... dance much. It didn't come naturally to me, and I felt a little apprehensive about that part of the evening.

Ruari spoke fair French, and bought a large bowl of the stuff, steaming wonderfully. He carried it in the crook of one arm, and we walked back towards our table. The brothers were already sitting, with a platter of meats and a plate of cheese. Kirsten was just returning, and waved to us with a wine bottle.

We ate brilliantly, it was my first time in the country, and the food was great, hearty and hot. The wine was a local one, a sweet rose; and the bread was still warm. We talked about the town, about our jobs, families, plans for the week, and all around us the locals crowded, a noisy babble of talk rising up with the steam, and the smoke of the occasional cigarette or cigar.

The food diminished as we chatted and munched, plates and bottle emptying, the smell of the food thick in the air, overpowering the floral smell of the hyacinths that seemed to carpet the town.

The talk turned to jobs again later in the evening, and I confessed my surprise at the fame of the others. I asked how Peter had come to know them all, he was a friend of mine who I had known worked in advertising, but I was still curious.

"He made up the Trilicom advert, the one with me and James." Tom spoke between mouthfuls of bread, the last loaf on the table. "Didn't he do some ads for you as well Kirsty?

The falcon nodded, smiling at me. "Yep. He's a good writer you know? Ruari just met him at a climb, I think." She looked to the leopard who tapped the table with a claw.

"Yeah, he watches competitive climbs, we got talking after one in Vermont. He invited me over here last year and I enjoyed it, couldn't pass up another round. Pity he got ill really." We expressed our general dissatisfaction at his absence.

Tom finished the loaf, receiving only shakes of the head as he proffered the last piece. No one wanted to over fill themselves, and it had been a filling supper. He swallowed and spoke again.

"What about you Ricky? You and Pete?" I looked around, the wine had helped me get over the surreal quality of being around such familiar faces.

"Just lives near me, we're pretty much neighbours, and I did some work on his house." Tom and James let out mutual oohs of interest, ears perking up in a quirky unison.

"We went there last year, his place is lovely! What did you do?" Said James, smiling eagerly at me. I blushed slightly, coughing. Evidently the wine had only helped my confidence so much.

"Um, I did all the plastering when he moved in, re-did the walls, and helped him choose furniture and lights. He did the kitchen though; he's got a good eye." The foxes continued their sounds of admiration.

"Woah, you do really nice work Rick! You should come and help me, I'm moving into a new flat next year; I haven't found a decorator." I was genuinely thrilled, not only would it be great fun to work for someone who, I assumed, would have a big budget, I was genuinely coming to like the foxes.

"Sure thing, where abouts do you live?" I smiled widely at the diminutive fox, as the first strum of a guitar echoed out over the tables, to wide spread cheering. The band were ready to play, and faces turned stageward.

He spoke again as the noise died down for a moment. "I'm in NY state. Not too far." I nodded, and we both turned to the band. They stood on the stage, calling out to the crowd, and the shouts of encouragement continued to rise up. I joined in the cheers, happily.

The band continued to talk to the crowd for some minutes, the guitarist playing a gentle, tinkling riff. The tune sounded like salsa, but had a decidedly jazzy edge. Around us, people were standing, walking to the clear space in front of the stage.

Tom tapped me on the arm, as the noise was considerable, and pointed to the front, grinning. Kirsten, James and Ruari were already rising. I swallowed my fears, and stood up. Tom led me to the dancefloor as the song began.

As a group of five we danced, mingling with the locals and other tourists as well, the powerful, upbeat rhythms of song after song whirling around us. I got into it in time, keeping my tail close, dancing with Kirsten, then James, then all five. To cheering, a song ended.

Tom pulled me away as the next song started, I was a little taken aback, but followed him. We found a space a little away from the group and began to follow the rising, lilting tunes of the music. The fox danced incredibly, nothing I could ever hope to match, but I tried.

Dancing with another male was by no means strange to me, but I realised rapidly that Tom was dancing in a way that could only be called flirtatious; often rolling his hips and pressing against me. I had never fallen for a man before, but found myself doing so that night, as we danced for song after song, sweating but joyous.

He grinned at me, tail flicking; a bright band of colour, and continued to take my hand, spinning the both of us, the band calling out loudly, as the crowd jostled around us. The dance went on for hours, the moon rising further over us. We stopped eventually for a drink, Tom leading me to the edge of the hustle.

He walked, me grinning like a loon, to a table, grabbing a carafe of water and pouring two glasses. He grinned back at me, sitting on the bench, patting the seat next to me. I blushed slightly, and sat.

"Having fun?" His voice was teasing and he laughed softly. I nodded, watching the dancers.

"It's great, I didn't think I was much of a dancer. But everyone's getting into it!" I was flushed, and wiped my brow, drinking the glass quickly and pouring another.

Suddenly, Tom laid a hand upon mine, resting on the table. I spun around, his dancing had been anything but timid, but this seemed another step. As I faced him, he leant forward and kissed me.

I squeaked in surprise, fingers gripping the table, and blushed. After a few moments of surprise, I pushed back into his maw, and crooned gently, putting an arm tentatively around his spine. As we locked tongues, the music washed over us, we ran digits through each others silken fur; and a bright chord caressed my ears.

He broke the kiss, and smiled warmly at me, his tail curling about my waist.

"You're a good guy, Rick. I think you're going to be fun to be around." He winked and murred, kissing me again. I panted into the embrace for a moment before it broke again, a familiar voice near us.

"Moving things quickly Tom?" It was James, who watched us with a sly grin, and chuckled ruefully. "I'll leave you two to it, take the upstairs room OK?" He threw Tom the key to the house, and walked back to the dancing, still laughing good-naturedly.

"Come on Rick. Let's head back, we'll get some privacy OK? You want to?" He apparently wasn't going to take no for an answer, tickling at my cheek.

I blushed deeply, but Tom seemed unconcerned. He stood up, pulling at my paw, and we walked through the tables, him smiling happily, to the exit of the square. I spoke up as we stepped into the relative quiet of the thin street.

"Are you sure about this? It is a bit quick." He merely looked back and grinned toothily, still leading me by his paw, that luxuriant, thick tail brushing softly on my legs.

"It's fine! I like you, I think you like me considering your jeans, and we have a room to ourselves." He looked pointedly at my crotch, and I giggled, grinning as I saw how severely I was bulging. I rearranged quickly and we walked on.

We stopped for a minute to watch that glorious view of the valley again, the music still in my ears from afar, and he kissed me again as we sat on the dark wall. I could see the dim light reflecting in his green eyes, and he caressed my cheek before we continued on our way. I let my fingers travel through his tail and he smiled at me, wrapping the dexterous appendage about my arm.

Eventually, we reached the house, perched on the hillside, and unlocked the thick doors, stepping into the kitchen. I wasted no time in embracing him again, running a paw over his chest as he kicked off his shoes. I did the same. He licked at my ears.

We sat in a kitchen chair for a while, kissing, his hands rubbing at my swollen crotch, mine roaming over the seat of his jeans, exchanging sweet small talk as I kissed his chest. He stood up, off of my lap, and beckoned me. We ascended two flights of stairs, till we reached the upper bedroom.

Walking toward the far wall, ass swaying; He pulled off his shirt, slowly, enticing; before turning to me and putting a paw to my chest. With his sharp claws he tore away my own t-shirt. I let out a soft gasp of surprise, as he dropped to his knees and put his teeth to my jeans, teasing the button open. He unzipped them, pulling them down, one hand stroking his own mound.

We were in the middle of the floor of that large room, a wide pile rug covering the floorboards. The moonlight shone in through the windows, and the bulbs overhead illuminated us. I moaned as he reached into my boxers and stroked my engorged shaft once, licking his paw with a sly grin.

"Someone tastes good." I giggled at him, and stroked his head with my tail. He pulled away my boxers, and crooned as my length, hard as it had been in a long time, escaped, rearing upward. "Mmm, Let's sort out that hard on for you." He kissed my tip, and wrapped his lips around it.

I moaned louder, hands arching, as he swirled his tongue over my head, and pushed himself deeper, sucking onto six inches of my meat, before opening his throat gently and engulfing all of my eight inches with a happy gurgle. I groaned, eyes fluttering in pleasure, my tail wrapping around his neck and head, stroking it tenderly, my paws resting on my belly.

It was of course, my first blowjob. It took him a fairly short time; bobbing his head, looking up at me, eyes shining, to push me over the brink. I came in his muzzle, and he gulped, purring, until I was spent. I fell back, flushed, sweating and grinning; onto the bed, as Tom stood up and collected a strand of seed from his cheek, popping it into his mouth with a seductive lick.

"That was speedy, Rick." He chuckled. "Is this your first time?" I feigned shock, and lay back, panting, my member beginning to harden again at the sight of the foxes own length standing hard, proud of his sheath.

"With a guy, yeah. Not yours though?" I asked, winking. He grinned slyly and stepped forward, lying beside me on the bed, his luscious tail sweeping over my belly.

I kissed him again, tasting my seed on his teeth, and giggled, my tail curling tightly around his leg. He purred, and spoke with a decidedly horny edge to his voice.

"I figure, if you got my muzzle first, can I take your pretty little rump?" He stood up, wiggling his hips, tail swishing through the air. The moonlight caught on his deep fur.

I was a little apprehensive, it would most definitely be the first time anything other than an experimental finger had been up my tail. Eventually I nodded, smiling, and walked over to him, kissing his shoulder before dropping to my hands and knees, facing away from him. I clenched instinctively.

"Take it slow, OK?" I spoke quietly, and the fox knelt down, body over mine, and kissed my neck.

"I will hun, don't worry. Wait a minute." I looked back at him over my shoulder, as he walked to a drawer and pulled out a small tube. He squeezed the lube into his palm and slid it up and down his meat, still grinning at me. "This'll help if it's your first time." I smiled, and he returned, kneeling once more, and stroked my rear.

I felt his tip press against my ring, slick with the lube, and again I clenched, gritting my teeth. He squeezed my ass gently and crooned.

"Hey there, relax Rick. You've got to let it a bit looser. I'll never get in otherwise." I heard him, and tried to loosen off, quickly finding that position of opening. His tip pressed again, and with a slick sound, entered my ring.

He pushed harder, holding my waist now, and a few inches slid slowly inside my passage, making me shudder a little and moan. He met my moan with an excited yip of his own.

"Dammit Rick, you've never used this?! Nggghh.. Jeez you're tight!" I grunted in reply, gripping the floorboards with my small claws and panting. He thrusted, and I felt his balls touch mine, as he hilted in me.

He started up a rhythm, pulling back gently, and plunging forward again, his canid cock brushing against my insides, eliciting squeals from my lips. The fucking was a bittersweet mixture, like an itch being scratched; my ring stung but my shaft was rock hard, and spurting pre into the carpet.

He was evidently used to things, because his stamina was far greater than my own. I lay down on my chin, the pre seed on the floor clinging to my face, my arms infront of me, allowing him deeper passage as he rolled his hips endlessly.

I realised he was used to this, as he aimed his shaft effectively, stroking at my prostate; making me break into a sweat of pleasure and fatigue. His energy seemed unending, as he pumped in and out of my rear, his knot swelling, bumping against my slick, red ring.

I climaxed again, shooting a smaller load onto the pile of the rug, sweating freely, fur matted, moaning with each thrust teasing my now tender prostate. He pulled out, lifted me to my feet, and laid me down on my back on the bed, lifting my legs over his shoulders. He entered me again and continued to fuck me.

I looked up, watching his tongue loll, my cheeks flushed. The sensation had gone from pleasurable to merely uncomfortable, I had cum all I could and my member was flaccid, dripping against my belly. He kept his pace up, grunting, holding my thighs, his pre had made each new thrust a wet ‘slick' of fluid.

Eventually, with a moan, his thrusts came fast and short, and he reached his orgasm, filling my rear with his cum, his balls clenching against my tail, as his knot slipped into me with a ‘shuck'; tying the both of us together. We collapsed in a heap on the bed; wet with heat and smelling of sex. He kissed me again as we embraced, locked inside me.

"Woah... That was amazing." I gasped. I was both sated, and relieved that he had climaxed. I looked down at his crotch, and chuckled. "Are you stuck in me?" He grinned, panting.

"Sorry. It'll come out in a bit." He kissed me gently on the cheek. "Thanks Rick, I think it's really cool that you didn't make a fuss of the whole being on TV thing. It gets boring, y'know?" I smiled at him.

"Sure thing Tom." I bit my lip suddenly, laughing. "Do you think the others are back?" Tom nodded.

"Probably, yep." I raised an eyebrow.

"Do you reckon they heard us at it?" I asked. He laughed loudly, and licked my cheek.

"Well, considering how loud you were yelping, probably." I made a false hurt expression and prodded his chest.

"Me? You were the one thumping against the floor boards." He continued to laugh, and looked down at his crotch, straining gently at my hole.

"OK, I can pull out. Want me to?" I grinned and nodded.

"Well we can't stay like this all night." He winked, and pulled with a grunt, letting out a soft groan. I winced a little as he came out of me, with a loud, lewd ‘pop'. I was caught by surprise when he hit another orgasm as he pulled out, spraying a second load of seed over my chest and maw. I spluttered, wiping cum from my chin. "Woah, not quite finished?"

He giggled, tail curling over his belly, and I felt seed spilling from my hole onto the bed. He licked at a pool of cum on my belly fur and purred, kissing it back into my lips. He lay on top of me for a while, spreading the seed into his own glossy coat. I thought it a little odd, playing with cum had never been something I'd done, but I didn't fuss.

Eventually, we stood up, and washed in the ensuite, showering each other in the bathtub, still kissing and stroking each other fondly. Tom was hard the whole time; apparently he was a fox with a considerable appetite. I stroked him to a last climax, watching the cum spin away with the water.

He dried me with tender hands, lovingly wrapping me in a towel, working on my fur with a blow drier. He refused that I return the favour, drying himself while I sat, grinning in bemusement and satisfied exhaustion.

I fell into his arms in the bed, and in the dim moonlight, as he fell slowly to sleep; I watched his beautiful coat, and hummed that bright chord to myself again, till I slipped gently into sleep.