
Story by Drayne_the_Wolf on SoFurry

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#3 of A Change for the Better

It was five forty-seven when I opened my eyes. The first thing that I noticed was that Scott was not pressed up against me. In fact, my lover wasn't even in the room! I glanced at the clock, thinking that maybe he got up before me. When I saw the time, I was doubtful. I mean, why would he get up when he had thirteen minutes to just rest before school? Well, I know I wouldn't. Maybe Scott would...

I stood and pulled on a new pair of jeans. I was about to pull a shirt on too when I noticed something standing on the balcony of my room; It was Scott. He was naked and standing straight up with his feet shoulder-width apart and his arms by his sides. His tail was wagging and he was facing the sunrise. Curious, I decided to investigate.

I walked out onto the balcony and stood next to Scott, leaning against the railing and facing him. From this angle I could see that his eyes were closed and his jowls were curved into a light smile, as if he was perfectly at peace. Not wanting to disturb him, I simply surveyed him. The sun gave his fur a beautiful orange tint that reminded me of an angel I once saw in a picture. Maybe that was what Scott was; an angel. He certainly seemed God-sent in this new morning light.

We were silent for a few minutes before Scott spoke up. "Chris, how old is your oldest memory of your parents?"

I frowned at the question. "Um... I remember vaguely what they were like when I was four. Why?"

His eyes never opened and his smile never faded. "The oldest memory that I have of my mother is from when I was one and a half." My jaw dropped but I didn't have time to say anything because he started talking again, "I had woken in my crib at around five thirty. I must have had a nightmare, I can't remember what had happened, but I was hysterical. My mother rushed into my room and scooped me up into her arms. She tried everything she could think of but couldn't get me to calm down.

"Finally, she thought of something, something that her mother used to do with her. She walked me downstairs and out onto our porch. I looked over her shoulder and saw the sunrise. I immediately stopped crying, staring at it. It was beautiful, so many shades of red and orange and pink. My mother held me close and I watched until the sun had risen all the way away from the ground." Almost on queue, the sun raised the rest of the way. Scott opened his eyes and his mouth returned to its normal position. "I feel her, Chris. I feel my mother looking out at me from the sunrise. In that brief period, she's watching me. I just know it."

I couldn't help but smile. "She would be very proud of who you are now."

Scott turned and looked at me, and surprisingly he had tears running slowly from his eyes now. "I don't think she would, Chris! My mother hated wolves! She said it was some childhood incident that she would never tell me about. Maybe a relative was killed by wolves or something, I don't know." Tears ran freely from his eyes now.

"I never even told her that I was gay, or that I was a furry either!" he continued. "I thought she'd hate me, especially because I liked drawing wolves. I can't help but wonder..." he was barely able to choke out the last few words. He leaned over, grasping a tight hold onto the railing for support. He shuttered and threw his head down, staring straight at the ground. Tears dripped from his eyes in quick succession now.

I panicked and quickly rushed up to him. I pulled him away from the railing and hugged him close. "Scott," I searched for words that could help my tortured brother, "You have so many traits that she would be proud of. Your mother would never hate you, for anything. You meant the world to her. Remember Scott, if she hated you why would she look over you every morning at sunrise?"

My lover's cries were reduced to the occasional sniff. "I miss her." He said.

"Good." I responded, "I don't mean to sound clichéd, but only through her memory can she live on."

We stood there holding each other, our bare chest fur melding together in the morning sunlight. After a few minutes, Scott was first to speak, "We should probably shower, huh?"

After our shower and a quick bite to eat we headed out the door. We once again missed the bus due to our ‘delay' on the balcony. Scott was overjoyed. "Hell yeah, it's time to put these muscles to work!"

A grin spread across my muzzle as I responded, "I only have one thing to say to that... race ya!" I got down on all fours once again and took off running. Scott had the better idea and swapped his backpack from his back to his stomach so gravity would hold it steady, and after a few seconds Scott had easily caught up with me. Now you might think, "Oh, he let Scott catch up because he wanted to be with him." Let me tell you something; I NEVER let someone win!

Scott sprinted along side next to me and I noticed that his pace had slowed. "What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Hanging next to you."

"Well I wanna win this! We're racing, remember?" I picked up the pace a little and passed a head of Scott.

"Oh, that's how the game is played, huh?" he said cockily, "Well two can play it that way!" he practically doubled his pace and blasted ahead of me at nearly thirty miles per hour. Scott sprinted the rest of the way, leaving me in the dust. He took a shortcut across the soccer field and leapt over a ten-foot concrete wall, landing in the middle of a crowd of people in the bus lot. He practically jumped back onto his feat with a smug grin on his muzzle. "Don't screw with me, Chris Ellis." He said to me, even though I was a mile behind him.

Scott looked around and noticed that everyone was staring at him. "Chris?" A girl in the front of the circle asked.

"Nope, just good ol' Scott."

"So, what happened to Chris?" another student shouted.

"He'll be here." He turned to face the wall that he had just leapt over, expecting me to follow suit any minute. And sure enough, I did. I leapt over the same wall and landed about twenty feet shorter than my lover had, almost knocking over a senior in the process.

"Oh, sorry dude." I said once I stood up. I felt a lot more confident around seniors now that I was their height and had claws.

"Hey, it's all good." he said to me. "So everything that they said at that assembly was true, huh? Sorry, I didn't see you the day you came back. Honestly I'm a bit in awe."

"I have that effect on most people." I responded. Just after I said that, the bell rang. I held up my fist with my fingers facing me and held out my thumb, indicating that I had to leave. "Duty calls. I'll catch ya later."

"If we have any luck," he said back as I turned to leave, "next time I'll catch you!"

As is usual, Scott and I went our separate ways to locker and report to homeroom. Once again, I'll spare you readers the horror of reading what school was like, because you probably either get or got enough of school already. After seven hours it was finally time to locker and head home. I made my way towards Scotts locker, and for the first time in what seemed like forever, Brett Commons was no where to be found. Maybe he had finally learned his lesson.

Scott shut his locker and turned to look at me. He had one iPod ear-bud hanging from his left ear, the other one hanging by his waist, and the long cord snaked across his chest into his pocket. He slung his backpack over one shoulder and spoke, "This was probably the best day of school ever!"

I couldn't help at smile at the smaller wolf's excitement. This was the most energetic I've ever seen Scott, and it made me content to see him so animated. "Ready to go home?" I asked. His response was a rapid and over-exaggerated nod. "Alright, well let's go!"

We took our time walking to the front of the building. After all, we were walking home. We were quiet most of the way, but Scott finally spoke up, "I feel so alive! I just want to... well, to do something! I wanna move!"

I turned to look at my brother. His fur seemed to reflect the light, like powdered diamond had been brushed evenly onto his coat. His tail was wagging vigorously and his jaw hung open in a smile as he quite audibly panted. "Settle down, little wuff!" I said cutesy to my mate.

"I can't! I'm so excited right now! So far, this is the best day of my life!"

"So far?"

He looked at me with a suggestive gaze. "Well, I guess I'll have to wait until tonight to see if it really is the best day ever, won't I?"

My jaw dropped and I looked around to make sure no one was around. Scott laughed, "Don't worry," he said, "no one's here. You think I'd say something like that in public?" He reached up and licked my on the muzzle. "Well I wouldn't."

I blushed a bright red, even through the dark fur, worrying that someone had been spying. "Please, not here."

"But no one-"

"I know no one's watching, but please, just... not here, okay? I feel too weird."

Scott wore a concerned look. "Okay... yeah, sure bro, whatever you say."

I looked around us once more, and confident that we were alone in the hallway, I quickly nuzzled the top of his head. "I'll take care of you once we're home." I reassured him. With that we turned the corner and walked out of the front doors of the school.

Mostly everyone had boarded their buses but a small crowd still lingered. We quickly worked our way through the crowd, but I accidentally bumped into and knocked over someone. I quickly flipped the student over to make sure he was okay and was surprised to be face to face with Jordon. "Oh, sorry bro!" I quickly apologized and helped the freshman to his feet.

"Hey, it's no problem. You were just in a hurry." He brushed himself off and picked up his backpack.

"Alright, well..." I looked Jordon over quickly to ensure that he was intact. He had a dark shade of red hair and lightly tanned skin, as if he had spent a few hours in the sun. His eyes were deep blue and he wore standard teenage dress; a black tee-shirt for some techno band that I had never heard, blue jeans, and a black beanie over his red hair. He looked very much like a skate-boarder. "If you're sure you're alright..."

"I am." He reassured me. He turned around to look for his bus. "Damn it," he cursed, "I missed my bus. Guess I'm walking. Oh well, I could use the exercise." With that he took off walking in the same direction that we were about to head.

"Hey, you go that way?" Scott shouted to him. He turned and nodded yes.

"Yeah." He shouted. Scott and I looked at each other and jogged, only on two legs, towards him. "You go this way too?"

"Yep." I said. We all walked slowly back towards our houses. I quickly learned that Jordon's house wasn't all that far from ours and we actually passed it every morning. In fact, he even rode on our bus! I just hadn't noticed him before because he was just another guy who didn't stick out, if you know what I mean, and over the few days that I've known him I haven't ridden the bus. "So," I started, "you skate?"

He looked over at me and laughed. "Nah," he said with a strange smile on his face, "I never learned how." He looked down at his brown sneakers with a look of nonchalance pressed on his human face. "My parents are both drunks and don't really care about me." He laughed slightly, as if his circumstances were somehow amusing to him. "The only reason that they had me is because they thought life'd be boring alone. It's like I was meant to be some sort of entertainment for them..."

My jaw dropped and my ears pressed against my head. Scott followed suit. "Oh man," Scott said with a tone of remorse, "I'm sorry, dude. That's gotta be hard."

"It is," he continued, "the only reason I'm in school is because it takes me off of their hands for a few hours. And in case you're wondering, the only reason that they haven't put me up for adoption is because they're worried it'll raise an investigation."

"An investigation of what?" I asked.

He laughed again. "Nothing." He said. "It's nothing."

I panicked, realizing my mistake. "Oh, dude I'm sorry! I didn't mean to press, I just got lost in the moment."

"It's cool." He said. "I work as hard as I can in school so I can get a scholarship so I can actually go to college, because once I'm eighteen I'm out on my own." We walked in silence for a few more minutes before Scott stopped. "This is where I turn." He said solemnly.

Scott and I turned to look where he was indicating. Across the street directly to his right was the road that led to the poorer section of town. It wasn't exactly considered a slum, but it was pretty bad. "Oh no," I said, "There's no way you're going down there!"

"I've got to." He said casually. "It's where I live."

"Why don't you bunk up with us?" Scott asked. "At least for tonight."

Jordon's eyes widened. "You mean it?" he asked eagerly.

"Totally." I confirmed. "We've got a spare bedroom that you can use."

His face lit up like the forth of July. "That'd be awesome!" he exclaimed.

"Then let's go!" I shouted. We ran the rest of the way home, Scott and I on two legs in order to keep it fair for Jordon. When we reached our house Jordon was panting heavily. Scott and I had barely broken a sweat. We entered the house and got ourselves drinks, finally sitting down to do our homework. After two hours our mother came home. "Hey Mom," I asked, "Would it be okay if our friend Jordon stayed with us tonight?"

"Sure hun," she said, "just remember that it's a school night so I want you to bed on time. Jordon, would you like to see the guest bedroom?"

"Chris and Scott already showed me Mrs. Ellis, it'll be fine. Thanks a ton for letting me stay here, my conditions at home aren't exactly first-class."

My mother seemed a little surprised; she probably expected Jordon to be an ill-behaved skater jock from his dress. "Well any friend of my boys' is welcome here any time." She smiled. "I just hope you don't mind a ten-thirty bedtime."

"Not at all, ten-thirty is fine." He said. The rest of the evening was spent with typical teenage guy stuff; television, violent videogames, card games, and conversation. Jordon seemed like a typical guy and liked to talk about typical guy stuff; videogames, movies, television shows, guns, sports, and hot girls. He didn't talk about girls at all though, but he knew we were gay and that was probably why.

Anyone who's ever had fun knows that time flies when you're having it. Well, our overnight was no exception, and after what seemed like a few minutes it was time for us to go to bed. Scott and I said our goodnights to Jordon, who retired to the guest bedroom. We slipped quietly into our own room, shutting the door behind us. Scott stood in front of me facing the opposite direction. I quickly scooted close to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I nuzzled the top of his head softly and heard him mur.

He swiveled his head around, keeping his back closely tucked into my chest, and licked contentedly at my neck. "We shouldn't do it tonight." He said.

My ears drooped. "But you said that we'd have to do it tonight in order to make it the best day of your life! How can you possibly have a best-day-ever that doesn't involve yiff?!"

Scott smiled up at me. "You know hun, God gave us a brain and a penis but not enough blood to run both at the same time. Think about it! We have a friend sleeping right across the hall!"

"So?" I pleaded, "We can be quiet! Come on, I'm already hard!" I thrusted playfully a few times into his back in an attempt to convince him. I noticed his right ear twitch when he felt my stiff member prod at his tailbone through both of our jeans. His jowls slowly curved into a lustful smile.

"Alright," he said, "I guess we can try to keep it down." Delighted that he had seen things my way, I reached my hands under his shirt to rub at his sides. His eyes closed with pleasure and he let out a soft mur. I slowly raised my hands, pulling his tee-shirt over his head and discarding it to the floor. Scott turned around and unbuttoned his jeans. He slipped one paw into his pants, and my tongue fell out of my mouth when I saw his jeans pulse as he massaged his sheath while he simultaneously rubbed his other paw into his muscular, paper white chest. "Aww, Wolfy likes?" he asked with a puppy-dog tone.

I nodded my head yes; it was all I could do! Finally his hand retreated back to the open air and he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Your turn." He said to me. He reached his hands under my shirt and began to knead at the skin between my shoulder blades. After a few minutes he raised his arms and pulled my shirt off much as I had removed his. He ran his hands through my light-gray chest fur and I through his white.

As time went on he slowly worked his hands from my chest down to my abdominals, taking time to massage each one. He worked his way down to my groin, rubbing his thumbs into the area above my sheath. With one quick motion he undid the button of my jeans and dropped them to my ankles. Before I was able to move, he grabbed me by the arms and threw me on my back onto the bed so that my legs hung over the edge. I propped myself up with my forearms and paws so I was still relatively lying down but could still see him.

He slowly approached me, dropping his jeans as he went. Now only in his boxers, he knelt down and slid over top of my body, running his cold, wet nose from the base of my boxers where my balls were waiting all the way up to my muzzle, where he ended by pulling me into a long kiss. I quickly slacked my jaw, allowing his tongue to slip into my maw. He ran it along the inside of my teeth and the roof of my mouth and I did the same, panting once we finally pulled away. I looked up at him and said, "Damn, Scott, your tongue is my second favorite of your muscles."

"Oh really?" he raised an eyebrow as he asked. "Well Muscle Number One is waiting patiently."

I curved my jowls into a lustful smile. "Not anymore." I leaned forward and nuzzled into his crotch. I loosened my jaw and hooked my front teeth under the strap of his boxers and dragged my head down, using my canines to pull the strap of his boxers with me. I was met with a not-quite-erect-yet wolf cock.

I pressed my nose into the nerve cluster at the base of the member's head. Scott shivered at the feel of my smooth, wet pad and leaned back so his lower and upper legs formed a forty-five degree angle. I smirked and licked the tip once before lowering my muzzle over the entire length of Scott's wolfhood, save about three inches. Scott murred as I moved my tongue around the rock-hard rod of flesh and muscle in my maw.

Scott's member twitched inside my mouth. "Mmm..." he let out softly, "so good." His jowls twitched into a blissful smile and his stomach sunk inward; he was practically melting at the sensation originating from his groin. I directed my pupils up at him, never removing my muzzle from his wolfhood. I knew exactly what to do now; I let out a quiet yet throaty growl, making my entire neck and mouth vibrate lightly and rapidly. Scott gasped and jerked suddenly at the feeling. I knew that he was ready for the ultimate treatment.

I pulled off about three inches and quickly replaced it, slowly but quickly promoting to rapidly bobbing my head along his shaft. He moaned and kicked his legs out, switching from a kneeling-back position to a lying-down one. There, with Scott on his back and me on my stomach, I gave Scott the best blowjob of his sixteen years until his knot was completely produced. I had intended to carry on in this fashion until Scott had blown his load, but he stopped me. "Thanks for the lube-up hun," he said, "but I can take it from here."

"What are you...?" I started to ask but never finished before he had pushed himself up into a sitting position.

"Get on your back." He said to me nonchalantly.

I blinked in shock at the order. "Excuse me?" I inquired with a baffled tone.

"I said get on your fucking back!" He repeated with a smile. He sat up so he was crouching down in front of me and lifted me up by the shoulders. With some assistance from me, he was able to flip me over onto my back. I looked at him over my pectorals and practically melted at the sight.

He was on his foot-paws, contracting his tri-jointed legs so he was in a crouching position. His arms rested nonchalantly over his knees and his hands hung limply between his legs. His head was pointed slightly downward and to the right so he was looking at me with his left eye. His fur sparkled whenever a random beam of light hit it. But the best part by far was his cock. Standing almost perfectly upward, his large, pink muscle was awe-striking for me. It glinted whenever it was hit by light due to a mixture of saliva and pre-cum coating its surface. The whole thing was a little less than eleven inches long and two inches wide, coming to a point at the end and standing tall enough to poke the top of his highest set of abdominals. As his lover, it was beautiful for me to see, but also made me slightly nervous.

He fell over on top of me and pulled me into a long kiss. We went through the usual routine, relaxing our jaws and exploring each other's mouths with our tongues. Scott pulled away smiling. "I will never be satisfied," he said with a grin, "until you feel what I felt last night."

I looked into his green eyes. They seemed to glimmer in the low light. I smiled a sign of defeat. "Alright," I sighed, "take me."

Scott almost leapt down to my groin and pulled away my black boxers. My half-hardened shaft laid flat against my chest as Scott stared at it. He pressed his nose against the fur where my sheath and sac joined and inhaled, taking in my heavy scent. He slid down and pressed his nose against one of my balls, pushing it around as I groaned. He continued to prod at my baseball-sized sac until I sported a full erection, my eleven-and-a-half inches poking my upper abdominals. Scott, seeing that I was fully primed, pulled away and began to move into place.

I did my best to relax as Scott positioned himself over me. I knew this would be awkward because he was shorter than me, but I would do it if it would make him happy. I spread my legs as wide as I could and stiffened my tail flat between my legs so Scott had clear access to my tail-hole. Unable to wait any longer, he pressed the pointed tip of his pink member against my entrance. "You ready?" he asked.

I nodded yes. Scott was almost unable to contain his enthusiasm as he pressed against my tail-hole. With a quick burst of energy, Scott sunk his first inch inside of me. I moaned at the penetration, as did Scott. Over the course of thirty seconds, Scott slowly worked his final ten inches inside me. Now hilted to me, Scott leaned over and licked my tongue. "How you feeling?" he asked before resuming his licking.

"Alright," I answered, "the pain's starting to go away... I'll be good."

Scott smiled. "You'll be great." He corrected me. "Alright, let's get this show on the road!" I smiled, eager to loose my virginity to the arctic wolf above me. Scott pulled almost all the way out, save an inch and a half, before slowly thrusting back in. Over time he developed a rhythm, working his way in and out of me as I panted in ecstasy. It was unlike anything I had ever felt before, the fell of Scott's warm shaft as it twitched inside me, spitting the occasional thread of pre.

Then it happened. On his most recent thrust, Scott's wolfhood prodded my prostate, sending a wave of rapture through my whole body. I tried to stifle a moan, knowing that we had to be quiet, but I knew I wouldn't be able to. In a quick act of thinking, I reached up and pulled Scott's muzzle into mine, using Scott's maw to stifle our moans of pleasure.

Scott drove rhythmically into my tail-hole and I bobbed my hips in time to his thrusting. We humped each other in to such supple states of ecstasy that nothing around us could pull us to a stop. With each plunge Scott shoved his wolfhood into my prostate, and with each plunge Scott sent me closer and closer to the edge. There, Scott and I mated while we made out on our bed for what seemed like hours until finally, with one final thrust, Scott tied me as he came.

With one, final, powerful plunge, Scott pushed his knot into my tail-hole. The tightness of my entrance squeezed hard on his knot, and the pressure was enough to launch his precious load into my bowels. With his lupine shaft wedged firmly within me, he launched eight thick, heavy jets of wolf seed into my tail-hole, each one coating my insides in Scott's pearly juice. The feeling of the hot, milky substance drenching my bowels was enough to send me over the edge, and I howled into Scott's mouth as I spewed nine long, warm ropes of cum across both of our chests.

Once both of our wells had run dry, we let go of the kiss and Scott collapsed on top of me. I opened my eyes and stared into Scott's. We remained that way, looking blissfully into each other's eyes, until something else caught my eye. Our door was cracked, and a dark figure was staring in. Seeing that he had been caught, the figure opened the door so that we could see his face. Scott and I stared, red-cheeked and mouths ajar as we stared at Jordon.

"Sorry," he said quickly, averting his eyes, "I heard some noise and I wanted to see what was happening, I couldn't control myself and..." Both Scott and I then noticed that Jordon's pants were pulled slightly down so that his fully-erect cock stuck out in the air, dripping with pre. Jordon quickly pushed the seven-inch shaft back into his pants and looked at us, red-faced and open-mouthed. "Sorry." He repeated, and shut the door. Scott and I looked at each other astonished, but we decided that it could wait until morning. Scott, unable to remove his cock from my tail-hole, rested his head on my chest and fell asleep, with me following close behind.