Chapter 3: Fair Trade

Story by TheFurryAngel on SoFurry

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#3 of Screams in Gotham

Preface: Furries, homosexuality, violence, adult situations and profanity. No bitching that I didn't warn you.

Thanks to everyone who has been reading my stuff, in particular to SwiftWindSpirit. No idea who you are but thanks for reading :) this chapter is dedicated to you.

Time for the good stuff.


Chapter 3: Fair Trade

Magnus gritted his teeth and tried to keep himself under control. He sat on a bench waiting for the subway train.

In the bathroom behind him Garza was fucking a skunk. Magnus kept mind tabs on the leopard for the purpose of monitoring the rebel's activity. Now he wished he could mute the screaming moans from the skunk as it was plowed viciously. Garza growled and he could feel the orgasm rising, he dug his claws in the smaller males sides, thin spots of blood dotted the shirt the skunk was wearing. He roared as he finished, hot kitty spooge flooded his pet's ass and as he pulled out the warm gel seeped out the foaming tail hole.

The skunk licked up the mess and sucked obediently as Garza mewled and patted his head. The leopard left the bathroom stall and the skunk mumbled something about being paid. Garza grinned back that he had spared the whore's life; that was payment enough.

Magnus sat on the bench, his jaw tense and feeling disgusted. He had reduced himself to his animal instincts once before and nothing good came of it. He got up to stretch his legs and bumped into an orca that was passing.

"Watch where you're fucking going," the angry wizard spat. The orca just smiled and chuckled as the human sat back down and stared at the floor.

"Watch where YOU'RE going Magnus, you're more fragile than you believe." The wizard looked up in surprise but he was alone.

Feeling a distinct chill he pulled his trench coat around him closely. He heard the soft padding as the leopard returned.

"Mmm, he was pretty good Magnus. 8 out of 10 at least." The wizard smirked scornfully.

"Some of us have control kitty. We don't need to fuck everything that will bend over.' Magnus lit up a smoke as the leopard soured and mumbled "Prudish fucktard" to no one in particular.

The minutes dragged by but their patience was rewarded. A telephone booth was empty for a split second, and then in the blink of an eye a bull appeared there with a snap. He exited and appeared engrossed in a small dark brown bound book.

As he passed the two sitting on the bench Magnus faked a sneeze.

"That was unnecessary Magnus." The wizard smiled up at the bull.

"Perhaps. But we are dealing with a sensitive matter. I had to be sure." The bull reached into his jeans pocked and pulled out a string of black pearls.

"A set of Tears of the Forgotten. A rather rare magical object. Hard to create and harder to procure." Magnus kept smiling.

"But I trust you Lorsurius. After all the years we have been in business don't you trust me?" The bull looked impassively down.

"I know you too well to trust a sick bastard like you wizard." Magnus broke into a loud chuckle while Garza glared, seeming as if he had recently choked on a lemon.

"Well as we promised I have your payment." The wizard drew a scroll from his coat. "A Domination charm." The two traded items and Garza fidgeted impatiently.

"Come on, come on. Just trade and go it's not that fucking hard."

"Actually..." The bull looked over at Magnus.

(Wizard, there is one more condition to our deal.)

(Another payment? Lor I have already given you-

(I know the value of this magic, I want to test it. Surely you would not mind if I borrowed your compatriot for a few minutes...)

(Of course not! Take all the time you need. I'll starting warding the area.)

Magnus waved his hand and a bright red tattoo formed on the back of his right hand. It twisted and blossomed over his fingers and down his wrist. The magic shimmered in the air as Lor and Garza faded into an ethereal pocket.

(I can only give you 20 minutes before I must take my leave. Time constraints bull, you understand?)

(I do indeed, and worry not. The leopard shall come to no lasting harm.) Magnus smiled as his enchanted sight pierced the magical veil he had created.

(Have fun Lor) With this the wizard turned around and release his magical worms in Garza's mind. Within the bubble of magic the leopard was confused as hell.

"Hey, bull. What is this shit? We paid you now let me go."

"Of course, of course. In a bit." Garza's pulse quickened as he heard this and he tensed his muscles for an attack. Lorsurius unrolled the parchment and spoke the command word. Bright tendrils sparked and flew out of the page and circled Garza.

As the wisps surrounded him the leopard felt needles pricking his mind. They jabbed him and stuck deep. He tried to fight but Magnus had wrought almost god level magic into the paper. The wisps slid under the leopards skin and bright tattoos shone around Garza's neck. His will faltered and he submitted.

Lor looked at the kneeling cat, pleased the spell had robbed the leopard of his free will so easily. Finding mates was difficult for someone as picky as Lor and having a means of mind control was useful for when he found one.

At the bull's command Garza removed his pants and boxers. The leopard's firm thigh's quivered and Lor felt himself harden. "Undress my waist slave," the bull barked. Obediently Garza undid the button on the jeans, unzipped them, and pulled them to his master's ankles.

As he pulled down the bull's briefs, a now erect cock slapped lightly against his face and left a juicy streak. Lor rumbled and pet the cat behind the ears. "Suck Garza, submit to me."

The bull's massive organ was pushing 20 inches and was thicker than a can of Pepsi. Garza slobbered and mumbled as he tried to swallow the bull but his mouth couldn't stretch over the entire length.

"Yes, very good. Open wide kitty." Drool dripped down over the bull's enormous testicles and the leopard grasped them, squeezing the baseball sized orbs.

Lor panted and sweated but he held the cat's head steady as he sucked the horny bull off. As the bovine's sac tightened he pushed the cat away from his crotch.

"Not yet slave. Now, down on all fours." Slowly the brain washed kitty down on his knees, then leaned over, exposing his virgin hole for the leering bull. Lorsurius knelt down as well and rubbed his slimy cock against the ring. "Open wider kitty." And he forced himself in.

If Garza had been in control he would have screamed but the magic held his body. His tight ass throbbed and bled as it was torn open. Lor murred and sweated as he pumped into his slave like a piston. The feline's insides was like a warmer wetter blowjob. The steamy bowels milked the bull until he could feel the climax growing.

Garza's hips almost snapped as the bull clenched them. He came with a roar and slippery cream filled the waiting cat. The fresh seed poured out of the mind fucked kitten and mingled with the little blood the clung there from the sphincter damage.

His monstrous chest heaving, the bull rose. Garza licked the softening cock clean before Lorsurius zipped up his pants. Now the best part. He released the cat and the fuck fest came back all at once. The pain and shock made the leopard black out almost immediately.

(Perfect, he is a real treasure Magnus.)

(Indeed he is, but I prefer females if you please.)

(To each his own. Farewell.) The bull vanished with another snap and the wounded feline lay on the filthy ground as he phased back into the material plane. Sighing the wizard got down on one knee and put a hand on the cat's back. The two disappeared in puff of smoke and shadows.

Back at Magnus's quarters the wizard left the unconscious fur on the floor and lit a cigarette. He picked up the newspaper off the table and looked over the headlines. War. Rape. Violence. Death. Some president fucked an intern doggy style in the bathroom of a Kohl's. Same old, Same old.


Welsey released his breath and tried again. His skin prickled and warmed as the fur grew and his skeleton morphed. He had invested almost 2 weeks into practice and now the transformation was not only painless (thank god) but also much faster. Raleigh had initially been wary but warmed up to the new power.

Heavy clouds, like foamy bruises, stretched across the horizon. Wel stared out the window, calmly awaiting the storm. A restlessness filled the human's chest and he left the sanctity of his apartment. The wild canine within him urged him forward. He could smell, even in human for, the ozone from the lightning through the open windows in the hall. He took the elevator to the top floor and discretely climbed the stairs to the roof.


Garza was pissed. REALLY fucking pissed. His ass was bleeding, his jaw hurt, and he felt like a bitch. Magnus wasn't worried about the cat's fury, but he kept a Shield up around him at all times just in case.

Unlike other magic Curomancy cannot be learned. It is innate; one must be born with the ability. Despite his efficacy at calling demons Magnus was a subpar healer. He was never damaged and if one of his servants was injured he merely called another. No need for healing. Now the kitty was lying underneath a table, ashamed and fuming. All he could remember was that the bull enchanted him. Then he woke up looking like a hooker from West Avenue.

Magnus gave the feline 3 days to recover before releasing more details regarding the plan.

"Mephisto is... a friend of sorts. Calling him to us is rude so we will visit him."

"Then let's go!" The cat's impatience irked the wizard.

"Slight problem jail bait" Garza growled "I can survive the outer regions of Hell through force of my magic. You however, would be consumed by fire. The Tears however. They should be of significant strength to keep you from getting burned. In 2 days when the planes shift into an easier alignment I will open a portal and send us to Hell so that we may have a meeting with the Steward of the Damned. Any questions."

"If he doesn't help us can I put my foot up his ass?"

"Not sure if he has an asshole, he's a god."

"Fine, it'll be your ass." The wizard smiled coldly.

"Keep bitchin' Garza, I'm still helping you."


Raleigh turned over and Welsey's side of the bed was cold. The cat sat up in surprise, his ears turning and trying to focus on any and all sound. He sniffed the air tentatively (damn it all Welsey please be ok babe) and followed the scent out the suite. The windows blew clean air in as the clouds rumbled and the storm approached. The trail ended at the elevator.

Which floor? His unease growing by the second Ral tried to remain calm. Up. It tingled in his shoulder. Up. He could feel a tug as he stood there. Up.

Up it was. Raleigh rode the elevator straight to the top floor and found the scent of his man. He snuck up the stairs to the roof and his heart froze.

Welsey stood there on the edge of the roof. Dark winds howled and tore at his naked body and whipped around the pile of clothes scattered on the gravel.

"Wel?" The human raised his arms as the storm broke. The screams of nature made the leopard buckle in fear as lightening cut the sky like a million blades of gold.


Noooo! D: Don't jump for god's sake you have so much to live for! OMG brb need some xanax I'm about to have a heart attack. Ok back and feeling fine. What is Mephisto going to tell Magnus? The god is under contract and magic binds tightly. I'm getting fun shivers just imagining the facial response of the readers. That's what this site needs. I should read the stories into a webcam while yall listen so I can see your faces and I will know what you're thinking. Damn internet can be so impersonal sometimes D: Also I'm going to try to work in cameo appearances from notable persons. A million internets to the person who recognizes the appearance in this chapter.