Campfire Stories can be Dangerous

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#5 of Commissions

Campfire Stories can be Dangerous

By Bunnyboy

This story was commissioned by Duma Country Tiger and is copyrighted to himself.

Warning the story contains material of a sexual nature between adult males and male cubs. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

The little white tiger is cuddled close to his father. The older tiger's breathing and heart rate have finally slowed down to normal. Duma shifts a little bit, feeling the load of cum in his rump slosh about as he does. He's nervous but lately that's normal for him when he's around his father. The young tiger is never quite sure what Dusarian is going to do. Ever since the party, life around the house has changed so much. Some days it's almost like things have gotten back to normal but other days he'll get home from school to find his dad naked and waiting in the hallway; or his father will come into the shower with him, just taking him whenever the mood strikes the grown up. One thing that the little tiger has learned in the last 6 months is the best time to ask daddy a favor is right after he's cum. "Daddy?" He whispers.

"Hmmm?" comes his answer, almost not understandable. In the tones of a purr mixed with the pleasure of a spent sexual release.

"My birthday is next week, and I'll be ten, so I was wondering if me and a couple friends could go out back and have a camp out in the woods. We've got a tent and sleeping bags and we won't be too far away." He adds that last bit to reassure the tiger because daddy seems a lot more concerned about the kitten running off lately.

The big tiger seems to be mulling it over and nods to his son. "Sure, sure buddy. That sounds like a fine idea but you boys can't start any fires out there, I don't want you burning down the forest." On the outside he is playing it disinterested and calm but inside the old tiger is scheming. This could be fun but he might have to call in a few friends for this little prank.

For both father and son the week seems to drag on, both of them anticipating the upcoming birthday festivities though for different reasons. That's not to say the week itself is boring or dull. On the contrary it's full of wonderful times and hard gooey sex. On the day of the camp-out Dusarian helped the little tiger pitch the tent; Duma expected to be molested in the woods, in fact he'd already laid out a change of pants back on his bed, and he's surprised when nothing happens.

With the tent set up the tigers wander slowly back towards the house, Duma looking warily up at his father. Once back indoors Dusarian sits the boy down with a stern look. "Now son, I know I said you could have this party but I do have to lay down a few ground rules. The first rule if you remember is no fires out there, at all, I'll be checking in the morning and if I find any soot or ash you're all in big trouble. Second no alcohol, now I know you boys are probably too young for that sort of thing but I wanted to mention it anyway. Now other then those two rules there shouldn't be any problems. I want you and your friends to have a good time. Now if you want we'll go get some drinks and snacks for your party tonight, how many boys are we gonna be having over by the way?" Dusa leads the little boy out towards the car.

"Well daddy it's just gonna be two other boys, it's gonna be Shabiru" Duma doesn't see the look of disappointment that flashes past his daddy's face. The big tiger is a little tired of that cheetah. "And also White, that wolf from day camp." At that the big tigers ears perk up... a new boy. Well this could be fun after all.

It's a short drive to the market and Dusarin lets the boy pick out what he wants. The cub runs up and down the aisles. He's so excited he can't believe it, he picks out some orange soda and root beer, as well as a big bag of popcorn and a box of Twinkies. He loads everything into the cart, following dad as they slowly walk through the store. They stop at the bakery department as the grown up picks out a cake, after that it's not too long until the daddy has them rung up and out the door.

Back at home, Dusarin pulls out a big cooler for the drinks and gets together the last of the camping gear for the boys to use. "So how long till your friends get here hon?" Asks the big tiger as he places the full cooler in the back yard.

Duma looks puzzled and tries to find a clock. "They'll be here at Four daddy so they should be here soon." At this Duma rushes up to his room to get a few more things he needs before they get here.

Dusarin just smiles to see the boy go. He starts up the grill and tosses a few patties on so the boys can have a meal before they camp out for the night, after all they'll need to keep their energy up.

Soon the house is crawling with cubs and Dusarin can't help but laugh at the boys antics. Running and playing catch in the yard or hide 'n seek in the garden. He can't help but burst into fits of laughter when Duma and White run up to him and shout "Look we're twins!" They just looked so cute especially the little white wolf cub in his crudely painted on tiger stripes. As twilight approaches and the boy's bellies are filled with burgers, hotdogs and cake the older tiger bids them goodnight and watches them jog off towards the grove of trees; two of them carrying the cooler and a third the battery powered lantern.

As they disappear into the trees and the little light comes on inside the tent Dusarin smiles. He pops a CD into the player and almost dances as the big brass bands start to play. He's so excited for tonight's fun to begin he can't wait. It had taken all his willpower not to prematurely snatch that sweet wolf and bugger him like there was no tomorrow. His cock throbs with need. "Oh be patient will you, it won't be long now" says the big cat with a smile. Over the wailing trumpets of the "Cherry Popping Daddies" the tiger hears the distinct sound of the doorbell. His grin spreads as he heads to the door throwing it open. The hulking forms of a lion and a dragon fill the doorway, shadows clouding their features. "Leorius, Skylar get your butts in here. The night is young and you still have to get dressed for the party."

The two newcomers step in, smiling at Dusa. Leoruis the lion, stands about 6 foot 2 with a thick well-kept mane of fur around his head. His sandy coat almost shines in the light. Next to him though Skylar seems to almost be a shadow, the black-scaled dragon stretches his arms, he's shorter then the other two and at 23 he's also the youngest of the group.

"Okay here's the game plan boys." Says the proud papa rounding on his guests. "Like I told you on the phone, it's my Son's birthday and you two are my very special present to the lad so I want each of you to have a go with him. But remember I get first dibs on the little wolf cub."

In the woods the cubs sit in a huddle around a battery powered lantern. Empty soda cans lay piled up next to the cooler and the giggling boys seem to take turns either shoving handfuls of popcorn into their muzzles or throwing it at one another.

White sits next to the tiger, his painted on stripes now smeared and messy as he munches on a paw full of popcorn. "Man Duma your dad is so cool." He doesn't seem to notice how the two other boys look away just then. "My dad would never let me do anything like this." He cracks open another can of root beer before looking around at the others. "So what do we do now?"

"How 'bout, Truth or Dare." Suggests the cheetah boy, trying to nudge the topic as far from Duma's dad as possible.

White nods, Duma chimes in. "Sure that sounds cool."

As the game played out someone creeps through the woods moving carefully, stealthily and silently. The three figures lurk in the shadows just outside the cubs' ring of light, watching and waiting.

It's Duma's turn and he thinks for a moment. The last few rounds he'd picked truth and White had asked some questions that came pretty close to the embarrassing truth. The little tiger screws up his face and declares "Dare."

White giggles and tries to think up some suitably humiliating task for the tiger. "Okay, I dare you..." His eyes cast around the clearing. "To kiss Shabiru, on the lips." The wolf boy giggles at the idea.

Duma looks over at Shab for a second, before standing up and marching over to the cheetah boy. He wraps his white-stripped arms around the lad, pulling him into a tight hug before kissing him hard on the lips like daddy sometimes does. In the shadows one of the lurkers shifts a bit repositioning himself at the sight.

The little wolf just gapes. "Ewww you actually did it, man that's so gross." He chuckles and the other boys just play it off.

Duma sits back down. "Enough of that game, lets do something else. How 'bout we tell scary stories?" The other boys nod. "Okay I go first. Not to long ago, in a place not to far from here on a night just like this one, three cubs were camping in the woods. Because they had been out in the woods all day, they couldn't have heard the news. About how a crazed serial killer was on the loose, how he escaped from the mental heath institute and would attack people without the slightest provocation." As Duma tells the story the boys get drawn further and further into the tale of terror. It takes a moment for their brains to register that what they are seeing is real, behind Duma a giant of a man stands up. He seems to have formed out of the shadows themselves, a massive figure dressed in overalls and wearing a battered old catchers mask just like something out of a horror movie. White's and Shabiru's squeak of terror as the masked giants arms reach for their friend, bring a puzzled look to the storytellers face. A look that's quickly replaced with abject terror as he sees the dark figures loom unknowingly behind his friends. He stands ready to shout, just as they point over his shoulder. A rough paw clamps over his muzzle and the world goes dark.

Duma fades back into awareness the first thing he notices is something stuffed into his muzzle, than an odd tightness in his arms and shoulders. The boy whimpers softly before forcing his eyes open. He whimpers again, staring across the clearing at his friends White and Shabiru dangling by their arms from the trees. In the center of the clearing, where the boys had made their camp, is a cheerful little campfire around which sit the three strangers.

The biggest of the group dressed in black and wearing a mangled sports mask over his face, elbows his neighbor. "Looks like they are starting to wake up." He chuckles dully to himself.

The man sitting on his haunches next to him just nods. He's a black-scaled reptile of some sort, dressed in tattered brown clothes with a mask made from a burlap sack. "Yeah it's about time too, the beer is almost gone." He tosses an empty bottle into the dust and stands up.

The last man with bandages wrapped tightly about his head, merely nods to the other two. It's the signal they've been waiting for, the strange figures spring to their feet growling as they stalk towards the cubs. Duma whimpers as the largest heads straight for him. Over the giant's shoulder, he sees the reptile slap Shabiru across the muzzle to wake the unconscious cub. The tiger panics, he doesn't know what is going on but he's sure it won't be good. He starts to kick and thrash his legs, trying to get away. In the stories it always ends badly for the psychos who are after the cubs, but the little tiger thinks it might not work that way in real life.

The man's big-gloved paw reaches out, catching the squirming cub by the throat and pinning him roughly to the tree trunk. He was told he could be rough but not to cause any permanent damage. He growls through the mask, licking his lips in anticipation.

The boy finally manages to spit out the gag made of old rags, just as the big man's hand closes around his throat. "What do you want Mr.? Please don't hurt us. Please Mr. Please!" The little kitten sobs the words out, pushing them past the paw constricting his windpipe as big fat tears pour down his cheeks.

The big man doesn't say a word, he just growls as his other hand tears the flimsy bits of cloth from the trembling boy's body. Somehow Duma looks sexier with those strips of cloth dangling from his limbs than he could have ever looked if he was simply naked.

The tiger cries now, his vision going blurry, as he's sure he's going to die. The man's growl deepens a bit and he hears a sound he's heard before. The sound of a zipper being pulled down and the metallic clinking of a belt buckle being undone. Duma blinks away the tears and forces himself to looks down, he starts to struggle again seeing man's thick cock growing to its full nine-inch length. He kicks out trying to hit the stranger with his booted feet, whimpering as the man catches his ankle in his free hand and tugs yanking him off balance. He's held up by one leg and the strain on the ropes tilts him at a crazy angle; as he feels the man's massive cock just resting against his un-lubed entrance. "Please Mr. don't do it, please I'm begging you. Pleas..." His last pleading whimper is turned into a scream almost as soon as it leaves his lips, that massive length of cock forcing his tight little hole wide open, plunging balls deep in one hard thrust.

The boy's scream echoes across the clearing as the other cubs groggily respond to their captors. Shabiru tries to scramble away as the black-scaled body beneath that smiling scarecrow mask pulls him close. A long slimy tongue flicks out licking at the boy's face, the dragon growls softly loving the taste of the cub. The sweet scent of his fear, that salt taste of his sweat. He can't wait for this boy to ride his aching cock, one hand reaches up and his razor like claws slice through the rope hanging the boy. The Cheetah hits the dirt with a muffled grunt, a strong-scaled hand pushes him forward slamming his chest into the rough bark of the tree trunk. With an almost casual gesture he tears the ass out of the boys shorts, his long talons carelessly leaving red claw marks across the boy's tender cheeks. He leans down panting softly as he mutters. "Mmmm, what a sweet little ass you have bitch. I can't wait to tear me off a piece of that." He leans forward that long slimy tong flickering over the tender cheeks. The dragon pouts a bit, he knows he got the short end of the stick on this deal. The most used of the cubs, the one who'd already been broken in. He was pleasantly surprised to see some fight still in the boy, probably the lad thought this was about murder rather then rape. That's why he fought, despite his long sexual degradation he wasn't ready to roll over and die just yet. Either way though, he'd get a piece of the other boys sometime tonight. He growls once more letting his fangs nibble at the boy's butt savoring the shivers and tremulous little squeaks as he fumbles to get his pants down.

Dusarin purrs softly, the swaddling rags make this harder but it's necessary for the fiction to work. He shakes the boy awake, just as Duma's piercing screech fills the clearing. He smiles at the trembling boy before pulling out a long knife that glints in the firelight. He brings the knife up to the boy's face, reversing the grip ready to thrust down into the lad's chest. With one smooth motion he jerks the knife down. The boy flinches but instead of searing pain he feels the cool knife against his fur as the man cuts the boy's shirt from his trembling chest. He smiles beneath the mask before a quick slash severs the rope. With a purr he pulls the white wolf down from the branch and tosses him face down into the dirt before the fire. The boy moans out at the rough treatment and the big man kneels down behind him pulling the gag from the wolf's muzzle. The boy pants trying to catch his breath as he hears a growl in his ear. The voice though rough and garbled, barely a whisper, has no problem understanding the man. "Scream if you want brat, no one is coming." The boy whimpers as he feels the sharp tip of the knife against his spine, there is a soft sound almost like silk being torn as the cold metal traces it's way down his back. Dusarin smiles as the second cut let's the shirt fall down the boy's arms and into the dirt.

"Please Mr. don't kill me, please man I don't wanna die." The wolf cub's ears are flat against his head, almost like he's trying to keep out Duma's pained cries and the softer whimpers that Shabiru can manage to squeeze around his gag. The boy shivers again feeling the cool steel resting on the small of his back. "Mr. Please!"

With a cold cruel glee the big tiger slices off the white wolf cub's shorts, leaving his butt bared in the flickering firelight. "Don't worry little boy, we won't kill you or your foolish friends." A strong paw grips the wolf by the scruff of his neck, pushing him down into the dirt. "But after we're done, you may wish we had."

He feels something thick and hard pressing up against his tail-hole; whimpering not sure what would be coming, the promise that he would live didn't seem as reassuring as he thought it should be. He stares as the knife thuds point first into the dirt by his head. The grown man's paw holds him too tightly to move, there is something about his grip, those fingers digging into his scruff that makes it hard for him to even try. The lost little wolf cub whines as his instincts fight with the need for self-preservation. The first stroke catches him off guard and the boy screeches, his virginity being stripped from him by the man's fat cock.

Duma's racking sobs have faded a little. The strain on his arms, from the bonds, are growing and fire seems to burn through his wrists but it's nothing compared to the pain in his ass as the masked man's cock nearly splits the boy in half. Dribbles of the lions pre-cum have started to slicken up the passage but not enough for the pain to lessen all that much. With a lusty growl, the giant of a man jerks the cub's leg higher changing the angle of the thrust and making that sweet little ass feel even tighter. Duma squeals as his muscles protest the new position even more. Dusarin wasn't lying, the boy was a really good fuck, he can't wait for a turn on the others. He feels his balls tighten and the semen build up, with a throaty roar he shoves deep into the dangling bitch as he cums flooding the boy's bowels with his sticky ropes of seed. The big lion pants happily, drool flecking his lips, as his climax pounds it's way into the unwilling hole before him. He moans stepping back, paws releasing the cub's bruised throat and ankle, his cock sliding free with a slurp. He turns around to eye the others, behind him the dangling cub coughs a bit catching his breath now that his throat is unrestricted, cum dribbling down his thighs and making little pitter-patter sounds as it hits the dusty earth. Leorius grins, that felt so good but he already needs more.

Skylar groans softly, arching his back, the tip of his cock pressing into the cheetah's spittle slicked asshole. He moans out as the tip of his eight and a half inch bluish-black cock, the veins standing out a light blue against the cobalt skin, is squeezed by that strong young ring of anal muscles. Ohh gods this boy is good. Despite, or perhaps because of, the amount of abuse his anus has been through the boy still grips his cock like an angry fist. He idly chews on his new toy, the tip of the cheetah's tail in his mouth, as he plows that slick pointed dick into the tight passage he can't help but nibble; letting his fangs pull squeaks, whimpers and moans from the boy trembling on the end of his cock. With a grunt he hilts himself deep into that ass, letting the tail fall from his lips with a sigh. Both clawed hands grip the lad's waist, giving him a twist as he rotates the brat around on his cock. The big dragon wants to see into those frightened eyes. "What a good little bitch you are boy. You've done this before. If you do it right, you just might just be able to walk away from this. 'Course you won't be able to sit down for a week." The boy is pushed back hard into the tree trunk. The dragon leans over him growling as that long tongue tastes it's way across the boy's muzzle, he licks up the salty tears as he leers down at Shabiru.

The cheetah whimpers as he feels that long slippery tongue trailing over his face, the sharp savage teeth inches from his flesh. He feels that flexible tongue long and slick work it's way past his lips, he can taste the man's saliva as that prehensile length of muscle pulls the sodden rag from the cub's muzzle. With his voice suddenly freed, the boy takes a deep breath and lets out a deep racking sob as the man's cock pushes deeper and deeper into his tortured tail-hole. The dragon leans forward and the little cat does his best to quell his sobs. Each breath the kitten takes means he feels the sharp jagged teeth at his throat and that hot musty breath in his nostrils.

The big tiger is taking his time as he plunders the boy's recently virgin anus. As the little wolf cries and whimpers the big man rocks his hips, twisting a bit, corkscrewing deep into that raw little opening as he bucks deep and hard. There still isn't anything like a boy's first time. The animal lust of it, the tight little opening and the way they fight you for every inch. He shudders briefly arching his back as he feels himself close to the edge of climax. Carefully the rag wrapped adult slows his pace, beating back that aching need for release forcing it to wait. He grunts loudly as a white-stripped form is dropped, moaning into the nest next to him. Dusarin purrs as he looks over, the firelight making his son's pelt a dull golden color.

The big lion steps over the twitching heap and approaches White's head, the man's cock is ready full and firm and he aims to try out the pretty lad's lips. A gesture from the tiger stops the mask wearing man in his tracks though. With a needy growl he takes a step back and crouches down on his haunches, one paw idly stroking his still dribbling cock as the other rubs the near comatose kittens belly. Despite himself though he grins as the kitten purrs from the belly rubs.

The tiger grunts as he speeds up his pace once more. It's something of vanity but he wants to be the little boy bitch's first for everything tonight. However there is a practical component to this as well, he can't fuck either of the other boys, they might recognize his feel or taste and the whole fiction would fall apart. He's not really lost in thought as these excuses only barely register in the back of the tiger's consciousness, the rest of his mind is a fog of lusts as for the third time he comes to the crest of his climax and this time he doesn't fight the release. Instead he roars loudly as he floods the boy's bowels with as much of his sticky seed as his churning nuts can produce.

Behind him Skylar hears the second roar of triumphant climax as he leans back, edging closer to his own. Unlike his hot-blooded friends, his own sexual pleasure is slower to build but now the dragon groans. With one quick motion he pulls back wrenching his cock free from the startled cub's ass, Without the man's support Shabiru slumps back sliding down the tree. It looks like he's going to pass out but before the boy can hit the floor a black scaled hand grips the back of his neck, guiding tender lips towards his throbbing cock.

The cheetah whimpers softly and tries to fight as the dark length of dragon sausage forces it's way past his lips. The boy cries softly as he tastes himself, his own sweat and fear mingled with the man's musk, and pre as that thick slab of meat pushes its way into his muzzle. Shabiru whimpers and twitches as the man forces more and more of that thick length of reptile cock down his throat.

The dragon moans long, low and loudly, as he works his shaft deeper and deeper. It's not nearly as tight as the boy's ass but as the kids training kicks in the suction from that young muzzle feels so damn good. Strong throat muscles tug and tease at the lizard's length of meat as Shabiru tastes the foreign flavor of dragon musk. Skylar moans down at the boy's tongue lolling off to one side as he grunts forcing more and more of his long dragon cock down the struggling boy's throat. He grunts, one clawed hand resting on the boy's head making sure he keeps up an even pace but he finally feels the climax building. "Better not spill a drop brat or it'll go bad for you, dragon cum is precious you know." He grunts loudly and hisses as his cock twitches and sends his seed pulsing down the boy's churning gullet. He pulls back slowly even as more and more jizz slides down that sore throat, the salty semen stinging on the raw skin of the kitten's ravaged esophagus.

Finally, enough of the mans cock slides free that the boy can slump down sputtering and coughing up great big gobs of reptile seed. He remembers the man's words, the threat inherent in them but at this point he's beyond caring as the dragons cock sprays his matted fur with the last few pulses of the man's fluids.

By the fire there is something strange being constructed. Dusarin carefully piles White on top of Duma letting the pups little bitty cock slip into that well fucked hole. The tiger cub mummers softly as he feels the weight added to his back. Both boys whimper as they look around they know it's not over yet, in fact it's probably far from it.

White moans in fear as his muzzle is gripped and forced close over the cock of the quiet man in the rags. He groans as he can see his other friend, the quiet cheetah, being dragged back across the clearing by one leg. The puppy looks down and can see Duma's butt, leaking white goo with his own pee-pee wedged into those cheeks. The tiger is angled away from him with the pup's legs straddling the kittens back, his immature knot keeping them close. He's scared out of his wits but somewhere deep down it feels good to have that pressure on his knot. A not so gentle slap across the face snaps him out of his day dreaming, bringing that throbbing cock before him back into sharp focus. He doesn't know what's expected but the man's deep angry growl tells him that something is, he starts to cry salty tears dripping down his cheeks.

Dusarin growls down at the boy once more as the pup starts to cry and barks out a command. "Suck it bitch." He thrusts his hips forward, forcing his member between the sobbing boy's lips. The shocked wolf gasps and tries to take a breath, accidentally sucking that slab of tiger meat into his gullet. He moans softly, the pulsing walls of that oh so tight throat squeezing his cock like a fist. He barely notices as Skylar adds Shabiru to the pile working the cheetah's cock into the pup's not so tight little hole.

The lion grins, he's an ass man and he knows Skylar prefers a nice tight muzzle so he's sure his friend won't mind if he takes sloppy seconds on the little dog's rump. He straddles the tiger, he can feel his balls rub Duma's back as he angles his cock into that sweet sloppy tail hole. Despite the boy's recent fucking it's still a tight fit, the kittens cock wedged in there alongside the man's massive length of meat doesn't make it any less so. He grunts as he presses in deep riding forward, his back hunched as he pushes deep into the puppy. As he rocks into the boy one of his big hands rests on the cheetah's well-formed rump. He hears the boy whimper and shudder in pleasure, the little kitty can feel the big cats member rubbing his whole length on each stroke either way, in or out, gets a little shudder from the boy. He's not one to leave an ass untapped, his big fat thumb rests on the boy's raw red pucker. He pushes in stretching the tight ass wide open with one fat digit. .

Skylar kneels down before Duma's face, he'd dumped his spent brat and needed another right quick and the white tigers lolling muzzle seems ever so inviting. He leans forward pushing past the boy's lips, working his basalt colored cock into the cub's tight throat. The exhausted boy knows what is expected him and his talented throat muscles tug at that fat slug of meat forced roughly into his gullet. The dragon moans loudly as he rocks forward pushing more and more into that sweet passage.

Duma closes his eyes tight, as he can feel his friends knot in his rear, a heavy weight resting on his back as one of the strangers rapes that same friend. He cries softly sobbing as he tries to shout around the cock shoved into his muzzle. Praying for his daddy to come save him.

White is nearly comatose as he idly sucks on the fat tiger cock in his mouth, he rocks back and forth on the twined dicks pushed too and fro. Well as far as his anchoring knot will let him sway, despite the indignity of it all the boy starts to feel something deep down that feels good.

The adults grunt and groan over the tangled pile of cubs, pounding their chosen holes with lusty thrusts. The first to cry out in his climax is the big lion, his cock twitching as he floods the post virginal cub's ass with it's second ever load of cum. His thumb forces it's way deeper into the kitten, pressing into the boy's prostate hard and pulling an excited scream from the kitten's weary throat. The tiger's knees get week and he sits back resting his weight on the kitten beneath him as his balls empty into the asshole before him. Dusarin is the next one to give out, both paws gripping the wolf's ears as he pushes deep into the brat's throat, emptying his salty jizz straight down the boy's throat to mix with the junk food and soda churning in the pup's belly. As usual Skylar is the last one to climax, he grunts and groans rocking forward into Duma's muzzle growling as his thick cock is milked by that kittens talented tongue. The dragon leans forward as the other men dismount the pile, he's now hunched over all three boys, long tongue lolling from one side casually lapping at the pups cummy butt. With a loud moan the masked dragon finally cums, pouring his spicy cream into the tiger's belly. His second load spent the black-scaled monster pushes back with a splorch, letting the tormented kitten sputter and cough gobs of thick sticky goop into the dirt.

As they sit around the fire, Dusarin produces a six pack and passes the beers around the small circle. "I say we take a fifteen minute break, then we set the bitches up for round two." The other two crack open their beers as they cackle loudly it's going to be a full night.

"Duma!" Comes a stern shout as the sore boys regain consciousness, for a second the tiger doesn't realize where he is or what woke him. His fur matted and sticky, his jaw and butt burn from a nights worth of rough treatment. Then it all comes flooding back, he lost track of how many times they'd taken them after awhile they all just blurred together. An angry voice snaps the boy back to the present. "Duma, I'm very disappointed in you young man!" The older tiger is standing over the prone cubs glaring down at them. "I had only two rules, no fire!" He points at the ashes left over from the strangers' bonfire. "And no booze." He kicks at the scattered empties that line the campsite. "You broke them both, you're in big trouble mister. All of you are." He stares down at the gathered cubs.

"But, but dad..." Stammers the traumatized tiger. He's not sure where to start what to say, how to explain it all. But he doesn't need to, since the angry grown up cuts him off.

"No buts young man. I don't want to hear any of your wild excuses." He glares at the boys. "And I'm telling your parents about all this, so don't you dare try and lie your way out of it either." Stunned the cubs just stand there, naked and ashamed. Maybe some how they caused last night to happen, maybe it was entirely their fault. "Now get inside you lot are filthy, sleeping in the dirt. Why even bother bringing sleeping bags for dogs sake."

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