Fair and Square

Story by WWOLF on SoFurry

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=This is a work of complete fiction. Any names or likenesses to any characters is purely coincidental. This is an adult story, and no minors under the age of 18 or otherwise stated by your local laws and regulations are permitted to read or distribute this work under any circumstances. Under no conditions can the author of this story be held responsible for any illegal acts that this story may invoke or cause otherwise. The author claims all legal rights over this and other stories presented by and from him. The author can not be accounted for any sticky or gooey mess that you leave behind, but is happy to know that you enjoyed it. Happy Fapping=

Hello, my name is Danny. I'm a happy twenty-three year old black husky with blue eyes. I'm about six foot two, around one hundred and ninety pounds, I keep in shape by running, and I love long walks on the beach.

There, I just spared you what might have ended up being one of the most longest, drawn-out introductions ever.

I'm just a regular husky, working part-time at the local post office, and live with my older sister.

Who I am and what I do is not important.

If you really wanted to know more about me, you could easily come up to me off the street and ask me.

This is not a story about who I am, what I do, or about anything about my past or future plans.

To be more frank about it, I'd rather not say anything about myself. This is my story about a chance-encounter.

More-so, this is a story about a chance-encounter I had while vacationing. Even more, it's about a chance-encounter I had with a complete and total stranger. This story should just be about him, but I suppose I'll need to set the background a little bit.

It was one of the hottest July months it has ever been in my tiny town. We keep with the times and we try to use tourism as one of our main imports. One of these happens to be a county fair we have every year. A few rides here and there, many different tents of games that are impossible to win, merchants, food courts, over-priced alcohol, and plenty of campground. I happen to live in the town, but this year I decided to attend with a tent to sleep in.

Like I said, this isn't a story about me. I promise though, the day I finish my auto-biography, I'll let you know. This is a story about a fleeting encounter with a gentlemen whom I had the time of my life with.

This year's turn-out for the fair was quite impressive, actually. We had many different furres this year. I saw canines, bovines, equines, and local faces. However, this year I saw some unusual ones as well. The less commonly seen gophers, some badgers, a kindly old zebra couple, hell, I even got to see a dragon face-to-face for the first time. Not my ideal cup of tea, mind you, beings that he happened to be a little on the over-weight side of things. Friendly fellow, even though he was more fitted for the song "Pastry-Puff the Magic Dragon". The magical thing about him was the fact he didn't need a crane to sit up.

Anyways, it's not about them, the fair, or even that much about me. However, I guess the most clearest thing to point out is yes, I am homosexual, and I have been ever since I lost my virginity to my best friend's dad at the age of ten. This is a story about my time down there with a fellow I just met. Let me explain something real fast, though. You see, in a tent, you really don't have a lot of options when it comes to the grooming side of things. This is where public showers down there came in handy. However, being that I had been down to the fair since I was little, I did have some awkward encounters with pups, runts, and even some rather disturbing times of geezers not figuring out the complicated technique of proper shower curtain closing.

Now, back to where I'm heading with this. I don't like the idea of a cub seeing my junk, and I really don't like seeing a grandpa's junk either. So, the way I decided to combat this dilemma was to shower at times I knew no one would be around. This, of course, took a little bit of ingenuity on my part.

You see here, you can't shower after the dawn has broken, because the older gents tend to be up bright and early for this. You can't shower sometime in the late morning or afternoon, because the younger crowd tends to be there to prepare for a day's worth of rides. You can't shower in the early to late evening, since the farmers and farmhands are usually showering up after taking care of cattle, sheep, and their horses after getting them judged. Finally, you really can't shower in the late evenings, since that tends to be when the people who spent their yearly paychecks on the ten-dollar bottles of beer go to shower off what stains and vomit they tend to accumulate during the night of drinking.

Truly, through many times of trial and error, I had discovered that the best times tended to be right after everyone's in bed from drinking, and before everyone is awake for breakfast. Granted, this is just about four to five in the morning, but when you're kind of a shy guy like me, it works out great. So, from Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I had my alarm set to get up, run over, shower, and run back. I even learned a delicate system of where if I ran fast enough, I could shave off a few minutes on drying my fur.

Yes, yes, this is all truly unimportant in so many ways, but let me get to the best part.

What part, you might ask? The fleeting encounter with a stranger. Or, so I thought was a stranger.

More on that later. Let me just get right to it...

I had arrived at the fair Thursday evening. At this time, I set up my tent, wandered around, enjoyed some fair food, and went to bed early to wake up even earlier. Right after I fell asleep, it seemed as if I had just woken up to the sound of my alarm. After a long, drawn-out battle of arguing with myself whether or not I should just skip a few showers, I finally decided it was time to head down there for a soothing shower. As a bonus, the water was always hot at this time.

I didn't take much with me. When you have to publicly shower, you tend to logically reason what is necessary to bring in the first place. I only wore a pair of shorts, and since I did enjoy keeping in shape, I had no problems showing off my toned form. Granted, at this time, no ones awake to enjoy it but myself, but I digress. Also, I happened to have those travel-size shampoo and conditioner bottles, and already threw some body/fur soap into my washcloth so I wouldn't have to fumble with that in the shower. With a towel strung over my shoulder, I headed for the public showers, not knowing that a life-changing moment was about to happen.

I hate to deviate from the current topic at hand, but I need to quick give a layout of the surroundings. There's five gates, there's six public shower and bathrooms, and there's probably around ten different rows of campers and trailers in-between all of them. I was in my old tent just about a quarter block from the nearest shower area, but I was heading for the one on the farthest side. Not to be health-conscience or anything, I just prefer those showers over the other ones. None of them happened to be in well-kept shape, but these ones happened to have shower curtains that closed all the way.

Once you enter these buildings that always had an open door, the men's bathrooms first had a row of urinals on one wall, the opposite having a row of sinks, and in the center of the two, were four to six bathroom toilet stalls. Why they chose a layout like this I'll never know, but through a brick doorway opposing the entrance to the building were four shower stalls. Strangely, these were the only part of the public restrooms that were best lit. I had a theory about people wanting to be able to see each other naked more clearly so this is why they chose to light up this part of the bathrooms the best, but my online blog could only explain in detail as to why.

It was just after four in the morning. The sun had lit a small portion of the sky to make things barely visible, but since it was a hot summer, the cool evening air was a nice refreshment from the norm. The floor was cold, wet, and the mingling smells were an assault to any nose, no matter what species you were. I walked further in, but what caught my attention the most was the sound of a shower going. I was not very nervous of this, as I figured someone else may have come up with a theory like mine.

I entered the shower area, seeing three stalls with curtains wide open, and one with the curtain closed shut with the faint vision of steam rising up from it. Normal behavior means you don't say much or anything at all while others are showering, and I stuck to this unwritten code, even if I wouldn't mind spotting a young stud horse with a dropped schlong and damp, velvet fur. I simply walked into the shower area and took the empty stall right next to the shower that was already going. Not for any particular or sexual reason, just the fact that the two showers adjoining one another shared the same piping system, and I knew I wouldn't have to wait for the water to heat up.

I threw my shampoos and wash cloth to the floor and flung my towel over the shower rod. Normally, I just walk inside and strip down, but for some reason, I decided I might as well strip there and hang my shorts on a nearby hook, just on the faint chance I might get them damp when I stepped into the shower.

At the precise moment my thumbs looped under the rim of my shorts, I heard the neighboring stall's water shut off. I thought nothing of it of course and dropped my pants. One more quick little tid-bit, I'm a little bit of a narcissist, and I always take one quick moment to momentarily admire my body and adore my well-kept sheath and balls. I was very proud of my size, so I had to be a little bit egocentric.

I turned and hung my shorts on the nearest hook to my shower as I heard a shower curtain move. Usually, in the shower rooms, the most sounds you hear are shower curtains, water, and grunting. To my shock, I jumped slightly as a voice broke the silence of the new day.

"Morning," an unfamiliar voice resignated out. "It's chilly this time of day." One of the first things I took note of was a deeper voice with a lingering tone that just sends shivers down your spine. Must be a younger male, I imagined.

"Yeah, it usually is, and a helluva lot quieter," I said to the stall hook. I finally turned my head to see who I was speaking to, only to have a moment.

You know, a moment. Where you swear for just one second, time stops. A moment where your heart skips a beat or two, where everything in the world is drowned out, and you swear that for just one second, dreams could come true.

Before me stood a god among men. A rose among weeds. In a nutshell, a drop-dead gorgeous manly hunk. Canine as well, and I would bet money he was also a husky. He stood just an ear higher than I, and apparently worked out a lot more than I did. His fur was the purest white, say for a patch of black on his chest. His eyes were the most magical green I had ever seen with just a hint of brown adorning the outside ring. There was this air around him in a way, like he carried himself tall and proud. A true sign of a leader; an alpha leader in fact. This man was godsend, and I was molesting him with my eyes.

Apparently, I had my jaw dropped and didn't even know it. Worse, my eyes had magically found their way down his rippling chest and stomach muscles to be greeted by a magnificent sheath and balls. His black sack was shaved, as it seems to be the new trend nowadays, and the slit upon his sheath just gave a sneak preview of a small pink tip trying to find it's way out to the world.

"The water's nice and hot this morning," he said directly to me, forcing me to shut my mouth and meet his eyes.

I saw he was smiling at me, showing off his wonderful charming nature through the simple gesture. I awkwardly smiled back, hoping he didn't notice I was attempting to mentally rape him with my gaze.

"Hot," I said quickly, not realizing I hadn't completed the sentence. I wasn't even sure I started one.

"Er... Yes, hot. Hot water," he said, reminding me of how much of a klutz I was beginning to make myself out to be.

"...HOT! Yes, hot water. That's, that's good," I said quickly, trying to find a way to make up for my singular word vocabulary I had recently discovered I possessed. "Hot water is good. It's better than cold." If I didn't make a fool of myself before, I just did.

"Yes, I suppose I agree," he said, apparently holding back laughter. "Cold water isn't as good as hot." His whole body smiled at me, and I felt like we were the only two in the world.

"I'm..." I began, attempting to search my mind for words that didn't make me look like I was mentally challenged. "I'm Danny," I said, turning to face him fully this time as I mimicked his warm body actions.

"Nice to meet you, Danny. My name's William. I just came here from Rockwood." His voice was so warm and inviting. It seemed to heat my skin as he spoke to me. I was warm all over... And in some places I shouldn't have been.

"Rockwood? Nice town," I said as I couldn't stop staring at his body, mentally making a note to not get caught staring at his crotch. "I've lived here my whole life," I continued, not even realizing as I was so lost in his voice and body, that I began to sport a raging erection that grew harder and thicker as I spoke. Somehow, I managed to forget I was naked.

"Well that's wonderful," he said as his eyes drifted downwards slowly. As I saw them meet my groin, a foxy smirk adorned his face next as he glanced back up to my eyes. "I may be from Rockwood, but I know morning wood when I see it," he said with a toothy smile.

My eyes quickly darted down to my groin, seeing around an inch or two poking from my sheath as my erection seemed to grow thicker and fuller right in front of this perfect stranger. My bushy tail immediately pulled over my thigh and barely covered my groin as I turned away from William. "OH! I'm sorry," I said, undoubtedly showing off my embarrassed emotions through the tremble of my voice.

"No, no, it's fine. We're all guys here. Hell, you're not the only guy in the world who gets them. It's natural - be proud," he said to soothe me. It worked wonders, but I still wouldn't let him see how deeply turned on I became.

"Yeah, well... It's just that-" I started, only to jerk my head to one side as I felt something both warm and damp wrap around my stomach. My eyes met William's gaze as he was standing right behind me with two muscular arms embracing me from behind. I looked into William's eyes and saw a look of lust over his face. His sheath was right on my buttocks and somewhat on my lower back. He was still wet from his shower, but the cool morning air didn't make him any less warm to the touch.

"Shh," he said simply, shushing anything I might have said to object to his advances. Not like I would've, but I obeyed like a good puppy. "I think you're adorable. Possibly even more when you're nervous." I felt the pads of his paws press against my fur roughly, making me twinge in response. "If you don't want to do anything, just say so," he said as one paw began to caress my stomach, and the other began to roam down and gently grab a hold of my balls, cupping them ever so gingerly. "If you do, though, then don't say anything at all."

My head was swimming. My legs felt like jelly. I was raw clay in his paws, and I would let him shape me into whatever he wanted. I suddenly became obedient and compliant. I was his and his alone, and I would agree to whatever demands he wanted. Placing both of my paws on the wall in front of me, I lowered my head and raised my tail in anticipating response. I received it immediately by feeling his paws move down to my hips as he gripped them. He held onto my pelvis very tightly, almost in anger. It hurt somewhat, but I wanted it to. I wanted him to take advantage of me. His smell, his body, his voice - this was an alpha dog, and I wanted nothing more than to be his obedient bitch.

The breath from his nostrils blew hard against the back of my neck as his grip seemed to tighten even more. I instinctively let out a small whimper in response, even automatically lowering my ears down submissively without thought. Not expecting what happened next, a soft yip escaped my throat as I felt fangs clamp down onto the back of my neck. Claws began to dig into my sides as I felt him press his groin against my tail. Before I knew what was happening, I was being shoved over and over again as William began to hump me. Nothing to penetrate, but he was physically showing me that he was in control, and he thrusted roughly against my backside to prove he was the alpha here.

I nearly fell off my feet as William let go of my neck and spun me around quickly, looking me directly in the eye. "You're mine then, and you'll do as I say." he said sternly.

"B-but I-" I began, only to feel a finger press against my lips to cease my talking.

"Shh... It's easier if you don't talk. Just do as I command, and you won't get hurt." I felt his paws grab a hold of my shoulders and gripped them tightly as he now glared into my eyes. "Understand?" he asked angrily.

All I could do is look to the ground. I no longer could look him in the eye. This stranger owned me now.

"Hey," he snapped. I wasn't prepared for what came next, and didn't even see it coming. I felt a pain against my left cheek with the sound of a hard snap as William actually slapped me across the face. "Hey, I asked you a question. You understand? Do you?" I couldn't speak as I felt another slap to my face, this time to my right cheek. "Understand?" he asked loudly and angrily.

"Yes," I said quickly, looking to the ground. My eyes immediately found his cock, and I saw most of it had come out of it's sheath. I licked my lips in anticipation, wondering where he would put that wonderful piece of dog flesh next. I let out another yip as I felt William slap my face again, a little harder than the last times.

"You call me sir, understand?" he said quickly. "I'm bigger than you, and I'm better than you. You do exactly as I say, and you treat me with respect. Understand?" he said again. This time, however, I felt a rough pressure against my chest as he actually shoved me against the wall hard. My head made a loud cracking sound as it hit the concrete, but I stayed in my submissive stance.

"Yes sir," I said quickly, nodding my sore head in response. I was now beginning to get scared. Perhaps I was messing around with the wrong type of furre. William was beginning to show a dark side, and I was scared. This fear somehow was beginning to be pleasure, as my cock was emerging more and more from my sheath, even dripping some pre-cum to the floor.

"That's what I thought," William said with a cruel tone of voice. He stood up tall and proud while I seemed to shrink down somewhat to show him I respected and even feared him. Without a word, he stepped back into his shower and took a hold of the curtain. "Get in here - now. You're going to wash my cock for me."

"Yes sir," I said dutifully. I followed him into the shower with my head hung low, not looking him in the eye. As I walked past him, I jumped at the sound and feel of running water as it hit against my fur. The sound of the shower curtain closing caught my attention next as I shrunk down into the back corner of the shower.

"On your knees," William said simply, as if he knew I was going to do it already. Of course, I did. "Good boy, good boy Danny," he cooed to me. "Now crawl over here," he said. I looked up to see his paw wrapped firmly around his sheath, pulling the flesh back to expose all of his luscious dog meat to me. I complied immediately, not wanting to argue with that. "Now, listen carefully," he said coldly, "lick and suck all of it until I'm nice and hard. When I am, you stand up and face the wall and don't say a word. Understand?"

I nodded quickly with a fast response of, "Yes sir," before I began to do as I was ordered. I replaced William's paw with my own and kept his sheath pulled back. Not wanting to get slapped again, I wasted no time in immediately wrapping my mouth around his pink member. Water was spraying down onto my head and face, soaking me wet. William's cock was hotter than the water pouring down, and I wanted to please my new master fully. I did every trick I knew how to do: I nursed the tip of his member, I slathered the length with my tongue, and I finally deep throated him to the point where I was gagging uncontrollably but didn't stop for even a moment.

My actions were rewarded by the gasps and moans coming from William's mouth. He began to tell me how good I was, encouraging me to keep going more and more. He praised me more by petting and stroking my head, sometimes on occasion thrusting into my mouth while telling me how much I loved his cock to the point where I began to believe I truly did.

This continued on for several minutes until I started to taste hot, salty pre-cum on my tongue. His size was growing thicker and longer in my muzzle as I sucked on his cock with passionate delight. My paw no longer had to hold back his sheath, as his baseball-sized knot now held it in place. I continued to suck him off as my paws now found new delight in both massaging his enormous ball sack and caressing his knot. Not wanting to disappoint him, I slowly pulled away from his cock, giving fleeting kisses all over it as my own personal way of saying thanks. As I stood up, I looked up to his face quickly to see him smiling with devilish delight. I turned away and faced the wall, just as he asked.

"Good job, Danny," William said, giving my rump an encouraging pat. "You're a great cocksucker. You must do it a lot." The last few words made me a little humiliated, but I did like the fact I wasn't getting hit. "Here," he said next, taking a hold of my paws and placing them onto the wall. "You better brace yourself," he added, pulling my hips back and lifting my tail out of the way.

I knew he was going to take me and make me his, and deep down I knew he wasn't going to be gentle about it either. His left paw gripped my hip rather tightly as he began to stroke my buttocks with his right paw. Soon, I felt the hot tip of his erect member poking directly into the center of my opening. I knew it was coming now, but I did not expect it so soon. Before I could even relax or brace myself fully, his right paw took a hold of my hip and he thrusted hard and fast. Simultaneously, he jerked my hips back and slammed his erect member deep inside of my bowels.

The pain was unbearable as I let out a loud scream of alarming pain. My insides were on fire, and all William was doing was continuing to push more and more. His enormous knot was just outside my tailhole, stretching me to the limits as he attempted to drive it all the way home in one shot.

"SIR!" I screamed out in panic. "SIR! Please! That hurts! Stop! OW!!! Sir! PLEASE!!!"

His response was only to shove harder and harder, getting most of his knot inside of me now. "Take it you little bitch," he snorted out, shoving more in. His claws dug into my hips as he gave one final menacing jerk and popped his knot inside. The pain was incredible as I actually began to cry. I couldn't help it as tears flowed freely. We were now knotted - tied together. I thought the pain would end, but to my shock, his grip managed to tighten more as he started to hump me rapidly. I began to slide downwards into a normal bitch position as the small amount of room he had he used to repeatedly thrust into me over and over again.

It was over as quickly as it started as I heard William begin to pant and breathe heavily before growling out in pleasure. The fire inside of my tailhole increased more as I felt his cock pulsing inside of me, sending ropes of sticky cum inside me. I still cried pathetically, sobbing sadly as I was taken with full force by a real alpha male.

Just when I thought the pain was over, William removed his paws from my hips and began to fondle my cock and sheath. To my own amazement, I was still hard as a rock, and William was caressing my member all over. Finally, he gripped my sheath and began to slide it back, reaching my thick knot where it could go no further. Pain began to tear me inside once again as I felt him trying to pull my sheath over my knot. I screamed once more and tried to remove his paws to no avail. In one last painful yank, my knot over-stretched my sheath and my entire cock was exposed. I could only scream and cry, cursing William over and over again with every breath.

I heard the squeal of the faucet as William had turned the water off. Him and I were dripping with water as it flowed down the drain. Still crying, I began to hold onto my cock and sheath, whining in pain as I was hurting tremendously.

"Good boy, good boy Danny," William cooed to me as he began to stroke my damp fur. I wished his spasming cock that continually coated my insides with his seed would deflate so I could pull away and run for dear life. The pain was unbearable, and all I could do was stand there and endure it.

"Come on, start walking," William commanded. I didn't know what he meant until he grabbed a hold of the scruff on the back of my neck and began to lead me out of the shower. I growled in response but walked where he lead me. My still stiff member began to bob in front of me, making the pain in my sheath even greater than the searing pain in my tailhole. When we finally came to a stop, I saw William wrap my own towel around his neck as he casually dried his fur, as if nothing had happened.

I looked to the ground and impatiently waited. I wanted this whole ordeal to be done and over with, but it seemed to drag on and on. My thoughts went elsewhere as I now heard the sound of something tearing. It sounded to be fabric being torn. I quickly looked over my shoulder as my mouth dropped seeing William tearing my only pair of clothing I had with me into shreds. As I watched the thin fabric being torn into ribbons, I saw that William was smiling cruelly down at me, just knowing how terrible it made me feel.

Before I could utter a word of objection, William bundled the cloth under his arm and once again took a hold of the back of my neck. This time, we began to walk towards the entrance/exit. We were still tied with one another, and I was amazed my erection was still hard and firm. We passed by a garbage can and William casually threw my clothes in the trash, making me more furious than ever. What happened next is what truly got me going.

We were just on the outside of the door, getting ready to walk out, when William finally stopped us. Just when I thought the pain couldn't get any worse, I felt two paws press into my backside as William began to pull his knot from inside of me.

I screamed for him to stop and even tried clenching down onto the thick member to keep it in place. With a sickening pop and more tears and hollers of pain from myself, William pulled his still orgasming cock from my anus. This time, my legs really were jelly, and I collapsed to the floor.

As I laid there in pain, I felt sprays of hot liquid splash across my head and face. William was actually cumming all over my still damp fur, making it to be sticky. I began to stand up just as William wrapped my towel around his waist.

"Get the hell outta here," he ordered loudly.

I could only look at him in a combined mixture of hatred, fear, and surprise. There was nothing I could do as William grabbed me by my neck and my arm and basically drug me outside. While we were just outside the building, the bastard actually threw me to the ground, and worse still, I managed to have the worst luck of falling on my still erect member.

"Now get the hell outta here, you little bitch," William hissed angrily. "And don't you dare try coming back in here." Without another word, William walked back into the public shower room, leaving me on the ground. I was abused, wet, in horrible pain, and was now covered in dirt all over. Worse, my tent was a long ways away, and I had no covering.

You can just guess what happened next.

In the real world, a guy walking around naked in front of children and adults of all ages will attract a lot of attention, even at early mornings. As you may have guessed, I was arrested by the fair staff police. Soon, the local police came, and I was arrested. Soon after, they found it to be a felony, and I was then taken to the state penitentiary.

Stories have a funny way of turning out it seems. Wearing those bright orange jumpsuits, I was placed in handcuffs and was sat down in the interrogation room of the prison. Someone was coming in to question why I was there, why I was naked, and all this other stuff to basically get a confession out of me. I couldn't wait, actually. I had physical signs of rape and sexual abuse, and I had a great description of the guy that did it to me and even where he lived. Well, like I said, stories have a funny way of turning out.

The large metal door swung open, and I was met face to face with William, dressed in full officer uniform. My eyes bugged out and my mouth dropped in horror.

"Hey there," he said simply with that cruel smile of his. "Sorry about earlier. I just needed to get you out of there and alone."

My mind raced with a million thoughts. I felt sick to my stomach to the point of needing to vomit. I nearly even pissed my pants from being so shocked.

"Ya see, Danny," William said as he sat down in the chair opposite of me. "I've been going to the county fair for a while now, and I keep seeing you there. I knew I had my chance when I saw you in the showers. Sorry if that bothered you."

I could only sit and stare dumbfoundedly.

William opened up my brand new prison record file and began to shuffle through the paper work. "Looks like you'll be in here for a while. Hm... Court on Monday, but you probably won't get off easy. More than likely, you're looking at two to three years."

My entire body was shaking. I thought I was going to faint. I was so scared.

"So, looks like you'll be in here for a while. Don't worry, buddy, I got you a good deal. You have your own private cell, you're allowed one hour for rec, and it's even in the block where I'm usually stationed at. We'll be seeing a lot more of each other, buddy." Slowly, William closed the file and looked me dead in the eye. Then, he smiled. That damned smile that I fell in love with. "Good thing, too... You see... I work the night shift, and those are very... Very late hours."

I'll be damned...

I should have just gone to the state fair.


Boys Night Out

=I'm writing this story just a lil more differantly than before. Please, if you have a lot of patience (a LOT of patience), read through the entire story and read what it says at the end, and give your feedback= The unpleasent sounds of tires...

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Dirty Old Mind

=Hey everyone, me again. This is just a quick short story I wrote out because it's going to take me a few weeks to finish up just the first part to my next new series. I hope everyone enjoys this one, and as always, comments are always welcomed as well...

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Wolf Pack: Part 6

=WOW o.o;;; I've been gone for so long that I can't even remember the last time I've been at my computer... This is the last, and FINAL installment of the Wolf Pack series where I have been asked, harassed, and threatened to put it up so many times...

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