April Seventeenth (Jarokk, Part 4)

Story by Arakk01 on SoFurry

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EVEN MORE Jarokk x Joseph. <3

Joseph has stopped counting days again. He has no real way of knowing, as Jarokk's home has no windows, no clocks, and no calendar. He doesn't exactly trust his Master to tell him when it's the day he gets to release, and he's far too scared to ask- the wolf has no idea that twenty-six days have passed as he wakes up and goes about his new, expanded morning routine. He rises early, wakes his Master with practiced oral pleasuring, and gulps his breakfast down from the tap; today, like the last few, is a good day. Jarokk's mood is calm and almost affectionate, the black drake rising with a yawn after Joseph finishes pleasuring him to pat the canine on the head demeaningly.

Even more unusually, today Joseph is addressed by name. "Joseph, guess what the date is," Jarokk purrs, as though dangling a morsel in front of a starving dog. The dragon's tail slides up between Joseph's legs, caressing his caged cock and balls- before giving them a harsh smack. This is something the wolf has gotten used to- he simply gives a little groan of pain as he tries to think, before perking up and almost looking Jarokk in the eye. Almost being the important distinction, as it's a reflex not to make eye contact with his Master; entire days of ever-more-creative torment have left him very submissive like that. "A-april Seventeenth, Master? Is it really?"

As is a favorite habit of his, Jarokk doesn't respond right away. He lets uncertainty and anxiety creep up on Joseph, letting the wolf doubt himself and fear punishment for saying the wrong thing. It's very effective, of course- already, Joseph finds himself starting to try and make up for his percieved mistake, falling to his knees and lifting his tail, knowing a harsh, dry fucking is the most lenient consequence Jarokk could decide on. Forturnately for Joseph, it's simply a mind game today. After a long delay, Jarokk purrs, "You're right, Mutt. Today is the day you get as many orgasms as you want- but you know your place by now, yes? My slave, my toy, my entertainment. So I'm not going to simply take off your cage and unbind your hands," the dragon purrs, before walking from the room, again leaving Joseph in silence for his fears to take hold.

What Jarokk returns with confuses Joseph quite a bit. It's a studio-quality camera on a cart, covered in simple knobs for Jarokk's convenience. There's a sturdy laptop on the cart as well; Jarokk leaves the whole assembly, heading for the stairs out of the home. Left alone again, Joseph can't help but whimper; not even his most brutal punishments have ever warranted a camera, much less this much preparation. The wait alone would worry him, but seeing Jarokk moving back and forth, getting ready... That absolutely terrifies the hapless wolf, who remains where he is- tail up by reflex even as he curls inward on himself in front of the camera.

Jarokk takes his time upstairs, and gradually, some of Joseph's fear fades. It occurs to the wolf that maybe this is just more of Jarokk's twisted 'foreplay' for such a big day. Footsteps on the stairs dispel that little hope, as Jarokk silently slips into view, smirking cruelly. This, like the camera, is new; Jarokk has never had company before, and Joseph finds his fear tempered by curiousity as his eyes fix on the stairs behind his Master. The first couple of guests are to be expected- other quadrupedal dragons, friends or family of Jarokk's. The ones after those, however, startle Joseph. Somewhere in the middle of the pack is his doctor friend, sending a pang of betrayal through the wolf's gut as he can't help but wonder if the fox lied to him; there are also faces he recognizes from clubs, bars, and other places he's been- including the FurTube porn studio.

Slowly, it all clicks into place for the wolf, drawing another whimper- this time of humiliation. Jarokk doesn't even have to tell him, simply staring with that same cruel smirk; Joseph is going to get his orgasms, but it's going to be in front of all of these people and half the internet. Knowing Jarokk, it's also going to be humiliating, painful, and drawn-out; the dragon doesn't disappoint on that count, either, binding his hands behind his back and removing his chastity cage before padding casually off toward the back room again. Joseph is left there on his knees, naked body on full display for more than a dozen others- and for the life of him, not able to keep just the tip of his cock from peeking out of his sheath in spite of- or perhaps because of- the intense humiliation of his position.

When Jarokk returns, Joseph finds his throat rather tight. He'd like to make even a token protest at how far this humiliation is going, but settles for the occasional whine of fearful anticipation. The dragon manhandles him into a rather stiff jock strap, some kind of stiff fabric that isn't very stretchy, then fetches a plain canine dildo on an oddly thick square base. This toy is placed beneath Joseph and lubricated lightly before Jarokk shoves him down on it, down to the knot; it's small enough to sit pleasantly inside him, rubbing his prostate gently when he moves the right way. Then Jarokk ties his bound hands to an anchor on the floor, not giving him enough slack to pull off of the toy, before finally stepping back.

As much to the assembled audience and the camera as to Joseph, the dragon purrs lightly and explains, "Here's how this will work, Mutt. I'm going to turn on the air pump underneath you. As soon as I do, your twenty-four hours of as many orgasms as you could want begin. The toy in your ass will slowly inflate to painful proportions, and deflate a small amount from pressure on the knot. I'll check in every couple of hours in case you get stuck, but assume you'll be in agony for a while if you don't keep it at a managable size." Jarokk takes obvious sadistic pleasure in laying out his terms, before grinning and seeming to recall something. "Oh, and of course- you're probably damaged back there from being such a slut for my cock. I'll give you a little help with getting off."

A bit stunned by how constantly Jarokk comes up with creatively cruel ideas for him, and embarassed by the comment about being a slut for his Master's cock, Joseph is too busy looking away with his muzzle burning to notice Jarokk approach. He feels what's done next, though.. Careful paws almost force his cock more fully from its sheath and slip an egg vibrator running on the highest setting under his knot- then another one around his balls, before the jock strap is pulled back over his somewhat unwanted erection to again restrict it uncomfortably. After, Jarokk flicks a small switch on the air pump for the toy inside him- and a sound much like a computer fan starts up, accompanied by the toy in his rear slowly swelling in size.

Joseph squirms a bit awkwardly after the dragon pads calmly away from him and takes a seat to watch, feeling the toy inflict ever more pleasure as it swells and fills him, those vibrators taking him to his edge quite quickly. Wincing a bit, glancing around, he starts slowly pulling himself off of the knot of the dildo to properly ride it, trying his best to ignore the audience while he tries to take that orgasm he's been given. Before long of riding the shaft, maybe a minute or two, the toy starts getting uncomfortably girthy- reminding him about what Jarokk said. So with some effort, Joseph wiggles down over the knot in hopes of venting some air from the toy.

His efforts are instantly rewarded with a soft hiss, just like a bike pump, and a flash of pleasure. The toy deflating inside of him is a unique sensation, and the knot of course stimulates him exactly as would be expected. He bounces on the base of the toy a few times with a groan of enjoyment, letting it swell a bit once more, before he pulls up off of the knot again- and with a gasp of surprise, reaches his first orgasm. Being pent up for so long, his body almost freezes up mid-release, his oft-abused balls aching as they pump seed up his shaft, prostate throbbing with his pulse, even his bladder complaining a bit with the intensity of the climax.

The wolf forgets completely about his predicament, about his audience, about the fact that he'll be here for a full day. All that exists for him is the pleasure of a release after such an incredibly long dry spell, filled with so much abuse and teasing. Of course, as he trembles in ecstasy on that toy, it keeps inflating. Unlucky for Joseph, he has settled on the thinnest spot during his orgasm, and moving up or down proves to be a painful proposition- but as his senses return, aided by the continued growth of the dildo, he whimpers out his suffering before forcing himself to let all of his body weight rest on that plumper-than-ever knot, forcing it in and forcing a puff of air out. Then, back up... And down again.

Typical of his experiences with Jarokk, Joseph is paying for his pleasure with just as much suffering. It takes him a little bit to work the toy down to a normal size again so he can feel pleasure from the penetration, and even once he manages that, he's still a little overstimulated after his orgasm. While he recovers, the vibrators are severely uncomfortable, though not exactly painful- he finds his bladder giving out as his muscles try to relax and let the vibrations pass through without stimulating him as much. That, of course, gets him a reminder of his audience- an assortment of snickers alert him that everyone just saw him wet himself right after fucking himself to orgasm on a dildo.

Luckily, there's not that much piss in him, and he appreciates it after a little while longer. Eventually, his body recovers from the first orgasm and- with all the stimulation and somewhat arousing humiliation play- immediately wants another. This time, it takes a little more work from Joseph, his entire body burning in complete embarassment as cameras and people he used to know watch him desperately bounce and twist on a dildo. Eventually, though, he manages another climax, groaning in delight and remembering to keep riding the toy this time. Everyone and the cameras can see his canine shaft throb and unload another, smaller load of seed into the jock strap- but it's around this point that the wolf starts to feel sated and a little lethargic, not to mention sore around his thighs.

It doesn't stop. He tries to beg, but soon notices he can't- it's not just embarassment stopping his voice, but some sort of magic. Typical of Jarokk, he has left Joseph in an inescapable predicament, another of the cruel ones that warps his happiness and enjoyment into something absolutely awful. Around the wolf's third release, as Jarokk sees that sinking desperation in his eyes, the dragon seems satisfied; he announces that Joseph's muzzle is open for use and again heads up the stairs. Joseph is left to his treat-turned torment, and in short order presented almost every shaft and tailhole in the audience to tend to- starting with Ryland, the fox who sent him back here.

'Luckily' for the wolf, Ryland is an easy start. The fox's fairly average sized cock leaves Joseph a bit of room to continue knotfucking himself with the toy every so often, and as a little bonus Joseph knows all of his sweetspots. Even a couple weeks ago, Joseph would be staring up at his ex-doctor spitefully, but at this point... The wolf is broken down enough to simply work the length in front of him to the best of his ability, not wanting to be punished. It doesn't take long for Ryland to blow his load and move on, though- and after that, it gets a bit rougher on the canine.

Almost the entire audience wants some hands-on with the show, it seems. All of the visiting dragons have him tending their massive cocks, forcing pauses in Joseph's toy-riding that make for agonizing bouts of deflating the toy again before the next shaft is shoved in front of him- they're first, followed by a mix of horses, bears, felines, and another bout with Ryland- this time expecting Joseph to lap at his tailhole while he strokes himself. The wolf hates it, of course.. But he obeys, exactly like he knows his Master would expect, putting on a slutty display for the audience and cameras.


After his second round with Ryland, which lasts quite a while and leaves a bad taste in his mouth despite the fox being thankfully rather clean- things slow down. Every so often, someone else approaches wanting the same treatment, or another round with Joseph's muzzle, but over time everyone files out until Joseph is left alone with Ryland, one of the visiting dragons, and the camera still pointed right at him. The amazingly absorbent jock strap over his cock has long since started dripping seed, his balls and prostate are throbbing in constant agony, and every muscle in his body is threatening to give out. Still, he forces himself to ride, despairing as he has no idea how long he has left to go.

Eventually, even the dragon leaves, only Ryland remaining behind, still teasing himself to the display and watching Joseph with a professional eye- probably being paid to make sure he doesn't die on this thing, the wolf realizes. Still, he knows the fox- he'd be allowed to pass out from pain before the doctor would step in. So, despite the pain from his muscles and reproductive organs, Joseph continues riding, fucking himself on the knot of the toy, slowing down as the edges of his vision darken and exhaustion set in but stubbornly continuing, desperate to hold back the painful swelling of the dildo.

He's almost ready to give up when Jarokk finally saunters silently down the stairs, drawing a grin and nod of acknowledgement from Ryland. As if on cue, the fox slips forward to unbind Joseph and turn off the air pump. Immediately, the exhausted wolf falls to his hands and knees, whimpering as the toy slips out of his rather well-opened tailhole. Still, when Jarokk approaches, soiled paws placed in front of his nose, Joseph knows he's not finished for the day.. And so the wolf tiredly, weakly runs his tongue over Jarokk's paws, trying to move as little as possible while still cleaning them as he has been trained.

The wolf doesn't do a very good job, of course, his vision growing ever fuzzier and darker at the edges. Pain and overstimulation alongside lots of physical exertion have taken their toll, and Joseph is right on the edge of passing out. Luckily, Jarokk doesn't seem interested in punishing him for this little failure- though perhaps something worse is in store, from the grin on his muzzle.

The straps of Joseph's jock strap are cut, finally letting his tortured cock out into the open air- still overstimulated by the vibrators, but far from being able to orgasm again. Then Jarokk drapes the cum-and-piss drenched cloth over Joseph's snout, rather inhibiting his breathing, and ties it there with the broken straps- just like a muzzle. The black drake watches Joseph for a few moments after this, intent on the wolf's struggle to breathe- but doesn't seem satisfied. Moments later, Joseph finds his head shoved down and his nose doused with piss through the jock strap, now denying him any air at all!

This is, of course, Jarokk's plan. As Joseph weakly thrashes, suffocating with the drenched jock strap cutting off all of his air and rewarding every attempt at breath with stinging, stinking piss up his nose, Jarokk smiles in satisfaction. The poor wolf, in such a weak state, barely has time to wonder if this is Jarokk's kinky way of disposing of him before that darkness at the edge of his vision slowly closes in, tugging him away from the world and into a dark, dreamless unconsciousness.


When Joseph wakes, he notices two things. First- everything hurts. Every muscle, every sex organ. Second.. His sheath feels weird. Not hurting much more than anything else, but.. Full. A little stretched. His eyes are plastered shut, so he can't see much of anything, and his sense of smell is still overpowered by mixed piss and semen scents- that jock strap is still tied over his muzzle. Mustering his willpower, the wolf cracks open his eyes and glances around- no Jarokk, for the moment. That much determined, he slowly looks down, dreading what he'll find as his eyes settle on his sheath. What he does find isn't remotely expected, but it certainly fits in with Jarokk's past pattern of cruelty...

His sheath has been pierced. Three metal rings threaded through the flesh of his sheath have been padlocked together to hold in a clear plastic dome with notches to fit more seamlessly under the piercings; it's definitely more effective than his previous cage, which he could have gotten out of- but not back into- with some time, effort, and discomfort. It's also more permanent, and that scares a soft whine out of him- Jarokk had started off speaking of letting him go when he eventually got bored of him, but these piercings would never go away- even if removed, there would always be the small scars to remind him of the dragon- his Master.

As if called by the thought, Jarokk lazily saunters into the room, smirking, to carry out the wolf's daily routine as usual. His bowl is tossed down, filled with dog food, and topped off with piss before Jarokk leaves for the back room to feed Wulf- who is kept separate when not being used to torment Joseph. This time, though, Jarokk returns with something else in his paw.. A collar, made of plain brown leather, sporting a name tag. With a mix of interest and slight despair, Joseph realizes it's almost certainly his name on that tag- but why now?

In a rather uncharacteristic display, Jarokk explains himself with very little wait, not even interrupting Joseph's meal in the process of slipping that collar on him. The black drake looses a purr not tinged with as much of his usual sadism and calmly lays things out. "You've been promoted, little Mutt. Last night was when I opted to decide- let you go, or keep you forever? Or, well- for three or four of your lifetimes, until not even magic can sustain you and you fall apart like an old blanket. Can you guess what my answer was?" The drake grins, giving Joseph a few demeaning pats on the head. "That's right. You're my pet, now- I'm never letting you go." THAT draws a horrified whine from Joseph, before a harsh smack of Jarokk's tail to his balls silences him with a yelp.

"Shut up," the dragon growls. "You've learned to obey. Now that you're my pet, you will learn to enjoy it. There will be less pain- well, a little less. I'm every bit as sadistic as you see me, but I've made my point. You'll orgasm every few months, probably in much the same way as yesterday. As you start to adjust, I'll let you sexually pleasure me in ways that might seem dominant- if you weren't completely aware of your place. I'll also allow you into the back room to see Wulf, and pick sex toys to practice with when you're not being used. This is your life now, Mutt- the Joseph that lived out there is going to wither away here, and you're going to come out of it not just my toy- but lifelong and devoted servant."

Jarokk grins, pacing around Joseph as the wolf sinks to the floor. He can smell the defeat coming off of Joseph- the wolf is sure of that. What the canine hopes Jarokk can't see is the weird glimmer of relief in his heart- a feeling that confuses even him. At least this way, there wasn't the disappointment of not being free- this was his life now. Maybe Jarokk would, as promised, treat him a little better. Maybe he could get used to the rest. It'd be a while before he managed to, but Joseph is already trying to come to terms with his new place as Jarokk slips up from behind him, casually manhandling his sheath.

Of course, Joseph doesn't dare contest whatever his Master wants to do to him. He doesn't even look, hoping it will be less disturbing for him that way. He's wrong, of course- he's simply blindsided when Jarokk slips a claw coated in a mix of vaseline, menthol, and pepper spray into his sheath under that plastic cap. The tugging at the piercings is a little weird, but nothing compared to the intense, fiery burning that instantly starts up- mixed with tingling cool, it has the wolf thrashing and tearing up in seconds. "M-master, why?" he sobs through the jock strap still tied around his muzzle. Jarokk had just promised him less pain, and this is one of the greatest moments of direct suffering he's ever had!

The dragon, of course, pretends to not hear or understand the question. He simply smirks and purrs, "Enjoy yourself. It'll take a few washes of piss to get that out, so you have plenty of time to relish it!" Then, leaving Joseph thrashing and crying in the floor, Jarokk pads up the stairs- off into the city again, leaving his new pet to wrap his head around multiple lifetimes of treatment like this...

Sharing His Toys (Jarokk, Part 3)

Joseph used to keep track of the days since he was enslaved by Jarokk. He lost count and started over when he finally had to drop everything- his job, school, friends- to move in with the drake, just to stave off that burning under his tail on a daily...

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The Worst Doctor's Visit

Without a doubt, this was the worst doctor's visit Joseph had ever experienced. Bent over a table in his apartment, rectum exposed by a medical-grade speculum, not even noticing the rawness of several sample swabs scraped over the area past the...

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Unlucky (Jarokk, Part 1)

It was late on a Saturday night when Joseph stumbled out of the club, as drunk as he's been in his life. To his exhausted, inebriated mind, home isn't far; he walked here, after all. So with very little thought on the matter, the silver-furred wolf...

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