The Pink Pill 1/4

Story by nifelan on SoFurry

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The first chapter of my longest story so far. It explores a few rules of the world where it takes place in, serves as - hopefully - the first story in a series of more stories to come.

I'm always happy about feedback and criticism so please do leave a comment - it really helps my motivation :)

The Pink Pill - Chapter 1

His fingers carefully slid over the dented plastic, stopping and circulating around the seventh and last pill of the blister pack. It was offset to the other six, empty cavities. The pill had a distinctive and strong pink colouring, unlike the other six he had already taken during the course of the day. The last pill, and at the same time the most important one... He was supposed to take it sometime between 3 and 4 hours after the last - although, was entirely his choice if he took it at all. A choice, he somehow already had made, yet he was still hesitating. A quick look at the watch - 3:05 since the last pill. He read through the insert one last time, just like the last times number eight and nine not too long ago, and put it back into the empty packaging. One dosage. One day. Around twenty-four hours. Late Friday to late Saturday, with enough of a buffer, if - how did the insert phrase it? - "the effect persists". He double checked that he put the corresponding sticker on his temporary ID. Quite a lot of trouble to go through for what had become normal, but still uncommon, over the counter medication.

His nervous heartbeat became more noticeable as he increased the pressure on the plastic dome, counteracting with two fingers to put most of the strain on the foil and to direct how it would break. For a brief moment, he thought about the implications. What if someone he knew met him? Called him? What if he was seen? ...what if this didn't work? His last thought was rudely interrupted as the foil on the blister pack broke with an audible crack and the pill dropped onto the table. The quiet sound it made as it hit the hard wood surface echoed through the room. He quickly looked around - as if he were to expect anyone to have noticed the almost inaudible sound. As if there would have been anyone beside himself in his apartment right then. He had made sure that he wouldn't have had any obligations today. His phone was set to voicemail. His excuse was a bad reception or that the phone tried to connect to a foreign carrier and he forgot to enable roaming - valid and not uncommon when working close to or over the country border. He definitely would not want to have had to answer a phone call during the twenty-four hours that followed.

The last thought lingered with subtle shame before he shook it off. "No need to concern yourself with every potential bad scenario. In the worst case - you were curious." he thought to himself, immediately drifting off on yet another tangent. Well, how would he explain all the clothes he had bought, if it was just a simple one-time curiosity? Especially since some of these pieces seemed to have been worn definitely more than once...

The pink pill stared at him. It would have stared at anyone in close proximity. Pink isn't exactly the most subtle colour. He picked it up between his thumb and index finger. The pink was still brightly visible through his black pawpad. His other hand grabbed the water he prepared earlier. He flexed his tongue inside his mouth before placing the pill just behind his lips on the tip of his tongue. From there on, everything was just trained and safe routine. Put the glass towards the lips, tilt and drink in such a way that he doesn't cause too much turbulence in the front, washing down the small pill. One gulp. Two. Three. Four. He put the glass back down, his tongue was checking in his mouth for any sign of the pill. With each place he searched, he grew more and more certain that he had swallowed it. Getting more and more nervous too. Generally, it was a positive anxiety, kind of like having had too much coffee or having to wait in line at the cinema - mixed in with just enough doubt, nervousness and fear of the unknown. He took deep breaths, trying to relax and find something else to focus on other than his feelings.

He closed his eyes, focussing on the feeling of his expanding and relaxing belly as he breathed in and out. Searching further how his slack clothes covered his body, touching his fur. He wondered if he was feeling his muscle tense up a bit and before he could even confirm it, he suddenly felt a hot sensation rushing through his entire body. He braced himself with his forearms on the table, bending forward, panting. His heart raced, as if he was running to try and catch a bus that would only close the door just at that moment when he was about to enter. Just about as he thought that he was close to collapsing, the tension in his body started to relax and his heartbeat slowed down. He was still panting. The stress must have temporarily messed with his hearing since he was not hearing his pants like he usually did.

He glanced at the kitchen watch and blinked with a puzzled look on his face. Had he really wasted several minutes just getting himself to swallow that pill? He lift his arm to look at his wristwatch, which was still running the stopwatch - but instead of looking at the face, he notices that his arm appears somewhat slender, _off_. He tilts his arm so that he could look at the watch more closely, still noticing that his physiology is not quite how his mind would have expected it. 3:10. It couldn't have taken him five minutes to get the pill out and swallow it. Even with all this stupid what-if scenarios and thinking about all kinds of tangential stuff. He could usually cram a few dozen well fleshed out scenarios into a few precious seconds of panic.

He leaned back on his chair, trying to relax again. Breathe in deep, slowly, focus on it - breath out, slowly. He felt his T-Shirt moving with each breath, getting just slightly tighter around his chest than he was used to. A quick thought raced through his mind and he quickly looked down.

Breasts. The shirt definitely shows contours of somewhat large breasts. Granted, he wasn't really thin, but what he usually had weren't these - round, slightly hanging breasts. He could feel the weight gently pulling on his skin. He also noticed that his shoulders, hips, legs and arms looked differently. Even his own nose and field of view was different.

His heart began to race again. It worked? Is this it? He slowly moved his palms over his hands, carefully not to dispel any potential illusion - but everything he touched only reaffirmed what he saw and felt. He felt weird - everything he saw about himself was off from what he experienced every day. Granted, his mental body image often was different to reality, most often being not quite as - heavy - but this seemed much more... feminine.

He stood up, carefully tiptoeing to maintaining his balance as he noticed that his proportions and centre of gravity seemed to have shifted slightly. He looked at himself, clothed in slack, black trousers and a nerdy, black tee. "Huh" he wanted to say to himself, but quickly flattened his ears and pulled his head between the shoulders in shame as he heard himself say it in a very different, softer and higher pitched tone. With his nervous heart still beating away in his chest, he walked towards the bedroom. He wasn't moving fast, not wanting to ruin the moment or sensation - but he also tried to get there as quickly as possible. As he entered the room and stepped towards the cupboard, his reflection immediately catching his eye. A short, slightly chubby woman was giving him a surprised look through the same glasses he wore. He looked around the room. The blinds were closed, he was alone, except for his female mirror image... He put aside his glasses and pulled up his shirt. Feeling it drag over his nipples he shuddered - stopping briefly again due to his disconnect between his actual and expected voice. The topless, slightly out of focus woman mirrored his action and he immediately felt a rush of excitement, nervousness and shame. Slowly, he pulled down his trousers, revealing a round, wider butt, wider hips and less bulky legs than he expected. His nervousness reached its peak as he grabbed his underpants at the side and slowly slid them down - expecting to see his own, wet and hard erection ready to ruin the illusion. Instead, he saw the woman in the mirror looking surprised and aroused as she stood there, naked.

She stood there, with her legs still in the trousers and underpants on the floor, eyeballing herself. "24 hours." she thought and quickly reset the stopwatch. One short beep - stopped. One bright beep - reset. One short beep - start. A few short beeps - change function, show time. She wouldn't want to accidentally stop or reset the watch and have no idea how much time she had left - that is, assuming she wasn't one of those "1 in 10000: effects may persist for a longer period of time". Her heart beat in her chest up to her throat. 1 in 10000. Unlikely odds, yet she still often played lotto. Anyway, this was why she did this on a Friday evening - in the worst case, she could try to go to the hospital on Sunday... even though that might mean that she would have to risk going out like this while the effect wore off and other things that faded into the background.

Her hands caressed her own body, but she made a promise to herself to not touch herself in any direct sexual way. At least not until later. A promise she slightly regretted having had made, but she reminded herself that this was also part of the fun and the idea to experiment. What if she masturbated right now, after all the excitement she went through during the day? What if she climaxed, but then lost interest? It would be much more fun to enjoy this feeling of arousal for a while before finally giving in. She took a deep breath and stopped her hands before they passed her bellybutton, moving them back up to feel her breasts again. She always liked the idea of playing with them and as she touched her nipples she found that they were still every bit as sensitive as she was used to. The quiet moan that escaped her did not catch her as much off guard as her previous sounds. She was breathing heavily and coughed once. "Hi lady." she said to her reflection, reaffirming her current position. Her voice still sounded odd to her, but had some definite components that she identified as herself. "Well, this is awkward..." she said, noticing that she pretty much could identify her own voice just by the way she spoke - realising that anyone that knew her well, might do so too. She coughed again. There was something about her voice sounding off and feeling strange as she spoke that seemed to trigger some reflex.

It was weird. She felt much more confident in her body, but yet she had not thought about actually being or identifying as a woman.

She opened the cupboard, slid open 'her' drawer, which was by now packed full of women's clothing. Her slender, white hands rummaged through the assortment of mostly black underwear and the occasional skirt, collecting a few items in various sizes. As she held the different bras she had ordered online against her breasts, she grew nervous. What if she misjudged? There was always room for error... She took the first bra from the top of the pile and held it up against her breasts - was this the correct size? She couldn't really tell, but the material and support she felt already comforted her. She tried to put it on, fumbling a bit until it seemed to fit. It wasn't a perfect fit, but she thought to herself, that she would make do like this for a while until she got a better idea of why exactly it wasn't a perfect fit. The next item in the stack of clothes were some black, thin panties. She carefully slipped into them, pulling them up and in her surprise, they fit perfectly. She fully expected that they wouldn't fit, but she wasn't exactly 'endowed' in such a way anymore. In fact, if anything, they really highlighted how much different from a guy's body she was now. The other thing she didn't expect was how much more ass they showed and how little they actually covered. She was used to more comfortable briefs, but panties definitely were an _entirely_ different category. She felt exposed, but at the same time enjoyed how they looked on her and that there wasn't some guy's butt ruining the illusion.

She slipped back into her trousers and shirt, wagging her tail as she put her glasses back on. Her breasts looked much better now in the shirt than they had before. She pondered for a brief moment if she should dress up more, revelled in the thought of putting on a skirt, stockings... She shook herself. There would be plenty of time for such stuff later, right now she should just enjoy living like this - as aroused as she might be, or perhaps just because of how aroused she felt. The woman in the mirror took a quick glance back at her before she left the room. She was wagging her tail and swinging her hips playfully with every step before she sat down on the couch and picked up the game controller. Sitting down, slightly bent forward felt familiar but also different, the excitement of her situation still lingering in her mind. Her soft, white hands served as a constant subtle reminder. Her breasts, hips and legs weren't as subtle but usually not what she might see at a quick glance when being focussed on the TV. She picked a game she could lose herself in for a couple of hours, having fun and just being 'herself'. Occasionally, she paused - either to get herself something to drink or just to take a quick break. Sometimes she had already forgotten about her situation, finding herself back in the real world with a nice surprise. Other times, she just enjoyed being herself.

The Pink Pill - 2/4

**The Pink Pill - Chapter 2** * * * As she paused the game again, she leaned back, letting herself fall onto the couch, lounging, resting the controller on her stomach. She lifted her legs up in the air, the legs on her trousers sliding down,...

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