Chapter Twelve

Story by Alice In Wonderland on SoFurry

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#13 of The Roommate

When lunchtime came around, Kyle immediately sought out Bel's company, insisting that the ursine eat with him. Bel was still a little startled from his encounter with Hiro, but since he could never refuse Kyle anything, he found himself sitting at the secretary desk sharing lunch with his persistent co-worker.

"So did you have fun yesterday?" Kyle asked.

Bel swallowed a bite of food and smiled. "Yes, Ky. You already called last night and asked me that."

"Well I just want to make sure." Kyle put a friendly paw on Bel's shoulder. "I'm a nice person and I just want to make you happy. You really should stop letting Hiro persuade you into spending time with him." He laughed. "I can't believe I used to have sex with that midget."

Bel stared at the lupine in surprise. "You did?"

Kyle shrugged indifferently. "I'm lonely and he's pretty attractive for a creepy little boss."

Curiosity entered Bel's mind, begging to be satisfied. He tried his best to keep his mouth closed but found that the words just wouldn't stay inside him. "So did you... enjoy it?"

"Do you mean, was he any good? Sure he was. He isn't short everywhere, it turns out." Kyle still had his paw on the other male's shoulder and started to gently rub him in a comforting way. "Why do you ask, Bel? Are you curious about what it's like? I'll show you if you want me to."

Bel wondered if there was some conspiracy going on against him. First Hiro plainly stated that he wanted to have sex with him, and now Kyle was making the same offer. He had never had so much of a social life before and felt even more overwhelmed than before. "That's nice, Ky, but you don't need to offer."

"But I want to," the taller fur insisted. "I can't let some shallow, uncaring person get to you first and take your virginity away. Your first time should be with someone who really likes you, someone who's your friend! I'll be really gentle with you, I promise!"

Bel took a gulp of water to stop himself from either blushing or looking dismayed. "Maybe I'll think about it."

"Thank you!" Kyle face lit up happily. "I know you'll be good at this, Bel. You just need the right person to teach you, and I'm definitely that person."

Bel hadn't made any definite promises to Kyle or Hiro, but he now felt like he owed something to both males. Kyle had took him to the amusement park, and provided good companionship. Bel wanted to show his gratitude, so why not give Kyle something that he appeared to want badly? Bel wasn't ready to make up his mind but would have to do it soon if he didn't want to be confused and uncertain forever.

He tactfully changed the subject and mentioned how good his lunch was, which brought the conversation to a much less troubling subject. He was unaware that Kyle watched him, becoming impatient for some action. Declaring no more sex with Hiro was a deed that Kyle was starting to regret.

Oscuro looked at his watch and wondered how much longer he would be trapped at work. Lunch had ended long ago, but there was still more than half an hour left until he could go home. He hadn't seen Xaver all day, opting to give the poor feline some space, and wondered if hours of peace had improved Xaver's mood at all.

He suddenly wondered how long it had been since the last time he had sex with someone. Oscuro was sure that it had been quite a while. The thought of sexual pleasure made him desire it and he was tempted to go into the bathroom for a few minutes and get his cock acquainted with his paw. It wouldn't be the first time he did that at work.

The bathroom door was in front of him before he even realized he had been walking towards it. He just needed a few minutes of alone time, and then hopefully he would be able to take his mind off sex for at least a few hours.

When he opened the restroom door and walked inside, Die felt dismayed at first because there was somebody inside the room. He would have preferred to be alone and thought of casually walking out before any real notice was taken of him.

The bathroom's other occupant turned his head around and Oscuro saw that it was Kyle. That wasn't so bad then. Kyle wouldn't be disturbed at him jerking off in a toilet stall, since he was no stranger to what Oscuro was about to touch. It had been a long time since Oscuro had last had sex with Kyle and seeing him was a pleasant surprise.

Kyle gave a rather guilty smile. "Hey, Oscuro. What are you doing in here?"

Oscuro shrugged. "It's nothing much. I just need to take care of something. Damn nature."

"I think we're both here for the same reason," Kyle guessed. "Getting horny at work is always hard. And a quick trip to the bathroom doesn't really satisfy much."

"Yeah," Oscuro agreed. Suddenly he got an idea. He could relieve his sexual frustration and provoke Xaver at the same time. He smiled at Kyle. "How about you come over to my place tonight and let me cure your sexual frustration? I'll call you."

"Sure!" Kyle agreed. "I don't have anything better to do tonight, so I might as well come over. I can fix your sex problems in exchange!"

Oscuro no longer felt the need to masturbate and felt excited instead. "I'll see you later then." He left the bathroom in a good mood and actually felt motivated to sit down and do his work. He imagined how startled Xaver was going to be later on and laughed out loud to himself. It was going to be a fun night.

Xaver was amazed and wondered if he was dreaming, because he was actually having a fairly good day. He half-expected Oscuro to randomly go up and annoy him when he least expected it, but there had been no sign of the Grey-haired deers existence. Aside from Hiro's disturbing "gift" of lube, things were going right.

When it was time for work to get out, Xaver's level of happiness started to drop. He would be forced to be in close proximity with Oscuro once more, without a break of solitude until the next day of work. He had to admit that he exaggerated and Oscuro wasn't quite that terrible, but he was still thoroughly tired of the other male.

He could easily exit the building, hop on a bus, and go home. No one would be able to stop him and he would be free.

He glanced around and saw that nobody was looking at him, or even in his direction. In his mind, Xaver imagined getting up out of his seat and happily walking outside, but his body wouldn't move.

Xaver had had plenty of opportunities to escape, actually. It was tempting each time, but he was repeatedly held back by a desire to appear brave. Plus, all of his belongings were in Oscuro's apartment. Being a paranoid person made Xaver very possessive of his things.

"Damn it," he swore to himself. Perhaps he was a coward for not running away when he had the perfect chance to. He couldn't explain it, but he just couldn't bring himself to suddenly walk out on the agreement without any warning.

A paw suddenly touching him on the shoulder made Xaver yelp out loud. "Who's there?"

Oscuro started laughing at the look on Xaver's face. "Unfortunately for you, I'm here to intrude on your personal space again. Did you have a good day without me?"

"Of course I did. I had more peace today then I had in the last two days combined. Can't you just leave me behind and go home by yourself? I've decided I like this place now."

"No, you're getting in the car with me." Oscuro poked the feline. "Look happier. I'm going to be occupied tonight, leaving you by yourself with more of that solitude you like so much." He smiled mysteriously. "I can't promise complete quiet though."

"Why? Where are you going to keep you busy?" Xaver asked, curious. His spirits rose a little bit.

"I'm not going anywhere and I'm not saying anything more until we get home. You'll just have to wait and see." Oscuro started walking towards the entrance of the building and carefully made sure that Xaver was following him the entire time. He exercised the same surveillance while traveling through the parking lot and finally relaxed when he and Xaver were both inside his car.

Throughout the car ride, Xaver squirmed impatiently with both excitement and unease. He didn't like it when Oscuro kept secrets from him. Anything in the world could happen and Xaver was unprepared through his ignorance. Of course, yesterday he thought they were embarking on a sinister journey, when Oscuro was only taking him on an innocent ride in his car in an attempt to ease his nerves. Perhaps worrying was pointless.

When Oscuro and Xaver got out of the car and went inside Oscuro's apartment, Oscuro went to his own room and left a grateful Xaver by himself in the living room. Maybe everything was taking a change for the better and Oscuro would keep to himself for the remainder of the month.

The rest of the day went by and steadily progressed into evening. Xaver and Oscuro had an early dinner and dined separately like the previous two nights. After Oscuro finished his meal he pulled out his cell phone and called up Kyle.

Kyle picked up the phone after the first ring. "Hello?"

"Kyle, it's Oscuro. Ready to come over?"

"I've been ready for hours. I'll be over as soon as possible." Kyle hung up with a click.

Oscuro put his phone away with a big smile on his face. Now it was time to seek out Xaver and break the wonderful news to him. Xaver had finished eating his dinner and sat on the living room couch watching television, looking bored out of his mind. Oscuro wondered if the feline would soon grow tired of such tedious behavior and decide to be more social. Spending every single day doing nothing of importance for hours at a time would drive a sane person mad after a while.

Oscuro stood in front of the television, blocking it, and grinned down at Xaver in a wickedly happy way. "Xaver, guess what?"

Xaver scooted over on the couch and tried to look past Oscuro in order to see the television screen. "Hey, you're blocking my view. Move out of the way."

"Don't you want to hear what I have to tell you?" Oscuro asked, refusing to alter his standing position.

Xaver sighed. "What's your special, important news?"

"Do you know who Kyle is?"

"Everybody knows who Kyle is. He's the useless, cross-dressing secretary who fools around with evil short guys in order to keep his job. What's so significant about him?"

"He's coming over tonight!"

Xaver glanced around as if expecting Kyle to suddenly come jumping in through a window. "Why?"

"Because he wants to," Oscuro answered. "Maybe if you didn't shun company, you would understand. You know, Xaver, years from now you're going to turn out to be one of those crazy elderly people who live all alone, collecting old news papers and what not."

"I am not," Xaver retorted. "That's stupid."

"Think what you want, Xaver. " Before the big cat could become further angered and hurl some sort of comeback at him, Oscuro left the living room and loitered around the front door of the apartment, wondering when Kyle would arrive. With all the stress caused by Xaver, he definitely needed somebody to please him and Kyle's performances in the bedroom were never a disappointment.

A knock on the door nearly made Oscuro's cock jump up in excitement. He answered the door and found Kyle in front of him with an equally anticipation-filled smile on his face. "It's been a while since I was last here."

"Yeah, it has." Oscuro shut the door and put an arm around the cervine's waist as he walked him through the apartment. "I've got a temporary roommate here, you know. Since you seem to be on good terms with Hiro physically, you may have heard about Xaver."

"Hiro and I aren't on very good terms anymore, actually," Kyle corrected. "That's partially the reason why I'm here tonight."

"Well the important thing is, Xaver is in my home right now and it would be fun to embarrass him." Oscuro kept his voice low, not wanting to be overheard by the subject of the conversation. "He's probably in the living room, so I'll bring you in there to say hello. Try to disturb him as much as possible."

"Okay!" Kyle happily agreed. He loved a good joke and anything that promised a bit of fun.

Xaver was still on the couch, just as Oscuro suspected he would be. "Hey Xaver, Kyle's here. We're going to be spending time in my bedroom, so try not to disturb us."

"It should be the other way around, moron," Xaver said. "You always disturb me."

"Damn you, Xaver. You're so lucky to live with Oscuro!" Kyle exclaimed. "I would be spreading my legs constantly if I lived here!" He let out an exaggerated giggle.

Xaver frowned in annoyance and tried not to let his discomfort show. "Oscuro, you said I would get solitude tonight. Did you lie to me?"

"No. I'll leave you alone now, you whiner." Oscuro took hold of Kyle's paw and gave Xaver a friendly farewell smile. "If you get too bored, you can always come to my room and join in." He left the living room with Kyle and burst into laughter as soon as he reached his bedroom.

"So basically you enjoy making that guy's life a living hell," Kyle commented.

Oscuro calmed down and stopped laughing. "No, I like Xaver and I try to make him happier, but sometimes I just can't help teasing him. I want to provoke him into getting used to me, which means he has to adjust to my hobbies and lifestyle. This is my apartment after all and I can do what I want." Instead of shutting the door, he left it half-open.

"Aren't you closing the door all the way?" Kyle asked, his ears folding back slightly.

"And make it harder for Xaver to hear us? Of course not." Oscuro sat down on the bed and pulled the other male onto his lap. His entire body was rapidly filling up with heat from being close to Kyle and he gave him a fierce, sudden kiss on the mouth, wasting no time getting started. His cock had no patience and grew hard against Kyle.

Oscuro pulled his mouth away and stripped Kyle's shirt off for him. Kyle returned the favor and removed Oscuro's shirt, flinging it so that it landed right in the half-open doorway. Smiling like a child opening a present, Kyle then helped Oscuro out of his pants and boxers. Once Oscuro's erection was exposed, Kyle gave it an affectionate stroke and loudly cried, "OSCURO, IT'S SO BIG!"

Oscuro had to force himself not to laugh too hard, for fear of falling off the bed. "That was a good one. I hope Xaver heard you."

Kyle stripped his own pants off, revealing that he wore nothing underneath. He crawled across the bed and posed on it, waiting for the major fun to start. "Oscuro, I'm getting impatient."

"Sorry." After glancing at the door to make sure it was still half-open, Oscuro scooted over to Kyle, grabbed his legs, and spread them apart. Kyle shivered slightly, almost overwhelmed by his eagerness. Oscuro knew his arousal would start to ache soon if he didn't ease it in a timely manner. He slid himself inside Kyle, causing the younger male to let out a small gasp, and moved slowly at first, savoring the fact that his sexual deprivation was being cured.

"Harder, Oscuro," Kyle begged. He thought twice about it, smiled, and repeated himself louder. "AH! HARDER, Oscuro!"

Oscuro thrust himself in faster, hard enough to get a moan from Kyle that wasn't fake or acted out. It felt wonderful to hear Kyle make such sounds for him, and Oscuro kept moving, finding a perfect pace that was hard and fast without being rough.

Meanwhile, Xaver was still trying to watch television. He heard some noises coming from Oscuro's room, but tried to ignore it and turned the television volume up louder. Now he was plagued with the excruciating need to use the bathroom, and as much as he wished to stay right where he was, he knew he couldn't possibly hold himself any longer.

He got off the couch and headed for the bathroom, realizing he would have to walk past Oscuro's room in order to get there. As he grew closer to that particular location, he saw that Oscuro's door was partially open, and the noises were much, much louder. Xaver heard what was unmistakably a series of moans, coming from Kyle without a doubt.

"Oscuro, your cock is the best!" Kyle cried out.

Xaver froze, rendered immobile by shock, his ears perked up in attention, the tip of his tail twitching nervously. He knew he was hearing things that should be private and longed to quickly dash back to the safety of the living room. But the bathroom was so close, and he felt about ready to piss his pants. He hadn't used a toilet since that morning.

Mustering up his bravery, Xaver tried to shut out the disturbing sounds and walked past Oscuro's room. As if the loud activity within was like a magnet, Xaver's eyes were curiously drawn inside the room, wanting just a quick glance.

Oscuro was naked on the bed, on top of an equally nude Kyle, eagerly joining with the lupine's body. That one glance was enough to freeze Xaver again. He looked away and felt his face go warm with embarrassment. He felt shamed, guilty, and also angry. How completely stupid of Oscuro and Kyle to noisily engage in obscene acts and rudely leave the door open so that a innocent passerby could be horrified. Xaver wanted to throw a tantrum and run into the room, yelling, "Stop that, you motherfuckers!"

A raving psychopath may have done such a thing, but Xaver wasn't quite crazy enough. His heart was pounding rapidly and he was still in shock, but he forced himself to move forward in order to get the outrageous scene out of his range of sight.

It was then that he realized the front of his pants were wet and warm. He had pissed himself after all, provoked by the shocking moment he had just gone through. "Shit," he cursed quietly. He felt like a little kid. He happened to catch a glimpse of Oscuro and Kyle screwing each other senseless and wet himself in fear. How mature of him.

Xaver made a rush to the bathroom and immediately pulled his pants down to clean himself up. He didn't even bother locking the door, since he knew perfectly well how busy Oscuro was at the moment.

He would need to change his pants and underwear, since there was no way he was going to walk around in his wet, uncomfortable, soiled clothes. He took toilet paper and scrubbed at his pants as best as he could and then put them back on. He was faced with another problem. In order to get to his luggage, he would be forced to go past Oscuro's room again. Perhaps he would just close his eyes and run.

Oh, damn it, he couldn't get it out of his mind. Kyle crying out while Oscuro pleasured him. Oscuro with all of his clothes off, shoving his cock inside Kyle. Xaver clapped a hand over his eyes, as if it would shield him from the mental images. He needed a distraction, and he needed it as soon as possible. The best thing to do was to hurry out of the bathroom and find something productive to do.

Xaver opened up the door and took a deep breath. As disturbing as it was, the ordeal wasn't really that bad and he could go through it a second time. He was an adult after all, not some child accidentally catching his parents having sex.

Enough thoughts. He needed to start walking.

"Oscuro!" Kyle gasped, still on Oscuro's bed. He felt himself getting close to release and willed the other man to help.

Oscuro continued moving in and out, sure that he was close to being satisfied as well. The entire room felt hot and he tried not to breathe so hard. He counted the number of times he entered Kyle. One... two... three... fourâ€" "Ah!" Oscuro exclaimed. At last. Whiteness came rushing out of him and out of Kyle as well, perhaps at the same time. Oscuro let himself go limp on the bed and held Kyle against him, still desiring physical closeness.

Oscuro glanced towards the door and thought he saw something dart past. He smiled and patted Kyle on the head. "Do you think we terrified Xaver?"

"I hope so," the dark lupine replied. "Poor Xaver though. If you ever manage to get him into bed with you, I want a turn with him. I bet I could cheer him up."

Oscuro sighed. "The day I see Xaver having a good time here is the end of the world."