The new kid Pt. 3

Story by Addykatz on SoFurry

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#14 of One Shots

Hi! This story is pt. 3 of a little series about a jock wolf and his deaf fox boyfriend. I hope everything is up to par and tagged correctly. :3

It's a bit short and quick, wanted to finish it before leaving for Califur! wooooooooo! Please let me know if you liked it with a comment/vote/fav/watch or let me know if you didn't! If you have any request's I'd be happy to do them as I'm still looking for practice! Thanks for reading <3

The new kid Pt 3

Just like that it was over. Looking back if you had blinked you would have missed it. High school was nearly over and this was the second to last week of classes. Tyler, a black wolf and star player of the school's baseball team, had managed to bring his deaf boyfriend Blake, a brown fox and new student, into his clique. Tyler used to defend Blake from bullies but they were now popular enough on campus that no one really picked on either of them.

There weren't many openly gay furs in their school, Tyler and Blake broke that mold. They had been allowed to attend prom together and stole the spotlight. Tyler's jock friends and acquaintances supported him so Blake felt pretty safe hanging around them, he hadn't felt bullied in months. Even without Tyler present Blake had a charm that others found appealing. Blake would often mingle in Tyler's circle even though he couldn't hear; he read body language well enough to react at just the right time.

Friday night came and there was a party being thrown by the swim team's captain at a ranch on the edge of town. Tyler picked Blake up around 7 P.M. and they headed over. On the way Tyler enjoyed his brand of music while Blake had reclined his seat back and stuck his bare foot paws up on the dash to take a nap. When they arrived there were already some furs there. Tyler tickled his boyfriend's foot to get his attention. Blake jerked his leg back and glared at the wolf. Tyler laughed and shooed Blake out of the car after turning it off. They walked up to the ranch house and entered. Blake tapped Tyler's paw and pointed his muzzle towards a group of their friends. Tyler nodded and Blake headed over, leaving Tyler to find the party's host.

Jeremy, a quirky otter was head of the swim team and it was his uncle's ranch. Tyler found him on the back porch and patted his shoulder.

"Damn, why didn't you tell me you had such a sweet place?" Tyler asked.

"It's my uncle's actually, he's on a business trip. I'm just lucky his trip was near the end of school so we can party." the otter's facial expressions were animated. It's part of what made him such an interesting character. Even if you were telling him the dullest story alive he'd spice it up by interjecting or looking intrigued.

"Nice... fire pit too? You know someone's going to fall in that right?" Tyler joked and leaned against the porch railing.

"No way... well maybe... my uncle also left a ton of booze," Jeremy laughed and grabbed Tyler's arm, "come check this out." the otter walked down the porch steps and over to a cooler. Tyler stood beside him while it opened, their eyes both went wide even though Jeremy already knew what it was; the otter mimicked Tyler's excitement.

"Yo, come on lets open some!"

"Whoa, easy there alcoholic, wait till the party starts. It looks like your boyfriend needs some attention too." the otter pointed back up at the porch where Blake was waiting with his paws on his hips.

"Ah shit." Tyler said, walking up to the porch defeated. Jeremy watched on in amazement as the two of them communicated in a flurry of paw motions. Blake patted the wolf's head and wandered back inside, his tail swaying softly with his hips. They had already agreed not to drink tonight. Tyler's head lowered for a moment, like a husband who had been whipped by his wife.

"How? I mean... just... what?" Jeremy asked.

"It's not so hard, he taught me a lot but I'm still working on it." Tyler said, referring to his sign language skills.

"Not hard? Looked pretty damn hard to me. I doubt I'd ever be able to do anything like that." Jeremy said. Tyler rolled his eyes, knowing his friend was fishing for compliments.

"You could, anybody can, or Blake would have no one to talk to." Tyler started to walk upstairs when Jeremy's paw grabbed his arm.

"Please don't." the wolf said because he knew what was coming.

"I just want you to know that I'm sorry, it's hard to see you with someone else."

"I get it, can we move on? You were the one that cheated on me Jer, remember?" Tyler sighed pulled his arm free from the otter.

"Yeah, I guess I'm just a little jealous."

Tyler wasn't sure how to respond so he just shrugged and headed inside. Jeremy headed off defeated to a group outside. Blake was surrounded by women in the kitchen, leaning against the counters and giggling like crazy. Tyler walked over to join and the giggling quickly stopped, a few of them blushed.

"What's going on over here?" he asked, folding his arms.

"Nothing, just a little gossip." one of them replied.

"Uh huh." Tyler looked at Blake who was also blushing a little. Blake pointed at Jeremy through the window and signed something to Tyler. The wolf shook his head from side to side. Blake had told him that the otter he was talking to was cute. The girls giggled again when Tyler realized what they were talking about.

"He said Jeremy was cute so we had to tell him you two used to date." one said.

"It's hilarious don't you think Tyler?" another teased.

"You guys are terrible, did you tell him why we stopped dating?" the wolf asked.

"No, we figured you better be the one to break the news."

"Gee, how kind of you." Tyler said sarcastically. Blake raised his paws, asking Tyler what happened. The wolf shook his head again in reply, refusing to go into it. He changed the subject to gossip about something else.

As more guests showed up and the evening went on things got a little crazy. Tyler and Blake both stayed away from alcohol and stuck together during the night. Jeremy hung around them, trying to discretely regain Tyler's favor. Someone had also burned themselves in the fire pit by midnight just like Tyler said. By two or three in the morning people were leaving or falling asleep around the property. Almost all the alcohol had been drunk or taken. Blake, Tyler, Jeremy and two others were hanging out around the fire pit when Jeremy had an idea.

"Hey anyone want to watch a movie?" the otter asked with a wasted smile.

"Oh my god that sounds great! Do you have blankets?" one of the girls asked.

"You know it, come on I'll put on a scary movie." Jeremy stood and knocked his lawn chair over on accident. Everyone giggled and headed inside with the exception of Blake and Tyler. The two signed to each other, Tyler made sure Blake wanted to stay and watch. The fox agreed and they headed inside, Tyler held his paw on Blake's butt as the fox hopped up the steps and went inside. Jeremy threw them a blanket and they sat down on the floor in front of a couch.

The others were around the room and Jeremy was laying on the couch behind Tyler and Blake. The wolf's back was against it for support and his legs were spread to let Blake sit between them in front of him. Blake scooted back into his boyfriend and leaned against him as the movie started. Blake covered them with the blanket and felt Tyler's arms wrap around his waist to hold him. Tyler's muzzle rested on Blake's shoulder as they watched the movie.

Not long into it Blake felt something against his backside, he couldn't help but smile and turn his muzzle to briefly brush Tyler's. Tyler licked the fox's cheek in response, knowing his boyfriend could feel his arousal pressing against him. Close contact like this always made the wolf horny. He couldn't do anything about it so he tried to sit still and enjoy the movie. Blake wiggled slightly, knowing it would tease his wolf. The blanket was a bed cover so it hid their movements and the fox's own tent; Tyler still found it without much effort though. Moving his paws from Blake's tummy and into his shorts was all it took.

Now Tyler was in control, he had tried to resist this while surrounded by other furs but Blake had teased him. He squeezed his boyfriend's shaft but the fox kept silent, aware they shouldn't be doing this here. The only response Tyler got was a faint pulse through Blake's member. He subtly squeezed, pawed and teased his boyfriend's trapped erection.

Blake was struggling to stay still, his cock had grown slowly thicker in Tyler's paw until his knot had formed. The wolf was using it against him, forming a ring with his paw and slowly slipping it back and forth over his knot. Blake could feel the wolf's cock trapped behind him and longed for it. He hated not being able to tell Tyler how much he wanted it as he sat still. The blanket moved slightly as Blake wiggled his toes, nearing his orgasm.

The wolf's paw kept a tight grip on him and kept pumping over him slowly. The fox's pre-cum had been spread by Tyler's paw and if he moved too quick the sounds of a slick paw job might have alerted the others. Tyler could tell his mate was close, his other paw was on Blake's chest holding him still. Tyler could feel his quick heart rate through his chest and through his member.

Without a squeak Tyler got what he was after, his boyfriends cock throbbed in his paw, shooting cum down the fox's leg. They both stayed silent as Tyler gently rubbed Blake's chest. He licked the fox's cheek again as he held him. Blake was still, trying to concentrate on keeping quiet as he was milked. Once his boyfriends cock had stopped twitching Tyler looked around subtly. It looked like no one had noticed, the other two had fallen asleep but Jeremy was awake.

They exchanged glances and Tyler noticed something out of the corner of his eye. The otter's paw was moving quickly out of view. Tyler's eyes grew wide, realizing the otter must have known and that he had just given his ex a free show. Blake was still between the wolf's legs and Tyler hoped he had fallen asleep. Jeremy put his paw on Tyler's shoulder, when Tyler lifted his head he saw the otter had slid his shorts down and was pawing quickly.

He should have looked away but something about the otter's un-knotted cock always intrigued him; his eyes were glued to his ex's pink member. Jeremy squeezed his shoulder and looked at the wolf with needy eyes. Again the wolf knew what he wanted, he sighed softly and slowly pulled his cum covered paw from his boyfriend's shorts. Jeremy had always been a cum slut, it was his biggest kink and Tyler couldn't resist offering up his mate's cum.

The wolf held his paw up to Jeremy's lips and the otter inhaled deeply before licking his paw clean. Tyler's eyes were locked on the otter's paw as it worked quickly over his member. The otter was almost done cleaning Tyler's paw when he moaned softly and pulled his shirt up, he aimed his cock towards his smooth, toned stomach and his seed shot across his fur in thick ropes. It reduced to a drizzle quickly as he finished. Tyler retracted his paw and smiled a little as Jeremy finished and began licking his own paw clean.

Tyler turned back around and kissed Blake's cheek. He felt guilty but wasn't sure what to do, he decided not to wake the fox and held him until the sun came up. It took him a long time to fall asleep sitting but his body eventually gave in.

The New Kid Pt. 4

The new kid Pt 4 Deep into the summer after graduation Tyler and Blake decided to take a camping trip together with some friends. They would be separating for college so they were trying to spend as much time together as possible. Their group was...

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