Pop My Balloon, Cheetara!

Story by Abraxas_Ren on SoFurry

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"Earth: Pop My Balloon, Cheetara!" by Abraxas (2009-08-21)

citrus_taste, kink, #16, "toys"

The balloon, filled with air, deflated through Cheetara's fingers and ruffled about the white and black mane of Bengali.

Exhausted, soft and limp, it crumbled into a wad of rubber within the woman's grasp.

The youth sighed, eyes rolling with ecstasy, and stood to straddle the cheetah between his legs.

How it started - who knew, who cared. It was simply a kink she learned as a teenager among those boys of Thundera. She imported the treat into Third Earth where it languished unsatisfied, frustrated by a lack of cooperation among the men. Liono could not find any pleasure with it. Tygra thought it was odd and treated it like a condition to be analyzed. Panthro just did not get it....

It was not until Bengali appeared that Cheetara found another youth appreciative of that ritual.

It was akin to a toy used to gratify. It was very unusual, though, the toy and the feelings of pleasure it generated. It required a bit of practice. But the cheetah always knew sex and its expression was a function of the mind and not the body and, if willing and able, a partner could be trained....

When Cheetara smelt Bengali's urges she acted quickly to mold the tiger - if the other Thundercat males got a hold of the youth his exposure to their proclivities would have closed his mind to her kind of play.

The truth was the tiger was not exactly a virgin yet the inexperience could not be denied.

The toy was part of the fun right at the start of their seduction.

It was night when Cheetara and Bengali sat watch at the top of the tower. While they chatted she noticed a pile of balloons - the remains of Snarfer's birthday party. She grasped a robust, pink balloon and bounced it about. He noticed and tried to take a balloon but they slipped through his grip.

The conversation lulled and she brought up the subject of the Amazonians and the time he seemed to be spending among those warrior women. Sitting, again, suddenly he blushed and fidgeted. Giggling, as if playing along with the discomfort, she let her balloon fall onto his lap. She pressed it against his crotch. He, reflexively, spread wide his legs.

Within the space opened between his thighs that balloon fit snug.

"And what did I stir up?" she asked through whisper.

Cheetara pinched the balloon's knotted tip. Then, slowly, while Bengali's eyes followed transfixed, she slid her fingers up and down its squeaky rubber skin. The long, fat balloon quivered with each and every stroke. Until she played with its tip, again, and it burst into wads of latex.

That move proved to be the key that unlocked a passion only their child-like play sated. He craved the toy and the way she used it. It was stand-in, accentuator, magnifier. The game was the center of the act they shared where it was the intermediate between bodies - it made the act of touching, flesh to flesh, all nasty and exciting as if forbidden.

Bengali dropped his loincloth and uncovered the region where his genitals ought to be. Cheetara gazed - the youth was not yet aroused so the flesh was nestled within tufts of white and black fur. Invisible. Except to a woman's judging eyes....

Overwhelmed by urges fomenting between her legs, she grasped his hips and shoved his crotch into her face. Against her cheek she felt his warm, firm tip. His length started to unfurl and sputter. She drew away, still squeezing and holding onto his cheeks, and watched as his rough, pink organ poked through the fuzz.

Cheetara blew into a balloon while Bengali stroked her mane. When full of air she only pinched its tip. Then she rubbed it along the fur between the tiger's thighs. She felt, vicariously though the rubber, the youth transform from soft to hard - it weighed against the toy and stunted its motion.

She brought the balloon onto his sac so that the penis lay against the latex.

"Grow big for mommy, baby," she cooed, kissing its shaft. She loosened her pinch of the balloon and let air escape to brush against his tip. "Like that, yeah, bigger, bigger, you can do it, baby."

"I'm almost there," he replied, biting his lip, tearing out of the corner of his eye. "Oh, gods, I'm swelling up - Cheetara - I'm swelling long and fat...for you....."

Again Cheetara turned the balloon onto Bengali's penis. Stroking its length. Patting its tip. It stood horizontal - and she lathered the glans with the rubber until the whole of the head what enveloped by the toy. It popped and the youth replied with a shudder. The woman replied with a chuckle. She kissed where the flesh was reddened by the burst and the tiger repeated that head to toe jerk.

Another balloon. Another round of attention given to the pink glossy tip swollen with dew. It was leaking a stream of excitement when the toy met its end - and it was the cheetah who shuddered at the climax.

And a third - and a fourth - balloon followed. The tiger gasped while she moaned and groaned and squiggled, drawing tightly her thighs against her sweaty, hot lips. She roared as the toys yipped their pop.

By the tenth balloon his knees were weak and buckling. His toes were curling, their claws were digging a steady rent into the floor. His body was tensing, its skin was rubbing rhythmically against the woman.

When that balloon met Bengali's tip, like a pair of lips falling into a kiss, it exploded and a wad of white splattered against Cheetara's face.

The cheetah held the tiger's thighs and watched rapt while a puddle formed between her own two legs....

The rest of the youth's orgasm followed like jerking, bucking fountain with the flow falling onto the scraps of rubber.


Tygra, I Pwn You Forever!

"Water: Tygra, I Pwn You Forever!" by Abraxas (2009-08-20) citrus\_taste, kink, #22, "Honey Dust" I wait until the dead of night to make my move. As I crawl out of the bedroom into the passage, my palms sweat, my breath races. Despite this,...

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Esnovelotoris Amateuris

**Disclaimer: I don't own the Thundercats, I don't profit by this in any way, shape or form. This is written simply for my own, personal (disturbed?) amusement. (Applies for all chapters!)** **ESNOVELOTORIS AMATEURIS** _(The...

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