Pop My Balloon, Cheetara!

"Earth: Pop My Balloon, Cheetara!" by Abraxas (2009-08-21) citrus\_taste, kink, #16, "toys" The balloon, filled with air, deflated through Cheetara's fingers and ruffled about the white and black mane of Bengali. Exhausted, soft and...

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Tygra, I Pwn You Forever!

"Water: Tygra, I Pwn You Forever!" by Abraxas (2009-08-20) citrus\_taste, kink, #22, "Honey Dust" I wait until the dead of night to make my move. As I crawl out of the bedroom into the passage, my palms sweat, my breath races. Despite this,...

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Esnovelotoris Amateuris

**Disclaimer: I don't own the Thundercats, I don't profit by this in any way, shape or form. This is written simply for my own, personal (disturbed?) amusement. (Applies for all chapters!)** **ESNOVELOTORIS AMATEURIS** _(The...

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