The Unintended Curse

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#1 of The Unintended Curse

THE UNINTENDED CURSE Ch. 1 I look back on my life and curse the day that my life had been taken away from me. "It's all that damned Elf's fault." I said irritably as I moved through the local town. Hoping against hope to find some trace or stray word of said elf that had done this to me. The new body I was in was to thin which meant that I was cramped and was to frail. I felt much freer when I was in my original form, my blob form. That's right. I'm a blob monster. Your probably wondering what I'm really talking about when I say that I'm in a new body. Well the fact is, this body that I currently reside in, isn't my own. From what I can recall, it belongs to a local farm boy that unfortunately happened across my path one day. Now mind you, I don't like what I have to do to move quickly around the area, especially since I have to take over the body of someone else, but in my blob form I can't move that quickly. Plus, if I stay in one place for very long I exhaust the food supply or the animals and creatures that I pray upon get wary of me or avoid the area. So in order for me to try and find the elf that cursed me (and to move quickly to a new hunting ground), I have to take over the body of things that come across my path. The only drawback to taking over someone/things body is that I can only take control of a body for a short amount of time, (Sometimes a day or less) before my blob body starts to eat away at my host/body that I'm in. "The things I have to put up with just to find that stupid elf." I said under my breath as I could already feel this frail human boys body start to break down from the inside out. Now your probably wondering how I got into this mess in the first place. How I got cursed and turned into this...this MONSTER. When I look back at the incident, I can't help but feel either empathy to the elf or curse at the elf who flung the curse that hit me. Though I really shouldn't blame the elf. After all she was being attacked by that band of raider/bandits at the time and didn't know who I was or what I was doing there. * * *


  • * * I'd come from a rather decent sized village deep in the mountains (At least for a village in the mountains). The village though small was a happy one. Most of the men in the village tolled away in the mines, while the women would be left to do most of the other things around the town. Which included the sale of precious stones or such that came from said mine. To say that the men were the same as the dwarves of legends wouldn't be to far off the mark, as many of the men were small in stature and loved to work underground. I was just a young lad at the time, happy to be lost to my imagination most of the time. I would either be off on a grand adventure or rescuing a damsel in distress with my wooden sword from a the jaws of danger. I never fancied the stones the people of the town seemed so fascinated with, and would often times wonder into the local woods to fight off a dragon or two. Though that wasn't to say that I was an ungrateful/rebellious youth. Whenever I wasn't off defeating a band of bandits to make the town safe again, I would often be found helping the local women in their work. Though many of the women of the village did the delicate work with the metals and stones, they all had their different specialties. Once the raw stones would be removed from the earth and placed in the town square to be bartered off, the women would come out to the town square, barter for the stones that best suited their craft, then return to their homes to toil away at the stones. It is here that I found that I could help the local women with their work. After watching the women choosing their preferred stones, I thought that I could help lighten their burden and pick out the stones myself and deliver them to the proper lady. So once I started helping out with this task, I was of course, ‘All Thumbs'. I'd either pick the wrong stone and deliver it to the wrong smith or something of the like. It took some time, but after a while I was finally able to choose the right stone for the proper smith and deliver them. Though that was my younger part of my past life. I think it's about the time when I told you how I ended up like, this. Several years had passed and I was quite good at my task, but often times I would sneak away and allow my imagination to run away with me. It was on one of these trips to the forest that I heard something strange. The sound was of some kind of fight. I of course could here several people shout, but what caught me the most off guard was the light show that followed. Thinking it was just my imagination again, I continued to play with my sword. That was until the sounds got louder that I realized that it really wasn't my imagination. The fist thought that was ran through my mind, was I was about to finally be able to rescue a beautiful damsel in distress. So rushing deeper into the forest I came upon a... I looked the situation over several times but couldn't describe it. The scene before my eyes could register in my brain as I was still a child. What I saw was a group of several men, about five in total crouched around something. They hadn't noticed me yet so I decided to check and see what was going on. So sneaking around the group that were pretty well hidden within the trees, I finally saw one that looked like he was holding something down, but at the same time he had his pants down. "Can you believe our luck boys. We've actually come across an elfin wench." The man that was crouching down with his pants down said as he laughed with a superior tone. The whole group seemed to be dressed in matching cloths. ‘That way it would be harder to know who they were.' Each wore a light green long sleeved shirt, a deep green vest, brown pants, a black strip of cloth over their mouths, and some sort of bluish amulet around their necks. "You said it boss." Said the man to his right. "I've heard that if you ever get the chance to be with an elfin women, it puts all the other women that you've been with to shame." To which all the other men either agreed or laughed in a superior tone. "That's right boys. And we've got one here under our control." Said the boss. "So we can take our time with this one and we all can have a go at her." Just then I heard a maiden scream. "You will do no such thing." Said the maiden. "If you don't release me this instant, I cast such a curse on you all that you'll pray for death." This got the group to laugh. Then the sound of a slap filled the air. "You stupid wench. I know all about you elves." I saw him nod to one of his men. The man removed his scarf and tied it around something then stood back up. "You elves need to have a direct line of sight to curse something." The man chuckled. "Now that you blinded. You can't do a thing. Plus with these magic amulets, you weren't even able to land a single spell on us." He laughed but stopped just as quickly as he'd started. "And now it's play-time boys." At this I knew that the maiden was in trouble and if I didn't do something quick, who knows what these men would do to this now helpless elfish maiden. ‘If I save her from these men, she might reward me with a wish or something.' I thought as I smiled to myself. So with little thought to my own safety, I rushed into the group and started swinging my wooden sword at the kidnappers. Though I was able to get their leader off the pinned elf, he was still to big to do any real damage to with my stick, as I flung it around hoping to hurt these evil men with my eyes closed. It was on one of these swings that I must have accidentally hit the elf. She then sat up and quickly removed the cloth from her eyes. I guess being at the mercy of these bad men and me accidentally hitting her must have given her the wrong impression of me, as I felt something slam into my back. Though whatever hit my back didn't feel like a hand or a sword, it felt like a blast of wind. When I turned and looked over my shoulder, I was able to see that the elf was pointing a finger at me with her deep blue eyes wide open. "Oh no. What have I done?" She said as she covered her mouth in shock. It was at that moment I was able to see her clearly for the first time. She had long silver hair that could have easily reached down to her waist, deep green wrist guards that reached from her elbows and ended at points that attached to her middle finger in a gold ring, a lighter green cloth that was cut a little low so as if to show off her decent sized chests, and a deep green chocker. The whole outfit was trimmed in gold that weaved around each of the garments. I would have loved to see what the rest of her outfit looked like, but for some reason I started to feel very warm. At first I thought that it was because I'd not only seen an elf for the first time, but I thought that I was in love. Then the warmth started to spread but quickly started to increase in temperature. It got to such a point that it really began to hurt. I turned to the men and reached out a hand to them. "It hurts." I didn't get the last word out as my whole body began to feel like it was on fire. The men didn't say a word as they watched me slowly boil. Just then I heard their lead yell, and I did as well. For as I reached out to the men, I noticed that the tips of my fingers had started to turn into this see through silver like glop. I also noticed that I'd lost all feeling from those fingers and the feeling was quickly starting to spread. I turned and looked towards the elf, only to see that she no longer had the look of shock on her face, it was now a look of the deepest pity. "What have you done to me?" I said as I reached out to her instead. Though she opened her mouth to say something, the words were lost as I could no longer hear anything. It must have been at that point that my ears had also gone the way of my fingers, and turned into that glop. When I turned to look back at the men, they had all taken to heel and quick ran deeper into the woods. Obviously fearing what I was turning into. The last thing that I saw before the pain sent me to off into the darkness, was the elfish maiden mouthing the words, ‘I'm sorry'. Then all went black. Though before my mind shut down on me I had one last thought. ‘Is this what happens when you try and save an elfish maiden instead of a regular maiden?'