Behemoth Bets

Story by Thunderdramon on SoFurry

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#45 of Story Commissions

And a commission for Iron99! I've seen this guy's commissions before and been a good fan of a lot of them. Happy to have my hand at a big coyote. <3

"Ugh, again! Stupid machine!"

Iron's frustrated cry caught the attention of the several other players next to him. The earth colored coyote slumped in his bright red spinning chair, the colorful lights and displays in front of him showing three different signs; an enormous red 7, a bundle of cherries and a banana. He'd lost again. This one felt less stressful since he didn't put so much money into the machine, but the fact that he'd been going minus on each slot machine he tried today was beginning to wear on his nerve. Iron's ears flattened a bit as he stared at his own reflection on the bright screen.

Vegas was not treating him as well as he thought it would. He glanced back at the chaotic atmosphere of the casino he and his friend decided to try out for the night. Something about the various amounts of big folks here had drawn the two to this one. Iron had never been to a place like Las Vegas in his entire life, so he didn't know if that was supposed to be normal or not. The other casinos that he and Booker went along to purely to check out on their first day here was full of animals both old and young. This one had been full to the brim with beefcakes or folks that wanted to be them. When he arrived here, Iron noticed a small tiger wearing a muscle shirt that was clearly too big for his absurdly small frame with his belt on the last notch just to keep his shorts up.

Maybe it was a themed casino or something? Iron didn't think on it much. He let out another dejected sigh as he put in what were his last few bits of money for the day into the slot machine. Maybe he'd get lucky this time. He grabbed the lever above the machine and cranked it down. His heart raced rapidly, the different symbols and logos flashing by his eyes. The three slots slowly began to stop their rapid movement one by one. The first one landed on a bright red 7. Iron stared at the screen a bit more intently. The next slot stopped at another 7.

"Come on...Come on..." Iron edged himself towards the screen, his fingers crossed. His tail slowly started to wag in preemptive excitement. If he won the jackpot, it'd make up for all of today. The coyote felt like the last slot toyed with his emotions. As it began to slow down and stop, it occasionally stopped on different logos before it faked out and continued going. The last few seconds dragged on for Iron until the last slot had finally stopped...on banana.

"No!" Iron cried.

He slammed his small fists onto the screen repeatedly. The coyote was rather skinny for about five feet, so he wasn't worried about breaking the machine. He honestly wanted to bash it into bits, he was so close! This time, Iron let out a yell as the machine deposited a voucher for $20, a pure modicum of what he actually spent. Tails and ear sagging, Iron jumped off the seat before heading on his way to cash out the voucher. At the very least, he got something out of the time here. He was beginning to count himself lucky that he didn't waste a lot more money today. As the coyote dragged his paws on the lush red carpet, he wondered how his friend did today. If Iron had been down on his luck, maybe Booker hadn't been faring so well.

That thought went right out of his brain as he found his dingo friend holding several vouchers with a smile on his face. The yellow furred Booker waved towards Iron near the check out clerk's counter, ushering him to come over a bit faster. Iron smiled gently in response.

"Hey Iron! How'd you do?" Booker started with a broad smile plastered across his face. "I didn't know I was this lucky today, I made back all my money and then some!"

"Not so good here." Iron grumbled, holding up his one voucher. "I think it was a pity win, but it's something."

Booker frowned a bit, patting his coyote friend on the shoulder. "Eesh, I'm sorry. You want to split whatever I get, so it's not a total loss?"

"No, it's fine, you won, you should keep it. I'll be fine. "Iron nodded. Even if they'd originally planned to split their profits, it wouldn't have felt right. He didn't want to sap on the dingo's luck just because he was unfortunate enough to lose most of his spending money.

The coyote flicked the voucher between his hands before he heard a triumphant yell pierce through the loud sounds of the casino. One of the doors near the check out clerk's counter slammed open. Out of it came one of the biggest animals Booker and Iron had ever seen in their lives. A cream colored corgi strutted from the door, or rather waddled out due to how large he was. Canines like him were generally a lot smaller....much smaller than the titan that emerged from the mysterious door. His biceps looked permanently flexed as veins idly pulsed along the peaks, traveling from his arms to his white furred chest. Two hefty slabs of pectoral meat were only barely hidden due to the tattered remains of what used to be his sweater vest. As he guffawed and flexed, every bit him bulged larger. Thankfully, he seemed to be equipped with a pair of black shorts that hugged his tree trunk quads, the corgi's legs just as bulky as rest of him to support such a giant. He stomped away into the sea of slot machines and playing wheels, all eyes directed towards him until someone else stepped out.

A tiny, meek, red skinned dragon stepped out from the door way after the giant. He wore, or rather, had a white tanktop draped over his front as it dragged along the ground along with khaki shorts. He didn't seem to be terribly tall. Iron figured that he could probably loom over him by a good margin, even if he was around five feet. The stark difference of the two beings that came out of that room had Booker and Iron staring almost a bit too much before a cough caught their attention.

"So I guess you two are interested in cashing your wins? Or do you want to play what they did?" The clerk's voice caught their attention. Neither of the two paid much attention to the guy, mostly because of what happened. When they did, Iron and Booker noticed the yellow furred and spotted otter grinning at them from the other side of the counter, his anchor themed ear piercing glinting in the sun. The lithe looking male was dressed in a black tuxedo with a white undershirt and sported exceptionally long ears, almost like that of a kangaroo if they looked at them close enough.

"Um...Yes? What are they playing, I've been seeing folks like that all day," Iron said.

The clerk's smile stayed on his face as he ushered them to lean in a bit. "Well, there's a few other rooms after that door. That's where we keep our 'special' machines and all. Just have to ask to get in, no other place like it in Vegas. If you want in, just say the word and I'll take ya." He said.

Iron nodded, glancing back at Booker for a moment. The idea sounded pretty fun. He couldn't deny that there was some truth in what the otter said after seeing what he saw. If they had to bet money, he would just leave right then and there. The coyote gave another nod. The clerk's bursting into a tiny dance behind the counter.

"Wonderful! And your friend?" The clerk nudged a finger towards Booker.

"Eh, I think I'll tag out for today," Booker said with a shrug. "I think I've been pushing my luck a bit too far, wouldn't want to risk anything I mind losing. Just be okay, yeah? I'll see you back at the hotel room." He finished.

Iron stared at his friend before nodding. The two exchanged a handshake and a 'see ya later' as Booker headed to find another place to cash his winnings while Iron followed the otter to the door. The clerk continued through the door, taking Iron through a seemingly long hallway filled to the brim with lights. The hallway itself was filled with various doorways before he finally stopped at a door at random. Iron glanced around slowly with a raised brow. Just where was he exactly taking him? It didn't feel that far from the actual casino, he could hear the sounds and music that flooded the room he was just in before the otter opened the door to the room.

"And here we are; welcome to Behemoth Bets." The otter said cheerfully.

The door opened to reveal a seemingly normal casino room; rows upon rows filled with slot machines, tables for poker games and blackjack all put in a room with a bright blue hue compared to the overly bright red back where Iron was. The only difference was in the clientele. Iron saw folks of all shapes and sizes, literally. Muscled titans as far as the eye could see, each one bigger or taller than the last contrasted by tiny folks having enough trouble fitting into their own seats, let alone seeing over the table.

"As you're probably wondering, we don't bet money here. We bet sizes. Muscles, height, weight, you name it, we got it." The otter clerk crooned.

Iron blinked rapidly. This was crazy. No, this was impossible. There was no way a place like could exist under everyone's noses. But his brain told him otherwise, he'd seen the results of what this place churned out all day without even knowing it. Iron took a deep, confident breath before he stepped inside the new casino area. After doing so, he looked down at himself in confusion.

"Wait...if you bet size, what can I even bet that's worth anything?" Iron asked the clerk.

The otter shrugged his shoulders. "Your height seems good enough. You could always bet it and turn it into anything else. Best of luck, friend." He snickered as he walked through the doorway, closing the entrance behind him, leaving Iron in the sea of titans and tinies.

Okay, he had an idea of how this place operated...but what was he going to play? He wanted somewhere he wouldn't be bothered or had to play against someone else. Back in the first part of the casino, Iron had avoided every game that needed two players. He felt better losing to a machine more than anything. The idea of giving his size to someone else didn't feel right at all, so his only option was the slot machine.

"Let's hope this works out better than before."

Iron took a deep breath as he settled himself upon a cushioned navy blue seat. The slot machine, unlike the ones back in the other side of the casino, had been giant and muscle themed. Towering behemoths bulging with muscle decorated the sides and top of the machine. Admittedly, the thought of being that large gave Iron a smile on his face. He'd been almost painfully average sized for most of his life. If he did manage to win, he could go back to the hotel room and jokingly play around with Booker with his newfound size.

If he won, that is.

After placing a finger along the touch screen of the machine, he betted how much size he would give if he lost. If he won, he'd get double the amount back or at least a fraction more of what he put. For now, he settled with two feet. Being shorter didn't really set any problems for Iron. The only thing he'd have to do was go shopping for new clothes. After confirming his amount, he glanced towards the crank of the slot machine and slowly pressed it downward. The machine began to let out a myriad of sounds as the three slots went through different numbers at a rapid pace enough to confuse the coyote as to what they were. His heart raced with every second that passed by until the first slot began to slow down.

The first one slowly landed upon a x6. Soon enough, the second number began to slow down. It also revealed a x6 as well. Iron crossed his fingers, staring intently at the third spinning wheel.

"Come on...Papa Iron needs some new luck today." He whispered. The coyote's tail stayed straight as he waited for the last number to finally stop. When it did, he let out a sigh of relief. It also landed on a x6! He'd actually won something for once today, and on the first try! The coyote let out a whoop as he wiggled in his chair slightly. Iron figured, in a normal casino, this was the part where he'd get his voucher for his money. Upon the reminder that this in fact, was not a normal casino, he wondered, how did he get his payout?

The question faded as soon as it came. A jolt of electricity erupted from underneath his seat, making the coyote yelp in surprise. It felt more like someone pinching his butt out of nowhere than anything painful. Iron blinked rapidly, fully expecting something else to happen. But it didn't. He sat there for a few seconds, the same jolt traveling throughout his body in the form of goose bumps along the skin under his fur. He shuddered in his seat before he felt his muscles twitching and flaring out on their own. His lithe body didn't have much to show in the way of muscle, but before long, Iron could see biceps poking out from under his shirt sleeve. His legs began to fill out his shorts more, quads and arms thickening outward. His chest flared and heaved with every breath he took, the coyote letting out a deep and content growl as he stood there and grew.

He never knew that winning felt so....good. He hadn't noticed the sound, or sensation of bones popping and restructuring for his slowly accelerating height, but he certainly felt it. The pain was masked by a warmth that blanketed his body. Iron's ears splayed outward, his tail slowly wagging as he'd gained foot after foot of height. He filled out more and more of the lush, circular seat, his muscles finally beginning to show as he made it to ten feet tall. The coyote resembled more of a light-weight bodybuilder, his defined chest, abdomen and arms out in the open for all to see. His shorts and shirt clung tightly to his frame, eventually forcing Iron to tear off his shirt with a frown. Maybe he should have played with someone; at the very least he could have asked for their clothes. But something told him he wasn't going to be fitting in anything very soon. His quads continued bulking up more and more, gently forcing his legs apart from their own girth.

Each deep breath was accompanied by a swell here, a flex there. Soon, the light-weight coyote was slowly being replaced a tank. Iron's muscle definition had begun to fade, favoring more of the general soft bulk that he'd seen other folks with today. The warm blanket of power that wrapped around his frame felt amazing. The constant surge of his muscles, the power beneath his growing, almost twenty foot frame was too much to let go.

He had to have more.

The coyote grunted and leaned forward, betting everything he was in the process of gaining for another shot at more size. The warmth continued to flood Iron, his muscle size still increasing. At close to seventeen feet tall, he towered over the slot machines and then some. It was still a miracle that the chair was able to take his constant fluctuating size. Only a butt cheek was able to take up the space of the poor seat, his burly fingers stumbling over the screen before he grabbed at the lever with but a few fingers. He slammed it down, blinking at the sudden strength, his own strength. His bicep flared and peaked, veins gently pulsing along the surface. The motion had caused a loud, groaning metallic sound to go through the casino. Iron stared at the slot machine, then the lever that belong to the slot machine currently in his hand.

"Um...woops." Iron bellowed sheepishly.

In some futile effort, the enormous, muscle-bound coyote attempted to put the lever back in its place. Electricity crackled from the now broken machine, but for some reason, the wheels kept on spinning until each of them landed on a letter called "EXP". It appeared three times along the screen, and before long, another jolt of electricity rocked through Iron's body. He growled in delight. Maybe he didn't break the machine after all. He couldn't tell how much he'd won, but it felt very big. The warmth that coated the coyote began to envelop him more and more, the strength almost intoxicating. Every bit of his fuzzy body burst with size and muscle. His pecs expanded outward, gaining enough heft and bulk to casually nuzzle the bottom of Iron's chin. With each breath, his torso became defined and chiseled before it became flooded with muscle. A clear six pack was shown underneath his fluff, complimented by the adonis-like waist his sported, leading down to his tree trunk legs. His paws covered more and more space, each clawed digit slowly tearing up the carpet underneath with ease. Iron's head had already poked past the machines and now hovered dangerously near the lighting systems.

"Yes..." Iron's voice rumbled throughout the room.

The sounds of music and voices had ceased once the swelling coyote came into view of everyone. Merriment had been replaced with confusion, curiosity, and slight envy. Was this supposed to be part of the festiveness? No one in the room had gotten that big before, was it even possible? Some of the casino goers simply cheered as they made space for the growing 'yote as Iron's muscles continued flaring and gaining size by leaps and bounds, as if they detected any sort of free space and demanded they take it up. Within a few minutes, Iron found himself hunkering downward as his ears grazed along the ceiling, and soon his entire head. Even as he sat down, his legs were constantly grinding up along each other, forcing him to knock his knees against the slot machines until he propelled larger in size. The casino room had been equipped with a ceiling high enough for even the tallest giant that spawned from their winnings. But nothing had prepared itself for a constantly growing coyote.

Iron's head burst through the ceiling, daylight piercing from the hole made as if it were tissue paper. Soon, the coyote's mountainous traps and hulking neck were next. Then, the fuzzy boulders that supplied Iron's shoulders tore through, debris falling from the remains of the ceiling. After realizing that collateral damage was inevitable, Iron decided to embrace his size.

Slowly, the titanic coyote stood upward, tail wagging viciously as his legs knocked away the slot machines. The sounds of yelling from underneath him didn't factor in from the ever consistent swell of bliss that took his frame and continued to propel it to the size of buildings. The now two story coyote burst out of the building with an explosion of muscle. His prior bodybuilder frame began to give way to pure mass. His chest continued expanding upward and outward, resembling two large pieces of steaks that hung along his chest, each pectoral rising and heaving ever larger and mashing itself against Iron's muzzle.

Iron's bulked up a considerable amount, his triceps soon fighting against his biceps for space as the immeasurable peaks flexed higher and higher. His head sat upon the wide expanse that used to be his neck and shoulders, the constantly building muscle now giving the coyote a true hulking look as his neck disappeared into the vastness of his traps, each of them just gently looming above his head, his shoulders now with the width and thickness of wrecking balls. As he stood at his full height, he could only barely look downwards into the streets of Vegas. When Iron had arrived here, numerous replicas of landmarks from other countries and cities littered the area. Now, he stood heads above them all. Buildings near the casino space were tumbled over by his swelling quads. The bulges of his legs had now forced the coyote to stand with his legs spread far as he could, but he couldn't deny that the sensation of them always mashing and grinding against another felt heavenly.

Teardrop shaped calves now stood in the middle of the street, accompanied by titanic coyote paws that left craters in the two lane streets. Each digit towered over any eighteen wheeler truck, his claws cutting through the concrete like knives. Soon, those enormous paws began to lift upward. The debris that stuck to the bottom pad of his paws rained down to the floor as Iron began to make room for himself. However, his body seemed to do that already. Unprompted, his body began to tremble with quakes that rumbled along the ground. His height began to catch up with him as Iron's exaggerated proportions began to disappear in the wake of his swelling once more. The hulking coyote expanded upward and upward, buildings now as large as one of his toes, the bright lights of Vegas disappearing from his already limited view due to his pectorals. Nothing but the desert land of Nevada greeted the coyote as he began to grow hundreds of feet at a time.

Before Iron was even graced with a moment to enjoy his size, it all came rushing to him again. The familiar sensation had the now mile tall coyote grinning in delight as his muscles flared and flexed, returning him to his former state of hyper musculature. The feeling of mashing and bulging against himself was something he missed, even if it had been mere seconds ago. Iron began to lift up his paws to move himself over into the desert. In the same time, another surge of growth hit him, giving Vegas a nice view of padded coyote paws flooding part of the city in darkness and falling debris as he made his way over to the desert.

With a quaking thud, Iron laid across the vast desert, legs spread and arms forced to his sides. The obscene amounts of muscle he built made him unable to bend his arms slightly, revealing lats wide enough for the coyote to try flying with if he had the ability to. The overbearing expanse and hills of his back rolled and flexed with each moment he grew. One mile turned into several miles at time, the behemoth 'yote never losing his exaggerated proportions.

If anything, it felt like utter bliss. The huge mountains that served as his fluffy pectorals mashed up against his face, his traps keeping his head up, forcing him to constantly nuzzle against the beefy, always swelling mounds of coyote muscle. He rubbed a hand along his abdomen, rumbling contently at the mounds that made up his abs. Each of them were striated and separate enough that he could probably irrigate water with them if his furry coat hadn't been in the way. The combination of fuzz and muscle had Iron's tail wagging, the coyote huffing into himself the entire time. The nigh-infinite feeling of growing upon growing kept him pinned on the spot as he filled up more and more of the desert.

Even while sitting, Vegas had become nothing but a marginally destroyed city, covered by the ever expanding shadow of the coyote. The heels of his feet quaked along the ground, the pads and toes displayed for all in the city to see. His toes curled and flexed, the city looming toes growing larger and larger with each passing second. Even beyond the sight of his toes, anyone in the neighboring cities would see a massive, muscle-bound coyote taking up the horizon, and soon his mass would bulldoze into said neighboring cites as he grew again.

Half an hour later, Iron took up the entire state of Nevada with nary a move as he sat back along the state, his muscle mass burying everything underneath him. He growled, each snort from his nostrils blowing away the clouds in the vicinity. With a grin plastered on his face, it didn't take long for his paws and back to soon tackle in and smother the neighboring states. If things continued, the entire country would be evenly smothered under a never ending fuzz fest of muscle-bound coyote.

And Iron was perfectly okay with that. If this was his bad luck running amok, he would have loved to see what his good luck brought.

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