[Gift] Duplex's Relief

Story by TeamPlasma70 on SoFurry

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This is a story gift for my bro, Dupe.

Duplex under a lot of stress lately due to the misunderstanding of a local guild in the city until her meets a purple marsupial who helps him with his ordeal with his primary weakness.

Duplex is © to .

Story/Rachel is © to me.

**This is a gift for my bro, Dupe.

I own an OC and he owns his.**

________________________________________ Duplex's Relief

It is a late Friday summer afternoon and the sun was setting making the sky into an orange color. Duplex the dox hybrid is roaming the streets where he was muttering in annoyance. He ended up caught in a bad situation where he got in trouble with a certain gang he wasn't familiar with but it was a misunderstanding so he was let off easy.

"Dammit... What the hell was that about? Dumb guild jerks..." Dupe said in a bitter tone

The dox continues walking in the city until he reached a bad part of the neighborhood where thieves, thugs and other bad folks live. He continues on until he sees a purple marsupial checking out her tattered clothes. This got the hybrid curious and trots over to her.

"Rude-ass monkeys... Shame they their asses beat otha wise I woulda kill 'em." The roo stated while putting her red fedora and blue jacket back on.

"Ya know, this rough neighborhood isn't welcome to females much." Dupe started with a smirk.

"An whaddaya know 'bout this hood, mutt?" The roo asked the dox as she turned to look at him.

"Plenty. There's a roguish group called the 'Fangs'." The dox stated about the rough group.

"I've heard about 'em. Not many people like 'em. I nevah liked them..." The roo said bitterly.

"Me neither... I used to be in their gang but quit." The dox replied in the same manner as her.

"Ya got balls, mate. What's yer name?" The roo asked in interest.

"Name's Duplex but my friends call me, Dupe for short." The dox introduced his name.

"Name's Rachel Tuzzle Legsworth. Fer short, I'm called Rach or Rachie in a way by my friends and family." The roo explained also.

"Nice name... But your last name... Legsworth? How-" The dox was cut off by the marsupial.

"Take a good look at my legs an' foot, mutt." The roo said as extends a foot into the dox's face.

"We roos have powahful legs an' feet. Ain't no one tough enough ta challenge us roos... Well, except some dogs maybe." She finished while blushing at the thought.

"Uh... Y-Yeah...impressive..." The dox replied weakly as he is mesmerized by the marsupial's foot.

"But I mean... I have an unusual weakness ta dogs... I love 'em a lot if they're not ya know...cruel an' sadistic an' all that jazz..." The roo stated some more.

"Yeah... I can see that..." The dox replied once more slightly drooling.

"Hmm? Oh, mah bad, mate." The roo apologized as she removes her foot from the dox's face. "So ya get what I was sayin'?" She asked once more.

"Huh? Oh! Yes! Beautifully...I understand beautifully..." The hybrid replied as he snapped out of his hypnotic state. "Well, I gotta get goin'. Cya, drooly!" The roo said as she hops away.

Dupe shakes his head wipes away his drool with his paws only to growl in annoyance.

"Aw, man... That roo had some sexy paws..." The dox said as he watches the roo bounce away. "No scratch that... That roo has sexy paws and a delicious bod." He said while licking his chops unaware his cock is slightly poking out of his sheathe. ________________________________________ Sometime later, the sky got dark and Rachel had just gone inside an abandoned building for the night. She looks around the area and spot an elevator surprised to see it still works. The roo grins in delight as she presses the button to wait unaware the she's being followed by a mysterious canine. The canine steps on a broken board piece which alarms the purple doe.

"What the-? Who's there?!" Rachel demanded with as she sees a hybrid walking up to her.

"Oh, it's you, mutt boy." The roo said as she calmed down slightly.

"And I thought I have anger issues." Dupe snarked at the female.

"Watchit, bloke. Ya don't wanna mess with me." The roo warned the dox.

"Easy... I like rough roos ya know." The dox reassured her.

"Thanks, mate. Ya know, ya remind me of a friend of mine." The roo replied as she sees the elevator arrives.

"Friend?" The dox asked.

"He's a vampiric wolf. Plazm." The roo said as she enters the elevator.

"I'd love to meet him someday." The dox as he enters the elevator.

The roo pressed the button to go to the 3rd floor of the abandoned building. As soon as the doors close, the roo stares at the dox for a bit and turns her head quickly. Dupe notices this and stares at the marsupial.

"You OK, Rach?" The dox asked in concern.

"Uh...yeah..." The roo replied lost in her thought as she sees the elevator stop and opens.

The mammals came out of the elevator and went their separate ways until the dox decided to follow the roo. Rachel reached a room where it has only one bed and took off her jacket, collar and hat to discard them on the floor. The roo flops onto the bed on her stomach feeling exhausted while unaware that she was followed by Duplex. The hybrid spots the roo's paws hanging to the floor and crept slowly towards the unsuspecting doe. He licks his chops and slowly laps at the roo's feet which made the latter laugh a little from the canine's tickling.

"Hey...that tickles..." The roo said in her laughs.

Duplex sees this and licks her paws some more which made the kangaroo laugh even louder. Rachel turns to see the hybrid licking at her big feet with bliss.

"So ya like mah paws, huh?" The roo asked which surprises the canine.

"Sorry. I have a major weakness for paws." The dox admitted with a blush.

"Ah, don't worry, mutt. I have a majah weakness fer ya mutts. Yer so cute an' cuddly at times." The roo admitted as she turns around and sat on the bed.

"You love dogs and I love paws, nice." The hybrid commented.

"True. An' there's somethin' else too." The marsupial replied by grabbing the dox and places him on his back on the bed as the latter yelps in shock. "I wanted ta give ya a special treatment." She finished as she places her feet on the bed.

"And that is?" The canine asked wanting to know.

The marsupial places her feet on the hybrid's groin and rubs the area making the canine pant in pleasure. She sees this and grins while making her rubs more firm causing the dox to moan loudly as his claws dug into the old mattress. Rachel sees the canine's cock emerging from his sheath and becoming fully erect and moves her feet onto the hybrid's cock to firmly message it. Duplex whines as the kangaroo caresses his doghood which made the canine pants in bliss and pleasure.

"Way to work your paws..." Dupe compliemented on the footjob.

"Thanks, mate." Rachel replied back.

The dox growls slightly as he now firmly places his toes on the bed as the roo kept rubbing his cock. Rachel rubs a little harder as the canine's cock is slightly leaking pre. Dupe looks and sees his cock leaking a few drops of pre indicating that he'll cum very soon. The marsupial grins while the canine leaks more pre coating the latter's cock and her paws slightly. Unable to take this anymore, Dupe growls as his instincts take over and jumps to grab the roo with his teeth and tosses her onto the bed on her belly exposing her rump. "Sorry but I'm not gonna waste my seed through a little footjob... I wanna waste them inside you, big feet." The dox said in a stern tone as he moves the roo's tail out of the way and jams his pre-covered doghood inside the purple marsupial's vagina. Rachel yelps and moans as the dox plows her pussy hard as he dug his claws into the kangaroo's waist.

"Ooh... Someone's a roughie." The roo teased with a grin.

Dupe grins toothily and goes even deeper and harder inside the roo making the latter moan in bliss. The roo coils her tail around the dox and murrs deeply. The hybrid continues to plow her until he stops only to turn the roo over on her back and continues to plow her some more as the bed squeaks from the rhythmic thrusts of the canine. Rachel grips the bed tightly as she felt one of her legs being lifted up by the dox who then licks the sole of the roo which made the latter chuckle in breathes while being plowed.

"Oooh... Don't stop, doxboy..." The roo urged in breathes.

"Grrr... Never my intention, Legsy." The dox replied as kept licking at the roo's foot while rutting her senseless.

Dupe soon felt his cock forming a knot as he is getting close to cumming inside the marsupial.

"Shit... I'm getting close..." The dox cursed while feeling his member throbbing.

Rachel had the same feeling also and curls her toes as she quickly came onto the hybrid's doghood as she silently cursed at herself for cumming so soon instead of going at it the same time as the dox. The hybrid continues to plow the roo harder with his cock covered in the marsupial's juices and kept on licking at the roo's feet. Sometime later, the dox gripped the roo's legs tighter and howls loudly as he cums deeply inside the marsupial while shoving his knot in. The hybrid lets go of the roo's legs and collapses on top her as both mammals breathes heavily in their afterglow.

"That...was...amazin', muttboy..." Rachel breathed out with a smile.

"Ya damn right it was..." Duplex breathed out with a smile.

"Ya dogs...always love...bein' rough..." The roo said once more.

"Well...that's what...we do..." The dox started. "Besides...I needed...that... I was under a lot stress lately." He finished as he got his breath together.

"No problem... Thanks fer the paw treatment, Dupe." The roo thanked the hybrid.

"Anytime and also... It's gonna be a while..." The dox said as he blushes about his knot being inside the roo.

"Eh... Don't worry 'bout it... I've been rutted by Plazm evahry now an' then so...it's no big deal." The roo reassured the dox.

"The perks of you being a dog lover, huh?" The dox teased.

"The perks of ya bein' a paw lover, huh?" The roo teased back.

The two mammals glared at each other and started to laugh about their weaknesses for a good 5 minutes. Sometime later, the dox pulled out his now flaccid cock and nuzzles the roo as they both fell asleep blissfully while spending the night in the old abandoned hotel safe in each other's care.

[Gift] Lunar Eclipse Love

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