An Otter and His Pup

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#1 of The Compelling Corruption

The Compelling Corruption 1 - An Otter and His Pup

Regan sat at his computer trying to catch up on the work he had missed while on vacation with his wife in the Caribbean. He had to come home two days early to finish a presentation for work; a diagram of how landfills were polluting the oceans and beaches with large coastal populations. He was head of the environmentalist board, ironically being a river otter only helped push his point further when talking about the pollution of oceans and rivers. His fingers flew over the keyboard, paw shifting the mouse to re-size the graph on the screen, but when the front door came bursting open he accidentally clicked the backspace button and deleted the graph.

Groaning slightly as he rolled his eyes, he wanted to finish before his son came home from school to have a little alone time with the porn on his computer but that fantasy came crashing down as his son came running into his lap, tears setting dark spots into his khaki work pants. The twelve year old otter sobbed into his lap.

"Dustin, what's wrong?" The otter said sounding truly concerned. Another reason he had come home early was that his son had been having a rough time staying at his friend's house for a whole week; he got homesick sometimes and missed his parents. "Have a bad day?"

The otter looked up, cheeks soaked with tears and shining bright red through his fur; he must have run all the way home. They only lived ten blocks from the middle school and the otter usually liked walking home after school. Dustin went to open his mouth to explain his apparent distress but the words didn't seem to come. He shook his head as an alternative source of portrayal.

"If you didn't have a bad day then what's got you so worked up buddy?" Regan asked patting the pup on his back trying to sooth his distressed son. A strange smell wafted up from the pup, one Regan couldn't recognize but it had a distinct muskiness but he figured it was just from the boy running all the way home. Again Dustin tried to talk but could only cough and suck in deep breaths only to have them quiver as they were released in short sobs. "Hey, hey, it's ok." The adult otter said taking his son into a hug. "It's alright, just calm down first, then you can tell me then, okay."

The younger otter held onto his father's work shirt as large arms enclosed around him. He shuddered for a moment as if frightened, as if he feared being held, then slowly hugged back, paws clutching around his middle. Regan hugged his son as he silently cried into his shirt, he slowly stopped shaking and when he figured the tears might have stopped he gently pulled back and held the otter and arms length; paws on his adolescently narrow shoulders.

"Now, you think you can tell me what happened?" The otter asked searching the younger otter's eyes. They were red from the tears but the otter slowly nodded. "You don't have to rush." Dustin nodded again slowly, the boy had a tendency to try and talk fast when upset, but so did other twelve year old boys.

"You know how I have P.E. at the end of the day." The boy spoke, his voice shaking though he remained quite still. Regan nodded and waited for the pup to continue. "Well, Mr. McGregor wanted me to bring in all the balls after we were done playing basketball, I like helping out teachers so I said yes. When I was done everyone had already changed and was starting to leave the locker room."

Dustin shivered as he recalled the moments leading up to whatever it was that had made him so shook up. Regan waited for the boy to take a moment's pause before he continued; his eyes drifting to the floor as he spoke, clearly ashamed of something. Regan figured one of the other cubs as his school had given him a hard time or something but couldn't think of something that could work him up so badly.

"I got to my locker and had gotten all my clothes of, e-except my boxers," the boy said adding a little too much emphasis on the last few words. "I was about to step into my shorts when Mr. McGregor came and... and thanked me for bringing in the balls."

The pup shivered again, closing his eyes tightly as if recalling something horrible. Regan was almost confused when suddenly he felt his insides drop as a sickening scenario popped into his head. He stared at his son and waited until he spoke again. "He came and put a paw on my shoulder, he told me he needed another favor. I said sure and went to finish putting my cloths on but he stopped me, saying that I was fine the way I was. He sat on the bench and started to touch me, his paws went to my underwear and...and...and..."

Tears began to flood from the pups eyes again as emotion overtook him once again. Regan took his son into another hug, patting the boys back as he cried. He visualized an orange tiger paw as it came down on his boy's unclothed body. It was enough to make him sick, he didn't know what happened next in his son's story but nothing good could happen from this, he was sure of it. Fighting back his nausea he softly spoke into his son's ear as he held him.

"As much as it might be painful I need to know what happened next, Dustin." The older otter asked calmly, fury rising up in his throat. "I need to know if he made you touch him or if he touched you down there."

Dustin sniffed back a hiccup and took a deep rattling breath. "He undid his pants and... and made me u-use my m-mouth. I told him I didn't want to but he said if I didn't he would hurt me."

His son's words hurt him, each syllable burning a hole into his soul and opening up old wounds from his own past. It was simply ironic that Regan himself had been raped by a classmate when he was younger, a tiger named Rolland on the football team who had cornered him in the empty locker room after school had gotten out. It had forced him to work out in the months and years that followed so he could defend himself in case another incident like that arose. It was because of this that he wasn't just another skinny otter, though short, about five six he could easily bench two hundred and fifty pounds.

Regan tried to push his own ancient problems out of his head to concentrate on his son, he only feared the boy hadn't been violated, or to put in simpler terms, fucked.

"I didn't want to get hurt so I did what he said until he did that thing you told me about two years ago, about the white stuff." Dustin sobbed as he recalled the traumatic incident. Regan felt the vomit rising in his throat and had to swallow to prevent himself from throwing up. He noticed now the hard clumps of fur in on the boys head rubbing against his cheek as he comforted his son, the musk from earlier and the crusty fur; it was cum, tiger cum. Regan pulled his head from the boy, and stared down at the abused pup.

"He didn't do anything else, did he?" The otter slowly shook his head. Regan's first thought was to call the police, he even went so far as to reach for the phone but the thought of Rolland and what he had done to him all those years ago came flooding back into his head. The fur that had done this to Dustin was a tiger, and though while he surely wasn't Rolland, what he did to his son was just as vile. He set the phone down. "You came straight home right? Do you think he might still be there?"

Dustin slowly nodded but looked hesitant and Regan noticed this. "When I said I'd tell my dad on him he told me to make sure I did."

Regan didn't know how this made him feel, angry, disgusted, sick, and dizzy, it could have been all those things as one repulsive agglomeration. The coach had not only violated his son but was now taunting him to do something about it, he didn't even know the tiger, and he had never met him when they had gone to his open house at school as a family.

He suddenly knew what he was going to do; he raced down the hall after telling his son to wait a moment. He grabbed a paw-towel from the hall closet and after holding it under hot water brought it back to his son who hadn't moved, though his paws were held up against his chest like he didn't know what to do with them. He took the towel and rubbed it through his son's fur, wiping up the dried cum the best he could. When he was finished he looked into his boy's eyes, staring fatherly, though it was far from a smile, he still hoped to convey solace with it.

"Come on, I'll go 'talk' with this tiger and give him a piece of my mind before we call the police ok." His son just nodded at the comment but attentively followed him after he retrieved his keys to the car. They drove in silence from the time the car left the driveway until they reached the side of the school where the locker rooms were. It was only a four minute drive with two stop lights and Regan barely had enough time to sort out his thought before the school came into view. Regan parked and half led and half followed his son as they made their way to the double doors that marked the lockers, one door still propped open.

"Do you want to wait outside?" Regan asked his pup who clung to his leg like a bur in a sock. Dustin just shook his head and held fast. The father just nodded and patted his head as they entered. It was empty; students having left nearly an hour ago now, but the lights in the office were still on. Regan felt his knuckles go white and his paws turned to fists. He wasn't going to throw a punch right away, but he never knew if the tiger would attack after finding out why he was here. The fact that he had told his son to tell his father about what had happened worried him, why would someone not try and cover something like this up?

When they reached the office it too was empty except for a single tiger in an office chair, reclining as he shuffled through a magazine, his back to them, foot paws propped up on the desk in front of him. To Regan's horror it was a boy's underwear catalog, why anyone would make a boy's underwear catalog was beyond him but the fact of the matter was that the tiger was a pervert, a pervert who had taken advantage of his son.

"Hey, fuck face." Regan growled the first thing that came to his mind as he held his son behind him with his paw. The tiger jumped and dropped the catalog, turning around to find the otter by the door. He was one big kitty but Regan was sure he could take him if it came to it. "Where the fuck do you get off fucking around with children?"

The tiger looked at the otter like he had no idea what he was talking about but when he noticed the smaller one standing behind his father like a cornered mouse the tiger's expression changed drastically. He smiled; he actually had the nerve to grin like the situation was funny. He stood when he spotted the smaller otter and chuckled as he stretched, standing a good foot above the otter but this didn't intimidate Regan one bit.

"I take it you're Regan Grey." The tiger said taking a few step towards them, He was wearing a white tank top with a gym logo on it, the neck was wide and showed off the tiger's snowy white chest fur. Regan would have considered the shirt too revealing to be worn by a middle school gym teacher. "And that little pipsqueak behind you is your son."

"Fuck you," Regan said taking a step closer, puffing out his chest a bit. One couldn't really tell with the baggy dress shirt but the otter had muscle and he wasn't afraid to use it for revenge. "Answer my question you fucking scum bag. What makes you think you can touch my child; you wouldn't do it to your own child."

"On the contrary, It'd be kinda nice to have a piece of ass around the house twenty four seven." The tiger said laughing deeply to the joke he made.

"You sick fuck, you're lucky I haven't called the police yet." Regan spat, his words hardly having an effect of the tiger and he shifted from one foot paw to the other as if board.

"Sorry Regan my buddy but that would be much help." The tiger grunted and he pointed towards a second door behind him with his thumb, a sign on it read staff only. There was a flushing sound before the door opened to reveal a bear two times the size of the otter. He was dressed in all black and wore a badge on the front of his burly chest that had the initials PSPD. "Gregory here's the head chief of the child predator section at the county office. You call the police on me and your claim will get lost no matter how much evidence you provide them."

Regan's eyes widened as the bear looked over the two standing in the doorway. Regan gritted his teeth, the pedophile had, as far as it seemed, authority to do, pun intended, anything or anyone he wanted. Dustin shivered behind him as the bear in uniform came closer, Regan didn't know but the bear had done class demonstrations on how saying no to strangers was important, he had even taken some of the kids aside to give private lessons, teaching them exactly what would be wrong by giving step by step examples. Regan thought he could take the tiger alone but the bear was huge, and two against one was an understatement, he certainly counted as three furs.

"This the kid you told me about." The bear asked the tiger with a lazy voice. If Regan didn't know any better he would have said the Bear was on drugs; Narcotics to be more precise. The way he swayed, the way his words just fell from his mouth like drool told the otter that he was as crooked a cop as they came. "He's cute; too bad you don't like sloppy seconds cuz I'd love to pop his butt cherry."

"No one's going to do anything to my son." Regan growled, the comment infuriated him, he would have run up on the bear if he was alone but he knew he would be thoroughly thrashed between the two of them, even if the bear was on smack. The tiger just laughed and shook his head.

"Then what did you bring him here for Regan buddy?" The tiger said as if he was on first name term with the otter. "Why would you put your own son through more traumatizing ordeals if you didn't what to see something happen?"

"I'd never do anything to hurt my son." Regan said clutching his paws together.

"Maybe not of your own will at first but you'll grow to like it." The tiger said simply as if he knew something the otter didn't. Gregory laughed a low rumbling sound that seemed to come from his belly and not his throat. With that the bear dashed for the door and threw it shut before the otter could turn and run. He didn't know how such a massive fur could have moved that fast but he stared at the bear, pulling Dustin behind him, he was hard and a wet spot had started to form on the bulge as the cock inside his pants began to leak pre. Regan swallowed as a fear overwhelmed him, he was trapped in a room with two large furs who wanted to rape his son and there was nothing he could physically do about it. "Don't worry Regan, you'll come around, all father's who see their boys taking it like men usually get filled with pride knowing their sons aren't sissies."

"No one's gonna fuck my son." Regan yelled again his voice echoing roughly around the small room for a matter of seconds.

"Daddy..." Dustin whimpered from behind.

Regan turned around to find the tiger petting his son like a domesticated puppy. He pulled his son away from him, careful not to hurt his arm as he brought him in close, paws on his shoulders like armor. "Stop talking to me like you know me."

"But I do know you," The tiger said grinning his head cocked to the side as if what he said was funny. "Don't you remember me?"

Regan thought a moment if he had ever met the tiger before, he racked his mind of all the people he had ever met through work or in public but couldn't put a name to his face. The tiger took a few more steps towards the otter causing him to back into a wall, stuck with nowhere to go the tiger filled the gap. His face came close to him; the familiar musk of tiger filled the otter's nostrils as the feline breathed. "Don't you remember our afternoon together after football practice all those years ago?"

Regan was mortified as the memories flooded his mind like a plague, washing over him like a sickening wave of filth. Rolland grinned before he pressed his muzzle against Regan's, rough tiger tongue slipping into his unguarded mouth. He felt Dustin struggle beneath them, as he was caught between them, the older otter however couldn't move, physically paralyzed by the kiss. He felt disgusting, the tongue of his childhood rapist in his mouth, swimming like a serpent with ill intent.

"There, that wasn't so bad was it?" Rolland said and he stood back. Dustin gasping for breath brought him back to earth, pulled out of the depths of hell and into another wicked predicament. "Don't worry no one but you is gonna fuck your son."

"What?" Regan spat, just the thought alone was enough to turn his stomach acids to molten lava. His insides squirmed as he tried to hold his son closer but being disgusted even by just touching the pup. Dustin looked up at him then, a worried look in his face. All Regan could do was stare back, he couldn't even shake his head and reassure the boy that he would never do such a thing to him.

"Why do you think I told your boy to tell you? Somehow I just knew you'd come running for revenge. I almost died when I got your son transferred into my class, when I found out his last name was Grey I nearly peed my pants in excitement. It meant you had a son. I still wake up with wet sheets after having dreams about that day after practice, it took some planning but here it is. You're gonna fuck you're son for us, we're gonna record it, and you're gonna love it. That's why I got Greg here to help regulate."

"How dare you think I would enjoy something like that?" The otter stammered at the thought of fucking his son. "I've never..."

"Hey, you do it without trouble you two get to leave here in an hour and get to keep on living. So comply and shut up." The bear said leaning against the door as if to reiterate that they weren't going anywhere.

"So whatdya say?" Rolland said crossing his arms, another grin crossing his mouth like one of his stripes crossed his arms. Regan sighed and closed his eyes as if only to delay the inevitable. Dustin was silent but he shivered in his paws as if he was cold. When he opened his eyes his son was looking up at him. He searched those green eyes for understanding, that he would never hurt him, that he loved him and wouldn't never let any harm come to him. He felt horrible, he was a hypocrite, he was going to be the one to hurt him, but he wanted his son to know it was also to protect him from the tiger and the bear. Dustin didn't nod, didn't speak but the look he gave his father was the closest thing Regan knew to be an 'okay'.

"Fine." Regan said flatly without letting his defeat be heard and stared the tiger down like he was a poisonous insect. Rolland and the bear grinned at each other as the tiger pulled a camera out from a drawer in his desk. The bear chuckled, rubbing his hard-on through his pants as he kept his post by the door. Rolland took a few steps forward and motioned for the otter to come closer.

"Get on your knees." The tiger commanded the otter. Regan complied, lowering himself to his knees so that he came down to his son's height. He turned the boy around so that they looked into each other's eyes; their faces remained blank as their eyes spoke for one another. He tried to tell his son that it would be all alright after it was over. He waited and a look of understanding gradually came over his son's face. "Aw, a father son moment. Now, take off your shirt, and then start to undress your boy."

Regan complied, without breaking eye contact he undid the buttons on his own shirt and slowly pulled it off his arms before dropping it to the floor. When he went to lift his son's shirt over his head Dustin lifted his arms without hesitation. He clearly understood the situation as much as he did and Regan appreciated that fact. Despite this he had to ask permission, eyes searching for allowance, before reaching down and taking hold of the button on his son's shorts. Unbuttoning them was a challenge as his paws began to shake and having to reach around to undo the one letting his tail out the back of his short was even more difficult. The underwear was even worse, he slid them down so slowly, so sensually, it sickened him, Dustin however simply stepped out of them and waited for the inevitable, it seemed he was taking this better than Regan was.

"I'll take those," Rolland said snatching the underwear out of the otter's paw and holding them to his black nose where he inhaled deeply, eyes rolling in the back of his head in intoxication. "He's about a year or so younger than you were when I took your virginity. You weren't the first though, started fucking little boys when I was fourteen."

Regan tried to ignore the words of the tiger's past as he stared at his son's body. Strictly as an observance he had a good healthy built, not too lean and nowhere near chubby, sort of in-between. If he followed in his footsteps he'll be a lot like his father when he got older. His eyes dropped to his son's sheath, it was still underdeveloped but was already on its way. Regan was only a little bit bigger than this when he was taken advantage of by Roland when he was thirteen and a half so the boy almost had one up on him.

"Kiss." The tiger said simply. Regan only hesitated for a moment before leaning in to lick his son muzzle like he was cleaning him, the strangely familiar taste of tiger cum reaching his taste buds despite having been washed off. He continued to groom him like he was his mother and he had gotten food over him. When the tiger became impatient Regan acted before he could speak, his lips meeting his son who surprisingly opened his muzzle to let his tongue slip out to brush against his father's lips. Regan took this as another 'okay' and let his own tongue mingle with his son's. It became easier and easier, they were soon making like long lost lovers. It felt odd to kiss his own son, though he didn't really taste like anything, unlike his mother, but there was still something, like a tasteless taste that still told him it was his son he kissed. Regan placed a paw on Dustin's arm and ran it up and down his back stopping just short of his thick tail. He knew things would lead there soon enough and didn't want to rush things for the young otter.

"Nice," Rolland said above them, bringing the camera closer to film their intimate exchange. Regan wanted to say something smart, something to degrade the tiger but thought it best to continue to comply; besides, words had yet to ruff the tiger up yet so he doubted they would work now.

Without having to have the tiger tell him he broke their kiss, and started working on his belt, eyes remaining locked with Dustin who almost looked content but still nervous, two conflicting emotions. Regan repositioned himself; taking a seat on the floor he let his legs sprawl out in front of him as his tail coiled around from behind. He unbuttoned his own pants and very slowly began to lower them, only in embarrassment of his son seeing him naked for the first time since he was seven. What really made the satiation worse was that he was semi hard but hadn't realized it until after his half exposed shaft flung back against his stomach.

"See, daddy likes kissin' his boy." The tiger mused resulting in a chuckle from the bear whose pants were down around his ankles, hard pink member being abused by a massive paw. Regan felt embarrassed, not from the two child molesters watching them but from his son who crouched down and helped him wrangle his pants from around his ankles. He almost thought he saw a grin flash across his muzzle as the boy threw his pants aside but was instantly intent on lowering is muzzle closer and closer to his father's bright red cock. The inexperienced paw reached out and took hold of it as if he had done this before, it surprised Regan but then he remembered that the pup had. The otter scowled up at the tiger and growled. It caused the Dustin to look up and pause, his paw at the tip of his fully erect cock. Regan looked down at his son and felt the wave of nausea flood up from inside him again. He was no better than the tiger; he realized that even though it made him sick his dick was just as hard as it would be if he was looking at porn or having sex with his wife.

Regan shook his head and dismissed the look in his son's eye, relaying that it was alright for him to continue, even though it wasn't. He should have just called the cops. Even if the case was lost, he'd still be home with his son right now, helping him with his homework instead of helping him with cock.

"Tell him to suck daddies cock, and to be a good boy out about it." Rolland said grinning, holding the camera in both paws capturing their indecent act in its entirety.

"What, no." Regan sad as his son continued to paw his cock, the feeling sending shivers along his tail.

"We can be here all day, I have an eight gigabyte memory card in this thing and the charger is in the wall." The tiger said, Regan felt dizzy and he stared at Dustin work without paying attention to what anyone else talked about, apparently engrossed in his father's cock. He waited for as long as he could before finally sighing in defeat.

"B-be a good boy and... s-suck daddies cock." Regan asked and without so much as a nod of understanding the young river otter swallowed his cock; taking as much as his smaller muzzle could take. Regan nearly gasped as his son began to pleasure him; instinctively he placed his right paw on the back of his head as he bobbed up and down, his thumb rubbing between his ears. After he truly began to guiltily enjoy the feeling he started to buck his otter-hood up into his son's maw as the boy was slowly becoming pro. A few times he nicked his cock with a sharp tooth but never did any real damage, Regan actually found it almost feeling good.

"Alright let's keep this moving along, lay back." The tiger tossed him the pad to his chair as a pillow. "Now get on top of your daddy, keep lovin' him like that but give him a good view of your tail-hole."

Regan knew what was coming next and quite reluctantly laid back as his son's naked form climbed over him, giving his father and the camera a good view of his twelve year old hard-on. When he went back to work down below he lifted his tail like he was told. Regan gasped, he had never actually seen a male's ass hole before. He didn't really like anal sex with a female and never watched anal porn, but something about his son's tail hole made his insides tingle. He felt his cock let go of a tablespoon of pre, his son reacted responsively and paused letting the fluid run down his throat before continuing.

"Get at that hole pops." The tiger said bringing the camera around for a perfect view of young otter hole. Regan ground his teeth as the comment and hesitantly craned his neck; as an otter he was quite flexible. He spread Dustin's cheeks further apart with both paws and took a deep breath before inching forward. As he got closer he could smell his son's musk, having played sports for an hour before a ten minute run home. Regan noticed he liked the smell and found himself breathing in his pup's scent deeply before hungrily driving his nose into his rear, tongue lapping at the tight pre-teen hole. Dustin's reflex to the sudden sensation was expected; he let the cock in his mouth fall before gasping as the tongue entered him. His mouth hadn't tasted like anything but this was different, it tasted like his son and like sex. It solidified the fact that he was going to fuck his pup as he dug deeper and deeper into his son with his tongue until he was smashing his muzzle into his cheeks, tail resting on his head as he ate him out.

"Fuckin' hot." Regan heard the bear grumble near the door, the sound of meat being pawed floated above the slurp of cock and ass. He ignored the fact that they were being watched and imagined him and his son, at home, lying in bed, enjoying each other.

"You really love your boy's ass don't you pops." Rolland chuckled from above him. Regan opened his eyes and to his horror saw the tiger standing above him, naked, cock at attention and dripping pre that fell and landed in the otter's fur. He also realized he had been thinking about doing this to his son outside of this room, of his own free will. It made his stomach tie off in knots but he couldn't stop himself from tongue fucking his pup, he found the taste intoxicating.

"Think you had enough?" The tiger asked, his cock bouncing up and down as he contracted the muscles in his groin since he couldn't touch himself, paws busy with the camera. "Wanna fill that hole with something a little thicker?"

He didn't but his cock did. He let his tongue slip from the pup's hole resulting in a moan from the young otter. Regan lifted the boy easily up off of him. He stood and found the perfect place before the tiger could say anything. He laid his son on his back on an empty desk and lifted his legs so they rested to either side of his hips, tail falling inches before the ground. He looked down at his son with a hungry feeling in his stomach that mixed with his disgust, he was afraid he was becoming what he hated, but when his son looked at him, eager eyes aglow it almost, almost, made him smile.

"I love you Dustin." He said to his pup, hoping the words didn't sound hollow. "I'd never hurt you, you know that, don't you."

The young otter nodded quickly his arms on his chest. "I know daddy, I love you too."

"Ahh some juicy father son dialogue." Rolland said.

It broke his heart, but he pushed his cock up against his son's tail hole, feeling for the entrance with his forefinger. Dustin moaned as his father rubbed the tip of his cock against the saliva slick muscles and reached down for his own prick and began to rub it with his paw. He watched as his son pawed himself and almost felt a chuckle arise in his voice but he swallowed it before it reached his lips. The thought that he was pleasing his son made him feel weird, but it made him feel good at the same time so he tried to ignore the thoughts it arose in his head. Though one made it to realization, how was this situation doing to affect him and his son. When they finally made it home, how was that doing to feel?

Instead of lingering on the subject he pushed the tip into the hole bringing a sigh from Dustin; he didn't want his son to be enjoying this but at the same time was glad he was and wasn't cowering and crying, begging for it to stop, that would have killed him. He had clearly been upset when he had come home after the tiger had unloaded his seed in his mouth but Regan realized that because he was is father it was comforting to know it was someone he trusted, whether that made the situation worse or not Regan was just glad Dustin might come away from this unscarred.

"Tell daddy you want him to fuck you." The tiger told the younger otter.

"Please daddy I want you to fuck me." The otter said; Regan could see spots of color appear below his fur but to his astonishment he could tell my looking into the otter's eyes that he had said that with sincerity.

Regan took a breath and with a paw placed on the boy's stomach he pushed in. Dustin's eye widened as his virginity was lost. The muscles fought Regan's cock all the way down to the base. The younger otters whimpers almost made him pull out but he realized that he was mumbling the same thing over again; "please daddy don't, don't daddy, don't pull out." So he didn't. He hilted him after some trouble and sighed, ruby red cock buried inside his pup. His son looked drugged, the young otter sighed as his head fell to one side, tongue falling from his mouth, a blatant smile on his muzzle.

"See your boy loves cock in his ass; now give him what he wants pops." Rolland said momentarily freeing one paw to slap the older otter on his back. Regan ignored him completely and rocked into his boy a few times resulting in a teeth sucking sound from the younger before pulling out to the tip. The ring of muscles still fought the cock but it was easier the second time he filled the pup up to the hilt, pre gushed from his tip, he could feel it slickening the insides of the boy and by the fourth time sliding out the thrust forward was perfectly smooth. "Like a real champ" He heard the tiger say.

Ignoring the tiger further, Regan leaned in closer to his son, wanting to be close to him and not just someone who was fucking him. If he was going to do this he wanted to make love to his son, not fuck him. He placed each paw on either side of the otter shoulders and slowly began rocking in and out of him, keeping a simple, consistent pace the boy could withstand. "I love you." He repeated as he pushed in and held it a moment as he kissed him, his son's tongue coming through his muzzle like an angry snake. He sucked on it, tasting the saliva as he continued pumping. It was truly strange that he was enjoying this now, moments ago he had said he'd never 'fuck' his son, but now his cock was stealing the innocence out of him, the very thing he had come here to protect. It made him feel bad but again he'd rather be the one to do this than either the tiger or the doped up cop.

"Fuck I need to cum." Regan heard the bear say somewhere behind him. Reagan pulled out of his boy's mouth and tried to smile at him, something to say he loved him but the bear's paws on him prevented that. "Out of the way daddy, I need that boy's mouth."

The cop dangled his huge bear cock in front of the boy, smacking him across the nose a few times, spraying the pup with thick globs of pre. With his other paw he took the back of his head and forced the cub onto his smack swollen cock. Up close Regan could see the places the bear shot up in his thighs, dark reds spots could be seen under all that brown fur. It made Regan sick to watch his son suck off a heroin addict and wanted to object but found his jaw shut tight, clenched in fury. If he just waited it would all be over soon.

"Fuck yeah," The bear groaned as he pumped the boy's mouth full of cock. Regan saw his son's tearful gaze met his as he tried to accommodate for the cock, all he could was continue his own thrusts, trying to get closer to orgasm so this whole thing could end.

"Take it easy Greg, you're gonna rip his poor head off." The tiger said seeing Regan's reaction to bear having taken their intimacy away, but didn't make to enforce it. He was busy working the camera with one paw while carefully pawing off with the other. The bear continued to thrust until a series of grunts signaled his orgasm. The bear pulled out and with a few swift pumps of his paw he was spilling gush after gush of cum across the pup's face. Without losing stride Regan watched as his son was covered in rope after rope of cum, the first few landing in his mouth, the rest sank into his fur where it became mated as the bear slapped his dick down a few more times, dripping the remnants.

Gregory fell back into the chair previously occupied by Rolland, cock falling to one side as it continued to drool. Rolland himself wasn't far behind the bear; he came up next to the boy's head, paw working furiously. Rolland's tail was twitching through the air as he approached his climax, but unlike Gregory he pushed his cock into the pup mouth and flooded his gullet with a pint of jizz. Regan wanted to look away but felt like he would be abandoning his son if he did that. Instead he tried to hurry his orgasm along by pulling all the way out before completely burying it again, each time resulting in a gurgled moan from Dustin as he tried to swallow his mouthful of cum.

"Fill that boy with your spunk, mate him good." The tiger said steadying the camera again, having let go of his dripping cock. Regan felt his groin boil as cum began to sear white hot inside him. He looked at his son, cum covered and eyes barely open only to receive a faint smile from the seed soiled muzzle. It gave him the will to continue the horrendous act of mating his son, to know that the boy wasn't overwhelmed with cock was drive enough to cum. He thrust, and thrust, feeling each time as he inched closer. When he saw his son reach for his own pinkish red member it seemed to trip the wire holding back the damn. He almost hissed as he felt his cum release and flood the poor boy's insides like a tsunami. Dustin moaned along with his father as they simultaneously came, the single shot of cum from his boy actually surprised Regan has he hilted him one final time before pulling out. Cum gushed from the abused hole, Regan's only reaction was to get his tongue in there. The musk of his own seed and his son's ass met him, swirling into one bitter sweet taste as is tongue swam in a sea of sweetness and spice.

"That's it, suck that cum out and feed it to your starving boy." Regan obeyed and began to siphon the cum with his tongue. Once his mouth was full he rose up and nearly climbed atop the desk to kiss his son. The taste of cummy insides mixing with their saliva as he snowballed it to make a flavor neither had ever savored. Rolland laughed and turned off the camera. "Fuckin' A, that's gotta be the hottest thing I've ever filmed or witnessed, unless you count the time that poor ten year old rotty took both his father's and brother's knots, wish I had a tape of that. Ahh you're fuckin' useless."

Regan realized Roland had been talking to Gregory who had nodded out in the chair, limp cock slowly retreating inside his sheath. He ignored them and turned back to his cum soaked son. They didn't say anything, just starred at each other as the tiger got dressed and tried to wake his buddy before the otter tried to do anything funny. He truly didn't want to do anything but hold his son as they lay together in the wake of their orgasm. They would go home, make dinner, watch some T.V. together, take a shower together, and maybe even sleep in the same bed. Those things didn't seem so horrible to Regan now, he almost looked forward to when it would just be the two of them. But for now they lay in silence, staring intently at each other, a father and his pup.

Birthday Eve

**Birthday Eve** "Did you have a good birthday Christopher?" "Yeah Dave thanks." "Dave?" David looked down at his son lying in bed, covers pulled up to his chest, arms crossed. Freshly showered, dressed in shirt and boxers, after such a...

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Piercing Parlor Panic

Another story with ToKu, though maybe this time something a little more exciting happens. Though they don't appear in this story I do make mention to two characters that aren't mine and still want to give credit to their maker. Black and The Furry...

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Family Bear

Family Bear By: ToKu Dakota Baranski felt the tumblers click, the vibrations sending chills through his large bear body. After such a day even the slightest of things were amplified. Pulling himself out of his truck after pulling into his drive...

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