Female-on-male Tickle Rape: Fox McCloud

Story by Shinnjacob on SoFurry

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The vision became dark, but then it became light as the vision became blurry but then clearer and clearer. A groan before him.

''Ooooh..... Oh man....... This is what happened when you allowed Slippy to do the work.'' Fox said. He stands up and looks to see that he's in some kind of jungle.

''Woah........ What is this place? And...... What's that music?'' He hears sounds and music coming from a distance.

''It's gonna be here somewhere.'' He walks as the sounds and music get closer and closer to his ears. He then sees a big grass blocking his way.

''Hmm...... Maybe this grass could be the entrance...'' He then walks to the grass and comes out of it.

''Haaaah..... Ok. I'm here...... I wonder if this is th-WHAT IN MOTHER OF FUCK!?!?!?'' He yells as he sees something that he didn't expected. A bunch of naked female foxes and lizards all dancing around to the music. The singing flooded his ears, but the members didn't even hear Fox's yelling, as the singing was too loud.

''We are the tickliiing GIRLS!!!! Weeee tickle MEN!!!! Weee send men moaning and laughing, as they enjoy our everyday ticklllling!'' Became the lyrics.

''Uuuuuuh.......'' Fox was completely dumbfounded at what he just saw.

''We are the tickl-.......... Huh? Hey girls! There is a male fox over there!'' The female fox yelled. The music and singing stopped as they all stared at Fox. Fox got off guard, and he laughs and smile nervously.

''Uuuuh, hahaha....... Uh hey! Uuuuh, I'm uuuuuuuh lost, and uuuuuuh I was wondering if-'' He then felt warm hands caressing his chest, as the female fox at the left and the female lizard at the right stared at him with seductive grins.

''Wehehehell, it would seem this men want to see just how sexy we are.'' The voice said. Another naked female fox walks as two female other naked female foxes walked with her. Fox was shocked by the sight of her. She had big boobs, a fat ass, and is a bit taller than any other tribal members.

''W-Who are you?'' Fox said.

''The name is Tklyn, the leader of this tribe. It is an honor to meet a horny men like you.'' She said with her seductive grin.

''Uuuh hi Tklyn, I'm Fox McCloud! I was wondering if you can help me.''

''What can we help you with..... Fox Mcsexy?'' She flirted, creeping him out.

''W-Well..... You see, I'm......... Kinda lost, and.......... I want to find my home planet, Earth, so I was wondering if you can help me.''

''You're lost? Aaaaaw don't worry honey, we can help you!'' Tklyn said, making Fox smile with joy.

''REALLY!?!? OH thank you! Do you have any idea where my.......... Uuuuuuh what are you girls doing?'' He said as the two female tribal members started to slowly take off his shirt and pants.

''Um g-girls, can you please tell me what are you doing?'' Fox was getting really creeped out.

''Hehehe, you just found yourself home, my dear.'' Tklyn said.

''W-W-W-What are you talking about? I-I-I want to find- HEY STOP THAT!!!'' He yelled as the female fox teased him with her finger from her right hand.

''Oh come on Fox! This IS your home planet! And it's also our home planet too!''

''B-But ma'am, M-My home planet is Earth!''

''I know! It's the planet you're in right now!'' She said shocking Fox.

''WHAT!?!?!? You....... You mean.....''

''That's right my dear, you probably traveled around the world to visit our land!'' Fox couldn't believe this, he had just crash-landed on his own planet.

''Oh no.......... Ok look girls I........ I........ WHY ARE YOU TAKING MY CLOTHES OFF!?!?'' The girls started to take off his shirt and pants while Fox backs off.

''This is your home now Fox! And you're gonna stay here forever! ...... Say Fox, do you like getting tickle raped?'' Tklyn said. Fox now has fear in his body. He thought he could get some help, but instead, they have a evil secret.

''T-T-TICKLE RAPE!?!?'' He yelled.

''Yep! We like to give you the best tickle orgasm you can ever have! And I promise you will love it forever and ever....''

''Uuuuuuuh excuse me girls, I have to uhh........ HELP!!!!'' He starts running back to the grass and comes out of it, and then he runs for his life while the naked female tribal members come out of the grass and started chasing him.

''GET HIM GIRLS!!!'' Tklyn said.

''AAAAH!!! HELP!!! HELP ME!!! SOMEBODY!!!! FALCO!!! SLIPPY!!!! PEPPY!!! ANYONE!!! HEEEEAAAAAAAAALP!!!!'' The shadowy figure suddenly tackles him to the ground, and pinned him down, as it reveals itself to be other naked female fox staring at him with an evil grin, horrifying him.

''AAAAAAAAH!!! NOOOO!!! HELP ME!!! SOMEBODY!!!!'' The other naked female foxes and lizards all gang up on him, as they start taking off his clothes and then his shoes and socks, and then tickling him while he struggles to escape.

''NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!! HELP!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA HEHEHEHAHAHAHAHALP MHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEhHEHEHEHEHE!!!!'' T'lyn walks as she watches her minion stripping and tickling Fox.

''Well done girls, now he will be our victim for the rest of his life.'' She said. The girls stopped ganging up on him and they all separated as they stare at Fox as he is now completely naked and tied up as his wrist was tied together and his hands are tied behind his back.


''Hmhmhm, oh you will do something for us baby, you can start by laughing and moaning for us, take him to our tribe girls!'' She said. The two other female foxes carry him bridal style as he struggles against the bonds.

''NOOO!! NOHOHOOOOOOOOOHOHOHOOOOOOO!!!! PLEASE LET ME GOOOOOO!!!!'' They ignored his begging as they walked.

a minute later........

The naked female tribal members all cheered as they watch as Fox struggles while the girls strap him down to the bed-like table.

''NOO!! PLEASE NOOOO!!! LET ME GOO!!! LET ME GOHAHAHAHAHA!!!'' The other female fox started tickling his belly.

''You better do as we said, or else we will start tickling right away.'' She said evilly. Fox is now tied up in an I-frame position and his toes are tied back. The female tribe walked away and they join the crowd as the music plays.

''Aaaaaall right my girls! Tonight, this victim will be our husband for the rest of his life! The three tribal members will only take turns while I have fun tickling him! Is that understood?'' Tklyn said. They all responded ''Yes your greatness''.


''This IS your home my dear, and you will enjoy it!'' She said as she grins at him.

''The first three I pick is......'' She raises one tip of her finger from her right hand as she looks left and right.

''YOU, and YOU, and YOU!!!'' She said as she pointed to the one naked female foxes and two naked female lizards.

''These three minions will now help me into giving him his tickle orgasm!'' She announced, as the first three she pick all run to the table with joy.

''Ok girls, I want only one of you to take turns from tickling one of his body parts, you tickle his feet, you tickle belly, and you tickle his armpits while I tickle his dick and balls.'' She said. Tklyn stares at the poor Fox with her evil grin. The naked female fox stare at his feet, while the two female lizards stare at his belly and armpits.

''Trust me baby, you're gonna looooove this....'' She then pulled out two big feather dusters, making him freeze in fear.

''Are you ready?'' The three nodded.

''No......Nonononononononononononononono.'' Fox repeated himself.



''GO!!!'' They all start the tickling torture, as fingers invade his feet, belly, and armpits, while the feather dusters invade his dick and balls. Fox is now laughing and struggling against his bondage. The feather dusters continue to tickle his erect spots giving him an unwanted erection.


''Yes girls........ Tickle him....... Tickle him reaaaal gooooood....'' Tklyn said.

''YES!!! TICKLE HIM GIRLS!!! MAKE HIM LAUGH AND CUM!!!!'' The other female fox said. Fox now laughs and cries tears of laughter as he struggles to free himself from the tickling torture.


''Yes....... You love that don't you?'' Tklyn teased.

''NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!!! I DOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAN'T!!!! HELP MEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!! SOAAHAHAHAHAHAHMEBOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHDY!!!!'' The naked female tribal members all cheered as the poor Fox McCloud struggles and laughs against the fingers and feather dusters.

''NOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHOH-OOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!!'' Tklyn started to tickle his dick and balls even faster making him moan and laugh loudly, as his dick gets taller and his balls get bigger.

''Oooooooh yes........ Yes........ You do love that.......... Yes you do........'' She said. The other female girls started to giggle as they enjoy Fox's laughing and moaning.

''He is soooooooo sexy and helpless when he's laughing!'' The female fox said.

''Hehe, I know, and soon it will be your turn to tickle him.'' Tklyn said.



''What's wrong baby? You want to cum? You want to cum?'' Tklyn teased.


''I think he loves it your greatness.'' The female lizard tickling his belly said.

''Aaah is that so? Then I'll make him cum.'' Tklyn said. She then starts to tickle his dick and balls even faster, making him laugh and moan at the same time.

''BAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOOHOHOH!!!!'' His dick is now about 6 inches tall and it's about ready to squirt small cum.

''Look your greatness, his penis is really loving it!'' The female lizard tickling his armpits said.

''Oooooh, then I'll make sure it will release some cum for us.'' Tklyn said.

''AAHAHAHAHAOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTO-AHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHOOHOHOH!!!'' His dick is now squirting small cum as it gets ready for real orgasm. The girls are getting really excited.

''OH BOY!!! I LOVE MEN CUM!!!'' The female fox said. Fox laughter and moaning became music to all the tribe's ears.

''OH YES YOUR GREATNESS!!! MAKE HIM LAUGH!!! MAKE HIM CUM!!!'' The female lizards said.


''Get ready girls! Here it CUMS!!'' Tklyn said. Fox then laughs really loudly and then screams in pleasure as cums shoot out from his dick. This gave the girls a good opportunity to stop the tickling and taste all the cum for at least 30 seconds.

''Mmmm!! Delicious men cum!'' The female fox said.

''Alright girls! You get to tickle his dick and balls, you get to tickle his belly, you get to tickle his armpits, and I get to tickle his feet. Got it?'' Tklyn said. The tribal members switched positions, and now Tklyn is going to tickle his feet, while the female fox gets to have two feather dusters to tickle his dick and balls, the other female lizard gets to tickle his belly, and the other one gets to tickle his armpits as well. Fox is starting to get really terrified.

''Nonononononononono PLEEEEASE NOOOO!!!''

''OOoooh yes baby! I will tickle your feet! And your erect spot is not going anywhere!'' Tklyn said.

''Hehehehe, oh boy! I get to tickle his private spot! And you are going to love this my dear!'' The female fox said. Fox keeps shaking his head, begging them not to tickle him.

''Ready...... Set....... GO!!!'' They start their usual tickle torture again, as Tklyn tickle his feet using her tongue, while the female fox tickle his dick and balls in a fast rate with the feather dusters, while two female lizards tickle his belly and armpits. Fox felt like he's in Tickle Hell. His poor naked body is vulnerable to tickle torture. His dick and balls are now erect again as Fox laughs and moans loudly.


''Hehehe, I loooooove his erect spots sooooo much!'' The female fox said.

''Hehe, ooooh I'll tickle his dick and balls when I get my turn.'' The female lizard tickling his armpits said.

''Mmmmmm..... His feet taste so goood! Kinda like his cum!'' Tklyn thought.

''HAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!! HAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!! STAHAHAHAHAOP IT!!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!! HAHAHAHAHAVE MERCY!!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEH-OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!!'' His squirming against the bonds is useless as his helpless laughter and moaning continue to make the tribe dance and cheer.

''Mercy you say? Ohoh we will show you mercy alright! If you cum for us!'' The female fox said. She then tickles his dick and balls in a faster rate, making him laugh and moan at the same time again.


''Ooooooh you love that don't you? Oh yes you DOOO!!'' She teased. His dick is now starting to squirt small cum yet again.

''Ohoho boy! Now it's starting to cum already!'' She teased again.

''You keep doing it, and our greatness will be real pleased with us!'' The female lizard tickling his belly said.

''NOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!'' Fox is now crying more tears of laughter and his face turns red. His dick and balls gets even more erect! Fox's laughing and moaning gets louder, producing more music to their ears. His dick goes taller and taller and then finally it squirts some more small cum and then streaming down from its tip.

''OHBOYOHBOYOHBOYOHBOYOHBOYOHBOY!!! HEY YOUR GREATNESS!! HE'S ABOUT READY TO CUM!!!'' The female fox said. Tklyn stops tickling his feet, and goes to see that his dick is about ready to cum.

''Great job my minion! Now he will give us even more cum!''


''OH BOY!! Is he about ready!?'' The female foxes said.

''I think he's just about!'' The female lizards said. Fox's laughs becomes moans, then it became louder and screaming as the dick explodes into more cum into the air, giving the tribal members more time to taste his cum!

''.......Somebody help me.....'' Fox thought.

''Ok. Now you get to tickle his feet, you get to tickle his dick and balls, you get to tickle his belly, and I get to tickle his armpits.''

''Yes your greatness!'' Came their response.


''I think you are doing the favor for us!'' The female lizard said. The female fox is now at his belly, the female lizard is now at his feet, the other one is at his dick and balls, and Tklyn is at his armpits.

''And I really thank you for giving me those feather dusters your greatness!''

''Oh don't mention it! Now are you ready?''


''........ Set......''


''GO!!!'' Fox is now laughing and moaning once again, as the fingers and the feather dusters invade his poor ticklish body. He squirms like mad and his dick and balls are still erect despite cumming a couple of times.

''Oh I forgot to mention, in our tribe, you have no limits to your seeds, so you can cum as many times as you want to.'' Tklyn said.


''And that means it will be unlimited fun for YOU and for US!'' The female lizard said. Fox's laughing and moaning fills the entire tribe, as he continues to laugh and moan while begging for mercy, and the girls tease him over and over again. His dick finally squirts some small liquids after 2 minutes.

''Well lookie here, it looks like he wants to cum again!'' Tklyn said.

''REALLY!?!? OH BOY!!'' The female fox said. The laughing is mixed with moans and his dick is about ready to burst.

''Here it CUMS!!!''

''NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!'' The dick shoots more cum into the air, giving the tribal members even more time to taste them.

''Aaaaah..... Good old men cum. Now for your last turn, you get to tickle his dick and balls, you get to tickle his feet, you get to tickle his armpits, and I get to tickle his belly.'' The girls switched position, and now the another female lizard is at his dick and balls, the other one is at his feet, and the female fox and her leader is at his belly and armpits. Fox is now even more horrified than ever.


''I hope you're all ready!'' The three nodded in response.






''NOOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!!!'' Fox is now crying even more tears of laughter, and his face became dark red as feather dusters, and fingers all tortured his body yet again. But this time, the feather dusters tickle his dick and balls in a REALLY fast rate. Fox is now a laughing and moaning mess. The tribal members enjoy his helpless laughter and moaning all the way, as they continue to tease him nonstop.

After a minute later, his dick squirts small cum yet again, making the girls more excited.

''YES!!! CUM TO US BABY!!!'' Tklyn said. The other tribal members cheered waiting for their victim to give his orgasm. The four girls all got close to his dick, ready to taste more cum.


''Yes baby...... Yes....... Cum on......... You can do it!'' The female lizard said.

''Nohohohohohohaaa......aaaaaaah.........AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!'' The dick shoots a lot more cum into the air as the girls all go to taste to taste their victory. Fox is now really humiliated. He was a captain in his ship, and now, he's their tickle rape victim.

''Alright girls! Now you can go back and enjoy the show!'' The three girls replied with, ''Thank you your greatness'' and then they all go back to join the audience.

''Ok Tklyn....... Now can you let me go?'' Fox said.

''Are you kidding? I haven't pick the second group yet!''


''The next three I'll pick is.....'' She look left and right again and then pointed to two female foxes and one female lizard.

''YOU THREE!! Two female foxes and one lizard, come on up!'' She commanded. Two female foxes and one female lizard go up to join Fox's torture, while he struggles in fear.


''Sorry dear, nobody will save you, and neither will you save yourself!'' Tklyn said. Fox is now trapped in this tribe, and everyday he gets tickled, and seduced by every female tribal members. Whew....... That was another long one...... Anyways I hope you enjoyed it, leave your comment in the comment section below, and be sure to give some feedback. See ya next time on Female-on-male Tickle Rape!

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