A Wishful Proposal (Aftermath)- TF story

Story by Magnus Zero on SoFurry

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#2 of Short Single TF stories

Hope yall enjoyed the first part of the story. I decided to do a followup to show what happened after the end of the last one. Let me know what you think and be sure to read the other story to make sure you're on the same page for this work.

Vicky, now a purple djinn, gets to have some fun with her new lover Fazir as he shows her his inner sanctum. However, their fun play gets intense quickly as the eager female wishes to explore her new body and nearly pushes the macho red djinn out of his comfort zone.

"Welcome to my inner sanctum, Madam Vicky. Please, feel free to look around and make yourself comfortable" remarked the red djinn with an extended hand as he guided his mate partially down the open stairway from the portal entrance. Leaving her to explore the room, Fazir gave a slight smirk as he mentioned he needed to get something from his study before they would have some "fun".

The sanctum was much larger than the purple djinn could've ever thought to be inside a simple jar. Although it appeared smaller than the shrine or a regular sized church, it felt like she was in a cathedral from how high up the ceiling domed overhead. The marble swept walls were adorned in various art schemes and golden spheres as it rose high up. Now that they were free, the djinns could even touch the ground with legs as an extension of their spirit tail when they floated, and Vicky took full advantage of the gift to feel the smooth velvet carpet. The small fountain in the center entrance left her speechless with how well it was decorated with little bird figures; even the fountain head had a canary shooting water from its beak upward. "This is so surreal, Fazir. I would never have imagined this would be where you reside when you weren't out of your lamp."

"Ho ho ho, impressive is it not?" the red djinn shouted from the other room. (The walls made for sound to feel rather louder than usual.) "I know I never had any guests in here before, but I wanted it to feel elegant and have a tranquil vibe to it when I returned here to rest. In a way, it really lets me unwind and uplifts my mood when I see that fountain. I even brought a few birds from outside to live here for a while, but I had to let them go eventually so they could be free again and stop pooping on my rugs."

Vicky chuckled at the notion. She really could get used to this funny side of Fazir the more time she would spend with him. But as much as she would love to tour the place, she still had one thing on her mind: repaying the manly spirit for his gift to her. Now that they were bonded, the purple genie could telepathically sense her love's feelings more acutely with the sending stone attached to her tiara. Although the red djinn was a gentlemen first and foremost with her, he was still a man to the core. He had needs and urges welled-up inside too, ones that he would suppress when necessary. But after feeling a strong loving bond with another once again, especially one that was now of his race, he couldn't lock them away anymore. As she slowly walked up the aisle to his master bedroom, Vicky drew a devilish grin at the sight of the large red sheet bed before her. The columns on the side held gorgeous silken drapes to give privacy when needed and made the scene even more romantic for things to come. Tracing her smooth purple hand across the side, she removed her tiara to place it on the nightstand on the left side before gingerly sliding each of her legs onto the bed, sprawling outward as she kept her focus on the doorway. She waited with a ever-rising thirst in her mouth; the primal hunger of sex was gradually building up to this moment, and she was waiting to act. As he left the study with box in hand, Fazir scratched his head briefly when he noticed his master was no longer in the entrance. Looking down the corridor, he saw the door to his bedroom had been shut recently and figured she must have wandered into there. Slowly turning the doorknob, his smile turned to an instant shock as a purple furred beast burst through the chamber doors and knocked him down, pinning him to the ground as the box went flying to his side.

"Hey there handsome. Whatcha got there?" cooed the large purple tiger that loomed over him. The kitty wasted no time lapping the side of Fazir's cheek several times in a playful attitude while nuzzling it's flat nose against his, all while grinning with sharp white teeth.

"O Madam Vicky. You look so beautiful in that form. I'm quite shocked you got so used to shapeshifting already," Fazir remarked while casually smiling back at the tiger that stared at him as if he was a slab of cooked meat just ready to be eaten.

"Yesss...I mean..what?" Vicky shook her head a few times to snap herself out of the trance as she stared in confusion at why her mate was on the floor beneath her. Turning her to see the massive purple/white furred paws that pinned the djinn to the carpet, she shrieked and jumped back at the sight. Quickly rising to a bipedal formation, the beast gazed upon her new figure with awe and shock. She was now a large purple furred tiger with black stripes and slight patches of white with a cream underbelly. As she retracted her sharp claws into her paws, Vicky further explored this transformation by feeling around her mouth with her rough tongue at the finely polished chompers and even felt her golden earrings still attached to her rounded ears that sat above her head. Even the other golden pieces stayed with her with several pierced on her kitty tits underneath and a golden piece of silk knotted on the end of her long tail.

"Oh my god! This is so cool!" giggled the large feline as she hopped on her feet with glee while Fazir got off the floor. "I didn't even know what I did to do this. I was just thinking about having sex with you and nearly blanked out for a moment." With that response, the beast placed a paw over her mouth with a blush through her thick fur at the unlady-like reply. "O god, I'm sorry Fazir. That came out wrong."

"Ho ho ho, it's quite alright Madam. This is your new home now and you are free to express yourself however you like. I actually was thinking the same thing, uhh....about having sex that is, if you wouldn't mind." As he walked over to grab the box he dropped, he continued. "I felt I could share some memories I had with you of my past that I wrote down in my scrapbooks when we were done."

Vicky nodded at the notion and gave her mate a big furry hug as a way of saying "yes" to the offer. "But first, let's have some fun. Shall we?" Grin across her face and returned by Fazir, the two lovers moved over to the large master bed as the red djinn re-closed the doors for privacy, even if they already had it.

To prepare for the occasion, Fazir removed his shoulder garments and tossed aside his green sash while still keeping his orange trousers on for the moment. With his lover looking on from the bed, the burly spirit flexed his muscles and cracked his fingers on all four arms, even taking rolling his neck a few times to feel relaxed. "Ah, much better," he said. "Before we cuddle my lady, would you like me to show more about shapeshifting as a genie?" A quick nod came from Vicky as she dangled her purple furred and black striped legs to the side of the bed, looking on as Fazir clasped two upper hands and channeled forth some energy. "Transforming is one of the numerous arcane incantations we can perform as magical spirits. However, it does take a lot of energy when not done properly, but with time it will not leave you drained. Since you're so peppy at the moment, your spirit energy is at its peak, so doing these things won't drain you so quickly." The purple beast had wide eyes at the knowledge that was brought before her. Vicky only knew of a few things that genies could do when she was human from her books she read, but hearing that it was just the "tip of the iceberg" made her imagination expand to new heights. "Now then Vicky, clear your mind to shift back to your spirit form. Try it now."

Taking both paws together as she stood bipedal, a purple spark of energy formed between them and with a burst of light she had reverted back to the slim, sexy purple genie she was earlier. "Ok. I think I got it."

"Very good, my dear. You're a natural at this," Fazir said as he clapped with his lower set of arms in approval. She truly was born to be a genie, he thought to himself. It took me decades to learn this advanced art, and she picked it up within minutes with minimal effort. I can't wait to show her more. Clasping his bottom hands, he gazed up at the ceiling with a smile as a tear roll down his side. Bless you almighty mother for this meeting!, the red djinn thought as he made a brief prayer.

"Is something wrong, Fazir?" Vicky remarked with a head tilt at what she was seeing.

"O no madam. It was nothing, I was just focusing on something." he replied as continued to channel his energy. "Now then, behold!" As the words left his mouth, Fazir hurled the red energy ball at the purple genie, engulfing her a bright light in seconds.

"Wow." Vicky now "stood" in awe her newest transformation. Gazing at her arms with a more narrow vision, her tongue flicked into view as she saw her arms coated now in bright purple scales with black talon nails on the end. Her belly was now banded with a smooth texture of skin from the scales and a slightly lighter hue as it ran down to the floor and underneath her. Directly below her gaze though, her view was briefly obstructed by her mounds of flesh that still stayed with her, now having a golden chain run from each piercing. Feeling her mouth, she could taste the smooth fangs that folded back along her pallet and a sweet hint of venom that dripped from each. Standing upright on her large tail before Fazir, Vicky was now a large purple snake that could be mistaken for an Arbok with different yellow hood markings and yellow square plates along her back instead of black. Staring now at her lover with green slit eyes, the sexy naga placed her hands to her hips and swooned slowly back and forth as she attempted to charm her prey. "Ssssooooo...how do I look now, my love?"

Caught for a moment in the hypnosis of Vicky's flared hood and piercing gaze, the red djinn snapped himself to his senses and calmly replied "You look riveting as always, no matter what form you take." Pointing to her sides with a free arm, he continued while walking towards her. "To be clear though, a cobra isn't exactly what you are. The better term is a Naga, actually, heh heh. But still, I'm glad to see the form suits you well."

"Ssssooo you can cast that transsssformation sssspell on me? But does that mean I can do it on mysssself too?"

"Indeed you can, my love. As sexy the serpent you are, you can cast yourself into your form by channeling your own energy with your thoughts and self cast the incantation like I did. You just need the will and to focus." Pointing a finger at his chest as he strode to the front of the bed, he remarked "why not cast the same magic on me as practice?" The purple serpent flashed a gleam of her fangs at the thought and steadily took a deep breath as she centered herself. Taking both clawed hands intertwined, she focused her mind with new images as purple energy spilled forth from the scaly pores on her skin and into a ball of light in her hands. After a few seconds of concentrating, her slits stared straight at the red spirit before her and with a commanding yell shouted "Release!" as she hurled the energy ball at him. The room became momentarily blinded as a red mist cloud settled in front of the bed, leaving the purple serpent to hold her breath in anticipation. Did it work? she thought to herself.

As the cloud receded, a new figure emerged as it rose up from the carpet. Vicky's jaw hit the ground at the marvel upon witnessing the marvel before her as a similar scaly beast towered above, except this one was nearly twice her height and was ripped to the core. Flexing its four powerful arms in unison, the creature's muscles tensed with strength as veins protruded on the sides. A thunderous slam could be felt as its belly/tail fell forward to the floor to lower itself to her level. "Ho ho ho, magnificent work Vicky," Fazir bellowed as he congratulated his mate on a successful spellcast. He was huge for a naga, nearly taking up a whole corner of the room with his lengthy tail and torso. His skin shimmered a fiery ruby red with scales and a tanned orange belly to compliment it. Flexing his clawed fingers, he marveled at how toned each arm was crafted with red scales and how a small, protruding wing-like spike extended outward on each one just below his wrist. Unlike Vicky, his back was not coated with tile scales of another color; instead, it all stayed the same scale color. Glancing to the side of his flared cobra hood, the burly red naga adored the flaming sphere orb tattoos that nestled on each side of his face and a golden piercing of jewelry was on each side. Now housing dark green slits in his skull, Fazir turned his attention back to the waiting female naga and briefly nodded an approval as he slithered over with his powerful tail.

"Mmmmm, thissss truly feels sssssooo good," cooed the red serpent upon testing his new tongue at the taste of the air. "One could really get ussssed to these new ssssenses." Fazir used his upper arms to warmly hug Vicky while she returned it as best she could, finding it difficult to fully wrap her arms around his massive torso.

"I love you sssso much, Fazir. Your wordsss touch my very soul and make me feel more alive now than I ever had before." As they broke embrace, she held his upper hands in her own as they stared deeply into each other eyes without blinking. "Like a ssssnake, that wish let me ssshed away my past and be reborn with you for a new beginning. I couldn't have asssked for a better happy ending." Tears slowly ran down her smooth snout as she felt the full effect of those words. She had a new start on life with an entity she just met, but from that moment on she sensed he already knew a lifetime about her in that meeting. Closing her eyes, the purple naga felt a tender finger brush against her cheek to wipe away the tears as she reopened them to see a smile across her lover.

"Madam Vicky, you have no need to be sssad ever again. As long as I am with you, I too feel reborn like you. You have reignited the passssion that once burned in my heart ssso long ago." Upon uttering these words, Fazir lowered himself till his head was at her chest, as if kneeling to the purple serpentess. "I ssswear to bring you more joy and happinessss till the end of time than you could've ever dreamt of."

In the blink of an eye, Vicky pulled the red naga forward and tilted her head sideways as she closed her eyes and locked fanged mouths with her mate. The tangy taste of their venoms flooded their new improved taste buds as their tongues danced around from snout to snout. At one moment, they even braided the fleshy strips in a spiral around each other as they suckled into the passionate kiss. However with eyes still closed, the purple serpent let off a brief moan from her lips upon touched at another sensitive part. The sneaky Fazir was already caressing her firm orbs with his lower free arms, being ever so careful as to not scratch her nipples with his claws. His padded hands massaged with finesse as he swirled each puffed out nipple in a circle while mashing both breasts into each other back and forth in an intoxicating rhythm. "Oooo pleassse don't sssstop," muttered the purple naga in between breathes as they stayed lip-locked for several minutes. My god, I feel so wet, the now horny serpent thought to herself. I...I need to...release. Mmmmm...mmmm these things feel so full too. Work me more, big boy. A devilish fanged grin could already be seen as they tasted and twined in a tongue fight in front each other briefly. "For not doing thissss in forever, you must be really experienced at thissss, darling."

Taking a quick heavy breath, the red naga chuckled as he replied back. "You really no how to work a man into the mood, Madam. I'm just following your lead." Fazir was in a zone he never knew of before, casting his logic and etiquette away for the time as a primal hunger swept over him and his new mate.By the gods, I can't..control this. I want to. I need to, he thought as his mind was zapped with so much emotion.I have to be in her. No sooner did the thought enter him did Fazir's senses went into overdrive. His mouth began to water. His eyes looked like they were hypnotized. And slowly, as the view shifted for a second to his belly, his slit began to open with two members peeping out.

"My god Fazir. Rut me...rut me like the wicked serpent I am!" Vicky screamed as the powerful naga hastened his booby massaging and moved his free arms to her already warm and leaking folds below.

"I will my dear. But first, I want to try something. Tell me how...this feels." Fazir dove his snout forward as he buried his face in one of the tender breasts. Retreating his fangs, he wasted no time in tangling his forked tongue over the half-dollar sized nipple and gave a gentle squeeze as he suckled the juicy nectar from it. His lover could only moan and tilt her head upward with tongue drooping to her mouth's side as he placed a clawed finger point on each tender breast. A small surge of energy pulsed through each touch as it nestled into each orb followed by a tingling feeling felt by Vicky. Her breasts once again began to balloon out slightly as they expanded with more flesh and filled with even more sweet milk. The flood gates couldn't contain the pressure any longer and immediately milk sputtered forth till it appeared like her mammaries were busted fire hydrants as Fazir and his carpet were doused in rich milk. Her nipples became more engorged in her mate's maw as they were fully erect mountain peaks. With the floor becoming damp with the strong aroma of heavenly mother's milk and moist sex, her vulva vigorously winked back and forth around the protruding fingers of her lover, spilling out fluids with each flap. "My god...my insssides are a furnace down there! Mmmmph." It was still Vicky's first day as a female, let alone a sultry purple serpent in the midst of heat, and she began to feel overwhelmed with her new sex drive. It had already dialed itself up to 11 and her senses were starting to get numb everywhere from the multiple orgasms she had experienced in a matter of minutes. Her fluids were already scalding the floor and with each press of Fazir's finger on her clit she jolt forward and back uncontrollably. Yet despite the pain, the pleasure was masking it all. The purple naga was in heaven and riding a high that felt like it would never end. In front her, the gentleman that was once Fazir was now a muscle-packed red naga with an ancient appetite for nonstop sex, utilizing all his spare arms and other tools to fully please himself. Releasing his maw from her left tit, he took a quick slurp from the other one while blowing a jet of air back into it to cool it off before throwing his head back again. The red serpent's maw drooled out steady droplets of cream as he licked his chops and fangs before removing his hand from her hot sex to drink in the fluids. The taste was electric on his buds, like mixing molten honey with cream and sugar into a shot and taking it all at once. "YES! Mmmmm....don't worry my love. I got just the thing to doussse that heat." A devilish grin crossed his face as he glanced down to already see that his pair of twin jet-black rods had emerged from their den and were ready to play.

As she dropped her head down for a brief moment, Vicky's eyes caught a glimpse of his irises. They were no longer the dark green slits from before; instead, only a bright amber glow resided in the slits. "Fazir, are you alright?" she uttered with a concern look.

Turning his attention back to the prize below, Fazir grunted back at her with "Of courssse, my dear. I'm never felt sssooo alive." Lining up his first rod on target, the red naga lunged his hips forward as he drove square on point. The rounded batting ram of his cock plunged deep into her bowls as Vicky braced herself with both hands on her love's shoulders. Keeping his prey steady, the beast fastened both as comfortable as possible against her hanging orbs and the other pair against her rear back side to make way for the next strike. He lunged forward again with one as her walls expanded to make room and her chasm deepened slightly. After a few more tries, Fazir still felt unsatisfied and positioned his spare rod along the first to try to double team the deed. The purple serpent had already been jumping up and down like a pogo stick from the pounding she took and relished each moment as if it were an amusement park ride. Yet as her mind was telling her that she was spent, he body and sex were singing a different tune. With waiting lips winking him on, he thrusted forward against the puffy walls as he was able to drive home the mark in one swoop, leaving Vicky moaning out in pure ecstasy. Her feminine slit had nearly grown 4 times in size from the girth of the twin poles as they were snuggly secured. Had it been a knot on the end, it would no doubt had popped into place from the sheer force exercised by the frenzied red naga. Before she could gasp, a roar of ecstasy escaped from Fazir's mouth as his buildup could no longer be contained. A sudden gush of cool, slimy seed ran forth from both rods as his balls were emptied of his reptilian seed and her egg chamber flooded with life. Another low moan left he snout as the purple serpentess gazed at his belly. Slowly, it gurgled from the mixture brewing inside and swelled forth slightly from the reservoir of seed that left Fazir's inner balls. Being pent up with these desires for so long, it must've been a ticking time bomb just waiting to go off. She had truly awakened him from his long sexual rest this evening.

In a matter of minutes, Fazir's orgasm began to subside as he released his hold on her breasts and backside. Breathing heavy from exhaustion, the red naga slowly removed both his rods from her "magical chamber", letting the excess seed and fluids pour out onto his and her lower body. "I...I...", Fazir muttered under a tired tone as he struggled to find the right words to say. He seemed to be returning back to normal as Vicky saw the dark green color of his slits return and the twin demons retreat back into his slit. Looking around as her sex drive died down, the right side of the bedroom was a complete mess. The drawers next to them had been knocked out and the portrait above it had fallen off its string from the sheer quakes of Fazir's sexual thrusts. The once velvet floor was now a dark blue-red stain from the mixture of fluids that scalded and doused its fibers.

With her mate sprawled out on the floor with all four arms keeping his upper body hoisted in the air, Vicky returned her attention to her purple scaled form. In the midst of the chaos, her mammaries had shrunk back to their normal size but were still wet with fluids while her puffed slit finally sealed itself shut. Rubbing a hand along her lighter scaled belly, the purple naga could hear some sloshing of fluids that made it into her egg chamber and she felt slightly full from the bulge, almost as if she ate a small horse. "Are you alright, Fazir?" she cooed to the tired red serpent as he returned his gaze to hers. "You look completely spent from this ordeal."

With a brief chuckle, Fazir shook his head leisurely at the notion and pushed himself back off the ground with all arms. He rolled his neck slightly and rotated his arms back in a circle to shrug off the fatigue, determined to not look weak in Vicky's presence. Slithering over to her side, he cupped her hand with his as he bowed before her in a plea with a stern face. "Madam Vicky, I mussst appologize for my actions. I don't know what came over me." The red serpent gazed back into her eyes with a look of shame. "I felt your thoughts when you entered my chamber and could tell what you wanted. I felt the same thing. Even ssso, I wanted to make you happy no matter what. But after a moment, a different ssside of me took over. I let the creature I was take over and take advantage of you. I'm ssso sssorry if I causssed you harm." Lowering his head, Fazir asked for forgiveness. "Pleassse forgive me, my love!"

Vicky was stunned at what she witnessed. The purple naga did indeed want to have sex with the man of her dreams at the first opportunity. She wanted to feel him inside her; she yearned to experience something new. By all accounts, he delivered what he promised. For the first time ever, she had been given more joy and happiness than she could have ever hoped for. Tears rolled down her purple snout as she extended her other hand and lifted his chin to see her face. "Darling, don't do that. Never again. It doesn't sssuit you and you ssshould never feel ssshame in what you do. You fulfilled your vow to me like you sssaid you would. The actions you committed, heh heh, were for both of usss." As he rose up to her face with a look of relief, Vicky continued. "In the ssspan of 24 hours, I have went from being a wandering boy looking for opportunity to finding a fresh ssstart as a new entity with a manly ssspirit that I could ssspend eternity with." A beautiful smile crept across her fanged snout. "You even ssshowed me sssome new things that I never knew about, like transforming and doing arcane spells. And to think this is only the beginning." Pulling him close from behind as their snouts touched, she muttered "I will always love you, Fazir" and locked her lips on his in another affectionate embrace.

"Thank you, Madam. Truly, you are the bessst thing that could have ever happen to me." Gesturing with a free arm, he pointed toward the bed. "Ssshall we retire for the evening?" The purple naga nodded in approval, but glanced back down with a look of concern. "Is sssomething wrong, Madam?"

Poking at her swollen belly, she remarked "I'm jussst wondering. Did I jussst get pregnant from this? I've never laid eggsss before."

"Not at all. Perhaps it is bessst if we revert back to our regular forms now." Clasping his hands, Fazir channeled his energy forth as a red mist cloud swirled to coat him from head to tail. Within seconds, his body parts had restructured themselves and he was the same red djinn as before. "Just focus your will to your core and the transformation should dissipate."

Leaning forward from the amount of weight on her front, Vicky steadied herself as best as possible as she locked her clawed fingers on her chest and channeled at meditative stance. After a few seconds of concentrating, her size started to slim down and her snout began to retreat as she became engulfed in a purple magical mist. When the dust faded, the previous purple djinn now stood with a warm smile across her face as her senses returned to her. "Alright, good as new. Still, let's try that again," she remarked with a cute giggle. "Well, maybe in a few days."

"Indeed we can, Vicky. The benefit of those transformations is that any direct changes only stay if you want them to or while you stay in that state. So in terms of being a pregnant snake, you won't have to do any egg laying if you don't want to." Fazir was slowly regaining his energy as with a swish of his free hands he had summoned up some cleaning tools from down the corridor. With a quick wave of a hand to each, the objects went to work in tiding up the room and cleaning the mess on the floor. "Let's just take it easy for a few days though. There is much more I can teach-". The red djinn's smile faded to concern as he noticed his purple-skinned love's complexion fade slightly. Due to exhaustion and something else, Madam Vicky dropped to her knees and her hands grasped along her hips as she doubled over from pain. In an instant, Fazir was at her side and asking what ailed the young lady now.

"It's my insides. I feel like they're on fire. I don't know what to do." Vicky's hands were clasped around her green trousers near her folds, indicating where the heat was coming from.

"Let's get you on the bed, my dear. I think I know what's wrong with you." Cradling her legs and bubble butt with his lower arms and carefully holding her head close to his chest, the red djinn took great care in scooping the purple genie off the floor and walking her over to the waiting bed. He laid her down gently before motioning that he would return shortly before darting out of the room to his study.

Vicky felt a calming comfort wash over her to briefly lower the pain she felt below as she lay on the bed. It was like a fluffy cloud had been placed beneath her and that she could bounce on it with minimal effort. The sheet was just as soothing to the touch, laced in the same heavenly silk as her garments. As a steady breath left her lips, she cuddled up to hide her discomfort as she awaited her guardian to return with aid.

Scanning the rows of his library shelves, a light bulb went off as Fazir found what he needed and with a strong resolve strode back to their bed chamber with the solution in hand. Scouring through the pages of the tome in hand, the red djinn stopped on a middle page and pointed to a top row that had the information he required. "I remember reading about this occurrence in an old text on magical creatures. I talks about that 'some magical entities can be plagued by what is called Spirit Fire Impulses', or SF Impulses for short." The burly entity sat on the side of the bed next his resting mate as he read on, taking a spare hand to her head and abdomen to measure her temperature and energy levels. Based on his readings, assuming they were accurate, Fazir's assumption was right. "You seem to fit most of the symptoms it mentions Vicky. I don't feel any fever from you, but I do sense a lower level of spirit energy coming from your core. Tell me: how can you describe the pain you are feeling?"

Thinking for a moment through scowls, the purple genie replied that she felt it mostly coming from her chest and her folds, as if she was being jolted and burnt at the same time. "I don't know how else to describe it, heh heh. Errr...it just feels so hot and the pain stings every so often. I must've overdid it during that sexual frenzy."

Shaking his head as placed the tome on the nightstand, Fazir gingerly caressed her silky forest green hair on her side while stroking her cheek as he replied. "Actually, madam, I think that was only half of the reason." Vicky inquired what he meant, since she felt perfectly fine before it occurred. "I think your body also had a delayed reaction to when you first tried transforming. As I mentioned, your spirit and will were at peak levels when you first came here after becoming a djinn and you were still adjusting to things. Because of how much stamina and magic power you spent over not one but TWO transformations in a couple of hours, the after effects shocked your system when you changed back." The red djinn traced along her chest and pointed toward her concealed womanhood as he remarked that this type of illness tends to target the most overworked areas of the being. "Fortunately, the writings mentioned a few ways to cure the effects. Of course *cough*, I might have to...improvise to make them more direct."

"What did you have in mind, my love? Whatever you think is best, please do it. You know more about magic in one finger than I do in my whole lifetime." Taking in his hand, she squeezed affectionately as her eyes lit up with assurance. "I know I'm in good hands." At that point, Fazir had all the conviction he needed for this. Their love was truly blossoming forth with every passing day. And this would be but another simple test of it. "Right then, I'll get to it then," he muttered as he pushed himself off the bed and levitated over her.

With a crack of his four knuckle sets, the red djinn fixed his gaze on her chest below her breasts for the first part. Fazir took each of his shoulder scarves and wrapped one along each of his palms/wrists. "This should only take a moment, so just relax and take easy breaths," he replied as he pulled back the silken fabric on her waist downward. Placing both hand along her smooth purple skin, the red spirit closed his eyes as he channeled forth his natural soul essence into her aching pectoral muscles. Over the span of a few minutes, energy rippled out of his finger tips as he massaged each spot gently. The grooves on each fingertip worked in rhythm along the soft purple flesh as a relaxing sigh could be heard from his love in approval. "By the gods, Fazir, I once had a massage as kid from shrine maidens at my old village. They were good and I'm now biased in saying this, but they got nothing on you." She giggled under her breath as the pain began to dampen.

Releasing his hands, Fazir mentioned that he would begin the second step as he moved down to her legs. "This is where it might get a little weird, my lady."

"What do you mean, Fazir?"

"Well, in order to directly numb the pain and rid you of those impulses, I'll need to get inside you."

Taking a double take as she leaned her head up, the purple djinn chuckled at what her fellow djinn was implying. "You're saying that I got these impulses...from having sex, right? So to rid me of them, you want to have sex with me..again? HAH HAH HAH!"

A blush of embarrassment could easily be seen through the red skin of Fazir. The tome mentioned a way to quell the spirit fire, but it involved direct touching to transfer his natural soul essence that his mate was low on. Of course, the tome never mentioned anything to deal with going into another spirit's sexual spot to do it. Naturally, he could simply insert his manhood into her, but he didn't know how to release the energy from that organ. He was only familiar with doing the arcane art with his hands. Luckily, he had an alternative in mind. "Not exactly, my dear. I'll simply enter you as I am now and fix it this way. It'll take longer than the first part, but I'll try to be quick so you aren't in anymore discomfort." As Vicky rested her head back down, Fazir cautiously unwound her sash and pulled her trousers down till his eyes were met by a partially opened pair of puffy outer lips. The wetness his mate experienced earlier had subsided, but he could tell from her leg movements that the pain was still there. Wasting no time, the red djinn quickly shrunk himself down to the size of a golf ball and rushed into the waiting chasm.

Pushing past her G-spot and through the early outer walls, Fazir took only a few minutes to reach the center of Vicky's chasm where the impulses could be seen. Since her walls had been stretched already from the previous activity, the red spirit had plenty of room to work with. Looking along the sides, he could see the few pockets of fiery-red flame orbs that lined her right wall that blasted out sparks every minute. Taking a deep breath, Fazir channeled his inner Superman with an arctic blast of air along the walls to cool off the flames and dissipate the orbs. Once cleared, he extended two arms to each of the side walls as he closed his eyes again and directly poured his energy into the area.

Meanwhile on the outside, Vicky shivered from the sudden cold snap that came from her womb. The pain was quickly subsiding, but the feeling of experiencing a shift from a furnace to a freezer in that area was quite alarming to say the least. Luckily after about 10 minutes, her insides felt numb from the effects and she figured Fazir was done with the task as he emerged to full size again in front her, a sly grin across his face. "Apologies for doing that, but I trust you feel better now Madam Vicky?" With a simple nod, the red djinn breathed a sigh of relief as he lay down beside her. "Splendid. According to the notes, you should be back to your regular self in a few days. Just remember not to overdue next time, at least until I train you."

"Tee hee, fair enough handsome. I'll take it easy for now. I don't want to feel that bad or make you do something that silly again."

"Well to be fair, I really didn't mind doing it," he remarked with a grin at the notion, leaving her to chuckle as she twiddled her hand across his massive pecs. "Let's get some rest now, though. I'm sure you are spent from your ordeal."

"Indeed. Can we work more on new spells or transforming again tomorrow? I'm so excited to learn from a 'master of the arts' like you," Vicky said as she jiggled her body and boobs with glee.

"Let's give it a few days to unwind, and then I'll show you all I know," Fazir replied with a smirk.

Placing her other arm along her mate's chest, the young, purple djinn cuddled close to her red lover as she closed her eyes for rest. With a touching look, Fazir slowly took his free upper left arm and wrapped it over to her shoulder to hold her close as he lay his head back on the cloud-like bed. "Good night Fazir," Vicky mumbled before drifting off to sleep.

"Pleasant dreams, my angel. I'll see you in the morning."