The Beauty and The Beast, Chapter 3

Story by CataII on SoFurry

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#3 of The Beauty and The Beast

Chapter 3: The Alpha Predator

One hour after Femuto leaved her house, the subway finally reached it´s destination. The former kaiju was going to enjoy this day to the full. She annoyed Gojira for one very good reason; he was a kaiju that lacked a sense of humour, and as such, she and her friends have always tried to make him smile. But even after many attempts, but in the end their attempts only made him more angrier. Everyone at the office knew that Gojira hated Tuesdays, and she and the girls always tried to make something for him to cheer him up.

He at least didn´t fired them, because he knew that it would be very bad for them, considering the fact that humans still hated kaiju. Firing them would only make things hard for them. After all, he had a reputation to live up to.

In a world of humans and monsters, the daily co-existence between them was rough, to say the least. The world had to get used to live with the creatures that not so long ago were feared by many; at first, there were numerous protests around the world, most of the complaining about the idea of having to live with human sized(and human) kaiju. The UN had long debates about this theme, and many politicians around the world thought that it was a dangerous idea having humans and kaiju living together.

And with good reason.

Kaiju are destructive creatures, beasts that could level an entire city in one day. And even worse, they´ve killed thousands of humans during their attacks, but in their defense, they didn´t knew that something as simple as walking could cause the destruction of many buildings. Gojira, the CEO of one of Japan´s most important companies, has tried to clean the image of the kaiju by doing many conferences about his experiences in life, as well as the thing he had faced in his new life.

But even then, paranoid people still believed that the kaiju would attack them at any moment; attacks towards the monsters were almost a common thing in the world, specially in places that had a high concentration of kaiju. And Tokyo, being the most populares city in the world, had the highest number of kaiju citizens, had the most agressions towards them.

The authorities did what they could to stop situations like that, but they still happened to this day. And with the Olympic Games coming, this might get worse. The government of Japan had been trying to solve this issue too, but they were unable tho help the kaiju that had been attacked, and it has been rumored that the government didn´t wanted to get "unwanted attention" in the rest of the world.

Humanity had to get used to the presence of kaiju in their normal and regular lifes, and as such, adapting kaiju to the human world was not an easy task. For example, many countries in which kaiju resided had to adapt their public transportation to be able to have the capacity to transport kaiju. The subway where Femuto had used was an example of it. The subway trains had to be made more bigger, since there were kaiju that didn´t were transformed into humans. There were seats made specially for the kaiju, but Femuto being a human, used the regular ones.

The world has changed since Gojira returned in 1984, for better or worse.

That year was when things changed for everyone. Doctor Ishiro Serizawa, the man behind The Changer Project, had said in numerous interviews that the co-existence between humans and kaiju must be peaceful to avoid conflicts in the future, but that seemed like something imposible to do in certain places of the world.

Femuto walked among a crowd, the kaiju standing out the most in it. Human kaiju were the ones that got the less agrressions, but even then, they would too end up antagonized by the paranoids. Femuto herself was nearly assaulted by a crazy man four months ago. It would have ended in a sad note had not another human kaiju stopped the man.

Had she been in her kaiju form, she wouldn´t have been helped by the authorities to get that man to jail. At least humans respected human kaiju, but even then, human kaiju were attacked by the paranoid people, but not that much compared to an actual kaiju.

Kaiju, like humans, were divided by social classes, but it was even more notorious than the humans. Most of the Kaiju were lower middle class, but some, like Gojira, were members of the high classes. Still, Kaiju were able to at least have a good life, but the ones that don´t mostly ended up commiting crimes.

Hokmuto helped her to move on from that incident; he cared so much about her. Things were better now, but she still was in fear of something like it happening again. Well, life had to move on.

Femuto entered the reception of the building, walking towards Manda´s desk to greet her. While she considered the former snake kaiju her friend, Manda hated her, but she would not say that to her in her face. She will hide her real feeling towards the ancient parasite until that woman hurts Gojira.

"Hello Manda, how have you been?" she said to the other human kaiju with a smile in her face. Manda frowned a bit, and then she greeted Femuto with an annoyed tone."Hi. I´m fine." she said, trying not to focus on the former Kaiju. Femuto then moved closer to lean in the desk, which unknowingly to her made Manda felt more annoyed of her presence.

"Why are you dressed like that anyway?" she asked rather buntly, Femuto just smiled at her, and she replied cheerfully."Well, today is Tuesday, right? Since he pretty much is humorless, me and the girls decided to wear provocative things to see how he would react to us." Manda wanted to facepalm upon hearing this.

"You´re a crazy bitch." she said unimpressed with this. Femuto laughed upon hearing that."That´s a good one!" she exlaimed, not realizing that Manda meant to insult her. The former snake kaiju just growled a bit after hearing Femuto."Damn it, she´s crazy!" Manda thought, just giving Femuto a simple smile, but she felt no emotion while doing her smile.

"Well, gotta go, I´m getting late, see you later!." Femuto said as she looked at her watch. She quickly haced her hand to Manda, and she ran to the elevator across the reception. She held her things in one arm, as she ran to the elevator; her revealing clothes got the attention of more than one man and kaiju, which made Manda feel jealous.

She knew she was beautiful, but the way that Femuto acted these days made her feel hate towards the other human Kaiju. She thinks that Femuto will do somethings lewd and nasty to Gojira, as she hated the idea that the two ancient enemies could get along, it was very stupid to believe.

And she knew of other Kaiju that hated the Muto´s as much as she did, and he will be coming to see Gojira today.

Femuto wallked out of the elevator, arriving just in time to her office. Otachi quickly walked as Femuto was walking towards her cubicle."Fem! Gojira will be coming here soon!" she said with a happy tone in her voice. The former kaiju was wearing revealing clothes too, but hers looked more formal.

Femuto looked like she was wearing tights, which is right, and pretty much was showed off a little part of her red underwea, and the tights were form fitting, showing off her legs; she also wore a white-shortl shirt, which revealed her belly, and a short-grey vest, which barely even coevred her short shirt. In her forearms and a bit of the rest of her arms she wore two red silk gloves.

Unlike other working days were she tilde her long hair, this time she decided to leave in untied. Her light grey hair was really long, even reaching part of her legs. She looked more beautiful than ever, and so did Otachi. More than one men and male Kaiju glanced at the two women, but they didn´t cared about it. Being in a public place meant that the perverts.

Leatherback pretty much was centering his attention in Otachi. Leatherback was known in the office to be a pervert, but not pervertid enough to do dirty things in public. The gorila-like Kaiju was very strong, but he barely used his strenght to help others. Despite being strong, he also was fat, something that annoyed him to death.

However, he was a funny Kaiju, and everyone agreed on that. He cheered everyone when something bad happened; still, some human and female Kaiju stayed away from him thanks to he being a pervert. But in truth, he always wanted to have a relationship with someone, he felt alone. He felt like everyone hated him.

"What are they doing?" Leatherback thought, confused to see Femuto and Otachi dressed in such a way. Then again, everyone in the building knew that Gojira, the boss, hated Tuesdays. And he also knew that Femuto and her friends always did something to cheer Gojira up. It was a mystery why the boss hated Tuesdays, but some said that it was because his brother visited him these days. He had met Gojira´s brother before, and he seemed to like him, or so it seemed.

Femuto and Otachi both walked to where the other female human Kaiju were waiting. They were Tytanna, formerly known as Titanosaurus, and Battra, sister of the Representative of the Kaiju Human at the United Nations. She was a pretty agressive woman, but she was admired and respected for the hard work she has done, but she wanted to be as famous as her sister. She was a young woman, she´s 25 years old.

Tytanna is pretty much the one Kaiju that always caught Leatherback´s attention, in part thanks to her huge breasts, as well as her beautiful body. She was wearing a very tight pencil skirt, which caught the attention of more than one man and male kaiju, and making jealous any woman and female Kaiju. She´s 27 years old, and she has some traits of her former Kaiju form, as she has red scales and fins.

As for Battra, she was wearing a very short dress, which leaved very little to the imagination. The three friends wore red high heels too."So, ready for this?" Femuto asked to her two friends. Tytanna smiled, and she sat in a chair next to them."Of course." said the two human Kaiju, getting ready for the plan."We know what we´ll do, just hope that it goes well." said Otachi, sitting atop of a desk on the other side of the room, and so did the other three Kaiju women.

"You worry too much." said Battra, while the other female Kaiju giggled."We´ll be lucky if he doesn´t fire us." Femuto said while checking the hour in her cellphone. It was time for their plan to begin.

Everyone in the office and the building was getting ready for Gojira´s inspection. He did not tolerated lazo workers, and he always kept an eye on the least effective ones. Gojira was in the elevator, now going to the floor where Femuto worked. He would be very busy today, as he had to receive someone special today, someone close to him.

After the elevator arrived to floor forty-three, he walked out of it and began to walk around the office. He saw that everything seemed to be in order; everyone was working in their cubicles, working as best as they could. Even Leatherback was working, but as he walked more around the office, he noticed that four cubicles weren´t occupied by their respective workers.

He walked across the office, and he saw the four workers that were not in their respective work places. And he was very familiar with them."Good, another of Femuto´s stupid games." Gojira thought in an annoyed manner, as he walekd where the four friends were sitting. The four of them got ready upon seeing the boss walking towards them_."Here we go."_ thought Femuto, smiling as she saw Gojira.

The four female Kaiju human stood up from the desk, and walked in a rather sensual manner towards Gojira, who was surprised to see this. He was used to Ms. Takarada being a mischief, but this was new, and odd."Welcome, Gojira." said Femuto in a rather sensual voice, while touching the Kaiju´s arm.

Gojira growled a bit upon seeing her doing this, but suddendly, Tytanna touched Gojira´s dorsal spines, and then his neck, and Battra and Otachi touched his chest. They touched him in a rather provocative manner,

Gojira opened his eyes wide upon seeing this."What the hell are you four doing?!" the Kaiju asked, hissing threateningly. The women were acting like if they were harlots. This must have to be stopped."Ms. Takarada, you need to know that I can no longer stand these antics of yours. You need to stop." he said,, snarling a little bit.

He´d seen many things in his life, and he had seen worse things than this, when he was as tall as the skyscraper he was in. He remembers the old days when he and his brother used to fight against other monsters, something that many humans have called "bringing balance to nature". Gojira just simply fought against those dangerous creatures because they were a threat to him, that´s it.

His brother hated the Muto´s with all his heart, and he even tried to make him fire Femuto, but Gojira insisted that she´ll keep the job, as she would have trouble trying to find a new one. His brother had hated the species since one tried to kill him long ago, but these days are gone, and it was time to move on, but his brother didn´t thought the same thing.

"You four need to go back to work right now, and I mean it." the CEO said, crossing his arms.

The four women smiles quickly dropped upon hearing him, and they quickly walked to their cubicles, with the exception of Femuto, who gave in a somewaht annoyed look."Oh come on, you´re no fun." she said, while crossing her asm under her breasts. Gojira then walked away from where the two were standing, and moved towards the elevator.

He then glanced at Femuto, and prende the button of the elevator. The two shared looks, and a few seconds later, the door of the elevator opened, and he entered it, looking at Femuto as the door closed,

Femuto just gave a sigh, and returned to her cubicle. Well, her plan failed, anf she was now a little bit scared of Gojira. What´s got into him? She knew he hated Tuesdays, but this was odd, considering the fact that the past Tuesday he just smiled a bit upon seeing her antics. Then again, he might be angry at something else.

As she sat in the seat of her cubicle, she wondered what would make him even angry today."What would it be?" she said to herself, looking at the computer in the desk.

The taxi was driving in one of the busiest streets of the city. The passenger in the back seat was the brother of Gojira, who had just returned form his holiday on Mexico. He was a memeber of the Japanese Police, and he still had one more week of vacation, so he decided to pay his little brother a visit.

He looked at the streets of the city from the window of the car; he remembered the first day he and his brother came to live in the city. The attack that his brother did in 1984 was a great mistake, but at least humans no longer feared both of them.

He found humans to be a very interesting species. Long ago, for him they were just small, annoying animals that knew not to get in trouble with them, but now he knew that they were more than meets the eye. They were a rather primitive species, but they knew what was the right thing to do in any situation, or at least they were better than some Kaiju in terms of morality.

The Kaiju felt admiración for how they were able to built cities like Tokyo, as well as how they were able to accept any challenge. But even then, he found the idea of Human Kaiju strange, since he felt that there must be a limit between human and Kaiju, what they could and what they could not do. A human with the power of some of the most powerful beasts that have ever existed sounded like a very dangerous idea, but so far, only the criminal Human Kaiju seemed to have some negative impact in the world.

The taxi driver was listening to some classic music on the radio; it was Fur Elise, he thought, and he enjoyed it too. Classic music was his favorite one, but he enjoyed other kinds of music too."The music is good." the Kaiju commented, and the driver, a 40-something man, agreed with him."True. I like to hear Beethoven´s work, as well as Salieri and Mozart." the driver said, smiling.

After driving from the Narita International Airport, the taxi arrived to Minato, where the Kaiju´s brother lives. The taxi parked outside the apartment, and after taking his baggage out of the cab and paying the driver, he walked to the entrance of the building. This was going to be an interesting stay.....

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