The Runt of the Litter

Story by Addykatz on SoFurry

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#20 of One Shots

A cheetah gets initiated into his brother's fraternity.

Second attempt at 1st person, thanks for reading!

The Runt of the Litter

All my life I was the smallest one in my class. It's not my fault, I didn't order a McSmall-body cheeseburger when I popped out but that's what I got. It didn't bother me until others started to outgrow me, an already small cheetah. Right around five feet is when I capped but every other fur just kept growing. Bullshit.

It's not all bad though, size isn't everything right? That's what I always told myself but who knows if it was actually true. I've led a pretty normal life so I can't really complain, and I was lucky enough to be adopted by a caring family at a young age. Being a cheetah in a house full of wolves is an experience but it's better than foster care that's for sure. I have four brothers (yeah I know we aren't blood related but they're as close to brother's as I'll ever get) named Ricky, Nico, Jaden, and Rango. I'm the youngest and the smallest of course, but Nico and I are both freshmen in college. The other three are Juniors and Seniors with Rango being the oldest.

Nico and I have always been the closest for a lot of reasons. He used to be the runt before I came along so he knew what it was like. Eventually he outgrew me and went on to join our other brothers in the tall club but we're still good friends. We both idolized our older brother Rango though, as stupid as it sounds he was one cool guy. Every fur wanted to be like him or be friends with him. He played sports, was the president of a frat on campus, had a perfect GPA, I could go on but you get it. What I'm trying to say is the popular guy was my brother, that meant Nico and I had a guaranteed spot in the frat.

I was excited of course, Nico was too but I trumped his enthusiasm. There were tons of rumors about Rango's frat and I wanted to believe all of them. Ricky told me just the other day that there are no virgins in Rango's house (that's what they called the frat house he lived in). I'm a virgin but not for lack of trying, most of the time I got called cute or told, "You're a sweet guy but blah blah blah". When Rango told me he'd let me in I could not wait. I don't know if he'd hook me up with someone or pay someone (not that I'm into prostitutes but I am willing to do almost anything at this point). I was ready to lose my virginity but Nico didn't care that much because he lost his already; I was the only one of the 5 of us that hadn't. The initiation party was on Friday night and Nico and I were on our way.

"I can't wait dude, I Can. Not. Wait." I was pretty jittery in my seat. It was already dark out as Nico drove us to the party.

"You need to chill, you're shaking like a damn Chihuahua." he joked.

"There is nothing wrong with a little excitement."

"You don't know if any of those rumors are true."

"A cat can dream can't he?"

"Can you imagine the smirk on Ricky's face when you show up expecting to get laid?"

"He was telling the truth, I could see it in his eyes!"

"Just like how he told you he'd pick you up from track practice and then made you walk home?" Nico laughed and slapped the steering wheel as he no doubt recalled the tricks they had played on me.

"Hey I'm desperate enough to believe anything."

"Why? Just be patient, the right girl will come along." Nico shrugged as if that was actually a viable solution. I lifted my shirt in response, showing him the lean body and abs partially hidden under my thin fur coat. I had earned it from years of swimming and sprinting.

"If this doesn't get me any action I don't know what will."

"That's funny, works for me." Nico grinned, lifting his shirt up to show off his equally toned stomach under his black fur. I scowled and slapped his paw, causing him to drop his shirt.

"One foot more is all you got on me." I said.

"Hey I'm one foot longer where it counts if you know what I mean." he snickered and I rolled my eyes. Dick jokes are the worst. I would pry like them if I were one of my brother's though, I wasn't that big so I didn't like making dick jokes. I'm a little self-conscious about it but I'm average, it's just disappointing seeing how much bigger some guys are in the locker room.

"Wake up, were here." he said, snapping me out of my thoughts. We had to walk a block because there was no parking and the streets were packed. The typical frat house came into view and I could soon hear the music and see furs in groups outside all holding little red cups. We walked up and Ricky greeted us from the porch.

"Yo, you're late! They started the initiation without you." I grabbed his extended paw and shoulder bumped with him, Nico did the same and then he led us inside. I'd be lying if I told you my tail wasn't between my legs from my nerves. Nico seemed calm behind me when I turned to him, he shrugged his shoulders and I remembered he likely had no idea what was going to happen either.

"Once you're in feel free to drink and have a good time, you can sleep wherever you want just don't throw up inside. Find a can or find a window." Ricky bumped the occasional paw as we swerved through crowds and up two flights of stairs.

"Alright third floor, this is your stop."

"What now?" I asked, rubbing my paws together in front of me. Ricky gave me a cheeky smile patted my shoulder.

"When it's time someone will come out of that room and blindfold you. You'll go in one at a time to be initiated." he pointed to a door next to a couch with a sign that read "Off Limits".

"Alright let's go!" he slapped my head gently and growled.

"Wait! You don't enter until someone comes to get you, you can't rush this tradition."

Ricky brushed my shoulder with his arm as he left into the room, whispering "make me proud." into my ear before he went, a slick grin on his lips. Nico passed me and sat on the couch next to the door, pulling out his phone as he slouched back. I sat next to him and looked around the hallway. There were closed doors all around but the door in front of us was only partially closed, it was a bathroom it looked like. I could see furs talking down the hall and the music bumped with my heartbeat. I shook myself out to relax and my brother showed me some internet meme on his phone. It made me laugh enough to relax and then we heard a loud cheering from the room behind us.

"You know that's gonna be us soon." Nico smiled at me. I raised my eyebrows a few times and played a beat on my knees. I looked to my right as I heard footsteps and saw a wolfess and a vixen coming up the stairs each with a cup in both paws. The wolfess gasped as she got to the top, they were both wearing short shorts and bikinis.

"Bridgey look! It's Rango's brothers! Remember they're doing that thing today?"

"Oh my gosh!" the vixen cooed, "they look so alike... and awwww his adopted brother really is as cute as he said." the vixen was talking about me now of course... The wolfess sat in Nico's lap and the vixen sat in mine. She offered me one of her cups but I turned her down.

"Soooo... have you done it yet?" the wolfess asked both of us."

"Nah we're in line cuz we showed up late." my brother casually hooked his arms around the wolfess in his lap, something I hadn't even thought of doing.

"You know I heard the ones that go last have the most fun." they giggled to each other.

"Why's that?" my brother asked with a coy smile, squeezing the wolfess and causing her to giggle some more. I tried to follow his lead, wrapping my arm around the vixen partially, resting it on her hip. She surprised me by grabbing my paw and pulling it farther down between her thighs. Alarms were going off in my head; just like that my paw was closer to a girl's pussy than it had been my entire life.

"We can't tell you, that would totally ruin the surprise." the wolfess and my brother were getting really into each other right up until the door next to the couch opened.

"Brothers, which one of you is next?" a total bro wolf said as he emerged from the door, his cap on backwards and wearing sunglasses. Nico turned to me and raised an eyebrow.

"Last is best, you heard it yourself. I'll let you go last buddy." Nico winked and helped the wolfess off his lap. He was quickly blindfolded and led into the room.

"Well shucks there goes my fun." the wolfess pouted with her hands on her hips.

"He'll be out later just meet back up with him." the vixen said as she wiggled a little in my lap.

"You know I will but I'm going to head downstairs for now, don't have too much fun you too." The wolfess flicked her hair as she went down the steps, her bushy tail rubbing the wall on her way down.

"Bridgey was it?"

"Bridget, but you can call me that if you want big guy." I was surprised by her choice of words and I rubbed my cheek against her shoulder, my paw bravely going where it had never been before. She held her paw over mine as I rubbed her through her shorts, the fabric doing nothing to hide its immense heat. I looked around not wanting to get caught in the act but no one seemed to care, a doberman even walked by and gave me a nonchalant "nice". This place must be heaven! I'm sure that Bridget could feel my bulge against her ass now, there was no hiding it. She pressed her back against my chest and turned her head.

"You know... you and your brother... what was his name?" she paused. I took advantage of it and kissed her cheek like a flirting champion.


"Oh yeah," she giggled, "you and Nico should join us later, we're going down to the lake." the lake at midnight sounded a bit odd but maybe just because I hadn't gone before.

"Why not?" I said. Not a second after I heard a howl, definitely Nico. I knew because there was a pitch to it that was unmistakably his.

"Looks like you're coming up soon! I better get moving, meet us downstairs?" she looked at me with almost begging eyes, something I had never gotten from a girl before. I smiled and nodded, she left with her two cups; sipping out of each like it was fruit juice. I looked between my legs and tried to awkwardly shift the boner in my jeans to hide it. Once I had got it nice and tucked in the door opened to the room behind me and the same bro wolf popped out.

"Alright little dude, let's do it." he stood by the door with the blindfold in one paw, just waiting for me to step into place. I did, and with my newfound lack of vision I was led into the room. This was one of those thick blindfolds where you can't even tell if the lights are on. I bumped into the wall on the way in and the wolf behind me uttered a quiet "shit, my bad". Two heavy paws held me after a few steps and then the room sprung to life around me as voices started saying my name. Finally I heard one that was all too familiar.

"Brother, are you ready to follow in the footsteps of the founders, to follow generations of achievers and winners in all your endeavors?" it was Rango, and there was a special flare to his voice even as he spoke at room level. I shook my head to affirm his statement and he went on. I should have been paying attention to what he was saying but someone was pawing at my jeans, unbuckling my belt and slipping their small paws down my sides. I simply nodded when I heard the speaking stop and my brother would pick up again. My pants sank to the floor once the mystery paws had done their work and by now my erection had shrunk. I was nervous as shit, how many furs were in here looking at me right now? Suddenly it didn't matter, the paws that had pulled my pants down reached through the opening in my boxers and pulled out my soft flesh. My fur stood on end as the paws were replaced by a warm and wet mouth. My tail curled and I instantly licked my lips, my tail flicked against my brother behind me and I heard a few hoots and hollers as the crowd saw my excitement.

Whatever oath I had taken was at its end and my brother was now whispering into my ear.

"Join us brother, and add yourself to the collection of our finest." he pulled the blindfold off my head and I immediately looked down to see some otter girl around my cock. I was mostly hard again now, she had nursed the blood back into my dick as my brother gave me the oath. I looked around the room and saw mostly furs I didn't know, some of them were only wearing boxers like me and then I saw my brothers lined up against one wall. They were all dressed except Nico who was in his boxers and holding his pants, his crotch was wet and dark. There was so much to take in, so many questions and then I looked up to see a large mare on the bed. She was completely naked and on her back, her hands were both around her pussy which she was holding open.

My jaw almost dropped, there was a clear pool of cum by her tail and there was a trail down her legs. It all hit me at once as I looked around one last time as the group started chanting my name. The otter's lips left my cock and I stood proud in front of the mare who just held herself open. Her pussy looked unreal, meant for way bigger things than me obviously but it was almost winking at me. I've seen enough porn to know what it means but it was just incredible to see with my own eyes. In seconds I made my way on top of her, she was at least 6 feet tall so even in missionary she dwarfed me. Her breasts were almost as big as my head and her deep brown fur made them seem bigger. I held her thighs as I threw my nerves to the wind, I couldn't think about every fur watching or I'd get soft. My tip barely pressed against her lips and I could feel it, the warmth, the wetness, and a need for more. I held my cock and guided it into her, sinking the whole thing in on the first go to a louder chanting of my name and a few other phrases. I buried my head in her chest as I pulled my hips out and back in. She was slicker than any lube I'd used, hotter than any shower, her walls gripped me despite my smaller size. My eyes stayed closed as I started humping her, barely causing her body to move against the bed, my barbed cock not even phasing her.

I couldn't have lasted more than 30 seconds, there was no way it was possible. Time was a blur from the moment I entered but I knew I didn't last long, I slammed my small hips into her as hard as I could near the end a pressure like none other built in my groin. As I reached my peak and lifted my head and gave my best attempt at a howl like my brother had, bringing the whole room to a howl in unison. My hips were glued to this beautiful big girl I had just met as my shaft shot what must have been my biggest load ever into her. It dribbled out around my length with who knows how many other furs cum. The howling died down and there was cheering as I pulled out of her, my eyes glued to the mess I had added to. I looked up to her and she gave me a sweet smile, she knew she had just taken my virginity. The others gathered around me before I could blink and pulled me off the bed, all of them patting me and messing up my fur, my brothers included.

It probably should have been more alarming that I just stuck my dick in god knows what but I later found out everyone was clean (dodged the bullet there right?). My brother Rango gave a speech at the end of it all about the new initiates and how the frat is the best it has ever been. It sounded like a bunch of nonsense if you ask me but it seemed to work and everyone cheered. I saw Nico in the crowd and he just nodded his head approvingly.

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