And I Love You

Story by CysSub on SoFurry

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#3 of New Day

Ok, yes, I do realize I lied to you guys and I must apologize... I write slow ONLY when I ...

Ok, yes, I do realize I lied to you guys and I must apologize... I write slow ONLY when I procrastinate! Also... considering this one came out basically on the same day as the second one, don't be too harsh on criticism, please! It was a bit more rushed since I wanted to get to sleep...!

For the first time in what seemed like my whole life, I woke up in the dark. The lights in Gilbert's room were turned off, but a faint beam of light from outside in the hallway was shining through the small crack in the doorway. Turning to face Gilbert who was still sound asleep right beside me on his back, I ran my paws through his smoothe white-furred chest. The rest of his fur was a mahogany color though. I smiled to myself when I saw some drool along his jaw, a bit of it already leaking down his past his cheek, forming a small puddle on the carpeted floor. With a chuckle, I wiped away the drool with my paw.

I stretched out my limbs to feel thin layers of dried wolf seed split between the fur that it stuck together on my pubic area, chest, neck, and muzzle. "Ahh, dammit," I mumbled to myself. I guess we forgot to clean ourselves up after the little ‘fun' we had earlier today in the afternoon. After picking myself up, still keeping the weight off of my right leg which was recently injured in a car accident, I made my way over to the door to get to the bathroom in the hallway, but froze the moment I put my paw on the doorknob.

Listening closely, I heard the television turned on downstairs. I was suddenly overwhelmed by a wave of fear that had crashed down on me the moment I heard it. The television being turned on downstairs meant only one thing... his parents were back home. That also meant that they probably checked up on us when they got back. However, we still would've been sleeping, meaning they would've come home to the two of us sleeping in each other's arms on the floor of his bedroom, covered in each other's dried cum...

I quietly rushed my way back over to where Gilbert was sleeping. "Gilbert! Gilbert, wake up!" I whispered loudly, shaking him. His ruby-red eyes opened and looked up.

"Huh?" Gilbert groaned, slowly waking up to see my emerald eyes and a bit of the grey fur on my forehead reflecting with the faint beam of light that was still shining through the doorway. He started to smile after seeing me, but then stopped when he noticed the worried expression on my face. "What is i--" Gilbert started to ask, completely confused, but I silenced him with a paw to his mouth.

"Shhh..." I said. "Listen..."

Gilbert's ears perked up and he listened for whatever it was I was telling him to listen for. "I don't hear anything..." he said finally after listening for a few seconds.

"Downstairs," I said, slightly panicking. "The t.v.! Your parents are home!" To be honest, I've never been scared of anything, at least from the point in my life when I discovered there really was nothing hiding in the shadows, waiting to lunge out at me and tear me to shreds. Not even standing outside the window of a thirty story building would have any affect on scaring me, but this, for some reason, scared me back into a little child.

Feeling completely over-whelmed by my emotions, I reached forward and tightly clung onto him, whimpering as I did. Tears had already started to stream down my face as my ears flattened against my head. I felt very pathetic as I held onto him. What was wrong with me? Am I still the same crazy fur who's completely unafraid of anything, or did that part of me disappear after I fell in love with Gilbert?

The way I was acting seemed to confuse Gilbert who was staring at the new me silently. With a long pause in between, Gilbert finally put a comforting arm around me, holding me tightly against his warm body. "It'll be fine," he said reassuringly, "if worst comes to worst, we'll run away together!" Gilbert chuckled a bit to himself. I guess he was trying to get a laugh out of me too. I returned a weak smile, feeling just a little bit better.

"C'mon, let's go get ourselves washed up," he suggested.

I whimpered again as he let go of me and went to grab our clothes that were lying next to the wall. Gilbert slipped into his clothes and then brought mine over for me. I started to get up onto my feet, but Gilbert leaned down and put a paw to my chest, pushing me back down.

"Relax," he said, smiling. I followed his orders and relaxed myself as I sat on the soft floor. "Good boy," he whispered into my right ear, then licked my muzzle.

Gilbert got down on his knees and spread both of my legs apart just a bit. Admittingly, this got me a bit excited. He continued by slipping both of my feet in my into my boxers and then slowly pulled them up past my thighs until they fitted comfortably. Gilbert then repeated the same thing, just this time with my shorts. When I saw him reaching over for my shirt, I raised both arms up in the arm for him. He put the shirt on over my arms and pulled it down until it wouldn't go any further.

"There you go," he said, smiling again. Leaning in, Gilbert gave me a quick kiss and then scooped me up in his arms, heading towards the bathroom. It surprised me that he was able to pick me up; he was never that strong before. Gilbert pushed the door to his room aside with his footpaw and continued down the hallway, however, only to be stopped by the voice of his father.

"Gilbert! Come down for dinner..." his father, James, called up the stairs. "Bring Fell down with you..." The last part was said with a stern tone, making me feel even more anxious. I mean... was it even necessary to even say it?

"Yeah, I'll be right down with him," Gilbert called back down the stairs, "I'm just going to wash up real quick." Gilbert continued to walk towards the bathroom, but his father called back up the stairs again.

"You can wash up later, your mom and I had dinner prepared an hour ago."

"Alright, I'll be down aft--"

"Gilbert, come downstairs right now and have dinner..." his father seemed almost annoyed. The two of us shot glances at each other, both fearful. Without much choice, Gilbert changed direction to the stairs, walking down them slowly to keep balance with me in his arms.

When we finally reached the bottom, Gilbert, who was panting, set me back on the floor on my footpaws, and we made our way to the dining room. I stayed behind Gilbert to avoid his parents seeing my fur. Gilbert was also trying to hid the fur on his muzzle, which was completely matted too, by turning his head to the side. We made our way over the to table and sat down. I tried to cover the fur on my neck by slouching forward and keeping my head down, and the fur on my muzzle by pretending to scratch it with my paw.

"How was your day, boys?" Gilbert's father asked us, however, he was staring directly at me.

"It was alright," I replied for us, "we were both tired so we just fell asleep upstairs."

"Well... Uhh..." his mother, Gloria, started. I held my breath and prayed to god they didn't us upstairs. "Your father and I... we saw you two upstairs together..."

"Dammit..." I breathed so none of them could hear me.

Gilbert quickly shot a glance at me. We were both starting to turn a bit red. "Has this been going for some time already? Are we supposed to believe what we saw up there, or is this a complete misunderstanding?" he sounded a bit flustered, and I could see his face start to turn red too, but clearly in anger. Gilbert's mother appeared to be a bit agitated too as she was rapidly tapping a finger on the table.

The two of us were hard-pressed for words, and I don't think either of us had the slightest idea of what to say. "I--We, uh... we..." I tried to speak, but no words were able to come out of my mouth, I kept on hesitating.

"I-It's exactly what you t-think... think it is," Gilbert helped me finish, shakily. Now that our little secret was revealed, I didn't feel the need to try and hide it anymore. I put my paw down and sat back upright against the chair, allowing his parents to see the areas of fur on my neck and muzzle that were stuck together by dried wolf seed. Gilbert kept his head turned away.

Gloria's jaw dropped as she heard the words come out of Gilbert's mouth. Gilbert's father, however, was clenching his jaw instead. He appeared to be extremely mad as he glared at me, looking ready to lunge out across the table and choke me to death.

"So, this is the path you two have chosen? Throwing away your morals?" James said, grinding his teeth together.

"What the hell do you mean?" I growled, suddenly enraged, standing up. All eyes at the table were turned to me now. "He's your own son for christ's sake, you should already accept him for that! And what...? We're all of a sudden repulsing to you now that we," I paused for brief moment, uncomfortable with the word I was about to use, "yi-yiffed?" the word finally came out of my mouth. "The two of us being in love with each other doesn't mean that we've lost our morals! Who're you to judge us?" I felt disgusted just by looking at Gilbert's father now.

"In... love...?" Gloria breathed, looking dumbstruck.

James burst out of his chair, "Who am I to judge you two? I'm Gilbert's father, I get to say whatever I want to about him, he's my son! I will openly admit now that he's not even that great of a son... always getting himself into trouble, just causing more pain for my wife and I!" Gilbert turned his head, angry, to glare at his father who was still rambling on about him. "And you..." he spat, pointing at me, "you're just as stupid... risking your life by diving in front of a car for a god damn necklace..."

Unable to control myself now, I walked over to Gilbert's father who was standing across the table. I threw a punch straight in his gut, causing him to stagger backwards.

"Oh, James!" Gloria cried out, getting up too to see if her husband was okay.

After giving James one last stern look, I turned around, heading for the front door, grabbing Gilbert by the paw. Although I noticed the hulking shadow towering over me, I kept on walking until I was struck hard by a fist to the back of my head. Gilbert's paw slipped out of mine as I toppled forward and hit the floor. The room around me was spinning as I slowly started to drift out of this world, everything starting to fade to black.

"Fell..." I heard Gilbert say my name as I stirred awake.

I opened my eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the light that entered the room from the window. It was daytime outside now. I guess I was out for quite a while. I sat upright on Gilbert's bed and looked around after rubbing my eyes. There was an intense pain at the back of my head where I had been hit last night.

The whole room was a mess; almost everything I could see was overturned. I turned my head to face Gilbert's. There was dried blood that ran across his muzzle, some on his shirt too.

"Gilbert..." I breathed, putting my right paw on his cheek, "what happened?"

Gilbert didn't look up at me as he spoke, keeping his eyes fixed at the floor, "My dad... he knocked you out." The wolf who was sitting on the bed next to me spoke in a very dull voice. "I carried you back up here, to my room, but he got angry at me a-and... and..." I wrapped my around him and silenced him. I could already guess what happened. Tears started to flow out of Gilbert's eyes.

"Dammit, I'm so sorry Gilbert," I apologized, feeling bad for him. He got into a physical fight with his father just to protect me. "Maybe we should actually run away, eh?" I suggested with humour, like Gilbert did last night.

Gilbert didn't laugh, but raised his head to face mine. "I... love... you..." he slowly whispered into my ear.

"I love you too," I whispered back, licking the dried blood from his muzzle. A rush of blood flowed straight into my crotch when I could felt Gilbert massaging my furry balls through the two layers on cloth I had on. I let out a moan but shut my mouth half-way through, remembering that his parents were probably still in the house.

"Are you sure you want to do this so soon after what happened last night?" I moaned again, this time quietly.

Gilbert just glanced at me with seductive eyes. Although he didn't do anything to tell me what he wanted, I knew the answer already as he continued massaging my balls. A wet spot started to form on my shorts as precum leaked out from the tip of my shaft.

"Ooh, that feels so good" I groaned when Gilbert slipped his other paw down my shorts, using a finger to rub my sheath. Before I got to really enjoy it, Gilbert removed both of his paws. What did he have in mind now?

After slowly peeling off his shirt, Gilbert leaned over and helped me remove mine, the heavy scent of wolf musk filling the room. This time I put a paw to Gilbert's chest and pushed him down, his back against the bed, and I stood up. Standing in front of Gilbert, I placed my paws on his inner thighs and gently rubbed at them, forcing out a cute little moan from him. My paws ran from his inner thighs up to his waist where I undid the straps on his leather belt, pulling his jeans off after I tossed his belt to the floor. I removed the boxers that tented his throbbing member.

A spurt of precum shot out of Gilbert's crimson shaft as I leaned towards him, plastering itself against my chest. As I continued to lean in, I could feel his cockhead brush against my abs, from top to bottom, even more precum spurting out of it. When I was face-to-face with Gilbert, the both of us gazed into each other's eyes with passion, the same flame still burning in his beautiful ruby-red eyes which glittered in the warm sunlight that shined through his window.

Raising his head, Gilbert brought his head in closer to mine and kissed my lips, his tongue sliding into my maw. As I leaned over Gilbert, the two of us kissing, I could feel a tightness in my shorts as my shaft kept growing. "Hold on a second," I told hold, the sound of our lips parting appeared to make Gilbert a bit unhappy.

I quickly slipped out my of shorts and my boxers and turned back to face Gilbert who was starved for more. This time, instead, I got on my knees and stuck my tongue out, licking the base of his shaft to the top, another muted moan escaped his throat, and then lowered my mouth to his furry orbs. My tongue licked and lapped at them, covering them extensively with my saliva. Gilbert opened his mouth in a gasp of pleasure, shuddering after.

"Fell... Give me more!" Gilbert moaned, rapt in pure ecstasy. I wasn't quite sure what he meant by ‘more' until he slowly spread his legs apart and shifted his tail to the left, exposing his tailhole.

"A-Are you-- are you sure?" I asked nervously.

"I'm sure, Fell," he said confidently, "I love you, and I want you to claim me..."

After hesitating for a second, I stood up and looked down at Gilbert's tailhole. I leaned forward and put my paws on his shoulders, the tip of my shaft poking into his ring, making him giggle a bit. With a small thrust, four of my eight inches spread apart the inner walls of his rump. Gilbert gasped in pain, clenching his jaw, but soon started to moan in pleasure. With a second thrust, almost all of my pulsating member was inside of him. With a third thrust, another gasp escaped Gilbert's throat. All but my knot was completely inside of him, precum slicking up his bowels. Finally, with a fourth thrust, there was a loud popping sound as Gilbert yelped, arching his back, in severe pain.

"I'm sorry!" I apologized quickly, nuzzling his neck with my nose.

"No," he panted, "don't be..."

I gave Gilbert a lick on the nose and continued to give little thrusts. It started out at an awkward pace, but soon I was able maintain an even and steady rhythm. Pumping in and out of my wolf mate, I listened to him moan in pleasure, music to my ears. Gilbert's throbbing piece of flesh was spurting out precum onto my abdomen with almost every thrust I made.

Gilbert's legs wrapped around my waist as I pounded away at him, grunting heavily, my testicles slapping non-stop against him, my cock grinding into his prostate. Waves of pleasure flowed through me as the two of us moaned in unison. We completely gave up on being silent, the whole house echoing with the sounds of pleasure we made in yiff. Taking our pleasure even futher, Gilbert started to stroke his own cock and gave mine tight squeezes with his tailhole. This often caught me by surprise and caused me to let out small yelps from the armount of pleasure it brought me, making Gilbert giggle almost every time.

Looking at my mate through slivers in my eyes, his eyes were closed tightly, his maw open, his right paw still stroking his tasty meat while his other paw played with his right nipple. He looked so cute doing that to himself and somehow managed to make me even more aroused than I already was.

"Fell!" Gilbert exclaimed, "I'm c-close!" To tell the truth, I was very near the edge too. I pounded into Gilbert's rear end, grunting each time, faster and faster as he let out many lustful cries, turning me on more than I have ever been.

Finally, with one last thrust, I hammered deeply into Gilbert's slick bowels. Arching my back, I let out a long howl, so did Gilbert. Many thick ropes of my hot and creamy seed shot through my member and deep into Gilbert's body, each time a wave of overwhelming pleasure hitting me. Many rope of his own hot seed started to shoot out of his member too, splashing onto his abodomen and chest. When both of our orgasms finally faded, all we could hear was each other's panting, the both of us puffing for air.

"Shall we go wash ourselves off?" I asked Gilbert when I finally had enough breath to speak again.

"Oh, let's," he said, winking at me.

Gilbert sat up and grabbed onto my shoulders as I wrapped my arms around him. After taking a moment to regain my energy, I lifted Gilbert off the bed and headed toward the bathroom. When we reached the door, I unlocked it and opened it with my right paw, holding onto Gilbert tightly with my left arm to make sure he didn't fall. We made our way down the hallway until we reached the bathroom where we stepped into the shower and stood under the running shower nozzle. The cool water running through our fur felt exceptionally good after what we just did, beinging our body temperatures back to normal as I stood with him clinging onto me, scrubing ourselves.

I smiled at the though of this making up for what I got us into last night... but hey, Gilbert's still got more coming at him, so he should be ready for it!

Because You're More Than A Friend

Hey guys, I apologize for how late it took for this one to come out... One thing you'll learn about me is that I'm rather slow when it comes to writing...! Anyways, enjoy the second chapter of this series! * * * Immediately a bright light...

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I Did It For You

The open window welcomed the sound of chirping birds and bristling leaves on a warm and sunny day. A gentle breeze slipped in, followed by the smell of fresh-cut grass, enough to convince anyone to take a step outside. All around the small room was...

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