Faux Fakes, Real Feels

Story by KitFox on SoFurry

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It's just a magical spell inside! Really! Share it with your friends. They'll all like it.

This is a continuation of For Magic! and More Magic! and while they are not mandatory to enjoy this story, they are highly encouraged to know the background.

Faux Fakes, Real Feels


"I'm right here, sis," Samuel said, looking up from where he was working half-heartedly on college applications.

"Letters from Gurt," Samantha exclaimed, tossing her brother's envelope to him. Her tail wagged as she looked over the letter. Gurt was a bad influence on them sometimes, but always in a good way. At least in the wolf twins' opinions.

"Wonder if he has any advice on filling out paperwork for college."

Gurt was their uncle and he was in the College of Magic. Not the most savory of sorts to a lot of folks, he'd been what some people called a career college party student. Even at that insane college they heard tales of his being dumped in the moat by a school-wide curse that was like theirs.

Mind you they hadn't had the easiest of lives. Their mother - Uncle Gurt's sister - fell for a handsome wolf and the bastard took advantage of that. She married the guy after just a month when she came pregnant with his pups. She was besmitten by the cubs and left him in the cold for sex after that. She should have taken some warning when four years later he almost violently insisted that the twins be put into Accelerated Schooling and Growth, which was a relatively recent magical invention to reduce the strain on parents. ASG sent the children off to each full day of year-round school in a pocket universe that didn't match outside time.

Parents dropped the children off for a structured night's sleep and day of school in the next day in the pocket universe, then the cubs returned after only half a minute in the outside world. The parents had them for three hours of parental bonding before repeating the process again. Six of these sessions in a real world day starting at six in the morning and cycling every three hours until they returned just after nine pm and slept at home for their "weekend". The coordinated amount of time they spent overall made for a full week of life for the kids each day in the real world.

Some folks compared it to a boarding school but better, since the parents were still involved with their children on a day to day basis. Others didn't approve of the three years of full-time work it created for the parents to get their kids from pre-school at four to graduating two real world years later at their own age of eighteen. There was also controversy over the effect this had on the outside world since the children grew so very fast.

The twins got to see their parents nearly unchanging for two years as they grew from four to eighteen. Or at least that was the idea. Even their mother didn't know their father was a failed mage and had escaped from a monitoring and support facility. Without the constant help, his fried mental channels continued to degrade and a year and a quarter into their schooling he began to succumb to ether rot. Yet he still hid the true nature of his illness even as he was hospitalized and ranting incoherently.

The Sams were distraught to see him go through this, and near the end were rightfully fearful of him. One visit period a real world day they went to the hospital and generally sulked nervously in the corner while their father either rested or burbled or sometimes had redonculous rants about anything from bubble snakes to vermicious knids.

Then the final fateful visit just half a real world year before they graduated completely, he suddenly sat up in bed, seeming surprisingly lucid as he accused them of ruining his chances to get years of great sex with their mother. It was foreboding enough that he had a creepy voice and was suddenly seeming to be completely with it, but when his eyes glowed and he spoke in tongues, that shit suddenly became real.

The Sams woke after a few seconds to find their father had self-etherated, demolishing a good chunk of his hospital bed as he went out with a flash of magic. They even missed a day of school as mages were called to investigate, since they and their mother had been exposed to hot ether. The end diagnosis? The twins had been cursed.

Their father was a washout from the College of Magic, driven to distraction by so many trips into the moat. He'd worked hard to study the runes and the curse on the school and took unapproved methods to do so, becoming very familiar with their construction but finding no way to overcome them. The spell that destroyed him was a placing of the same curse on the twins, though thankfully it was time limited to around the time they turned thirty. Of course, lacking a moat to dump them into, he also just made the repercussions be violent, magically-enhanced vomiting.

Poor uncle Gurt always felt guilty for the whole thing. That was just six years ago in the outside world. Their father was originally a student and Gurt helped goad his failure forward with teasing stories of how beautiful and wonderful his sister was. He had no way of knowing the wolf that approached her a few months later was the escaped failed mage under a new identity.

Their letters bemoaning their fate met with a sympathetic ear from their lewd uncle and he was even kind enough to offer advice on what he knew from his own encounters with the curse on his college campus. The twins only got his letters once every seven weeks of their lives, so he packed the letters full of all the advice he could.

Samuel could have a good rub at least, but poor Samantha bemoaned the fact that she couldn't even get her finger between her lips to find her clit without the curse triggering. This was a horror for the two teens as they came into their hormone-laden years and should have been able to experiment both with themselves as well as with friends.

"Okay," his sister said. "You have fun with that college form. I'm gonna go read Gurt's letter." She bounced off happily to her room. If Gurt had something for both of them to know, he addressed a letter to them together. When letters were addressed individually, it was private stuff. After one time comparing letters and both turning up their noses at the information given to the other, they kept the privacy sacrosanct.

Closing her door, she turned on the privacy spell out of habit. It kept sound both out and in. Flopping on her bed, her tail wagged as she slid a claw into the envelope and ripped the end open, then pulled out the letter. She unfolded the paper and promptly squeaked in surprise as cloth fell out of it. Poking the cloth curiously, she snagged it and hid it under her as she read the letter. She knew it was against everything for Gurt to sneak anything out of the college, so this must be something really special for her.

Hi Sam! Glad to hear that life is treating you well now that you're spending all your time out in the full world. This is a short letter. I had to write it quickly to get this gift out with it and not rouse suspicion. This has been in the works for a while and it's really flaky, but it's going to be the best I can do for now. I wish it could be better or more reliable, but like the optimist I am, I'll count that as a feature instead of a problem.

I've been working on creation logic and fake smart things as well as randomizers. You wouldn't believe how tricky it is to make a construct act like it's kind of smart or seems real enough to be randomish instead of precise. Constructs that always do exactly the same thing exactly the same way are easy. Trying to make it unpredictable? Wow... Yeah.

I decided to design fake things in clairsentience, which is feeling things remotely. Except backward. The remote thing makes you feel it. And not really a thing. Just moving the magic directly. Anyway, you know me and my naughty mind. I kind of played with the things I was making and I found out to my surprise that it didn't dump me in the moat!

Your curse is just like the one here, so the spell shouldn't make your curse go off either. But I got a little carried away in trying to make it realistic-ish, and it's a little underpowered. I made a better, less-naughty version of things for my project, but I thought that you'd love to use my prototype until it runs out and vanishes.

It's a pair of underwear with a clairsentience projector in the green cloth lining the crotch. I call the program I put into it "Happy Male". It should usually be projecting a cock, but I made it really random, so it might be fingers or anything else sometimes. You know me though, I care about you a lot and I made absolutely sure that it can't hurt you. Just make sure you remember that the green cloth covers both your holes and I didn't actually put in anything to keep it from using either one, and honestly I have no idea if it might do something silly like create a muzzle and tongue or stick a pen in you or something, but it definitely won't hurt you.

So here's the deal. You absolutely should wear it full time between six and nine in the evening. Yeah, that was intentional. You've got to have it on by six, because if it doesn't detect it's being worn at that time, it'll stop working permanently and vanish. I guess you can take it off for very short times if you want to wipe yourself clean during that time, but not for too long. But you can put it on other times if you want to. It should hopefully sense if it's on you and might do something. Or share it with a friend, but be careful, since they might like it so much they won't want to give it back, or they might not wear it the time it needs to be worn.

It might do nothing anyway. Or it might do a lot of something. It's tough to say because it's so random. But it should last about a week, regardless of whether you use it or not. So I suggest wearing it every day and hoping for the best. I hope it's gonna be a wild week for you and I think you'll really enjoy it.

She tugged the cloth out from beneath her and stared at it in disbelief. Yep, elastic underwear with a green crotch. Toying with the waistband, she glanced at the clock. 5:40 PM. Still twenty minutes before she had to wear it or lose it for good. But she could wear it early. And if it did something she didn't like, then she wouldn't be sad if she lost it.

A quick reach behind her and she unfastened her pants from above her tail, then rolled over to shuck them. Her normal panties came off next. They were low-cuts that didn't go over her tail, but this new gift did fasten over her tail because the green cloth went right up under it. She fidgeted as she looked over the new underwear. She was already getting wet from just the thought that this might possibly work, though she'd have a barf bucket ready just in case.

Steeling her nerve, she stuffed her legs in and balanced on her shoulders to pull the garment up to her waist and fasten it over her tail. Then she flopped back down and rolled over, kicking her feet as he tail swayed slightly side to side. Maybe something would happen. Maybe it wouldn't. She had a thrill of anticipation and pulled out her phone to play some games and wait to see.

* * *

"Gurt, you're either insane, or you're a genius," Samuel muttered to himself as he stared at the oddly-shaped cloth hanging in front of him in the air. The little tag of cloth attached to it was black, which supposedly meant it was not working at the moment, and he fully trusted Gurt's advice to not touch the orange part at all when the tag was black. So he'd carefully held it by the black edges and played a little with moving it around and setting it in various places in his room.

The letter was short. It was a prototype Hump Cloth and it wouldn't last much longer magically before it vanished, maybe a week at most. Plus the randomization was a bit too odd, turning the cloth on at odd times and having preferences for being on based on how it was treated. Couldn't say if lots and lots of using it would make it be on more or less, but at least it would be on from six to nine every night and maybe randomly other times. If all went well, it'd last up to about a week. And heck, feel free to invite his male friends to try.

Rubbing his chin, he finally grabbed it out of the air and folded it up, stuffing it in a pocket and heading out of the house and three doors down. If advice or insight was called for on anything related to sex - or if he just needed somebody who was gutsy enough to do nearly anything - Chad was the tiger to call on.

"Oh, hey, Sam! Here because you reconsidered and want to try?"

Sam rolled his eyes. "Still nope on that. Trust me, I tried to hold out before. It really makes me way too miserable. Got something from Gurt that I wanted your opinion on."

"Gurt? How's he doing? Come on in!" the white tiger exclaimed, holding the door open. He wasn't at all worried about the fact that he was both bottomless and sporting a good-sized boner. Sam was cautious about the latter since touching it would result in the curse going off.

"He didn't say in this letter, but he sent something he thinks will help me. I trust him, but I don't know what to make of it really." Sam pulled the folded cloth out of his pocket and followed the tiger to the computer which was in the middle of a porn pic browsing session. But that was the case most of the time Sam headed here.

"Hey, Sam!" It was Jase, a fox sitting on the bed having a circle jerk with an elk and a faux dragon both of whom Sam didn't recognize, the latter being a biped that resembled a wingless dragon more than any other lizard out there. Though like every other biped in the world, only major features defined whether anybody could have kids. Any canine with any other canine, any lizard with any other lizard, any cat with any other cat. The dragon had a very interesting cock though, with a frilled flare at the head and a rudimentary knot in the middle.

"'Lo Jase! Wow... Lots of guys here. What's the occasion?"

Chad flopped into his computer chair. "Dexyl is in town and visiting. These guys wanted to meet him." He gestured at the cloth. "So what's the thing?"

"Oh! Gurt sent this. Says it's a Hump Cloth. Some kind of artificial magic thing that he said might be kind of random and picks its own times to work." He unfolded the cloth and hung it in mid-air. "Pretty much when it decides to work, it should have a nice, fuckable place like through the orange part. And he said it doesn't trigger the curse on me."

Despite the magical object floating in the air, everybody was pretty relaxed. Chad looked at Sam and pursed his lips. "Well, like you said, you trust Gurt enough that it's safe. So what's up then?"

Sam fidgeted. "Just wanted your opinion, and..." He looked down. "Honestly if it does work, I dunno what to make of it. Not like it's anything I've ever done before and I don't know what to expect or anything. Plus Gurt said I could share it with friends."

"That could get messy inside after a while," Chad said with a sniff. "In a real person, that's fun. Not sure how well you could clean this though. How do you know when it's on, or do you just have to guess?"

"Well, when it's off, the tag on the back is black."

"It's green right now," the elk pointed out.

"Oh? Oh!" Sam exclaimed, fidgeting.

Chad jumped up and examined the cloth more closely, then poked the orange part, his finger vanishing into it slightly. His eyes widened and he poked it a little more. "Hmmmmm... Sam, your uncle is nuts. And a genius. Both. I think." He pulled his finger out and sniffed it curiously. "No smell or even wet. Must be the magic, not a real thing. So Sam, if he's right, you can poke in here and not puke." He grabbed a trashcan. "Not that I don't trust your uncle, but just in case. I think you should use your finger first too. No need to get you all happy and have it be a disappointment. Come on, then."

Sam looked at the curious faces watching and took a deep breath. He -really- didn't like the effects of the curse, but for the first time in a while, he was curious enough to take a chance. His extended finger met the orange cloth and sunk through it like it wasn't there. Then he found something softly-furred and damp. He jumped in surprise before poking tentatively again, feeling his way about in awe.

His fingertip slipped between hot, wet lips and he paused in concern, but his stomach held with no problem. His mouth dropped open as he explored with his finger, poking it in to his knuckle at one point and then feeling around a wider area. "It's... it's even got a tail hole here. I think." He looked at Chad. "And I didn't activate the curse. What do I do? Is this what it really feels like?"

Jase let out a bark of a laugh and Chad patted the wolf's back before answering. "Well, get yer cock out and we can see."

Sam nodded and started undoing his pants as Chad felt through the cloth some more, very curious, then nodded and told the wolf, "Ether, I'll check for you just in case."

The tiger moved to a better position and grabbed the cloth by the black edges, moving it to a better place as well. Then he felt with his finger to find the lay of the land before poking his hard tip at the cloth. "Oooo... that's warm and nice," he murmured, his hands waving briefly in the air as if he wanted to grab hips. Finding no hips there, he put his hands on his own sides instead and started to push in, looking a lot like the guys in the porn pics with his pose. "Oooooooooo... yes, that's reeeeeally nice and tight."

The wolf paused, bent over double with his pants around his shanks and watched in awe as the feline pushed into the cloth slowly with a happy look on his face, then began to rock in and out of the cloth. The scene was mesmerizing enough to get his cock to start peeking.

"Don't touch Sam in any sexual way," Jase advised the elk and dragon. "He got cursed to not be able to have sex and you won't like the consequences. Trust me, if it weren't for that, I'd be all for pouncing his ass too with how nice it looks with his tail flagged like that."

Sam tucked his tail, not meaning to tease anybody, and finished removing his pants. He was curious about that, honestly, but this cloth from his uncle really wouldn't help him find out.

"Damn," the elk said. "Glad you mentioned that or I'd so be in him right now."

Chad chuckled. "No Sam ass for you, but damn, this thing is nice. Yeah, Sam, definitely feels like the real thing." He pulled himself out of the cloth, his cock now very slick with his own pre-cum. "No mess from the juicy pussy in it. Huh... Guess I should test the ass too." He took the cloth to the bed and draped it over the corner, then felt to find his spot. He paused before he poked it with his cock. "Hey, Sam, no rules that I shouldn't go under the tail in this, are there? Won't hurt it or something?"

Sam shook his head with a gulp and rubbed his sides. "Gurt said it's a magic thing so no way to hurt it, but it feeds back on what it likes and doesn't like, and might not be on as much if it doesn't like something. Said it was random responses, so no idea what that means."

The tiger shrugged. "I'm sorry in advance if it doesn't like this and turns off for a while before you get a go, but damn this pucker feels tight and I have a load to blow hard." He grinned and positioned his tip, then thrust in with no remorse or restraint. He gasped as he went balls deep against the cloth and stayed there for a moment. "Wow... Feels almost like it pulled away in surprise and then pressed back and slid me all the way in. Ooooo, ether that's tight."

Both of his hands went onto the bed and he took no time in pounding himself into the cloth with great vigor, moaning and giving the other three a show as he did. Even Sam couldn't keep from giving himself a light rub as he watched, turned on by the whole thing.

The white tiger wasn't lying about being ready. This wasn't a female to please and tease. This was a magical thing to have fun with. Enjoy the feel, drop a load, pass it to somebody who's been waiting, and no guilt over its feelings. So after a small bit of frantic thrusting, Sam watched him hilt himself and white, fuzzy balls twitched and pulled up with each spray of hot tiger cum into the depths of the magic in the cloth.

"Oooo... Damn good. Damn good," Chad purred, pulling himself out and watching curiously as the full load of cum came out as well, dripping to the wood floor. "Huh," he said, then felt through the cloth, suddenly looking intrigued. "Dry in here. Not a drop of cum in it."

Curiously he moved his finger and stroked along a few times, then pulled his finger out briefly before feeling again. "But I can spread the slick from the pussy to the ass and it stays. So only the fake parts stay in." He nodded and took a deep, happy breath. "Feels damn good though."

Feline eyes passed over to the wolf who was staring with perked ears and Chad smiled. "Yeah, that's definitely what it should feel like. Damn, that's what more females should feel like. Wonder if it ever has a male in there. Anyway, finger's one thing Sam. I still want you to have the bucket there on your first thrust, but if that doesn't make you sick, you're in for one awesome ride." He grabbed the bucket and moved aside for the wolf.

Sam felt all eyes on him as he scooted forward and took a deep breath. Jase flopped on his side on the bed and tried to get a view from that side while the dragon and elk decided to head around behind for the best view. The wolf peered at the cloth and nodded, then realized he had a problem.

"Ummm... what do I do?"

Jase barked in laughter again but Chad smiled, knowing the wolf really had no experience other than seeing porn and knew nothing by feel. The tiger patted his shoulder. "Pussy's near the bottom. Pretty simple. Find the wet area, slip your tip between the flaps on either side, then move the tip up and push lightly until it can go deeper. Can't mistake it when you've got the right spot. Too low and it's pretty shallow. Too high and you slide out from between the folds. Then if you want to, you could also go up out of the folds and there's an ass really close to the top of the cloth. Just find the spot with no fur and some give to it and push. You'll know if you've got it right there too, though you should be nice and slippery to get into a tailhole. Once you have it in, push it in and pull it out, just don't pull it out too much. Repeat while it feels good and do it faster so it feels better."

Chad tweaked Sam's ear lightly. "I'm pretty sure once you have it in, instinct will take over."

Sam nodded and held his cock down to poke it at the cloth while Chad hovered nearby with the bucket. He closed his eyes and pushed forward with his hips and encountered a soft, hot feeling that was absolutely delightful. His eyelids fluttered as he pushed instinctively and his tip slid properly. Then he let out a yelp of delighted surprise - or surprised delight - as his tip sunk in.

No curse hit and he slumped forward, sinking fully in so quickly that there was even a squelch as his knot slid in. "Oh the ether! That... that feels so... sooo good," he panted, his tail wagging happily over his back as his tongue lolled.

"In is done, now out, and more in and out," Jase said with a grin, reaching over to smack the hand of the dragon before it got to Sam's rump.

Sam didn't need any urging and in short order he was pumping into something other than his hand for the first exquisite time in his life. It was a quick ride in reality but for him it seemed to last forever, just like the days at school were compared to the real world. He knew what cumming felt like thanks to his hand, but this feeling - velvety smooth, so hot and wet, engulfing him in a full length of tight delight - this was so much better. It wasn't long before he hilted himself and strained to get deeper as he unloaded to the best orgasm he'd had, urged into higher gear by the squeezes around him that he had no way of knowing were the female version of cumming.

Then he became more aware of the outside world again as a few more splats of hot, gooey juices hit his rear end and splattered over his exposed tailhole. The elk and the dragon hadn't gotten smacked for that, so they were perfectly fine with shooting on his exposed rump. He didn't care. Kinda felt good anyway.

"If it wouldn't make a very unpleasant mess, I'd so be on top of you right now," Chad said as Sam panted and recovered his wits. "I think any of us would."

"Mmmmf. Can't say if I'd like it or not even," Sam said sadly, then squirmed and moved a little before freezing. "Er... I... I'm stuck?"

"Gak, figures that porn never shows a good tie. Not much to see," Jase muttered. "So you'd have no idea about that. Ya know that bulge at the base of your cock? The one that gets bigger just as you cum? When that's inside, it's big enough to not come out easily. Depends on the female of course. Some tie better than others. Canines tie the best of course."

"What do I do?!" Sam demanded.

"Just relax," Jase said with a smile and a sigh. "Your knot goes down in about fifteen to thirty minutes. You've seen that too. Can't relax right after a wank, right?" Sam nodded silently and Jase considered. "Though it does go down faster if you're not in anything. I guess because it's a spell and not real, you could try to see if you can get out." He glanced at the elk and the dragon. "I'm know the rest of us would love to have a chance to try this thing sooner than waiting around for you to untie. If you wanna try, pull carefully but definitely stop if it hurts at all."

Sam gulped. "Don't wanna keep you from the fun after putting up with me." He smiled meekly.

"Yeah, you'll take it home with you and get it a lot more," Chad said joshingly. "Time to pop a knot out there." He took pause. "Though, um, I don't know the details, but like Jase said, if it hurts at all, stop pulling."

Sam nodded and steeled himself, then pulled. There was a definite tightness and pressure, but it released him suddenly without becoming at all painful. He groaned happily and climbed off the bed as the cum was ejected from the cloth.

"Seeing as you two just blew your loads on his ass, I'm gonna go ahead and try this out," Jase said with a grin, pouncing on the opportunity.

The next hour saw Jase, then the dragon, then the elk all get their first go in rapid succession. Sam got brave enough to try the tailhole, though it took a few minutes to convince him to pull out of that tighter place as well. By the time seven was rolling around, all five of them had tried both holes in the hump cloth at least once and all agreed that it was tremendous fun.

Chad called a halt to it though. "Dexyl's gonna be here soon and I'm sure Sam might want to take a break and reflect on all this. Or enjoy some of it in the comfort of his own room without us rushing him to pop his knot. Rrrf, Sam, if I can convince you to bring that back, I'm sure we both know a bunch of guys who would be interested."

Sam took the cloth carefully by the edges and folded it up, then pulled his pants on before stuffing it in his pocket, grinning the whole while. "You've been so helpful I'm definitely happy to come back. I really can't use this thing all day all alone."

The tiger grinned. "Great! You go have fun then. I'll catch up with you by chat." He showed the wolf to the door and waved at the happy twin. When he closed it, Jase was standing there curiously.

"Why not keep him and the cloth around for Dexyl?" the fox asked.

Chad made a face. "Dexyl's a griffin. I wasn't kidding at all when I told you the 'rules'. When Dexyl sees an ass he wants, he gets it. If he took a liking to Sam's ass, even the curse wouldn't dissuade him. I'm just glad he's good enough to be careful with us smaller bipeds. But he likes how tight we are and he knows if he hurt somebody with his size, he'd not get any fun. So at least anybody who isn't cursed can have fun with him. You never wondered why griffins all live out away from most folks? It's because they're stuck up, entitled, demanding..." He grinned. "But damned if it isn't a hell of a ride when he mounts ya."

* * *

Samantha was alllll tingly and happy. She'd never cum before, because there was really no way to play with herself enough to get there. But this... this wonderful gift had pulled numerous climaxes from her depths. The one that had the big knot had been the best, though she was sad that each time there was a knot, it ended up getting pulled out anyway. Now it was silent, but she wasn't sure if she could handle that much action again. Not so soon. Maybe when she was more used to it. But she was supposed to wear it until nine, nearly two more hours.

Maybe Sam could help or had an idea. She climbed off the bed and turned off the privacy spell, opening her door to head down the hall to his room, but she spotted his tail just vanishing through his door.

"Sam! Wait up!"

"Huh? What's up? You look wobbly, are you okay?"

"I'm absolutely great!" she exclaimed. "Come in!" She beckoned him into her room and he followed, his ears perked alertly as she flipped on the privacy spell.

"You... Wow... It smells super like you in here," he said, fidgeting from the pheromone-laden scent.

She nodded emphatically. "Gurt sent a present with his letter. I'm wearing a pair of underwear that has a sex spell in the crotch. It works REALLY well," she said with a small yip of excitement. "But maybe too well for me right now. I'm supposed to wear it from six to nine, but I need a break. I was hoping you had an idea, because I don't want to break the spell and have it not work anymore."

Her brother opened his mouth in surprise, then twisted his ears around in thought. "Okay, um... yeah. Well, how does it work? What happens?"

She took a deep breath. "Well, I guess it sounds kind of silly, but it makes magical cocks and I think there were sometimes fingers and they fucked me in both holes and oooo, it was so wonderful and I thought it might hurt because I've never even been able to touch myself before but it didn't hurt at all it was just all so good and now it's been quiet for a while but I dunno when it might start up again and I just really need a break but I'm supposed to use it from six to nine all the way through and other times if I want but it's only just past seven."

"But if you take them off, it might break the spell? Huh. I honestly don't know."

"Well, the letter said I can take it off for a little while during the six to nine time, and that I could share it with a friend. But I don't have any girls I would trust who are around right now." Her ears laid back in thought, then she perked. "Saaaaaaaam... Would you like to wear it for me for an hour or maybe even until nine? It hasn't done anything for a while now and I bet it's recharging. And I bet it likes girls best, so it won't do as much if it does anything at all."

"Um, wait... you're asking me to wear a pair of underwear that might poke me with a magical cock?"

"Yeaaaaaaah... Well..." She fidgeted, then grinned at him slyly. "I'm pretty sure I saw guys humping guys on your computer sometimes too, so I bet you might want to know what it feels like, and Gurt said this won't last forever, so this might be your only chance for the next dozen years."

He gulped loudly. He hadn't realized she'd seen that and he did have a guilty thrill from the dragon lizard and the elk watching his tail. His ears flicked about wildly as he thought, then he gave up and chuckled. "Okay, yeah. The only worry I have is what if I don't like it, or what if it hurts?"

She patted him. "I don't think it'll ever hurt. Gurt wouldn't make something that would hurt us. If you don't like it... well..." She looked sad. "If you don't like it I'll be really sorry and I'll owe you big time, but you'll never know unless you try. Just," she glared at him. "Don't like it so much you steal it from me forever. I mean, what if you really only like guys?"

He smiled shyly. "I promise not to steal it from you forever. Gurt sent me something too. A cloth that when it's on has magical female bits inside. I had waaaaay too much fun humping it to say I like guys only. I even showed it to Chad so he could help me figure it out. He had fun with it too, and Gurt said I could share it with any guys I knew."

The sister nodded decisively and pulled off the underwear in a swift motion, holding it and an empty hand out. "You take these and give me your cloth as collateral then," she decreed. "Maybe I can use it to figure out what a female feels like since i can't even touch myself, who knows?"

Samuel gave it a moment of thought, then nodded agreement, pulling out the cloth and handing it to her. "The tag is black. It's not on right now. When it's not on, Gurt said absolutely don't touch the orange part at all. The tag turns green when it's on. And it hangs in the air or anywhere you put it without moving, you have to use the black edges to move it when it's unfolded."

Samantha unfolded the cloth briefly to get an idea for it, then nodded and folded it back up. "You should go to your room and turn on the privacy, then put that on and get comfy on your bed. I doubt you'd want to be doing anything random if it actually decides to poke you, but relaxing and being able to enjoy if it does will be great. I'll knock when I'm ready for it back. If it comes to be nine and I'm not back for it and there's nothing poking you at that moment, you can always take them off. And be quick, because I don't know how long they can be off somebody before they stop working."

He took the underwear and patted her head, then scampered out to his room to do as she asked and help her out.

Samantha took the first few minutes of respite to take a quick bath and wash the copious juices off her fur, then dried off. She glanced at the computer and considered peeking at stuff, but her mind wandered to the orange cloth. Getting up, she headed over to grab it and unfolded it on the bed, tilting her head at the fact that the tag was green. Gingerly she poked her finger at the orange cloth and perked as the tip went through the cloth and encountered fuzzy fur. Her tongue curled up around her muzzle in concentration and she started feeling more.

The fur, and... on this end, that felt like a tail hole. Ooo, it even clenched a little under her touch. But below that... what the...? That wasn't a female rear end!

Did Sam lie to her? Was he really only into guys and this was really a spell for a guy's ass so he could get his rocks off? If so, he had to have told Gurt, or Gurt wouldn't send something like this. But she couldn't ask her uncle and she didn't want to bust in and accuse her brother. She was horribly curious though. She and her brother trusted each other and she was sure he'd have told her if he didn't like girls at all.

Chad! Sam said he asked Chad for help with this, so if Chad didn't know anything about it, that was a lie. And if Chad did know, maybe he could say whether it was a male instead of a female, or why it was male now if it really was female before. She folded the cloth up, threw a quick day dress on, and rushed out the door and down the street to ask the white tiger.

She fidgeted as she waited at the tiger's door and it seemed like a long time before he answered.

"Oh, hi Sam. Both of you in one day, what a surprise."

Well, that covered the fact that Samuel did come to see him. "Hiya Chad. I'm holding onto a magic cloth thing for my brother right now and he said you helped him with it, so I was curious and wanted to ask you something. He said it felt like a female inside."

Chad nodded emphatically. "Yeah, best pussy I've pounded in a long time. Wow. Wet and soft and tight, that cloth is amazing. I've got some friends over and we all had fun with it. Even your brother."

She relaxed. The tiger was popping out of his sheath as he talked, so she was confident he was telling the truth.

Chad wilted a little. "I guess it really doesn't do you much good, since it's a female. I guess unless you want to grind like that, but I have no idea on that. Never got the girl girl thing honestly."

She smiled. "It's okay," she said, refraining from explaining the gift she got as she pulled the cloth out and unfolded it. "I was really curious because he told me it was a female and when it turned on, I'm pretty sure it feels like a male in it."

"Oh? No, it was definitely a female. Both holes were damn good and..." Chad poked into the cloth lightly as he was talking and cut off when he realized it was a male in the cloth right now. "Well, huh. That's a male ass, yep."


Chad shrugged. "No idea. Maybe it's male when a female has it when it turns on? I dunno."

"Hey, Chad, Dexyl just landed in the back yard and headed into the shed," Jase called, walking up. "Oh. Hi Sam. Chad is it okay for her to be here with Dexyl around?"

"Yeah, she's female, so he wouldn't be interested at all. Oh, but you'll never guess why she's here. She's holding on to her brother's cloth that we had fun with and when she has it, there's a male ass inside."

"Dexyl?" Sam asked.

"He's a gay griffin. Not very common and griffins aren't keen on gay ones at all, so he visits bipedal friends like me to dip his stick with people who are brave enough to let him. He considers that if a guy shows his ass, that's an invitation that he's allowed to take."

"And you said he has a lot of stamina," Jase pointed out. "So we'll probably tire out before him."

"Yeah," Chad said with a sigh. "Not the best visit for him tonight unless we want to be exhausted and maybe even sore. I mean, he's careful, but there's limits. More guys would help spread the love," he said with a grin, "pun intended, but we only have us. Unless..." He peered at the female wolf speculatively.

Sam put her hands up. "You know I have the same curse as my brother."

"Yeah, but you have a cloth with a magical ass in it that shouldn't get hurt or sore or tired," the feline pointed out with a grin. "Any chance we could borrow it for an hour or so? You can stick around if you like to watch guys hump guys or if you just want to make sure it doesn't sneak away. Heck, you can play on the computer or have a bite to eat or relax or whatever, too. But the cloth would help us with Dexyl and..." He licked his lips. "The female inside was damn awesome, so I'm keen on trying the male too. Though we'll have to have slick cocks for it just like the female one's tail hole."

The wolf lass waved her tail slowly as she considered. Normally when she was pent up, she had a few ideas that she made herself happy with. One was watching guys screw other guys. Not her best favorite, but seeing guys screw girls made her jelly of the female involved. If she didn't have the curse, she'd have them do her though. And finally she usually ended up being tired of taking all the males and changed to the male being screwed looking like her brother and having to just deal with it if he got tired because... guys! They needed to be happy too! It mixed not being jealous of the female with somebody who looked like her being screwed and worked well for her to relax into bliss. At least in her naughty little mind it did, since reality was not so accommodating.

Sure, the cloth wasn't really anything, but she wouldn't be jealous of it when it was a guy and apparently the griffin would screw the real guys too, so here she had a chance to see one of her fantasies in reality. She grinned. "Okay! You can use the cloth, since Sam let you use it before, and I'll stick around and watch because I'm curious. But no touchie me, like you know."

"Don't worry, we have no love for the curse either." Chad considered for a moment as he looked at the cloth. "I'm going to give this a quick test before we see Dexyl. Don't want to promise something that won't work out."

The wolf watched curiously as the striped feline spread his own copious precum over his barbed cock, then hung the cloth in the air at the right level and felt into it with a finger before poking his tip into it. Chad got a happy look on his face as he sunk slowly into the cloth and Sam watched in fascination as his pink flesh slowly vanished until he was pressed fully against the cloth.

"Oooo... Your uncle should get a prize for this. Amazing ass in here. Tight, warm, pulsing around me a little. The fur is a little soft, a little coarse, just like yours. This is what I imagine your brother would feel like if it weren't for the curse." That thought made him grin and he gave a few thrusts before reluctantly pulling out. "Don't want to leave Dexyl waiting though."

"Too late," Jase said. "Dexyl saw them going at each other in the shed and hopped on even before I came to tell you. There was griffin cock under tail faster than they could react."

"Mmmf... Okay, I trust Dexyl to introduce himself properly to them then. No reason not to give this cloth a better test," Chad said. "Hmm. Jase, bend over and present!"

"I thought you wanted to test the cloth," the fox said, bending over and wiggling his rump teasingly.

"I do," Chad said, draping the cloth orange side out over the fox's ass. He used a quick feel through the cloth to get it aligned to the fox, then grabbed his hips and thrust in happily. "Ooo... it's like real, but better," he purred, leaning over the fox and pounding into the cloth.

"I don't know whether to be amused or offended," Jase said, making a face. "I can feel your hips hitting my rump but nothing else. This is kind of weird and boring feeling."

"Trust me, after a little while with Dexyl you'll hope he's willing to do this instead and give you a chance to relax," Chad said, thrusting faster until he arched his back and filled this new version of the cloth. He panted and relaxed on Jase's back for a short time before pulling out and letting the tiger cream plop from the cloth onto the floor. Then he rrfed and grabbed the cloth back, bending over and putting it over his own ass. "There, see? You get to try too."

Jase took no pause before jumping on this idea, his cock only half out of his sheath but quickly driven into the cloth. "Oh ether, you're right. This is damn good," he growled as his thrusts quickly got the rest of his cock from his sheath and into the cloth. "Seems weird if you look at it, so just do it, don't look."

Sam was mesmerized as she watched the fox thrusting in and out of the cloth, though it made it look like he was thrusting into the tiger if she was to the side. He sunk his knot a few times at the start, then went to rapid thrusting without the knot going in for a while before bracing himself on Chad's lower back and driving his growing knot fully in. It was a sight, watching the strain before the knot finally vanished into the cloth and Jase ground himself around with his knot inside before yipping in delight. She saw his balls twitch and pull up as he unloaded into the ass-in-the-cloth and she squirmed, discretely rubbing herself through her pants.

Chad hmphed and chuckled. "I see what you mean about boring. All the signals but none of the fun inside. Perfect for resting some and still letting Dexyl have fun though."

Jase sucked in a breath and pulled with his hips, finally pulling out without any discomfort and letting the copious cum fall to the ground. Chad snagged the cloth and straightened up. "Don't slip on that," he advised Sam of the cum as he headed back to the back yard and the shed where small squawks and chirrs and moans were coming from.

Chad took a deep breath, "Right. Chances are one of them will get to try this to show Dexyl that it's legit and then he'll be on it like..." he paused thoughtfully. "Well, like Dexyl on an ass. But Dexyl'll probably want some real rear too so whoever is left over will have a go at this then."

Sam was taken aback as her eyes adjusted to the dim light in the shed. She'd never seen a griffin up close before. He'd just finished up on the elk and copious griffin spoo was leaking from beneath the short tail. The lizard was panting a little and looking like he was having second thoughts about being mounted by the griffin.

Dexyl himself was massive. His belly was just above the height of her waist and his big wings looked strong. His leonine body was limber enough that he didn't need a horse-sized cock for his horse-sized form, which was fortunate since such a thing would never fit in a biped safely. But he was still a big boy, his tapered tip, braided appearance of ridges, and vestigial knots at the base and near the middle definitely not something that could go balls-deep into a biped either. The elk was the most massive of the males here, even bigger than Chad, but the cum-slick bit of griffin cock was still only to just below the mid-knot.

"Hi Dexyl!" Chad exclaimed. "This is Sam. Don't worry, she's not going to bend over and turn you off. She brought a nifty toy that she was sent that I thought you'd like." He glanced at the elk and dragon lizard as he held up the cloth. "When Samantha has it, it has a male ass inside. Which of you want to give it a test go?"

The elk made a face. "Dexyl jumped on me when I was doing him," he said, jerking a thumb at the dragon. "Then Dexyl took him, then took me again. His turn to hump something. He has a thicker tail to avoid teasing the griffin anyway."

Dexyl chortled. "I'm willing to pause in doling out griffin cum to see what this mysterious cloth is all about."

Consideration passed over the elk's features, then he wandered over and snagged the cloth, feeling through it with his fingers first. "Huh. Yeah. It's a male." He got the cloth positioned and pushed himself into it, a look of delight flowing over his face. "Niiiiice," he murmured as he started to thrust into it.

The tiger was having a whispered conversation with Jase which the fox broke off from and headed to the action to back up to the cloth and drape it over his rump, positioning it as the elk paused briefly with a curious look.

Jase grinned. "There, now you can hold my hips and even give me a reacharound if you want while you pound that with a body under it."

The elk didn't hesitate to grab his hips and went back at it, quickly agreeing that this was much better and it didn't take much at all before the griffin perked as he filled the cloth ass with spunk. "Damn, having in on a person like that definitely makes it better."

"For you maybe. I'm just providing a service," Jase said with a chuckle. "Nothing much for me to feel."

Chad grabbed the cloth and draped it under his own tail as he headed over to the lizard. "Well, then let's have Dexyl give you something to feel while our friend here tries the new cloth ass, then Dexyl can try the cloth on you and compare the results.

Sam watched in amazement, not sure whether it was more interesting to see the griffin being extra-careful with the fox and filling him anyway, or the lizard going full tilt with delight at the tiger - but not really the tiger. The lizard was even faster to pop than Dexyl and Jase definitely looked like he was straining when the winged mounter did pop.

"Bring that over here and put it on him," Dexyl insisted of the cloth. "I want to try that. It looks interesting."

Jase panted softly, recovering. Maybe the griffin was a tad too much for him, but griffins were really too much for bipeds as a rule anyway. The lizard carefully positioned the cloth on the fox and probed with fingers to make sure everything was well-aligned, then tucked it between his legs and over his balls and cock. He paused as he realized he was doing this, then felt through the cloth.

"Hey, did you know there's even a hard cock in this? I mean, I can't pull it out of the cloth, so it's not much use, but I guess it's realistic."

Sam perked curiously. She'd never gotten to feel one of those before because of the curse.

Dexyl waggled his head. "Doesn't mean much to me, you can rub it if you want to rub fake cocks." He got back into position and grasped the fox's waist, then poked with his tip. His head jerked back in surprise as he pushed forward, then chirred happily. "This does feel very nice," he admitted.

The griffin stopped halfway in and huffed, then considered. "It's magic, so there's nothing to hurt?"

"That's how we understand it," Chad agreed. "If the magic person doesn't like something, the cloth turns off, but never seen that happen."

Dexyl got a tighter grip on the fox and Jase put his ears back in worry, despite the fact that this was not actually his ass the griffin was going into. Then Dexyl started pushing deeper, quite used to feeling for the limit of depth inside to not hurt his friends. His beak opened in a delighted gape as he pushed further and didn't stop until he was hilted.

The massive griffin looked absolutely shocked when his balls bumped the backs of the balls inside the cloth. "I... I completely fit," he said in awe, pulling partially out and enjoying the sensation again as he thrust the lower half of his cock in, bottom knot included. "This magic thing is amazing. It even knows how to handle a full-sized griffin. How accurate is it? My paws are no good for reaching a male's front and I know male griffins normally rub female clits with their sheath and balls. I have not felt a clench before. But if this has a cock inside, maybe it's even realistic enough...?"

Sam didn't know what made her be at the fox's side so quickly and reaching under his belly, careful to make sure she was finding the fake cock in the cloth and not the fox's real cock below. She was absolutely not fond of the curse.

"Sam?" Chad asked worriedly, surprised and taking a step back, ready to shield himself if the curse hit.

The wolf's fingers felt gingerly and sure enough, she found slick, warm flesh. She braced for barf, but no barf was to be expelled by the curse. Emboldened by the safety the cloth provided, she touched more firmly, looking at Chad and smiling. "It's fake, so no curse!" She stroked a finger along the length of it from the tip downward and perked again when she felt the knot at the base.

Dexyl pulled the fox closer and ground himself into the hole in the cloth. "Ahhh... a squeeze! Oh delightful!" It didn't take any more encouragement for him to finally enjoy the normal griffin fucking of pulling out to just before the mid knot before driving both knots back in. With bipeds, he normally bottomed out at or just after his mid knot and the six inches below that never got any attention. Just his tip got to enjoy the fun. But now the sensitive space tipward of his mid knot didn't need to leave the happy place at all. He got the full effect of it staying enveloped delightfully in squeezing flesh as he started up thrusts that let both knots feel the satisfaction of slipping within a clenching, grippingly-tight, velvety-soft hole.

Samantha felt along the cock in the cloth in more detail, feeling the slick flesh and wrapping her fingers around it to test its firmness and heft. The approving chirrs and trills from the griffin each time the shaft in her hand twitched encouraged her more and she finally got up the courage to do something she'd only imagined before.

Ducking onto her elbows beneath the fox, the wolf lass nosed at the magical cloth and giggled when there was a brief moment of a drop of pre-cum on her nose before she pulled it out of the cloth. Then she gave a curious lick. Absolutely no scent or flavor, but the texture, warmth, and slick pre-cum dribbling from the tip seemed to be right. At least she guessed it was. She wasn't going to ask any of the rest of them if it was right until she made sure she had a chance to do this, just in case the chance went away. Given the way everybody spoke of this cloth, she trusted it was realistic.

She burrowed her nose up against the magical belly inside the cloth and got the tip of the cock in her mouth. The drips of precum were slippery and didn't really want to completely stay on her tongue, but she figured it would be a bad idea to try to pull magical things out of the cloth. She jumped as the flesh she held twitched and Dexyl chirred happily again, humping harder.

Not much time. She wasn't completely sure what she was doing, but she figured the griffin would pop soon, and she wanted to make sure she had her chance before the magic went away. Her tongue led the way as she slipped her muzzle further up the magical cock and got it deeper into her mouth. She gagged for a moment as she hit a bad angle and was pretty sure Chad nearly panicked at the idea that the curse might be hitting, but it was just her reflexes.

Getting a better angle wasn't easy, but she did it and made it all the way to the top of the knot without any discomfort. This was exciting and she was pretty sure Chad was warning the boys off her rear as she slurped and suckled at the cock, making it throb mightily. Shifting to one elbow to support herself, she lifted the other hand to curl her fingers around behind the growing knot and squeezed and tugged on it.

The griffin's paws pressed at the sides of her head as he squawked in delight and hilted himself completely and she had enough warning from the size of the knot and the buck of the shaft before the magical cock began to unload fake spooge into her muzzle. She made a strong effort not to swallow, letting it dribble out the corner of her mouth instead as Dexyl ground into the clenching tailhole and loaded it up with his first full-depth explosion of griffin goo in who knew how long.

Samantha mrrfed quietly and wondered what this would taste like. She knew just the juices would be safe, but she never had the guts to ask any guy for them before or to steal any of her brother's after he wanked. But now she might just ask him. She gave another tug on the knot and felt its roundness, then let the rest slip from her mouth, the odd feeling of the fake spooge being stopped by the cloth not taking away from the experience much at all. She backed out from under Jase and gave a happy wiggle, excited to have done that.

The guys were watching astounded as the griffin looked extremely satisfied, still holding the fox's ass close to his haunches for just a moment before sliding his cum-slickened length out. Dexyl chirred and panted deeply. "Most amazing little toy, I'd wonder whether I could even begin to afford to buy it off you."

Sam shook her head. "It's a prototype and it's gonna stop working in under a week, so it wouldn't be fair to sell it to you." She grinned. "If I can convince my brother, I think it was fun watching you use it though."

"But it's turned off now," Chad pointed out sadly, fingering the now-black tag on the cloth.

"Off?! But we just started!" the wolf exclaimed, disappointed. "Well, meh. I'll take it back to Sam and see if he can think of anything," she said sadly, having been looking forward to seeing more cloth humping happen. She pulled the cloth off the fox's ass and folded it up, tucking it into her back pocket.

* * *


"I'm in here, sis," Samuel called from his room where he was just finishing examining the lack of his cum on the inside of the magic panties.

The she wolf poked her head in, then rushed in all of a sudden and closed the door behind her, a big, gleeful smile on her face. "This is like the BEST present Uncle Gurt has ever sent! I took it to show your friend, Chad, and I think they might have wore the magic out a little, because it turned off. But wow, that was so fun to watch. I hope it turns on again soon and isn't completely broken."

Her brother sucked in a deep breath and looked at the panties. "Yeah, I have to agree. The cloth was great for me and the guys said it was the best female they've ever had. Then you had me wear these and... wow... that was intense."

"Why'd you take them off?" she asked, worried because it wasn't nine yet.

"The stuff they were doing made me cum and I didn't want to leave them messy," he explained awkwardly.

"Nonono! You have to keep them on until nine!"

"Okay, okay!" he exclaimed, slipping them back on and flopping on his belly. "Even if I make a mess in them? Though all my cum stuck to me. I think these things might be cum-proof or something."

"I got all wet too and didn't mind, so deal with it. You can wash up later." She hopped onto his bed and straddled his thighs, playing with his tail as it wagged lightly. "Tell me all the fun stuff!" she barked excitedly.

"Hmmmmmm.... Should I tellllll you?" he teased, closing his eyes and remembering it.

"Tell-ll-ll-ll-ll!!" she insisted, bouncing on his legs and bapping at his tail.

"Ooooooooh kay," he said, licking his lips and giving a wiggle. "Well, first I took the cloth to see Chad before I knew you had these panties."

She started to open her mouth to say start with the panties, but she closed it and listened, promising herself not to get jelly at the magic female.

"I didn't know what to make of it, or whether it was a joke. But Chad checked it out and it was not a joke, and he poked the cloth in the female parts first..."

"The pussy," she interrupted. "You can say it!"

"Okay, Chad poked it once in the pussy with his cock, then tested the ass and came in it. Then I tried and I came in it too. First time ever feeling a female."

"Oooo! In the pussy or the ass?"

"Well, in the pussy first," he said, declining to explain his confusion over tying.


"Yeah. Then Jase did the pussy, and then I watched the dragon and the elk do the cloth, I think in the pussy again too," he said, wriggling. His tail started to wag more avidly as he remembered. "Then I got to unload in the ass, and Chad and the elk and Jase did it again, Chad twice! Then I tried the pussy again and then the dragon guy let loose somewhere, I don't even know. I was just too happy. And then they said I had to leave so some griffin wouldn't want to hump me when he arrived. So I came home." His ear flicked. "Oh, and when I was bent over doing it the first time, the two other guys came on my ass. That was kinda weird but kinda neat, which is why I agreed to put these on for you."

Samantha was listening intently and at first her tail was waggling furiously, but as her brother continued it slowed as she thought harder about things. "What then?" she asked, feeling for the orange cloth in her back pocket.

"Well, you had me take over the panties for you and I just laid here on my tummy at first. It was a lot of waiting and I thought nothing would happen, but then I felt something poking me lightly between my balls and my ass."

He took a deep breath and kicked his toes at the bed a little. "Theeeeeen... I felt something poke harder, and squeaked when something slid into my ass. But it felt good! It was only once though. Felt kind of textured when it pulled out. So I got onto all fours because I felt like I should and maybe that would encourage more to happen, and I guess it did. Because then the same pointed, textured thing - had to be a cock - humped me until it suddenly twitched and I swear I could feel cum going into me."

"Was that it?" she asked, wide-eyed as she unfolded the cloth, her brother blissfully unaware in his recollection.

"Oh, no! Lots more! Then there was another cock in my ass, some canid, definitely because it had a knot." He wriggled again. "Then two more that I couldn't really tell, but one was nice and smooth and the other was kind of nifty feeling. Then a little bit of a wait and I thought it was done."

He let out a whimper. "I was a little sad because I was so stiff and the magic cocks actually felt good." He paused, then his ears laid back. "Can't believe I'm telling you all this, sis."

"This is really exciting!" she exclaimed, staring at the orange cloth for a moment, then down at his rump in the panties, then up to the back of his head. "What else? Anything else?"

A deep breath before he continued. "Well, then there was one more cock, and wow... I have no idea what it was. Like all nice and bumpy and two little knots and it felt so good. But that wasn't all! While it was humping in my ass, the magic pants even started playing with my cock! First just some touches, and then I swear it gave me a blow job while the last cock was fucking me. Ether I've never cum so hard in my li-iiiife... ooo..."

"What? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, the magic pants are playing with my balls. Rrrf. Well, they were, but they just stopped."

The she wolf stared at the orange cloth with wide eyes and an open mouth, then carefully poked it again.

Her brother squeaked softly and let out a tiny moan. "Oooo... Now it's rubbing up and down on my sheath... and up my balls... to my ass... and... and it stopped again," he said with a small frump. "Dunno if you wanna be around when it starts humping my ass," he said, opening his eyes and flicking his ears. "Or if you wanna give it a go again."

She snatched the black edge of the cloth and dragged it behind her in surprise, but then the gears worked in her head and a huge grin came across her face. She carefully folded the orange cloth shut and stuffed it in her pocket, then batted at his tail again before he wondered why she was taking so long to answer.

"Yeah, go ahead and take those off, since it sounds like they're gonna start fucking whoever's in them again. I want more of that," she said, flopping off his legs and onto her back beside him to pull her pants off.

"Aww," he said wistfully, then he grinned and rolled away from her onto his back, lifting his legs and shucking the happy pants before offering them to her.

She snagged them and went into them both feet at once, arching her back to fasten the strap over her tail before rolling onto her tummy beside her brother. Her heart was racing. She couldn't believe she was going to do this. She grabbed her pants and pulled the orange cloth out. "Don't be sad! You like the orange cloth too, right? Look! It's even on right now!" She pointed at the green tag and spread the cloth out, rubbing into it with her fingers and barely able to bite back the reaction. "Ooo... Is that what a pussy feels like?"

He perked and rolled onto his haunches, then reached over to feel. He paused when she moaned, then grinned. "Pants starting to work already?"

"Mmm hmmm," she said, biting her lip and taking just a moment to feel herself through the orange cloth as she watched Samuel's boner grow.

"I have an idea!" she exclaimed. She lifted her rump and draped the orange cloth over it beneath her tail, tucking it between her legs as she wagged in anticipation. "There! I'll have fun from the happy pants and you can pretend that the magic cloth is me!"

"Y-you?!" her brother squeaked.

Had she gone too far? "Well, either that or just use my hips to hold onto and pretend it's somebody else," she said, her tail holding very still as she fretted. "The guys draped it over each other so they could hold some hips and they said it was better. And I think I want to see what it's like to have somebody holding mine when the happy pants are doing me too. Pleeeeeeease?" She gave him that super-adorable, big-eyed look that she'd perfected many years ago to get her way. Turned out she didn't need to pull out the puppy-wolf eyes of mass distraction at all. Her brother didn't need any more encouragement.

He scooted over behind her and pulled her upright briefly to tug her shirt off over her arms. "I shouldn't admit this, really, b-but... I... I think it's seriously awesome to imagine it's really you. So I want to see your fur here too," he whispered, wrapping an arm across her tummy and reaching down to feel the cloth from the front and rub the female in it as he imagined it was her for real.

She moaned, making him jump in surprise, but she ground her cloth-covered body back against him and leaned forward. "The... the cloth is starting to do me, so I'll be all dis... distracted," she said, her heart racing as she dropped back to her elbows. "Rrrf, have fun with your cloth too!" she chided him, ending with a soft panting.

Again he didn't need more encouragement and she could just imagine the sight of his cock vanishing as she felt the magic, virtual version of it slide into her. She mused about whether she might be able to convince him to make a video of this. She was damn sure she could convince Chad to film it on his phone for them.

Her moan matched his as half his hot length slid in and his hands found her hips before he pulled her back hard and sunk himself in all the way to his sheath. "Oh, ether! The.. the pants are sooo good," she groaned through her own panting as he leaned over her and began to go at it hard and fast, filling her depths so well. It was a perfect fit, and the fact that it was her twin brother made it that much more awesome.

His hand found her shoulder and he squeezed it, his other hand still on her hip as he grunted agreement, enjoying himself too much to get legitimate words out. The thrill of the HINT that they were doing this with each other was driving him to distraction. The thrill of the fact that other than the magical proxy, they really were doing this with each other drove her to an explosive peak in no time flat.

She gritted her teeth and saw sparks in her vision as she bit back an outcry from her orgasm. Her body tensed though, her powerful form nearly shuddering as she clenched on him and trapped his knot relentlessly. She was thrilled as his belly met her back and he yelped in delight, flopping against her back and grinding desperately into her needy depths. Her clit brought her to a second wave as his balls pulled up against it and jerked rhythmically as he unloaded into her hotly-filled body, her clenching depths milking him through the magical barrier for all he had.

It took a lot of panting for her vision to finally return to normal and she moaned in delight. "Mrrrr, I think the first guy in the pants is about to... Ooooo! Yes, he just finished," she said, trying to keep up the illusion of separation.

"Oh, ether, sis... The cloth is good alone, but having you here in front of me like this... your scent... the look of your fur... wow..." he huffed. "I'm glad I'm not trying to satisfy a female. I bet I just went waaaaaay too fast for that."

"Awwww... I'm sure if the cloth was a real female, the feels you gave her would make her see stars," his sister said with a grin. "Soooo... if I understand your cock right, you might be stuck?"

"Yeah," he agreed. "Well. Kind of. No, not really. The cloth doesn't really stick me. I can still pull out."

Her hands caught his hips before he could. "No, stay!" Thinking fast, she added, "The happy pants have a canine in them in me right now, and it's not pulling out. Maybe because it's reading my wants or something. So I figure no reason to make you leave, right? It's almost nine and I don't think I want to do more of this today, so you go ahead and stay in the cloth. If you get unstuck and come out normally, then you'll know what it feels like, right? If I get another one poking me though, I might kick you and the cloth off to take the pants off. But for now, go ahead and just enjoy."

She let herself down onto her tummy, keeping her hips tilted back so he'd be pulled along with her. Soon she was flat and just enjoying his big knot staying deep inside with him none the wiser and happy to snuggle against her back and hold her while his knotted flesh enjoyed the heat and tightness in the cloth.

"I don't wanna be too heavy for you," he said with a smile, rolling to the side and pulling her with him to spoon her happily.

"Mmmm... this is very cozy," she murmured sleepily, her mind running with all the interesting ideas she was plotting for the sneaky, sneaky magic Uncle Gurt sent them. She also had to decide whether she'd actually tell him. There were some things she thought she could only get away with when he didn't know, but at the same time the thought of some of the fun they could get into alone or with other friends if he did know was highly tempting.

For both of them, the whole scene faded into happy sleep well before his knot faded into slipping out.

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