Lox Vulpis Debut

Story by Arbon on SoFurry

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The written story behind this animation: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1047469

"Hello, my name is Wesel Moldin. I am a private investigator for the TS Academy in Longport and would like to speak with you about a missing person's report."

The man said with a dispassionate tone upon stepping inside the lush, immaculately decorated room. The furnishings, the pillows, the blankets and the lamps were all chosen for their deliberately soft colors and plush, rounded contours. This was a high priced escort room and someone had paid a lot of money to get a private audience with one specific, unassuming woman.

"Why certainly sir, but wouldn't you rather talk about other things?" the woman bats her eyelashes in an act of deliberate seduction. Entirely nude already, leaned back onto the expansive and comfortable bed, and spreading her legs wide in invitation. She was getting paid after all, and these adventurer types always seemed to be overflowing with coin. A part of her felt nervous about the fact someone, anyone at all, had come to her of all people to ask these frightening questions.

She just had to grin and bear it, try not to show her fear and do her very best to put on a good time. An hour wasn't terribly long if she could just get his mind focused on what she was good at.

"Now that you mention it, yes. Would you mind doing something about this unseemly view? Some clothing perhaps? A towel?" His questions and canted head delivered with all the excitement of a man reading off bingo cards. Clearly he wasn't attracted to women, or perhaps just not attracted to her specifically.

"Does this strike your fancy then?" Eyes open wide, the Lioness swishes her fox-like tail back and forth, focusing intensely on the subtle changes that helped her satisfy a wider range of fantasies. Her bare crotch shift, folded, the center expanded out as if the clit had suddenly become a finger. And within five seconds of concerted effort her crotch now had large, rounded balls all covered in a tan white fuzz, and a long fully erect maleness for his viewing pleasure.

"Quite the opposite ma'am, would you please put that away?" He adjusts his stance, arms behind his back, and chin up as if trying to address royalty. Was this investigator really so used to sucking up to his betters? Could he just be faking this, as a better actor than anyone Lox has ever seen in theatre? "According to my sources you were witnessed entering the Stumble Inn Hotel on March Seventeen, at roughly eight in the evening. Can you verify your whereabouts on this night, most easily identified as the time you picked up a beer bottle and tried to challenge a barmaid to a duel to the death."

A mute, tiny little frown crossed the confused Lox's lips. She tried to hide it with another smile. She could remember most of that night, both how it started and what happened in the private bedrooms, but the actual mingling alongside other patrons was but a blur in the back of her mind. She remembers all too vividly the pained hangover from the morning after, but thankfully she'd had a little something to distract herself with to cheer the mood up.

Now though, simply presenting wasn't going to work and it was clear this man would not be distracted by sex. So time for a different approach.

"I don't know sir, there were a lot of drinks that night. Would any ... physical trinkets help you put together your list of events?" she offers, spreading her right leg only to nudge it back. A finger tapping with anticipation. Her mind focuses, her body flows as a river of fur and flesh. The bulging cock gives way to smooth skin, bare fur, and to any and all observation a completely smooth section of fuzz along her loins.

The man raises an eyebrow, having gone from looking at a presenting hermaphrodite to a neutered escort. There weren't even scars or holes to mark the presence of what should be female anatomy.

"Any and all evidence directly involved with the scene of the crime or the victim in question would be highly valuable. From what I understand you and this missing Roberts spent a good deal of time together."

Lox nods, a sheepish and almost shy grin adorned her catfox muzzle. "Yes, of course sir. Well you see me and him played a lot with toys. Some of those toys were very, very intimately related to this, uh ... Rob. I think that was his name. And in all my haste to get back home I have completely forgotten to take it back out!"

The man stares dispassionately, perhaps he'd guessed where this was going.

"But in this state I just can't reach in and pull it back out, there's no opening to do so nor space to grab with." Once more Lox bats her eyelashes, determined to wear down the investigator's guard. "Would you mind helping me to loosen up a little bit~"

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