A New Game To Play - Chapter 2

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#9 of Commissioned Stories

Story commission for bugs46

Part 2 of 2 (though there may be a sequel, eventually)

Donny and Nicole, who are cousins, explore the depths of the forbidden love they have found for each other. Will the 12 year old lynx kittens dare to go all the way?

All characters belong to bugs46

Story by DoggyStyle57

A New Game To Play - Chapter 2

by DoggyStyle57


August 2016

Story commission for bugs46 on InkBunny


Nicole Henderson and her family were visiting the home of her favorite cousin, Donovan Cartwright, over the last weekend of spring break. The twelve year old lynx cousins had been Facebook friends and on-line gaming buddies for years, and even though the two families only saw each other face to face three or four times a year, they considered themselves to be best friends.

But the relationship between them had changed greatly on Saturday morning, shortly after Nicole's two younger brothers and Donny's little sister had teased Nicole about sleeping with a teddy bear at her age, and about being blind as a bat without her glasses. Her brother Patrick had accidentally sat on and broken her glasses in the scuffle to steal his big sister's teddy bear from her sleeping grasp. Donny had sided with Nicole against their younger siblings, and had been wonderfully understanding and supportive. This morning after breakfast, to cheer Nicole up, their parents had sent the two older kids to the local ice cream parlor for a treat, and for a walk alone in the park, away from their annoying siblings, who got spanked and had to stay at home all morning and pull weeds as a punishment!

Truly alone together for the first time that they could remember, in the privacy of a secluded path at the park, both of the pre-teen kittens had finally gotten up the courage to confess to each other that they had _much_stronger feelings of affection for the other than they had ever admitted to anyone. Despite being first cousins, the virginal preteen lynx kittens wanted to be lovers. They shared their first romantic kisses with each other, and declared that if there was a way to do so without getting deeply in trouble, they both wanted all the physical intimacy that a real boyfriend and girlfriend shared.

They had returned to Donny's home, very much in love, and elated that they both desired such an intimate connection. Their emotions went on a wild roller coaster ride of extremes, soaring to the heights of joy that they now had this shared love between them, which they had dared to express with passionate kisses; and just as quickly plunging to the depths of despair, fearing that they would hardly ever get to see each other in person and with enough privacy to once again give physical form to their passion for one another.

And then another amazing thing had happened. Their parents surprised them with their intent to leave Donny and Nicole completely alone and unsupervised in Donny's home for four or five hours! While the rest of the two families went to a little kid's movie and to a childish movie, followed by a pizza dinner at a restaurant with an indoor arcade and playground for toddlers, Donny and Nicole would be allowed to stay home together, and amuse themselves by playing the games they loved so much. Their parents would have been utterly shocked to know the kind of 'games' the young cousins fervently wished to play tonight, once they had the house to themselves!.


The three and a half hours before the rest of their family departed for the night were pure torment for Donny and Nicole, as they tried to retain their composure and not show how their feelings for each other burned with a newly kindled passion. In a show of reconciliation, they joined their parents and younger siblings in playing a kids board game together, losing with good graces to little Patrick.

Finally, the younger kids were rounded up and properly dressed by their parents, and Donny's mom phoned in the order for a pizza delivery, giving money for the pizza and for a tip for the delivery boy to her eldest son.

"You both have our phone numbers on speed dial on your cell phones, and if anything urgent happens, you know you can go next door to Karen and Stanley Turner's home. They know you're going to be here alone tonight while we're out. Have a good time playing your new game, and be good," she said. Stanley was a retired police officer, and he and his wife Karen were like unofficial grandparents to every kid on their street for two blocks in either direction.

"Of course mom," Donny replied with a smile. "But I'm sure we won't need to bother them for anything. This will be just like the few times you've asked me to babysit Sally when you and dad wanted to go out for an evening on your own, and I've never had any trouble on_those_nights, have I? We'll have lots of fun together tonight. Don't worry about us."

"Yeah, and it's not like we're likely to invite a bunch of friends over for a wild party. All of our _real_friends are other gamer geeks who live all over the world, and we never see any of them in person. I don't think any of them even live in this area, and most of them don't even know, or care, what state we live in," Nicole added. "I babysit my little brothers sometimes too, and I know how to stay safe when there are no adults at home with us. We'll have lots of fun playing our new game tonight, just the two of us, and we'll keep the window curtains closed and all the doors locked tight, once the pizza is here. We won't let anyone else know we are in the house alone. You have fun with the kittens. We'll be fine."

"All right dears. The pizza should arrive in about 20 minutes. I'll call you on the phone when we are leaving the restaurant to come home tonight. It should be about five hours from now," Donny's mom said, giving her son and her niece hugs, and then starting to guide the kittens out to her minivan.

Donny and Nicole smiled and nodded as the other three parents each said their goodbyes,and departed. Once the door closed, they rushed up to Donny's bedroom to watch their family drive off, wave goodbye from the upstairs window, and wait for the arrival of their dinner. But they didn't turn on Donny's laptop to play computer games, as their parents expected they would do. Tonight, Donny and Nicole were eagerly anticipating a _new_game to play. The game of becoming mates and lovers.

As soon as Diana Cartwright's minivan was out of sight, Nicole and Donny flopped on their backs on his bed, side by side.

"Oh my God, I can't believe this is really happening!" Donny exclaimed. "At least four hours alone together! Probably five! And I know my mom meant it when she said she will call us when they leave the pizza playground. She always does when she leaves me in charge of Sally for a few hours. So we'll have plenty of warning before they return."

"Y-yeah!" Nicole said. Her thoughts were churning rapidly, and almost making her nauseated. She was incredibly_excited, and yet at the same time _very_apprehensive, about what they might do tonight. She was particularly uncertain about just how far she should allow Donny to go. For sure, they were going to kiss and make out a lot tonight, and probably get naked and look at each other and touch each other. That was crazy enough for first cousins, but they both wanted at least that much to happen. But... would they... could they... really have _sex_with each other? Did they dare? She loved and trusted her cousin more than anyone in the world, and that hot, squishy feeling between her thighs was screaming at her to just go crazy and ask him to take her virginity tonight and claim her as his mate and real girlfriend. She certainly loved him enough to give him the irreplaceable gift of her virginity. Surely that would be going way too far, especially since they were only twelve, and were cousins? But if they didn't go for it tonight, then when would they _ever_get the chance to do so? It might be months, or even _years, before they got another chance like this to be truly alone together!

"D-donny? Ummmm... about tonight? You.. you'll still... respect me... no matter what we do, right?" she asked hesitantly, rolling over on her side and facing away from him. Her fear of the unknown pleasures and pains of real sex, and of the possible damage to her reputation, was warring with her passion and forbidden love for her cousin. Her mother had told her repeatedly that 'respectable girls' would wait for marriage, or at least wait until they were eighteen, before allowing a boy to get into their panties. Her teacher in the school's 7th grade sex education class had said pretty much the same thing. Yet she knew_there were at least three girls at her own school who were even younger than herself and who were openly claiming that they were already having all-the-way sex with their boyfriends. Well, more accurately, she had heard lots of _rumors_about those three particular girls' sexual exploits. She wasn't good enough friends with any of them to have heard them admit it directly to _her. But just two months earlier this year, Nicole found out for certain that one eighth grade fox girl was being forced to leave their school in disgrace and would be sent to a reform school, because she got _pregnant!_Nicole had seen the girl's swollen belly with her own eyes, and had heard the girl admitting that she had been knocked up! Nicole had seen the disdain that her mother and others had for pre-teen or teenage girls who had slept with boys before they were eighteen. Nicole knew she loved Donny, and she _really_wanted to do sex stuff with him, even though she only vaguely understood what much of that would entail. But at the same time, she really feared how her mom would react if she found out her only daughter was already sexually active. And she was terrified of the possible consequences if anyone found out she was having sex with her cousin! Those possibilities scared her a lot more than the mere pain that they said you experienced when you had real sex for the first time, and lost your cherry.

"I will always respect you, girlfriend," Donny replied, rolling over toward her and cuddling close behind her, big spoon to her small spoon. He seemed calm, self-assured and in control on the outside, but inside he was just as nervous and apprehensive as she was, and trying not to show it. _His_worst fears were that he would do the wrong things tonight and screw up his friendship with his cousin, or that they might get caught and never be able to see each other again. He also feared that he might even go to jail, if he got caught having real sex with his cousin! Yet like Nicole, he felt in his heart that he just _had_to try to experience that level of true boyfriend/girlfriend intimacy with her. So he tried his best to emulate the smooth moves, confidence, and gentle words of the porn actors that he had respected in the films he had seen on the Internet. The ones who treated their ladies right, and had passionate, loving relationships in their movies. He moved her pony tail aside and gently kissed the fur of her neck, and whispered, "I love you, Nicole Henderson, and I would never, ever hurt you, or disrespect you."

"And... if I say no to... some things... that's okay?" she asked fearfully. "Donny, my heart and my body both want me to give myself to you completely. I do want to seal our love in the most intimate ways that we can think of. Not that either of us knows much about sex beyond what they taught us in the sex ed class at the start of the school year, and the 'birds and the bees' lectures that our parents have given us at home. But... we can't get _too_crazy tonight, okay? If... if I was to give you my virginity tonight, and if I got caught because the school nurse or my pediatrician finds out I'm not a virgin any more... We're cousins! It's not like you could just 'do the right thing' and marry me! We'd both get in _so_much trouble!"

Donny could feel her trembling and shaking in his embrace, clearly from her voice on the verge of tears, and he held her tightly and said, "Oh Nicole! You don't have to do anything_that you don't want to do tonight. I'd love to give you _my_virginity tonight too. I want _so_much to be your first real lover, and for you to be mine. I'd love to be your mate for the rest of our lives, _despite_us being cousins. But you're right, of course. It would be way too easy to get caught like that. And if they found out your _cousin_was your lover? No, that would be _terrible, for everyone in both our families. So if all you wanna do tonight is kiss and cuddle and make out, that's completely okay with me. So, what do you wanna do? It's entirely up to you, for how far we go tonight."

"I wanna kiss some more, for sure," she replied. "Cuddle with me and kiss me, until the pizza gets here. It shouldn't be long before it arrives."

Donny nodded and said, "Sounds great to me! I love you, Nicole, and I'd be happy to kiss you as much as you want!"


They sat on the bed and kissed for several more minutes, and as before, it was incredibly pleasurable for both of them. Soon they heard a car pull into the end of the gravel driveway. At that sound, Donny broke off their kiss, glanced out the window, and rushed down to the front door, grabbing the money for the pizza on the way to the door.

Donny opened the door almost as soon as it rang. Standing at the door and holding an insulated bag full of pizzas was a tabby cat boy from his neighborhood - a high school senior who already had his own car. They knew each others' names from prior pizza deliveries to Donny's home, but that was about it between them.

"Hey there Donovan! I got one extra-large, deep dish, carnivore special for ya! That'll be fifteen-fifty, if ya please," the boy said with a grin, setting down the insulated bag and extracting that pizza.

"Hi Tommy! Thanks for the delivery. Here you go! The change is for you to keep. Mom gave me enough to give you a nice tip," Donny said, exchanging the $20 bill for the piping hot deep dish pizza.

"Appreciate it, little guy," Tommy replied, pocketing the cash and zipping the insulated bag closed again. "You get stuck babysitting your little sister again?"

"Nah," Donny said casually. "The rest of my family went to a movie that I didn't wanna see. I've got a new game I wanted to play a lot more."

The boy looked Donny up and down, and then grinned. "Heh! Yeah, sure... You and those 'games' of yours. You need to get out more, buddy! Meet some girls and find yourself a girlfriend. Believe me, it's a lot more fun doin' the 'horizontal tango' with a real girl than playing with yourself at your computer. You'll see, kitten. Just give it a few years."

"Heh! Yeah, you may be right," Donny said lamely. "I suppose having a girlfriend _would_be fun. Never had one before, but we'll see. Maybe in another year or two, when I'm old enough to earn some money, so I can pay for her dinner and mine, and maybe some movie tickets."

The older boy smiled and said, "That's the spirit! Hey, maybe some of your neighbors would pay you to babysit for them? Guys can do that as well as girls can, you know. Well, see ya! Got more of these to deliver while they're nice an' hot. Thanks for your order! Enjoy your pizza!"


Donny closed and locked the door, took the pizza with him into the kitchen, got a couple of cold carbonated lemonades to wash it down, as well as a fistful of paper napkins, and took everything up to his bedroom for he and Nicole to chow down on.

When he got back into the room, he said, "Dinner time! That was kinda weird. Tommy, the pizza guy, got off a little strange when we talked at the door. He said I needed a girlfriend. I wonder what got him talking to me like that?"

Nicole glanced at him and started giggling. "Oh my!" was all she could say between giggle fits.

"What? What's so funny?" he asked, confused at her reaction. He set down the pizza, crossed his arms, and waited for her explanation.

"Did you... You didn't tell him you were alone tonight with me, did you?" she asked, trying hard to control her amusement.

"No, of course not. But he asked if was babysitting Sally again, like the last time I paid him for a takeout pizza, so I said no, and I told him the rest of the family went to a movie, but I preferred to stay home and play games by myself on my computer. Now what made you giggle so much when I came back? Do you know why he talked to me like that" he asked.

"He.. Oh my! He probably... _I_think _he_thought you stayed home to masturbate! You have a huge boner!" Nicole replied, and then broke into another fit of giggles.

Donny looked down at his pants and groaned with embarrassment. "Ohhhh! Oh wow... I guess... well, you really did turn me on a lot when we kissed. But I was so intent on getting the pizza quick and getting back to you, that I didn't even realize I had a stiffy!"


Donny was too embarrassed to say much of anything while they quickly ate their dinner. When they did talk, they chatted about gaming, and Donny's boner slowly went away.

Once they had finished off most of the pizza, Nicole asked Donny, "Well. Ummm, whatcha wanna do now?"

Donny thought for a moment, and then shyly asked, "Could we... strip down to our underwear?"

"Y-yeah... I just.. Well, I hope you won't be disappointed, and that I'm sexy enough for you, once you see me without my shirt and pants on," Nicole replied, as she stood up and faced her cousin.

"You gave me a boner just by kissing me, didn't you? You're plenty sexy, girlfriend!" he replied gallantly.

"Okay. Shoes an' socks first? Can't take off our pants with our shoes on," she suggested.

"Right," Donny said. They both took off their shoes and their socks, and stood up facing each other. "Ummm, okay. T-shirts off next?" he asked.

"Umm humm," his cousin replied, getting ready by crossing her arms in front of her and grabbing the hem of her t-shirt, the way girls prefer to pull off a shirt.

Donny pulled at the neck of his shirt, and they removed their T-shirts at the same time, revealing Donny's bare chest and Nicole's bare stomach and training bra.

He stared at her innocent and white cotton training bra, unadorned except for a very small pink ribbon bow between her breasts, and at the small bumps on her chest that the bra concealed. Her t-shirts had been loose enough on this visit that he hadn't realized until now that she wasn't quite flat in the chest anymore. Donny began to feel a new erection coming on.

Nicole slowly put her hand out to feel Donny's stomach, the contact making her hot and bothered. "You... you look really sexy, Donny. Am I... am I sexy too?"

"Here's your answer," he replied, pointing to the new tent in his pants. "You just caused that. Yes, you're very sexy. Pants?"

"Y-yeah, I'm ready," Nicole said, undoing her zipper and wriggling out of her loose jeans.

Donny was a bit more self-conscious than Nicole, because of his boner, but he undid his belt and zipper, dropped his pants to around his ankles, and kicked them off just as Nicole finished removing hers, leaving them both in just their underwear.

Nicole was wearing plain white bikini-style panties that matched her training bra, with the same pink ribbon bow detail on the front of the waistband, a few inches below her belly button. She turned slowly in place, so he could get a good look.

Donny saw that her low-cut bikini panties came just to the base of her stubby tail in back, rather than having a tail hole like his boxers and their pants had. He was wearing pale blue boxers, made of thin, kind of silky fabric. He also turned for her to get a good look.

Nicole looked at his cloth-covered boner, then giggled and said, "I think it likes me. It's getting bigger."

"Yeah, it is," he replied, as he pulled Nicole into a hug, feeling the fabric of her panties with both of his hands as he caressed her rump. "I like you lots and lots, so of course 'it' likes you, sexy girl!"

Nicole gasped when he touched her in such a familiar fashion, and when she realized his bulge was touching her privates, but she didn't really mind. She sighed and leaned her head against her cousin's soft furred but nicely muscled chest, and she closed her eyes and purred, enjoying the intimate contact.

Donny continued to gently rub Nicole's bikini covered ass. Touching her like this, with them both in nothing but their undies, was a fantasy he'd always wanted to make into a reality. He began to purr as well, milk-treading her butt cheeks through the cotton fabric.

That tickled Nicole, so she began to do the same to Donny. He tried to bat her arms away,and soon they ended up on the ground, playfully wrestling each other.

As Donny and Nicole rolled around the floor trying to tickle each other, Donny, while tickling Nicole's back, accidentally unhooked his cousin's bra.

"Eeeep!" she shrieked. She clutched her chest, catching it before her breasts were exposed, and turned away from Donny, embarrassed.

"Oops! Hey, I didn't mean to unfasten it like that, honest! I don't even know how that bra thing holds together! Sorry!" Donny apologized blushing as he stared at his cousin's naked shoulders and back.

"It's... all right. Just caught me by surprise, is all," Nicole replied, as she began to re-hook her bra.

But before she could get it hooked together, Donny asked politely, "Hey! Ummm, could I please see you without the bra on? I'd like for both of us to get naked all the way tonight, an' I've never seen a girl's boobies for real, without a swimsuit or more covering them."

Nicole was hesitant, but knew she could trust Donny. "Yeah, we can both get all the way naked. But give me a moment before I take off my panties. I wanna do it a little at a time," she replied. She slowly lowered her arms off her chest, took a deep breath, and then she turned around to face her cousin, letting her small but growing breasts out in the open. "Not much to look at. I really don't have very big boobies at all yet. Sorry. The padded training bra makes them look bigger than they really are. Mom says I'm not quite an 'A' yet."

Donny stood there like a deer caught in a spotlight, with his entire attention fixated on Nicole's beautiful breasts. For a moment could only gawk at the sight.

Nicole giggled. Never had she seen Donny at a loss for words for this long. She also noticed that he was now sporting an even bigger bulge in his boxers.

Donny finally regained the ability to speak, and said shyly, "Well,_I'd_certainly give them an 'A', or maybe even an 'A-Plus', if it was up to me. Your boobies are really pretty. Ummm, tell me when you're ready to go naked all the way, an' have us remove our underpants."

Nicole contemplated their next move in this intimate dance. "Can I remove your boxers first? I've never seen a boy's penis, and it looks like it wants to get out of there pretty bad! You can take off my panties and look at my special place after I've had a look at _you_with nothing on down there."

"Be my guest," Donny said, trying to sound a lot more confident than he really felt. That was another fantasy he'd had for a while. He could hardly wait to see her admiring his cock with it that close to her cute, innocent face. His cock twitched in anticipation, as his mind recalled porn films where a girl removed guy's underpants, and immediately took his cock into her mouth for a wild blow job. Did Nicole even know what a blow job was? They had never covered that in sex ed class at Donny's school, and he really doubted her school's sex ed class had touched on it either.

Nicole knelt in front of her cousin, and gently traced her fingers downward along the bulge in his boxers. His cock twitched as she touched it, and it was pushing up against the elastic waistband from inside, threatening to burst free like a seedling growing up out of a flower pot. She tugged at the legs of the boxers experimentally, but the waistband hung up on his rigid cock. So she grasped the waistband with both hands on either side of his bulge, and pulled it toward her and downward, releasing his throbbing hard-on for her to see, just inches from her face. As his stubby tail slipped free of the hole in the back of his boxers and the underwear dropped to around his ankles, his newly-freed cock flopped forward and tapped her on the tip of her muzzle, just above her cute nose and whiskers, then bounced and throbbed an inch from her face, with its tip at the same level as her eyes. She giggled and pulled her head back a bit, so she could look at it without going cross-eyed. She had never seen a penis before, not even her father's, and her mind was filled with a combination of curiosity and lust.

Donny stepped out of his shorts, saw Nicole's curiosity, and asked, "Would you like to touch it? I'd like it of you would. Just be gentle. A guy's balls can get hurt if you squeeze them too hard."

Nicole remained silent except for her purr, but without hesitation she reached out and fondled Donny's package, one hand cupping his soft-furred balls, and the other grasping his furless cock. "It's so warm! I can feel it pulsing, too. And so thick! A lot thicker than a finger! I can't imagine how that's _ever_gonna fit inside my special place, even when I'm a grown up! And there's no fur on the long part! My special place has fur right up to the edges of my slit."

Donny wouldn't have thought it possible, but he got even stiffer at Nicole's gentle, inexperienced touch. "Keep going," he said, beginning to purr himself. "Grab the long part firmly with your hand, and slide your hand up and down along the shaft. The skin will kinda slip up and down while you do it. That's how you masturbate a guy's cock."

"Like this?" Nicole asked, as she worked one hand up and down on Donny's cock and played with his balls with the other. "Do you... masturbate a lot?"

"Yeah! Oh God that feels good," Donny sighed. "Yeah, I play with my cock pretty much every day, usually in the hall bathroom with the door locked, just before I go to sleep. I... I mostly fantasize that it's you I'm with. That you're masturbating me like you're doing right now, or that you're putting it in your mouth and sucking on my cock, or that you're stripping naked for me, or we're really having sex. Do you ever masturbate?"

"You fantasize about having sexwith me almost every day? Really? And you'd like me to put your thing in my mouth? I don't know about that. Maybe later," she replied, looking at the throbbing cock in her hand, and frowning as she thought about the idea that boys _peed_with that same part of their bodies. "N-no... I don't even know_how_to masturbate. I kind of know what it is - I mean, I know that you touch your special place or push your fingers, or... other things... in and out of the hole near the bottom of my slit, and that it's supposed to feel really nice. But I haven' dared to do it yet," Nicole continued, blushing deeply and ceasing her purring because of her embarrassment, yet not stopping her fondling of her cousin's cock and balls. She had never talked to anyone but her mom about 'female issues' or sex topics, had never even asked any questions in sex ed class, and it felt strange talking to a boy about that stuff. But she trusted Donny and wanted him to understand. "Mom said I shouldn't poke anything inside my special place, not even a finger. She was really serious about that. An' she also said to be very careful when I go potty and wipe up, not to have a finger poke through the toilet paper and unexpectedly slip inside me. She told me about a corgi dog girl she knew in her 5th grade class, who popped her own cherry by accident in the girl's bathroom at their school. Mom was there when it happened. She heard the girl bark in surprise, and saw her come outa the toilet stall, with her panties around her ankles, a blood stained pad of toilet paper in one hand, and blood comin' down the insides of both of her legs. At first the girl thought her monthlies had just started, even though she was only ten. But the school nurse and the girl's parents confirmed that she was too young to have a period yet, and that she had popped her own cherry by accident. I guess it's pretty easy to do, if you aren't careful."

"Wow... We'll be really careful around your cherry, I promise. We won't risk breaking it until you're certain you _want_to lose your cherry," Donny said. "Nicole? That feels really great, and I definitely want you to do that some more, later. But can you stop now and let me take your panties off? I want to see you all the way naked too, and look at that 'special place' of yours, up close, and touch it like you just touched me."

"I guess that I'm ready to do that for you now," she said. She stopped playing with his cock and balls, stood and went to his bed, and laid on her back, with her rump near the edge of the bed, so he could take her panties off easily and get a good look.

Donny carefully slid her panties out from under her rump and down her legs. When he looked up from setting them aside, he saw that she had spread her legs invitingly, and that he had an unobstructed view of his cousin's pink slit, which was slightly parted open. She was looking away, with one finger in her mouth, obviously embarrassed, and yet exposing herself so lewdly for his pleasure. It was the most beautiful sight in the world to him, and he knelt beside the bed to get a closer look.

"Y-you can touch me there. Just don't break my cherry," Nicole whispered.

Donny gently placed his hand over Nicole's pubic mound and felt it up and down. Nicole responded by purring softly. "I won't pop your cherry, but trust me about what I am doing. This should feel really good!"

He leaned in very close and got a good look at her, and got a solid sniff of her utterly intoxicating girl smells, too. She also smelled a little bit like piss when his nose was this close, but that made sense, and he wasn't gonna let that gross him out or stop him. Her most prevalent scent promised that she would be delicious! With his left thumb, he slid up along the edges of her folds and started to rub her clitoris. With a little difficulty, first encountering the much smaller hole that she probably pissed out of, he located the wet, tightly puckered opening of her vagina, slowly worked the tip of his finger into her vagina to the first knuckle, and then started moving it in and out.

"Ohhhhh GOD!" Nicole moaned. She couldn't believe how good it felt, being touched like that for the first time in her special region. She experienced a tingly feeling that made her tense up, but she loved the feeling. Nothing hurt, as she had been repeatedly told it would if something broke her cherry. She squirmed and purred much louder than before, then whimpered in disappointment when he suddenly stopped and very gently placed one hand on her tender breasts, to cop a quick feel of her bare-skinned, puffy young nipples and the darker skinned slightly nubby area around them, just to see what boobs feel like.

Donny took his hands off Nicole, letting her come back to reality. "So, did you like that?" he asked.

"Yeah! That felt really good," she replied, breathing hard. "I wonder why it didn't hurt, like my mom said it would? There's no blood, is there? Is my cherry still intact?"

He carefully parted her labia with his thumbs, until her tight young vagina gaped open, and saw where her unbroken hymen stretched like a crescent moon across the narrow opening. It looked just like the extreme closeups of a girl's intact hymen that he had seen in one porn film, where an eighteen year old feline girl was about to get 'deflowered' on camera. From that same film, he also knew what her love tunnel would look like after her cherry had just been popped. He released her labia and smiled up at her, saying, "It's fine. No blood at all. I didn't poke my finger in deep enough to touch your cherry. It isn't right at the surface. It's an inch or so inside your vagina, well past the folds of your special place. Hummm. There are a few other things I know about that we can do. Things that are sexy fun, but that still won't pop your cherry. Do you wanna try some other new things?"

"What things? How do you know about them?" she asked. "Donny, just now you seemed to know a _whole_lot more about how to touch my special place than I do! Didn't you just say you are a virgin, like me? Mommy told some the basic stuff about how babies are made, and that using condoms or birth control pills can help keep a girl from having babies. But she didn't tell me about any other kinds of sex, or about how to touch myself like you just did, and neither did the teacher in our sex ed class. Did your parents tell you about lots of other sex stuff?"

"Cross my heart, I'm just as much a virgin as you are. I wasn't lying when I said those wonderful kisses we shared this morning were my first," Donny insisted, sitting on the bed beside her and making the childish promise gesture across his chest with one hand. "My dad probably only told me a little bit more than your mom told you about sex. He told me it was best to wait until I was at least old enough for college. But he also told me that if I really felt I couldn't wait, I should always use a condom, so I don't get my girlfriend pregnant. And he showed me where he keeps his condoms, and said he wasn't ever going to count how many condoms were there in that drawer, and that he replaces them when the supply gets low... So he didn't say it was_okay_for me to have sex already, but if we ever _do_decide to go all the way, I could get some of my dad's condoms to use, without getting into trouble for taking them. But dad didn't tell me how to actually _do_much of anything. I learned more about 'what goes into where to make a baby' in my school sex ed class than from what _he_told me. And I figured out how to masturbate on my own."

"But Donny, if you didn't learn more than that about sex from your parents or in sex ed class, and you haven't even seen a real girl naked before, how did you learn that other stuff, and how to touch me like you did?" Nicole asked.

"Well, after me an' dad had that talk, I wanted to know more. So I found some things to look at on the Internet that showed me _way_more than dad told me, or what we saw in our sex ed class. First I had to figure out how to unlock the 'net nanny' software on my laptop, so my web searches don't get blocked or recorded. That wasn't too hard, really. So now I can find adult stuff on the Internet and not get caught. In the last three months I've seen and read porn about all sorts of things that I haven't actually had a chance to do for real yet. Like, I know you can stick a finger or even a penis into a girl at least an inch and not pop that girl's cherry. One movie I saw was a girl really losin' her virginity on camera, an' she got touched and poked quite a bit before the guy she was with pushed his pecker in deep enough to pop her cherry and make her bleed. It's close enough to the outside that a finger _could_poke through it by accident like your mom said happened to her friend, but in that movie the guy put his fingers into her at least to the first or second knuckle and didn't pop her at all. An' did you know that in Japan, they have a whole special kind of porn that features girls who wear glasses? Some people think girls with glasses are really sexy!"

"Really?" Nicole replied, sitting up beside him and beginning to recover her composure. "I've... well, I've never seen even a picture of a boy's... penis. Or any kind of porn. In my sex ed class, they only showed us simple line drawings of the body parts, and not real pictures of anything. Could... could I see some of that... porn stuff?"

"Sure! Just a sec," he said. He hopped off the bed and sat in front of his laptop. Nicole followed and looked over his shoulder. After doing some things that Nicole didn't quite understand, but which she assumed was Donny turning off the censor software on his laptop, and after copying some short lines of text out of a file and into his web browser, he brought four different adult video and story archive websites, and got ready to show her videos from each of them. "Here's one with a girl sucking a guy's cock," he said. "You could give me a bunch of blow jobs until I couldn't get hard any more, and never risk losing your cherry or getting preggers. And this feels super-great for the guy, according to the movies."

Nicole pulled up another chair and sat beside her cousin, with both of them naked, and they watched short movie starring a college-aged wolf girl in a cheerleader uniform, who wore thick rimmed glasses similar to Nicole's. The girl knelt and opened her great dane boyfriend's pants while he was standing, pulled down his pants and boxers around his ankles, and literally swallowed his whole cock, which was _much_longer and thicker than Donny's cock, until the tip of her muzzle was nestled in her boyfriend's pubic fur! They could clearly see the bulge his long cock made in her throat, as he muzzle fucked her eagerly and she wagged her tail while she sucked him off. When her boyfriend was almost done, he pulled out of her mouth and masturbated, shooting a stream of white goo into her mouth and all over her face and glasses. She showed him that her mouth was full of his cum, then she swallowed every bit of it and licked her muzzle like it was a tasty treat, before showing him that her mouth was now empty.

"That's cock sucking, or a blow job, or just a BJ," Donny said. "If you had kept masturbating me earlier, that would also make me cum and shoot that same white stuff, but a blow job is supposed to feel better than masturbating. That white semen, or cum, is the guy's stuff that can make babies, if it goes deep inside a girl's vagina and encounters a fertile egg. But it does nothing to the girl if she swallows it."

"Does it feel that good for the girl too?" Nicole asked skeptically. "I mean, her tail was wagging, which I know for dog-like people means they are happy, but it looked to me like she was almost choking to death while he rammed that big thing in and out of her throat. And how could she breathe? I think I'd throw up if something that big tried to shove its way into my throat. It's bad enough if my toothbrush or my dentist's tools go too deep into my mouth."

"Not all girls can swallow a cock into their throat like that, but they don't have to, for a good blow job. A girl can suck just as much as she feels comfortable with into her mouth, without gagging or giving her trouble breathing through her nose, and it is still great for the guy," Donny said. "I don't think it does much for the girl though. I'm pretty sure she was just happy because she was making her boyfriend happy. Here's a different one."

The next porn film that they watched featured a very beautiful angora cat girl who was probably 30 or so, stretched luxuriously on a weird-looking round bed, while dressed in crotchless harem pants and a 'bra' that had no fabric to cover her moderately big tits. Then a younger, mixed breed feline guy entered, dressed in a male version of the same kind of 'Arabian' outfit, with a vest instead of a bra. From the dialog, she was apparently some sort of pampered princess, and he was her devoted servant. She fastened a leash to a collar on his neck, and then they got nose to crotch with each other on their sides on her bed. She held his leash and pulled his head into her crotch, and he proceeded to lick and lap at and kiss her special place, using his fingers as well as his mouth and tongue to pleasure her, until she was purring like mad and bucking her hips as she thrashed around in an excess of pleasure. At the same time, she eagerly sucked his cock, until he came in her mouth. At the end, she pulled his face up to hers and they shared a very wet kiss, where she intentionally got most of the guy's cum to go into his mouth, before they both swallowed it. The guy made a bit of a dismayed face when she did that, as if he didn't much like the taste of his own cum, but he apparently didn't dare refuse his Princess' command.

"Wow! She sure liked that!" Nicole said. "Looks like he didn't like the taste if his own goop, though. What's it taste like?"

"That's a '69', where the guy licks the girl to an orgasm at the same time she is sucking him off to one. That thing he did with licking her special place is called 'muff diving', 'going down', or, weirdly enough, 'eating pussy', even if the girl isn't feline. It can feel as good for a girl as a BJ does for a guy, if the guy does it right. And it doesn't hurt the girl's cherry if she is still a virgin." Donny explained. "But I'm afraid that I have no clue what cum tastes like. I always masturbate into a hand full of toilet paper and flush it down the toilet. I've never tried to taste my own cum. Some girls in porn films seem to love the taste, and others don't. Maybe it's different, depending on the guy? I don't know. Anyway, we still have more than two hours until the earliest time when our family should come home. Do you wanna see some more porn films, or try what they did in that last movie? I'd _really_like to do a 69 with you, but it's completely okay if you want to to back out and say no, too. I can wait. We won't be twelve and living with our parents forever, right? I'll wait as long as it takes to be your real lover, Nicole. Maybe when we're older, we can go away to college together, or move to some other state and get jobs in the same town and apartments next to each other, or share an apartment, where no one realizes we're related? We have all of our lives ahead of us. We'll find a way to be together someday like a real boyfriend and girlfriend, and to do anything we want other than maybe making babies together or marrying each other. I know we will!"

"Okay, I guess I'm in! Let's try it now, before we run out of time tonight, and before my courage gives out," Nicole replied eagerly. "I don't want to wait to have at least _some_kind of sex with you. We might not get a chance like this again for a long time. We probably _should_wait until we're older to risk popping my cherry with real baby-making type sex. But that 69 stuff looks like it should be lots of fun for both of us, and there's no risk I'll lose my cherry or get pregnant. But if you don't mind, I'd rather not agree to swallow a whole mouth full of your goop, without knowing what it tastes like first. Try to pull out and spray it on my face like in the first movie, and I'll try a little taste of the last squirts that come out of you."

"Okay, I'll do my best. Let's use the bathroom first, so we won't need a 'bladder break', and then I'll get a spare blanket to cover my bed with, so if we make a mess when I cum, we won't need to change my other bedding before everyone gets home," Donny said. Nicole waited in the bedroom while Donny used the bathroom first and cleaned himself off carefully. Then while Nicole was taking her turn to do the same, Donny got a blanket from a closet in the hallway, and spread it on his bed. When everything was ready, Donny said, "Just relax, and we'll do what we saw them do in that last movie. Remember, if anything seems like we're going farther than you feel comfortable with, or if I poke it too deep in your mouth, or I stick my tongue into you too deep, just tell me to stop, and I will, if I possibly can. Okay?"

"You're so considerate. Okay. Let's do this," Nicole replied, setting her glasses on the desk beside Donny's computer.

Donny laid on his side with his nose right at Nicole's pussy, while Nicole did the same and positioned her mouth near his cock. They each pillowed their head on their cousin's thigh, and started their 69. It was bit rough at first, since it was the first real sex act either pre-teen kitten had ever done. But after a while they got into a rhythm and began to really enjoy it.

Donny slid his tongue all over Nicole's labial folds and the nub of her clitoris, inhaling her scent. He found that after the first few licks along the length of her slit, the faint smell and taste of piss went away, and she just tasted delicious, as her juices began to wet down her vagina. And the feeling of his cock being sucked by Nicole's soft mouth and raspy tongue was indescribable! He happily lapped at her virginal sex and teased at the opening of her vagina with his fingertips, careful not to probe deep enough to touch her cherry.

Nicole sucked Donny's cock, enjoying the foreign feeling in her mouth, and the knowledge that she was really becoming her beloved cousin's lover and mate. What Donny had suggested about some time when they were older, sharing an apartment in some other town, gave hope to her for their future together. There was nothing wrong about a boy cousin and a girl cousin saving money by splitting the cost of a two bedroom apartment, was there? Their families might even approve of the idea. And how would anyone know if they always chastely slept in their respective bedrooms, or shared the same bed as lovers every night? As long as Donny didn't get her pregnant, they should be fine. Nicole didn't particularly want kids anyway. If she could spend the rest of her life as Donny's mate, she would be the happiest girl in the world! And speaking of happy, the pleasure that was building between her legs was driving her wild. Donny's tongue and fingers felt fabulous, her special place was as wet as she could ever remember it getting before.

Donny and Nicole picked up the pace as the sensation grew for both of them. Donny felt his ejaculation coming on, and he warned Nicole, "I'm close. Masturbate me and don't stop!"

"Thanks for the warning, Donny!" she said, as they kept going like rabbits in heat, but now with her masturbating his cock and aiming it at her face, with her mouth and eyes almost completely closed.

Moments later, Donny groaned in pleasure, the greatest pleasure he had ever yet known in his young life, as his sperm came shooting out, and sprayed his beloved cousin in the face.

Nicole didn't have time to react to that face full of cum, as she could feel something was just about to happen for her 'down south'. Her whole body quivered and shook, and she felt almost like she needed to pee, even though she knew her bladder was quite empty. Donny pushed his tongue as far in as he dared, barely licking at her fragile hymen, and it sent Nicole over the top into uncontrollable moaning and purring. She reached her climax and sprayed Donny's face and chest with her juices, as she experienced her very first orgasm. As her orgasm ended she put his cock back in her mouth and tasted the last few squirts of cum as they came out.

They were both surprised that she got him so wet! Donny had not yet encountered any porn films where the girl 'squirted' when she climaxed. For an instant he thought she had lost control of her bladder, and was _pissing_right on his face! But as he gasped in surprise and the clear liquid doused his tongue, he realized that whatever this liquid was, it tasted nothing at all like piss. In fact, it tasted pretty darned good! He slurped it up and swallowed as fast as he could, but it still got all over his face.

Donny and Nicole lay together in each others' embrace, still in the 69 position. Their bodies were spent, but their minds were experiencing the flood of hormones that come after sexual intercourse. Donny flipped around and cuddled up tightly with Nicole, and he was shocked to see that she was was crying!

"Hey! Did I hurt you? Are you all right?" Donny asked, as soon as he saw her tears and heard her light sobbing.

"I'm fine. Happy tears. That was just so overwhelming! The pleasure was so intense! Is that what an orgasm is always like?" she asked. "They said in sex ed class that an orgasm was the pleasure that comes near the end of a sexual mating, but they never even _hinted_that it felt this good! It's unbelievable!"

"I guess if they told us the truth, everyone would want to have sex as soon as they were able to. Mine always feel incredible when I masturbate, but you just gave me the very best orgasm I've _ever_had," Donny replied. "You had me ready to pop from your wonderful mouth, and when I exploded, it was like fireworks going off. You soaked my face, and the bed near your crotch has a big enough wet spot that I'm sure it soaked through the top blanket. We'll hafta change all my bedding anyway. I'll tell my mom I spilled a lemonade on the bed while we were gaming up here. I've been careless like that before, and I won't get in trouble as long as I clean up the mess and wash the bedding myself."

"We're both gonna need a shower, too. You really splattered my face with your goop. Do I look as sexy to you now as the actress in the movie, with your cum all over your girl cousin's face?" she asked.

"You are absolutely gorgeous, and sexy as hell, yes," he replied, kissing her without thinking about the cum on her lips or in her mouth.

They both could taste his cum in their mouths during that kiss, and after the kiss they each wiped a bit of cum off her face and sniffed it on their hands, licking at it tentatively.

"Not that bad a taste, I guess," Donny said, twitching his whiskers. I liked the way your juices taste a lot better."

"Yeah, I agree," Nicole replied. "Not my favorite taste, but I could get used to it, I suppose. And it feels better for you if you cum from the cock sucking, and not masturbation, right? Next time, I guess you can cum in my mouth and I'll try to swallow it all, like the porn star girls do"

"Well, that is how they make it look in the movies, yeah. I'd love to find out, doing it with you. But first, let's get the worst of the evidence cleaned up. The room stinks of sex now! I hadn't known it would smell like this!" Donny said.

They stripped his bed and got the bedding into the laundry, and then re-made his bed while the clothes washing machine started to run. They moved the remaining pizza and their drink bottles to the dining room table, and sprayed air freshener in Donny's room. Then they moved the laundered bedding to the dryer, shared a shower, dried off, got dressed again in the same clothes they had worn before, and then went downstairs.

At first they got some snacks from the kitchen and tried to play the race game and pretend nothing had happened, and it that was just like any other night, but they just couldn't keep their hands off of each other.

Nicole kissed Donny several more times while they snuggled on the living room couch, and then said, "That's quite a lump you have in your pants. I'll tell you what. I'll give you another blow job, and you can cum in her mouth this time. But after I swallow it, you have to lick me and make me cum too!"

Donny quickly unfastened his pants, right there in the living room, and pulled out his rock hard cock. "Deal. But make it quick. We only have about 45 minutes left before mom will probably call and say they are coming home. And the pizza place is only 15 minutes from here, by car."

Nicole tried to swallow his cock all the way, like the actress in the first porn film, but she gagged when his tip reached the back of her mouth, and she had to settle for only getting half of his length into her muzzle.

"Easy there! Don't hurt yourself!" Donny said, petting his cousin's hair and ears affectionately as she knelt on the floor between his legs and bobbed her head up and down on his cock. He almost lost it when she hummed, "Umm hummm!" to acknowledge his comment. When she felt his cock throb in response to her humming, she began to hum the theme song from that new multiplayer computer game they had tried playing earlier.

"Oh yeah! That feels wild when you hum like that! I'm getting really close now!" he groaned.

Moments later Nicole felt him pat her head, groaning wildly, and his sticky seed gushed straight into her mouth and bathed her tongue. She swallowed as fast as she could, and as she did one of the reflexive swallows, she felt his hips move forward and his cock slip into her throat! She almost panicked when she couldn't breathe, but she backed off again, inhaled through her nose, and kept swallowing, and three more times she managed to get her cousin's cock past her gag reflex and into her throat.

Donny almost blacked out the first time his cock sank into Nicole's throat, when he suddenly felt his balls slap up against her chin. Her throat was as tight and insistent as a milking machine, sucking more cum out of his balls than he thought possible. Each time that she successfully swallowed his shaft, he praised her and said how much he loved her. When she disengaged and smiled up at him, showing him an empty mouth, he grabbed her face with both hands and gave her a deep French kiss.

"I love you, Nicole Henderson," he said seriously, gazing into her eyes.

"And I love you too, Donovan Cartwright," she replied, kissing him just as passionately as he had just kissed her.

Their kiss was interrupted by the ringing of Donny's phone, startling both of them. Donny answered it, talked briefly to his mom, and hung up. He hastily put away his cock and zipped up his pants as he said, "Crud! They'll be back in less than ten minutes! Mom called from the gas station on the way back!"

"Okay. But you owe me an orgasm, lover boy, and I intend to collect!" Nicole said, as they both straightened up their clothes and the things around the couch, and tried to make everything look normal.


When the family returned to the house, they found Donny and Nicole on the living room couch, each slumped casually against the arm of the couch on opposite ends, and more or less facing each other, with their legs up on the couch. The TV was playing a murder mystery movie, and they were eating the last of their pizza.

Donny's mom asked, "So, how was your night?"

"Oh, it was fine," Donny said. "We lost pretty badly in our first attempt in my new multiplayer on-line game, so we switched to another game, with just us. I'm one win ahead of her for the night."

"Yeah, it was fine," Nicole said with a grin, knowing the hidden meanings of his careful reply. "But he owes me a rematch!"

The three youngest kids were sent off to bed, and the four parents joined Donny and Nicole on the couch and on the living room recliners, watching TV and talking about their recent experiences at school, and whatever other innocent topics the kids could think of. Even though Donny and Nicole joined in the various conversations, the only thing they could mentally focus on was the sex-filled night they had shared.

Donny soon made his excuses and went upstairs to bed, saying good night. But he came back to the the top of the stairs after the adults were in their bedrooms, hoping to blow Nicole a kiss good night. Nicole was waiting there just as hopefully, and she returned the blown kiss, and gave him the series of silent gaming hand signs they had worked out for, 'Meet me there, two hours', as she pointed to the unlit kitchen.

Donny responded with their 'acknowledged', hand sign and went to bed, setting a quiet alarm on his iPhone.


Two hours later, on the dot, Donny and Nicole were both in the kitchen, with the lights still out. She kissed him in the dark, and when they parted he whispered, "What did you want, other than a good night kiss?"

"My rematch, of course. You still owe me an orgasm, sweetheart!" she whispered back to him. She grabbed his wrist and put his hand firmly against her crotch, and he realized she had nothing at all on below the waist!

"You're crazy! Everyone is home now!" he urgently replied, trying to keep his startled voice down.

"All sound asleep by now. I promise not to make too much noise," she replied serenely.

"But the mess? The smell? I can't change my bed again in the middle of the night and run the washer and dryer at this hour," Donny replied.

"I have it all figured out." she said, "And there won't be as much mess this time. Last time was messy because we were in an awkward position, on our sides, and we weren't expecting me to get wet like that. You'll do me right here, on the kitchen floor. You're gonna be on your back, and I'll squat over your face. You'll swallow every bit of my juices, just like I swallowed your cum. And if you miss some, it will be easier to clean up down here, and a few bleach wipes and some air freshener should get rid of the smell."

"You're a raving lunatic, and I love you," he replied, sinking to the floor and laying on his back. A moment later he felt her vulva pressing against his mouth, and his whiskers tickling her clitoris.

Nicole purred happily as her cousin obediently pleasured her with his mouth and tongue. Now that she knew what to expect, she was much more relaxed, and the combination of the forbidden nature of their tryst and the risk they were taking by being sexually intimate while everyone in both their families was in the house were increasing her pleasure exponentially. She stuffed a hand in her mouth to keep from crying out as her pleasure crested multiple times.

Donny loved how his cousin tasted, but when she came he almost drowned in her juices, opening his mouth wide and clamping it over her entire pubic mound, and swallowing as rapidly as he could. Somehow he managed to swallow all of it, even after she climaxed three more times.

"Tie game, and well played," Nicole whispered happily when she was done climaxing and able to move again. She grabbed her phone off the kitchen counter and sat on the floor beside her cousin. The cool tile felt weird on her bare bottom as she lit the floor around them with the 'flashlight' app on her phone. "And see, no mess, and not much of a smell."

"Rematch? That wasn't a tie. You're ahead of me now by three orgasms." Donny replied weakly. His throbbing cock ached for release, and he knew that if Nicole didn't help him get off, he would have to jack off in the bathroom again before he would have any hope of falling asleep. "Please, Nicole? Suck my cock again?"

"Not worried about getting caught any more?" she asked teasingly.

"I guess not. Please? " Donny pleaded.

Nicole's left ear twitched at detecting a sound from elsewhere in the house. "Sorry. I think I heard a toilet flush, upstairs," Nicole replied, standing up and retrieving her panties and PJ bottoms from where she had left them, folded nearly on the kitchen counter, and putting them on. She groped the tent in his pajama pants and said,"Consider this incentive for finding ways for us to be together more often. See you in the morning, lover. Sweet dreams!"

Donny sighed an went back upstairs, to relieve his 'blue balls' in the hall bathroom before attempting to sleep.


After breakfast the next morning, the Henderson's packed up to leave. Donny and Nicole got to have one last gaming session in his bedroom, and managed to share several more passionate kisses, but they didn't have enough privacy for anything more intimate.

"I wish this would never end," Nicole said. "Why do we hafta live so far apart?"

"Because that's where our parents have their jobs," Donny replied morosely. "Neither of us will be able to drive until we're sixteen, and the intercity bus only comes here three times a day, and takes six hours because of the route it covers and stops along the way. I checked as soon as I woke up this morning. Still, I suppose we might manage a few weekends, before summer vacation, if we can figure out a decent reason for one of us to visit the other before school lets out."

"I'll bug my parents to take us tent camping with your family at that county park we like to go to, as soon as school lets out," Nicole suggested. "Maybe we could ask to have our own tent this year, instead of sharing one with the whole family, and sneak into each others' tent at night?"

"Or make out in the woods. Yeah, that might work," Donny replied. "That's only ten weeks away, but it's gonna feel like ten years."

"Yeah. Better kiss me real good right now, boyfriend. It's gonna have to be our last kiss for a while," she replied.

They shared one last prolonged and passionate French kiss, and then joined the rest of the family downstairs.


Before they parted ways, the two families discussed summer vacation plans. Both readily agreed with Nicole's suggestion of a camping trip, once summer vacation started.

As their car drove away, Nicole heard her phone chirp with an incoming text message from Donny. It started with, "Private. Scroll to see more", and at the bottom of the message were the words, "I Love YOU!"

Nicole smiled, and erased the message. She would always remember this as her best spring break ever.