Suki's Connections chapter 10

Story by Rick Coona on SoFurry

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#11 of Suki's Connections

The continuing adventures of a young Raccoon Gal discovering and exploring her sexuality


Sitting in the soaking pool Sally confers with Anna a moment before addressing the newest member of the Erickson Clan.

"...So, Suki, ever been Spit Roasted?" the grinning skunkmilf asked.

"No, I've never heard of it," the raccoon replied, blushing. "It does sound like something that would be quite intense...have we done this before? Us, I mean..."

"It can be fun, taking a lover in both ends, but every time I think of it the chef in me wants to baste the gal being 'roasted with butter!" Sally giggles.

"Oh my, Sister...have you ever done it before?" she asked, looking lovingly yet curiously at Sally.

"Oh yeah, a few times in high school, and once with hubby and Daddy; I think you might be ready to try it, what do you think Suki?"

"I feel squishy thinking about it," Suki said, wriggling a little bit. "It is something very enjoyable to think giving such pleasure..."

"Well then." Anna said with a nod "We shall set it all up for you my young apprentice, think of this as advanced lessons in pleasure," Anna paused a moment thinking before continuing. "Now then, you have had both of the guys, individually, how do you think it would be taking them both at once?"

"It would be amazing...I enjoy them separately...Larry...he is so soft and he cuddles so much...and Mr. Ken with his big really is so hard in me...I think of how it feels all the time..."

"Hmmm, Daddy is kinda big so maybe she should have him in the back and Larry in front. She's less likely to choke on him," Sally advised conferring with her mother as Suki watched entranced at the prospects of such a session.

The raccoon blushed thinking of the relative sizes, again recalling the memory of not too long ago sucking on and licking Ken's girthy organ until it squirted copious seed into her mouth, and even how it felt with Larry's squishy lap and his decent-size penis pumping into her, the sensation of his chubby thighs making her feel nice and cushioned.

Anna nodded turning to her student. "And then, if you think you are up to another round you can switch sides Give Kenny a clean up and maybe take Larry in the tail hole, he's a good size for that." Anna said matter of factly, seeing the glaze of unbridled lust in the raccoon's eyes at the suggestion.

"Yes...I am excited to do this...I feel like I am ready... I want to feel this wonderful..." the raccoon said excitedly. "...I want to feel them both squirt their seeds."

Both Sally and Anna drew the raccoon into a full body hug making a raccoon filled Skunkmilf sammich. "This is going to be soo much fun." Sally said wondering if she needed to pick up more butter.

"Mmmmm....this feels so good..." Suki said, also enjoying the feeling of the two women's ample breasts squeezing against her as well. "You are both so beautiful."

Anna reluctantly broke the cuddle and exited the pool "I will go and make all the arrangements, you two enjoy your time comparing notes and all should be ready for tonight after the kids are in bed." Anna said as she stepped into the full body fur dryer, thinking this will indeed be a memorable evening and quite a fitting welcome to the clan.

Suki cuddled with Sally for a moment, blushing as she asked Sally, "Do you look forward to Mr. Ken when you see his penis? I...feel so hot and wet down below...was it feeling good your first time seeing it?"

"It was a little scary seeing him at 'full mast' but I couldn't keep my hands off it, I had to touch it, and kiss it and lick it, tasting him for the first time kindled such a fire in me I had to do more.."

"Oooooh...I know I would've loved to see such a that I know my feelings....did you have to get...brave to touch it? Did you dream for a long time of it. Sometimes I wonder if he dreamed about you too because you are so pretty, so I know you will be such a pretty girl to see too." Suki asked, looking at Sally dreamily.

"Well, I'm not so sure about that, but I remember a time in high school I came home after cheer practice, Suki and Greg were studying and well practice always got me really wound up. So when I got home I saw Daddy sitting in his chair in the living room, and decided to give him a little show..." Sally grinned wickedly.

"Ooooh a little show? I can tell you'll have had a lot to show off," Suki said approvingly, also leaning such to give Sally a kiss.

"Well I had on my halter top. I was filling out a bit more back then so it was a little tight, and having ditched my bra and panties before I got home. Well the way the material was rubbing against my nipples really had me in need. Back in the day we were a clothing optional household so when I started my routine I could see just how much Daddy liked it. So I finished off with a somersault landing in his lap. He was soo surprised...more surprised when he discovered I wasn't wearing panties." Sally giggled. "I was Sooo naughty."

"Well you can imagine what happened next...I placed my hands on his shoulders and shifted my hips to slide my hot wet sex against his hard shaft till he was just in the right position for me to slowly slide him into me. All this time I was locking my gaze in his eyes so he knew I wanted this. And he then peeled my tits free of my halter, which by then wasn't halting much, believe me. As I slowly rode his shaft he cupped my tits and sucked my rock hard nipples...then mom walked in." Sally paused waiting to see the look on Suki's face

The raccoon's face was partially curiosity and anticipation, yet mostly arousal as her hand found its way to her tender, tight slit, masturbating to Sally's story. "Oh goodness gets even sexier? Mrs. Anna is such a...such a goddess...if she does the sexy things with you as well...with Mr. Ken inside you...oh goodness..."

"Oh yeah, she watched for a few then came up behind Daddy's chair and leaned forward giving Daddy a lovely boobie hat before reaching out to draw my head to her breast. As you know Mom has some suck-a-licious nipples, and at that moment I just had to have it. So there we were, Daddy sucking on my tit, me riding him nice and slow and at the same time sucking on Mom's tit. We set up such an erotic feedback loop that we all came together." Sally said reaching down and helping Suki with an intimate touch of her own. "Trade ya?" she asked moving the raccoon's hand to her sex and replacing her hand in the Raccoon's wet folds.

"Mmmmhmmm Sister..." Suki said, putting her fingers to Sally's sex and starting to rub it, sliding the hood around it as she herself began to cum from the intense eroticism of the story Sally told. Her legs wiggled in ecstasy as she moaned loudly. "Ohhhhhh....Oh Sister..." She managed to hold on, continuing to fondle and masturbate the beautiful skunk mom.

"Mmm I love the way you touch me Suki."

"I can't help but touch you are every bit as beautiful to touch as you are to look at," she said, huffing a bit as she both held Sally with one arm and masturbated her with the other hand.

Sally maneuvered Suki just a bit and slowly worked her whole hand into the raccoon's slit. Suki's eyes went wide knowing what was about to happen...again, seeing the look in her lover's eyes. Sally grinned and nodded "That's right, cum for me my Suki and suck a tit while you are at it" Sally purred, offering the Raccoon a breast, the large nipple glistened with a droplet of thick rich skunk-mom milk.

Suki slipped the thick, dark pink nipple into her mouth, always loving how the flesh filled her mouth, and suckled it as she writhed in Sally's grasp, rewarding the skunk with another climax and clenching of her sex around the invading hand. "Unnnnnghhh..." she moaned around Sally's breast, drinking the delicious, nutritious milk.

"Oh gods I love you Suki, that makes me feel soo good sharing passion with you, so think of tonight taking both the guys...unless you think you can take daddy in the butt?" Sally asked with a wink.

"I can take them both...I want to feel it...I want to feel them inside me...I want to feel their seed, their cream," the raccoon said breathlessly. "I want to feel them inside you have."

"Want me to baste you with drawn butter as they spit roast you?" Sally asked with a barely controlled giggle.

"If it's butter you make, yes Sister." Suki added with a giggle. She squeezed one of Sally's breasts playfully. "Oh goodness I can't wait to feel Mr. Ken and Larry."

"Hehe, this is going to be fun alright" Sally said pinching her nipple, spraying some thick sweet milk into her palm, then running her fingers through it feeling the texture. She looked lost in thought a few moments before giving Suki a kiss on the nose.

"Eeee!" Suki squeaked in delight. "Thank you Sister. Now I must get out, or I will be waterlogged!" The raccoon gave Sally a kiss back before climbing out, though she looked at Sally holding her breast with a blush and a smile.

"Yeah we probably should hop into the Fur dryer it will make you dry and floofy"

Suki did so, getting in and leaving space for Sally in case she wanted to join, and activated it. It was lovely having such a convenience in the bathhouse, she felt.

Getting into the warm air tornado that drew the water out of one's fur and tail, Sally took the time to caress Suki al over 'To help her fur dry" she said with a giggle but couldn't help but notice that her caresses made her damp in one intimate little spot. "Skunk butter, huh?" Sally asked. "We will have to see if it can be done."

The raccoon nodded, also reaching over to help dry Sally as well, loving to feel her soft MILFy form as well. "It does sound fun." She floofed the skunk's tail, loving to feel its soft hairs.

"Well, I think it should work; it is thick enough and it is rich in cream so I will go into the kitchen and see if I can whip up some skunk mom butter."

"Oh my Sister...that is quite clever...I look forward to tasting it...your milk is delicious. I am glad that you still make it."

"Thank you sister Suki, I will admit, there is a part of me wanting to induce you just to see if your milk is as spicy as your namesake's was." Sally said with a delightfully seductive purr in her voice as she caressed the raccoon's cheek. "But we may find out in the fullness of time one way or the other. Gods you must think me quite naughty to suggest something like that, but my Suki, my_First_Suki, loved having her tits sucked on she wanted us to drink her milk so we figured out how to induce lactation in her. To be able to do just that she went up almost a cup and a half when her milk fully came in."

"Oh goodness, wow! And no, it doesn't sound too naughty to me. Though I very much like to drink your's so nice, the actual drinking...from your nipple." Suki said, blushing. "I think...I do not know what giving milk would feel like, but it does sound like it could be interesting. Certainly interesting with you!"

"Well it is a very unique sensation when you have full breasts and your milk 'let's down' and you feel it start flowing to engorge your nipple... just think what Daddy would think of that? He would probably have to drain you at work at least once during your shift. aaand you can make a few bucks selling fresh milk to either milk banks or folks who have a certain..._interest,_in drinking breastmilk...Something to consider anyway."

Suki nodded in agreement, finishing up her drying of Sally as she contemplated the ideas of giving milk. "Oh, Sister, you look so beautiful."

"Awww you are as well my sweet Suki, I know Daddy is very happy you accepted his invitation, and you are a wonderful addition to the Erickson Clan," she said hugging her sister allowing her hands to cup the Raccoon's cheeks before drawing her hands through her ringed tail from base to tip. Now then, if you are going to get Spit-roasted, we need to get you ready."

"Yes, yes!" the raccoon chirped, bouncing on her heels a bit. "I...shiver inside thinking about it." Her thighs even clasped together a little bit.

"And you are wonderfully floofy, toss on a robe and let's see if Mom has got everything ready, it is still a tad early. Marcus should be heading to bed soon as should Elly and Eve."

"Okay," Suki said, grabbing a robe. "Um...heheh...Sister...I must say...Marcus, he looks so cute. I like thinking of him."

"...oh, do tell?" Sally said with a wicked grin loving the way the raccoon blushed.

"I wonder what he looks like without his clothes...I...was feeling so good from Mr. Ken...and before him Mr. Larry...yesterday...and I was wondering...if Marcus looks so cute, his male part. Have you ever seen it Sister?"

"Oh yes, I've changed enough diapers but he is approaching his teen years and have seen him here in the bath house a time or two, he is not too shy, which is a good thing I'm sure he probably fantasizes about you a time or three, if he is a healthy young male like his daddy...perhaps you could 'arrange' a series of 'accidents to be in the bathroom when he is in the shower or... something, My my you blush so lovely Suki are you feeling naughty?" Sally chuckled

"Yes Sister I feel naughty, I do think of naughty, silly things sometimes," Suki said, drawing the robe tight as she headed for the door. "Though...oh my, I do wonder what his penis looks such an accident...I would have to figure out. Maybe it is a pretty one."

"I'm sure we can arrange something, especially if you loosen that robe up a bit so when you bend over to give him a good night kiss he can get a sneak peek at that lovely rack of yours." Sally almost crowed rubbing her hands together wickedly.

Suki blushed at that. "And I wonder...if...he would ever get excited seeing your beautiful big breasts, if he has noticed them."

Sally cupped her substantial rack looking at it in thought. "Naah I don't think these puppys get him sprung, I remember one day he said to me. 'mom, big guys don't need tit... big guys need...race cars!" that was pretty much the last time he nursed on me other than when he was sick... I thought that was soo adorable."

"That is adorable, what he said. It sounds like that's natural. And you nursing is so sweet too...nursing him when he's sick..." Suki said, hugging Sally as they made their way to where Anna was.

"It helped him get better faster, but I think he might pop a tent if he got the chance to 'accidentally' catch a glimpse of your sweet raccoon rack. Then we can go from there. How does that sound to you my soon to be spit-roasted sister?"

"It is good to me, Sister...I look forward to such a thing too." They reached the room where Anna was, having made her preparations with the guys. It turned out that the kids were properly put to bed by Larry. But they'd have to be a bit quiet at first so as not to disturb them, and Suki made a mental note about that. She noticed Sally taking a little diversion, so she figured that she should head on to the bedroom in any event.

Sally went into the kitchen to test a theory...She got out a three cup mixing bowl, massaged her breasts to stimulate the let down reflex, then proceeded to milk herself into the bowl. She found it erotically delightful tugging on her large pink nipples, spraying jets of thick, rich skunk MILF milk into the bowl. When the bowl was two thirds filled she got out her hand mixer. Inserting the whip attachment she began the experiment to make skunk mom butter. Sally giggled to herself as the thick creamy milk started to break into light buff butter and whey. "By gods, it worked!" she exclaimed "This opens up a ton of possibilities" she declared drawing the fresh made skunk butter from the bowl, and working the water out of it.

Meanwhile, Suki sat down on the bed. Having finished their evening, both Larry and Ken were there, in the nude, and this made the raccoon shiver inside, even drip between her legs. Anna reclined on a small recliner next to the bed, wanting to leave enough space and get enough field of view that she could watch this very well.

"Well Suki, you seem ready for this new experience?" Anna asked "I have briefed the guys on your request and as you can see by their half mast standing they like the idea of spit roasting you completely. This is a very intimate encounter; if you experience any distress I want you to snap your fingers three times...can you do that for me now?" the matron asked.

"Yes I can, Mrs. Anna," Suki enthusiastically replied to her mentor, snapping three times in succession. "I feel like I will not be distressed; I want this...I want to feel such a thing." The raccoon, indeed, shed her robe to reveal her lithe frame, her arousal was very apparent especially with her little brown nipples appearing quite erect.

"Very well my young apprentice, prepare for your final exam... gentlemen, please assume the position." Anna said with a deliciously lusty lilt to her voice. Ken and Larry took up their positions.

Suki couldn't help but melt inside at Anna's incredibly sensual voice; it certainly would draw more moisture out of her if she hadn't been at maximum already. As she had done quite a while ago in such an enjoyable manner, she immediately leaned to Larry's crotch, seeing that his erection was sticking out. Enjoying his scent, she softly licked its tip, wetting it and drawing closer until the somewhat thick, throbbing organ was fully in her mouth. Once there she wiggled a bit, starting to suck on it.

Ken took up his position behind the eager Raccoon, leaned in and gave her sex several looong slow licks before positioning the head of his cock against the petals of her honeyhole. He then began lifting her tail, gripping it at the base with one hand and drawing it to his chest with the other tugging as he started to slide into her lovebox grunting at her delightful tightness despite her flowing honey. Suki was soon fully 'spitted' as Ken started rhythmically rocking into her Sally came in wearing her chef's hat with a small pot and basting brush. She ended up grinning at the scene that greeted her.

The smaller raccoon mewled and softly moaned as Ken penetrated her, and this went through to her motions on Larry as she kissed the portly skunk's organ and continued to suck on it, making him wiggle too. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Sally, and the accessories Sally had made her blush.

"Is that what I think it is dear?" Anna asked her daughter. as Sally came over showing her the pot of straw pale liquid.

"Yup I made skunk butter and now I'm gonna baste this spit roast raccoon with it." Sally announced as Anna dipped a finger tasting something truly unique and wonderful.

Suki giggled around Larry's member, at the concept, as she used the leverage from Ken's thrusts to keep the fat skunk's penis deep inside her mouth. Each time Ken went in deep it made Suki moan and she gave up a great deal of juice. The feeling of being filled at both ends definitely pleased her, and Ken ended up delivering her a delightful orgasm, sure to be the first of several as she clamped down on his penetrating penis.

Sally got into position and soon Suki felt something warm being painted down her back

"Oooooh that you? Feels so warm...oh my..." she trilled, temporarily taking Larry's penis out to talk just as a little dollop of pre-cum spurted onto her lips.

"Yup Skunk-MILF Butter!" Sally said taking two fingers dipped into the golden liquid and painting Larry's cock with it.

"Oh my god!" Larry moaned at his wife's touch realizing what she was doing.

"Mmmmm..." Suki said, moving forward to start sucking Larry's chubby organ again, and finding the delicious sauce on it. Her tail wagged a little as she discovered just how tasty skunk mom butter was. "Mmmmmmmmm!" she moaned, slurping the penis in her mouth.

Sally turned to give Larry a taste before moving on to her father. "So whadda ya think of this?" She asked.

"That would be wonderful on fresh-from-the-oven bread," Ken grunted. "And this little raccoon is about to get her first load of Ken cream." he said pulling her close by the base of her tail as he hilted himself as deeply as he could.

Suki moaned fully around Larry, her mouth pulled towards his tip due to Ken's motions, but even with all the wetness, the hard, throbbing heat of Ken could easily be felt. She squeezed and milked the man, wiggling her hips as well in an unspoken desire for him to fill her.

Ken erupted deep in his raccoon lover with a primal mating growl, filling her, remembering the time he mated Anna with this intensity Sally was conceived. He locked his strong powerful hands around Suki's hips and pumped his load feeling the pressure build before bursting into her womb. He could feel her cervix kissing his head.

"Ungh..." Suki moaned, loving to feel the extra wetness from Ken's climax inside her. She returned to sucking on Larry, trying to coax his seed out as well, wanting to drink him fully. Out of the corner of her eye, she was just turned on more seeing both Sally and Anna, the very notion of looking at them excited her. The butter on her back was solidifying some, and it felt weird, but it also felt like love.

Sally whispered something into Larry's ear, and he reached out grabbing ahold of the raccoons head bucking his hips as he exploded into her mouth, trying his best to push himself down her throat. Fortunately, Suki took a deep breath when Larry made a grab for her. She swallowed as fast as she could feeling skunk seed filling both ends of her and the skunk butter running down her breasts. Her thoughts were lost in the white hot explosion of a massive orgasmic release.



Suki Amiyah sat in her apartment above the Erickson Bakery. It was Sunday and her day off. Looking at her reflection in the dressing mirror she stood to inspect her reflection. She saw a well loved raccoon reflected in the surface, she smiled at her reflected twin. Her hands started to wonder caressing her flanks, moving up and over her breasts; chocolate brown nipples stifing to stand proudly at her touch and the remembered pleasure from her many lovers... many lovers, she thought of 'Mr.Ken' her employer, lover and head of the Erickson family. The way his powerful hands caressed and fondled her nubile body like bread dough drawing out more pleasure from her than she ever thought possible and his lovemaking... the mere thought brought a shiver of erotic delight to scamper down her spine to the tip of her banded raccoon tail. Never had she known such intensity! And to be loved and accepted by Miss Anna, whom Suki considered a living goddess of sensuality and pleasures of the flesh for the erotic lessons she had received under her gentle tutelage. Expanded Suki's sexual horizons more than she could believe possible. And her daughter Sally, such raw sexuality! Such a loving femme who not only let her explore her fantasies but was a loving guide into some of the most intimate and loving encounters. Wondering all over the sexual landscape starting with some of Suki's deepest darkest erotic desires, the pure unconditional love and acceptance she has found in these amazing furs was almost beyond comprehension, yet the way opened their hearts and home to her welcoming this homeless and friendless Saraland immigrant who answered an ad in the paper for a bakers apprentice. Suki found it mind boggling the way they adopted her into their loving family, and fulfilling her life with more Love, happiness and contentment that the young Raccoon believed possible.

She has had more intense varied and amazing sex since she came to work for 'Mr.Ken' than she had in her first 23 years in the world. some may think she was being used as some sort of sexual play toy, but she didn't feel that way, nor did anyone imply nor treat her as such, she felt like a loving member of an amazingly loving family, Suki found This line of thought was getting her extremely aroused, her hand slid slowly down her belly to her crotch, gliding her fingers over her wet lips, she easily slipped first one then two fingers into the petals of her welcoming sex, sighing at the intimate touch she allowed herself to explore, watching her reflected twin, never had she seen what she looked like watching herself as her lovers would, this new experience was hotter than Suki imagined watching her own intimate response to erotic touch, a loving touch, _ ' __ Sex for one' _ as Miss Anna had called it when she instructed Suki in the arts of self loving.

Watching her hand gently caress a pert perky breast fingers pinching a nipple and was rewarded with a sudden intake of breath, it was like having a phantom lover! As if she were watching a lovely raccoon femme being made love to yet feeling all the delicious sensations reflected in her own body.

Feeling weak kneed as her fingers pumped into her hot wet sex Suki made her way back to the bed and retrieved the toy Miss Anna had gifted her with in her womanhood ceremony . It was purple, her favorite color, and was large, like 'Mr. Ken' Suki angled herself on the bed to better observe the passion she was about to indulge in, stacking pillows behind her for a better view of the reflected Raccoon. Her excitement and arousal; were soaring her breathing becoming faster, inhaling she could smell her scent filling the room with 'Fuck-Me' pheromones only fanning the flames of her desire.

Positioning the purple passion pleasure rod between her breasts the sighed caressing it lovingly thinking of 'Mr. Ken' watching her reflection lick the thick shaft and bulbous head fascinated watching it slip in and out of the raccoon femmes muzzle as she stroked and strummed her sex slicked nether regions while feeling the head bump against the back of her throat. Pulling it free with a wet sluuurp Suki smiled at her reflection _ knowing _ what was to come next...

Sliding the stiff wet shaft across her breasts teasing her turgid nipples before approaching her heated desire. Suki gasped in delight at purple passions first touch of one of her most intimate places. Sliding the shaft between her sex slicked lips she coated the pleasure rod in copious quantities of her free flowing honey, the ribs tingling her lips and teasing her love bud. Ten slow repetitions had her panting as if in heat, her arousal demanding attention. Watching with rapt fascination as the bulbous head spread the delicate petals of her sex as it slowly pushed its way into her love canal Suki groaned with unbridled pleasure and lust as she felt the toy stretch the walls of her intimate passage filling her once again triggering the memory of the first time Mr. Ken made love to her. "...Oh, Mr. Ken,..." she sighed.

Suki was in her own world mesmerized by watching the toy plunging deep into her sex accompanied by the sloshing sounds of hot wet passion punctuated with her cries of joy as the combination of visual, tactual and offertory stimulation overloading her scenses. Suki fought a desperate losing battle to hold out as long as she could before the orgasmic overload rocketed her into the stratosphere of release!

Hilting her phantom lover triggered her release, Suki Threw back her head and gave full voice to her Joy pulling the toy free she fountained cumming so hard hips bucking in almost epileptic spasms such was the intensity her primal cries only heightened the throws of Suki's passionate sex for one session.

Panting hard as her senses returned her body still quivering in the aftermath of such a massive release Suki was dimly aware of ...was that someone clapping? Applause?? opening her eyes she was both shocked and delighted to see Sally standing in the doorway of her bedroom a radiant grin blossoming on her lovely muzzle slowly clapping her performance. Suki flushed scarlet in momentary embarrassment at not realizing she had an audience to her performance yet, at the same time was so happy her sister could share in her personal passion session.

"Oh my god, Suki, That was Awesome!" Sally gushed approaching the recovering raccoon with a tall glass of cool water.

"Sister! I-I didn't hear you come in!. I-I that was very intense, thank you for sharing it with me. That was the first time I got to watch my self get off, it was ... it was" Suki paused drinking deeply of the offered glass, "Thaank you Sally, " Suki sighed trying to sit up but finding her body too overloaded to respond.

"That's okay, you just lay there a while you will need some time before you can move around under your own power after that intense a release. My god! you made a puddle on the Floor! That was awesome it was like watching a pussy waterfall, I've never seen anyone cum that hard or squirt that much!"

" I am soo proud of you sister Suki" the Skunk said as she sat next to the recovering Raccoon lightly caressing her belly thighs flanks and breasts. Suki Trilled at the delicious pleasurable loving caresses. Laying her head back on the pile of pillows a wide grin on her own muzzle at he high praise from her adopted sister/lover/teacher.

"Thank you Sister Sally... that feels sooo nice. If I could move I would caress you equally as lovingly as you are doing for me now...but, I... I can't seem to move!" Suki Giggled in amazed delight at the reaction her body was having to her first voyeuristic _ 'Sex-for-one' _session.

Sally stood and slowly stripped off her clothing much to Suki's enjoyment before laying next to her in a loving embrace and cuddle session continuing to caress and lovingly fondle the immobile raccoon under her care.

"You have such a lovely body, thank you for sharing it with me, and... ooh this is soooo nice!" Suki chuckled realizing That all she could do at this point was just enjoy the loving attention as her tuckered body recovered. This was pure joy Suki thought nuzzling Sally's full breasts as they shared a moment.
