Gold Fever chapter 9

Story by Rick Coona on SoFurry

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#9 of Gold Fever

here is chapter 9, am working on Chapter 10 as I post this

much more plot development ans story progression here a plesant respite fron the action of chapter 8 and letting them rest up a bit for chapter 10


_ = 9 = _

The next morning as the girls slept, Greg crawled out of bed, the events of last night had really taxed his reserves and with his arm in a sling it had really cramped his style, but damn if he didn't give those two ladies everything he had. Though he had to admit it, Shawna was definitely 'Moon Struck', but that little Witch was really fun to have around. Verry cuddly and amazingly flexible! He chuckled as he got the fire going preparing to make breakfast and coffee.

Shaw-paws cuddled in bed with Becka as Greg went to get the fire ready for making breakfast. The night had been long and incredibly passionate. "Beckers, could we... share some water together?" The ferret asked as she lay atop Becka fondling the Badgers breasts.

"You interested in engaging in some watersports with me?" she asked kneading the cheeks of Shawna's cute little ass.

"Um yes please, we have never done it before, and I'd love it if you would bathe me in your radiance."

"Sure, We can do that." Becka said hugging The ferret to her.

Awesomesauce!" How would you like to receive me Beckers?"

"How about I kneel behind you you do that flexible ferret thing bend double grab your calf's and let fly!"

"Oooh, I can watch you receive me! that would be so fun."

standing near the bank of the river as they prepared for the sharing, both gals had consumed almost a gallon of water each. Shaw-paws belly pooked out just a tad indicating a very full bladder.

"Okay sweety, how do you want me? I got a full tank here." Becka asked feeling an urgent need to relieve herself.

"I shall sit in the lotus sutra, and I'd like you to turn your back to me, go into the horse stance then lean forward tel your hands touch the ground that should put you into perfect firing position." The sprightly Ferret chirped as Becka groaned as she got set. "You may fire when ready, Beckers!"

"Oh thank gawd, This is going to feel really good." The badger said as a flood of golden liquid flowed from her body to bathe the Ferret's chest. Shawna giggled in delight as she splashed and rubbed it into her fur the stream of yellow liquid illuminated by the solstice morning sun seemed to take on a golden glow as Shawna ducked her head immersing herself in the sharing Before it came to an end.

"There ya go Shaw-paws, tank's dry for now. What a relief!" she said turning to see the drenched Ferret giggling running her paws over her anointed fur.

"Oh Beckers, that was glorious! MY turn now, if you are ready?" she asked standing and giving herself an all over body shake as droplets of the Badgers gift flew from Shawna like a golden halo.

The ferret took up her position as the Badger did the same. The grass damp from the first round,

Shawna faced the river and spread her feet in line with her shoulders bent in half grinning at her friend from between her own legs "Ready Beckers?" the Ferret chirped. Becka nodded and Shawna let fly!

"Oh my gawd!" Becka exclaimed with a delighted squeal at the torrent that arced from the fun sized Ferret. Becka twisted her waist to completely soak her ample chest leaning in to bathe her face and hair then leaning back to catch the golden gift on her belly and flanks before the session was over.

"Wow that was the most amazing thing I think I have ever seen!" Shawna exclaimed standing up and turning to sit in the soggy badger's lap as they hugged, delighted with their first time experience in water sports, kissing deeply at their personal gifting of a golden shower.

"I never knew it could be this loving?" Shawna said nuzzling the badgers cheek.

"When done with unconditional love, how could it be anything but?" Becka said hugging her friend lovingly.

"And The Goddess says _ 'All acts of love and _ _ pleasure __ are my rituals' _ so this whole weekend will be a non-stop devotion, and who knows it may mark a transition for me as well." the Ferret murred thinking of the ritual ahead.

"Let's take a quick dip in the river and go get some coffee?" Becka said as she stood with a very surprised Shawna in her arms and boldly walked into the cool mountain water. Greg could hear their whoops as they frolicked and laughed.

"Welcome back, come warm yourselves by the fire, have some coffee. I have some things i'd like to discuss with you both." he said to the soggy femmes as he got them settled. "You know..." Greg paused. "I have been thinking about your situation. And may have a solution." He said handing each a nice hot cuppa coffee to warm up with.

"Oh, how so?" Shawna asked both hands wrapped around her cup.

"Well, you want to be a mom, right?" The Possum asked with a nod.

"Well, yeah, I always felt that I would pass from maiden to mother in my own time and season, but I felt it only right to leave that decision up to the goddess."

Greg nodded.

"Mkay, well I had an idea late last night, it is an incredible long shot but it is not medically unheard of, so it is within the realm of possibility." he gave her a sly smile.

What is that?" she asked her interest piqued.

"Parthenogenesis" Greg said.

"Partheno-what-sis?" the Ferret asked

"Oh, yeah!" Becka perked. "Parthenogenesis is spontaneous pregnancy! Genetically the child is always Female, In other words you are biologically creating a clone, the child will be a genetic duplicate of the mother."

"Exactly." Greg nodded. "Anyway last night it occurred to me that it -Might- be a possibility. We could all focus on it in the circle under the full moon on solstice. Talk about a long shot but I heard a voice in my head say _ '...if the tides and stars are in alignment than the impossible may be possible' _ and this idea formed in my mind. You petition your goddess that 'the three who are one' have come together in this sacred night to seek a boon, that the vault of heavens be opened and you be granted the transition from maiden to mother, then we spit roast you focusing on the goal of you becoming a mother. If we can all cum at the same time, the combined orgasmic energy coupled with the full moon on the solstice the high point in the year of the god of nature just may be enough to trigger it, if you are still in heat at that time and all." Greg said shaking his head. "I know it sounds completely off the deep end, but stranger things have happened, so I thought after our conversation last night It may be relevant. What do you think Shaw-paws?" the Possum asked.

"I believe you received a vision and communication from the gods. You have found the key to me becoming a mother. this feels like a commandment from them to charge me to see if my devotion to them is strong enough to manifest the blessing of motherhood. And let me tell you, I got chills hearing your words, for in my mind I was standing in their hall hearing them pronounce it as you were describing it, it feels like destiny. Am...I brave enough to take this step in life?...I'm... my body says Yes! My mind, is kinda freaking out here... because it recognizes the power of that sending, this is the test from the gods I have been seeking and working toward for seven years. Ever sense I placed my feet on the path of magic and entered the goddess's service at fifteen..." The ferret paused starting to quiver.

"Ya know why I feel this way?" she asked looking at her companions. Because it is not physically possible for Greg to impregnate me, no matter how much I may desire it so if I am to pass into motherhood, this is the true test of the gods. And...I accept!" Shawna declared standing before the campfire tugging free a lock of her hair.

"if you are willing to help me I need some of your hair to weave a ring to let the god and goddess know we accept the challenge." she said Greg and Becka looked at each other, a silent conversation passed between the Soul-mates. Becka reached up and tugged free a lock of her crimson hair Greg not having long head hair did the next best thing and tugged some of his long beard free. They handed their contributions to the Grinning Ferret.

"Thank you guys, this is what magic is all about." she said deftly pleating the hair into a Braid then weaving it into a seamless magical ring "The three who are one come together in perfect love and perfect trust, agree and accept the challenge of the goddess and this night join together to allow Shawna Moonchild..." she paused in mid declaration as the revelation hit her full force like a clue-by-four between the eyes.

" Moon-child... Oh my Goddess! That's it! That is what my dedication name meant! To pass into motherhood I must conceive a 'moon-child' from myself of myself!" she cried out falling to her knees in supplication.

"By the god and goddess I worship and adore with all my heart! I accept! I accept! I accept!" she burst into tears as Greg and Becka moved to comfort the overwhelmed Ferret.

She hugged her friends tightly for the press of ancient magics was heavy in the air. and on this mystical time of the turning of the wheel of the year, the impossible, no matter how improbable, may become manifest.

"Well partner, it being summer solstice, would you like to take the day off?" Greg asked his Badger.

"We could, but it's going to feel weird being out here with nothing to do." Becka replied.

"Well there is that spot down river a piece that has some good looking black sand, we could grab a few buckets, run them through the sluice and see what pans out?" Greg said good naturedly.

"Oh yeah, I remember that place, that was where we washed up after our tryst in the river last time." Becka winked with an evil grin.

"Guys!" Shawna cried "Is that all you two do around here? Find new places to plow each other?"

"Shaw-paws, around here it is mostly eat, work, and sleep, you need to find your own entertainment, Becka loves to fuck in the great outdoors, and since we've hooked up I have no complaints, other than this dang busted wing is really cramping my style with you two lovely ladies." the possum grumped.

"Well, you have been keeping me well serviced." Becka said giving his cheek a loving caress.

"I do the best I can, with the tools I've got. Becka, you are the best partner I have ever found. You have really impressed me in so many ways, I honestly feel blessed having you in my life." the Possum said with heartfelt honesty.

"It's because Becker's is your Soul-mate, Greg, And you are hers. A Blind fur could see the light shining in your souls. And don't think for a minute that age has anything to do with it, Love is blind: Blind to age. Blind to species, blind to social standing. the heart wants, what the heart wants. And for both of you, it is each other. As an acolyte of the goddess the truth is plain to see. Love is love and it is all good." the diminutive Ferret proclaimed.

Greg and Becka just stared at the ferret slack-jawed.

"Shaw-paws, you are not playing around here are you?" Becka asked.

"Oh come on Beckers are you forgetting what happened at Soween? When you told me about that warehouse job, and I told you then that your destiny was not in the pathway of the modern world but to trust in the elemental spirits of this world to guide you to your true calling and that once you did your time of solitude would be at an end. Well you are no longer there, are you? and your time of solitude has come to an end, hasn't it? You are out here in the realm of the elemental spirits also known as the great out doors! and they have shown you your true calling, haven't they?" the ferret demanded poking the taller topless Badger between the breasts. (Becka looked like she was buffering.) Shawna huffed and turned to the Possum.

"Now Greg, as I recall, Becka said you called me some kind of 'Hoo-Doo Woman' since Beckers over there seems to be buffering, not uncommon when you get whacked right between the eyes with the clue-by-four of prophecy, she's just processing, and will probably be at it a while. She always said stuff like this broke her brain, so while we wait for her to finish, care to tell me about the whole Hoo-doo stuff?" the ferret asked holding out her cup for more coffee.

"Heh sure thing sweet stuff." he chuckled pouring the Fun sized Ferret more coffee. Glancing at Becka smirking at the facial expressions she was making as the revelation worked it's way through her noggin.

"Welp, practitioners of 'Hoo-Doo' follow the old ways; using roots and crystals to make charms, fetishes and potions, charging them with the movement of stars and moon, times and tides most of them are good folks, a might queer in their mannerisms , 'Moon Struck' we used to call it back home." Greg paused to glance at Becka who had her hand up finger raised as if trying to make a point in the internal monologue she was deeply involved with. Greg chuckled shaking his head. Turning back to the conversation.

"Like I said most of them are good folks employing the powers found in nature or fetch spirits to help them work their magic I guess you might call them elementals, or Dae-mons, not to be confused with demons, which pack powerful bad ju-ju. But I doubt you'd ever have truck with the likes of them, your soul is too bright and shiny to have anything to do with anything evil." the possum said in his down-home manor. Now it was Shawna's turn to buffer a little bit.

"Whoa, that's pretty spot on what my practice involves, and the oath I took durring my dedication before The God and Goddess, was that I shall, in life's name use these Arts, which are life's Gift, to ease pain and nurture Growth. I shall work to seek balance in all things. And to do no harm, unless those entrusted to my care are threatened. In the practice of my craft I shall restore hope, putting aside fear for courage, hatred for compassion and death for life, and I shall, if it is fit to do so, stand in the path of destruction, to preserve said life. This I swear to do, until the sands of time run out, and the world is no more..." Shawna said clasping her hands in front of her heart.

"Yup, sounds Like Hoo-Doo to me." Greg nodded with a chuckle.

"...Oh God Damn It!" Becka declared then looking at a grinning Greg.

"_ W __ hat? _" she asked before locking her sites on an equally grinning Shawna.

"And_ You! You _C __rystal_ P owered Twat_ _W affle!_You knew this would happen, didn't you?" Becka almost snarled pointing an accusing finger at the giggling Ferret.

"Crystal Powered Twat Waffle?" Shawna burst out laughing "Oh goddess Beckers, that's hilarious!" the ferret rolled with laughter at the new moniker bestowed upon her by her soul-sister.

"Stop trying to change the subject!" The indigent Badger pressed trying to sound mad despite the grin on her muzzle. "Back around Halloween..." Shawna held up a finger.

"It's called Soween" Shawna corrected.

"Whatever. Back then you saw me hooking up with Greg, didn't you?" Becka demanded.


"Not precisely, but I _Did_know that you would finally find the one you were meant to be with, no more used car salesmen. All I saw was your special someone was a person who lived in tune with nature and understood the ways of it, he aligned himself with the rhythms of the seasons and would finally be the person to bring out the real you." Shawna paused looking between Greg and Becka.

"...Was I wrong?" she asked taking each of their hands in hers.

"No." they answered in unison, staring deeply into each other's eyes.

"Well, if you would like to have a dedication ceremony, the solstice is a great time for it, and I _Am_a priestess after all so I could officiate..." she trilled grinning ear to ear.

"Um, a what now? Greg asked.

"A_ceremony,_acknowledging the fact that you are soul-mates who have found each other it's not like getting hitched..." Shawna paused. "Well, it_Can_be, sort of but you two have something very special here and I think you should make it sorta official." the Ferret advised.

"Shaw-paws, Greg is my partner, yeah, it started out as just mining partners, but I think it has gotten a whole lot more inclusive, but than again mining law usually trumps state law, and partners do for each other, in a sense you could say we are married after a fashion, but I don't know, what I am feeling for this possum here goes way beyond anything in my experience. And quite frankly I'd be content to spend the rest of my life with this guy just doing what we are doing now..." Becka sighed with a loving smile.

"Can't argue that, I've been alone most of my life, I've had a partner a time or two over the years, but I could never find a body I could fully trust. Perhaps I was looking in all the wrong places all these years, and it took placing an ad in an area completely outside my world that would bring my beloved home to me." Greg said giving the badgers hand a squeeze.

"...And as all acts of love and pleasure are her rituals, in the name of the god and goddess, I Shawna Moonchild who is their acolyte, do declare, with the powers of love invested in me, that Becka Woodland and Greg Meadows are bonded soul-mates until the Vail parts your path" the Bubbly ferret declared.


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**Chapter 11** The next morning Manda found herself definitely walking funny, that had to have been the most intense pounding she had ever received in all her twenty three years, and while she had a pleasant soreness in her nethers, she felt a...

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Spring Break Chapter 9

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