Predator/Prey Relations

Story by Khabi on SoFurry

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Hello there! I’m returning to writing again, and I thank everyone for waiting through my long, no-reason-given hiatus. I’m going to try my hand at writing smut. Let’s see how it goes. It’s a bit on the short end, obviously, but I want to see how I do on my first foray into erotic fiction.

And yes, for the curious, the idea for this did come loosely from the ponds found in Ranma ½ that caused people to shift forms after being immersed therein--- this is a bit more permanent, however.

Predator-Prey Relations

It had been a very late thaw this year. Even now, in the arctic Alaskan wilderness, most of the ground was still covered almost completely with snow, only very small areas actually beginning to melt.

The wolf had been separated from the rest of his pack, having competed to be alpha male, and failing that, being driven out by the new alpha. He had been forced to fend for himself, and was thin with hunger, not having eaten in a few weeks. His fortunes were about to change, however, in a way he couldn’t even begin to predict.

There was a rabbit who had recently awoken from his long rest. He had had a good sleep and things were going well with him. The long-delayed thaw had made things more difficult, but he had eaten well before the snow had come, so he was still going on reserves pretty well. Presently, however, he found some grass that had been pushing through the sinking snow. He began to munch on it, not seeing the nearby canine who was ravenous with hunger.

The wolf spotted a snowshoe hare which was eating some grass that was poking through the snow. He began to sneak up on his prey, the white-furred male rabbit seemingly unaware of the larger predator creeping up toward him. The rabbit was still featuring prominently the coloration of the winter months, his fur brilliantly white against the snow. The wolf for his part, featured a greater mixture of color, a dark gray on his back lightening to a white on his belly and legs.

Presently, he was only several feet from the still oblivious rabbit and by now he was about to pounce, when the rabbit heard a sound and darted away on instinct.

Thrilled with the chase, the wolf began to pursue the rabbit hungrily, snarling as he loped into a run. The rabbit was panicking, further away from his warren than he usually traveled for food but the late thaw wasn’t helping him. He darted to the left, then the right to try and throw the large, hungry canine off his trail but he was unable to dodge away forever, he was already tiring. Then tragedy struck, his foot becoming lodged and breaking through the ice over a spring.

The wolf, sensing an opportunity, leapt to the rabbit and the force, instead of crushing the rabbit like he had expected, brought both predator and prey crashing through the ice and into the warm water beneath.

The rabbit managed to climb out first, swimming instinctually away from the wolf, who was attempting to clamber up out of the water after him on paws ill-suited for grasping. Soon, however, the chase had begun anew, though for a different reason. The wolf was panting, but for a new reason. Now as he watched the rabbit’s rear as he was chased, he found himself being filled with an urge to mate. His sheath bulging with his member as he pursued the rabbit, which at the same time was having a similar problem, and neither of them was as agile as they were before.

The wolf’s mind was now swallowed by a different hunger, as he leapt forward atop the other male and he buried his teeth into the rabbit’s neck but only to the point where he held him still. The rabbit was confused, but accepting as the canine’s shaft prodded at his tailhole. Lustily, the wolf stabbed inside. Their minds were expanding as each began to think in a different way, directed instead to actually think with wants and needs instead of being driven and controlled completely by animal instincts.

At the same time, their bodies were beginning to match the growth in their intelligence. The rabbit’s body was growing larger, at the same time that the wolf’s was but at a greater rate. Legs lengthened, their bodies changing formations as their forelimbs became anthropomorphic arms with paw-like hands at the end. The wolf used his to grope at the rabbit’s shifting nipples, both sets on each body shifting up to the upper half, as their chests flattened and widened to become more anthropomorphic. With growth in intelligence came growth in perception and understanding, though both predator and prey were confused by the new thoughts that rose in them as their bodies were nearly fully anthropomorphic in formation now.

â€What’s going on, what’s happening to me?†Were the first thoughts that entered their new, more intelligent minds.

This was followed soon after by â€Oh Gods, this feels so good.â€

The canine’s member had shifted to become much larger but had retained its shape. Much the same could be said for the rabbit’s bulged cock and sheath. Their balls were larger to match the increase in size as they grew even larger than should have been average on their new, humanoid forms. The canine moaned as he began to feel something besides the breeding urge. Now he was receiving pleasure and he began to seek it actively, thrusting harder and faster into the rabbit without remorse.

The rabbit murred as well as his own body became fully humanoid, one of his new handpaws reaching down to grope at his thick new cock. He had to admit that the stiff prick felt wonderful in his hand. His hands were soft and thin and only getting moreso as more changes seemed to be happening, even as the two were in the midst of lovemaking.

â€When this is over… I’m still going to eat you, rabbit,†panted the wolf, though it didn’t sound like to his lover that he was being very sincere with the thought.

Something was changing, though, the rabbit feeling his chest getting heavier and something else brushing the soft snow as his ass was mercilessly pounded by the thick canine member. It wasn’t clear to him what was happening but his nipples had changed, gaining areolas and thickening as flesh behind them inflated. The rabbit was growing breasts! The heavy pressure of additional swells amidst the soft fur on his back told him that the canine was having a similar issue.

The wolf hammered harder at the ass in front of him, his tail wagging as he felt more pressure and changing, his soft hands gaining slim fingers and more feminine features while mounds of flesh came in on his chest. The rabbit’s ass was growing rounder and softer, gaining flesh. As the wolf watched, his belly was thinning with the hips gaining wider. Inside of the belly of the rabbit and wolf, new organs forming, feminine wombs and fertile ovaries coming into being in moments as each of them felt a tunneling, seeking out the areas behind each of their hefty sets of balls.

Before long, with a burst of feminine juices, each of them had a brand new pussy, becoming aware of their new genders immediately, feminine thoughts combining with their masculine urges to create a glorious union. As soon as the wolf scented femininity in hir lover below hir, shi planted hir member at the pussy lips and thrusted inside, continuing the hard thrusting into hir. The rabbit for hir part, was being surrounded by need completely as shi was mated so roughly.

There was pleasure too, and shi realized that there was much more to sex than breeding, though a secret part of hir hoped that there would be kittens from this. Shi moaned as shi felt the wolf’s knot bashing at hir entrance and then, gloriously, the thick mass of flesh at the base of hir canine mate’s cock was lodged inside hir. The wolfess knotted the lapine and howled out hir pleasure as shi came harder than anything shi had ever felt before, pleasure shi was barely even able to comprehend even with this, and hir expanded consciousness.

Hir thick seed painted the walls of the bunny beneath hir, and the lapine hirself came over it, the feminine juices joining the onrush of the cum from the canine’s cock. Most of the juices were held inside thanks to hir thick knot holding them together, but even its thick girth wasn’t enough to keep all of the pressure from the filling juices inside.

Panting, the wolfess collapsed on top of the rabbit, hir knot holding them together. Shi licked the neck of the bunny beneath hir.

â€I was just joking about still eating you…. my mate.†The wolfess knotted to hir said.

â€I know," said the rabbit as shi ground hir hips a little bit around the knot that held them together.

â€But what do we do now?â€

The wolf shook hir head.

â€I don’t know, to be honest… there’s the matter of my knot inside you, and we can’t do much until it’s small enough to pull out.†Shi smiled and nuzzled the neck of the rabbit beneath hir.

â€But I suppose that we need to think about what to do next.†Shi said, nuzzling her more from behind.

The rabbit nodded.

â€Well, I think we need to find civilization, don’t you?â€

There were anthros around in the world, that wasn’t much of a new thing, about as many out there as there were humans. Getting there would take a long time, however. Considering that the rabbit might be pregnant after that, things weren’t going to be easy for the pair.

â€We need to have names, don’t we? My brain wants something to call itself.†The wolfess said softly.

The rabbit laughed and nodded in agreement.

â€I’ll be Jordan and you can be Jamie, okay?†Shi suggested

After the wolfess nodded in agreement, they kissed and cuddled together until the wolfess’ knot had shrunk enough for them dislodge from each other and begin to head out on the way to civilization, South.

That’s it for now. I’m looking for good, positive criticism, and I’m also hoping to start doing commissions out there for people. So if you’re looking for a nice story featuring herms, transformation, gender shifting, and/or pregnancy, and I know there are a lot of us perverts out there, drop me a line and we can work something out.

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