Mike's Story

Story by dragon layer on SoFurry

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#1 of Commissions

A femboy fox and a blue husky discover love at the rave, hot sweaty love.

Commission Charlie bean

Mika's Story

By Midnight Vulpin

Alex looked at himself in his tall standing mirror in is his bedroom, though he looked at himself daily, he could never get over the sight of his own reflection. He had worked so many years to groom himself into what he was now seeing, he could almost see himself as a female, maybe a bit too much tone, but the rest of his features were perfect for who he wanted to be. He turned from the mirror and walked to the dresser to select an outfit that would match his red fur, though in all truth he had a bit of an autumn russet coloring in him, and finding cloths to accent that was very difficult. He finely settled on a jet black shirt with matching shorts, they were tight fitting, but showed off his frame amazingly. He donned his cloths and went back to the mirror where he once again stared at himself.

Tonight was going to be a good night, Alex had just finished his first year of college, now he was free until the fall classes started up, so tonight he was going to a flashy night club with his best college friend, Mika, a very uniquely blue furred wolf. Alex took a moment to think of the wolf/husky hybrid and a deep flush spread across his cheeks. He had liked that wolf since the first time he had ever seen him, the curve of his tall frame, the tone of his muscles, the well-fitting cloths he wore, as well as the higher society way he carried himself, Alex Knew he had a crush on the blue wolf.

Alex was never really sure where he stood on the subject of his own sexuality, he had never really taken the time to explore that, focusing more on his school and studies, but with the amount of time that he had spent with the wolf he had come to find that the idea of being with another male wasn't that bad, but only as long as it was with Mika. He giggled slightly and finely turned from the mirror to make his way down stairs to get a snack for himself before heading out. Alex had always enjoyed the leaner foods, trying his best to keep his frame light and feminine, so he made a light tuna sandwich and ate it delicately while he was waiting for it to be time to leave. When it was finely time for him to stand and leave his house he was nervous about meeting Mika in such a setting, he was beginning to feel like this was a date, but he couldn't know if the blue wolf liked him in the same way. He sighed, put a smile on his face, and stepped through the door, quickly leaving so that he could beat the wolf to the bar.


Mika grinned to himself as he walked slowly to the night club. There was someone there that he was going to meet tonight, and he had a plan on how he was going to get this certain someone to finely open up to him about his true feelings. Mika wasn't at all stupid, he had seen all the glances Alex had stolen of his body, the silent mutterings to himself when he thought no one could hear him, it was very obvious that the red fox liked him and tonight he would make it well understood that there was nothing at all wrong with that. Mika was actually rather glad the fox had gathered enough courage to ask him to the party at the club tonight to celebrate the end of the semester. Mika had found that little fox so cute since the first day he saw him, but with the type pf wolf he was, he wasn't going to make the first move, he needed the little fox to take that last step and be honest with his feelings, and tonight he knew Alex would finely tell him exactly how he feels. Mika's green eyes flashed as he got within sight of the club, he knew that tonight was going to be fun, one way or another, both of them would get what they want.


The night club, The Fallen Fur, was busy tonight, it seemed like every fur in town was there, everyone that both Alex and Mika knew from school as well, but that wasn't going to distract them at all. They met at the bar, Alex had ordered a long island and was sipping on it when he noticed Mika walk in; he quickly ordered a bloody marry, a drink he knew Mika liked for some reason, and waited for the blue wolf to see him, he didn't have to wait long. Mika saw him and walked towards him quickly with a smile on his muzzle. Mika and Alex hugged and Alex handed Mika the drink, which he took happily and immediately downed, in which the bartender made him another.

Alex looked Mika up and down noticing that the wolf had dressed in a two toned white and light purple tight fitting shorts and shirt. Alex thought his friend looked really good in this particular style, and it looked like he was ready to dance as well. Alex blushed slightly as he looked Mika up and down, "You look good."

Mika's smile grew wider, "So do you." He sipped on his second drink and looked around the club just to see how crazy it was tonight. The DJ was playing some good club songs, but he knew the good dance songs would start playing soon, and he was going to show his little fox just how well he could dance.

Alex looked around the club as well, but when his eyes came back to the blue wolf he saw that Mika was staring right at him, deep into his eyes, he blushed even deeper and busied himself with his drink. Mika had now confirmed exactly what he already knew, this shy little fox did have a crush on him. He sat on the stool next to Alex and tried to think of things to talk about, it turned out Alex spoke first.

"I'm so glad school is over, I needed a break."

"True," Mika agreed, "I'm not a big fan of school anyway, too quiet and too much drama."

Alex smirked, "You cause like seventy percent of the drama."

"Yeah, but I hate all the drama that I don't start."

Mika laughed and Alex did as well. They spoke lightly for an hour, talking about things that they both remembered from the school year, nothing really serious, but they seemed to get closer with every conversation that was brought up. It wasn't too long before the good music started and Mika's ears twitched, now was his chance to get everything started, he stood up and offered his hand to Alex.

"Let's get on the dance floor."

Alex stared at the offered hand and suddenly butterflies floated around in his stomach, he had never been offered to dance before, but he took the hand with a smile and a blush, then followed Mika out onto the dance floor.

Alex was not really a good dancer, at least not in his own mind, but Mika was a great dancer and he knew it. They started out dancing to a faster song, one that caused them to get lost on the floor as they swung around the other furs. Alex was having a great time, even though it wasn't long until his fur was covered in sweat, he didn't really mind at all. He focused on the song and tried his best to follow the beat so that he didn't look a fool, but he really didn't care, he was more enjoying actually being able to cut loose. He came to a stop when he noticed everyone was standing in a circle around the center of the dance floor and he cut through the crowed just to see who was dancing and his breath caught in his throat. With perfect beat and perfect grace, Mika was swinging to the music in the center of the circle with everyone watching him. His moves had all the perfect grace, every step and swing of his body matched the flow of the song in every perfect way, it was the most beautiful thing Alex had ever seen, and the flashing club lights just made the blue husky look even more perfect.

When the song came to an end, and Mika finally stopped his dance, he turned just in time to see Alex come flying from the crowed and straight into his arms. Alex looked up into Mika's face for a long second before the fox lost all control of himself and his lips pushed up and found Mika's. The kiss was not long, but it didn't have to be for Mika, and the rest of the club, to see exactly how Alex felt about the wolf. When they broke the kiss Mika stared deep into Alex's eyes and Alex returned the look, then Mika bent down and pulled Alex into a very deep and very passionate kiss right there in the middle of the dance floor with everyone watching, but he didn't care, and Alex returned the kiss with great enthusiasm.

The DJ put on a slower dance song and the new couple slowly moved to the music as they held each other. Alex actually was a good dancer and the more he got into the beat, the more they moved, and soon they were taking over the dance floor as they danced to the song, then the next, and soon they were the hit of the night. Everyone was watching them with smiles as they moved about the floor, showing off and clinging to each other as they danced. The two only had eyes for each other, they drank in each other's scents as they both worked up a good sweat; they paid no attention to the other furs around them, they focused only on themselves and when the music came to a close for the night they were both panty heavily and eyeing each other.

No words were spoken as Mika grabbed Alex's paw and he lead the fox out of the club. He pulled the fox close as they walked along the late night sidewalk and they both stayed deep in thought during the journey. Mika was flustered, he was very happy, but there was something building within him that would very soon have be taken care of. Alex was thinking of the night and he too was feeling the heat building in his body, but he was also very nervous, and Mika not talking wasn't helping that, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything. So they both walked along in the darkness until they came to Mika's apartment.

Mika kept his apartment very well cleaned, he couldn't stand dirt and clutter, so when they walked in Alex was blasted by the smell of lavender and vanilla. He walked into the apartment and turned to see Mika watching him as he closed the door and locked it.

Mika licked his lips, "I have been waiting a long time to see you in here."

Alex gulped and his blush returned, Mika was staring at him like a predator, like the wolf he was. He hid his nervousness behind a cough and walked over to the couch where he sat down and fiddled with his hands. Mika turned from him and walked into the kitchen, he opened his fridge and pulled out two bottles of Wolf Drought beer, then headed back into the living room. He pulled the cap off of the first bottle and handed it to Alex, then he pulled the cap off of his and took a long swig. He sat down next to Alex and turned on the TV to some reality show, he really didn't want to watch TV, but he thought the noise might be a good idea. He turned to face Alex on the couch and held out his bottle of beer, "Here is a toast to the new beginnings of a deeper friendship."

Alex smiled and let his bottle lightly clink with Mika's, "And hopefully so much more."

Mika took that as all of the invitation he needed, he set his bottle to the side and just as Alex lowered his bottle he pushed forward and kissed Alex deeply. Alex's eyes snapped open in surprise, but he didn't push Mika away, in fact, he wrapped his arms around Mika's back and pulled the larger wolf closer. They stayed like that for a good while, but of course they had to pull away eventually just so they could breath. They stared deep into each-other's eyes while they both panted to catch their breaths. Alex grew a great spark of courage outside his norm and surprised Mika by lifting himself over the blue wolf and straddling his lap, he was grinding himself against Mika as he pushed them into another deep kiss.

Mika, not wanting to be outdone, and actually feeling the fox's excitement grinding against his belly, put his paws on Alex's belly and started rubbing him at a slow pace. He trailed his paw over the fox's belly slowly while they kissed, then Alex squealed in surprise when that paw slid under his waist band and trailed all the way down his sizable shaft and all the way to his furry balls. Mika kept Alex in the kiss, not letting him pull back as he continued to attack Alex's staff with his paw, wrapping his paw around it and pumping it up and down at it slow pace. He made sure to gather the moisture from the tip of Alex's cock and rub it back down to lubricate it, and when he pulled from the kiss he sat back to watch Alex struggle on his lap as his paw built Alex up into his first climax of the night.

Alex was in heaven, Mika sped up his movements slowly and this just brought Alex into a world of bliss he had never known before. By the time Mika increased his speed to way too fast, Alex was already arching his back and crying out loudly with each breath. Then Mika decided to end Alex's torcher so with his other paw he pulled back the fox's waist band and slid his mouth all the way down Alex's shaft and kissed his knot. Alex's mouth opened in a silent gasp, and with only two more thrusts he started painting the back of Mika's throat white with his seed. Mika sealed his lips to prevent any of Alex's seed from escaping as he drank the fox, making sure that his friend gave every last drop before he finally pulled off and stared into Alex's eyes while licking his lips. Alex was panting loudly and heavily and when he saw the look on Mika's face he only nodded, no words.

Mika smiled deeply and he shifted under the fox to pull his shorts off, then he pulled Alex's off as well. His eight-inch erection was standing proudly and was already dripping small with amounts of pree that ran down his shaft and dripped off his balls onto the floor. He spit onto his paw and made sure his entire shaft was well slathered before he put both his paws onto Alex's hips. He maneuvered Alex's body until the fox's hole was hovering just over the wolf's pointed shaft. He lowered Alex until his tip was touching his hole and he groaned from the feeling of the fox's heat on his tip. He waited like that, struggling to restrain himself as he watched Alex's face, he didn't take that final step until Alex finally looked deep into his eyes and nodded.

Both new this would hurt, but Mika was genital and slow as he made that final move and pushed Alex down on his head, he gasped as his pointed canine cock breached Alex's hole. Alex grit his teeth, but couldn't stop the grunt of pain from escaping his muzzle, Mika froze instantly and watched him with care as he adjusted. When Alex seemed to have relaxed Mika started pushing again until he had pushed almost half his shaft into Alex's tail hole, then he paused again to let Alex adjust. He pulled out slowly, guiding Alex with his paws, then let the fox fall back onto his shaft, he grunted in pleasure, but Alex gasped in mixed pain. This time Mika didn't stop, he slowly thrusted in and out, sinking more and more of his cock into Alex's tail hole as he did so, Alex went from gasping in pain to grunting in pleasure from every thrust, and by the time the wolf's hips connected with his own he was actually crying out in bliss. Mika slowly sped up his thrusts when he felt the fox start responding to his movements and soon Alex was bouncing on his lap, letting the thick cock go harder and faster deep in his body.

Both the pleasure riddled furs let the moment take them and they cried out together as they both reached a level bliss they had never thought they could go, and they went there together. Mika sped up his thrusts to a speed only a canine could achieve and Alex moved with him, crying out loudly every time that hard, pointed cock drove into his prostate. Alex never thought sex could be like this, but each thrust brought him even closer to that sweet point, that point they both felt coming. Mika had his head back and he was driving as deep into Alex as he could go, he was trying to hold back his climax as long as he could to make the moment last as long as possible, but as with all good things, even this moment had to come to an end. In his moment of bliss Mika forgot about his knot and there was one thrust where his shaft no longer came back out, his eyes widened and he looked at Alex to watch his face as he thrust one final time. His knot inflated to its full thickness and Alex cried out loudly in mixed pain/bliss as his hot, thick load shot out and covered Mika's chest and belly fur. On the that last thrust Mika pushed his muzzle into Alex's and he moaned deeply as his cock pulsed and he finally let his seed rush through his shaft and deep into Alex's tail hole, the force and the amount was enough to make Alex groan into Mika's mouth as they continued to kiss. Mika dug his claws into Alex's thighs as his seed continued to flood into the fox and his grip got stronger as he threw his head back and practically howled until he finally stopped cumming into his partner.

Mika looked at Alex, both gasping for breath, and hugged him close to his body, "You are my fox now."

"I have always wanted to be your fox."

Mika chucked, "My dear Alex, I think I love you."

"I think I love you too."

It's never the end!!!