One-Day Warden

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A little story of Prince Saunak, who received the most votes/approval during the poll for who should get a story written about them today. The result is a story where someone thought he should take on more responsibility, and wanted to see how he'd do running a prison. The result...quite silly.

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One Day Warden By Draconicon

"Let me get this straight, dear brother. You want run a prison?"

"Just for a day, Saunak. I'm sure that you would enjoy the experience."

The younger mongoose reclined back against one of his harem members, his arms resting on the dicks of two others near him. Horse cock made for a magnificent arm-rest, Saunak found; quite large, and squishy in the perfect places. He squeezed on the flared heads, feeling his fingers get soaked and hearing the horses groan.

He licked one hand clean, slow and delicately, as he thought about it. The idea of running a prison was not, to him, very appealing. It meant paperwork, dealing with new inmates, and generally...just work. Nothing that he found that interesting.

Besides, he had a number of new harem members to break in, different males to try out, and others that were applying for visas to Aparajita specifically to get into his harem. No, no, his day would be full of measuring and riding, of training and stuffing himself silly with as many of their cocks as possible.

His hand finally clean, Saunak shook his head.

"I'll have to decline, Savitr. Maybe another -"

"I'm afraid that saying no isn't really an option today."

"...Father's orders?"

"Father's orders."

He rolled his eyes as he slumped back against the bull behind him, feeling the erection in his ass shift as he did. It bumped something just right to make him twitch a bit, but with the knowledge that he'd be working against his will, it just didn't give him the pleasure it usually did.

"Does it have to be today? Can't Pankaja do it?"

"You know he's busy shoring up the towers on the eastern side of the kingdom. And besides, when was the last time you even left this room?"

"I'm sure it was sometime last week."

"Last month, more like."

"Ah, but last month was last week."

"Heh, I suppose so."

He shook his head, turning on the bull's lap, and twisting his hips around. The cock inside of him got a little wrenching in the process, but his harem boy only moaned, trembling beneath the prince.

"Why do I detect our sister's hand in this?"

"Probably because she's been bothering father for weeks about you doing nothing but sleeping with your harem."

"Patently untrue; I slept with a good dozen of the nobility as well, and brought both of you a great deal of information."

"Yes, yes, I know."

Savitr squatted down beside him, his brother's chin on top of one of the horse cocks. The horse grunted, but remained still as the older prince patted Saunak on the arm.

"Look, I know it's not what you wanted to do, but you know that's just part of our life, little brother. Think about all the responsibilities that Pankaja and Manu take on, running the construction and courts of the whole kingdom. Considering what they've got to do, we get off pretty lightly, don't you think?"

"Hmmmph. I suppose."

"And besides, it's a day away from Windsire."

His eyes, starting to close out of annoyance and boredom, immediately flicked back open. He leaned forward, jamming the armrest cock right into the bull beneath him, almost sliding off of the bull's shaft.

"What was that?"

"Oh, didn't I say?"

"No, no, you didn't, I think I would have heard you saying 'No Windsire Allowed.'"

"Heh, aren't you a little young for the club-house talk?"

Saunak shook his head.

"Not the point, my silver-tongued brother. Are you telling me that, if I do this, Windsire won't be hanging over my shoulder the whole time? That I'll be alone in the prison, without the stuffy old demon horse telling me what to do?"

"I do believe that was part of the agreement father settled between Shakti and I. Yes, I heard those very words. 'He can be alone in the prison, without the demon horse telling him what to do.'"

He leaped off of the bull's lap, barely feeling the slurp of that long, thin cock sliding out of his ass. Yanking the back of his pants up, the mongoose prince ran across pillow after pillow like a madman to the other side of the room, and threw open a chest. He rooted through its contents before finally finding what he was looking for.

"Um, Saunak?"

"One minute. Can't leave for that without my things."

Rings, dozens and dozens of rings were shoved into the pockets of his silk pants, pushed down into them until they bulged like the fashions of a century ago. He stood up, paused, and then shook his head. He probably needed more, but he would have to make do. Sacrifices; the royal family was all about sacrifices.

He clapped his hands, gathering the attention of the thirty-some males that were distributed all over the room. Crocodiles, horses, camels, tigers; many different species turned to him, most with cocks hard and throbbing, as trained.

"My friends, my dear lovers, I must be away for the day."

The room filled with groans, and Saunak chuckled at the note of relief in a few of them.

"I know, I know, you will miss me dreadfully. But I will return shortly, and perhaps with more friends for you to train for me. Don't worry; I shall hold you all dearly in my heart, and do my best to return as swiftly as I may.

"In the meantime, please, tend to each other and make sure that there are many fountains of seed in my absence. I wish to come back to a room smelling of orgies."

The various males stared at him, and Saunak sighed.

"Or, perhaps, you'd prefer to go out into the city for the day?"

They all slowly nodded.

"Fine, fine. See the treasurer, and tell him I'm allowing you a hundred silver each for expenses. But no more!"

They were already out the door before he could finish his sentence, and Saunak crossed his arms over his chest, shaking his head.

"Ungrateful, every one of them."

"They seem grateful enough for the day off."

"Oh, do cheer up. It's not like you won't have a thousand males under your thumb in a few hours."

"...A thousand...Mmmmmmm..."

He saw Savitr's smile slip slightly, but the mongoose didn't care. He was already imagining everything that he might find when they got to the prison.

It took them two hours by boulder-rolling and another by walking to reach the prison. Carved out of the mountainside a good ways up from Aparajita proper, Dipali Prison served as a secure place for nobles and common criminals alike. Prince Saunak had been part of the process to send a goodly proportion of the nobles there, and he imagined that they weren't going to be too happy to see him again.

That, of course, would be rather one-sided. He remembered most of them, and remembered them as remarkably good lays. If he had the authority...

Who was he kidding? Of course he'd have the authority to do what he wanted. That was the whole point of being the man running the prison.

As they stopped at the plateau that the prison was carved out on, Saunak gave Savitr a little nudge in the ribs.

"So, I am to be...what is the term, Warden?"

"Yes, you'll be the Warden. You won't have to deal with that much work, I promise; mostly just settling things with the guards, seeing prisoners with petitions and requests, and making sure that nobody escapes. I'm told that the system is well set up, so you shouldn't..."

Savitr shook his head.

"You're not even listening to me, are you?"

"Slightly, but I have other things on my mind."

"Just...try not to molest too many of them? Most of the nobles will be getting their titles back after they leave, after all, and I swear half of the kingdom has already had you. Do you really need the other half?"

"That depends. Are they big enough between their legs?"

Despite the situation, the two brothers laughed for a few seconds before Savitr gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"I'll put my trust in you, and leave while I still have some plausible deniability."

"What about me?"

"You've never been in denial, little brother. Ta."

As his older brother started walking back down the mountain, the front door of the prison opened up. Prince Saunak turned, coming face to face with one of the biggest tigers that he had ever seen. The feline towered over him by a good foot, if not more, and his arms and shoulders were broad enough to make him look more like a statue or a pillar rather than a living person. He was dressed in the dark green and blue that most of the civil service of the kingdom wore, and it stretched around his shoulders as he bowed.

"My lord, welcome to Dipali Prison."

"Hmm, yes, yes. Stand up for me?"

"My lord?"

"Stand for inspection."

The tiger did, as did the two, admittedly smaller specimens that had come out with him. As soon as they were upright, Saunak grabbed him by the crotch, rolling the bulge there around in his hand. The tiger's blush was hardly a deterrent, but the lack of matching size was. He sighed, letting go before the tiger could say anything.

"And here I was hoping for something better."

"Your...Your highness, that was most -"

"He touched the Isha's junk..."

Saunak rolled his eyes.

"Let's get this out of the way, my little stripy friends. Whatever you have heard of me is likely the truth. And your 'Isha' is hardly large enough to be the master of anything."

He swept by the big tiger, and groped the other two. They almost jumped out of their fur, but it wasn't enough to get his hands off of them. Saunak fondled them until he felt the start of their growth, and chuckled as the one on his left actually felt half-decent. Promising, at the very least.

But it wasn't time for that. He pulled his hands back, turned on his heel, and nodded at the tiger they called 'Isha.'

"Well, so much for introductions. Take me to my office."

"Um. Perhaps you...should take the day off, your highness."

"Nonsense! I am the Warden for the day, and I should be already doing my duties. To my office, and then, to inspection!"

"But you don't do inspections."

"I do now!"

The three tigers looked at each other, and the look was one that he was rather used to seeing. Mostly from his family, for that matter, usually followed by a muttering about it being a long day.

But it didn't matter. Saunak clapped his hands, and the guards started moving. He followed after them, his smile only getting bigger as the great stone doors of the prison closed behind him, the bar coming down and locking it shut.

A thousand men locked in here with me...What could be better?

The Warden's office was disappointingly tiny. Barely twenty feet across, when his harem chambers alone were more than fifty. Saunak shook his head, particularly at the utilitarian furniture, at the blocky, stone desk that was carved out of the floor - for security, one of the tigers had said, so it couldn't be rolled or lifted - and at the chairs that looked more like a solid lump than anything that might have improved the dour look of the room.

The only point of beauty were the soft oil lamps that hung from the walls, dangling from woven paper lamps. Each one was painted with an admittedly lovely scene - though not quite erotic enough for his tastes - and the glow of the lamps left them shining the scenes on the walls around them.

The Isha gestured to the paperwork on the desk, clearing his throat.

"Well, your highness, perhaps I should introduce you to the work you'll be doing as the Warden. There's plenty you'll need to do, of course, but it's all mundane. Ordering supplies for the prison, going over the accounts, reading through any complaints from the prisoners - what are you doing?!"

"Clearing my day."

Saunak slid along the ground, his bare feet easily sliding along the stone floor as he spun in a dancing sort of way. The little spins were almost like a ballet move, but they carried wind with them. Faster, and faster, until a whirlwind spun out from him, and flew across the desk. The whole mess of papers was carried into the air, and then flown into the stone bin at the far side of the room. Crumpled, ripped, torn, the papers were unlikely to be legible to anyone, let alone him.

As the tigers stared in shock, Saunak started rooting through the desk. Pens, quills, ink, some other papers, guard personnel files - something to come back to, he supposed - some confiscated goods...

"Ah ha! Here we are."

"Your highness, this is intolerable. You're supposed to be a...a Warden for the day, not some child!"

He looked up, arching an eyebrow at the Isha.

"Would you care to repeat that?"

"You are acting like a child!"


Saunak put the binder he'd found onto the desk, and leisurely sat himself beside it. He crossed his legs, looking up at the tiger with a smile. He adjusted his purple vest gently, letting it lay over his chest a little more loosely, before continuing.

"So, you believe that me, being rooted out of my home and my day, to do someone else's job that I have no idea how to do, is acting like a child? Or are you referring to my way of making it fun for myself? That I, who has no idea how to run a prison, should be given the paperwork and accounts for a highly successful institution, and run it into the ground? Who, pray tell, thought that was a good idea?"

He looked from one tiger to another, savoring their shocked expressions. Chuckling, he leaped off of the desk, spinning his legs in the process. The resulting windstorm lifted the tigers right off their feet, floating them on their backs as the mongoose kept up a leg-crossing dance, his lower body a storm while his upper body was completely still.

"Let me make a little guess, 'Isha.' Before today, you were the Warden, correct?"

"How...yes, I was, your highness."

"I thought so. The boss is always the one that manages the guards and the others. So, what was it, hmm? Did you make a mistake and need replacing?"

"No! I'm hardly anything worse than a..."


"I...I asked for a day off."

"Ahhhh, I see. You were going to show me my duties, and then head off, then? My, my, what an unprofessional Warden."

"I thought they'd send me someone that knew what he was doing! Not the man-whore of the royal family!"


Saunak chuckled, shaking his head.

"Hardly. A whore does whatever they're told, as long as they get paid. I, my dear 'Isha,' am a prince. And a prince has standards. Standards that you most definitely do not meet."

The prince stopped his dance, and the three tigers were suddenly without support. One of them, just one, managed to catch himself and land on his feet, while the Isha and the other hit the ground, hard. Saunak collected the binder, humming to himself as he hooked his arm around the standing tiger's waist.

"Come, come, we're off to inspect D-Block."

"Shouldn't we start with A-Block, your highness?"

"No, no. I only have interest in the D."

They stepped out, leaving the other two tigers utterly flabbergasted, and unable to follow with any speed. Saunak continued flipping through the binder, looking at the different prisoner files and photos. He hummed to himself as he looked over the files of different criminals, different traitors. Thieves, murderers, rapists; all different sorts of criminals were housed here, regardless of their crimes, with their only common similarity being someone paid enough for them to be housed here, rather than elsewhere.

Saunak flipped over to another page, shaking his head as he found that most of the nobles were housed in C-Block, which meant that he wasn't likely to see some of his favorites. Of the two hundred or so there, he probably knew about a hundred fifty, and the other fifty probably weren't anything to write home about.

"Mr. Stripy."

" name is Jai."

"Stripy Jai. Does D-Block have any problems that I should know about?"

"Well, it's got a bit of a feud going on at the moment. Something between a crocodile gangster and an elephant noble."

"Mmmm, elephants..."

"Your highness?"

"Hmmm? Oh, nothing, nothing. Tell me, what is the standard uniform for the prison?"

"I...Why does it matter?"

"Because I need to know how many changes I'm going to have to make before I'm satisfied."

He waited for the tiger to argue with him, and was pleasantly surprised when the guard actually took a moment to think. Whether the guard was realizing it was smarter to help or get out of the way rather than fight him, or because he was actually interested, it made Saunak's opinion for him get a little higher.

That, and the growing bulge down at his crotch. The guards' uniforms certainly didn't hide that, so much.

"I suppose...the standard uniform is a plain yellow one. It covers them from ankle to neck, in a one piece thing. Most prisoners find a way to customize it, either with different marks or by cutting pieces out of it before we can take away their shanks and other weapons."

"One piece uniforms...The only use for those is if you cut a hole in the crotch for the important bits to be on display."

"A...As you say, your highness."

"Hehehe, you seem a little nervous, Stripy Jai."

" concerned, I admit."

"About what?"

"Whether I'm going to get pinned to the wall and left with nothing but shriveled raisins beneath my cock, your highness."

The mongoose slipped into helpless laughter at that, having to lean against the stone hallway. His giggles echoed up and down the corridor, and he had little doubt that there were some prisoners further down that would be wondering what was going on, what madness had entered the prison.

He kept laughing for almost ten seconds before he could get himself under control again, wiping his eyes.

"Stripy Jai, I am so happy you said that."

" it because you needed a laugh, your highness?"

"No, it's because you think you're big enough, and so do I...and I want a fuck."

He gestured at the tiger's pants as the guard visibly gulped.

"Pants down, big guy. Let me see."

"But...but your highness, you wanted to make an inspection."

"I can always inspect...and I want to inspect you."

"...Yes, your highness."

"Hehehe, very good, give in to the inevitable. It's much more fun that waaaaaaaaaaaaay-"

The prince's tease slowly died off as he saw what the tiger was packing. Though humanoid, the tiger's cock had to be a good eleven inches long, and quite thick in width. Saunak licked his lips at the sight of it, reaching down and getting a grip along the middle. It throbbed beneath his fingers as he squeezed it, stroked it, and he shook his head a few times.

"You certainly are better endowed than your fellow officer, Stripy Jai."

"I've...mmmph...been told that, yes..."

"And so hard..."

"I'm just...doing my duty."

"Oh ho, is that so?"

Prince Saunak looked up at him.

"Do you not want to have me?"

"I...just get through this without losing my job."

"Oh, you poor, silly stripy. You think that you'll be fired if I don't get what I want?"

He leaned down, kissing the tip of the tiger's cock. It was rather dry for how hard the shaft was getting, but he supposed that would be fixed before long. He kept stroking it, teasing it.

"I don't punish people for not giving me what I want. I reward people for doing what I say. So, if you won't fuck me, then nothing will change. You'll still have your job, you'll still be a guard here, and nothing will go wrong for you.

"But if you do fuck me..."

Letting go of that thick cock, the mongoose slowly walked over to the opposite wall, putting his hands on it and slowly swaying his ass back and forth, his tail curling over his back as he rolled his rump back and forth. He could feel the guard's eyes on him the whole time, knowing that he was enticing the big guy despite his values.

Saunak chuckled. It was always so easy to get their attention...and he loved it. Reaching back, he slowly pulled the back of his pants down, just enough to pull it under the curve of his rounded rump, keeping it open, but not quite showing off his balls or anything else. No, the front of his pants did a good enough job showing his excitement, that was for sure.

"If you do fuck me, I'll give you a massive bonus...and consider putting you in for a promotion...A very, very big promotion."

The tiger was torn, he could see that much. Despite his seeming unwillingness, the tiger was hard as a rock, and the beginnings of pre could be seen on the tip of his cock. Saunak pulled at his ass cheeks, feeling the first breath of air on his hole.

That finally pushed the tiger over the edge, and he crossed the hallway. Clawed fingers grabbed at his hips through his pants, and the prince smirked as he felt the thick cock head against his ass.

"You better like it dry..."

"It's the best. I feel it much more - mmmph!"

He groaned, biting his lip as the tiger slammed in. Going dry, it definitely burned more, but the feeling of it stretching him out was that much more intense. The mongoose moaned, spreading his legs further as the tiger bent him over, fucking him good and hard, right from the start going deep enough for their balls to clap together.

"You...little...perverted...prince. Why do you have to...make me do this?"

He wasn't making the tiger do anything. Instead, he'd only offered, and now, he was getting exactly what he wanted. Saunak sighed in bliss, feeling that dick go deep inside of him, each thrust sliding right over his prostate, pushing his cock to throb all the more in the front of his pants.

As his fingers slid along the stone wall, he heard the sound of approaching footsteps, and turned his head. The Isha and the other guard were running their way, and as Jai noticed them, the thrusting started to slow. Saunak sighed.

"One second."

Using his tail to nudge the tiger back, he stomped onto the ground, making a tappity-tap of his feet for a few seconds. The ground rolled beneath them, and suddenly, the floor rose up, creating a wall between them and the other tigers. He shook his head, and got back into position.

"I understand being a bit shy, but no more slowing down. If you want that bonus, fuck me."

"Y-yes, your highness."

The tiger went right back to it, and for all his nervousness, he was one hell of a fuck when he got going. Saunak grunted as he was shoved right up against the wall, his mouth opening wide as he took that dick balls deep again, and again, each thrust making his ass bounce a little bit as the tiger slammed in.

"You...perverted prince...can't get enough dick...I'll just fuck your way...through life at this rate..."

He groaned, nodding, encouraging the tiger. He could feel him building up, getting closer and closer to his orgasm. Saunak rolled his hips, bouncing his ass back to take it further, pushing himself closer and closer...

But it wasn't to be. Even as the tiger humped him harder and faster, he was also oozing enough pre to take away that stretching, burning, 'tight' feeling that he was used to. Saunak let out another sigh, a bit disappointed that he wouldn't be able to go over the edge this time, but he kept it quiet. The tiger was doing as he was told, and doing it quite well, for that matter.

A few minutes later, Jai came, and Saunak smiled at the warm feeling of cum shooting up his ass. He chuckled, patting the tiger's hip.

"Not a bad performance. If you'd been in my harem, I imagine that you would be good for another, but not bad."

"...My wife is gonna kill me."

"Oh, you're married?"

Jai slowly nodded.

"My condolences. Or congratulations, whichever is appropriate."

"But...but I just..."

"Oh, so you just had sex with a male. Is that a problem? Really, is it?"

He chuckled as he pulled his pants back up, feeling some of the tiger's cum rolling out of his ass, dripping between the cheeks and down his legs. It wouldn't show much through the fabric of his pants, but he enjoyed the slimy feeling as he stomped his feet again, bringing the wall down so that the corridor was open again.

"Alright, onto D-Block!"

Saunak stayed back a few paces, just out of sight for the prisoners in D-Block. The hallway was on the top floor, allowing them to look down at the gathered prisoners, and he smiled at what he saw.

Most of them were quite big males, with only the occasional rat to represent the smaller species. The three-story block seemed to be split almost in two, with the yellow uniforms marked with a crocodile tooth on one side and a gray circle on another. Quite the way to show the sides being taken, he supposed.

Better, however, were the shows he could make out through some of the cell doors. Not all the block alphas were keeping their 'activities' so private, and he could see a few tigers, a dozen crocodiles, and various elephants going at their chosen bitches. And almost all of them looked like they met his standards.

Saunak started fiddling with the rings in his pockets as he thought about how much more fun this day was about to get.

"Jai, if you would introduce me?"

"How would you like to be introduced, your highness?"

"Just tell them that the dancing prince is here."

That would probably do it, he thought. Most of them would know him as that, or as the slut prince.

Isha slipped into the shadows, heading back down the corridor. Saunak imagined that the tiger was going to send a runner back to the city, probably reporting how things had gone since he had arrived. It didn't matter, overmuch. It would take three hours for someone to get to the palace, and then another three - unless they sent someone like Shakti - to get back to the prison. And that was not including how long it would take them to decide what to do.

He had time. He had plenty of time.

The prince waited as the tiger announced him, and smiled as the ruckus died off completely with the mention of his title. He stepped forward, and was greeted with a number of stunned looks. Not universally, but a majority, particularly along the elephant half of the room.

He caught sight of one such elephant ducking away, but it was too late. He recognized the older man, and chuckled, pointing at him.

"Ah, Kunala. It's been some time since I saw you. How long has it been since we've been dance partners? Five years? Ten?"

"Get out of here, prince! I made a deal. No more you, and I get to be in here!"

"And you, crocodile. I recognize you, as well. How long since your gang thought I could be a good toy, Lal?"

"You fucker! It took me a month to get my balls back to normal after we caught you. Get him out of here!"

"Out of here! Out of here! Out of here!"

Smiling at their reaction, Saunak took a few steps back, and then charged forward. He leaped up, one bare foot on the railing of the top floor, before soaring out into open air. He spread his arms in a swan dive, and fell.

Down, down, down he went through the air, only starting to spin after he was halfway towards the floor. His hand caught one of the elephants that was running away, and he spun himself out of the fall. A crocodile chose precisely the wrong moment to try and run away, and the mongoose used him to break his momentum from the fall.

Landing on top of the fallen croc, he stood with one foot on the prisoner's crotch, and his toes over the crocodile's mouth, keeping him quiet and starting to fondle him hard.

"You may call for my departure as much as you like, but I'm here for the whole day. And do you know why?"

The various prisoners slowly shook their heads. Saunak chuckled, hefting the binder from the Warden's office, and they slowly turned to look at it.

"Because someone thought it'd be a good idea to put me in charge for the day. And I'm going to take advantage of this for as long as I can. So..."

He pulled out one of the many rings, cock rings, that he had brought with him. The runes on it shimmered, activating in his touch. Chastity marks, climax on command spells, everything that would make a cock the perfect toy for him.

"Who's first?"

Some of them tried to run. They were the stupid ones; Saunak always liked a chase.

Savitr and Shakti showed up at the prison a few hours later, and watched from one of the hidden observation windows that the Isha showed them. She shook her head, while he just smiled.

"Well, being honest, we had to expect this, Shakti."

"Expect him to turn the entire prison into an orgy?"

"Did you expect anything less from our brother?"


They looked as he bounced on two elephant cocks at once, his hole stretched out visibly, even from as far away as they were. Shakti turned away from the show, while Savitr kept watching, his arms crossed.

"You know, I knew he was flexible, but this is taking it to new heights."

"Do you have to keep watching?"

"He's my little brother. It's part of my job to watch over him."

"Ugh...what are we going to do?"

"Well, in all fairness, we should probably let him finish out the day."

"And do more damage?"


The two members of royalty turned their attention to the Isha, who winced.

"Actually...he's done some good. Before you arrived, he had the two worst feuders in the prison fucking him at the same time. Neither of them have tried to attack each other since; it's not...ideal, but he has gotten them to calm down."

"Heh, amelioration through sex. It's an effective technique, if you do it right."

Shakti grumbled.

"I'm surrounded by sex fiends."

"Being fair, sister, you have your own appetites."

"Which I keep private...unlike you and Saunak."

"Which is entirely your choice."

They looked out the hole again. Saunak's stretched rump was passed to some of the crocodiles this time, and his mouth and feet were getting a similar treatment. Savitr shook his head at the various rings that the different criminals wore, though.

"How many has he passed around?"

"Almost five dozen, by now."

"Well...they'll carry this memory."

He recognized the rings. While not technically permanent, they were nearly impossible to remove without the help of an official of the Aparajita legislature dis-enchanting them, and that took money. Money that some of the criminals might never build up, and public enough that the nobles might never get up the courage to commit to.

Which meant that Saunak had a whole new bunch of fuck-buddies to get into when he was bored of his harem. Savitr chuckled.

Well, I did want my brother to have a good day. Looks like it worked out even better than I thought...even if his methods are a little extreme.

The End

Daily Life in the Lab

Daily Life in the Lab By Draconicon "Mmmph...Well...Back to the drawing board." Tatyana shook her head as she looked towards the foot of her bed, rather disappointed at the rising smoke from the latest version of her Slumber-Pounder...

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Return of the Incubus Sneakers

Return of the Incubus Sneakers For Txeptirea By Draconicon _It had to be today, didn't it?_ Xander grumbled as the rain came down hard, the husky holding a backpack over his head as he walked down the street. The downpour hit hard...

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Fetish Institute: Training Brothers

The Fetish Institute Training Brothers For Necross By Draconicon "You are...surprisingly professional." "Don't ask what I do for my day job, then." Ryker wiped the barrel of the stun gun, shaking his head a few times at the...

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