Curiosity Spilled the Cat

Story by Tissthalliss on SoFurry

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#2 of The Aviary

Andriss is forced out of his nest, and decides to escape through a thick rain-forest instead of risk flying. He finds an unexpected stalker there, although they don't seem intent on harming him.

Wondering through the deep rainforest, climbing over fallen trees and odd clumps of dirt, Andriss slowly made his way towards the sound of running water. His tongue was flicking excitedly around the inside of his beak at the prospect of finally defeating his thirst. He had been walking through the woods for what seemed like day, making his paws sore and his feathers ruffled. His feet were doing fine by all accounts, the sharp talons at the end finding easy purchase in almost everything underfoot, but he still thought that he would need to find somewhere to rest soon. The evening sun barely reached through the thick canopy overhead, but it still gave the gryphon enough light to see, helping him navigate through the dense underbrush.

Andriss had never wanted to be walking through this humid rainforest, but he didn't have any other choice. He had been evicted from his nest, and rather than look for a fight in the skies, Andriss thought that it would be smarter to move unseen through the thick trees, hoping to find somewhere new to rebuild his home. It wasn't as if he didn't want to fight for his nest, it was just that he knew there was no way he could take on more than four gryphons, or probably even one for that matter. Letting out an annoyed huff, Andriss pulled himself over yet another fallen tree, enjoying the slight comfort he got from the thick moss covering it. He thought about just slumping down there, to rest for a bit, let his sore muscles unwind, but the tantalising sound of rushing water forced him onwards.

Pushing through a thick bush, head held down against his chest in an attempt to try and keep any of the small branches from doing harm, Andriss finally caught sight of the water source. Andriss' beak clacked and he trilled in excitement, quickly padding over to the water, letting his body rest on its side while he pushed his beak into the water, drinking long and deep. After a minute or so of gulping down the cool water, Andriss pulled back from the thin, winding river, settling on his haunches as he looked over his feet, making sure nothing had caught in his talons. Happy to see that they were mostly clean, he rolled over onto his back, leaning forwards and pulling his hind paws up to give them a quick look.

They also seemed to be mostly clean, leaving Andriss to fall back onto his back, his wings spreading out slightly underneath him. While shifting around on the ground, looking for a comfortable position, Andriss debated whether or not he should take this chance to properly preen his feathers, even though he knew that they would just end up getting messy again. He ended up deciding against it though, rolling over to let his heavy limbs rest on the ground, curling around himself and closing his eyes, just for a moment. With his breathing slowing down a little, after finally being able to rest, Andriss finally felt a little bit of cold, though it was probably because he was so close to the river.

Deciding that he would rather rest at least a little warm, Andriss curled his body around itself, stretching out his legs and wings, his tail tip flicking weakly behind him. He would get back moving in a few minutes, just after a little rest.

Slowly padding through the forest, making sure not to step on anything that would give away his position, Liask followed the large bird like tracks before him. He had never seen a bird so big, and wondered how it had reached so deep into the forest. He was mostly curious as to what it was doing, and what it looked like, only a small part of him wondering whether it was dangerous or not. It was a bird after all, and it would probably have trouble seeing his dark spotted hide through the trees anyway. Looking down at one footprint, Liask put his own black paw on top of it, marvelling that the bird's foot seemed to be bigger than his own paw.

Looking up again, Liask followed to tracks ahead, curiously eyeing the deep grooves that had been punched in a fallen tree ahead, revealing the dark colour of the tree beneath the deep moss. His tail tip flicking behind him, Liask followed the tracks, placing his front paws on top of the tree before pulling the rest of his body up. The tracks seemed to disappear into some thick bushes ahead, and Liask wondered for a moment if there should be feathers hanging from the many pointy sticks he could see jutting out. He slowly made his way over to the bushes, moving silently, his lithe body gracefully passing over the debris on the ground without a sound.

Instead of barging his way through the bushes, Liask decided that it would be easier to try and find a way around, his bright eyes searching the semi-darkness of the deep woods. Keeping close to the bush that the giant bird passed through, Liask followed it around to the left, his ears twitching at the sound of running water. He tilted his muzzle upwards for a moment, sniffing at the air to see if he could find any trace of this strange intruder. Finally working his way around the bush, Liask stopped, his eyes catching the sudden movement of a small river. Pulling his body close to the ground, the leopard slowly moved forwards, his paws pressing ever so lightly against the ground.

A few paces later, Liask finally caught sight of what had made the tracks, though it certainly didn't look like some giant bird. The creature before him did have feathers, but where he had expected to find bird feet, it seemed that the body continued, looking much like his own. There were small spots covering the lower half of the creature, dotting along it haphazardly, creating a random and intriguing pattern. Letting his eyes roam along the body of the sleeping bird-leopard thing, Liask found himself greatly interested in them. They had deep black feathers covering their head and chest, a few delicate looking white feathers pushing through along their head.

They did have the same mouth as a bird, a dark yellow beak poking out of their head, drawing Liask in a little closer to better examine it. Making sure to be quiet, Liask stalked towards the sleeping gryphon, keeping his eyes glued to the slowly rising and falling chest, watching for any sign that would indicate they knew he was there. The leopard managed to reach the gryphon without incident, warily looking down at their feet, noticing the dangerous looking talons there. Stopping short a few steps away from them, Liask lifted his head, sniffing at the air and finally taking in their scent.

He could smell the same sort of musty scent that birds carried with him, but there was also a familiar sort of smell accompanying them. Liask assumed it was their lower half, which certainly seemed out of place. Deciding that he was safe enough to get a little closer, Liask stepped up to them, his muzzle stopping just short of touching the feathers on their head. He let his gaze track the intricate patterns that the white feathers created, and, without thinking, reached a paw out to touch at them. The feathers felt surprisingly soft under his paw, not like he had expected. Liask had thought for sure that they would have been stiff and rigid, because of their size, but instead they yielded to his touch, creating a ticklish sensation as his paw pushed deeper into them.

Moving lower along their body, Liask pushed a paw against their chest, surprised as it seemed to engulf his whole paw in the fluffy feathers. He pushed another paw against the feathers at that, letting his weight rest on the gryphon, feeling their steady breathing and heart rate through his paw pads. Next to fall under his inspection was the strange bird like feet. They felt almost like stone to the leopard, and he gently scraped a paw along one of them, only to duck down to the ground when the gryphon stirred, their foot twitching at the contact. Holding his breath for a few moments, his muscles tensed, ready to pounce, Liask waited for the giant bird thing to wake, but it seemed to be sleeping deeply.

Waiting another few heartbeats, Liask stood back up, pushing forward, looking over the gryphon. He had noticed the tips of the feathery wings when he first sighted the creature, but he hadn't expected them to be so big. He curiously poked his nose against one, breathing in the bird like scent, flinching back when the wing twitched. There looked to be patterns of white feathers along them, unlike the completely black feathered chest. Feeling satisfied with all of the feathers, Liask moved lower, pushing his nose softly against the first traces of fur he spotted, breathing in the scent that seemed almost identical to his own.

He couldn't really find where the feathers stopped and the fur started, and he soon gave up on trying, instead moving down the sleeping gryphon's body. Liask poked his muzzle down against the gryphon's belly, sniffing lightly, his mind still curious as to what exactly this creature was. After their chest, they seemed to be the same species as him, but Liask wasn't convinced that they were. Pushing his head lower, Liask found himself blocked by the gryphon's lowered hind leg, denying him further inspection. The leopard let out a light huff of annoyance, pushing lightly against the offending limb, and was pleasantly surprised when the gryphon actually rolled over, exposing their belly to the canopy above, as well as the curious leopard.

Pulling himself up onto the gryphon's belly with his front paws, Liask let his curious eyes pull him down further along their body, his nose faintly picking a strangely musky scent. He knew the scent well, and wasn't surprised when he came across their sheath and balls, taking a moment to sniff at the tip of the sheath, before moving lower still. He paused at their balls for a moment, sniffing at the heavy orbs, and even touching at them with his nose once before moving on. Next came the strong musk of their tailhole, inviting Liask to take a few deep breaths, sampling the smell of gryphon. After that, crawling down between the gryphon's legs, pulling his hind paws up unto their chest, Liask started tracing one paw along their tail.

The gryphon's tail looked the same as his, and seemed to move the same too, the tip slowly moving back and forth while the gryphon slept. Finding no more interest in that, Liask pulled himself back, enjoying the feeling of the fur under him brushing against his own, and set about looking over their paws. Liask felt slightly disappointed to see that they were the same as his own. He had half expected some sort of strange scales or something to be there instead of the soft pink paw pads. Stepping off of the gryphon, Liask started to walk away, only to find his nose twitching again, searching for the scent of them.

He did his best to ignore the scent of the gryphon, pushing himself into the forests of his territory, thinking about whether he should hunt or not. Every time Liask tried to think of something the gryphon's scent seemed to fill his mind again though, making him think of the strange creature. Liask huffed his annoyance as he continued through the thick woods, keeping his eyes open for any game trails. His search was empty and half-hearted though, with his thoughts continuously bringing his mind back to the sleeping gryphon, and more specifically, what was between their legs. It seemed that Liask's random wondering had in fact brought him in a full circle, as he stood before the gryphon again, his eyes immediately drawn to the sheath and balls between his legs.

It seemed that his body wasn't done with the strange creature yet, and the leopard found himself moving back towards them. He was immediately drawn back to the lower half of their body, his nose quickly pushing up between their legs to sniff at their musk, a deep purr rumbling from his body. Liask didn't know why, but he found himself strangely enticed by the musk and scent of the gryphon, so similar to his own but slightly different. Liask poked his nose at the gryphon's sheath, his rumbling purr sounding a little louder when the sheath started to fill out a little under his ministrations. Feeling a little bolder, Liask nuzzled up against the plump sheath, rubbing at it and slowly drawing the light pink tip slowly emerging.

The purring leopard stepped back as the musk suddenly increased, looking down at the tip of the gryphon's member, then back up towards their head. It seemed that they were still in a deep sleep, and feeling ever bolder, Liask moved his head forwards again, letting his tongue slip out of his mouth to gently lick at the pink flesh. The gryphon let out a quiet _coo_in his sleep, his paws grabbing at the air as a sudden warmth attacked his member. Liask savoured the musky flavour of the gryphon's member for a moment, before letting his tongue out of his mouth again, eagerly lapping against the hot gryphon flesh.

Andriss was groaning in his sleep, his dreams taking a sudden turn and filling him with surprising pleasure. Liask continued his diligent licking, the small barbs on his tongue lightly scraping against Andriss' sensitive flesh, which seemed to be making the gryphon spill out of his sheath even faster. A content purr was rumbling from Liask's chest, forcing the vibrations down along Andriss' length, which was nearly fully exposed now. Running his tongue slowly along the underside of the gryphon's member, Liask pulled his head back, looking down at the dark pink member that was protruding from the yellowish white fur of Andriss' sheath.

Licking at the inside of his maw, Liask stepped back a little, wondering how he was going to approach the now significantly larger gryphon member. He reached his muzzle forwards to nuzzle at it before pulling his body on top of Andriss' again, his hind paws resting on the gryphon's chest, and his forepaws resting on either side of the gryphon's fat sheath. Flopping down gently onto his belly, Liask set his tongue to grooming the intoxicating member in front of him, licking and lapping at it wherever he could read. He could feel the barbs covering the gryphon length pulling against his own, and revelled when the seemed to flare up whenever he pulled his tongue against them, making the gryphon's member twitch and his hips thrust up slightly.

Andriss was becoming more vocal in his sleep at the pleasurable treatment he was receiving, chirps and trills of pleasure jumping from his beak. Liask's own member was hard beneath him, driven out of his sheath by the constant musk that was filling his nose and mouth, leaking small drops of pre onto the gryphon's belly. Deciding to try something different, Liask pulled his head back, opening his muzzle wide, before pushing it back down over Andriss' member, feeling it push into the warm depths of his mouth. Liask heard the gryphon groan beneath him at that, their hips suddenly jumping upwards, forcing their member deeper into his mouth, making him pull back and cough lightly while he licked at his teeth.

Liask stumbled off of the gryphon's belly as they suddenly rolled over, a loud groaning sound coming from their beak. Not wanting to be caught, Liask turned around and quickly ran off into the thick bushes, his own member hanging hard between his legs. He didn't hear Andriss cry out or make any obvious noises that would show that the gryphon knew that he was there, but Liask still kept running, working on putting as much distance between himself and the gryphon as quick as he could. A few minutes of darting between trees and leaping from broken stumps and fallen trees, and Liask found himself in a familiar clearing, where he slumped down to the ground.

He was barely worn out, his chest rising and falling only a little faster than usual, and Liask's ears twitched atop his head, as if seeking out any sounds that would signify the gryphon giving chase. There was silence though, and Liask let his head slump down onto the ground, his tongue licking around his mouth at the strong musky flavour that he could still taste. The leopard let his purr return to him as he remembered the feel of the warm flesh inside his muzzle, pressing against his tongue. His member throbbed beneath him at the recent memories, and Liask only just now noticed that he was still hard, his belly fur smelling strongly of his own pre.

Liask rolled over, arching his back against the ground and panting lightly as his member throbbed above him, sending waves of desire coursing through his body. He kept thinking about how the gryphon's warm flesh felt, how enticing their musk was, and before Liask could realise what was happening his body was curled around itself. His tongue slipped out to lick at his member, sending electric jolts of pleasure surging through him, his tail tip flicking wildly behind him. Bringing up the memory of the gryphon's flesh in his mouth, Liask decided to see what it had felt like for them, opening his muzzle wide before pushing his own flesh into it.

His body trembled as his member was assailed by the heat of his mouth, his tongue eagerly lapping at the underside, and Liask was overly surprised when he felt his member throbbing excitedly in his mouth. He could feel his balls pulling up against his body, and moments later felt his climax hit him like a river slamming into a rock. The leopard was left without a way to make a noise as his seed flooded his mouth, spurting against his tongue and throat, leaving Liask to swallow down what he could, though he couldn't stop a steady trickle from streaming down his chin. Pulling back after the first few spurts, Liask thumped against the ground, panting hard with his eyes closed. He couldn't remember ever having released that hard, and he could feel the warmth of his seed seeping through his chest fur even now as his member continued to twitch and throb. He had barely lasted more than a handful of seconds, and Liask's body felt heavily tasked from such a powerful climax.

Lying still until his members weak throbbing finally ceased, Liask found himself wondering if the gryphon's seed was the same as his own. He couldn't pinpoint why he had such a fascination with the creature, but Liask knew that sooner or later he would find himself returning to them. Before then though, he thought it would be best to clean the mess he had created, arching his neck down and lapping at the thick seed on his chest.

Andriss awoke to an achingly hard erection, and wondered if it was his rapidly fading dream that had caused it. Those thoughts were quickly dismissed though, as he picked up a scent which was decidedly not his own. Andriss sniffed around the area, poking his beak into the bushes at one point, before realising that the scent he could smell was on him. Arching his neck down, Andriss looked over his body, seeing a small patch of wetness on his belly. He poked his beak at it, letting his thin tongue dart out to taste at it. It seemed familiar, and for a moment Andriss thought it was just his own pre, which was certainly spread between his hind legs enough to make it seem reasonable.

It had a slightly different taste to it though, and Andriss was left wondering as to what left it and where it had come from. There didn't seem to be any signs of an intruder having disturbed his sleep, though his chest feathers seemed fairly ruffled, at least more so than when he had fallen asleep. Giving his shoulder a quick roll, Andriss lowered his chest to the ground, pushing his feet apart as he stretched, a tremble running from his ears to his tail tip. His wings shuddered against his sides, shaking loose whatever dirt or grass had managed to cling to them. Andriss wasn't sure how long he had slept for, but he didn't think it had been long, from what he could see of the sunlight filtering through the thick branches overhead.

There was always the chance that he had slept for an entire day, but he didn't think that was the case. Finally pulling up out of his stretching, Andriss slowly padded towards the small river running through the forest, leaning down to ease the slight thirst that sleep had brought on. His member was still hanging hard beneath him, and he thought for a moment if he should try and take matters into his own hands, but quickly dismissed the idea. He knew from experience how difficult it was to bring himself to pleasure, not having the long dextrous tongues that other creatures had, or even paws soft enough to wrap around his member.

No, Andriss decided, he would have to suffer through his aching erection until it returned to his sheath. Sitting back on his haunches after getting a drink, Andriss attempted to get his bearings, to try and see which way he had been heading before he had fallen asleep. He had been heading directly towards the river, but he didn't want to try and swim across, and knew better to risk flying in a forest. Still in his thoughts of which direction to go, Andriss didn't notice the leopard slowly moving closer behind him.

Liask made sure not to make any noise as he closed in once more on the gryphon, cautiously approaching them. He stopped when he was a few paces away, wondering if maybe he should just turn back. Liask stood there, still as a boulder, for what he thought was a few seconds. He didn't know whether he should move closer to the gryphon, or just turn and run. Maybe they knew that he had been there when they slept, maybe they would not take kindly to him. By the time Liask finally managed to focus his eyes again he found the gryphon staring straight at him, their head tilted slightly as they looked down at the leopard.

Liask, finally pulling out of his bout of stillness, pushed himself forwards, hoping to try and leave a good impression on Andriss. Reaching forwards slowly, making sure not to look dangerous, Liask ran his head along the gryphon's neck, pushing his soft fur into their feathers. Andriss was taken aback by the leopards sudden movement, his muscles tensing beneath his feathers and fur, but he was more than a little surprised when he felt them pushing up against him. Andriss turned his head to try and catch sight of what the leopard was doing, but he only caught sight of their tail, which was fast disappearing under his chest.

He could feel the leopard running its soft head along his chest, a quite purr coming from them, before they emerge from the other side of the gryphon, their tail flicking around under the gryphon for a moment. As soon as Liask emerged on the other side of Andriss he began pushing against the gryphons side again, slowly walking around in front of them and nuzzling up under their neck while his quite purrs slowly got louder. Andriss found himself involuntarily pushing back against the leopard as they leaned into him, overly enjoying their affections. Pushing his head down and tilting it sideways, Andriss pushed it against the leopard's soft back, earning him a nuzzle against the opposite side of his neck.

Liask pushes against Andriss again, this time giving him a long lick, making the gryphon let out a pleased coo from the feeling of it, his paws unconsciously grabbing at the earth beneath him.

Again Liask disappeared underneath the gryphon, pushing his head and back up underneath their chest, slowly padding forwards. This time though, as Liask was moving out from under them, his tail tip gently played across Andriss' exposed member, making the gryphon shudder and tremble above the leopard. Andriss pushed his head back against the leopard one more time as the leopard passed in front of him, before slowly lowering himself onto the ground and rolling onto his back, his member jutting out between his legs. Liask stood back for a moment, wondering what the gryphon was doing, before letting out a strangled meow when Andriss suddenly reached out and grabbed hold of him with one paw, quickly pulling the leopard on top of him.

Liask kicked around weakly for a few seconds, trying to orientate himself, before Andriss seemed to help him out, rolling the leopard over so that they were lying down with their chest pushed against his own. Andriss held his feet behind Liask's back, giving him a light hug while he pushed his beaked head against the leopard's soft chest, letting out quiet _coos_and other pleased sounds. Liask was quick to return the affection he was receiving, crawling up Andriss' chest slightly, so that he could rub his head up underneath the gryphon's, his purr returning loud in his chest. Liask could feel the warm gryphon member poking against his hind leg, which just seemed to make him even more affectionate, covering the gryphon's head and neck in small, gentle licks wherever he could.

Andriss let out a trill of pleasure when he felt Liask's paw brush against his member, thrusting up slightly, only to meet nothing but air. Liask's purrs seemed to be coming more intense, his licks becoming almost desperate, and Andriss soon found out why when he felt the leopards member pushing against his belly. Andriss' mind was already filled with thoughts of pleasure, and this sign that Liask was enjoying himself seemed to push the gryphon over the edge, his hips thrusting upwards as he gently pushed the leopard lower along his body. Liask let out a loud growling hiss of pleasure when he felt Andriss' larger member rub up against his own, making Liask buck his hips lightly, pushing against both the soft fur under him and the gryphon's own member.

Andriss wrapped his feet around Liask tighter at that, being careful not to hurt the small leopard with his talons, pulling them against his chest in a tight hug as his hips continued to grind back and forth. Liask revelled in the feeling of Andriss pulling him against his chest, his member slowly rubbing and grinding against his own, causing pleasure to shoot out along his limbs. Liask's tail tip obviously showed his excitement, rapidly flicking back and forth in seemingly random patterns. Andriss' eyes were lightly closed, his beak parted to let out quiet chirps and _coos_every time his exposed flesh rubbed up against the warm slickness of the leopards length. Pre had been liberally dripping form the tip of his member, and now served to make things feel much for better for both himself and Liask, with their members rubbing together, sliding against each other with the slickness of the gryphon's pre to help.

While Andriss was just starting to get started, it seemed like Liask was already facing almost more pleasure than he could handle. Liask's eyes were scrunched shut, his teeth barred in a silent growl as he tried to hold back his release, his mind filled with the taste and smell of Andriss' equipment. It turned out to be too much for the leopard, and Liask let out a loud yowl, pushing his hips forwards hard, pressing his length down against Andriss' member as his climax hit. Andriss pulled down even tighter against Liask as he listened to the leopard's yowl, feeling their member twitch against his own a few times before seeming to explode with seed, easily covering his own member in the heat of it in the first few spurts.

The heat and slickness of Liask's seed proved to be too much for Andriss, who soon let out his own ear splitting caw. Liask was forced back and forth from Andriss' sudden rapid thrusts, making his pleasure last longer, his yowl finally running out of air even as he held his head high with his eyes held shut and pleasure seizing his body. Andriss felt his climax hit him as if it had been forced into him, his seed throbbing and twitching hard against the smaller leopard's, before letting out his pent up seed, covering both Liask's and his own belly and chest with his seed, his hips still humping weakly back and forth.

By the time both of them had managed to calm down, Liask was almost completely covered in seed along his underside, and Andriss seemed to have sprouted white feathers and fur along his chest and belly. Andriss held onto Liask for a moment longer, just enjoying the closeness and the feeling of the leopard's chest heaving up and down as he regained his breath. The cuddling was soon ended though, as Liask wriggled around, twisting out of Andriss' gentle grip. Instead of running off into the woods though, Liask simply stepped off of Andriss, and began to lick at the thick seed that coated him.

Liask pulled his tongue along the slick puddle of seed that was covering his chest, lapping up a large amount before swallowing it down, enjoying the strangely fruit like taste that it had to it. While Andriss' seed seemed to cling to his fur, it seemed much more slippery than sticky, making it much easier for Liask to clean himself. Andriss watched as the leopard cleaned himself off, and was surprised with the efficiency that they seemed to have, nearly completely cleaning their underside in the space of a few minutes.

Andriss was surprised yet again after that as Liask stayed with him still, actually placing his forepaws on what dry patches of fur and feather he could, and starting to lap at the seed that covered Andriss' own body. Andriss let out soft coos and his own version of a purr - which almost sounded like rocks rubbing against each other - as he felt Liask's tongue working along his body, pushing and pulling against his fur and feathers alike. Liask had let his own purr fill his chest and throat as he continued licking and lapping at the remaining seed that covered Andriss' body, finding himself starting to like the strange tangy fruitiness of it.

Liask had not eaten much fruit before, but it was all he could compare Andriss' seed too, with the sweetness of it followed by a slight saltiness that seemed to linger on his tongue. All in all, it was a taste that he was fast learning to enjoy though, still working at swallowing it down even after he felt full. Andriss had been watching Liask work, and once the leopard had finally cleaned the last of the seed off of him, the gryphon gently pulled him up into another hug. Liask let his eyes close gently for a moment, enjoying the light embrace that Andriss held him in, slowly nuzzling up against their neck.

Andriss was happy there, lying in the middle of a deep forest with a leopard lying on his chest, and he wondered for a moment if losing his nest hadn't been all bad. As if reading his thoughts, Liask reached his head up at that moment, giving a gentle lick along Andriss' cheek, earning a pleased trill from the simple gesture. Andriss let his thoughts wonder after that, just enjoying the slight weight of Liask resting atop him, listening to the quiet breathing of the leopard and the peaceful sounds of the nearby river and the rest of the forest. Maybe, Andriss found the thoughts lazily drifting through his head, Liask wouldn't mind spending more time with him.