What a Jerk

Story by furlosopher on SoFurry

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What a Jerk

You know the feeling you get when you see something you want but you wouldn't know what to do with it once you got it? That's been my problem for the past couple of years now. You see, not too long ago I found out I was attracted to boys and not girls. I had no reason not to believe it, it was too obvious to doubt, but no sooner then I accepted my sexuality my hormones found a person my attention would be pushed towards. He was an older rat, at least by two years I'd guess. Every 2nd, 4th, and 6th period I made sure to sit by him. His emerald green eyes, that dark fur, and his husky body made my skin crawl like bugs every time I saw him. In my mind I figured he got laid at least three times a day, so how could a salamander like me ever stand a chance. I mean there's nothing about me that stands out. My icy blue body is covered with black spots in random places. You would think someone as lean as me would show some sign of muscle, but no my body is smoother than the screen of a blackberry. I'm quiet and shy, hell even the nerds say I can't hang around'em, but the worst of it all are my eyes. People are easily freaked out by them because they change colors. It's not my fault they shift colors like a chameleon in a skittles factory. Besides even if I managed to some how pass all those obstacles I wouldn't even know what to do. Sure I snuck into my step brother's porn stash to watch a flick or two, but all I ever did was watch, not once have I ever thought about using any of the stuff in real life, I never even masturbated. You're probably wondering why? Well it's simple, I find myself so intrigued by the actions on the videos that the idea never cross my mind. The man and his oily body constantly thrusting into the female's cunt, the red blushes on their faces are just as brilliant as a ruby dazzling in the sun, the way the woman moans feels like someone's rubbing silk on your ears and eardrums, how the male's cock looks hard enough to even punch through a wall of reinforced steel, and my favorite, how you can almost feel their orgasm through the screen, almost like a wave at the beach that catches you off guard. To tell the truth though, I never felt the need to play five knuckles shuffle with myself. As for right now I guess I'll just do what I've always been doing, sit on this couch and watch satellite television.

"Sally you in here?" A voice came from the door.

Great just what I needed, my Keon was home now. I know I'm not entirely use to the whole brother thing yet, and I'm probably over exaggerating, but my step brother Keon is a complete jerk, but like I said it's probably just me. I mean I was use to being an only child, now I have a step brother to annoy me. Let me explain from the beginning. It was ten years ago and I had just turn four a couple of months ahead of time. For those few months my life was ok, hell you could say the perfect average life for any child. I didn't need a father to put on the image that I was living in a normal functional family, I was content with the way our family was now. I guess my mother didn't have the same thoughts as I did. She must've felt I was suffering or being teased at my school for living in a single parent home, but I wasn't. Well my mother had somehow convinced my birth father to take a role in the development of my life. She must've meant I needed a father figure. To say it bluntly, my father was and probably still is an asshole. For the first three years of my life he was absent, and when my mother managed to see him in the streets he couldn't even remember my damn name. It was that kind of ignorant fuck that helped my mother conceived a salamander like me. Anyway, a few months later my mother told me I needed to go to bed, but any kid with satellite could tell you that all the juicy, dirty, good stuff came on after dark. Now that I think about it, I should've listened and went to bed at least this way I would've been in La La land for what was to happen next. With a loud crash like a tree falling to the ground, my father kicked in the front door naturally it scared the shit out of me. Soon I heard the bastard of a salamander shouting my mother's name. I was kind of hoping she would lock her door and barricade it, but she did the opposite and went to him. It was then I heard the sound of my mother choking and screaming for him to stop. Instinctively I did what any son would've done, I ran to help my mother, but he threw me off him like he was swatting dust out of the air. Soon he had a fist raised to strike me. It was suddenly like fear had frozen my body instantly. My heart was pumping. My lungs were racing. My body shook. It was like my heart was spewing liquid nitrogen into my body to freeze every working muscle it had came into contact with. All I could do was watch and wait for the fist that was probably the size of my face to collide with whatever body part he was aiming for, but the hit never came, instead a grayish-green hand held my father's fist in check. It was my step father how had saved me, well back then I called him Mr. Harter because he wasn't my step father just yet. Anyway, after Mr. Harter roughed up my real father, he and his son Keon stayed and kept watch just in case he came back. The years passed and my mother and Keon's father dated each other until the eventually got married, which meant our luggage was now their luggage and vise versa. So for ten years I've been Mr. Harter's step son and Keon's step brother.

"Sally I know you heard me calling your name." Keon spoke from behind me as he tussled my hair.

"For the last time my name is Sal, not Sally!" I yelled at him as I fixed my mangled black hair.

"You know something, you got a real attitude problem." He said before he went upstairs to his room.

Like I told you, my brother Keon is a jerk. In every way he's a jerk. He's your stereotypical football jock jerk. He's the school's star quarterback. Every girl wants to fuck him, those who haven't want it badly, and those who have want more. I don't see why though. You might call me a pervert, but in the last couple of times I've eavesdropped on his sessions when they beg him to slow down he tell them to shut up. When they say he's hurting them, he tells them, don't ask for it if they can't handle it. Not to mention he completely ignores them after he fucks them. I think he calls it his mm-mm-mm rule. You know, like that sandwich shop's commercial. "Mm, mm, mmm. Toasty." His rule goes like this; if they attract his attention he says "mm, mm, mm". The first "mm" is the "meet'em" phase. The second "mm" is the "fuck'em" phase. Then the last "mm" is the "leave'em" phase. Thus you get his "mm-mm-mm." rule. However, I don't call him a jerk for that it's the things he does to me that make me call him a jerk. First there's the "Sally" thing. It pisses me off because he does it everyday. My name's Sal not Sally. Then there's the whole tussle my hair routine. It's like he has a fetish for playing with people's hair or something. Last thing is the whole treating me like one of the girls that he'd previously fucked. He tells me to stop bitching every time I tell him to leave me alone. That's why I call him a jerk.

‘DING DONG' "Hey Sally go get the door!" he shouted from his upstairs room.

"Stop fucking me calling me Sally!" I yelled back. Yeah I know, for a 14 year old I need to watch my mouth, but I can't help it when I have to deal with his ass.

I know what you're probably thinking right now. If he's such a jerk why don't I tell the parents? Well I have already and you want to know what he did to me when they questioned him about it. He locked me outside the house in my birthday suit during mid-winter. It reaches a very chilling 20 degrees this far north during winter. As I walk to the door I begin to wonder who might be knocking. It's never anybody for me. Most likely it's another horny school girl. I just don't understand, sure my brother is the star quarterback, sure he's the perfect height at 5'9", sure he's a komodo with piercing yellow eyes, nicely sculpted pecs that make his slightly round tummy look manly, a less than husky shape, pearly white fangs, and greenish-brown scales. All that couldn't possibly outweigh his jerk of an attitude, hell I bet the scale won't even move.

"Hey Sal is your brother home?" I maturing deep voice came from the door I had opened.

Guess I was wrong. it wasn't a girl at the door but a boy. It was one of Keon's teammates. If I remember correctly his name's Bruno, he's one of the team's offensive linemen. By looking at the panda I could understand why. He was chunky looking, but I'm pretty sure underneath what I thought as fat is actually ready to fight, toned muscles.

"Yeah he's in his room upstairs." I told the panda as I pointed him in the direction of the hallway that led to the stairs.

Sometimes I wonder if other little brothers go through the same stuff as me. Do they put up with the constant taunting and aggravations I do? As I lay on the couch staring into the plasma screen that's displaying whatever the hell I turned to. I begin to notice something odd. Do you know that awkward feeling you get when you know your parents are in the other room having sexual relations. It's a weird feeling, not because the idea of it is gross, but for me it's the thought that they're too old. Naturally I feel that way when mom and pop does it, I even feel it when Keon has a girl upstairs in his room, but why would I feel it now. Keon doesn't have a girl in his room. It's just him and his partner Bruno. Before I could swat the feelings out of my mind, the sound of someone yelling fuck followed by constant wall banging, spikes my curious nature and attention. You're probably wondering why our parents can't hear any of this. Well our parents went on a boat cruise around the world for their anniversary so they won't be back for a while. You want to know what that mean? That means that by the law of responsibility and superiority, my brother is in charge and I have to follow what he says. As if, I can take care of myself pretty well if you ask me, but I guess the parents don't feel the same way as I do.

"Damn it's big!" I heard a voice moaned loudly.

Now out of all the times I snuck into my brother's room to watch his flicks, not once have I ever came across a scene where a dude sounded like he was being fucked, not even a scene where he was being rimmed. As I walk up the stairs the sounds suddenly tone down and the wall banging devolves into slight scuffles like that of a kid trying to hide in a closet. What the hell could they be watching in there? Whatever it is I want to see it too.

"Hey Keon can I come in?" I softly said as I opened the door to my brother's room

It's now three in the morning and I still can't believe what I saw. This entire time I thought my brother was only into females, but with my own eyes I saw him stuffing a round and plump panda ass with his cock. It was both awkward and arousing at the same time. The way Bruno moaned from being fucked, the warm musky air that covered my body in ways only a blanket could, and the sight of the panda's tight, rosy-pink hole being stretched to hug my brother's monstrous cock. It was like I said, both awkward and arousing. I think my brother knew I was watching though, even though he and Bruno were facing away from the door I can't help but shake the feeling that he was looking back at me through the corner of his eye, but if he did why didn't he say anything about it after he escorted Bruno to the door. Well doesn't matter now, Keon's in his room sleep and I'm going to follow his footsteps as soon as HBO's "Real Sex: Shock Video" goes off. Ha-ha, who knew dinosaurs actually went extinct because of erectile dysfunction.

The next morning I woke up but the day felt different somehow, like the feeling you get when you know something good is going to happen for you. First thing first though, I need to fix myself something to eat. I can say I'm no gourmet chef, but give me a few ingredients and some pans, and I can cook like an apprentice to Big Guy Fieri, or someone close to that status. Thirty minutes later and guess what I have; an omelet with crispy bacon, juicy pork sausage, melted cheddar cheese, garden fresh salsa, smooth guacamole, pure white sour cream, topped off with more cheese. I'd like to see that Adam Richman eat this. My belly full and my palate sedated, I now find myself lazily slumped on the couch in my black basketball shorts. Since my body doesn't have a single hair on it, other than the hair on my head, my shorts feel rebellious and decide to slide down my leg revealing a slight view of my rear end.

"Whatcha watching bro?" Keon said as he jumped from behind the couch almost landing on my head if I hadn't moved out the way.

"1000 Ways to Die, Starring Keon Harter." I scuffed at him.

"You have a nasty attitude you know that. I'ma have to do something about that shit." He said while poking me in my right temple before shoving it away.

"You mean like you handled Bruno yesterday?" I quipped at him.

That's right Keon; I bet that'll tone your ass down some. I thought to myself. That's right sit there with that nonchalant look on your face. I caught you fucking another dude and while I sit here waiting for you to make a remark, I will already know what I'm going to say. I'll just tell you that you won't be so hot around school. If you bother me again I'll tell everyone you like boning dudes. I kept thinking to myself as if I had already won the argument ahead of time.

"So you saw that?" Keon asked me as he continued watching the television.

"Damn straight I did, and if you bother me again I'll tell everyone at school!" I yelled a shorten version of what I had already said in my thoughts.

"Go ahead, it's not like everyone doesn't know." My brother replied.

"That's right!" wait a minute. Did my brother say everyone already knows about this? He's shitting me, he's pulling my icy blue, and black spotted lizard tail.

"You look like you don't believe me. Well let me tell you something brother, everyone knows how I feel about sex. Fucking is just what it is, it's one giving dick while the other take its. If I want to fuck and you want to be fucked, then I'm going to fuck your brain out of you skull. Be you a nerdy school girl or a bonafide thug. If you want to be fucked then I'm going to fuck you, and don't complain while it's happening. If you want dick then you damn well better know how to handle dick because I'm not going to stop my fun just because you're a weak fuck." My brother said it bluntly as he turned to look at me.

I'm speechless I don't know any jokes, threats, or comebacks for that. The look in my brother's soul drilling eyes showed just how much he meant it. It was like looking into the eyes of a drill sergeant bent on making you cry, but my brother was pulling it off with a face more calm and relaxed.

"But you don't know a damn thing about sex do ya? You've already told me you never masturbated, and I know you're still a virgin. You know what, fuck this, I'ma kill two birds with one stone. First I'm going to take something you'll never be able to get back and I'm going to fix that nasty attitude of yours." My brother said with a mix of a growl and a hiss.

It happened so fast that it caught me off guard. My brother had snatched my black shorts off, took off his boxers, and had me sitting in his lap. I try to get up by my brother has me pinned to his lap using the muscles he gained from football. I don't know what he has planned, but it doesn't take long for me to figure out. I soon feel his member engorging itself with blood as it slither up against my ass like a snake through grass. If I was to guess at how big my brother's cock was, I would say the komodo was at least nine inches with five inches of girth. Already I can feel the heat coming off it like the steam from a boiling pot. I try to get up off my brother's lap again but he doesn't allow me to move an inch.

"See Sal I know you're into guys, I can read it on your motherfucking face. I can tell you ain't got the mind set to be the dominant figure in any male relationship, but it's not like you would care, I bet you wanted to be the one getting fucked anyway. So you know what, since you want to be a tail raiser, I'ma fuck you like a tail raiser should be fucked." I don't know what it was my brother said, but it was arousing, like a million butterflies were flapping to the same beat inside my stomach.

With no help from me what so ever, my brother held my hips and tilted my ass into the air. I wanted to look back to see if he was going to do what I thought he was going to do, he told me what the fuck was I looking back for, that his dick was going in whether or not I looked anyway. At first I wanted to scream in pain. The feeling my hole being stretched like some kid's Play-Doh, it was unbearable. I gave a soft meep but he told to stop bitching, that he didn't even get the head all the way in yet. Oh how I wanted to escape the pain, it was like someone was rubbing sandpaper on the softest area of my body. I soon heard a pop, hell I felt the pop, it was like my hole had locked itself onto my brother's cock with a wet ‘squelch' sound to confirm it.

"Damn you're a tight fuck!" my brother hissed through his sharp teeth at me.

Hell I was the one being fucked, and from how tight my pucker was chocking the komodo's cock I knew I was a tight fuck. I was so tight that I could feel his very heart beat. Keon then asked me if I was ready for the rest. I thought he was all the way in; the look on my face must've showed my confusion because he traced my hand and guided it to my rear entrance. I traced my hand from my savagely stretched hole to where I could feel the beginning of Keon's ballsac. I only had the head in, just the head alone made me want to scream, and I still had the rest of the shaft to take. I soon felt Keon shoving my hips further towards his lap. I couldn't do it each bit of his rock hard cock that slid in felt like my stomach was being pushed aside to make accommodations for it. I couldn't help but jerk my body from the foreign feeling, either way my brother told me to stop squirming and take his dick like a good tail raiser. I thought I would explode or be ripped in two, but he finally stopped.

"What the fuck are you smiling about?" Keon hissed at me.

He may have not known why, but I did. I was smiling because I had finished taking in all of his throbbing, blood engorged, metal like fuck rod, but I was wrong. With one last hard tug he sat my whole body down on the last inch of cock he had left. Fuck was all I could think, turns out it was all I could say as I threw my head back into the air.

"That dick feels good stuffing that hole of yours doesn't it Sally?" Keon growled as he looked at me with my head held back.

He was so right though, it felt intoxicating, even addicting. My anal walls hugged his cock like they begged for one their entire lifetime, like a stranded pilot in a desert that just took his first gulp of water after six months of hot, humid, sandy weather. My hole wanted my brother's cock, and now that his cock was stretching it my brother was going to fuck it like it needed to be fucked. At first my brother was making small circular motions with his hips. He told me he was getting it ready. Hell with his cock so deep inside me the small movements he was making were making my body quiver with pleasure. Soon I could feel it underneath my thighs, the whole area of skin between my brother and I was soaking wet.

"You see that shit, that's not sweat, that's your ass getting wet for my dick. That ass is leaking like a broken radiator." My komodo brother hissed in my ear making my skin crawl like a million bugs.

With his own strength Keon began lifting my ass only to pull it back down. It was like silk on glass the way his cock was sliding in and out of my ass. Even if my ass was tight, the mixture of his pre and whatever it was that was coming from my backside, made his cock glide like oil on water. Again and again I felt his cock empty my tunnel only to come back and fill it as easily as before. Soon he was picking up pace, slamming my hips and ass back down onto his hips. My breath was quickening, my smooth body dripping sweat like a cloud ready to burst its load of rain. I didn't know how much longer I could last. Finally my brother had stopped, but it wasn't because he had reached his limit, no he simply said he got tired of that position.

I was finally allowed to stand up, but my legs, oh my legs felt like warmed rubber they were wobbly and unbalanced. It didn't matter though Keon soon had me on the couch bent over the arm rest. As I looked underneath my body I could see a giant wet spot in the same spot we had just moved from. My view didn't last long though. Like a warrior bent on power, the komodo shoved his cock all the way back into me filling my hole and stretching it to a width I've never known.

"That ass is nice and wet. Tell me you love my dick!" Keon growled from behind me as he pounded my ass.

"I love it!" I moaned back like a top notch female porn star. It was the truth, I did love it. How gave me butterflies each time he stuffed himself balls deep.

"This big dick got you on a leash doesn't it!" he continued growling through his teeth.

"It's so big!" I replied back with an effeminate moan and cry. My brother was big, each time he fully sheathed himself I could swear I felt him poking my stomach. His cock was so wide that it pushed his veins against my sleeve of muscles making it feel like small nubs massaging my insides.

Oh what is this feeling, it's like a ball of pleasure rolling around in my stomach and crotch area. It's so wonderful the way it's building up. I look underneath myself again and I can see just how wet my ass must be. My inner thighs are completely soaked, and each thrust Keon makes squirts more liquid causing it to roll another fresh coat onto my inner thighs.

"What the fuck you looking at, hold that head up!" Keon growled as he grabbed my hair tugging my head back into the air.

"Keon...I think...something...oh fuck." I did my best to tell him, but this feeling, oh this feeling has me on a short leash.

"Shut the hell up and take this dick!" the komodo growled at me.

I never knew this feeling, it was building to critical peak, it was too strong, it was begging for release. I looked down and I saw it, for the first time I saw it. I saw my cock throb and release a jet of pearly white cum that came out like a bullet. Oh god this felt wonderful, I never knew an orgasm could feel so good and so intense. It was so intense that I didn't even know I was loudly moaning Keon's name.

Soon I felt my body go limp and instantly felt empty as Keon completely pulled himself out. With him out of my body I fell to the couch like a mass of crumpled paper. I now had a view of my brother's massive cock. It was all black, almost like a volcanic rock black, but a perfect match to his brownish-green complexion. Veins covered it like bugs around a bug zapper, and it stood erect covered in a clear liquid hat coated it generously while the tip slowly oozed his own source of pre. It probably thicker than a soda can and about as long as my size ten shoes.

"Did you enjoy it?" I huffed and puffed as I asked him.

"Are you crying?" he said.

"No." I answered.

"Are you begging me to stop?" he asked.

"No." I answered again.

"Do you see my dick covered in cum and your ass leaking cum?" he asked again.

"No." sheesh what's with all these questions he was asking

"Then that means I'm not done yet, so save your breath and your questions till I say so." Keon said as he stood up, his dick bouncing from how stiff it was.

I watched as he went to the hallway and began his ascent upstairs. My brother was a beast, I had never the felt the way I do now. It's as if my body yearns for his cock, like its malnourishment can only be fixed by his deep penetrating rod of satisfaction. Maybe it's just the after glow, but damn I need his dick in me so badly.

"Hey Sally get your ass up here! I told you I wasn't finished!" the komodo yelled to me from upstairs.

"It's Sal you piece of shit!" I yelled back at him.

"Don't forget how easily I can fix that attitude of yours" he yelled back.

I swear my brother is a jerk!

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