Red Mask

Story by Calico64 on SoFurry

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#3 of Writings

A story about a young man who dives right into the world of the super heroes. He learns it's not all sweat and blood, but it's also about the great sex.

I wrote this story along with Greg Panovich ( ), using one of his star heroes, Booster.

** Red Mask**

Richter had to start somewhere, and tonight was the night. Becoming something of a defender of the night was not an easy task. It took him forever just to come up with a cool name like Richter. It was simple, easy to say, got the point across, and it sounded cool. Not only that, but it wasn't even close to being his real name. He trained himself for months upon months to tone his body to the proper type, and get him to peak physical condition. This was not easy, but he made the decision, and he was going to go with it.

The night was just beginning, and the sun was all the way down. He'd heard several rumors about superheroes like him bashing through the night. No one really knew what the heroes and villains of the cities did, not unless they were part of it themselves. There were stories circulating, yes, but none of them were very believable. He'd only had one experience with heroism in the city, and that was when his "talent" was unlocked and brought him to more of an understanding. He figured he should use it, he owed it to that one mysterious hero who saved him from certain death. That was the night his life was changed forever. It was time to dawn his true mantle.

Now for the real question, as the silver fox slid on his solid red mask, he wondered where he would start. There was always the high crime areas, the gang bangers and the shady deals always went on later on in the night, though. Right now, it was a matter of finding the crime before it was going to happen.

He stood on top of a seven story building, high enough to where he wouldn't be seen, but also the right size for him to survey the area around him. A much taller corporate bank stood beside that building. They were perfect targets for someone trying to prove themselves, but he didn't have much hope that they would get robbed.

Richter caught onto the gutter beside the building, and slide down. His red mask and his brown trench coat hid all of his features. He even went so far as to tuck in his silver-furred tail. Under his solid red mask, on his ear was a police band radio. As he walked the sidewalk and looked at the city, there was a dispatch reading.

"7 Mark 62, we have a very loud noise complaint on Arthur and 3rd. Complaints of what sound like fireworks. Be advised." Fireworks, Richter thought. There wasn't much promise in fireworks, but it was only a few blocks down the road. Fireworks on a Sunday night were quite strange, and even though it could be nothing, he decided--

"Hi!" Richter was startled as a squirrel girl landed beside him. He looked at her from head to toe to see that she wore a bikini with many symbols of the American flag. She was cute, but Richter wasn't entirely sure she was his type. "You look new."

"Umm, hi. Are you on your way to a costume party or something?" Richter asked, looking her over once again.

"Haha! You have jokes, that's wonderful. I'm Booster! I know all of the heroes in this city, and you're a new face. You should probably be careful, some of these so-called "heroes" are a bunch of bullies, not much better than the villains of New York."

"The name's Richter, and I'm actually in the middle of checking out--"

"Arthur and 3rd. Yeah, I know. Need a ride? I'm heading there too."

Richter looked at her through his featureless red mask, wondering if she was being serious or if she was just playing around.

"No, thanks. This is my first night out, and I'm wanting to find my own way around. I'll be seeing you." He turned and began to run. His sprint was much faster than she thought with that bulky looking trench coat on his back, but he took off in a flash and ran at a good twenty miles per hour, about the top speed of a normal being. Foxes could run fast, everyone knew this, but the way he trained, he kept up a good distance and speed. His thoughts went back to Booster, he'd heard of the squirrel girl, but this was his first time seeing her for himself. The rumors were mostly true about her, it seemed. Then he started to wonder why she was here in Daytona Beach. Wasn't she a frequenter of NYC?

Up ahead, there were already police flashers in the location he was headed, apparently they were pretty punctual tonight. He cursed and got as close as he could to get a good look at the scene. There were two police officers, a mouse cop and a German Shepard. Both of them were looking around the storage facility, not seeming to find anything. However, Richter could see from behind the corner he was looking over, and through the barb-wire gate that one of the locks on the storage entrance door was blown apart and bent up to the point of unserviceability. As they walked to the door and saw the broken lock on the ground, cut in two pieces, the storage door flew open.

Inside the dimly lit storage area, there stood a very tall, dark looking raccoon woman. She was clad in an extremely tight-fitting red suit that looked like it was made out of latex. The woman beside her was a tigress, one who took her stripes very seriously, it seemed, because they were inverted in color. Her fur was red with black tiger stripes, while her outfit was black with red stripes. The woman to the left was a black rabbit woman, one with a very long katana that she swiped in front of the officers. The black rabbit woman wore a white kabuki mask, and a very tight kimono. It was the kind of tiny kimono that allowed you to see the size and shape of her nipples without trying hard.

The two police officers froze, their hands about to go to their guns, but stopping short as the blade made it underneath both of their chins. Without hesitation, the tigress drew in a deep breath, and blared a very hard, deafening scream at them. Both of the officers were blasted by an immense sound wave. It drove them straight into the wire fence and bent it down, tearing many of the wires apart.

The sound wave was so powerful, Richter could literally feel the foundation on the building shake as the blaring was at its most intense. He would have been very impressed if he didn't have to get into character. He leaned his head against the brick building he stood against. He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. That was when he brought out his smartphone. He opened up the app to look up the villainesses. He scrolled through a lot of pictures until he found one picture which had all three of them. They didn't have a name, the team was just called "Licha's Team."

Licha - Threat Level 5, the true extent to her powers is unknown but she has the ability to drain the strength of anyone she can sink her claws into. With this strength, she can create a necromancy-type fire that can also drain one's strength and create extreme nausea, even vomiting.

Terroar - Threat Level 3, has the power to roar at a frequency that can blast sound waves into someone and blast their eardrums, even causing outward bodily harm.

Waki - Threat Level 2, a highly skilled samurai woman who uses a katana, wearing a kabuki mask to hide her face.

The raccoon woman grinned as the police officers fell onto a broken wire fence, one of them almost landing on the barbwire. She kept her hands crossed against her tight, latex red outfit and flicked her long, black hair from her face.

"Very good, Terroar, however, if our entrance drew attention, you have certainly drawn more. Get the boxes in the van and let's go." She turned with them and started picking up the boxes.

"I cannot believe someone would just leave so many gold bars in a place such as this." Terroar said as she picked up two large boxes, one in either arm.

"It's evident that they did not want to draw attention." The kabuki rabbit, Waki said as she carried one box toward the van parked near the end of the storage row.

That was when Richter cleared his throat.

All three of them grimaced and looked toward the tall, trench coated man who hid his face behind a mask. They cursed their luck that one had arrived so early. However, all three of them found themselves leering at his well-developed form and his gray shirt he wore underneath the coat, how it portrayed his tight abs.

They stood frozen for a moment as he stepped in their way of the exit. Waki slowly lowered her box to the ground, keeping her eyes on him through her mask.

"And who is this?" The raccoon spoke, also dropping her box to the ground. "Seems we have some fresh meat on the street. Being new, I suppose you don't know who I am. Not that it will matter much in a moment, but I am Licha. And you are?"

He stood there for a moment, every single second would count with these three, and he knew it. There was no room for error of any kind. He assessed all of their skills that he had already seen, and strategized how he was going to deal with them.

"Richter" He said, and just as he thought, the moment he said it, the bunny girl swiped her sword from its sheathe and lunged at him much faster than the normal eye could see. He held out his hand toward the rabbit upon her approach, and snapped his fingers. He sent what looked like ripples through the air toward her.

Waki stopped, in her lunge, and felt a hard vibration in her chest, causing her breasts to bounce as she recoiled. She turned her attention back toward Richter, he was already on top of her. He tapped a finger on her sword blade, and it began to shake uncontrollably. She had no choice but to drop it. With one jab, Richter punched her in the sternum. The rippling effect came again, and the shock wave's impact snapped her sash apart, causing her large black-furred breasts to flop out as she flew straight back and hit the ground in a roll. She stopped at Licha's feet, her body splayed out for all to see.

Licha looked down toward her with a frown, and then her eyes darted toward Terroar. The tigress nodded and looked toward Richter. Just as she was about to rear up for another Tiger's Roar, Richter held his hands out to either side of him, and clapped them both together.

The shock wave interrupted Terroar's attack and knocked her to the point of sliding back and having to struggle to keep her balance. Richter once again sprinted straight up to her, but was taken aback as she grabbed his leading hand and brought her knee up. She kneed him straight in the diaphragm. He was stunned, but he still managed to return the favor, knocking one knuckle into her funny bone, causing it to go numb temporarily. The Tigress snarled, but there came a hand clamping down on his shoulder.

Licha dug her nails into his shoulder, and he growled at the pain. Before he could retaliate, though, he suddenly began to feel very weak. He winced under his mask, and could feel his strength draining from him. Licha grinned as her eyes glowed a sickening green, and she pulled him away from Tia, slamming him into the ground with one hand.

"Oooo, he is a strong one." She looked at her hand as her. "These newbies keep getting more powerful every day, don't they? Are you alright, Waki?" She knelt down beside the black rabbit as she sat up on the ground.

"Yes, I'm fine." She looked over toward Richter as he attempted to get up from the ground. She quickly rolled over to him, and axe kicked down into his chest, forcing him back down onto the ground. She could feel her breasts jiggle as she impacted him, and she rolled her eyes. "This one is more trouble than he's worth."

"Oh, I don't know, Waki. He seems to have..." Terroar's hand ran along his six-pack abs over his shirt, and down to cup what felt like a winner. "...Potential." She very quickly started to undo his pants.

"I don't know, girls, I'm not sure if we have enough--" She was cut short as she got a glimpse of his cock, the tigress held it up by its head, and it was a good four inches. "Is that how big he is soft?"

"He's limp as a noodle." Terroar grinned and wasted no time in milking it, licking the tip of it.

"Alright, but work fast, the paralysis is only temporary." Licha was already working her hands over her breasts, pinching her nipples as she started to become hot and bothered.

"You greedy bitch! Don't hog it all to yourself!" Waki took off her kimono and couldn't help but pinch her nipples together with her thumbs and forefingers, biting her lip as she watched her make his cock hard.

"Dear lord!" Licha got down onto her knees and watched as his cock grew to an amazing size. His cock was not only long, it was on par with a beer bottle in width.

Terroar looked up at Waki with a devious grin as she saw the bunny's hand had migrated down to her vaginal lips, spreading them out with her fingers and rubbing the pink part with her middle finger. The tiger woman purposely went to the side of Richter's shaft and started to lick and suck the side of it up and down, occasionally licking the head. Waki took the opportunity and joined her in sucking on the other side of the shaft.

The two of them gazed into one another's eyes as they shared his cock between them, and slowly kissed one another with his cock in the way. Terroar backed up from it and Waki engulfed it with her mouth and started sucking on the shaft just below the head. It was so hard and throbbing that she soon had to put her hand on it to keep it pointed the way she wanted. She rolled her tongue over the tip of it and slowly jerked it, using her saliva as lube to make it smooth. He strained to try and get up, but whatever Licha did to him, it made him only able to move a very slight bit.

"Awww, is the little man in distress? Mmmm, good." That was when she went up to under his tip with her hand and started pumping it harder in and out of her mouth. The bunny licked all up and down his head, causing it to precum just enough to get a good lick of it from the tip.

"Do not make him cum!" Licha demanded. Both of them looked up at her to see that she had already unzipped her suit, exposing her moderately sized breasts, about the size of large apples, and all the way around her crotch to above her ass. All of her gray and black body was exposed as she opened the suit to its widest without taking it off.

"But Licha!" Both of them said in unison.

"No! I've let both of you have your fun, and now I believe it is time to get him in the van. I'll play with him once we get back to the house." She was literally dripping wet as she was about to insert her claws into him to prolong his paralysis. "Oh God, I've been searching for--"

"Hold it!" All three of them looked back toward the fallen gate to see a squirrel decked out in an American flag bikini. All three of them recognized Booster, and all three of them scoffed at the sight of her. "Step away from the man's dick, and give yourselves up!" She shouted, hoping beyond hope that she was threatening enough to at least stop Licha from going any further with him.

"Errrg. Damnit! Take her down!" Licha said, looking down at Richter's cock as she held it steady with one hand, jerking it a little to keep its firm stature. If she couldn't take him home she could at least enjoy a good fucking while they cleaned up the so-called "hero."

The tigress growled some, eyes darting over toward the squirrel girl! Booster locked eyes, but not with Terroar. Her eyes were fixed on her one true goal for the night. She darted forward, and just as Terroar drew in a breath to start her devastating scream at the bikini-clad heroine. The first roar came through, but there came a choked thwack on her as Booster decked her straight in the throat. The tigress got down on her knees and clutched her neck as she desperately tried to breathe.

That was when Booster felt a hot pain slice across her arm. A normal being would have had their arm cut off by such an attack, but thanks to her enhanced DNA and body's density, she merely had a good trickle of blood down her forearm. Waki turned back around, now that she was behind Booster. As she came back toward her, Booster ducked low and hammered the side of her fist into Waki's midsection. Waki's sword fell to the ground and she held her stomach just under her boobs, giving the effect of a push-up bra that Booster quite liked.

Licha cringed, and scowled toward Booster as she got up from her squatting position. How could she concentrate with so much going on around her? Unwillingly, she punched Richter's head into the ground, making him go unconscious. She had to make sure that he wouldn't move.

"Damnit! You just couldn't let it go, could you? I haven't had a good fuck in weeks, and you just had to rain on my parade! Well fine!" Her eyes glowed that sickening green again, and a bright green fire engulfed her hand. "Let's go!"

Licha swiped her hand toward Booster, blasting a thick flame from it. This surprised the squirrel a bit, but she managed to side-step the attack and close in the distance with her. However, the green flame came again, and the glowing-green raccoon came at her with a hard right cross. Booster tried to back step this one, but her midsection was hit quite solidly. The green flame did not burn, it made her quite woozy, but it still burned inorganic matter, so her bikini top was gone at that point. Booster was somewhat dazed, but she still caught Licha's arm before she could come in with another cross hit.

With one arm open, Licha latched her claws into Booster's shoulder. This drew a grimace, though it was obvious that her claw couldn't penetrate her thick skin quite as well, she could feel her strength as it began to drain. Their boobs mashed together in the struggle, and Booster was hard pressed for ideas, until finally, her reflex kicked in, and her knee went up between Licha's legs.

There was a hard, wet impact point and Licha's grip went away, and her eyes went back to normal. There was a high pitched squeak from her throat as that knee impacted her bare, wet pussy and it suddenly turned red.

"Hurts for women too, you know." Booster said with a grin as she grabbed Licha's arm with both hands, turned around and threw her over her shoulder at the black rabbit who fell to the ground as they impacted with one another. "Leave the boxes here, and get to your van! Hopefully, you've learned your lesson!"

The three of them gathered one another up and dragged themselves into the van. Terroar attempted to say something, but she could barely breathe or swallow, let alone speak at all. Waki was the only one who was in any shape to drive, so she got the keys from the sun blinder and quickly drove off.

When Richter finally came to, the night was still there, and his pants were still down. Somehow, he'd gotten to the top of the roof of a very tall building right beside the storage facility, which was full of cops now. Apparently, they had apprehended the three of them, because they were being loaded into an armored vehicle.

That was when Richter heard a very faint cough from a few feet away. Booster lied on the roof of the building as well. She had carried him up, but it looked like that was too much for her. She looked very weak, her eyes half open, her bikini top was burned off, and she had a bad cut on her arm.

"Oh, Richter! Sweet Richter! Thank God you're safe!" She said, panting for breath. "Please! Licha, her poison got into me! I can't feel my legs!"

"Oh no! Where did she hit you?" He looked over her to see any other obvious wounds or injuries.

"Here, right here." She put her hand on her lower stomach and rubbed it a little. "I need you to suck my pussy lips hard! Sexual pleasure is the only way to counteract the poison!"

Richter wasted no time in starting to suck on her sweet lips.

"A little lower, please." The squirrel said as she looked down at him. He started to suck downward to her opening, which was dripping wet at this point. She had removed her bikini bottom to the side and exposed her very moist sweet lips to him. He did not hesitate to lunge his tongue into her labia and start sucking hard. She tried her very best to keep from bursting out with a huge moan of sheer ecstasy but she was failing horribly. "Oh God! Yes! Right there! Oh it hurts so bad, but keep going! Please keep going!" Her hand went down to his head and she was very gentle in pressing him harder onto her soaking wet pussy. "Oh God! Oh fuck! Don't stop! Please don't stop! Ooohhh!"

She opened one eye to look downward, seeing that his cock was back to critically hard! She licked her lips as tactfully as she could so he wouldn't see.

"Oh, it's no good, Richter! The poison is too deep!" She said, leaning back again, closing her eyes and grimacing, mimicking sounds of pain.

"Oh, Booster! Hold on! I'll get the ambu-"

"No!" She grabbed him. "There's no time for an ambulance! I need you to reach in deep!" She kicked off both of her shoes and reached down to his cock with her feet, starting to rub it between her toes. "With this."

He looked a her a bit oddly, but still, he knew time was a factor here. He pulled her in close, and sank his huge throbbing cock deep into her twitching, aching vagina.

"Fuck me! Fuck me hard! Yes! HARDER!" Her eyes went wide, and her arms went around his shoulders, she started whining with bliss and beautiful feelings whirling around her sex-starved brain. He started pumping it in and out of her as their juices flowed freely and his cock hardened to its very limit inside of her warm, soft pussy. Soon, he was caught up in the moment, and he started to bang her with all of his strength! She went cross-eyed, and every bit of her began to twitch as she reached her very climax, and he did too. Waves of cum shot deep inside of her, and she was filled to the brim as it started to dribble out of her. She went limp all over and she just lied there, sweating.

He pulled out of her and pulled off his red mask, sweating way too much for it to be on.

"Do you think you'll be okay now?" Richter asked her.

She could barely hear him at that point. She categorized orgasms from one to three, and right there, after two whole weeks of no action, and getting off on watching those two girls suck him off. That right there was a solid three. Her ears were ringing at that point, and rainbows matched with butterflies swirled all through her.

"Hmmm? Oh, yes, it was... yes I think I feel better now." Booster said as she continued to enjoy such a glorious afterglow.

"You don't... feel any poison?"

She kipped up onto her feet and started getting her shoes on. She even hummed a bit as she did.

"Nope! You did a great job there, new guy. Especially considering this is your first night out. Maybe next time you accept some help from a seasoned professional."

Richter tugged his pants back up, and stood up, wiping his brow of sweat. He grinned a bit to himself as he slipped his mask back on over his face. He really couldn't believe that he bought the whole venom sex cure, but at the same time, he wasn't the least bit mad. He looked back over at her.

"Thanks for what you did for me tonight." Richter said, knowing that if she hadn't saved him, he'd probably have left with those three women in their van.

"Oh, no no no." She smiled at him as he looked back at her. "Thank YOU! And give me your phone for a minute." He was taken a little by surprise at the offer. He complied though, giving her his phone. She immediately put her number into it.

"Tomorrow night, get that sexy ass suit back on and meet me at the same place we met tonight. It's time I show you the ropes." She smiled at him, and he was surprised yet again when she turned around and leaned back into him, her hand cupping his big cock and balls. "And bring this guy with you." She winked at him, speaking in a sexy voice. "Ciao!"

Still topless and exposed, she ran to the edge of the roof, jumping off of it and gliding into the night. He watched as she did this, chuckling and shaking his head. Apparently, his adventure hadn't even started.