To Worship the Stars

Story by BeauxSang on SoFurry

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Starburst is a captive slave in Egypt. She comes to call Per-Bast home and when a royal adviser to the Pharaoh takes interest in her, her life will change forever. (Artwork not mine! Characters and ideas are all mine) Please read and comment, thanks!

To Worship the Stars

Chapter 1: Slave

The sun was slowly rising. Soon, the desert sand, now cold from the night, would burn hotter than any flame. A coarse wind blew, carrying gritty sand across the sleeping face of the tigress curled upon the desert sands.

"Get up! Time to move on slave! A harsh voice cracked like a whip and the tigress gasped in pain as she received a sharp kick to her stomach. She opened her once bright green eyes and tried to blink away the sting from the sand in them.

"On your feet slave!" The harsh voice barked once again from above her. She slowly pushed herself to her feet. At one time she would've lashed in retaliation for being called slave. Her proper name was Starburst, given for the fact that she was born as a shooting star flew overhead. The star blazed with a thousand brilliant colors on that onyx black night and her mother had said that it was a sign and a blessing from the great Mother Goddess for Starburst being born.

Starburst was born a beautiful white tiger with stripes in every hue of that immaculate star. But now her fur was dirty, her stripes dim, and her once crisp, white fur looked yellow. It was matted heavily in places with blood from many a ruthless beating. Her slaver yanked the rope tied around her paws, making Starburst wince. She glared with malice at the large crocodile holding the other end of the rope. His name was Rasheeda, a renowned slave trader throughout Egypt. Starburst stumbled forward with another sharp yank and lurched into a slow trot behind the wagon.

After hours of walking beneath the scorching desert sun, she could no longer feel her paw pads hitting the sand. With every heavy step her body screamed to rest, but she knew that if she gave into the fatigue, the beating she would receive would be worse than any pain she was feeling. Instead, she stared off at the vast rolling desert and listened to the steady creak of the wagon. Her mind drifted to a better time.

Tears now stained her face and sand clung beneath her eyes as the wind now shrieked around her. In the distance Starburst could just make out the pillars made of rough sandstone that led into the city of Per-Bast. A slight sense of excitement began to swell in Starburst's chest as she watched the city growing closer. Whenever Rasheeda stopped in a city he would allow Starburst to wash and would even sometimes give her any leftover aysh bread if he had it.

Starburst had been a slave under Rasheeda for a little over a year. At every city, he tried to sell her off, but Starburst had managed to gain a rather undesirable reputation among the known slave traders. She was defiant, which was a dangerous thing for a slaver but gave her an advantage. She was known. Slaves were nobodies. They were faceless, nameless, workers, good for only that one purpose. So she clung to that one advantage with all her might. She was defiant toward any buyer, which in turn made her un-purchasable. The only thing that Starburst truly feared however, was that one day Rasheeda would finely grow tired of her and just kill her. She felt safe for now as she was still alive, and was grateful for it.

Chapter 2: The City of Per-Bast

The tall majestic pillers of Per-Bast loomed above Starburst as she entered the great city and her excitement grew. Rasheeda led the wagon through the expansive and crowded streets and soon pulled to a stop beside an inn near the bustling market place. Starburst leaned against the wagon and took in a grateful breath. Smells wafted towards her from all directions. The warm smell of baking aysh bread, of clean water from a nearby well, and of dirty water being thrown into the street. Everything smelled wonderful and alive and it made Starburst's heart soar.

Rasheeda approached her and took hold of the rope, untying it from the wagon and led her to the well.

"Get cleaned up and if you look suitable for selling today, I might just give you food." Starburst nodded eagerly as he unbound her paws. Rasheeda addressed a large lion standing nearby.

"Keep a sharp eye on her, she's a reckless and defiant slave. Damn near impossible to sell. Had the bitch for over a year now!" The lion nodded and eyed her severely.

"Of course Rasheeda. Won't take my eyes off the little pussy cat." Rasheeda nodded and walked off. The lion tossed her a rag and jabbed a claw towards the well.

"Wash up slave." Starburst dipped the rag into the cool water and gratefully began to scrub away the sand and grime from her fur. She scrubbed deep into her fur, letting the water soak her dry skin beneath.

A lioness walked up to her, handing over a bucket. Starburst politely nodded her thanks and plunged the bucket into the well. She drew it up and dumped the water over her head. Streaks of muddy water and blood ran off of her matted fur and onto the ground. She shivered but did it at least six more times before Rasheeda returned. He talked a while with the lion and then turned to her. She stood still and nervous while he inspected her. He sighed heavily and grumbled, holding out a single loaf of fresh aysh bread for her. She took it and immediately sat down on the edge of the well to eat. Rasheeda glared at her and spat on the ground.

"Ungrateful slave. You're lucky I brought you that. You should be grateful, you might actually get sold today. But of course, if you don't, I think I'll just get rid of you. You've been a worthless burden for over a damn year and not a soul will even pay a god damn silver piece for your mangy hide! Enjoy that while it lasts slave, it might just be your last meal." He said darkly. Starburst swallowed hard and looked away in fear. Rasheeda grunted and left her to go tend the wagon.

Starburst feared being killed by Rasheeda but at the moment nothing was going to shatter her happiness. The aysh she held in her paw was still warm. He must've bought it fresh. The rich smells wafting upwards from the small loaf were enough to make Starburst's head spin. She ate slowly, savoring the rough, gritty texture on her tongue and the sweet wheat flavor. The streets bustled with anthros and Starburst smiled as the laughter of children reached her ears. They ran through the streets, weaving in and out of anthro's going about their daily affairs. Starburst watched as two young girls tossed a ball back and forth and sang a song. She began to hum the unfamiliar tune and the flow of sweet notes brought back a flood of even sweeter memories.

Starburst was drawn from her reminiscing by Rasheeda yelling at her.

"Are you done eating slave? Stop lounging about you worthless little bitch! Time to go to the stalls and see if I can make even one silver piece from your pitiful hide. Now move!" Starburst was yanked upwards by the scruff of her neck and tossed carelessly aside where she stumbled and fell. For this she received a hard kick and she scrambled forward, lurching to her feet and hastily presenting her paws to be bound. Rasheeda lashed her paws together tighter than usual with the rope and they made their way into the crowds.

Chapter 3: Slave For Sale

"Slaves for sale! Come view and pick your workers! Strong males and females! Come take a look! Slaves for sale!"

"He's too skinny. Now, here's a brawny worker. Three silver for this one." A fox said holding the arm of a stout cat.

"He's a hard worker, I'll take five."

"Fine, here. Let's go slave." The fox grumbled and handed over the silver pieces. Starbust stood in a long line of rugged looking Anthro's. They all looked tired, broken, and full of anger or sorrow. There was no hope here, you were a slave and always would be in this place. Rasheeda primped his scaly head and smiled greasily at potential buyers. A loud voice suddenly boomed above the din of the crowd.

"Stand aside! All buyers step back!"

"What is the meaning of this? Can't you see there are slaves to be sold?"

"Yes urchin, I can well see that. The Pharaoh needs slaves to serve at the palace. The royal Vizier has come to choose them. Now stand aside!" The scrawny rat running the slave stall bowed hastily to the palace guard and ducked away. A tall Gemsbok came walking down the line of slaves, looking them over. He wore loose white gauzy robes and a beaded weshet of gold, turquoise, and ivory about his graceful neck.

Rasheeda stood up a little straighter and actually bowed as the Vizier drew near. The vizier addressed the scrawny rat and placed a hefty pouch of jingling bits into the rats paws.

"Two hundred silver for four slaves. Divide it amongst the slavers whose slaves I pick from." The vizier told the rat lazily. The rat nodded eagarly and made a wide sweeping gesture towards the line of slaves.

"Of course your Eminence! Please take the slaves you wish. I will be sure their master's are paid the amount they are due." He gave a toothy smile and a low bow. The Vizier sniffed disdainfully and walked away. He approached Rasheeda and Starburst and stopped. In a fluid movement he stepped forward and cupped starburst's muzzle. He lifted her head and examined her face closely. Then, grasping her upper arm, he turned her and looked down her ragged tunic at her back.

"Do you whip this slave?" The Vizier asked Rasheeda. Rasheeda blinked, Starburst could tell that he was nervous.

"No your Eminence, I only beat my slaves with a club." The Vizier pursed his lips and Rasheeda swallowed uncomfortably. "Of course, only when my slave gets out of hand." He added hurriedly.

"So, this slave is unruly and uncontrollable then?" The Vizier asked, still staring intently at Starburst.

"No! No, your Eminense, sh-she is very well behaved! A-and a very diligent worker sire." The Vizier made a motion to his guard and dropped Starburst's arm. Rasheeda started to look desperate as the Vizier began to walk on down the line of slaves.

"Wait! Sire, she works harder than any female slave I've owned. She can lift as much as any male! She-she can sing! Does it all the time, but is very obedient when told to stop!" The Vizier turned towards Rasheeda with an annoyed look on his face.

"You will be silent slaver. You obviously treat your slave poorly if she truly acts as good as you claim her to. Her fur is dirty and stained in blood from barely healed wounds. She looks like she's only been fed mere scraps and because of that I doubt that she could even lift a small sack of grain. She disgraces you as a slave trader." Rasheeda gaped and looked away from the Vizier in angry shame.

The Vizier walked on and chose two strong looking oxen from the line. They were pulled from the line and taken aside by another palace guard. Starburst stole a glance at Rasheeda and could see that he was seething with humiliation and rage. A cold ball of terror formed in her stomach at the thought of what awaited her when evening came.

The Vizier made his way back down the line of slaves and chose a lean looking hound standing near Starburst. He yet again walked past her and didn't give her or Rasheeda a second glance. He took a writing tablet from a guard and scrawled something on it and waved the stylus lazily in the air.

"Take the tigress, but pay the slaver who owns her half of what he's due because she is in such poor condition." Rasheeda's eyes bulged and he choked, his eyes flashing with anger as he struggled to remain silent. Starburst was stunned. She had actually been sold to work in the Pharaoh's palace. A real palace! A guard took her rope and led her away from Rasheeda. She followed in a daze and stood with the other three slaves off to the side of the line.

When the Vizier approached them, Starburst lowered her head as a sign of submittance and respect. The Vizier noticed and nodded approvingly.

"These two are to be taken to the fields to work the grain storage." He gestured to the two male oxen. "And take the hound to the inner kitchens of the palace and the tigress to the female quarters. She will work with the other women. Go." Starburst and the lean hound were led away by a palace guard and she stole a glance over her shoulder at the trade stalls. Rasheeda stood there staring after her with pure hatred in his eyes, a small pouch dangling from his claws. She felt as though she could finely breath and for the first time in over a year, she saw the smallest glint of hope for the future.

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