The Myth and Legend of a Monster: The Divine Legend

Story by Jedah on SoFurry

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#5 of The Myth and Legend of a Monster

Disclaimer: Everything in this story belongs to me. However, there are some aspects in this that are based off of other works, including "The Legend of a Warrior" which is the creation of the artist and author known as Killer Tiger, to whom this is a homage to and I regard as a much better writer. Thus, you'll see some similarities between the two series for example. Also as you'd notice, the part in the kingdom of Tramis and its fortress is closely based off of Mottram from Chapter 4 of "The Legend of a Warrior". I'm just saying this so if anybody's going to get angry (that includes you, Killer Tiger), I fully acknowledge that the two places have a basis in "Legend" here and was inspired to deliberately put something similar in there.

The huge double doors of Drewen's royal palace, which had a guard armed with a rifle standing on both sides of it, then opened and Kiaru, now fully dressed, came out of the grand hall still carrying the box Drake gave him. The Legend was accompanied by three guards who were several meters behind him in the grand hall, all of them having rifles trained on him. When the three guards reached the threshold, the two guards standing on either side pointed their guns at the emperor. The reason why they all have their guns trained on the legendary Dark Blitz is because all five were ordered to fire on the emperor should he act on any foolish ideas of storming the palace and try to kill their new pack leader, the legendary mercenary assassin known as Drake "Hellblazer" Harkonen.

Kiaru, still greatly weakened from the curare-derived muscle relaxant Drake pumped him full of, had no such intentions to act what is essentially a suicide move. He was, however, extremely pissed off at the psychological torture and public humiliation Drake gave him along with being betrayed by Raikov, Renee, Drewen's military, and the slave girls, and the fact that he was coerced into giving up the nation of Drewen to the sadistic dragon. Despite this anger, he was not going to go to war with Drake when he returns to Tramis due to the other wars his empire is fighting along with dealing with rivals to his empire.

Still having the taste of sand from the palace's coliseum in his mouth, the giant, black, red-eyed tiger went down the short stairway leading away from the palace, heading towards the red muscle car that he came in with. Having reached the car, Kiaru looked in the backseat and saw that his both his sheathed broadswords and holstered handgun were in the backseat of the car. He opened the right side's back door, set the box he was carrying down, and examined his weapons, making sure that the swords weren't fake and that the handgun wasn't loaded with blanks, like the "bullets" he tried to shoot Renee. He did find that the weapons were indeed real, but found that the handgun had no ammo magazine in it. He also found that there wasn't a bullet loaded in the chamber. This proves to Kiaru that Drake is indeed smart, since this leaves him solely with the weapon-based offense of attacking with his swords and throwing the gun at whoever would be foolish enough to fight the emperor. Even in his weakened state, the emperor was still a deadly and skilled fighter who is capable of killing a group of opponents. He had every right to be called a "legend", and would not forget the torture and humilation that Drake wrought upon him today.

Putting the weapons down in the backseat and closing the right side's back door, Kiaru moved around to the left side of the car and opened the front door, setting himself down on the driver's seat. Putting on his seatbelt, the emperor then took out his car keys out of his pocket, started the engine, and drove off. The five guards saw him drive through the vast garden and go out of the main gate of the outer walls, whose guards had just opened up in order to let him out. Satisfied, the two guards went back to the sides of the entrance while the other three went inside the palace, closing the door behind them.

As Kiaru drove on throughout of the capital of Drewen, he along with the guards had completely failed to see that the car had an unknown passenger sitting in the backseat, right next to the broadswords, handgun, and box. This passenger was none other than the mysterious figure that had viewed the emperor's torture, public humiliation, and coercion at the hands of Hellblazer from behind the arena's glass dome on the rooftop. It would've been blatantly obvious for the emperor and the guards to have seen this figure sitting in the back before Kiaru had even reached the car, but it was transparent the whole time and still is, making it nearly impossible to see even at close range. If Kiaru had noticed, he would've saw that the figure was actually much closer to 12 feet in height rather than ten, but even then it would've been impossible to determine the exact height due to the figure sitting down.

The figure's intentions were unknown, other than that it was working for an enigmatic figure known as "Lord Marcus", but apparently it wasn't ordered to assassinate Emperor Kiaru. If that was the case, it would've acted already and killed the emperor when he had opened the backdoor of the car to examine his weapons. Instead, it was ordered to monitor Kiaru and report the emperor's activities for it master. It was also assigned to watch over the Legend, who was completely unaware of the mysterious figure, and keep a lookout for "him," a certain individual who had some bad blood with Marcus starting 27 years ago. Loyal to its master, the figure is willing to do this even for years, and just simply sat and waited as Kiaru drove on, whose car had just reached the city limits of the capital. The car then drove out onto the highway, heading eastwards towards the nation of Tramis, the main capital of the empire...

Soon, the double doors of the palace opened again, and the two guards waited to see who it was. It wasn't a tiger or any of the "normal" minorities that came out, but was instead an extremely muscular, purple-eyed, 14 foot, 10 inch tall black dragon, in fact the same one who wanted to contact the "Queen" about Hellblazer having just turned Drewen into a PMC, come out of the doorway. However, instead of moving rapidly and silently, he was just casually walking, putting up the appearance that he was just a "normal" minority and not anything else. As the black dragon walked down the short stairway, into the vast garden, and eventually went through the main gate, the black dragon then walked throughout the streets, going down many blocks away from the palace.

Eventually, the black dragon had reached a hotel that had several floors in it. Going into the lobby, he reached an elevator and clicked on the button besides it. He waited until he heard the elevator come down and the doors open up. Going in, he pressed a button that went to the 17th floor, and after the elevator doors closed along with the elevator going up, he simply waited until the elevator went to a stop and both doors opened. Stepping out, he made his way through the hallway, stopping at a door marked "1708". He then unlocked the door and entered, going past the threshold, and then turning around and locking the door behind him. Within the living room, the black dragon went to the couch in the center of the room, reached down under it, and pulled out a laptop case. Setting it on the table in front of the couch, the dragon then went through the apartment, making his way to the bathroom. He had drank some fluids prior to attending the palace's coliseum and needed to relive himself. The black dragon then lifted up the toilet seat, unzipped his pants, reached into his slit and pulled out a huge, black cock that's comparable in size to Kiaru's and also had a draconic foreskin like Drake's.

As a stream of yellow piss began to drain out of his bladder, the dragon began to visualize a memory of what had happened a few hours ago. The black dragon was in fact an assassin who works as an agent of the Assassin's Guild like Drake. Armed with some blades, a suppressed pistol, and a garrot, he had broke into stylish flat of an apartment complex on the other side of town that was owned by a male tiger. The tiger in question was Scotty Russel, a rich, depraved male who a few days ago had attended an illegal sex party hosted by Darryl Montana, a drug dealer from Fury that was brutally murdered by an unidentified assassin, which the black dragon knew was Hellblazer, the day the party happened. What made Scotty stand out from the other males, all of which were clients of Montana, was the fact that he was the son of the head of a secret high class prostitution ring, which was normally illegal thanks to the law that only the pack leaders of Tigris, be it king or landser, and soldiers that the pack leaders chose get to have "forbidden females." The identity of the prostitution ring's leader was unknown to everybody, with the exceptions of Scotty, who had a very close relationship with his father judging from phone recordings, and Mike Drozen, who actually knew about the prostitution ring but allowed it to be secretive while only being available to the elite. Besides those two connections, the only other clue to the leader's identity was that he was a corrupt colonel, like how Maximus Striker was. Since Mike Drozen was killed by Kiaru a few weeks ago and thus couldn't give out any infomation, Scotty was only the only option to the dragon, thus killing the boy would've allowed the assassin a way to track the leader down and kill him.

By picking the lock, exploring the flat, and having found Scotty in a shower, the dragon snuck up on the tiger, put a blood choke on the tiger, and snapped his neck instead of letting him asphyxiate to death. He then made it look like that the tiger had accidentally slipped and broken his neck while showering, and planted a tracking device deep within Scotty's urethra, and then left the flat while leaving no signs of evidence, including that of breaking in. He then reached the hotel via taxi cab, and had entered his room to put up his weapons. Right after that, he had heard a city-wide announcement from the military that everyone who could hear this message needed to go to the royal palace so that they could see a spectacle at the arena. Interested, the black dragon attended and the rest was recent history.

Done with taking a piss, the black dragon slipped his cock back into his slit, zipped up his pants, and flushed the toilet while putting the toilet seat down. He then went back towards the living room and sat down the couch, unzipping the laptop case and pulling out the laptop. Setting the screen up, he turned it on, also plugging in a mouse within an USB port. Putting in a specific password and pressing "enter", he watched as the computer screen loaded up, and when it was done, he zipped open a small pouch within the laptop case and pulled out a small USB device. Plugging it into another USB port, he used the mouse to click on a button that appeared on the desktop marked "A.G.", which was short for "Assassin's Guild". This caused a message window to pop up, and the black dragon started typing, making contact with a "controller" on the other side:

CTRL56: Agent Golgo, have you completed the mission?

AgentG: Not yet. I've just assassinated Scotty Russel and planted the tracking device on him, but...

CTRL56: But what, Golgo?

AgentG: I would like you to inform the Queen that Agent Hellblazer just became the mercenary leader of Drewen, turning the kingdom into a merc nation. He had tricked Emperor Kiaru into coming into the nation and Hellblazer coerced it from the Dark Blitz's empire. Hellblazer is now officially the pack leader of Drewen, making him a landser, the equivalent of a Tigressian King.

CTRL56: Hmm... interesting. Regardless of this, he's still one of our best agents and will still be doing missions if he feels he's available for us. I shall inform the Queen about this, but you need to concentrate on the mission on hand. Since you planted the tracking device, we'll be able to track the whereabouts of the body, using its location to wait for the ring leader to expose himself. You can then kill him however which way you want to once that happens.

AgentG: I will assassinate him with ease.

CTRL56: Also remember to be careful, Golgo. You are one of our best agents and would not want to lose you.

AgentG: I will. You can count on it.

Golgo then closed the window, turned the laptop off, closed it, pulled both the mouse and USB device out, and put all three items back in the laptop case along with zipping it up. He then looked at a watch on his left wrist and decided it was time to work out. He then headed out of the hotel room, intending to go to the gym. Although it most likely won't have the heavy weights needed to train the huge, powerful muscles of his perfect body, he sure as Hell would at least be able to do things like calenstitcs...

Drake, who was standing alone in the center of the huge coliseum-like arena, watched as Raikov, who was on the first floor, walked towards a huge seating box, where two huge regal chairs, one made of platinum and red velvet while the other is made of gold and red velvet, stood side-by-side. Drake could tell that these two chairs were made for King Fabian and Queen Nitesca judging from how lavish and regal they looked, most likely for the purpose of viewing combat within the arena. He doesn't know if Mike Drozen nor Kiaru used the chairs, but both rulers obviously kept them, most likely for their wealth.

Raikov went close to the box, a megaphone in his hand. He spoke to Drake through the megaphone, not wanting to yell just so everybody, the dragon included, could hear him clearly. "Drake, it seems that a good portion of the pack are here awaiting you to sit down as landser. Do you want to stay down there or do you want to come up here?"

Drake didn't care if he had to yell in order to respond, thus he did. "I'd rather stay down here for now, Raikov, but I will come up later. However, you can give me another microphone since Kiaru broke the one beside me before he left. I have some announcements to make to the crowd." He then saw Raikov order some soldiers to get their new pack leader a microphone. The soldiers followed the orders of their general with strict obedience, not wanting to disobey him. Despite Raikov still being hurt and sore from the injuries Vin inflicted on him, Raikov was still stronger and tougher than most of them. Despite the fact that he didn't have that many scars to show, Raikov was a general from Krostavia back before the Battle of Tesa, which was when it was the strongest pack in all of Cartina. That title now belongs to Tramis, which Krostavia is currently part of. The soldiers obviously feared and respected him not only due to this, but also due to the fact that he's over two generations older the the majority of them, having served under five kings, which were King William of Krostavia, Fabian's father, Fabian himself, and Mike of Drewen, and finally Kiaru of Tramis. Due to this, he had seen hundreds of battles and had won numerous wars, both when he was part of Krostavia and part of Drewen.

While the soldiers were getting the megaphone for their new leader, Renee went to the edge of the first floor's seating and jumped down into the sand, making little noise while landing. The giant, nearly 16-foot tall ligeress then walked towards the center, looking at the giant dragon. "I see that you're already giving orders out, partner. Since we've agreed that I would be the landsa of this nation, I would like to give out orders of my own." She then called up to Raikov. "Say David, can you get a slave over here to bring some bourbon for me!"

Raikov nodded and also ordered a slave to get Renee some bourbon. Despite the fact that he outranked the colonel, he and the pack were to regard her as the landsa of the nation, the mercenary equivalent of a queen, letting her outrank him despite him being a general. Raikov clearly didn't mind this for two reasons. First reason is that he does not want to get on the badside of Renee because despite him being bigger, stronger, and more skilled than most of Drewen's forces, she could easily rip him a new one in a fight. Second reason is that he does NOT want to get on Drake's badside. Although Drake was friendly with him during their first meeting, he knew that the dragon was and still is a sadistic monster, and the only reason that he helped him with his plan is because it was in his better interests. Now that he reflects on it, maybe it wasn't Drake whose ass he was saving from that military confrontation but was instead his very own men, including the colonel who commanded the military in his absence. Also, Raikov knows very well that the landser expects the tiger to serve and protect him to his death, unlike with Kiaru, whom he practically gave up to the wolves.

Soon, both a soldier and a slave came out onto the sandy arena, the soldier presenting the microphone to Drake and the slave presenting a silver platter with an open, jewel-encrusted crystal bottle of bourbon whisky and some jewel-encrusted goblets made out of white gold, in fact the same ones that were seen by Kiaru when he had entered the palace's living room. The slave in question is Nesca, who had willingly betrayed Kiaru in order to help Raikov. The red-head held up the platter with one hand and poured some wine into one of the goblets for Renee, while the soldier gave the microphone to Drake. Renee grabbed the wine-filled up goblet, while Drake grabbed the microphone from the soldier. Renee, noticing the remaining empty goblet on the platter, looked towards Drake. "Would you like some wine with me, partner?"

"I don't feel like drinking yet, partner..." He then turned his glance towards Nesca, who was beginning to leave. "But I would like you to stay here, bitch. I have something in mind for you after I make some announcements to the pack..."

Nesca stopped and turned to face her leader. "I will, my master." The slave then obediently stood by the side of her master, looking at his partner sip some wine from her goblet. She knew exactly what Drake had in mind for her, as she was told this a couple of days ago. She then began to recall what happened in the past. Two days ago, she would've never guessed that the legendary murderer of Wakusa would've appeared at the royal palace, along with the support of the then-missing General Raikov, the then-wanted criminal Colonel Renee, Maria Striker, and the military nonetheless. When the giant, extremely muscular, black-skinned, red-eyed draconic mercenary appeared, he had introduced himself to the numerous girls, not acting like a feared mass murderer but with elegance and nobility worthy of those who belong to royalty. This had surprised Nesca and the palace slaves, because all of them had heard tales of Hellblazer's legend, all of which emphasized on his monstrous cruelty and the numerous rapes and deaths he had racked up both in and out of the battlefield and included both the times when he was part of the mercenary group known as the Hellions and after their downfall with the destruction of Wakusa.

When Drake had introduced the girls to the plan of tricking the emperor to come to Drewen and then coerce him into giving the nation to Drake, some of the palace guards along with some of the girls, herself included, had openly expressed their dislike of the idea, asking why are they betraying the emperor and letting the infamous assassin, who had murdered the capital's entire police, become pack leader, especially since he wasn't a tiger as members from other species weren't viewed as equals to the tigers in Tigris unless they happened to be either mercenaries and/or landsers. General Raikov quickly put all of them in their place, saying that he would put to death anybody who opposed this idea. Since Raikov is the second-in-command of Drewen's forces, second only to Kiaru, the guards and slaves, Nesca included, stopped questioning Drake's plan, as they did not want to challenge the general.

After that had happened, Drake, to Nesca's knowledge, then spent the day getting to know the castle, having Raikov get to show him around while also being accompanied by Renee. Nesca was unsure of how much of the castle Hellblazer saw that day, but she did know that afterwards during the night, the loud sounds of Drake giving Renee a hard, powerful, and passionate fucking were heard in the king's bedroom up at the highest tower of the castle, the noise being heard well beyond the bedroom door. In the morning of the next day, which was technically yesterday, Drake got to "know" a huge portion of the other slaves, by inviting them to go up to the king's bedroom and giving them what they had described to the other girls as the best fucking of their lives, where he often took them by all of their three holes and also employed some tailfucking, also pleasing Renee as well. Although Fabian, Mike, and most certainly Kiaru were not at all weak lovers and were well-endowed, they simply could not compare to Drake's gigantic six-foot plus size, sexual prowess, and the fact that like lions and ligers, he could ejaculate huge amounts of hot, manly seed many, many times.

Nesca, who wasn't one of the slaves that was invited, was unsure of what the mercenary did later that day other than training with Renee both at the gym and the arena, and eating meals served by slave girls as ordered by Raikov, but before the day was over, Hellblazer had told that she would get to "know" him after he became the landser of Drewen. When the night had passed and morning came, the sounds of Drake fucking Renee hard and passionately could be heard from behind the royal bedroom door. Also, Drake's plan was already in motion, as the message to Kiaru was sent the previous night. When Kiaru had arrived, Nesca was ordered to do her part, playing on Kiaru's favoritism towards her in order to distract him so that Maria could switch his gun with the water pistol, or else she would pay the price. The rest was most recent history...

With this in mind, Nesca watched as Drake put the microphone up to his mouth, ready to speak to the pack along with the audience in the arena, which in total numbered in the hundreds due to the arena's coliseum-like size. "Even though I just became your pack leader, I already have some orders to give out. Now although I expect these orders to be followed by the pack without question, I also expect them to be followed by you minorities as well. Whoever doesn't follow these orders will be subject to punishment, which may or may not be death!" He heard various members of the crowd, mainly the minorities, speak amongst themselves, and waited until they were done. "Now my first order is directed to the members to the pack themselves, so tigers, you'd better listen up. I've noticed that like other nations, including Kiaru's empire, you've been treating the minorities like shit. Well that's going to change. You are no longer going to treat the minorities like scum and are going to treat them with more tolerance, like how the nations of Krostavia and Bergen did once before. If any of you see fellow pack members abusing minorities without a justified reason, neutralize those scumbags on the spot!" Drake then heard several civilian pack members groan, mainly those dressed in nice suits and were haughty looking. He recognized that a good number of them were the same depraved elite individuals who had attended the illegal sex prty of Daryl Montana three days ago.

Drake then directed his attention to the other races. "Now as for you minorities, this does mean you'll be treated as equals to the tigers, and that you'll be treated without disdain, predijuice, disdain, disrespect, etc. However, you and the nonmilitary pack members will be treated as near equals by the soldiers, non-tiger soldiers included. Even though I'm a minority myself, I respect warriors and I'm stronger than any member of this pack in combat, thus I get treated with respect. Unless you join the military and prove yourself to be formidable fighters, you'll still be regarded as less than equal to the military. Get out of line with them, and you get out of line with me, and I can put you to death..." He let out a pause, and then continued, or worse." Now although you may think death is pretty bad, I'm an expert at torture and know that there are many things that are much worse than death! If any of you disobey my rules without a good reason, I can subjugate you to the possibility of experiencing a number of truly agonizing punishments before dying. To get an idea of what I mean, look up the myraid of ways that Dracul Tepes, the draconic ruler of the mythical Reagean Empire, tortured his victims. There, you'll find a good idea of the many ways I can punish you, many of which will have you begging for death long before I'm done with you. Like him, I can be just but cruel, so you'd better follow my laws!" Drake had mentioned Dracul Tepes because he knows very well that the draconic ruler, who he in fact was but the pack members and minorities didn't know, had tortured people to death in a huge number of ways despite mainly being known for impalement, whose victims literally lasted for days in pure agony before finally dying.

The dragon then continued with his orders. "Now as of today, the non-military police force of Drewen will be disassembled and be completely replaced by the pack's military. Since King Fabian's reign, the military had lost their power and were subjugated to nothing more than fighting wars and battles. Now with me as pack leader, this region will be turned into a military state and the military will enjoy the power they once had, looking over the minorities. As for the police force from Drewen's other towns and cities, each member will be integrated into the military, becoming soldiers rather than police officers. They'll no longer be the spineless police force they once were during Mike Drozen's reign and will be hardened soldiers, essentially be doing the same thing as they did previously, but with the addition of going through military training and fighting battles and wars when called to duty. Since this was a nation that was known for being a cesspit of full vice and crime like Krostavia once was, I also expect them AND the rest of the military to clean the towns and cities of crime, like what your former ruler Kiaru ordered a few weeks ago. During my few days here as an assassin, I've seen arms-dealing, an illegal sex party, the taking of drugs, counterfeiting, and snuff film making, and I don't want any of that or similar activity in my towns and cities. However, I would allow the production of porn films within my nation. I want my territory clean of crime, and if any of you, civilian or military, break my rules, you'll be subjected to death or worse at either my hands or your fellow pack members if I order it..."

Renee, having finished her bourbon, asked Nesca to pour more of it into her goblet. The smaller cat did as Drake continued speaking through the microphone, both to the minorities and the pack members. "Now since Drewen is a merc nation, the wars its soldiers would be fighting in would mostly be wars for profit from other nations, thus these soldiers would be mercenaries. However, that does not mean that there won't be non-profit battles and wars, as I intend to defend my pack against invading nations along with gaining territory as I see fit. As of the wandering males I'm sure would present themselves to me as rivals, I intend to defeat them in a fair fight, thus if they openly come out to challenge me, don't try to stop them. Instead, have the soldiers take them directly to me and we'll dual. I always enjoy a good fight, especially if it's an honorable one."

Raikov then responded, "Well then what about military training? I've fought alongside Drewen's men and won many wars, but the soldiers, with the exception of Renee, are not as good as that of Krostavia's." When he was captured, he had already introduced the Kariram, Krostavia's massacring individual physical training for the parachutists of Drewen, and this had greatly improved the soldiers during both the reigns of King Fabian and his father before him. During those times, he was harsh and steely, massacreing his soldiers very often and having them humilated, insulted, beatan merclessly, and spit blood at times. Although this did lead to him being called derogative names like "Old Bastard", this did result in huge improvement, leading the warriors in the military to be downright lethal in combat yet hating the general at times. However, they still weren't as good as the soldiers of his native pack Krostavia at the peak of their power.

Drake responded to the tiger, "Well then the military training would be more rigorous then it was before. I want all of my soldiers to be massacred every day!" He then heard the majority of soldiers within the arena, most of which were sired by Mike Drozen, groan and grovel in response. The minorities didn't seem to mind. Drake continued, a bit annoyed, "I don't give a fuck if the majority of you think it's too harsh. I want my mercenaries to be the best! I'm sure Emperor Kiaru would've had you do the same if he was still ruler of this territory."

Renee, still holding her goblet, tapped the dragon on the shoulder, catching her partner's attention. "You are sure are being harsh on the soldiers, lover. I think you're doing a good job so far, since Mike Drozen's reign had slowly degraded the military, even before I joined it."

He then spoke without the microphone. "Then it's good that I'm establishing this rule, because I don't want just good soldiers, but instead I want great soldiers in my forces." Drake then turned away from her, facing Raikov as he spoke into the microphone. "Now another rule that I'd like to establish is that the every civilian pack member, both male and female, who do not have a job without a good excuse, such as having a disability, should be enlisted in the military starting tomorrow! This includes the elite, who I think can just live off their huge supplies of wealth without doing anything useful!" He then heard a good number of the civilian pack members, especially the females and the elite, in the arena grovel, but he didn't care. He had fought and killed so many civilians, both tigers and minorities, who didn't provide even a decent challenge. He also grew up in an ancient culture that had both men and women of his species raised to be soldiers among other things. "I'm happy as it is with the number of slaves in this palace, but in order for this nation to defend itself properly, the majority of the pack, including its civilians, should be able to defend itself from the enemy. Unless the tigress' are pregnant, crippled, are in a job, or currently raising children, they'd be deployed into battle with the males. However, they'll still be forbidden for other males to fuck and impregnate except for me and males of my choosing, as it is my duty as a Tigrisian ruler to impregnate as many female pack members as possible and ensure the next generation. The genetic imprint is better than average around here, but I'm thinking my draconic genes would greatly help the nation. It would greatly improve the army at best."

Within a minute after Drake finished giving out his first orders, he and Renee made their way up the two chairs in the huge seating box, with Nesca following them. There, the two partners sat down and had Raikov, the soldiers, and the civilians attending the arena go through a long inaugural ceremony, which was not quite the same as a royal coronation ceremony. It was similar to a coronation, except it did not all have any Regalia nor the religious notions that was associated with marking the investiture of a monarch. Instead, it was more formal and involved both Drake Drake and Renee to be sworn in to serve Drewen as the rulers of Drewen, landser and landsa respectively. Also, despite being the equivalent of a coronation ceremony, it is much younger, being a little more than 1400 years old. Raikov and the other soldiers were not at all embarrassed, since this was one of the very few inaugurations the region ever had, as most of the other pack leaders in the Drewen's long, long history were kings, with very few being landsers.

When it came time for Drake and Renee to swear themselves in, they did not swear under an oath or vow, as both Drake and Renee were atheists and did not believe in the presence of Gods. This was despite the fact that the dragon had in his ancient past encountered beings that either viewed themselves as Gods and/or were viewed by others as Gods, not to mention having been trapped in Hell literally for centuries, whereas Renee did not believe in the existence of dieties or even an afterlife at all. Instead, both made a declaration under an affirmation, which had the same effect as an oath and established them as rulers of merc nation which Drewen is now.

When the ceremony was all well and done, Drake then ordered every civilian, both male and female, to leave the arena and go about their daily business, expecting to see all the tigers/pack members tomorrow for military training. All the rich civilian pack members groaned, but none of the minorities did. As the huge crowds started moving to get out of the palace and the into the city, Drake then ordered Raikov and the guards to make go about their daily duties, and inform both the police and military out of the capital and within the military bases about the changes in the rules. After that, he had ordered that every slave should to go about their daily duties, including getting the table with the blowtorch, steak, syringe, and needle, the broken microphone and its stand, along with the green popsicle, which had long melted into the sand and is nothing more than a stick, off of the arena's sandy floor.

The only one who was not ordered was Nesca, who stood by the seating box Drake and Renee sat in the whole time. The dragon spoke to her as every attendant continued to leave, including both Raikov and Maria. "Now with the courtesy of Raikov, bitch, I had seen a good portion of this castle the past two days I've been here. I've seen the hanger-sized garage full of antique cars, the huge, lake-sized bath with warm, crystal clear water and a few waterfalls, the gigantic gymnasium full of weights, equipment, and a ring, the huge royal bedroom with a huge comfortable bed, and several other places. However, one place I've never been to would be the library here. You should show me the place."

Renee looked at her partner, surprised. "I never knew you were interested in books, lover."

One of the things about that very few people knew about the legendary mercenary was that he liked to read books at times. It'd make perfect sense though, since he existed during a time where books provided one of the few means of entertainment for well-educated people. Now a days, people are into TV and the internet for such things, which Drake also likes to engage in. Also, since Drake was actually kept in some sort of Demonic stasis for thousands of years in Selenil, he had to familiarize himself with what happened the thousands of years he'd been gone. "Well I do enjoy books every now and then, colonel. I'd just like to see the library."

Renee shrugged. "I think I'd rather lift some weights, Hellblazer. Although I do enjoy a good book, I find muscle training to be more enjoyable. Maybe you can join me later for a little bit of fun, if you know what I mean. You have to be a little quick though..." The ligeress then stood out of the chair and went away from Drake, leaving the arena. She also took the empty goblet of wine, the wine bottle, and the silver platter out too, putting them up in the living room before heading towards the gym.

Nesca looked up at Drake. "Shall we go to the library now, master?"

Drake nodded. "Lead me to it, Nesca. I'm sure it would be magnificent just like all the other rooms around here." No kidding. The majority of rooms he room he had been in, from the garage, to the living room, and to the bath, had been huge, majestic, and grand, easily showing off that it was geared towards nobles and royalty. He easily knew that it was in the tastes of King Fabian, because he knew that a defective individual like Mike Drozen wouldn't of had such lavish tastes. Drake personally didn't mind the grandness and appreciated that it was for royalty, but he sure as Hell was going get rid of those antique cars in the garage and replace them with more practical vehicles, like motorcycles, muscle cars, and some military vehicles, like the Shaker. The garage was the size of a large hanger and needed more modern vehicles instead of ancient designs. He would look very awkward riding around in an old car design, such as a Ford Model T, an A.M., a Haase, a Heine-Velox (the most expensive type of Fabian's cars), a Rochet-Schneider, a steamobile, and any other design within Fabian's garage, especially when they don't go nowhere as fast as modern cars do. Drake guessed that both Mike Drozen and Kiaru kept the cars for their value, but he sure as Hell isn't. He'd rather make some profit off of selling them. He was already insanely rich from his career as a mercenary assassin and now has an insanely rich king's riches to add onto that. Ironically, the recreational uses of the money didn't really interest him that much but rather the military and scientific uses for it.

He had this thought in mind as Nesca led him throughout the castle, going past several guards and servants, and arrived at the entrance to the library, which had two large wooden double doors that had an intricate design carved into the wood. Nesca opened the doors for him and after stepping through, the dragon stood in awe. The library, which had a tile floor consisting of light brown and dark brown tiles, was made up of two floors. The first floor was filled with dozens upon dozens of huge, tall bookshelves filled with hundreds of books, arranged in several rows of stacks parallel to each other along with the rest being stacked flat against the walls. The floor above is mainly the same, but at the top were balconies supported at the bottom with gold brackets and had a strong balustrade made of stone. The ceiling on the top, like the ceilings of the living room and the great hall, had fresco, but this time it displayed several locations of the ancient world, dating to 10,000 years in the past. One such location was the nation known as Tigrovu, which was once part of Tigris but is now part of Lupia, the nation north of Tigris which is ran by wolves.

As Drake looked at particular part of the painting, he had flashbacks of his visit to the nation during the ancient days, especially the day where he visited the nation's northernmost city, Glasthur. He remembered that day very well, where he had went to the ancient city as the ancient monster slayer and mercenary known as Drago, hired to slay the Demons that had overran the city. He had found Demons alright, but not the kind that had initially overran the city. What he ran into were the Bloodborn, Blood Demons who can not be killed by blades nor fists, can slice through any kind of organic flesh like easily, could spout acid that ate through flesh rather quickly, felt warm and wet in cold weather, and could turn the blood of the dead into their own kind among other things. He was lucky to have survived that day, but was not lucky in that both he and the whole city itself were literally taken to Hell, which he was trapped in for centuries before finally escaping back to Cartina. That's when his time as Dracul Tepes began...

Nesca noticed that the merc leader was deep in thought and reached up to tapped him on his muscular upper arm, catching his attention. "What are you thinking about?"

"I was just reflecting on the past, bitch." He looked around more at the library. "This is an impressive library. Did Fabian do this?" He presumed it was the work of King Fabian because Mike Drozen wouldn't be the type to do something like this and Kiaru only had Drewen in too short an amount of time that he couldn't of done something like this.

"It's actually the work of his father, Darian."

Drake turned towards her, leaning against the doorframe. "So Fabian's father did this, eh? Tell me what you know about him, bitch."

"Well, I actually don't know much about him other than I what I read in a history book. Darian was the king whose forces had captured General Rikov during a war with Krostavia and forced him to work for Drewen's forces, greatly improving its fighting potential. Unlike his son, who had indulged in lavish tastes and had established a non-military police force, Darian had a more traditional reign. He focused more on combat, honor, tradition, and education and also acquired lots and lots of wealth. He was always busy fighting wars to either defend Drewen, invade other nations, and/or engage in some mercenary work. The areas surrounding the capital were just villages instead of towns and cities back then who was guarded by the male members of the pack, who were all soldiers while the minorities were civilians. He also happened to have black, panther-like fur and sired a lot of children, a lot of which were black. Unlike his father and a good number of his siblings, Fabian was orange."

Drake scratched his chin. "Interesting. Maybe that explains why there is such an abundant amount of black tigers in Drewen. Black, panther-like fur is supposed to be rare, even in Tigris..." He was referring to every instance that he saw a black tiger when he was in Drewen, from Maria Striker to Daryl Montana's sex party, to Danial Clyde's police station (with the one exception of Kiaru's daughter Janelle), to the Hellcats at the Loup Fleau, and to the slave girls of the palace.

The red-headed tigress acknowledged this, "It's true, but when Fabian became king, a good number of his descendents, both children by Queen Nitesca and stepchildren by other females, were black-furred. The only other kingdom that has pretty much the same ratio of black tigers per area would be Kiaru's empire."

"Interesting. I now have a question I'd like to ask out of curiosity, bitch. Who actually started the landser tradition in Tigris?" Drake recalls that back in the ancient days, before his reign of Dracul Tepes was put to an end, there were no landsers at all. Not a single one.

"Well to my knowledge, master, the first landser, contrary to popular belief, was not a member of a non-tiger race. Instead, it was an ancient Virgilian mercenary named Strigon Landsknecht."

"So it was a Landscknect that started this whole landser thing?" Drake thought that would make sense, because "landser" would be easier to pronounce than "landscknect" and apparently, Strigon thought so too. It was also interesting that the first landser was from Virgi, which was Bergen was before it got its modern name. "So tell me about Strigon, bitch. What was he like?"

"Well I don't know a lot of info about him. All I know is that he was a giant, purple-eyed liger of draconic lineage, had the rare maltese coloring going more towards gray rather than blue. It is said that he was a legendary warrior who was constantly thirsted for battle and due to his skill with a sword and incredulous strength, had lived for several centuries, grew to an enourmous height that made him nearly undefeatable, and supposedly had the power to control his size. At least 50 years before his death, he had made the nation of Virgi the first merc nation within Tigris before being finally brought down around 1400 years ago."

"So what brought this giant down, bitch? I doubt it was anybody of my size." Although Drake had fought some pretty old ligers, he never had fought a liger that is centuries old. He pictured Strigon to have been at least a couple hundred feet or so, which means that something like magic or a Demon had to be in use just to defeat the mercenary.

Nesca giggled. "I doubt you could've taken him on, as powerful as you are. I haven't looked into the legends about him that much in order to find out how he went down, but it is known that he disappeared when the group of monsters called Mortuus Carcer appeared and destroyed his city."

"Can you explain to me what this group is? I never heard of it." Drake had heard of the terms "Mortuus" and "Carcer" before, but not together. In one of the many Demonic languages he learned while stuck in the circle of Hell known as Lumiora, he learned that "Mortuus" means "Dead" and that "Carcer" means "Cell". In other words, "Mortuus Carcer" translates into "Dead Cell".

"You never heard of it? Well according to the stories, Mortuus Carcer is not just a group of Demons but also a group of mercenaries. The monsters that composed this group consisted of various members of the undead and Demons. The only other things I know about this group is that the elite members are called "Suicide makers", named so because it would be suicide for anybody to go against a single member, and that the leader of the group is called the "Godhead," since it and the diety known as the God of the Hunt are implied to be one and the same. The reason why this is supposed is because the same marking that the God of the Hunt leaves is the exact same as the mark that Mortuus Carcer leaves. There were multiple sightings of this group throughout history, with the latest being 458 years ago, but that's all I know about the group. I'd like to think that they're myth rather than legend. Strigon, on the other hand, may have been a legend but is now more of a myth. Ah what the Hell, I don't believe in Demons and magic and I'd like to think of Mortuus Carcer as nothing more than a fairytale."

Drake was not liking the sound of this one bit. Although he did believe in Demons, the idea of a faction of Demonic mercenaries, and headed by none other than the Beast/Devil Warrior himself, was quite unsettling. However, he definitely was going to change the subject as his slave did not know . The draconic warrior took his back off the wall and put a heavily muscled arm around Nesca's firm back. "Do you know your way around this library, bitch? I'd like to see the kinds of books that are in here..."

Nesca nodded and began showing the giant dragon around, going past a few maids and book keepers along the way. Drake unsurprisingly found that the library sported a gigantic collection of books of almost every genre of both non-fiction and fiction. The non-fiction genres include world history, mythology, cooking, military, computers, art, weapons, movie info, pictures, architecture, sports, board games, and other things. The fictional genres include noir, horror, romance, sci-fi, comics, gaming, manga, comedy, and even some hentai along with other such things. Drake figured that the more recent stuff was from Mike's reign, the moderately new stuff was from Fabian, but the older looking stuff, the stuff that looked like tomes and 50 years old or so, had to be from Darian.

Nesca also showed him that the library also had a room that contained a collection of DVDs and tapes in some cabinets, along with a small, private theater to view them with a black leather couch and a black recliner to sit in that has a small table with the DVD/VHS player (they play both) controller resting on it. Drake was surprised that neither the living room nor the royal bedroom had such a theater in it, as this theater was high class, with a huge screen spanning meters feet wide and several meters tall, being taller and wider than even Drake's nearly 19-foot height. He saw that most of the genres the library books had were there, but with the addition of homemade porn tapes, some of which Nesca admitted that she was part of, and some hentai. As Drake looked through the sex tapes, he saw that the majority of them were from Mike Drozen. There were none that were accredited to Darian, Fabian, nor Kiaru although Kiaru had made that sex tape with Leela. Nesca explained that the theater was purely Mike's idea and was one of the few additions to that was not vice-filled. Drake figured that this would be the case as DVD's hadn't existed in Fabian's time.

As he looked behind some sex tapes, he saw that there was a camera. Drake took the camera out of the cabinet and examined it, seeing that it had Mike's name written on it. He then opened it and saw that there was a tape still inside it. He figured that it was Mike's last sex tape before Kiaru killed him in a dual. Although Mike was long dead and was a despicable individual that Drake had never met, he wanted to see what the former king looked like. He gave the tape to Nesca. "Turn on the theater and play this, bitch. I'd like to see how Mike is in bed. You can get to 'know' me as it's going on..."

Nesca turned around and turned on the theater, along with inserting the tape into the DVD/VHS player, which started to play the tape. Taking off his black jacket and setting it down on the table after grabbing the remote, Drake sat down not on the recliner, but instead on the left side of the couch. He also ordered Nesca to sit with him, patting the right side of the couch next to him. She went over to the couch and sat by him. He stretched out his left muscular arm alongside the length of the couch and wrapped it around Nesca, bringing her closer to him, and resting her body close to the side of his black tank top. Being so close to him now, she was able to smell his musky scent, and she couldn't help but enjoy how manly it was. Although she did enjoy both the scent of Mike during his reign and the more manly scent of emperor Kiaru when she became his "favorite" of the girls in the short amount of time he was in Drewen as king, the smell of Drake was much more manly and pleasing to her. She felt herself already a little hot amd wet just from smelling the dragon. This caused her to blush a bit, already a little turned on.

The first few moments of the tape showed nothing but blackness, but when it actually started to show some footage, it showed one of the girls in the living room standing in front of the jade table, with the booze and goblets on it. To Drake's interest, the tigress in question was actually the black-furred police officer whom he crushed to death with a fellow officer back in the police station, and she was already naked. Her body was nice, firm, and voluptuous, and her hair was long, silky, and straight. Apparently, Mike was shooting a "gonzo-style" porn film, sitting on the ivory, white leather couch holding the camera with his left hand as nothing but quick glimpses of his right hand could be seen along with a more, less brief view of his legs, abdomen, and balls and cock, which was hard and erect, along with the seating on the couch.

Judging from what Drake had seen, the fur on what he could see on Mike was actually a Golden Tabby orange, the body was just a bit more muscular and a possibly a little bigger than Raikov, and that the very few scars that Mike had were in fact mostly bullet wounds to the chest and stomach, indicating that Mike was a tough and durable individual despite using underhanded tactics to win duals, along with some slash and stab wounds that came from both dueling and fighting wars. He also noticed that Mike had no foreskin, indicating that he had underwent circumcision, and that his erect cock was a little longer than Danial Clyde's, being over two feet long. "Mike's size isn't that bad for a king..." Drake had said. "...and the female officer doesn't have a bad body either." Although he could've raped the female officer back in the police station three days ago, he had felt that he didn't have enough time before Kurtis Striker the S.W.A.T. team had arrived, which they did after he had subdued the cheif of police, Kiaru's stepdaughter, and Leela, thus why he had crushed her to death along with a fellow officer.

Nesca looked at him. "It's true that Mike had a kingly penis, but from what the other slaves had told me, his cock could not ever compare to yours even when flaccid. They told me that only Emperor Kiaru when fully erect could compare to your size both when flaccid and erect but still come up short, which I see could very much be the case judging from the huge bulge in your pants..."

Drake let out a chuckle. "I know. I'm very well-endowed. If all of those people at the arena had seen my erect cock and had seen me use it, either through rape or otherwise, I'm sure the females would've been ogling at the sight while the males would've felt embarrassed and in shame..." In a way, a good number of those males did see Drake's erect cock and saw him fuck somebody, but it was while he was fucking his descendent, the giantess porn star Linda Maril, when he was under the guise of Sepet Lucard, a giant liger gimp at Darryl Montana's party three days ago. Also, it was a bit smaller at the time too as he had to size shift.

Nesca smiled, rubbing the bulge in his pants slightly. The fact it already felt hot, hard, and huge even when flaccid got her even more lustful, and she spoke in a sexy and seductive voice. "I'm sure they would've been having those feelings, but now you have just me to deal with, and I'm feeling hot and lustful already from just being here with you. I haven't been fucked in a while, so..." She couldn't finish as Drake had leaned in and gave the redhead a deep kiss mid-sentence. She couldn't help but moan as she felt his huge, powerful, draconic tongue slide into her mouth and lap against her tongue and the insides, even going into her throat a little. She rubbed the bulge in his pants harder and more fervently, wanting to please her master, who seemingly already wanted to her to "know" him as Mike's gonzo porn movie was playing. He moaned a bit in her mouth, enjoying both her touch and her taste. He then grabbed the left side of her jewel-encrusted bikini top with his right hand, slipping the side down so that her huge left tit could be exposed. The tigress moaned strongly when he clasped his powerful right hand over her tit, giving it some firm, rolling squeezes while rolling her already erect nipple around with his thumb. She felt her body heat rise up along with getting wetter and slicker down in her crotch.

When they parted, Drake noticed that the in the video, the officer was already down on her knees and is in the midst of pleasing Mike, who was basically murring as he kept the camera focused on her stroking his cock, stroking it all the way to the top with a hand lubricated by saliva while licking the glans. Within a few seconds, the female began to push her mouth down onto the glans and upper shaft of Mike, bringing her king more pleasure as she went down further on his cock. Drake, enjoying the show, began to feel his own erection grow within his pants. Nesca felt it too and watched as the front of his black pants, which already looked too tightly pressed against his cock, bulge out even more fiercely as his cock began to push against it, looking like it was about to tear open. The red-head's vaginal gate grew even hotter and wetter and she licked her lips at the sight.

Drake then felt her hand push against the increasing bulge of his crotch, stroking it lovingly against the fabric of his pants. She moaned a bit, feeling that in its semi-flaccid state that it was already hot and hard. He then saw her get off the couch and get between his huge, muscular legs, going onto her knees. "May I please you, my master?" The red-headed tigress said in a seductive voice as she began to undo his pants.

When she had unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, he grabbed her by the arms. "I would rather please you first. Your cunt would need the lubrication, as you could see by this..." Drake then quickly lifted the 11 foot, 5 inch tall tigress into a standing position. He then used one hand to slip his pants down so that it hang off the bottom of his legs, freely exposing his crotch.

Nesca gasped as she could see with her own two eyes the dragon's gigantic monster. It was just like how the other girls had described it with no exaggeration. Hanging out of his blood-colored slit was his huge, black, veiny monster, which she noticed was over three feet long in its still-flaccid state and is currently getting closer to four, along with seeing a draconic foreskin on it that was uncommon to dragons. It also happened to be already covered in deposits of wet blood, precum, saliva, draconic seed, and creamy female ejaculate, which she presumed came from the multiple fuckings Drake had given his partner in the morning. Renee is surely one lucky girl to have him as her partner, which is currently the closest thing both have as a mate and could be viewed as such by others. "Your cock is indeed huge, but how will you please me?"

Drake turned her around and sat her down on the couch right in front of him, pressing her back against his front. She could feel the heat and hardness of his huge length as it grew on her back along with how wet and lubricated the bloody cum, precum, and saliva. She could feel his huge, gigantic rubies, each larger than her huge, larger-than-soccer-balls-sized breasts, press against her backside and emit their own musky smell to accompany that of his cock and lubrication. This combined with the musky smell from his seed and precum, both of which were more intense than the rest of his body, increased her lust and desire for him even more. She heard him speak into her ear as Mike's porno kept playing, where she could see, at that point in time, the officer going all deep throat on Mike's over 2 feet length while caressing his balls with both hands. "I've been thinking of having you watch this movie of your former king and lover while I please you in various ways, bitch. Watching him get off on this female must be pleasing to you at least."

Nesca couldn't deny this. Despite Mike being a horrible man, which was a point the tigress Leela liked to go on about before her death, he was indeed a strong lover before dying at the hands of an even stronger one, Kiaru. Now that landser Drake Harkonen, one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, lovers is going to get her off while having her watch a video of her former king fucking a now deceased cop before being fucked by him. "I do admit that watching Mike fuck is something that's pleasing to me, even after he's long dead, master. I've even masturbated to thoughts of him fucking me again back when he was king."

Drake chuckled, grasping her exposed left tit with his left hand and started to squeeze it again, rubbing her nipple again too. "Well prepare to get off to him as I please you, bitch. This is certainly the last time you'll be able to do so, especially after you've had me, as I'm going to get rid of the tapes." He then moved his right hand over to the front of her bikini bottom and slightly dipped his fingers below the bikini line. The tigress let out a moan as she felt her master push fingers deeper into her bikini bottom and rub his fingers against the outer labia of her vaginal gates, which he felt were hot and slickened with her juices, and were already a bit permanently stretched by the multiple fuckings Kiaru gave her. While Drake was doing this, she watched Mike, whose face was unseen on the screen due to his gonzo style of filming porno, grab the back of the officer's head as she bobbed her head up and down on his kingly cock and pushed her down on his cock even more whenever she went down. As she watched, she got more turned on by a combination of the sight and of feeling Hellblazer's fingers rubbing against her gates and her left breast. She also felt the dragon's huge cock grow inch by inch on her back, getting more blood, cum, and other lubricant on it as it grew larger.

The redhead's pleasure started to heighten as two of Drake's fingers pushed against her inner labia, penetrating into her inner gates. She then murred as he started finger-fucking her, pumping his fingers into her pussy. At this point, Mike drew his cock out of the officer's mouth and had her go on all fours on the couch getting behind her to penetrate her with his cock. Nesca then moaned in lust as she felt Drake finger her harder, using his left hand to completely undo her bikini top and take it off, and then started rubbing and squeezing her right breast, switching between the two breasts periodically. Her bikini bottom got wetter and wetter as the giant dragon finger her harder, his cock eventually becoming fully erect and harder than diamond.

The tigress' lust and desire increased as she felt the full length of her master's well-lubricated, hot, thick manmeat, which 6 feet, 4 inches and more than half her height, press and throb against her back. This combined with the sight of her former king and lover Mike Drozen fucking the officer from behind on the theater's screen made for an especially exciting time. She groaned hard as she felt Drake finger her harder and deeper while simultaneously pleasing her breasts, causing her to soak the bikini bottom in her juices. "Yes, my master! You're pleasing me quite well!"

She let out a gasp as she felt him push his large fingers against her G-spot, jabbing them repeatedly against the spot. This got her close to reaching her first orgasm by his hand. "Keep doing that, Drake. You're getting me close!" Her gasps and groans started to get louder and harder, and leaning back against Drake's cock, she reached back with her arm to caress the back of Drake's powerful neck. She leaned her face up to his in order to kiss her master deeply. He let out a murr as he felt her slide her tongue into his mouth, pushing and licking against his tongue strongly like he did to her before. He returned the favor, pushing against the slave's tongue and dancing passionately with it as they both enjoyed the taste of each other.

Soon, Nesca let out a deep, hard cry into her master's mouth as she orgasmed. Drake felt his fingers get clenched on hard by her vaginal lips and get bathed in her creamy nectar, which sprayed out of her pussy and creamed the inside of her bikini bottom, soaking it so much that it started to drip out, forming a small puddle on the black leather of the couch. As she cummed, she licked against both his tongue and the insides of his mouth with strength and passion. As Nesca was orgasming, the officer who was getting fucked by Mike on the screen was yelling and making a face of orgasmic bliss as she climaxed against Mike's hard cock. His face was still unseen as he was still holding the camera in a gonzo format, and his increased moans indicated that the officer's vagina was clenching hard against his cock and massaging it wonderfully as her king kept pumping it into her. Also, Drake's engorged cockhead let out a heavy drop of precum, which had dripped down from the glans, getting onto both the shaft of Drake's cock and Nesca's back which was pressed against the shaft.

Both the orgasms of Nesca and the officer started to die down close to each other, with Nesca's dying down first and then the officer's. When the red-head's orgasm had died down completely, Drake parted from his kiss with her and pulled his fingers out of her cunt, lifting them out of her bikini bottom. He saw that they, along with the majority of his hand and his black glove, were covered in the slave's creamy nectar. He put the fingers to his mouth and tasted them, satisfied with the sweet taste of his slave's cum. "Your cunt is now ready to be pierced upon my cock, bitch."

Nesca looked up into the dragon's blood-red eyes. "Don't you want me to suck you off, master? Despite your cock being huge, I bet I can greatly please you orally like the other girls did." She sounded as sexy and seductive as she could ever be, wanting to feel her master's gargantuan length go do down her mouth, throat, and esophagus despite the fact that it was going to make her gag, choke, and be in pain.

Drake shook his head. "That sounds tempting, but it'll will have to wait next time, bitch. Renee did say I can have some 'fun' with her if I join her in the gym. I don't want to wind up going to the gym and find her gone because I was too late, thus I'd like to take you now. Besides, both my cock and your cunt are lubed up enough already as it is." He then grabbed the front of Nesca's diamond-encrusted bikini bottom and pushed downwards, sliding them off of waist. When the piece of clothing slid down her legs, she could see that several threads of her cum connected it with her cunt and inner thighs.

When Drake completely slid the bikini bottom off of Nesca's feet, he let it drop to the ground, where it made a sloshing sound when it landed along with white, creamy nectar coming out. He looked down and saw that Nesca's red pubes and orange fur in the crotch and inner thighs were covered in her white creamy nectar. He grinned, wanting to tear through that with his obsidian spear. "Get off this couch and get on all fours facing the screen, Nesca. I still want you to watch Mike get off for the last time while I fuck you."

"Why yes, master." The slave then got off the couch, freeing Drake's gargantuan member from her back and fell to her knees, placing her hands on the ground. When she did, she had her back arched in a sexy pose, wanting to visually appease the merc leader. She also lifted her tail up, wanting her master to take her. She knew being fucked by Drake was going to be painful at first, because it felt painful when Mike first took her virginity and later when Kiaru fucked her, but now she was going be fucked by someone over twice as big as Kiaru. When she looked at the screen, she saw that Mike had already cummed into the police officer once but is still erect and fucking her due to having taking some Tadalafil. His face still unseen the whole time the video has been playing, he was leaning down on the white couch, his cock rock hard and covered in both his seed and female cum as the officer climbed on top of him, ready to impale herself on his cock and straddle him.

Drake grinned, taking off his black tank top and stepping out of his pants, but kept his bandana, gloves, and dog togs on. He then he got himself behind Nesca, lifted her tail up and gave his huge, throbbing cock, already slickened from the morning's previous fuckings with Renee, some slow, powerful strokes, his foreskin partially gliding over the bottom of his engorged cockhead. Not wanting to prod and waste time, he just grabbed her by the hips and simply pushed in, like he did with Leela, another tigress who was fucked by Kiaru. Like Leela before her, Nesca cried out in pain as Drake tore through her vaginal gate, but she also cried out in pleasure that mixed with her pain as Drake didn't just cram a huge amount of his cock into rather quickly, but instead shoved in just his glans and nearly three feet into her. It was because of this, along with her cunt having gotten adapted to the size of Kiaru's similarly-sized cock, that being penetrated by Drake was made easier for her.

Also, Drake was making the most of the lubrication that was already on his huge penis from fucking Renee in the morning and of the vaginal lubrication and creamy nectar from Nesca, thus it wouldn't of been as painful for the slave as it would've been if he took her without him being lubed up. However, Drake's width is still too big for her, even after it had taken Kiaru's cock, and she felt her already permanently widened vaginal gates (by Kiaru, not drake) rip and tear, the torn tissues spurting out hot blood which covered the dragon's obsidian pole and landed onto the tiled floor of the library. This blood made her cum-covered red pubes even more like the color of blood, making it hard to distinguish from mere blood-covered fur.

Murring from how tight her pussy felt on his dark warhammer and enjoying her cries, Drake allowed some time for her pussy to adapt some to his cock, and then pushed in some more, now getting in nearly another three feet in her, making it a total of over five feet in her. Nesca again cried out in pain, but again mixed with pleasure to his enjoyment, her bloody cunt tearing up even more due to his huge width. "Good lord, master! Not only do you look bigger than Emperor Kiaru, you feel bigger too!"

The mercenary assassin chuckled, "Why of course, bitch. That bastard cannot compare with my size!" Despite this claim, he does that if he sizeshifts, his cock will at its smallest size be easily dwarfed by Kiaru's cock. Kiaru is certainly going to find this fact out after he sees the video of "Sepet Lucard" and Linda Maril fucking in Darryl Montana's sex party. He then started to pound into her using his powerful abdominals, hearing the pleasing sound of his cock tearing her up while feeling immense pleasure from her tight cunt. His cock also bulged against her abdomen, going well past her womb to indicate how deep he was inside her.

Nesca kept crying out and groaning from his brutal thrusts, which were paradoxically both terrible and pleasurable, but her lust and pleasure were continuing to grow while the pain didn't. Also, she focused what's going on in the theater's screen, which added to the slave's pleasure and helped her ignore the pain, which also slowly diminishing due to the increasing pleasure. What she was seeing was the black tigress repeatedly bouncing up and down on top of Mike's pink kingly cock while she straddles him on top of the couch, their moans and groans and the sounds of the female's fluids squelching in her vagina adding to the excitement.

The slave then felt her draconic leader and master lean his body over her back, resting his large hands alongside hers on the floor, as he increased the speed and depth of his brutal pounding. His muscular upper body was so close to her back that she felt his metal dog togs rub alongside her back every time he stabbed his huge obsidian pole in and out of her powerfully, her inner walls getting scrapped by both the hard veins in his cock and the gliding motion of his foreskin. The feeling of the cool metal repeatedly stroking the middle of her back added to the mixture of pain and ever increasing pleasure for her, making the experience all the more enjoyable for her. She looked back to see his head close to hers and caught him taking a glance at the screen, viewing Mike and the officer fucking and getting off on it. This increased her pleasure and lust, knowing that the great mercenary was getting off of the video like she was. "It seems that you're the enjoying the gonzo porn Mike had made like I am, master." She gasped out as he thrusted harder into her, causing more of her blood and juices to spray out onto his powerful legs, huge member, and gigantic rubies. "Are you sure you want throw away Mike's collection of homemade porn, Drake? You could keep it and share the videos with Renee and the other girls while you're fucking and impregnating them, my master."

Drake gave her a smile. "Not a chance, slave. After fucking you here and possibly Renee in the gym later on today, I'm going to get rid of those videos. I'd rather have them get off on just my cock rather than movies of a former lover." He let out a groan of lust as he felt his slave's cunt tense up a bit on his battering ram, feeling tighter. Her groans, murrs, growls, and cries also increased in frequency, signifying that she isn't feeling that much pain anymore. "I'm watching this just to see how good Mike is. He's surely strong as a lover, but not as great as I am. I also can't seem to even catch a glimpse of his face. Does he ever show his face when filming gonzo-style porn?"

She gave out a few growls and cries out of pleasure before answering. "No he doesn't, my lord. He always hides his face, as he likes to play the gonzo porn style straight."

"Well does film all of his videos gonzo style?" He didn't recive a vocal response from her, but instead received a nod, as she kept moaning and crying out due to the immense pleasure from his cock. "Well then that gives me another reason to throw away the collection. I'm better off seeing the dead guy's face rather then repeatedly seeing his cock and the rest of his body."

Nesca then screamed a bit in pleasure as she felt her bleeding cunt start to tense up even more on his thick girth, and stared into his fiery eyes. She already felt close to cumming on his huge member and wanted to look at him when she did so, as he was giving her the greatest pleasure nobody else, not even the legendary Dark Blitz, had given her. After several more thrusts, she suddenly let out a scream at full voice as she reached her climax. The merc leader let out a growl as he felt her cunt clench hard onto his dark warhammer, giving it a wonderous massage. She leaned up against him and pressed her back against his perfectly sculpted muscles, feeling his indestructible abs continuously ram his spear into her during her climax. As her orgasm lasted, she felt her vaginal lips swell up with her blood and cum, dilating more and more with each passing moment and increasing her orgasmic pleasure, until she let a scream of euphoria as a mixture of both fluids spewed out onto Drake's huge wrecking balls, muscular legs, and the floor.

At that instance, Nesca's arm muscles gave away under her own weight and she fell onto the floor, overwhelmed by her climax. However, only her upper body landed, as her lower body was supported solely by Drake's tube steak, which kept her lower and upper legs body up in the air. As she gasped and panted from the pleasure of her orgasm, she felt the draconic warrior grab her upper body and lift it off the floor, turning sideways so that they're now in a spooning position on the floor, with him behind her. They were there in such a way that they could still watch Mike's video, which now had him standing up off the couch and fucking the police officer against a wall. From there, Drake continued to pound into the slave, who urged him to keep doing so while they finish watching the video. Within several more minutes, Nesca, whose tits were also being rubbed and squeezed by her master's strong hands, had been brought to several more orgasms by the assassin, each more stronger than the last and soon after wards, her cunt was now continuously clenching weakly onto his immense cock, giving him more pleasure. She was now panting and screaming with lust, enjoying the raw, savage fucking he was giving her with his oversized manmeat.

During this, the video on the theater's screen was stopped being watched completely, as it already had ended in Mike giving another creampie inside the officer and after showing the former king's cum pouring out of the officer's pussy, went to nothing but blackness. Because of this, the slave's attention was now solely concentrated on Drake, who was now nearly buried into her up to his balls, just eight inches short. She started to feel his already-harder-than-diamond cock heat up and stiffen even more, getting bigger within her. She groaned and gasped heavily at the increased sensation, knowing that her master was close to busting his gigantic, heavy, crimson nuts into her.

She also felt him squeeze her huge tits harder and more sensually, and loved the feeling. As this happened, she felt that milk began to leak from her tits. Like the majority of the other slaves, she had been impregnated and bore the children of Mike before his death at the hands of Kiaru. However, she wasn't currently pregnant, even after she was repeatedly fucked by Kiaru. Nonetheless, the feeling of her own milk leaking out her own tits was pleasurable for her and added to her own pleasure, getting her closer to her own inevitable orgasm.

Drake started to growl deeply and loudly as he felt his own climax rising, feeling a wave of cum begin to rise up within his gigantic dick, and started ramming himself harder and faster into the slave, along with going just a few inches deeper. This added greatly to their pleasure and soon, both slave and master roared out in orgasmic bliss as they felt his searing hot seed jet out of his cock in waves. Nesca kept screaming out as the molten spurts, each more than the full ejaculation of most males, drained out of his balls and flooded her insides, burning them but also providing immense pleasure. Also, her tits started to leak out much more milk, dripping down her tits and forming a small white puddle on the floor. Drake, whose cannon kept pumping wave after wave into her, continued pounding into her hard, greatly enjoying how the gates of her torn up cunt is clenching hard on his spurting cock, slowly dilating as her insides are getting filled with his seed. She soon let out another pleasurable cry as the gates finally let loose the surge of bloody cum, which spurted out onto the tiled floor.

With still several spurts to go, Drake pulled his immense girth out of his slave and stood over her, pointing his spurting cock at her. A bloody mix of his seed and her nectar flooding out of her bloody gates, she found herself having his spooge splattering all over her body. With his few, last, weak spurts, he directed his glans over the slave's face, who hungrily opened her mouth and felt his hot, manly seed flood her mouth and throat. She nearly choked as she drank down his semen, greatly enjoying the manly smell and taste. When he had finally stopped spurting, she found that he was still harder than diamond. "So it's true," she thought to herself silently, "He does not slacken even after cumming."

Giving a few slow powerful strokes on his cock with his gloved left hand, the dragon saw that his slave, panting in lust and continually bleeding, slowly stand up. She gave the giant a hug on the left side, nuzzling into his hard body. "How was it for you, my lord? It was fantastic for me."

Drake smiled down at her. "It was good for me, bitch. Now it's time for me to visit my partner at the gym..."

Nesca looked up at him. "Can I come with you, my lord? I'm still horny and want to continue. Surely you can fuck both me and Renee at the same time..."

Drake thought about it, his huge cock still hard and throbbing. "You know, that's not a bad idea, bitch. Tell you what, if you carry my clothes for me as we're headed to the gym, I'll take you up your tailhole. How does that sound?"

Nesca leaned up and gave her master a deep kiss. He tasted his strong, potent seed in his mouth as she passionately pushed her tongue against his before parting. "That should give you an answer, my lord." She then turned around and started gathering up his pants, tanktop, and coat. She also got her clothes too. She then stood by him, with the clothes in her arms. "I'm ready to go master, but what about the mess on the floor?"

Drake looked around. "I'm going to go get maids to clean it up, along with getting rid of Mike's movies. I can order them to clean it on the way to the gym. Now let's go." Drake then turned and opened the door to the rest of the library, followed by his slave. He now has one of the best jobs in the world as a Tigresian pack leader, more specifically a landser and not a king, being able to fuck and impregnate as many females within his territory, including both pack members and minorities. Not only that, he has a beautiful and powerful partner, who is going to rule alongside him with his army of mercenaries and make profits off of wars between other countries. Speaking of that partner, Renee is going to find that an extra guest is going to arrive at the gym with him...

Much later, somewhere within the city, the body of Scotty Russel was discovered dead within his flat in the apartment complex he lived in. He was found in the shower with a broken neck by a friend and fellow pack member, who noticed that he was missing among the people who attended the arena and came to tell him how the legendary mercenary coerced Emperor Kiaru into making him the landser of Drewen and the first orders that Drake gave out, which made nearly every non-slave pack member enlisted into the military, the police force of Drewen effectively being replaced by the military, and other things. In truth, this fellow pack member was a depraved individual just like Scotty, and knew that their new pack leader's orders just made crime much harder to pull off, and it was already bad enough as it was, what with criminals being killed and/or raped with justification upon being caught. This would effectively make Drewen closer to other nations within Tigris, like it once was before the reigns of Fabian and Mike.

Two days later, Raikov was walking in the arena. There, he found Drake. He was being watched by Renee in the royal seating box leaders as he was beating and humilating experianced combat veterans and recruits, which were both male and female pack members fresh and green from the towns and cities within Drewen, by challenging them in hand-to-hand combat. Despite their large numeric advantage, all of the veterens, who were experianced warriors used to combat, were making a somewhat good challenge against the dragon, while the recruits were making a downright mediocre challenge, and all wound up being cruelly humilated, injured, and dazed the majority number of them spitting out blood.

Drake, who was dressed in a black, short-sleeved t-shirt, his black fingerless gloves, dog tags, and black military pants, was currently kneeling on the ground, his knee buried into the neck of a veteran who was pinned to the ground. Blood was pouring out of both the mouth and nose of the veteren, who was gasping for air and choking on his own blood as his neck was under the crushing pressure of Drake's knee. Drake was intentionally not putting all his weight on the tiger's neck, or else he would've had his throat crushed completely and die. Hearing Raikov walking behind him, Drake lifted his huge knee off of the veteran's neck, who gasped for air, and turned around to greet the general.

"David, I see that the wounds on your face have healed very nicely." It's true that the wounds on David's face inflicted have healed up over the days. They're barely even noticeable now. "What brings you here to the palace?"

Raikov looked up at the giant. "I have some discerning news. You see, Colonel Wonk was stabbed to death at the morgue several hours ago at 12: 38 P.M. He was stabbed in the throat with some sort of blade."

The merc leader looked down at his subordinate. "Do you know why Wonk was visiting the morgue, general?"

"Well, the coroner, who had been questioned by our men, had reported that the colonel had arrived at 12:16 P.M.. He had told the coroner that he very recently found out about the death of Scotty Russel, a tiger that had died in a shower accident two days ago, and would like to see his corpse, claiming that he was a very close friend of the young tiger. The coroner obliged the colonel, leading him straight to Scotty's corpse, which was being preserved in a cold chamber. The coroner then stated that after he had lifted the sheet off of Scotty's corpse, he saw Wonk become visibly upset and break down, appearing to be on the verge of crying. The coroner then asked him if he wanted some tissues, and the colonel said yes, thus the coroner left the room to get the tissues, closing the door behind him. When the coroner returned about 20 seconds later, he found that the door was open and entered to find the colonel dead, with blood gushing out of a stab wound right in the jugular. That's when the coroner got on the phone and called the military."

Drake had a look of disinterest in his face. "And why are you telling me about this murder, Raikov?"

"Well somebody had just murdered one of your colonels! Shouldn't you be concerned?"

"On the contrary, I'm not concerned at all..." He saw that the general was a bit shocked that his landser was not bothered by the murder, then proceeded to explain himself, "You see, I was not the only assassin that was in Drewen when I became landser. During the night, after I ate dinner served to me by slaves, I made contact with the Assassin's Guild just to update it on current events. After my controller congratulated me for becoming a pack leader, it told me that a fellow agent working for them is within Drewen and currently on a mission to assassinate a target. That target happened to be Colonel Wonk."

Raikov was surprised. "If you knew two days beforehand that a fellow assassin was in the city to assassinate Wonk, then why didn't you have some of your men protect the colonel?"

Drake had a calm look in his fiery, crimson eyes. "The reason I didn't do anything is because I don't betray fellow assassins that work for the Guild. Also, Colonel Wonk was not as 'clean' as he appears to be. After I found out that the target was a colonel, I asked the controller why was he targeted. I really wasn't surprised at the reason why. As it turns out, Wonk, who had served alongside you during Mike Drozen's reign, was the leader of an illegal high class prostitution ring that only he, Mike, and the elite that the prostitutes served knew about. The controller had told me that since the ring leader's identity was unknown, other than he was a colonel, and that Mike had died weeks before the assassin was hired to kill the ring leader, the assassin decided to go after the closest thing to the ring leader. That thing would've been the ring leader's own illegal son, who turned out to be Scotty Russel. After murdering Scotty in a mock shower accident and planting a tracking device on him, the assassin then tracked where the corpse went and waited for the ring leader to visit his son's corpse. As you've just informed me, the father and ring leader turned out to be Colonel Wonk, and the assassin had accomplished his mission and escaped. This would help in dissolving the prostitution ring and help breakdown crime in Drewen..."

Raikov felt that was a good answer. "So now that we know that Wonk was corrupt and is now dead, what are you going to do about it, master?"

"I'm going to ignore the assassination but not the prostitution ring, general. I want our men to investigate Wonk's quarters along with his body and find anything that has to do with the prostitution ring, like a list of clients, workers, prostitutes, locations... anything. We'll use that info to take out the ring, killing its members along with the clients. If we do get a hold of the prostitutes, I'd like to turn them into slaves for the palace. They are high class prostitutes, thus they'd make a great lay along with being servants for me..."

"My men will be on it right this way!" Raikov then turned and left Drake, who turned around to continue training with the soldiers.

Eight years years had passed by, and Drewen is still a nation under the rule of Drake, the giant black dragon who in the past first became known as a legendary pit-fighter, then beame a fearsome mercenary among the legendary Hellions, then became the infamous murderer of Wakusa along with many cities and whole entire populations, then was a terrorist and mercenary assassin for 46 years, and now was the landser of the region of Drewen with Renee, the giant ligeress, at his side as landsa.

Within these eight years, Drewen had changed radically, especially in influence. First, every influence of the police force of Fabin's reign had successfully been removed. The police force had been completely dissolved and inducted into the military, and the military was being given complete control of the law over night. During the first few months, all of the police gear and vehicles had been replaced with their military police equivalents, and the interior of every police station was cleaned out and had been replaced with the military police equivalents. In addition to this, crime and the degrading influences of Mike Drozen's vice-filled reign had all but disappeared from the region within the first few years and it was in fact even better than it was when Fabian and Darian before him ruled it. Crime now rarely happens in Drake's territory, for through the influence of its draconic ruler, all the secretive crime lords, gangs, small time crooks, and corrupt members of the military have been found and raped (if female), tortured brutally, and/or executed. This actually resulted in a large loss of the population (about 8 %), both regarding pack members (including the elite) and minorities, but ensured that no one would follow in their tainted footsteps.

Also, the military of Drewen had changed greatly. Since nearly every civilian pack member, both the males and the majority of the non-slave females, that did not have a job before Drake became landser were made soldiers and the region being turned into a military state, it was now much closer to the other merc nations and kingdoms of Tigris, whose male pack members were nearly all soldiers and whose females were nearly all slaves, with the one exception that Drewen's military had much more female soldiers. In addition to this, Drake perfectly accomplished his duty as a Tigressian ruler, which was to greatly improve the genetic footprint by introducing his draconic genes. Like in the days with the Hellions, he proved to always have been formidable lover with insatiable tastes, and an affectionate mate. Due to this, the females of the pack, including the soldiers and his very own stepdaughters, were really happy, despite the fact that he was not a tiger, and his army had began to exibit much more draconic traits, resembling tigers that were closer to the image of Krostavia's tigers before the battle of Tesa.

Despite this, he and Renee did not have children, as she did not want to yet become a mother. Despite getting fucked every day, she prevented pregnancy through contaceptive means. The reason why is despite having gotton her revenge on Vin, she still wishes to find the man who had abandoned her on the streets all those years ago and gut the the bastard. What she did recall of his face was that it was that of a male, Maltese-colored (closer to gray than blue) tiger whose face was heavily scarred, with two scars in particular forming a Glasgow Smile that looked like it was ripped open from screaming in pain. She had decided to not become a mother until either the bastard was found and killed or until death comes to her. Despite this, she and Drake truly loved each other as partners, but not exactly as mates although technically they were, and often like to challenge each other in playful compitetions. None of the other females, however, took contraceptive measures to prevent preganacy, and all of them bore him children. Even Maria Striker, who was once made infertile due to the drugs her former mate Maximus abused her with, was somehow able to bear Drake's children. It was soon found out afterwards that her fertility was actually just being suppressed by the drugs, and being off them since Maximus' death had made them unsuppressed. This had made her really happy and made her job as an intelligence officer much easier on her mind.

Drake also proved to be a great father who is attentive and affectionate to his offspring, no matter how huge the numbers of mothers and cubs were in his mercc nation. However, whenever his children from pack members grew into adults, Drake would ruthlessly subject them, including his daughters, to his harsh laws and try to gain power by having a good career in his mercenary army or, if they were male, try to leave his merc nation and search for either a new kingdom or merc nation (tigers can have this, but non-tigers can only choose this) to conquer for their own.

The already hard lives of the soldiers were made even harsher, even by Raikov's standards. Drake was harsh and steely like Rikov, but was much more brutal and unforgiving. Not at all kind even to the females (they only knew his brutality within training. He's just as nice to them as the other females outside of training.), Drake made his soldiers undergo the most rigorous of training, having them go through a modified, more brutal version of massacre training, go through even more humilations and insults, and get wilder and harder beatings from him than the general ever did, and had them spitting blood and experience aching muscles for months. Even worse, they had to repeatedly undergo the truly painful humilation of getting trounced repeatedly in the arena solely at the hands of the dragon. Renee often did the same, proving to nearly be just as harsh and brutal as her partner is. This harsh treatment had earned Drake the nicknames of "Big Nasty", "Scaley Bastard", and "Big Nasty Bastard", reflecting how the soldiers of Krosoun nicknamed him back when he was the mercenary known as Drago.

Raikov himself wasn't free of Drake's harsher training. Drake wanted everybody in his army to go through the same harsh training, and that included Raikov. Raikov hated the training and harsh treatment that surpassed what he had to go through when he had underwent his harsh training at Krostavia, but he did not hate the dragon. Instead, he had appreciated the dragon's incentives, knowing fully well that it was to improve himself.

As Raikov had noticed over the years, not only did this constant Hell, between the beatings, the humilation, and the Hellish training, made Drake's mercenary army, including Raikov himself, much better than how it once was. The general, who became just as harsh and steely like he once was before Mike's reign, was proud that the draconic merc leader, with Renee's help, had fashioned his army into this, although Drake himself wasn't. Drake had achieved in making every mercenary in his army at least on par with that of Kiaru's military, whose soldiers are actually equal to that of what Krostavia once was before it became part of the Dark Blitz's empire, but that was not his goal. His ultimate goal, was to make his mercanaries the equivalent to his old Hellions, the elite mercenary force who were at least equal to if not more than Krostavia's carnivores during the time they was active. Nonetheless, the mercenaries were still a great example of excellence and discipline. It provided a great certainty for the security of both the female slaves and the minorities.

Asides from the brutality of the training they undergo, the mercanaries well-liked both Drake and Renee. Despite the two being many steps ahead of them (Drake especially) in every aspect of their training, along with both being able to beat them in strength, speed, and endurance, both landsers were always with their soldiers, were always loyal and generous, and always praised and reward something or someone who they felt were worthy. Officers and captains that they did view as "worthy" thanks to the hard training were not at all viewed without merit nor were viewed with any favortism at all, and truly deserved the rank they were rewarded with for their effort. Also, another reason why both Drake and Renee were so well-liked is because they never ordered their fellow mercenaries to do something that they wouldn't do, including things that the soldiers themselves were incabable of doing.

A huge number of the minorities, especially those descended from Drake, had joined the dragon's army, willing to fight as mercenaries for him. Although these soldiers shared higher status among the tigers for being good fighters, the majority still proved not to be as good as the tigers are and thus did not get to share equal status. The few who did either were either really good soldiers who proved to be just as good as fighting as the tigers or were "different". Those that were "different" were always the uncommon offspring of Drake that displayed certain traits inherited from their draconic father that did not just involve coloration (eyes, fur, cock, etc), a foreskin (in non-mammalian species), nor normal bone spikes. These traits, even more uncommon than the aforementioned traits, included aspects like retractible bone spikes (not just at shoulders, knees, and elbows), retractable bone claws, extremly tough skin that is able to withstand slashes and stabs by normal blades without getting cut, having fireproof skin, having the ability to breath fire (the normal variety or Drake's poisonous variety), incredible strength that was unproportionate to their size, the incredible healing of wounds (including the ability to regenerate lost limbs after a number of days), gigantic size, and/or a combination of those aspects. These aspects applied to both Drake's offspring between both the minorities and the pack members, and when they first appeared among the populace, Drake explained to both the pack members (Renee included) and the minorities that he was not by any means a normal dragon and has many aspects that not even the Hellions knew about. Both the majority of the minorities and the pack accepted this without question. Some still did wonder, but they got no answers at all from their leader though. These aspects either made the offspring into really great soldiers, really effective conquerers of kingdoms and merc nations in Tigris, or into rivals that proved to be much more challengeing than the usual fodder from other kingdoms/merc nations and "normal" offspring that Drake had to fight every so often in the arena.

Drake had also reformed the Hellions, but this time as part of his elite unit rather than the entirety of his mercnary force. These elite soldiers, much closer to how the old Hellions were, are made up of the five best soldiers picked from each regiment within his army. Each member, consisting of both normal and "different" individuals, was trained just like the Hellions of old and like their predacessors, had found themselves engaged in the most dangerous of missions, from black ops to assassinations, to counter terrorism and other such endevors. Each member was trained to be the toughest and deadliest warriors in Drake's mercnary force, having undergone the "old training" that the original Hellions went through, and had served to be the very shadows of their landser, following his every command. Renee was trained by her partner to be a Hellion, and she proved to be one of the few members who was up to par with the Hellions of old that had served under the command of Malcolm Gorton. Like Drake was before her during his service with the original Hellions, she was second-in command.

For the rivals from other kingdoms and merc nations, Drake was at first unhappy, since his legendary reputation as the murderer of Wakusa was so terrifying, that very few rivals dared to challenge him, and the majority of these few were often found to be assassins (None from the Assassin's Guild) who were planning to kill him in a dirty fight. Even if it meant facing those that did not go to challenge him honorably, he often had a wide smile on his face whenever he went into the arena during those duals, killing his opponents either quickly, or if he felt like it, slowly and brutally torture them to death at his sadistic glee. As for the offspring that presented themselves as rivals (including the "different" kind), Drake quickly slaughters them without mercy at the arena, daring those who also wish to fight him to come out and meet their death and impaling the bodies of the dead onto the outer edges of the arena, displaying their bodies in order to be seen until they had rotted away enough in order to be taken down.. The terrifying display he puts up often scares the the offspring who wish to have their father's region as their own that they either leave his merc nation to conquer some other territory, or do nothing at all.

Now although he does put up a good show of being ruthless to his offspring whenever one foolishly tries to challenge him as a rival and kill him, he is honestly hurt whenever he fights them he loved them as a father and that they are often so young when they challenge him. Despite this, he was raised in an ancient, now long-extinct culture where this the norm and even he was going to challenge and kill his father for the throne. That was, however, right before the shit hit the fan and a certain Demon from Hell came and wiped out his entire cvilization and continent.

Not only did Drake use his merc nation merely as a place where mercenaries can be hired to fight wars for other nations within Tigris, which was mostly turbalant due to wars over territories, political reasons, terrorism, piracy, or the like between both kingdoms and merc nations, he also had sought to both defend and increase his territory through non-profit wars. Like the majority of the ancient tiger kings he had onced served long ago as the ancient mercenary known as Drago, Drake only used the non-profit wars just to defend his territitory, the slaves, and the minorities against enemy armies, which was the secondary purpose of his army as opposed to the primary purpose, which was to act as mercrnaries for other nations both in and out of Tigris. When it came to increasing his territory, he actually is in fact a solitary warrior who, while often accompanied by Renee, would challenge both enemy kings and enemy merc leaders in a duel to the death, even if it means having to get past their enemy armies if the kings and landsers are using them to protect themselves rather than be open to challenging rivals.

Whenever he does go out to increase his territory, Drake doesn't merely invade a territory with no idea of where to find the enemy leader. Instead, he uses his connections with the Assassin's Guild to pinpoint the general location of the enemy kings or merc leaders, despite being able to track them without their help, and then make the solitary strike. The reason why he does is this is despite his love of battle, he'd find it more practical and reliable than tracking the leaders merely by himself. Also, there's nothing dishonorary about it. Besides, the only cost of the Guild's services would be being hired to do some wetwork, which is something he'd always gladly do, especially if the victim in question was a king or landser he could challenge to a dual and gain territory from.

It was because of going through several duals, getting past several armies, and some high-profile assassinations that turned into duals, that Drake had managed to take over nearly all of the territories, five kingdoms and three merc nations in total, that directly bordered Drewen from the southern, northern, and western sides (Kiaru's empire directly borders it from the east side while Krostavia, which is part of Kiaru's empire, directly borders Drake's conquered territories from the north, but not Drewen itself), turning it from a moderately-sized merc nation to a landser-owned empire within the eight years of his reign. With Drewen as its capital, it was the very first of its kind and perhaps the only one if its kind. Although the idea of a landser empire, even a small one, seems to be quite ludicrous to others, it wasn't to Drake. His reasoning was that even if he takes over all of Tigris, there would be other nations and regions within Cartina that would be beguiled by war and/or conflict, thus the more territory in Tigris he'd gain, the more mercenaries he'd gain that would be available to non-Tigresian nations or groups that are in need of soldiers-for-hire.

The pack members of the conquered territories, upon learning that their new pack leader was a dragon rather than a tiger, were rather shocked, but were even more shocked when they learned that under the dragon's rules that they had to treat the minorities with much more tolerance and respect than before, treating the civilians almost as if they were equals and the ones who were good warriors explicitly as equals. The biggest shock of all was when they learned that any female who did not have a job had to be in the military as a mercenary. This was shocking because within the other kingdoms and merc nations, it was rare for an army to have a lot of females. However, Drake's laws were implacable, and they had to follow them, or else they would've faced the consequences, which was either just death or slow, torturous, agonizing death. Because of this, Drewen was now a vast oasis of peace and good government, where the normally intolerant, domineering natures of the packs are now in control and whose military's only purposes were to defend its territories against enemies or to be deployed to fight for other kingdoms, either working alongside or fighting against the armies of other merc nations. The only crimes that happened afterwards would be assassinations carried by agents of the Assassin's Guild, but Drake openly allowed those to pass since the victims were always found to have been secretly despicable, criminalistic individuals rather than innocents. However, these assassinations soon ceased to be when there were no longer any crimnalistic individuals to kill within his territory.

Due to Drake's love of violence and fighting and in honor of both his ancient, long-extinct culture and days as a pitfighter, the landser had legalized both pit fighting and bare knuckle boxing as two combat sports. This caused the underground pit fighting and bare knuckle boxing promations within Drake's territory to no longer be illegal and be using their work for earning honest money rather than through illegal means. Unlike the general laws of Tigris, Drake's laws permit that any fatalities that potentially come about from both combat sports won't force the lives of the winners into the families of the fighters killed. However, Drake's laws do require that all fighters that are willing to do deathmatches have to sign a death waiver, or else they would not be allowed to kill their opponents or vice versa without some sort of accident occurring. The fighters who would ignored this rule and openly (not accidentally) killed their opponents without signing the death waiver first would find themselves killed on the spot by the soldiers and/or promotors as allowed by Hellblazer's law in order to account for the families who had lost a member. Due to this, the only part that is now illegal about the two violent sports would be fighters non-accidentally killing their opponents without signing a death waiver. This came as a shock to the general populace, but thankfully, there were rarely any deathmatches unless it was between opponents who really wished to kill each other.

Due to Drake's landser empire being the very first of its kind, the already well-known legend of Drake became even bigger and more famous. Everything about Drake Harkonenon was now well-known, from his past (with the one exception of his previous identies, such as Typhon, Drago, Dracul, Typh, etc.) to his present. He had also coined himself a name for his empire, "Valachia", and a title that's equal to an emperor, "Voivode", which means "He who leads" in ancient Muian. Because of this, Drake came to be known as the "Voivode of Valachia."

Despite Drewen having changed radically during the eight years of Drake's reigns, their landser hasn't. At least not in a big sense. He's still a deadly mercanary-assassin for hire who enjoys a good fight along with some torture. Due to the constant trainings with his soldiers, the constant workouts, and the usually solitary battles for expanding his territory, he had managed to make his muscles larger, tougher, and more endurable, and his reflexes, already fast from fighting countless amounts of rivals in his long ancient past, are now even better than they once were. His aim and gunspeed are always perfect and his two swords are now deadlier than before. As for his looks, Drake had not changed one bit. He still wears the same black tanktops (and occasionally black t-shirts), the same black bandanas, the same black trenchcoat, the same black military pants, the same metal dog tags, and the same red, black-rimmed glasses. The same could be said for his partner and co-leader Renee, who despite wearing the same kinds of clothes, had also become faster, stronger, bigger, and more Amazonian. Her speed and reflexes are now even more heightened due to training with Drake and due the lack of a growth inhibition gene, she is now around 16 feet, 10 inches tall.

As leader of a vast army of mercenaries, he used a fraction of his vast amount of wealth to make a few tweaks to his aresnal, replacing some old models with new designs. For the Hellfire Cannons, they have been modified to be able to switch to a mode where they'll now fire at a relatively much slower rate, but can switched to their higher, normal rates of fire. The reason the switch mechanism was built in is so that the amount of ammo wouldn't be wasted so fast and easily on the battlefield. Also, Drake now has a huge ammo drum that can be strapped to his back and feeds gun belts to both miniguns in order for the firing to last longer. Conciding with the switch mechanism, this made the Hellfire Cannons an even more terrifying force on the battlefield, but if the ammo drum is used, it would limit Drake's agility even more (he can't roll with it) but his speed and aim would not be effected. He had also designed a new weapon based on his physology called Brimstone Grenades. These grenades work just like Hellfire Grenades, except they emit just the poisonous gas, to which Drake is immune to, rather than the fire.

The most significant of these changes were in Hell's Bane and the Hellfire Cannons. For Hell's Bane, he had created a grenade launcher that is capable of carrying a magazine of 12 grenades compounded underneath the barrel, and an even more advanced optic for aiming. The gun also has Hellfire rounds customized to fire from it. As for the Devileye, it's also capable of firing Hellfire rounds, and has more advanced optics. The Dracos themselves recieved no big modification other than having Hellfire rounds made for them. As for vehicles, the Shaker had been modified so that its armor now provides full protection against RPGS without losing its speed at all, but is still moderately damaged by more powerful artillery, and had a tweaked up engine that allowed it go faster. Its gunsheilds at the top are also now equipped with heavy machine guns with grenade launchers underneath and can be both automated to fire on enemies or controlled from within the vehicle. Finally, Drake had a heavily customized car built and designs for his comfort and accomondations, a gargantian black monster of a race car that is equipped with an extremly powerful engine. This car was actually Renee's idea, who had wanted her partner to drive something other than just the Shaker, but it was Drake who had made the specifications, having it made so that it would satisfy both of them whenever they drove in it.

Drake's fame and legend had now grown large enough to rival that of emperor Kiaru, who's known all around the world, whose legend was entwined with Drewen's from the very beginning, and whose much larger empire in Tigris surpasses Drake's own. However, these two legends were not enemies, but just happened to be on uneasy terms with each other which, according to legend, became even shakier the very day Drake became Drewen's landser when Kiaru viewed the "videos" Drake had given him, which showed one of the Legend's stepdaughters, a tigress who bore Kiaru's child, and a police cheif getting raped to death by Hellblazer along with seeing a snuff film involving Renee losing her virginity to the dragon. Although Kiaru disliked the videos, he couldn't help but masturabate to the part with Renee many times in one sitting due to her remindining him of his lost love Xandria, and he did not go to war on Drake as he was busy fighting wars with other kingdoms and merc nations who wished to threaten the legendary emperor whereas Drake intentionally didn't threaten his empire despite his empire's size. In fact, Drake kept his word of not fighting Kiaru nor his empire for territory during the eight years of his reign and Kiaru had done the same. This has led to some respect between the two warriors despite their shaky relationship with each other and their different views of how the minorities should be tolerated.

Among Kiaru's rivals is another emperor whose empire had quickly grown in stature. The name of this most recent emperor would be Vega, and asides from Drake would be the the largest and most threatening of rivals to Kiaru. Unlike Drake and Kiaru, the tales of this ruler is relatively young, having first appeared in Kabel three years within Drake's reign, much later than the 50+ years of the Dark Blitz and Hellblazer's 8 years as a landser. Calling himself the "Divine Legend", he had, within two years, taken over a total of five kingdoms and three merc nations, creating a small, eight nation-sized empire to compete with the much larger one of Kiaru along with Drake's empire, which was actually smaller in size compared to Vega's own. Six of these nations were completely surrounded by Kiaru's empire on its southern and western borders, whereas the north and east provided a link with both the Bergen Seas and the Vaen Sea, while the last two border Krostavia on the west.

From what both Kiaru and Drake knew of Vega's empire, the first of these conquests was the kingdom Kabel. Kabel was bordered by Bergen from the west, Dreborasi from the south, Mavado from the east, the ocean from the north, and Tramis just from Kabel's southwestern tip. What Vega had conquered next was Mavado, the merc nation that's significantly larger than Kabel and also had northern shores which led out to the Bergen seas. Asides from being bordered by Kabel on the west, it was bordered by both the kingdoms Striam and Dreborasi from the south and by the much larger merc nation known as Steti from the east. Steti was next to be conquered, being bordered by Mavado and Striam from the west, Setten from the south, and the small nation known as Maybury from the southeast, while the rest of the merc nation were shorelines that reached out to both the Bergen Seas and the Vaen Sea. Maybury was next, being completely bordered by Steti on the western and northern side and Setten on the south side, while the northeastern and eastern sides were nothing but the Vaen Sea. Striam, along with Dreborasi, made up the next two nations conquered and both were completely landlocked. Dreborasi, which is bordered by Striam from the east, Tramis from the southwest, Mavado from the north, and Kabel from northwest, was the smaller of the two, and Striam is bordered by Mavado from the middle and western parts of its northern border, Steti from both the eastern part of its northern border and the whole of its eastern border, by Dreborasi from its western border, and by Setten, which is part of Kiaru's territory, on its southern border.

After conquering those nations, Vega had declared to the press that his empire actually is the resurrection of the Regean Empire, once ruled in ancient times by Dracul Tepes, and expressed his belief that it's not mythical but actually legend. This came as a surprise to both his rivals, especially Drake as realized that the terrible empire of Reagen he had ruled in ancient times had been brought back, this time under a new ruler and with no country specifically named "Reagan". Rather, the territory made up of multiple nations is named Reagan, just like how Drake's territory is called Valachia. After that declaration, Vega had dubbed himself "the Regean Emperor" and next appeared in the merc nation of Edium, Krostavia's old rival which bordored the majority of Krostavia from the west and was bordered by Valachia from the south. Like the other nations he had conquered, he had singlehandedly invaded the palace of landser Delam and took him out during the process rather than the traditional duel, smelting the landser in gold dead rather than alive. He later did the same to king Remur of the kingdom of Selenil, whose eastern borders were with half of Edium's borders and whose northeastern border's tip was with Krostavia's western border's tip.

Because it took him just two years to create an empire, Vega had become a legend that was known throughout the world, but is still overshadowed by the legends of the Dark Blitz and Hellblazer. Due to the rise of three empires, the three rulers became known as the Three Legends... Kiaru, the black emperor known as "Legend", Drake, the draconic landser known as "Voivode", and Vega, the self-declared Regean Emperor who is known as the "Divine Legend". Out of these three, only two of these rulers, the two emperors, were actually competing with each other as rivals, whereas Drake simply ignored them, adding to Valachia with the surrounding territories, but not with the ones already taken over by Kiaru in the east of Drewen. The Dark Blitz was a bit concerned with the growing size of the Valachian Empire, but was even more concerned with that of Vega, since the Divine Legend no longer had any more territory to expand in the directions of south and east without going into both Kiaru's and Drake's own.

From what both Kiaru and Drake had gathered about this most recent legend, Vega is a cruel-looking liger who shares with Kiaru the same bone spikes that indicate draconic ancestry, but sports completely purple-colored eyes, fur that is the unnatural color of blood red, a black mane which he actually keeps well-trimmed and slicked back, and a black tassle, looking Demonic in nature which was contrary to his "Divine" title. Asides from that, Vega had been described as being extremely huge, well over 25 feet tall, has extremly developed muscles comparable in proportion to a God's, and is very big below the belt even for his size, having been stated to be at over 9 feet long and over 4 feet wide. Now Kiaru is unsure of whether Vega's size was an exaggeration or not, because a giant, heavily muscled red liger over 25 feet tall certainly would've been noticed somewhere in Tigris or anywhere else by the time he would've grown to that size, like Drevin Grunue of the legendary Hellions had, but he's damn sure that Vega did not originate from Tigris. Drake, on the other hand, believed that Vega could very well be that size, but does share the view that Vega could not have come from Tigris. Also, the "Divine Legend" was rumored to possess magical powers that would show he's geninuinely divine and would use to easily overtake rivals and even groups of opponents, but Kiaru dismissed that because it was thought to be a rumor and he did not believe in magic at all. Drake, on the other hand, believes that the "Divine Emperor" might possess some sort of actual power, just not one that is actually divine due to his disbelief in actual dieties (Powerful beings who claim they're dieties is another story), and had grown wary of what king or landser he might attack next.

Although Kiaru nor Drake had yet to meet Vega, the legends they both heard about the self declared "Divine Legend" made the liger to be pretty terrifying. When Vega had first appeared, he seemingly appeared out of nowhere in within the throne room of George Slueth, the king of Kabel, with none of the guards having had seen him anywhere in sight. He then challenged George to a dual, and despite George being a great warrior and hero, Vega had defeated him easily, but he didn't immediately kill the fallen king. He had instead put George in a smelting furnace and had molten gold poured all over him, burning George to death and encasing his corpse in a gold statue of himself, all the while forcing George's former queen and royal children to watch in cruelty. Vega next ordered George's former soldiers to take the princes sired by George and slowly skin them alive in front of the former queen and her daughters. After that, Vega raped the former queen and daughters of George in one sitting, killing some of the daughters in the process from the sheer brutality of the raping, ripping apart their bodies with the sheer size and force of his cock. Vega then brutally raped all of the forbidden females who bore the unborn fetus' of George that were conceived before his death, killing the fetus' with his fucking in order to ensure that none of the next generation belong to George, with the exception of those already born, and are solely his. Later, the legends state that Vega didn't fight the other pack leaders in gold like he did with George nor did he encase them in gold. Instead, Vega supposedly used his magical powers to kill them in various ways. These ways, as stated in the legends, included immolating the landser of Mavado and his landsa while they were fucking in their bedroom; had the blades of both Steti's landser and Maybury's king jump of their masters' hands and stab and slash them to death; had the grenade launcher underneath the rifile of of Striam's king malfunction and explode, killing him and his queen when he had invaded their bedroom after mysteriously getting past the guards without notice; supposedly had Dreborasi's eyeballs gouged out and then skinned alive by some invisible force; supposedly took control of Delham's body and forced him to kill his own mate and children, and then had the pack leader rip his own heart out; and finally slain King Remur by crushing him with his own throne. Strangely enough, the majority of these pack leaders, except for George, didn't have draconic heritage in them. Kiaru though that the ways Vega killed the majority of those pack leaders was a bunch of bull, but Drake wasn't skeptical about it. He believed that it was quite possible for Vega to do that, as he had seen some similar instances while he was trapped in Hell as Drago.

Vega also had no discernable origin and in the first known instance about him, he was said to have simply suddenly appeared in Kabel's throne room to challenge George. Now although both the Dark Blitz and Hellblazer did not care about where Vega came from, they did care about something else. Despite the cruel liger having created a small empire, the emperor had been known to disappear completely from his empire for months at a time, with almost nobody within the conquered kingdoms and merc nations knowing where he went to. Not even the Assassin's Guild know he went to despite its vast network of connections. The only ones who would most likely know are three generals, each of which are Vega's own sons, that their father had assigned to protect and watch over thirds of his empire. Drake knows through the Guild that each of these three generals are strong, powerful, extremly muscular ligers who each look around 15-30 years old, each with blood-red fur, and whose names are Rico, Jarvis, and Robert. He also knows that the three generals are not native to Tigris and neither is Vega, thus the three sons know where their father goes whenever he disappears. However, they had they been trained to not acknowledge their father's location even under the dire threats of torture and death if they were to be captured and interrogated by the enemy. This means that even if Kiaru or Drake had somehow captured one or even all of these generals, they'll have no means of getting it out of them where Vega is so that they can invade the liger's personal realm, which could be anywhere outside of Tigris for all they know.

Within the 3rd year of Vega's legend and eighth year of Drake's reign, the inevitable happened: Vega had declared war on Kiaru's empire and intended to claim Kiaru's territory of Bergen as his own. Rousing several of the best regiments from Kabal, Mavado, Striam, Dreborasi, Steti, and Maybury, Vega's forces had invaded Bergen's eastern borders from Kabal's western borders on land and intended to invade from the Bergen Seas, getting into battles with Bergen's navy. Instead of being led by Vega, they were instead led by Robert and a new young, 26-year old general named Dettin, who intends to watch over Bergen after his father's forces conquered it. Kiaru, intending to defend his terrirory and the birthplace of his lost love Xandria, rushed into Bergen in order to defend it, adding greatly onto Bergen's troops by having warriors cross over from the west via Krostavia and cross over from the south via Tramis in order to match the forces of Dettin and Robert.

Although the troops of Kiaru's armed forces were supposedly the greatest in the world, Vega's armed forces, despite not being from Bergen, were well-equipped with military technology, that the two generals were well-versed in military tactics, and, surprisingly enough, were well-informed of the nation's geography, weather conditions, terrain, sea conditions, and locations, proving to be just as effective, if not even more so, as the natives of Bergen's own troops on their own home turf. Kiaru had no idea why this was the case, but it was quite unnerving. The fighting, which was long, brutal, and fierce, lasting for months on end and resulting in heavy losses. The majority of losses were on Kiaru's side, but it was not just because of the loss of military personal. It was because Dettin and Robert's troops were ordered to raid and destroy any villages and towns within Bergen, killing all of the inhabitants, but leave the cities intact. During this time, several mercenary forces made contact with Kiaru and offered themselves to help Kiaru own forces with payment as reward, but Kiaru had declined, saying that he could take care of his empire, leaving the mercenaries to observe. Notably, General Raikov had offered Valachia's forces to help Kiaru as mercenaries despite the differences between Valachia and Kiaru's empire, but was also declined by Kiaru.

Within 4 months since the, the war's beginning, it had started to come to an end, and surprisingly, Kiaru's forces were being beaten back by the invaders. Kiaru, on the verge of losing in the battlefield in front of the capital, proposed to stop the war via dueling by champion between him and either Dettin or Robert. The two generals replied that they're already winning the war and don't need to duel to determine the victor, but then the two came up with an offer of their own. They offered that if Kiaru were to slay Dettin in an honorable dual, then Kiaru's life would be spared and his Tramisian and Krostavian forces would be free to go home, but Robert would keep Bergen and its forces as Vega's own. Kiaru, seeing little choice in the matter, agreed to the offer and he and Dettin, circled by both their forces, gathered their weapons and crossed swords. The 50+-year old Kiaru used his terrible strength, quick speed, deadly bone spikes, his tail, and knowledge in fighting styles all over the world in order to fight, while the smaller, 26-year old Dettin used similar speed, similar strength, a surprising amount of knowlege and experiance in fighting, including the use of his tail, which had some draconic spikes on the end of it near the tassle, a surprisingly strong sword that easily notched Kiaru's own, skin that has the inability to be cut by a normal steel sword, really good knowledge of anatomy, such as where arteries were, and disturbingly enough the ability to breath poisonous fire just like Drake "Hellblazer" Harknonen does. Another disturbing factor was that Detten's wounds healed amazingly fast, closing up soon after they were opened.

After a long, vicious, and bloody battle lasting a good 30 minutes, the older, bigger, and more experienced male won by, after discovering that his claws and bone spikes could cut into Dettin's flesh, impaling one of his elbow spikes right into Dettin's throat, and grabbing Dettin's sword, impaled the young general's skull with his own superior blade. Kiaru had won the battle due to his speed, skill, experience, stength, and sheer willpower, but he was heavily injured, having been disembowled by a slash from Dettin's spiked tail, suffered heavy blood loss as a result of having some of his arteries slashed open resulting in rapid blood loss, and his skin, lungs, and eyes had suffered from damage the effects of poisonous gas emitted by Dettin's flames and had to be carried off the battlefield for emergency medical attention. However, Robert made good on his promise and spared the lives of the "Legend" and his troops, allowing them to go back to Tramis and Krostavia while making the declaration to the world Bergen now belonged to Reagan...

Within four days after the declaration of Reagan's victory, one of Kiaru's lesser rivals was preparing to invade Tramis and kill Kiaru. That rival was Cragus, the famed landser of Krasnia, which touches Drewen's small southeastern border and provides a link to the Tusian Sea from its eastern shores. Cragus, like Mike Drozen, has fur that is golden orange, making him a Golden Tabby Tiger. He's also incredibly muscular, much stronger looking than Raikov in build but is close like to being a lesser version of Kiaru. According to legend, Cragus was a Tramisian mercenary who, as a wandering male, invaded the palace of Krasnia's king Mitch with five other men and took the king out in an honorable duel in order to become a landser and turn Krasnia into a merc nation. This all ocurred 67 years ago. Within those 67 years, he was viewed as a legendary hero by both his slaves and his mercenaries, having fought many wars with them for both profitting for other nations and non-profiting by defending his territory against enemy territories, including Drewen when it was ruled by Darian, Fabian, and Mike. He also had racked up a huge number of rivals killed, whom he is always open to be challenged by, whether it'd be wandering males or enemy leaders, both kings and landsers. His muscular body is covered in various scars, and although this seemingly indicated like that he probably wasn't that much of a fighter compared to one of Krostavia's Carnivores nor one of Drewen's Hellions, he was in fact on par with them after having fought lots of battles and lots of wars. Rather, the majority of scars were inflicted on him during his pre-landser days, and were by some treachorous clients who refused to pay him and decided to torture him. Among these scars were acid burns on the back of his head and neck, and he had these scars since 78 years ago.

Unfortuately, Cragus had found that both Kiaru's empire and Valachia both bordered on his merc nation and, fearful of an invasion by either the Voivade or the Dark Blitz, sought to protect his territory. Instead of hiding behind his mercenary army, the Golden Tabby, upon hearing of Kiaru's failure to defend Bergen by the Regean Empire along with Kiaru's condtion, had decided to invade his old homeland and make it his way to the Fortress of Tramis with the intent to assassinate the Legend, who was currently recuperating from his battle with Dettin. If Venor is successful, he would not only prevent his merc nation from getting taken over but also gain a huge amount of territory thanks to Kiaru's empire, creating what would be the second landser empire in Tigris' history and one that would be larger than Valachia, guaranteeing him into being a bigger legend.

He had taken five of his best men with him on this mission, their names Penn, Leonard, Ronold, Ferris, and Samuel. These five soldiers, also similarly muscled and sporting various scars, but nowhere as numerous as their landser's, were Cragus' most trusted men and were the very same men whom Cragus had invaded Krasnia and ended Mitch's reign with. They were the ones who've rescued Cragus from his betrayers 78 years ago, all of them hired to actually assassinate the clients but wound up rescueing Cragus in the process, and had been with him ever since. They 've all trained together, spilt sweat, tears, and blood on the battlefield together, lost comardes and allies together, shared women together, and fought and watched each other's back through thick and thin in the heat of battle plenty of times. Cragus would go on any mission with them and never without. The men were, for Samuel, Leonard, Ferris, and Cragus, armed with silenced pistols, one combat knife, a handheld tranceiver, a few stun grenades, WP grenades, and a few tear gas grenades, a couple of rations that should last for a few days, some utility belts that was designed to carry grenades and ammonition, a broadsword tied onto their belts, M4 assault rifles equipped with enhanced optics, four-shot grenade launchers loaded with frag grenades, silencers, and bayonets, and plenty of clips for both their pistols and assaut rifles. Penn and Ronald had a similar array of equipment, but they were armed with customised W-2000 sniper rifles equipped with silencers and the approprate ammo. Also, Samuel and Ferris carried some rappling equipment that was needed in the case going down sheer walls was required although the men were all quite good at rock-climbing. They were all equipped with camoflage-colored cargo pants, kevlar vests with olive drab t-shirts underneath the vests, knee pads, radios, ballastic helmets, gloves that were fingerless at the pointer and ring fingers, and balaclavas with only Cragus being distignuishable via his golden-orange fur, his more muscular physique, his lack of a balaclava, and the numerous scars on his face. All six of them were also carrying gas masks stapped to their backs.

Crossing over the northern border of Krasnia and into Tramis within the morning, the six men moved incredibly fast on foot, slightly being slowed down by their equipment. Unfortunatelty for them however, they didn't know that they were being tracked by someone, a mercenary who intends to prevent Kiaru from being killed. That mercenary is none other than Hellblazer, and he doesn't want Kiaru to be assassinated. His intentions, although noble, had absolutely nothing to do with selflessly protecting Kiaru for the sake of it. Despite the fact that the two empires are in an uneasy relationship and that he resents the Dark Blitz for being cruel to the minorities within his empire, he actually felt that Kiaru being assassainated would be a death unworthy of the emperor. He actually has a deep respect for the Dark Blitz despite their differences and would rather have him die honorably in a duel to the death and felt that him being in his top condition would be the best. He even had Raikov offer Kiaru to send Valachia's mercenaries in order to help defend Bergen from Reagan's forces, but was declined. also intends to defeat Cragus and gain ownership of his merc nation. The reason why he intended to kill Cragus in the first place is just so the Voivode could have a link to the sea along with having a navy for his mercenary force. In his case, it wasn't going to be in an honarable duel, so he doesn't have to fight fair.

The giant dragon was currently armed with Ragnarok, his 14-foot sword that could split into two, a couple of high-calibar pistols with built in suppressors holstered onto his belt, some frag grenades, stun grenades, and brimstone grenades, a few Muian-alloy bladed knives, and Hell's Bane armed with the 12-shot grenade launcher currently loaded with frag grenades, the long and heavy bayonet, the silencer, and the advanced optics. He was currently wearing black military pants, a black military jacket that's shorter than his trenchcoat and had pockets useful for holding grenades, his metal dog tags beneath his jacket, a Muian alloy-bladed knife sheath tied around his right calf muscle, and his utility belt useful for carrying knives, grenades, and ammo. There was also empty places within his utility belt where ammo used to be, indicating that he was in a firefight beforehand. He also wasn't wearing his bandana, fingerless gloves, a black tanktop, nor his red glasses. The previous night, he had invaded Cragus' palace in Krasnia's capital of Lothrum, and had turned the place inside out looking for Cragus and killing everybody he came across. Fortunately, the Voivode had kept three people, Cragus' two daughters, Penny and Lethia, and his mate Darwina, alive long enough to tell him about Cragus' plan to kill Kiaru and at what point did he enter Tramis from.

After getting the info, Drake then merclessly raped and slaugtered the landsa and her two daughters, and then proceeded to escape Lothrum's palace in order to track Cragus down and his five men. During his time with the Hellions, Drake had worked with Cragus, Leonard, Ronald, Penn, Ferris, and Samuel, so he'd know what they look like. He'd also know what they'd smell like and thus be able to track their scent. Like some other draconic species, each member of his ancient race had an extremly developed sense of smell which rivaled the olifactory senses of birds and the now-extinct Saurians and could easily detect the presence of substances such as spilt blood, which he could detect even if it was days old. This is part of what makes him a great tracker although that's not the only thing. Due to this, he was soon able to catch sight of the men with the optic sight of Hell's Bane, but didn't fire. The dragon had intended to kill Cragus up close, hence why he hadn't of shot the Golden Tabby tiger with Hell's Bane whenever he had the chance. He also didn't fire upon Cragus men either, as that would've alerted them to his presence. The reason for this is because he intends to kill Cragus closer up and obtain evidence that he would show to Krasnia that would prove that he had slain its landsar.

In his pursuit of Cragus and his men, Drake had noticed that the men all turned out to be both incredibly fast on foot yet stealthy, which surprised the dragon because back when he had known them, they were just as slow as normal soldiers and were just as noisy. This indicated to him that Cragus, Penn, Ronald, Ferris, Samuel, and Leonard were now well-experianced in stealth missions, which was something that Drake was a specialist of, having had engaged in them both during the ancient past as Drago and during modern times. As the draconic warrior stealthly followed the six men towards the lonely mountain that the the towering fortress of Tramis was built into, getting closer and closer to the six tigers as time passed by, he noticed that they, knowing how important it was to keep the secret of their raid from Kiaru, spent a lot of time avoiding meets and always walked far away from villages, towns, and cities. Drake also did his part and kept himself hidden from Kiaru's forces, having had worked for Tramis himself as a mercenary a few points and thus knew how to navigate through it. During the tracking, the dragon had passed a few corpses that were hidden away by the Golden Tabby, the majority of which were soldiers that had the great misfortune of meeting the landser and his men. Although the corpses were hidden with great care by the six cats, Drake could easily detect them merely by their scent. He figured that Cragus would be using the notion of the other soldiers figuring that their missing comrades had deserted them, as cases of desertion were frequent in Kiaru's empire.

Despite these few "desertions" being reported to Kiaru, the emperor was not concerned. Unfortunately, Cragus and Drake weren't the only rivals in Kiaru's territory, and this other rival, having invaded from the northern parts of Tramis, was being a lot less subtle than either Drake or Cragus and was causing a lot more deaths and carnage as he headed towards the capital. The reports varied, ranging from villages being massacred to individuals having been found horribly mutilated, but according to the last report, the latest victims of this killer, a whole entire patrol, were all found with their bodies contorted in unatural ways, most having almost every bone in their body horribly broken, some being burnt alive, and some even so mutulated that they were unrecognizable. This greatly concerned the emperor, as he had noticed that the murders in the north were in a path headed directly towards his fortress. Because of this, he had ordered security to be greatly tightened around his fortress, in order to ensure that no one, either a lone warrior or a group, would be able to get to him without being spotted first. This was a priority especially since he was still recovering from his duel with Dettin.

It was 3 days after leaving Krasnia that Cragus and his men managed to make it all the way to Kiaru's fortress, hidden just within the thick vegatations of the surrounding forest under the cover of night. Drake was secretly dozens of meters close by, also taking a look at the fortress not with the intent to invade it but just out of curiosity. He actually had many chances to catch up to and kill Cragus and his men during the three day trek, but he didn't as he actually had intended to see the fortress for himself for the purpose of reconnissance. Knowing Kiaru's stronghold would be a great help to him

Using the optics of their rifiles while taking great care not to let the reflection of any kind of light glint off the lenses, which can give away both of their positions away, both landsers looked on in awe. It appears that Kiaru had literally built a massive, thick walled fortress of massive towers on top of a tall mountain, completely made out of the mountain's black granite with no signs of vegatation remotely close. Each granite wall had a passage with a huge amount of fortified positions where soldiers had placed heavy machine guns in, and on the northwestern side was a huge city, where the walls were at their thickest and the most heavily covered. Kiaru, in order to ensure that nobody could approach or escape his palace without getting spotted and mowed down by rifles and machine guns, had every tree in the forests on the plain cut down within a half circle of a 20 mile radius from the front of the fortress. However, there was a forest on a cliff surrounding the back of the fortress, providing plenty of cover.

Both Cragus and Drake had noticed that Kiaru's huge fortress, which wasn't built during their services to Tramis as mercenaries, could only be reached from the northwestern side where there was a huge, long, wide stone bridge that was 60 feet long, 40 feet wide, and had a sheer drop of 70 feet below it. Unfortunatly for Cragus, this means that in order to enter from that side, the landser and his men have to kill countless soldiers and wind up making a sea of carnage and blood on the bridge while being bombared by both heavy machine gun fire and sniper fire without cover. This not only completely negates any possibilities of making a stealthy entrance from that side, but also makes it suicide for just attempting to do that. As these six tigers were looking at that side, Drake had then noticed that the southeastern wing of the fortress had the largest tower, its sheer walls being 500 feet in total, with a few windows including one huge one leading out to a huge balcony, and a terrace on top that's flat, rectangular, and has no battlements. At the base of the tower in the plain were two heavily fortified machine gun nests raised 37 feet off the ground. Each of them had a team of three men in them, one in order to fire the heavy machine, one to reload and feed it, and the other in order to serve as a sniper (they have adaquete amounts of ear protection), and they were evenly spaced between a single door that led to the interior of the fortress, a sort of "back door" so to speak. Five meters in front of the two nests was a deep trench dug into the ground that was filled with at least a dozen soldiers, all armed with kevlar armor, ballistic helmets, assault rifles with bayonets, grenades, and sidearms, and was fortified with sandbags. Near the fortified position were six tigers marching along the river bank, which was 20 feet from the trench, in powered exoskeletons. These powersuits, which were 16 feet, 7 inches tall, were equipped suits that completely enveloped the individual, armored masks and helmets that completely enveloped the head, and had what appeared to be heavy machine guns being held like pistols in their right arms. These powersuits were well armored, were incredibly strong, and didn't have that much in weakness except for being slow in their march.

Seperating the area between the base and the mercenaries was a cliff with a sheer vertical wall of stone that dropped down into a wide, shallow river that was 40 feet across. In order to get down there, one had to either climb down or rappel down the sheer wall in order to go unoticed. The only other choice of getting down there was to jump down into the river, but that would obviously make quite a noisy splash and alert the enemy soldiers and thus not a wise choice to do, not to mention that the landing from the fall could break the legs of normal people or just kill them. Fortunately, the sheer wall was out of view for the fortified positions but was in the marching parth of the power armors.

After studying this area for many minutes, taking note of how far the exoskeleton Drake figured that this tower is where Kiaru is hiding, or else its base wouldn't be so heavily defended in order to prevent a suffenciently strong person from climbing it up. Also if a battle were to occur, the snipers both up at the machine gun nests would've picked off the offending party with head shots. However, Kiaru was not his target but it was instead the Golden Tabby-furred landser known as Cragus and his five men which were dozens of meters away. He also noticed that they just saw the heavily fortified position on the tower's base and is presumably coming to the same conclusions that he did.

Cragus, although intimidated by how well-defended the tower's base was, were not going to leave. He and his men were going to raid Tramis and assassinate emperor Kiaru in order to make Cragus the second Voivode in Landser history. He and his men had no chance of survival if they tried to take the bridge, but taking the tower's base and entering the fortress by climbing up into the machine gun nests would've been their best bet in starting their raid. Since it was already night time, Cragus figured that it was the best time to start their attack as they would be under the cover the darkness. Cragus already had a plan in mind that would start the assault. "Men, it's time we began our raid. Let's move..." His men closely following him, he crouched low and began to make his way around the bush to the edge of the cliff, being careful not to be seen or heard by the machine gun nests lining the walls nor the powered armors in their marching, and not let any loose rocks and sticks fall off the cliff either. Upon reaching the cliff, Cragus turned to his men, who were just as careful as he was." Samuel and Ferris, set up the rappling equipment so we can go down this cliff and into the shallow river. However, do not let the ropes down until the powersuits start marching away from the fortication and that the ropes are out of their line in sight." Samuel and Ferris followed their landsar's orders and began unpacking the equipment. The equipment consisted of two long ropes, two metal stakes to be used as anchors along with the hammers to pound them into the ground, and climbing harness's used for safety.

As the two mercenaries pounded in the stakes with their hammers and tied the ropes to them, Cragus then turned to Penn and Ronald, "You two need to stay up here. After me, Samuel, Leonard, and Ferris get down into the river, you need to pull up the ropes so they can't be seen by the powersuits when they come back. After that, you need to go further along the bush at the cliff's edge until you're facing the fortification. I want each of you to aim your W-2000's into each of those machine nests. After me and my men come up on the bank, wait for me to give the signal to shoot. That is when we'll begin our attack..." Cragus got a "yes sir" from the two tigers and turned to see that the ropes were ready. He then turned to see that the powersuits were beginning to march away from the fortification...

Drake, still dozens of meters away from the initial hiding spot of Cragus and his men, watched on through the opitical scope of Hell's Bane as about a minute passed on before his enemy landsar started rappeling down the cliff with his men. Although he did intend to stop Cragus from what he's doing, he'd like to see what the landsar and his men would fare against Kiaru's troops first. After all, it had been quite a long time since he saw them in combat.

After he and his men successfully went down the cliff and being calf deep in water, Cragus watched as Penn and Ronald pulled the ropes up as quickly and as silently as they could and then, armed with their sniper rifles, began to make their way across the shallow river. Wading through the water, Cragus led his men in a single file across the river to the bank on the other side, holding their guns above their head so they don't get wet. The deepest the river went was to their waists, which soaked their handheld transcievers, but the transcievers were waterproof, thus they weren't ruined by the water.

After making it to the bank, Cragus turned to Ferris and Leonard, speaking to them "You two, go to the corner away from the fortification and peek around it to see if the powersuits are returning. If they are, then use a WP grenade on them and gun down the survivors. Aim for their eyes since they look pretty well armored. I don't want to take any chances with these powersuits..." He got a nod from his two men, with Ferris taking out a White Phosporus grenade, throwing the cannister up and then catching it, before the two men turned around and headed towards the corner. As the two peeked out of the corner, barely showing their profile, Cragus motioned over to Samuel to follow him and headed towards the corner that the fortification is right around.

Peeking out, they watched as the group of soldiers, at least a dozen in number, stood in the trench and kept watch over the place. Those soldiers were not all comfortable with being in the service of one the Three Legends. It wasn't the Voivode they weren't worried about. Instead it was the Divine Legend they were worried about. The rumors that the Regean Emperor has magical powers was unsettling enough, especially since magic, Demons, and monsters are regarded as nothing more than myth now-a-days, but the fact that for the past few days, someone or something was heading towards the capital from the north and along the way was massacring villages, murdering prople unlucky to come across it, and even wrecking a well-armored patrol. Even more disturbing was that when the patrol attack happened, a radio signal was caught by a nearby radio unit and all that the soldiers heard from the signal was nothing but screams of pain and terror, guns and explosions going off, and then nothing but silence. The worst part about it is the fact that all of the bullets, shells, and grenades used were all from the patrolmen, yet it appears that they didn't hit a thing. It's like as if some sort of monster had attacked the patrol and they had hit nothing at all. This is something that they fear so much, they'd rather have Hellblazer the Voivode come after them for crying out loud...

Samuel watched as Cragus pulled his head back from the corner and pulled his hand held transceiver out. He adjusted the signal and contacted Penn's frequency. The two snipers were currently laying prone on the ground, with their W-2000's mounted on a bipod for balance. Ronald heard his fellow sniper's transciever go off and watched Penn grab and turn it on. "Are you signaling me to start the attack, sir? Over."

"You got that right, Penn. You and Ronald can start. Over."

"Okay, sir. Over"

Penn turned off his transciever and looked into his W-2000's sniper scope, which Ronald already had. Not using laser targeting at all, the two tigers aimed at the two machine gun nests, Penn to the left and Ronald to the right. Both aimed at the machine gunners, their optical sights closing in on their heads, and then both fired, the flash of their muzzles being suppressed and the sound being changed by the suppressors. In the machine gun nests, the snipers and machine gunners were scanning the area for any signs of the enemy like usual, but were unable to spot Ronald and Penn underneath the vegatation. Suddenly, the heads of the snipers were thrown back and the back of their skulls blew out into gory chunks of bone and brain matter as a high-powered rifle bullet pierces into their feline head. The machine gun operators and their loaders were shocked by what happened, but seconds later, both their skulls too had rifle bullets go through them, dropping them to the ground before they could reach for the radio and call Kiaru's guards within the fortress for help.

Penn and Ronald high-fived each other, both satisfied with the outcome, and then contacted Cragus via transciever, informing him that they took out the two enemy nests. Cragus, satisfied that they successfully took out the enemy nests without any of the enemy soldiers below noticing, then ordered Penn to cover him and Samuel while they take out the soldiers in the trench, and for Ronald to cover Ferris and Leonard should they encounter trouble with the powersuits, which should be soon. Penn and Roland understood the orders and started to aim their rifles, but then suddenly their bodies wrenched up in pain as they felt blades go through the back of their necks and through their mouths, which started to fill with blood. Drake Harkonen, seeing that they did their job, had snuck up upon them in the forest and threw knives at the back of their heads, killing them. Drake, pulling his knives out of their lifeless bodies and putting them on his utility belt, unstrapped Hell's Bane from his shoulder, layed prone on the ground between the corpses, and kept watch on Cragus and his men...

Unaware of the death of the two snipers, Cragus and Samuel unstrapped their gas masks off their backs and put them on. The landser pulled out a tear gas grenade, pulled the pen, and then threw it at the trench. To his luck, they landed right on the bottom of the sandbags in front of the soldiers. A few seconds later, it started to release its contents, and the soldiers soon found their nose, lungs, and throats burning from the tear gas. As they were suffering from the effects, a few of the soldiers saw in their blurred vision two gas-mask wear tigers, one having golden-orange fur, rush towards them with the flash of two steel blades, and then felt the pain of being slashed and stabbed, and then nothing but the cold embrace of death. They were taken out by Cragus and Samuel, who then proceeded to take down the rest of the soldiers with quick and brutal ferocity...

As this was happening, Leonard and Ferris saw that the powersuits were marching back, unaware of what was happened to their comrades. The two tigers pressed themselves tightly against the wall and waited in the darkness until the six powersuits went around the corner and went pass them. Ferris, holding the white phosophorus grenade in his hand, pulled out the pin, held onto the safety handle until the powersuits were several meters away from them, let go of the safety handle and waited two seconds, and then threw the grenade towards the powersuits, going above their heads as well. As expected, the white phosophorus grenade exploded, raining a shower of white fire onto the powersuits. However, Ferris' throw had come up a little short, bathing five of the powersuits in white phosphorus rather than all six. The five victims who were bathed in the flames couldn't help but drop their guns and flail around as their armored suits burned from the 5000 degree heat, causing their suits to slightly melt into their skin in the process. Desperately trying to put out the flames, which could be put out by pouring lots and lots of water on them, three ran from their three comardes. They headed towards the riverbank and jumped into the water, desperate to put the flames out, but unfortuately, the water was too shallow and the tigers collasped into the water, having burned to death and suffocated from lack of oxygen.

Seeing the two remaining victims flail around of the powersuits were still alive, Ferris and Leonard thought they had got them all, but was unware of the sixth one, who was hidden behind the flailing, flaming bodies of the other two victims. Turning around amongst its two immolated comarades to face them, the sixth powersuit suddenly jumped towards them, easily utilizing the suit's strength to jump several meters both up into the air and several meters forward at an astonishing speed. The two mercenaries, shocked at seeing the powersuit jump towards them from behind its comrades, were completely unaware of the enemy, lifted up their rifles to fire at the powersuit, but it's heavy foot landed onto Ferris, crushing him on impact. Leonard couldn't help but yell as he saw his fellow tiger get a huge, gory hole stomped into his upper chest cavity by the mechanical suit and started firing his suppressed M4 frantically into the suit in desperate terror. The armored suit protected the enemy tiger within from the assault rifle fire but didn't prevent it from causing pain, and thus he punched Leonard in the face. Leonard was knocked to the ground instantly dead from the blow, his face completely caved into a bloody, gorey, nearly unrecognizible mass. Looking at the corpse, the powersuit lifted its head up and turned around towards the fortication, only to have a bullet punch into the glass lens of its mask, tearing through the eye and piercing nto its brian. Dropping its assault rifle, it leaned backwards and fell hard onto its back, landing with a crunch.

Cragus and Samuel, both with their gasmasks on, had heard Leonard screaming. They had left the corpses of the soldiers in the trench, ran towards Ferris and Leonard, and looked past the two flailing powersuits that were on fire only to discover that it had been too late. Having seen the mutilated corpses of Leonard and Ferris, Cragus had immedietdly aimed and shot the powersuit in the eye, instantly killing it. With Samuel standing in shock at the loss of their comrades, Cragus couldn't help but cuss in anger. He was angry because not only did he lose two of the men who had saved his life and had served with him ever since, but also because Ronald didn't cover the two soldiers like he ordered him to. He took off his mask and turned to Samuel, looking at him while touching him on the shoulder. "I swear I'm to make sure that the deaths of Leonard and Ferris won't be in vain. I..."

He was suddenly cut off from continuing his sentence as an extremly powerful round punched a frighteningly huge hole in his back and through his chest, punched a huge hole through Leonard's chest and out Leonard's back, and then punched a huge hole in the granite wall behind him. Dumbfounded, both the landsar and his soldier fell against the wall dead, having been killed by a single shot from the same spot that Ronald and Penn were...

Drake, having fired a shot from Hell's Bane, folded back the bipod on the barrel of his weapon and stood up. He had watched Cragus and his men iniate their raid and, after watching them take care of every guard at that fortified spot, decided to end the raid and kill the rest of them. Although it wasn't an honorable death, it was quite deserving for Cragus to die like that since what he was doing wasn't honorable in the first place. He was very sure nobody had heard the shot, as the sound was dampened by the suppressor, that the shot was far away enough to not have been heard by the people within the fortress, which the machine gun nests were connected to, that the majority of the guards were conentrated in the northern portion of the fortress and not in this relatively unguarded fortification, and not to mention that everybody guarding the area had died and didn't contact the other fortress guards on the radio. Because of this, he was in no danger.

Standing up at the cliff at the forest's edge, Drake had waited until the tear gas had cleared up. When it looked fine, Drake then leapt off the cliff, going 54 feet forward onto landing on the ground right next to a soldier corpse 14 feet from the riverbank. He didn't use the full strength of his legs though, or else he would've smacked into the rough granite walls of the fortress. Going around the corner, he walked to the corpses of Cragus and Samuel, picked up the landsar's scarred body by his neck, and using his extremly sharp claws, proceeded to cut open and skin the body. This was the evidence that he was going to presemt to Krasnia about Cragus' death...

While this was going on, the same rival that was wrecking havoc in the northern parts of Tramis had already reached the capital quite a while ago and was heading towards the fortress. However, he proved to be a lot more subtle than he was beforehand, easily getting past both the guards and the civilians completely unseen and unnoticed. Like the mysterious, near-12 foot figure that watched Drake coerce Kiaru into giving him Drewen and then hitched secretly ride with Kiaru in his car eight years ago, this figure was transparent and nearly invisible to see at any distance. Being completely unnoticeable, he explored the city a bit and then concentrated on his objective at hand. He headed towards the bridge that connected the fortress to the city...

The guards at the bridge area were huge in numbers. Behind barricades, there were 16 guarding the front entrance of the the double doors, 46 on the bridge itself, and 60 guards behind barricades, with some armored jeeps and light machine guns strategically positioned to block and shoot down any fool that was going to charge the fortress from the city, between the front of the bridge and the city. Above the bridge and double doors were seven machine gun nests built into the granite walls. 32 feet above both sides of the bridge were files of three machine gun nests that were spaced 10 feet from each other, while the last nest was 30 feet above the double doors. Each of these nests contained a team of two tigers, one to fire and one to feed and load the gun. About 15 feet above the machine gun nests was an open passage, and behind the wall were several snipers, all of them equipped with high-powered rifles and advanced optics. All this made the fortication that guarded the "back door" of the fortress relatively unguarded.

All of these soldiers, who were placed at the bridge area as the first line of defence for the emperor, were all quite confident that if whoever or whatever was wrecking havoc in the northern parts of Tramis were to come here and show its face, it would be fulfilling a deathwish and be shot so full of lead. As the soldiers had this thought in their minds, they begin to hear something rumbling. As seconds passed by, the rumbling got to be louder and this time the soldiers started to feel trembling, as if a slight earthquake was happening. As more seconds passed, the rumbling was louder and this time, the bridge itself begain to visibly shake and move, resembling a more violent earthquake. As the the soldiers on the bridge struggled to keep a steady foot, the two soldiers guarding the large double doors and in the machine gun nests bridge wondered to themselves "What in the Hell is going on here?"

As soon as that thought had passed, the 60 foot long, 40 foot wide bridge suddenly shattered, breaking into huge chunks of rock, starting from the front of the bridge towards the back, throwing 36 soldiers on the bridge to the 70 foot drop below while carrying 10 soldiers with the debris. The 16 soldiers guarding the double doors couldn't help but scream as the huge pieces of stone, averaging 10 feet in diameter hurtle right towards them. Three tried to get through the double doors but they were too late, the rocks smashing them and the rest into nothing but bloody pulp and burying them in tons of rubble. At the same time, the guards within the machine gun fortifications couldn't help but scream in terror and cower as individual pieces of rock homed in right onto their nests and smashed through the windows of their fortifications and crash into the heavy machine guns, smashing the weapons into scrap metal and crushing both the operator and the feeder to death. An alarm was sounded, indicating that the fortress was under attack.

At the entrance interior, the impact that the pieces of the bridge made against the granite walls causes the metal doors to fly open, sliding several feet across the floor as several tons of rock are now blocking the doorway, and have the ceiling break a few feet from the ruined entrance, showering the ruined doors with tons of debris from the ceiling. Dozens upon dozens of soldiers, fully armed and equipped, had rushed to the entrance, having no idea exactly what happened but knew that the castle was under attack, and had to protect their emperor. Upon reaching the entrance hallway, they saw nothing but the razed entrance buried under tons of rock, debris, etc. As they looked on, they suddenly saw a slight glimmer appear in the center of the entrance. Raising their guns, they watched as a nearly invisible figure's eyes glow an eerie purple, the eyes themelves being at least a dozen feet off the ground, and then watched fire, the exact same kind that Drake breaths out, was breathed out by the purple-eyed individual and completely envelop it, forming a purple-eyed, extremly muscular, 16 foot tall foot male liger made out of dancing flame emitting poisonus gas, and has bone spikes on his knees, elbows, shoulders, all over his tail, over his fists, and over his shins and lower forearms. They then heard the fiery figure voice call out to them. "Go ahead, mortals. Fire at me with all of your rounds if you wish." To the majority of tigers, which were descendents of Kiaru, the voice just sounded to be coming from the front of the entrance hall, but for the tigers who were not descended from Kiaru, the voice seemed to come from every direction. Whatever the case, the voice sounded dark, deep, extremly masculent, and chilling to the bone.

The tigers couldn't help but oblige the vague individual, now made much more visible by the glowing eyes, and began firing all of their rifles and sidearms at the stranger. To their surprise, the bullets, despite being fired with superb accuracy, didn't hit the stranger at all. In fact, they had hit nothing at all. All of them, hundreds in number, stopped just a few feet in front of the individual, floating in mid-air. As the soldiers looked on dumbstruck, they saw all the individual walk towards them as the bullets dropped to the ground, the loud noise of the bullets clinking unsettling. The flaming figure then laughed. The figure lifted up his right hand, and a long line of purple light formed, and then that light formed into a huge, wide purple-bladed sword, one that looked too heavy for a normal person to lift easily, had a platinum hilt, and long, cruel, platinum spikes on the handguard. "My turn..." The firey figure said while grinning darkly. He then charged at the troops, appearing as nothing but a fiery blur followed by a trail of fire, and reached them in a few seconds...

Drake, who had finished skinning the body of Dragus and had went back up the cliff to retrieve the bag of rappling equipment in order to stick Cragus' wet and bloody skin in, felt the destruction of the bridge and heard an alarm go off. The Voivode sensed that there was something terribly, terribly wrong and knew that it had nothing to do with him. Emptying the contents of the rappling equipment bag that belonged to Cragus and his men and sticking the landser's scar-covered skin in it, Drake wemt towards the fortification, went around the corner, and went over the sandbags and the trench, facing the "back door" of the fortress. Setting the bag down, the black dragon looked up at the tower, knowing that if Kiaru was to have any chance of honor in his death, the draconic mercenary had better get to the Dark Blitz just so he could be protect the tiger from whatever threat is attacking Tramis.

Strapping Hell's Bane onto his shoulder, Drake leaned down, and then jumped straight up into the air, easily surpassing the 37 feet that the machine gun nest topped out and going 82 feet in total. He wasn't going to enter the fortress through the now-unguarded door, as he did not want to run into any guards, but was instead going to scale the tower, thinking that was a faster way. Latching onto the hard granite rock, Drake proceeded to climb the 500-foot tall tower of the fortress, intending to reach where he thought Kiaru was. Unlike previous buildings he had climbed in Cartina, there were no intersections that would've helped him on his way up. All that there were to help him are natural crevices that were pretty much left in the stone as nature intended it to be. It was as if the fortress itself was carved into the mountain rather than built. As he climbed this huge obsticle, with which he did easily with his godly-muscles and his cruelly sharp claws, along with making sure to not at all alert any guards who weren't patrolling the passageways, he began to think what might be attacking Tramis. Was it a Demon, a monster, or maybe even the Beast/God of the Hunt himself?

Up at the top of the tower, standing on the balcony was the same nearly 12 foot-tall figure. Its powerful metallic exoskeleton transparent and nearly invisible, it knew exactly who was attacking the fortress. It was none other than "Him", the same monster who betrayed Lord Marcus 35 years ago, one that it had been on the lookout in Tramis for at least eight years just in case "He" decided to attack and kill Kiaru for the throne. Although it had been assigned the task of watching over Kiaru, it was not assigned to protect him. It was instead to make sure that it was present when "He" got to Kiaru, as it had something to do to "Him" as Lord Marcus told it to.

It then turned around and entered the building, slightly parting the silk curtains that prevented anyone from looking into the tower from outside. Within, it had entered a bedroom that looked like it was built for royalty. In a room that was well lit with lamps was a really lavish kingside bed with the a stainless steel frame, and laying in the center of that bed was Kiaru. He is currently shirtless and wearing black shorts, the bulge in his crotch looking like the pants were too tight for his huge cock and balls. It's been seven days since he had lost Bergen to Reagan, but at the cost of its general Dettin, and since then, he has been in really terrible shape. His abdominals were bandaged up heavily to prevent them from tearing under his weight and causing his guts to spill out. He had been feeling very weak, since during the battle he had the branchial artery in his upper left arm, the external carotoid artery on the left side of his neck, the interosseous artery in his lower right arm, and the deep femoral artery within his left leg all slashed open, resulting in major blood loss and requiring emergency blood transfusion. He also had those wounds patched up in order to prevent deadly infection and more blood loss. Worst of all, he had been exposed to extremly poisonous gas that burned away at his skin, lungs, and eyes. This caused him to lose fur in patches all over his body like some sort of mange, requires him to breath through tubes stuck in his nose all day and not at all able to speak, and he's now nearly blind, not able to see anything but dark, blurry images and pain whenever he opens his eyes. He also has several wounds on his body that would result in scarring after healing, but that isn't so bad compared to the rest. These injuries had caused him to be quite pathetic, nothing but a shadow of his former self that is unable to at all defend himself from rival males. That battle had caused life to be nothing but pure Hell for him.

Accompanying Kiaru were three slaves, all of them tigress', along with four guards standing between the bed and the doorway. The guards, none of them related to Kiaru, were all armed with P90 submachine guns, sidearms, broadswords, and were heavily armored with kevlar vests, tactical jackets, ballastic masks and helmets, and infared goggles. When Kiaru returned the day after he had lost Bergen to Reagen, the girls were shocked and at a loss for words at how horrible his condition was. To them, he was a god, a male whose strength, beauty, and huge cock were divine to them and whom they fell in love with. They're now deeply upset that thier god of a male is in this pathetic state and are afraid that he would never fully recover from that battle. Although they know he would eventually be replaced by a rival male, which is now very easy to do, they'll always love him. In their hearts, they'll know that after death, he'd be grateful to be reunited with his lost love, Xandria again.

As the mysterious figure watched the slaves comfort their emperor, the lights suddenly flickered and dimmed, as if somebody took out the fortress' generator, but then around half a minute later, the lights completely went out, signifying that the back-up generator had been completely taken out. Fear gripped both the female slaves and the guards, as they knew that the two seperate generators would take at least five minutes to get to seperately, thus that there may be more than one person turning Kiaru's fortress apart. There was currently a couple dozen Carnivores from Krostavia guarding the hall way to the bedroom door, all armed to the teeth and ready to give the fortress' raider the worst night of his life, but they were filled with a certain dread that them being there would be all useless. The nameless figure was not all affected by the dark. Due to its cybernetic enhancements, it could see perfectly in total darkness, being able to see everything clearly like it was daytime. It even sees better than animals that could usually see better in the dark than the day, like tigers. Kiaru, on the other hand, hardly noticed the change at all. To him it just got a bit darker. The four guards, although comfortable with seeing in the dark due to them being tigers, turned on their infrared goggles just to achieve maximum effenciy in vision.

Soon, gunfire and loud screaming were heard coming from the hall way, followed by the sound of fire roaring and fire's orange-yellowish glow coming from beneath the doorway. Soon, the glowing and gunfire stopped, and the slaves, Kiaru, and the nameless figure then started to feel the area tremble and quake violently, as if the hallway itself was being demolished, followed by large booms and violent trembling. The trembling, quaking, and booms started getting louder and more violent as seconds passed by, and when they sounded like they couldn't get any closer, the wooden door suddenly shattered into dozens of sharp pieces and flew towards the guards. Miraculously, as if they being controlled by something and with great force, all of the pieces struck all of the guards through armor, piercing them through the chest, head, neck, and through several organs. Kiaru, despite having terrible vision, could hear all of their screams of pain and fear, and could hear his slaves scream too.

As for the two of the three slaves, who were screaming and cowering in fear, their fates happened rapidly. The white-furred brunette laying by Kiaru's right and had her skin slowly tear itself off of her body as if by some invisible force, causing her to scream as her muscles are being exposed to the air and her blood was being spilt on the bedsheets, on the other slaves, and on her emperor. The other girl, the white-furred, black-haired beauty on the edge of the bed, lost control of her body, and felt herself be lifted up into the air. Moving a few feet away from the bed, she suddenly screamed as fire ignited on her body, burning her alive. However, it wasn't poisonous fire, so there was no caustic gas being emitted from the flames. Kiaru saw things were beginning to brighten up from the fire. He also heard the last remaining girl, a black-furred, red-eyed stepdaughter of his, shriek in terror at the sight along with the screams of the immolating slave. The slave going silent, she was thrown against the wall on the other side of the room, providing lighting for the place.

Standing in front of the hall's doorway was the stranger, again nearly invisible and this time without its eyes glowing purple. Behind him was the hallway, completely razed and thus blocked with tons of debris that were unpassable. This time, the figure stood at 25 feet, 10 inches tall, which was about 10 feet close to touching the ceiling. The figure walked towards Kiaru, perfectly able to see in the dark, and as he did, he started to undo the transparency and reveal himself. He is revealed to a liger, whose eyes are completely purple and has no visible pupils, a black mane that is cut moderately and slicked back, black shorts, no stripes on his body making him look more similar to a lion in all but his tiger-like face, and is shirtless, exposing huge, powerful abdominals that are perfect and Godly in looks and proportion, and a coat that is purely blood-red with no stripes at all. He has huge, long bone spikes on his knees, elbows, shoulders, that are much bigger and longer than Kiaru's, along with having bonespikes all over his tail, over his lower forearms, his fists, and over his shins, forming some sort of natural spike armor. Below the belt, there was absolutely no bulge at all and not even a sign of testicles in the crotch area. The only signs of masculinity this giant was visibly showing were his huge size, his unamorious manliness, which was even greater than what Kiaru used to be, and his gigantic muscles, which were perfectly porportioned and were Olympian in build. They were even more perfect than Kiaru's muscles were.

The giant liger, looking over Kiaru but not seeing the nameless figure, glanced towards one of the four guards, who had survived the assault with the wooden pieces, but was heavily injured in the process. Pulling up his P90, he felt his hand suddenly freeze, as if unable to control itself. The arm then jerked itself violently, and the tiger screamed as he felt the bones in his arm snap in various places, with some of the bones protuding out his skin. The monster spoke to him, its voice mocking him. "I've read your thoughts to shoot me, soldier, even before your body act upon those thoughts. Those are pretty useless, as I'm able to stop them like I was able to stop your hand from even making. See?" The soldier's hand then moved on its own accord and began to fire repeatedly at the Demonic looking giant, but the bullets, numbering 50 in number, simply stopped before they could even graze the monster's skin, floating in the air. The monster continued. "Now that you're wasting my time, I'd end your pitiful life." With his infrared goggles, the guard saw the bullets turn right towards him and upon the monster's mental command, accelerated towards him at the speed of bullets fired from a rifle, repeatedly piercing into the cat's body and killing him. Satistfied, the liger went between the black-haired tigress, who was still floating the air and burning on fire, went over to the left side of Kiaru's bed and slightly sat down on its edge, causing the bed to creek a little. He knew that Kiaru was incapable of speaking, so he didn't care if he couldn't respond at the moment. Instead, he glanced the one remaining slave, who couldn't help but whimper at the sight of this Demonic looking, but handsome giant. A sadistic grin came over the liger's face and tried to reach out and grab at the girl, who was terrified out of her wits.

She tried fighting the giant, throwing a kick at him, but he grabbed at her leg in a lightning quick motion and pulled her towards him. Picking her up, he turned and threw her right against the wall opposite the bed, landing on the burning body of the white, black haired slave. As she felt her body set on fire, the girl screamed, trying to roll on the ground to the stop the burning, but the giant liger stood up, walked over to her, and "lightly" planted his foot on her stomach, pinning her to the ground. She could do nothing but scream, claw at him, and burn to death as the flames and scratches did nothing to his foot.

Watching her body writhe a bit and then grew still, he then lifted his foot off of her and kicked her corpse towards the wall, letting it slide towards the other burning corpse. Turning towards the balcony entrance, he simply lifted both the corpses of the four guards, none of which were related to Kiaru, off the floor and lifted the girl who was skinned alive off the bed simply with the power of his mind, and threw them with the over the balcony. He knew that an intruder was trying to reach this room, so he decided to give him a surprise. The girl who was skinned alive was still living when this happened, and thus she screamed when she fell to her death. The monster didn't intend to knock the intruder off to his doom. He also lifted the white brunette's skin off the bed and threw it into the fire...

Drake, who was now 436 feet off the ground, heard screaming and looked up, being surprised as he saw four guards, impaled with multiple pieces of wood, and one skinless, screaming girl fall straight towards him. Quickly grabbing some nearby crevices and pressing himself tightly against the wall, he watched as the tigers fell past him, realizing that the attacker must've already reached the tower. Seeing them fall about 100 feet before turning his head up, Drake decided to climb the tower faster. Taking his his right hand off of the crevice, he punched his hand into the black granite, piercing through it with his bone claws, and did the same with his left hand. He then continued to climb the tower, with some sweat glistening against his black draconic skin, by repeatedly piercing the granite with his bone claws while climbing upwards, leaving numerous lines comprised of three holes in the wall. Having finally reached the top, he hoisted himself over the balcony, at last on solid ground. Slidling in his boneclaws and unstrapping Hell's Bane on his shoulder and aiming it against his shoulder, he completely parted the curtains and entered, checking all around him, including up, for any sign of whoever threw those girls off the balcony. He found nothing. He looked to the wall on the right and found the two corpses of the girls set on fire, looked to the open doorway and saw that hallway was completely razed, as if a bombing had occurred, and then looked to his left to see Kiaru in his poor, miserable state laying in the bed unguarded, with the sheets covered in blood.

He also saw that there was no lighting provided by lamps, as the generator and its back up had been destroyed. The only source of light were the two girls burning on fire. Even if they weren't burning and there was no lighting at all except for the night sky, Drake wouldn't of minded though. He had no problem seeing in the dark due to his enhanced senses. Drake loves the dark, even more so than some tigers. This was one of the things that greatly helped him as an assassin along with his great sense of smell. However he caught a partucularly unusual smell, one that smelled awfully a lot like him...

Upon pure warrior instinct, Drake dodged to the right, avoiding a stab to the heart from behind. Glancing to the left over his shoulder, Drake could see a huge, transparent, nearly invisible, which was quite hard to see even in the firelight. He couldn't help but feel surprised as the blade slashed into the left shoulder of his jacket, cutting open his skin. This indicated to Drake, who growled in pain, that the sword was not normal steel at all. Bleeding from the shoulder, he then quickly jumped back as the blade turned and did slash at his stomach,, barely missing it and cutting his jacket, only to be greeted by a lightning-fast punch of a nearly invisible fist, covered in bone spikes, headed right towards his face. Unlike the blows of Renee, which was enough to smash into tanks but not enough to hurt him much, this blow was strong enough to kill someone like Renee in one blow and actually do him some damage. This also nearly matched Drake's strength and could kill someone like Kiaru, who could easily throw a tank over like a small toy and punch right through their armor, in one punch. Not only that, the blow was actually faster than Renee's too, which when combined with the near invisibilty, made it real hard to react to. The bone spikes were sharp and hard enough to pierce into his skin, which normal steel couldn't do, so the blow actually managed to draw out some blood. While being punched, Drake felt himself get simultaneously tail-whipped on his left side by the nearly invisible attacker, whose spikes slashed into his side, pulling themselves out of him. As it turns out, the spikes were also sharp enough to cut into his skin, managing to draw blood. Spitting out blood and with a bloody welt forming on his left side, Drake barely reacted to a lightning fast kick coming towards his head from the giant, and he quickly ducked under it, avoiding the actual blow itself but not the spikes that were covering the attacker's right shin. As a result, the top of Drake's head was slashed open, and blood gushed .

Winching from the pain as he ducked, Drake lightly dropped Hell's Bane onto the floor, Drake contracted the bonespikes out of both his shoulders and tearing that part of his jacket, and suddenly went into a sprint, impaling the nearly invisible giant in his perfectly-formed, extremly hard abdominals with his right shoulder spikes and stabbing through the giant's muscular lower thigh with his left shoulder spikes, which caused the giant to roar loudly in pain. Wrapping his arms around the nearly invisible giant, and lifting him up, finding that the giant weighed over 14,000 pounds, Drake continued his sprint and intended to smash the giant's back into the wall within a second.

In the split second as he was about to impact the giant's body against the wall, the giant suddenly vanished, and Drake wound up ramming himself against the wall at high speed. A loud boom was heard as he smashed into the wall, unintentionaly breaking a hole in it upon impact with his godly muscles and immense weight. Drake then felt a spike-covered punch strike the back of his head. The spiked-fisted blow smashed his face against the wall of the hole, breaking more of it with his face. Bleeding from the back and top of his head, his mouth, lips, and his left side, Drake felt a little dazed from the blow, stumbling back a bit. Before he could step back a few feet, a long, transparent arm shot out of the crushed wall in front of him, not as in like bursting out out of it but literally lunging through it like it was air, as if it was intangible to the wall itself, and gripped the dragon by the throat, which it was solid to. It then tried to pull Drake towards the destroyed wall, but Drake stopped himself from moving by throwing his arms out and pushing against the wall, preventing the monster from crushing the wall again with his face. However, it did not prevent the attacker from throttling his throat, cutting off his oxygen at the jugular.

Drake was amazed at the strength of this adversary as it tried to pull his face towards the wall again as he resisted. This strength was something an abnormally strong individual could do, someone that could tear through high-quality armor with his punches alone, equalling to that of artillery. However, Drake proved to be stronger, as he managed to push himself out of the hole more with both his arms, revealing more of the transparent individual's huge arm. As Drake was nearly at elbow's length out of the hole in the wall, he suddenly found the giant's sword coming out of the wall, intending to cleave him in two at the left shoulder. Drake knew that if didn't stop the sword, the 20-foot blade was going to slash through his skin, through his muscle, through his ribcage, and get him in either the heart, the lung, or both, and he had to stop it. In a split second, Drake let go of the wall with his right hand and punched right into the nearly invisible enclosed fist of the attacker's right hand that was unprotected by the spiked grip, smacking it right into the wall. Drake then immedietedly followed this by contracting his bone claws in his right hand, driving them through both the attacker's sword-bearing hand and the stone wall, pinning it in place, and simultaneously contracted the bone spikes out of his neck and the back of his head, impaling the attacker's left hand that was enclosed around his throat with plenty of spikes. Drake, choking from the monster's grip on his throat, felt the monster howl in pain as he released his grip from the Drake's throat, but couldn't pull it out of the spikes.

Retracting the bones claws back into his right hand, Drake then started to walk backwards without much resistance, pulling the monster towards out of the wall, and exposing his huge frame. The blood from his wounds beginning to clot fast, Drake then took his left hand and and punched the monster straight into his hard abdominals, delivering a blow that wouldn've crushed in the guts of Renee and Kiaru, each of whom could've done the same to lesser men, and for extra measure, slid out out the bone claws of his left hand, impaling the monster onto them. Feeling the near invisible monster double over on him in pain, Drake then slid out the bone spikes on his shoulders and upper arms, piercing deeply into the monster's upper chest and head. The monster cried out in terrible pain as his felt several spikes penetrate deeply into his neck, jawbone, lungs, tongue, the roof of his mouth, and shoulders while its blood flowed onto Drake's jacket. The monster's grip weakened on his sword, barely holding onto it.

Feeling satisfied, Drake lifted the monster up, about to throw him into the ceiling, but suddenly the monster vanished, and Drake nearly lost his balance, stumbling back a few steps. Drake then instincively ducked as another slash from the giant's sword came from behind. This time, the slash was much slower, indicating that the severity of the damage Drake did on it. Contracting his right elbow spike as he ducked, again tearing that part of his jacket, Drake spun 180 degrees to the right in an upward slash, slashing the nearly invisible giant's left femoral artery, and impaling it in the middle of his left side, stabbing him right in the heart with his bone spikes, and then twisted it, crunching the bone and tearing through the monster's soft tissues. The nearly invisible, nearly 26-foot giant, surprised at Drake's speed and quick recovery, stumbled back a bit, gasping while obviously in pain. To Drake's surprise, the monster wasn't dead, and still hasn't lost its grips on its sword. Drake reached out behind his back and pulled out his 14-foot broadsword, retracting in his bonespikes as well, leaving in numerous holes in his jacket. "My, were the dead right about you, Voivode," The monster spoke, his dark, deep, and chilling voice sounding through the air. However, it sounded horse and ragged, since Drake did puncture his throat, mouth, and lungs. The giant suddenly became transparent, revealing to Drake that he was fighting a 25 foot liger with blood-red fur, no stripes, completely purple eyes, and a giant purple-bladed sword with a platinum hilt and a platinum, spiked handguard. "You really are a fierce and deadly warrior worthy of a challenge. I did not expect the bone spikes though..."

As Drake looked on, he could see that the numerous stab wounds that he inflicted on the giant's guts, chest, shoulders, throat, and hands, along with the slash wound on his right thigh close begin to heal and repair itself, regenerating torn tissue, bone, and muscle. This meant that the liger had a healing factor much faster than his own, whereas Drake's face, shoulder, and head are still wounded from the spiked knuckles and sword of the monster, but have already scabbed up quickly. He even saw the tear in the liger's short's thigh area close together, looking like the pants were never even torn. "I don't know who you are, but I'm not going to let you kill the Dark Blitz and take his throne. There's no honor in him dying like that in the state he is."

The monster laughed, his voice starting to sound better as the moments passed by. "It sure isn't, but I thought you were going to kill him, thus why I tried killing you. I was impressed by the fact that Kiaru managed to kill my son Dettin, so I decided to stroll into Tramis so I could reach him and get him to serve me as one of Reagan's generals. Getting past the guards were not a problem for me. I've killed hundreds of them before getting here."

Upon hearing the stranger acknowledge Dettin as his son along with saying "Reagan", Drake immeditedly knew who this was. It was none other than Vega, the Divine Legend himself! "So you must be Vega. As I can see, the legends about you aren't false. You really do have magical powers."

"I'm quite surprised at how calm you are at this relvalation, Voivode. Most people would've been skeptical at the mere mention of magic, and would've been shocked at its actual existance, yet you don't even blink an eye."

"Oh I've had my fair share of experience with magical beings, Vega, and the majority of them were Demons straight from Hell. So tell me, are really "Divine" as you say you are, or are you just a Devil who's trying to pass himself off as divine?"

Vega chuckled. " You're right in both senses. I am actually a Demon, but one who thinks of myself as having the potential to be a God, hence the title "Divine Legend". My powers grow and develop over time because of the genes in my body."

"That actually makes sense as far as I'm concerned. Tell me now, how did you know I was coming up here? Nobody else actually knew I was here except for a rival landser and five of his mercenaries that were here to assassinate Kiaru for the throne. They're all dead."

"You're very, very, wrong about that Hellblazer. Among my many powers would be the ability to speak with the spirits of the slain telepathically. It seems that before you got to this room, the spirits of two mercenaries named Leonard and Ferris saw you kill their landser Cragus and their comrade Samuel. Strangely enough, the spirits of Cragus and Samuel weren't present and nor were the spirits of Ronald and Penn. The spirits of the tigers they killed were here though."

"I don't care, Vega! I would like to know how you're going to get Kiaru to serve you! He's in a miserable enough condition, judging from what I see of him, and I don't think he would join you even if he wasn't invalid!"

"Oh I have a very convincing way. Just watch, Voivode, and you'll witness the joining of two empires..."

The Demon suddenly vanished and simultaneosly appeared on the left side of the bed, standing over Kiaru. This showed to Drake that Vega was a teleporter, which explained why Drake rammed himself into the wall rather than ramming Vega's back and why the monster disappeared right when Drake was going to throw him into the ceiling. Vega then reached back with his sword and rested it against his powerful muscles. Amazingly, the sword managed to stick to the back, not out of some magnet, but instead purely out of magic. Vega lifted his right hand and touched Kiaru's right shoulder. As Drake looked on, some sort of purple colored energy began to flow down from Vega's arm, and Kiaru soon felt his numerous wounds heal, his eyes and vision get better, and his skin and lungs being restored back to the way they were before his battle with Dettin. Vega lifted his arm off of Kiaru, looking at the emperor. Kiaru, surprised, looked around and ripped off the bandage over his abdominals to see that his disembowlment had completely healed away with no visible scars, and did the same to the arteries that were slashed open. He even no longer had the old scars he had from numerous battles he had fought in countless wars and duels with rival kings and landsers. He was completetly healed of his injuries.

The giant black tiger, who pretty much heard everything said between Drake and Vega, was quite shocked and amazed that the legends about Vega were true, that Vega is a Demon, that Drake had encounters with Demons before, and that Drake had had bonespikes. He was also amazed that the Demon had healed him. Drake, on the other hand, was not amazed at this, because he met Demons that had the power to heal while in Hell and this was no different than what he had seen.

The bigger of the three giants lifted his hand off of Kiaru's shoulder. "The reason I healed you Kiaru is because I want you to join me in my empire as a general. If you refuse, then I should inform you that the three slaves at your bed, the four guards in your room, the numerous villages in northern Tramis, the armored patrol, and countless numbers of guards in this fortress were all killed by me to serve as a warning of what I'm capable of. So will you serve under me as my general, Dark Blitz? You'll get to keep your portion of the Reagean empire like it always was, Bergen included, and can even expand its boundaries, but as long as you only answer to me..."

Kiaru thought about this, and then looked around at the blood-soaked covers of bed, and then looked ahead to see the burning corpses of his stepdaughter and the white-furred black-haired slave, and then looked at Vega. "Fuck you, Demon. You come into my country and killed my people, invaded my fortress, slain countless guards, and gave the slaves in my bed gruesome deaths, and this is after you have your son nearly kill me and take away Bergen from me. I'd rather die as an emperor than to serve under you. Heck, I'd rather join Hellblazer over there in killing you. Despite our differences on how the races should be treated and him being a non-tiger, he's decent enough to prevent me from being assassinated by a rival despite being an assassin himself. You, on the other hand, are a unholy monster worthy of being sent straight back to Hell."

Vega let out a growl, angered and disappointed that Kiaru had rebuffed his offer. "So be it. Goodbye, Kiaru..." With that, Hell's Bane floated up off the air. Kiaru quickly glanced to see Drake's gun pointed straight at him. Vega suddenly vanished in teleportation, and Kiaru, knowing what was about to happen, quickly sprang up just as the twelve shot-grenade launcher underneath the rifle launched a grenade. Although Kiaru was slower than Renee, he proved to be lightning quick, appearing as a blur as he sprinted forward on the bed. The Emperor leaped off the bed, landing besides Drake, just as the grenade smacked into the headboard, emitting a loud boom as it exploded, completely destroying the bed by tearing through it with sharapnel. The two giants, Kiaru unarmed while Drake had his 14-foot broadsword in his right hand, then looked at Hell's Bane to see the rifle point straight at them. The two jumped towards the left side of the destroyed bed as the assault rifle started firing off rounds, punching numerous holes in the wall towards.

Before the gun could turn and point at the two rivals, Drake leapt forward in a tackle, grabbing onto the gun with his left hand before any more rounds, or grenades for that matter, could be fired, and rolled onto the ground, stopping next to the two burning corpses. Strangely, it didn't try to move out of his grip and was no longer floating out of its own accord. It wasn't under Vega's control anymore. Strapping the gun to his shoulder and looking over at Kiaru, Drake could see a vague, nearly invisible shape charge the Dark Blitz from behind. Drake yelled "Behind you!". The 15-foot, 6 inch giant turned around, preparing to face a 25 foot giant. Instead saw the giant's huge, nearly invisible sword rushing towards him, spinning right towards his middle like some kind of flying buzzsaw. Kiaru, seeing barely a vague outline coming towards him, quickly jumped to the side, letting the sword fly above him.

As Drake looked, the nearly invisible blade stopped its spinning, going handle first in the air, and it flew into the outstreched right hand of Vega, who was nearly invisible as the sword and standing right next to Drake. As soon as the sword was in his hands, Vega gave an extremly quick slash at Drake's head, intending to bisect his skull with his sword's edge, but Drake quickly tilted his head to the side while slightly ducking. As the blade passed inches from his head and sliced through the wall, Vega tried delivering an extremly fast kick to the center of the the broad side of Drake's 14 foot sword in an attempt to break it. Drake, raising his fist up more, saved his sword from breaking as the kick smashed into his fist instead. The impact was so powerful that it would've shattered the bones and crushed in the hands of Renee and Kiaru, each of whom could casually punch through tank armor, but all it did was just hurt Drake's hand and nearly knock the blade out of the dragon's grip.

Ignoring the pain, Drake tried thrusting into Vega's gut with the bayonet of Hell's Bane, but Vega moved the spiked forearm of his left arm to block the stab and break the blade with his spikes. However, the bayonette broke through his spikey armor, proving that it wasn't made of mere steel, and stabbed into the muscle of his arm. At the same time, Drake felt Vega's tail whip him across the chest, slashing his jacket open with its spikes and stabbing into his skin. Both fighters grunting in pain and baring their teeth, Drake took his 14-foot sword and with a thrust so quick that it appeared as a blur, he stabbed right at into Vega's solar plexis, the Regean steel sharper and harder than normal steel, impaling itself deeply into the liger's chest. This also knocked the wind out of the Demon, and he soon found himself unable to breath...

Simultaneously as this was going on, Kiaru had ran to the wardrobe on the left side of the ruined bed and opened it. Within was one stun grenade, several clips of ammo, diamond-edge knives and swords made out of extremly hard tungsten-titanium steel alloy. He had these blades specially made in case he was going to fight Drake, since he learned about the dragon's tough skin, and he had actually used these to fight some of Drake's sons who had came from Valachia to challenge him in a duel. However, he did not expect Dettin to have hard skin as well, thus he was unprepared for the fight and it nearly led to his downfall. He also had a few sidearms and submachine guns, but no rifiles. He started gathering some of the weapons...

Not leaning forward in pain, Vega let go of his sword, leaving it sticking into the wall, and threw a lightning quick maverick with the spiked fist of his nearly invisible right hand. Drake's face again was pierced and bled out as he was hit and let go of his 14-foot sword, but at the same time, he gave Vega's abdominals a whip of his tail. Vega retaliated by then moving his spiked tail downwards off of Drake's chest, dragging the spikes across Drake's wound and tearing it even more. He suddenly vanishied in teleportion and simultaneously appeared a few feet back.

Drake yelled at the pain, spitting out blood. Vega, on the other hand, undid his transparency and fell down to one knee from the pain and the lack of breath. As the dragon watched, Vega's wound in his forearrm was already slowly closed over and healed, while Drake's did not. The only thing Drake's chest wound is doing is clotting fast, preventing blood loss. Now having the ability to breath again and panting, Vega smiled, leaving Drake's sword to hang out in his chest. "My healing is much better than yours, Voivode. It'd be suicide to fight me. Besides, you're going to die anyway in a matter of seconds, because I poisoned you with my tail spikes. All of the spikes on my body and have glands that produce deadly poison in them..."

Drake was surprised as he learned this. However, he did not feel himself weakening or being malaised after a few seconds. In fact, there was no effect even after half a minute. Vega was growing furious. "The poison, it's not working!"

"I guess it must be some sort of poison that I've built up an immunity to. Either way..."

Before Drake could finish, Vega yelled in pain as an 8-foot, diamond-edged tungsten-titanium steel blade pierced through his chest, and another blade slshed through his spiked tail, severing it and then pierced right through the bright side of the chest. Kiaru, having snuck up behind Vega, had stabbed the towering giant right in the heart, cut off his tail and then pierced into right lung, twisting both blades in order to tear up the bone and tissue. Not taking any chances, the Dark Blitz pulled out a bigger, 12-foot long, diamond edged tungsten-titanium steel sword, and delivered a lightning quick slash towards the Demon's neck, intending to decapitate Vega. However, the Demon vanished right before the blade could touch his neck and simultaneously reappeared in teleportation, this time facing him. He was now extremly pissed off that Kiaru tried to kill him in such a manner, and growled angrily in such a manner in order to intimidate him as his wounds healed. Drake saw that the tail was beginning to already regenerate itself, growing muscle, tissue, bone, and skin in a speed that Drake's body couldn't do so.

The growls did not work. Not wasting any time, Kiaru charged towards the wounded giant. Vega threw a diangonal upward slash of his sword towards Kiaru's head, but Kiaru ducked the blow, ramming his shoulder into the hilt of Drake's 14-foot sword with his right shoulder. Vega gasped as the sword ripped through his chest even more so, being driven all the way to the hilt. Kiaru immedietely followed this by slashing his sword towards the right into Vega's stomach, and the Demon's abdominals were sliced open, causing some of his small and large intestine to hang out of the wound. Bringing his sword up out of Vega's stomach, the Dark Blitz then tried decapitating the Demon, but his lightning quick slash was caught by Vega's even quicker left hand, which closed around the blade. The slash cut deeply into Vega's hand, nonetheless, but it managed to stop the blade from moving further towards Vega's face.

Vega then threw a lightning quick headbutt to Kiaru's face, one that Kiaru wasn't able to dodge, but due to the weakened state of the Demon, the blow wasn't strong enough to kill Kiaru, but instead simply broke the tiger's snout. Blood bursting out of his nose and his tears clouding his vision, Kiaru stumbled back a bit, holding his left hand to his face. Holding onto his stomach wound with his left hand, Vega tried standing up, intending to kill Kiaru with his sword, but he suddenly found an extremly sharp blade piercing through the back of his neck but not the vertabre, tearing itself through the back of his throat and stopping at the hilt. Drake, knowing that Vega was simply going to heal off his wounds and possibly kill off Kiaru in the middle of the process, had thrown a Muian-alloy knife straight at the back of Vega's head, intending to stab him in the brain, but caught him in the neck instead. Vega still stood up though, now pissed off but now unable to breath with a knife in his throat.

Pulling Ragnarok out of its sheath, and strapping Hell's Bane to his shoulder, along with pulling another Muian alloy-bladed knife out of his leg sheath and holding it in a reverse grip, the dragon then charged towards the Demon, intending to slice his head off with his sword. Vega, choking on his blood but now aware of the dragon, Quickly spun around 180 degrees towards the right, intending to slice the dragon in two. Most people wouldn't of seen the attack coming but Drake did, thus he turned his blade mid-charge and blocked the blow, the swords clashing together upon impact. Within a second, Drake stoped his charge in order to avoid the two blades protouding out of Vega's chest, and then he took the Muian-alloy blade in his left hand and drove it right through the jaw, tongue, and snout of the bigger giant. If this was a normal knife of steel, the blade would've simply crashed into Vega's skin without piercing, warping the blade and just inflicting some pain on Vega. Before Vega could react, Drake then pulled the extremly sharp blade out, tearing it out of the Demon's face and bisecting his jaw, tongue and snout. The Demon's blood and flesh spilled right into Drake's face and jacket.

Vega couldn't help but let out a garbled, choked out cry out loudly in pain at this, stepping back and crouching down a bit while holding his left hand his face. While this was happening, all the blades within him, including the Muian-alloy knife in back of his neck, Kiaru's two swords lodged in his upper back, and Drake's 14 foot sword in his chest, began to be pulled out by Vega's telekiensis, allowing the wounds to close up and heal. The wound in his disembowled stomach was already close to being completely closed up and healed while his severed tail had already grown its full length, and was beginning to grow the tassle, while the bone spikes were already close growing to their complete length.

Before Kiaru's two swords could be completely be pulled out, their respective owner, bleeding from the nose, had thrown a stun grenade right under Vega's legs and landed between Vega and Drake. Drake immedietedly closed his eyes tightly and covered them using his arm, while Vega was unaware. His eyes safely protected, Drake couldn't help but wench as the grenade went off, his sense of hearing overloaded by the loud boom of the grenade. Unable to hear anything but ringing in his ears, Drake uncovered his eyes and opened them. In front of him was Vega, the Demon's senses of sight and sound both overloaded by the grenade. He could also see that Vega's face was still repairing itself from the bisection Drake did on it, already having grown bone and cartilage in order to reconnect the jaws and snout together, along with muscle in order to reconnect the tongue. The Muian-alloy bladed knife was already pulled out of the back of his neck via telekineses and the wound was beginning to heal, but the swords lodged into his upper chest cavity still weren't pulled out, having been stopped due to the stun grenade.

Kiaru, knowing that the grenade had done its effect, pulled out two diamond-edged, tungsten-titanium steel knives and threw them straight into the back of Vega's knees. The blades, not of normal steel, managed to pierce through the extremly tough skin of Vega and pierced right into the stone-and-metal-like bones and muscle of the Demon, but were unable to penetrate through the bone spikes protouding out the front of Vega's knees. This caused the Demon to fall onto his knees, the blades doing even more damage. Kiaru then proceeded to pull out a normal-caliber submachine gun out of its holster and started firing at the monster's head, but the bullets, instead of penetrating into the monster's skull, simply smacked off the monster's skin and fell onto the ground, falling onto the floor and merly causing the Demon pain. Cursing at the fact that bullets weren't armor-piercing, Kiaru reholstered the gun and looked up to see Drake charging the the Demon. Kiaru intended to do the same, wanting to kill the Regean Emperor as well.

Drake reached the Demon first, and thrusted Ragnarock straight towards Vega's face, intending to skewer the Demon's skull onto his sword. Vega, his vision and hearing still affected from the stun grenade due to it going off much closer to him than it did to Drake, could see Drake and the sword as nothing but a small blur in his mainly white vision, and thus tilted his upper body to the left to dodge the stab, but instead the sword pierced right into the Trapezius muscle of his right shoulder, the Muian alloy tearing right through the bonespikes. Drake quickly followed this with a lightning fast left punch to the face, but Vega reflexively blocked this with his left hand, only to yell out in pain as Drake's bone claws pierced right through it and the bone spikes proutouding from it. Drake did this simutanously by twisting the huge, wide blade, tearing off the Trapezius muscle from its tendon and disabling the arm along with breaking the shoulder spikes. Vega let out a loud, Demonic roar from the pain, dropping his 20 foot sword onto the ground. At that point, Kiaru had reached Vega, planting the spikes of his right knee into the lower half of Vega's back and stabbed his left elbow spike right through Vega's spine, severing the spinal cord. This stab to the spine had temporarirly paralysed Vega, and now the Demon was unable to move until his healing kicked in. Yanking his bone spikes out, Kiaru then grabbed both his swords, twisting them into Vega again and then ripping them out, causing the Demon to cry out in pain. Kiaru then tried slashing off Vega's head with both his swords in a lightning-fast motion, but then Vega suddenly vanished in teleportation, this time taking Drake with him.

Drake suddenly found himself in the razed hallway behind the bedroom's entrance, having been teleported there along with Vega by the Demon himself. The whole enitre ceiling had been completely caved and collasped by Vega's powerful telekinesis, exposing it completetly to the night sky, and the huge chunks of debris were piled together over the bedroom's entrance to prevent anybody from simply crawling over tons of rubble in order to reach the bedroom. Buried under the various pieces of rock in the hallway, which itself was 10 meters in length, were the crushed and mutilated corpses of numerous Carnivores, the elite forces of Krostavia, who were simply there to protect their emperor after the loss of Bergen. The left side of the hallway was quite fine except for the rubble pressing against its wall, but the right side was completely missing, having been broken and pushed off by Vega's telekinses, and having landed on some unfortuate guards below that were searching the passageways looking for the intruder.

Also, Drake was not finding himself standing up on the rubble, but instead found himself falling towards it a few feet off the ground. Landing on his belly with a thud, Drake looked out ahead of him and found around 36 guards over at the bedroom's entrance, all of them picking out pieces of rubble and throwing it out into the right side of the hallway into the long drop below. All of these guards were stepsons of Kiaru, and Vega, having been told about these by the spirits of the dead during the battle between him, Drake, and Kiaru, decided to treleport him and Drake to these guards so that they may be able to attack and possibly finish off the dragon. Seeing the guards turn around as they have Drake quickly grabbed for Hell's Bane, which was still strapped to his shoulder, and turned it so that it aimed straight at the guards, who were grabbing their rifles.

Knowing that the guards were going to shoot him thinking that he might be a rival out to kill their emperor, Drake started firing Hell's Bane first, using the 12-shot grenade launcher compounded underneath it. He fired off about 6 shots, raising the gun up bit with each shot to give them different impact spots. Each grenade went off on their intended spot, the sharapnel raining down upon through the numerous soldiers and tearing through them, along with some soldiers being knocked off the right side of the hallway and into the long drop below from both the sharapnel and the force of the explosions. With all of the guards dead and around 5 shots left in the grenade launcher, Drake then turned himself over and pointed the gun opposite from the bedroom's entrance.

There he saw 29 guards, also stepsons to Kiaru, rush towards the debris from the other side of the hallway, carrying various rifles and guns. Having natural cover from the darkness due to his natural black skin coloration, Drake fired off Hell's Bane, but this time it was the actual rifle itself and not the grenade launcher. The soldiers didn't know what them and a good number of them screamed as Drake's extremly powerful anti-material rounds tore through most of them, punching frighteningly huge holes through their arms, legs, abdominals, chests, or heads. However, 13 soldiers, all of whom were wearing infrared-seeing goggles, managed to see Drake turn himself over and threw themselves onto the ground down to avoid the gunfire. Seeing all 16 of their unfortunate comrades fall onto the ground dead or screaming in pain, five of these soldiers crouched up from the ground, aimed and shot at Drake with high powered rifles (like 50. calibar), hitting him several times in the chest and stomach, a few times in the arms, and once in the head. Drake, hit by the gunfire, yelled in pain, and then suddenly fell silent when that one bullet struck him in the head.

A couple moments had passed before the 13 soldiers stood up, unsure of whether Drake was dead or just wounded. Seven of the 13 remaining soldiers carefully walked over to Drake while the rest checked onto their fallen comrades. Stopping when they reached the monster, they kept their guns pointed at him while three out of those seven checked to examine the dragon. Kicking the gun off of Drake's hands and pulling out knivese, the tigers cut open the arms and center of Drake's jacket, exposing his blood-red, extremly muscular chest and abdominals along with his long, powerful, perfectly muscled arms to the open air, and also his two dogtags hanging off of his neck. There, he not only saw the horrible wounds that Vega had inflicted on the dragon, they saw that 14 bullets penetrated into his skin, including a some where the heart and lungs are, and the one bullet in the head having struck him dead center. The three seeing that those wounds were coaugulating and were very fresh, one of them then put his hand to the dragon's neck and checked his pulse. There was none. It seemed that the legendary soldier, Drake Harkonen, codenamed Hellblazer, known as the Voivade and the murderer of Wakusa had finally died after a long, long series of battles.

Seeing that the dragon was dead, the five tigers turned their back on the corpse, raised their rifles in the air and cheered, yelling to their comrades that they finally took out the intruder and killed the legendary mercenary known as Helblazer. Suddenly, they saw a hand grenade, marked "BRS", fly through the air and land in the center of the six tigers examining their surviving comrades. The grenade went off a second later, releasing a cloud of extremly toxic gas that ate away at the flesh, skin, eyes, throat, and lungs of the tigers in of the area, slowly and horribly killing them off. As soon as the grenade went off, three, extremly sharp bone claws pierced through the back and out of the chest of one of the five tigers closest to Hellblazer, causing him to yell in pain, while two Muian alloy bladed knives thrown from one hand pierced into the throats of the tigers farthest away from Drake. The remaining two turned around, with thier rifiles pointed in the direction of the tiger that yelled, only for one of them to be greeted by a breath of fire. Screaming in pain, the one on fire flailed around and eventually fell off the missing side of the hallway, eventually crashing into the rubble below. The rest of the tigers behind the one remaining one had all died, the victims of a brimstone grenade.

The one remaining tiger, who had fired his gun in terror, looked on in horror at what stood in front him. With a soldier's corpse impaled on the three, long bone claws of his left hand was Drake, seemingly back from the dead. The truth of the matter is that when the high-powered bullets pierced into Drake, his thick, extremly durable skin slowed down the bullets a bit, only for stone-and-metal-like toughness of his thousands of bones and solid muscles to stop them, only allowing them to pierce him just a bit, while as for the head shot, the immensly dense bones in his skull stopped that. As for why they couldn't determine his pulse, Drake had used the few moments that passed by in order to slow down his heartbeat just enough to make them think he's dead. If the tigers had used anti-material rifles instead, they may or may not have killed Drake, but they definitely would've finished him off if he was knocked uncouncious.

Using the soldier's corpse as a sheild and pulling out another knife to throw, Drake stopped as he saw the remaining tiger repeatedly pulling the trigger in fright, not realizing that the gun is jammed. Drake let out a snort. "Well, you little shit, you managed to jam your gun..."

Drake then retracted his bone claws, letting the tiger's corpse fall out of his hand, slid back the knife in its sheath, and snatched the weapon from the enemy tiger. Before the tiger could throw a punch, Drake tail-whipped in the groin, tearing open his ball-sack and his penis too. Howling in pain and falling to his knees, the tiger soon felt Drake wrap his tail around him, constricting him and lifting him up off the ground. Drake held the enemy's rifile in his right hand, holding it like a pistol. "This is how you fix a jammed gun." He then proceeded to use the tap-rack-bang method, which is to ensure that the jam is no longer there. First, he tapped on the middle of the gun's magazine in order to ensure that it's properly in place. Then he cokcked back the slide, ejecting what may be the round that caused the stoppage and chamber in a new round, and then he did the "bang" by aiming the rifle at the shoulder and fired a round right between the tiger's eyes, the bullet entering into his skull and blowing the back of his skull into gory chunks when it made the exit wound. There, the gun works now.

Throwing both the gun and the tiger's corpse towards the missing wall of the hallway, throwing both of them into the rubble below, Drake walked towards the two tigers whom he had killed with his throwing knives and pulled the blades out of them, sheathing the weapons. Turning around, Drake picked up Hell's Bane and pointed it around, looking around for Vega. Since the Demon teleported him to this hallway, he must be here too. Finding nothing, Drake then wiped away the blood from the bullet wound in his head. He simply winced at the pain when he accidentlly grazed the wound with his claws, gritting his teeth. After wiping the blood, Drake took a few steps towards the entrance to Kiaru's bedroom, and bumped his foot against something hard. Looking down, Drake saw that Ragnarock's hilt was sticking out of the rubble and that some feet below it was the hilt of his 14-foot broadsword.

Letting Hell's Bane hang off from his shoulder, Drake reached down and pulled the blades out of the rubble. Noticing that Vega's blood was still on the blades, he realized that Vega must've teleported himself under the rubble, while intangible to the stone in order to do so, and must've left Drake's swords in place while his healing kicked in in order to repair the various wounds on his body. Drake, knowing that Vega is going after Kiaru, charged towards the tons of rubble blocking the bedroom's entrance, and instead of ramming through, leapt high, using his powerful leg strength to surpass the height of the ceiling and reach the rooftop...

During the moments in which Drake found himself in the razed hallway, Kiaru, who was left in the room all by himself, held both his swords in the air and looked around trying to see if Vega would teleport somewhere in the room or if Drake was going to appear somewhere. He was actually hoping for Drake to appear, since although the dragon raped his stepdaugter Jenna to death and humiliated him in front of thousands in Drewen while taking the nation away from him eight years ago, he was unsure of whether he could take Vega or not. During the war for Bergen, Dettin nearly killed him due to his extremly tough skin, his poisonous firebreath, and his rapid healing, and now Kiaru is going up against his father, a Demon who also has rapid healing, extremly tough skin and muscles, the ability to become nearly invisible and hard to see at any distance, numerous bone spikes over his body that could poison its victms, speed much stronger and fast than he is, and the ability to teleport among other abilities. The Dark Blitz, in all his years, had never faced a rival ever like this may have finally met his end, but he will go down fighting and as a legend in history.

Vega's 20 foot sword, laying on the floor, suddenly sank into the ground, as if it was grabbed and pull under by something. Kiaru, hearing the sound of stone scraping behind him, turned around to find the sword gone. He then looked on facing the balcony, wiping the blood off his nose. Vega, who was currently intangible to the rock below him, slowly and silently lifted himself telekinetically out of the floor behind Kiaru, his head popping out first and then the rest of his body. This time, his powerful body looked very different. Sprouting out of his head were two black horns that were comparable to that of a bull, but had a knob of horn in the center of the head connetecting the two, making it even more similar to that of a cape buffalo. Sprouting out of his back was a pairs of huge, Draconic wings, each with a Demonic hand attached to their "thumb" portion, that were lined together with spikes. His blood-red skin had had taken on more draconic features, making it more scaly and furless, and his face had become more monsterous, more Demonic, and more draconic yet retaining its tiger-like features, making his face more like a Demon dragon-cat hybrid in appearence rather than a liger. Also, his completely purple eyes changed to completely golden eyes. His tail had also became more dragon-like in appearence yet still retaining the blood-red fur, sporting even more spikes on it. The numerous bone spikes on Vega's body were also pitch black in color instead of white. Finally, Vega was without his shorts and completely naked, exposing his perfect body to all that would view him. However, his crotch, which was now pantless (they were destroyed by the transformation), appeared to have no genitals at all, with no huge cock in sight and nor any balls hanging off. All that was there was simply a flat mound of flesh.

Landing silently on the floor right behind Kiaru, Vega gave Kiaru a lightning-quick slash with his hand, raking his black claws across Kiaru's back drawing blood. Flinching from the pain, Kiaru turned around and saw nothing. He then felt his the left side of his face get slashed open, drawing blood. The Dark Blitz slashed his swords in that direction along whipping his tail, but hit nothing at all. Looking all around him, Kiaru suddenly saw a Demonic arm popout of the floor without bursting through it, and in one lightning quick move, slash him in the abdominals. Kiaru, with the legendary speed that earned him the monikor "The Dark Blitz", tried to stab into the arm with his swords, but wound up hitting nothing but floor. Yanking his swords out of the floor, Kiaru realized that Vega is somehow able to make himself intangible to rock and stone, being able to pass throughit easily. Several similar instances followed, each one ending with Kiaru getting scratched by Vega's claws but not hitting Vega himself.

Covered in scratch wounds, none of which would leave scars, and thinking of what to do, he then looked down on the floor and saw a monsterous shadow on the floor right beside his, the shadows themselves being illuminated by the fire of the two burning slave girls. Knowing where Vega was, Kiaru suddenly sprang in the air, intending to cut off Vega's head mid jump, but then felt himself get blindsided, whacked out of the air by something much broader than an arm, like a shield. It was also much fleshier and spiked-covered too, the blow having left many puncture wounds onto his chest and abdominals, some a several inches deep.

Quickly manuevering himself in the air so that he landed onto the ground with his feet, Kiaru grunted from the pain. When he lifted his eyes off the ground, he gasped in fright at the monstrosity before him. Here, he was staring at the most monsterous thing he had seen at this point in his life, one that had just whacked him with one of his spike covered wings, but intentionally did not poison him. Looking at the nearly 26-foot monster from foot to toe, he couldn't help but wonder if this was truly the Divine Legend. "Vega... is that you?"

Vega spoke, his voice sounding even more darker, deeper, and more Demonic sounding. "What do you think of my true form? I'm sure it frightens you..."

"It sure does, Vega, but I'm still not giving up my empire to you alive. I'd rather die defending it than to give it to an unholy monster like yourself."

"I see that you're still persistant at not joining me as my subordinate. Nonetheless, I shall take it from you and you shall burn for your refusal!" Fire suddenly ignited around the liger, and Kiaru immediatedly jumping a futher distance back, thinking that the fire was poisonous, considering that Vega was Dettin's father.

Kiaru backed away out of the room and onto the balcony, not wanting to be poisoned again. Vega, who was actually using normal fire instead of poisonous fire because he didn't breath out the fire first, held out with his right hand and manifested his sword, a beam of purple energy forming in his hand and then changing into the sword. He then just walked slowly towards the Dark Blitz. Although he could either teleport to Kiaru or charge towards Kiaru fast, he wanted to intimidate the tiger by appearing very menacing, and strengthened that fear when he also enveloped his 20-foot long sword in flame. He then held out his left hand and a huge jet made of fire shot out of it. Kiaru immetedely took cover behind the granite doorway of the balcony's entrance, not wanting to get burned nor poisoned.

At that point, Drake had reached the edge of the rooftop, looking over the balcony. Having seen the jet of flame and Kiaru hiding berhind the doorway, Drake jumped down and landed right next to behind Kiaru, who was considering to fall off the balcony and safely latch onto the wall before during the 500 foot drop just to prevent what he thinks would be the poisonous gas from the fires. Vega growled at Drake angrily, seeing that the dragon was still alive, and released another jet of flame. Drake, not caring much about the liger's Demonic appearence as he had seen worse, took cover behind the doorway of the Kiaru turned towards the dragon. The tiger turned towards Drake, glad for once to see the dragon. He did notice the bullet wounds and the messed up jacket on the dragon.

"What happened to you, Harkonen? Did Vega shoot you?"

"No. Your guards did. Vega teleported me in the ruined hallway before your bedroom, which was full of your troops. They took notice of me and were picking up their guns to kill me, just like I presume Vega wanted, so I had to kill them. That's why I'm shot up."

"Damn you, Harkonen! Those guards could've been useful to us against this Demonic emperor, and you just wasted them!"

"I'd rather have them dead than me, emperor. We still have the Regean Emperor to deal with, and I see that he gave you plenty of wounds..."

"I think he was playing with me, because most of those wounds are not deep. So what are we going to do in order to kill Vega. That fucker heals like crazy, and we can't get close enough to decapitate him with out him teleporting out of our reach. Also, that one stun grenade I used was the only grenade in the wardrobe next to my bed, and I don't have any more of those at hand..."

An idea clicked in Drake's head. "Well you take cover, Emperor. You just gave me an idea that would give Vega a nasty surprise..."

"What do you mean, Harkonen? What do you have in mind?"

"Just watch and learn, Kiaru..."

Kiaru looked and saw that Drake was undid the straps that held the sheaths of Ragnarok and the 14 foot sword onto his jacket, letting them fall on the floor. He then took off his jacket and redid the straps on the sheaths of his swords, strapping them to himself. Drake then picked up his jacket with one hand, reached into one of the jacket's pockets, pulled the pin of a frag grenade in the pocket, closed the pocket, and then jumped out into the entrance and threw the jacket at Vega. Confused, Vega did not stop the jacket with his telekineses but instead caught it with his right arm. Looking at it as it began to catch on fire, he failed to see the danger of it...

Drake pressed his back against the wall and the Dark Blitz immediatedly joined him. Soon the grenade went off in Drake's jacket, which immedatedly set off the other grenades, all of which were stun and frag grenades. Both Drake and Kiaru heard the loud explosion along with seeing the bright flashes from the stun grenades while behind the granite wall.

Their ears ringing but their eyes not overwhelmed by light, Drake entered into the bedroom. Within, Drake found the Regean Emperor still alive and no longer on fire, but bloody and horribly injured. Laying on his back, the emperor had lost most of his right right arm and right wing, and a huge portion of his chest and abdominals, exposing the flesh, muscle, and the broken bones underneath the skin. Also his spiked tail was severed again, and a bunch of sharapnel were lodged into the skin all over his lower body. Also, the emperor was stunned, his ears having been overwhelmed by the loud boom from all of the grenades and his vision filled with nothing but overwhelming white from the flash of the stun grenades. He was leaning up, completely unaware of his surroundings.

Wasting no time, Drake charged the Demon, and impaled his wide blade into the Regean Emperor's upper chest, face, and neck, the blade piercing out of the Divine Legend's back. He then quickly brought the blade up, splitting Vega's head in two, and then decapitated the emperor in a sweeping slash. Seemingly dead, Vega fell back onto the floor, the two pieces of his split skull pouring out blood. To Drake's surprise, Vega's crotch suddenly was filled up with an enourmous bulge, forming an immensely huge black cock and enourmous balls similar in size to oversized medicine balls, like he kind that tigers would use, indicating that Vega truly was huge below the belt but could hide it through magic. However, his eyes still remained completely golden.

Sheathing Ragnarock back on his back, Drake looked back towards the balcony. "You can come on in, Emperor. The fire isn't poisonous so you won't be harmed by the gas emitting from it."

The over 15 foot tiger entered, seeing that the gas being emitted by the fire isn't hurting him. He looked at Vega's "corpse", convinced that the Demon was dead. He turned towards Drake, the "killer" of the Divine Legend. "Even though Reagan's emperor is dead, we still aren't allies, Harkonen. Despite the fact that you took out a landsar that was trying to assassinate me and took out the Divine Legend, you invaded my empire and killed my men despite it being in self defense..."

"I know, Kiaru, but just so you know, since Vega died on your territory, you can claim his territory, including control over his three generals. That should make up for me taking Drewen and humiliating you eight years ago."

"No! I want to challenge you to a duel, Voivode! We are going to settle this here and now! Once I claim your life, both Valachia and Reagen will be mine, and the lesser races wouldn't be tolerated again in what was once your domain. Tigris would be united into one huge empire!"

"Are you kidding me? Now although I love a good fight and resent your attitude and treatment towards non-tigers, I came here out of my own free will for the honor of protecting you from rivals that were hoping to take dishonorary advantage of what was once your pathetic state, and I'm not going to go against that honor. I also just got done with slaying a Demon, and we both have some injuries to heal over," Drake said, pointing to the horrible wound on his chest that Vega inflicted with his tail among many others, "You just got healed by that Demon, suffering some injuries in the process of killing him. Besides, you should be grateful that..." Kiaru, not wanting to listen, suddenly went into a blur, charging towards Drake like black lightning, intending to impale him with the two 8-foot, diamond-edged tungsten-titanium swords in his hands. He just as suddenly stopped as he found Hell's Bane being pointed directly at his chest. "Don't even think of killing me, emperor. These rounds can easily punch through the metal of your swords and give you some new holes nature never intended." Drake angrily growled. He kept his rifle pointed at the Dark Blitz even as he saw Kiaru calm down. "Now as I was saying..."

As Drake continued on, the mysterious, near-12 foot figure in the metal exoskeleton silently entered the room from the balcony. When Drake had entered the bedroom, it had simply went out on the balcony and waited until the battle had stopped. It was also again transparent and near impossible to see at any distance. Seeing that the eyes of Vega's "corpse" were still completely purple, it went over to the body, managing to avoid being seen and heard by Drake and Kiaru. Opening a long pocket wrapped around the midection of its left leg, it reached in and pulled out a syringe. Within it was some sort of pink fluid with some sort of Demonic looking, parasitic organism in it. Popping the cover off of the needle, the figure stabbed into the stump of Vega's neck and injected the organism into it. Putting the cover back on the needle and placing the syringe back into the pocket, the figure stood up and went back onto the balcony, jumping up onto the rooftop. It had given "Him" what Marcus wanted to give "Him" without being noticed at all and completed its long mission, which had begun even before Drake became a landser eight years ago. It then proceeded to go forward and walk onto the rooftop. Jumping down into the razed hallway, it passed the all the corpses of the many soldiers that Drake had slain, all who managed to avoid meeting Vega during his rampage...

Shortly after the injection, Vega's split, decapitated head pulled towards the split stumps of his neck, the wounds fusing together into one. Then the upper chest, neck, and head pulled themselves together, the wounds closing itself completely without scarring. The body then began to regenerate itself, quickly growing bone, muscle, skin, and tissue to replace the lost portions of Vega's arms, chest, and tail. The sharapnel lodged in his body was pushed out by growing muscle and tissue, and his clothes were also being magically repaired as well. This was not at all the result of the injection but was purely the Demon's healing ability instead. Vega began to waken...

Drake and Kiaru were completely unaware of Vega's regeneration and failed to notice him sit up. They suddenly heard him roar from grogginess and turned to face him. Kiaru was shocked, surprised that the Demon was still alive. Drake, on the other hand, was not surprised, as he had fought and slain Demons that could heal like this, but was instead pissed off, as he wouldn't of guessed that Vega's healing wouldn't of extended that far to survive decapitation. Taking his his aim off of Kiaru, Drake charged towards Vega and thrusted the bayonette of Hell's Bane into Vega's face, intending to pump his skull full of lead. However, Vega vanished in teleportion just before the bayonette could pierce into his skull, and he reappeared at the balcony's doorway, his 20 foot sword flying off the ground and into his hand. Drake and Kiaru could visibly see the stark contrast in the crotch of his pants, where there was bulge so huge that it looked like it his huge genitals were going to burst out of his pants. However, they suddenly saw the liger's cock and balls disappear back into its small, flat state. Vega did this by magic soley to prevent his genitals being vulnerable. No matter how tough and strong a man is, the excrutiating pain from being hit below the belt is sure to incapicitate him

"Well I'm impressed by that use of grenades on me, Voivade. You managed to defeat me..." The Demon mused, "but it would take more than that to kill me."

Drake kept Hell's Bane trained on the Demon, knowing that the bullets and grenades would be stopped by the Demon's telekineses before impact, but he had to put on a threatening display. "So what are you going to do now? Are you going still going to try to kill me and Kiaru, because if you do, I'm gladly willing to try and kill you again..."

"Im also impressed that you're so willing to kill me but not the Dark Blitz. Why is that?"

"It's because I want Kiaru to die honarably in a duel, a fair test of skill and strength. That to me is worthy of the death of the emperor, who is a strong and powerful warrior among tigers and not a weakling. The only other death would worthy of such valor would be defeat on the battlefield in war. If you want to take Kiaru's life right now, then you have to go through me first."

Kiaru, who'd normally disagree with Drake, agreed with him on this. He does not want this Demon to take his life unfairly taking advantage of his powers, and would rather die in a fair duel or on the battlefield. Ideally, though he would rather live on, hopefully unchallenged in victory and combat.

Vega chuckled. "You again impress me, Voivade. I never knew that you, a mercenary and assassin, would take honor so seriously." The sword in his hand glowed with purple energy, and then disappeared into nothingness. "For this, I decided to not kill Kiaru just yet and instead it would be during the time of war. " Vega looked at Kiaru. "When we meet again in battle, Kiaru, it will be on the battlefield. I'm not going to let any of my sons duel you but instead, it will be myself. This time, you'd be better be armed and prepared for me. We'll meet again..."

The giant Demon then turned around and leapt off the balcony. Kiaru ran onto the balcony and watched as Vega flapped his wings, flying at high speed. He saw the Regean Emperor go transparent, now far away enough to be completely invisible in the night sky. At that instance, he felt an extremly powerful blow smash into the nape of his neck, one that was equal in strength to the one Drake gave him eight years ago. Giving out an agonizing yell, the emperor dropped both of his swords, which landed with a clang, and fell over again, incapicitated. As his vision became blurrier, he couldn't help but yell out "Fucker!" before passing out. Drake had knocked him out again...

Drake, not wanting to talk with the emperor anymore, had to knock him out before escaping. Grabbing Kiaru by the head, Drake dragged him on the floor and set him up against the wall. Satisfied with tonight's outcome, Drake strapped Hell's Bane to his shoulder and leapt through off the side of the balcony, going into freefall off the 500-foot tower. At around 70 feet, Drake was going towards the ground at high speed and he planted his claws into the black granite. Sparks came out and a terrible screeching noise was heard as Drake's claws slowed his descent, carving terrible, scratch marks into the stone. At about 57 feet of the descent, Drake used his powerful leg muscles to spring off the wall and fell the rest of the way down. When he had landed, he made an impact on the ground, but without injury.

Having landed in between the backdoor and the trench and the sandbags, Drake looked around, coming across the 12+ men whom Cragus and Samuel killed along with the four slaves Vega mutalated, killed, and threw off the balcony, and found what he was looking for: the bag of rappling equipment of Cragus and his men, completely empty except of contents except for Cragus wet, bloody, scarred, golden-orange-furred skin. It was just where he left it, undisturbed. Picking the bag up, Drake reached the edge of the river bank and leapt towards the cliff, using a portion of his amazing leg strength to leap 40 feet across feet across the river and onto the cliffs. With bag in hand, Drake headed southwards away from the fortress of Trammis, pretty much going the exact route that he took to get there, except in reverse. Although wounded and shot with bullets, his wounds would've completely healed and regenereated by the time the trip was done, along with the bullets in him being pushed out of his skin. He was going to present Cragus' skin as evidence to Krasnia that he did take out Cragus after all, therefore gaining it as a part of Valachia...

At the fortress entrance, a bunch of people from the city were trying to look past both the barricade and the 50 soldiers at what was left of the 60 foot long, 40 foot wide stone bridge as its remains buried the entrance, machine-gun fortifications, and other places under tons of rubble. There were now helicopters hovering the area, searching for any survivors. Suddenly, Vega appeared right in front of the barricade, nearly invisble with a wicked smile on his face and the purple sword in his hand. This time, he was about 30 feet tall just because he felt like it and he was in his true, Demonic form. "Don't think I've forgotten about you..." He thought to himself. The guards heard the roar of fire behind them along with the orange glow and they turned around to see a large, golden-eyed, giant horned, winged Demon that looked like it was made of fire along with the giant sword it weilded. The people who were looking at the situation behind the barricade were shocked and surprised as well as the people in the multiple choppers. Vega charged toward the guards and they screamed, firing away at the monster...

On a tall skycraper dozens of meters away, stood what appeared to a regular soldier, a 12 foot tall black tiger with fiery red eyes, hidden in the darkness on the 20th floor of the building, and looking at the battle Vega is having with the rest of the guards down below through a window. Walking behind him was the mysterious, near-12 foot figure from before, having made itself visible again. The tiger looked at him. "I see you've returned. Did you implant the Demon parasite within Vega, Null?"

Null spoke. His voice sounded masculant and slightly artificial. "I did, sir."

"That's good then. We are now able to keep track of that fucker's movements and be able to find out where's he's hiding. We're also sure to find out what he has been up to for the past 35 years."

"Sir, judging from what you've given me about Vega, it seems that he has developed new abilities over the years. For instance, he can now speak to the dead and can cloak like I can, except without technology, can make himself intangible, can levitate himself telekinetically, among other abilities..."

"So he has grown stronger over the years. What about his weaknesses?"

"He is still unable to manipulate nor detect carriers of the Dracul genes with his psychic powers. He was able to heal a carrier of the Dracul genes, which was something he wasn't able to do before..."

"That's great. That means his powers are slowly evolving past their weaknesses. I'm pleased with this development, as this puts our experient's goals towards fruition. Don't you agree with me, Null?"

"Yes, Lord Marcus..."

The Myth and Legend of a Monster: An Assassin in Drewen- Snuff Films, Bar Brawls, and Negotiations

Disclaimer: Everything in this story belongs to me. However, there are some aspects in this that are based off of other works, including "The Legend of a Warrior" which is the creation of the artist and author known as Killer Tiger, to whom this is a...

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The Myth and Legend of a Monster: An Assassin in Drewen- Police Shootout

Disclaimer: Everything in this story belongs to me. However, there are some aspects in this that are based off of other works, including "The Legend of a Warrior" which is the creation of the artist and author known as Killer Tiger, to whom this is a...

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The Myth and Legend of a Monster: An Assassin in Drewen- illegal Sex Party

Disclaimer: Everything in this story belongs to me. However, there are some aspects in this that are based off of other works, including "The Legend of a Warrior" which is the creation of the artist and author known as Killer Tiger, to whom this is a...

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