Chapter XIV: Dragons of War

Story by Aeon Shadowflux on SoFurry

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#14 of Rise of the First Front

A little view into the war that happened between the Riftwalkers and Kagens before they arrived at Carson City, and as the factors of peace lie in the balance in this Earth. When we return to them will the Outsiders be able to keep the peace? But yet in a different Earth, two forces, the Kagens and the Riftwalkers fight for superiority and as an event forces two together, how will they act after a thousand year hatred of each other? Mostly they'll be horny.

Dragons of War

War... War never changes, and as I advanced through the forest of Earth holding my hand close to my heart, I took great pride in the advancement of my platoon, but at what cost? My heart didn't focus on the ingenious people of this world; my portal was enough to give me power over them.


"Men how far to the ocean are you?" The Kagen tapped on his head, finger parting black fur and touching the skill. My mind was connected to my platoon's current leader; the wolf was held back due to the war. He had to break through the grips of rouge Riftwalkers in order to escape and return.

Walking up a mountain and up the bright and green forest of some state, the wolf was dressed in normal Kagen armor, a bright red cape flowing down from his back and to his feet. Steeping forward, he ignored the flora around him. It was bright and more like a distraction.

"We are closing into the ocean, some city named Philadelphia right on the Atlantic Fall line. Our march to knock the Riftwalkers out at New York is nearly complete, shame about this city however, where are you Umbra?" The Kagen on the other end of the line spoke.

"Somewhere on the Appalachian Mountains, I'm about eighty or so miles away from your position, at my pace I will probably be caught up in a day or so. The rouge Riftwalker still have control over the interstates here, but they are weakening. Not that it matters, the EMP..." Umbra took a few steps climbing to the top of the mountain and admiring the view. Flames in the distance, the sky orange as energy released heated it.

"Shit they have a nuke!" And then Umbra felt his head burn, he was knocked back as a shockwave hit his body. HIs fur knocked back, trees bending back and the grass nearly ripped out of the ground. A massive pillar of flames and death swirled up into the air, a mushroom of destruction rising in the air. Clouds forming around it and streaming up.

The Kagen stood their confused and defeated, taping his head as the area settled trying for a force of life. But it was too late, their progress had been wiped out in a single moment. Armies wiped out, all armies that condensed in Philadelphia were surely wiped out in the moment.

And then a strike to his back, a fist hit his back and the wolf yelled out, spit flying from his mouth. His spine nearly collapsing and his footing lost. Umbra stumbled forward and even as he reached back, his body turning around to see a black dragon standing over him, his wings eclipsing the sun.

And then head flipped over, the dragon reaching out but it was too late. The Kagen flipped over the cliff, flying down the mountain and hitting rocks, he tried to cross his arms. And even as his energy failed to summon, he looked around at the massive mushroom into the sky.

And then his body hit the ground, his mind collapsing into broken thoughts as he looked up into the orange sky. The sky burned into his mind and he looked up, a Riftwalker opening his wings and flying. His eyes closing, but he knew that his life was concluded by a Riftwalker.

"Oh my pride and my team, maybe this war is all over and this is the end, the upset of Philadelphia." Umbra bemoaned as let the pain take his body, killing his entire body and letting blood fall out of his back and on the ground. Coughing and throwing up blood, as he did.


"Wake up, wake up!" Or so Umbra thought he would die, in the darkness of the so thought void, his eyes were opened and light flooded into them. The wolf crashed up, grabbing as much air as he could. And then he took notice, a fire was set up and the light of the flames wobbled on the wall.

The wolf stood up and looked back, the dragon was standing there. His hands instantly rose, two balls of energy forming as he stood in front of the Riftwalker, blue light shining on the black dragon and the rock wall behind it. The Riftwalker put his hands up and a shield formed.

"So then you didn't seem just content with killing me with a punch but you also have the urge to torture me, you Riftwalkers are despicable." Umbra spoke and the Riftwalker held his shield still, blue light meeting red and a purple boundary forming between the two.

"And you with my brother's blood stained on his armor what do you have to say to that?" The Riftwalker spoke, moving forward holding his shield well. The Kagen adjusted his footing holding himself strong and pushing one hand back and the other forward. Both balls increasing in size as he flooded them with energy.

"You don't even know my name."

Both froze in place, they used that same phrase. Both of them dragon and wolf had used it when they meet their enemies. Umbra backed up and waived, the ball's light flashing as he did. And then the dragon took a change, he charged forward and threw his shield on the energy ball.

The energy exploded and the Kagen screamed as his energy turned purple and was used against him. They smashed into the wall, the two bodies clashing. The Riftwalker smiled and threw his foot into the ground, dragging it into the ground and holding the Kagen there.

"Go on Kagen, scream. I know your kind, I know that you can regenerate, and if I push you far enough well then I think I have just the perfect idea of what you can do, but instead stay with me and I'll explain to you something." The dragon spoke as he walked forward and crushed the Kagen. "Maybe you'll be better when you're on a different mind."

And then the smashed him forward, a blast of smoke filing out and then the Kagen falling to the ground. A blast of wind outwards flew out and extinguished the flame, sending the black dragon into darkness. And as he pulled his hand back, shield disappearing.

"Shame about this world, maybe one day life will repopulate this world, another world gone and the war moves elsewhere. Well then Rohan you managed to get yourself into another tricky situation." The dragon watched, crossing his arms as his scales glowed orange and the entire room lit up as the flames of the Kagen brusted out.

The dragon watched as his energy and the Kagen resolve returned to him but in that instant he fell over again and was knocked back. The Kagen struggled for a second, reaching out a hand. It was a call for help and then he fell back on the wall, closing his eyes with a new body.

"What have I done in this world, he just wanted answers dammit!" Rohan shoved his fist on the wall, the entire cavern shaking as he did. And then he turned, standing up and walking towards the dwindled fire. With his hand raised, he conveyed energy into its flame and it lit up again.

Walking over the dragon, took a step forwards the entrance of the cave and stood still. No light came from the outside world, a large bolder blocking it. The dragon grabbed it with his fist and slowly turned the stone, a peek of orange light shining through. And then leaning out, he saw into the radiation laced wasteland.

"One bomb falls and so do the rest, there must be so much radiation out there that if I even attempted to go out I wouldn't be able to form a portal, that must energy and heat flying around..." The dragon spoke and he looked out, the land outside was orange, not a single cloud in the sky. The Earth released all the rain it had in order to combat the nuclear fires but it still wasn't enough.

The land outside was constantly aflame, neutrons shooting around and sparking enough energy into objects, making them alive, a flamed. Trees were falling and the mountains grew bare by the hour. Water had long given up on its liquid form and flew into the sky. The dragon's confidence in surviving shrunk as all life did on the planet.

"And this is my race's fault, if they didn't have the codes, well then, the Kagens would have done the same as far as I'm concerned. This war is too much for any one world to handle and so are we." Rohan realized as he finally turned into his true self, his body glared and he closed the bolder, shutting out the destroyed world.

The dragon took shallow steps, angered at the actions of both races and returned ot the main section of the cave. And turning his head, he knew he had an apology to give and possibly a death to accept. And yet as his eyes gazed on the area, he found no knocked out Kagen.

Standing still for a second, he found himself pushed on the wall. Arm held up with hands and feet pushed down with feet. He felt fur rub on his back, and then the smooth voice of a wolf in his ear.

"So then you like taking Kagen's out do you, take them some place abandoned in a war and butter them up, then strike. Well I will be having none of that today sir, because consider this war over." The Kagen spoke, Umbra rubbing his hand down the arm of the dragon, his fingernail catching in each dip between each scale. A tiny notice like two metal objects running down, the dragon shivered and tried to open his wings, but the Kagen kept himself close, his wings trapped and a warm breath on his hair.

"Trust me when I say that your one of the best looking Riftwalkers I have seen all day and that is including your little leader, I fought him once and regenerated thrice, but today's well it put me in a bit of a mood for revenge." The wolf whispered into his ear.

"I don't think you understand what is happening here, please stop so I can explain..." The dragon protested and simply the wolf just pushed his head onto the wall, shutting him up. The dragon tried to back up and fail, pushing his hand back up failing. The wolf pushed himself forward and pushed down his hand.

"Now then I think maybe for that regeneration you can give me a little something, and regeneration always makes me horny for one." Umbra spoke as he put his hand on the dragon's shirt and grabbed it, holding it still before he pulled it up, the shirt stretching and slipping off. "Please do feel free to fight back."

Rohan stood still, and even as he looked forward he blushed. Turning back and looking at the wolf, he had blood in his eye but it was different. The two stood still for a second and then he turned back, neither of them speaking. There was an awkward moment between the two, as much as that could count. Anger surged in the Riftwalker, his ears tips shining red light.

"Shut up. Fine then only help my mortality." Umbra spoke as he pushed his hand on Rohan's back and felt the muscles, his back had to be strong, wings carrying the entire body. The wolf smiled as he rubbed his fingers on the dragon's spine, feeling it and then the massive set of muscles on his wings.

Rubbing them and rubbing his finger up the wings, the thin bones inside. The body of the Riftwalker was as much a miracle as a Kagen. Umbra finally under stood what that meant as he smiled and rubbed his hand back, rubbing down and backing up. The dragon didn't take the opportunity to move but Umbra wanted to appreciate what he had in front of him.

Leaning down he looked at the pants the dragon had and put his hands around the dragon's waist. Clamping them together and pulling them together, and touching the abs of the dragon. The dragon shivered as he felt the fingers touch his abs and then the warm and furry chin of the Kagen leaning on his shoulder. It felt different he didn't know that a Kagen could be so warm, they were cold and dead inside. That was what he was taught.

"Go on enjoy yourself, I figure that if this world is dead then maybe what's wrong with two enemies getting closer." The wolf whispered into his ear and then dragon opened his mouth, the Kagen putting his fingers on the waist of the dragon, rocking the two to the side like some sort of crazy danced.

"Oh please more, do what you want to me. I have no reason to live but to serve you I guess at this point." The dragon spoke, his race were monsters and his race was horrible. And when Rohan thought about what he was going to do himself, he wished he could die. His ears shined red on the Kagen, and then faded out.

So, what was the point of living any more, he let himself disappear into his body and the Riftwalker's instincts took point. Moving his body and letting his attraction run up against the clamped hands of his once enemy. The Kagen smiled and moved himself in.

"Don't worry, I see the death of this war. I see no reason for it at this point and would like nothing more of it to end." Umbra spoke in his ear, Rohan stood still for a second. And wondered if he could even trust the Kagen behind him, he was crafted for war and all it brought. And yet her was something he was supposed to hate, this Kagen, this Umbra.

"Why don't we start over again?" The dragon finally turned around and saw the wolf in front of him. His face slender, and his body thin but muscular. HIs new regeneration fit him far better than the old clothes he had. "I'm Rohan."

"Sounds great to me, I'm Umbra." The wolf said and the dragon extended his hand out, the wolf looking at it and then reaching down. He got onto his knee and kissed the scaly hand, his hair extended over his eye.

"Oh well then I didn't know that my would-be rapist would be so handsome." The dragon spoke and then the two of them looked down at the ground, pausing for a moment as he looked back. The two of them paused for a moment, "uh I don't mean that, take that as you will."

"Well I wouldn't mind taking you, your already half naked." Umbra spoke as he walked forward and put his hand on the dragon's chest. The dragon was practically a god in his own accord, his body shaped perfectly. The muscles running around his torso and his thick pecs.

And then the two smiled, leaning forward and then their lips touching, both of them opened their mouth and stated to kiss. Mouth touching mouth and kissing, their hands enwrapping each other. They held onto each other, and kissed other.

Umbra smelt the smoke of the room and the musk of the dragon, he seemed to be entirely covered in sweat. And then Rohan backed off as he looked through the wolf and saw into his mind. Grabbing his hand, ran his hand up the wolf's arm feeling the soft fur.

And then reached his armor, he didn't care whose blood it was covered in anymore. The war was stupid in his mind, and he simply threw the red armor pieces off and grabbed the lack undershirt under it. And pulling the tight fitting cover off, the shirt shaped to his muscles.

"You look amazing as well." Rohan added as he looked back, the two of them blushing as they looked back at each other. His body was covered in fur, but his muscles showed through. The dragon leaned forward and bent down a bit, putting his head on the chest of the wolf.

"Your very warm and nice, I won't mind sleeping on this later." Rohan spoke as he searched the chest of the wolf and feeling for the little nub. And then the wolf moaned, Rohan grabbed it and rubbed it between his finger. A little control knob at his fingers, the wolf moaning as they touched.

And then the two in the light of the fire, pulled away from each other. Then backing up and looking at the other, the dragon smiling. The two stood for a second and then looked around, there wasn't much in the way of a bed they could do. The dragon simply seductively smiled at the wolf and backed up, holding his hand.

"So then I don't suppose you do much then kill my kind." Rohan spoke as he looked at the wolf and then the two laughed. The dragon smiled and then grabbed the wolf by his arm pushing him on the arm and nearly slamming him on the rock wall.

The dragon made his move, opening his mouth and sucking on the wolf's chest, taking the nipple through the fur into his mouth and then running down his chest, his tongue like a seeker finding its way into all the valleys formed by the wolf's muscles.

And then with his other hand, Rohan reached down and ran his hand on the tight of the wolf, he was wearing a pair of tight battle shorts for his armor. Not much really needed to be worried about showing when on the battlefield. Reaching around, Rohan grabbed the armor piece and let it fell off. Only the tight shorts remained and as Ronan ran his hand up the leg of the wolf, he saw something growing in front of him. The dragon smiled and put his fingers on the waistband of the shorts.

"So then I suppose no objections. Maybe afterwards, we can learn about each other if we want to get out of his world." Rohan spoke, seductive words coming from his mouth. Running his hands up the arm of the wolf, the wolf smiling as he pulling him down to the ground.

The dragon laughed, the tips of his ears lighting up blue, lighting up the room as the two smiled. The dragon reached down and grabbed the waistband of the Kagen's pants. The Kagen nodded and decided to help, grabbing his hand and pushing it down.

"Ah look how cute it is." The dragon leaned down, blowing air onto the hot package. The dragon smiled, a red tip, a rocket arising slowly out from the sheath, he leaned in and put his fingers on the fur. Rubbing it with his fingertips the wolf moaned and the dragon smiled, his ears lighting up more as he laughed.

"I think that for all that's happen, you deserve this." The dragon clinched his hands on the sheath and the wolf moaned, the blood red cock running up as it protruded from its shield. The dragon had never seen one like that. "Kagens are strange, Riftwalker wolves don't look much like this."

"Oh but I don't suppose this would be your first then?" The Kagen wolf spoke as he ran his hand on the Dragon's ear, the light coming from them so joyous. And then looking down, as the tip emerged and half of the shaft, he smiled at the pleasure finally coming though him. As the dragon rubbed his sheath, both of them felt the knot.

The dragon leaned in and licked his lips, touching his tongue to the red veiny tip and tasting the salt. He leaned in, opening his mouth and engulfing the tip with his mouth. Rohan was careful with his tip as he leaned in, carefully working the cock with his tongue and playing with the knot with his hands.

And as the shaft pushed back deeper into his mouth, the dragon leaned forward a bit more and let it slip down his throat. An evolutionary leftover, he let his throat engulf the cock, his tongue rubbing on the sheath and pushing in as the dragon put his hands on the ground to support himself.

"Definitely not your first time then." The Kagen commented as he pushed deeper, his knot slipped out of the sheath and inflated, the dragon rubbing it with is tongue as the wolf started to pump his hips forward. Grabbing the dragon's neck and pushing it in, Rohan could only obey and let the knot into his mouth.

His muzzle surround it and sucking down on it, the wolf screamed out pleasure into the air and the dragon smiled and opened his mouth as cum pumped directly into his stomach. Umbra howled and pumped his hips down, as cum rushed out, before calming down.

Pulling out the dragon tasted the cum on his lips, and looked up to the Kagen. His knot started to deflate and the shaft already shrunk to half of its size as Umbra placed it back into his pants. The dragon leaned back on the rock cave and wondered how long they would be trapped there, once enemies now they had to work together but surely it started off with a good trust building exercise.