Spin the Bottle part 1 - Introduction

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#1 of Spin the Bottle

Shane had managed to get himself dragged to a sorority party, a place he never would have gone on his own. But his friend was rather good at persuading him. Unfortunately, that same friend vanished not long after they arrived, no doubt to go mingle and mix, or maybe just to get a drink. Hell the guy may have just ditched Shane there as a prank.

The poor little wolf was just about to leave, feeling terribly out of place, when he was convinced to check out a game that was about to start. There wasn't any harm in watching a game was there?

This is the introductory scene to the story. I've got two possible endings already written, and they'll both get posted. I'm thinking there's potential here for a "Your Character Here" situation. You pay for a slot, your character shows up at the party and plays.

More details on that as the rest of the story gets posted. Enjoy!

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How had he found himself in this mess? Shane sat quietly in the corner of the rowdy sorority house as the party raged around him. This wasn't his usual type of scene. The small, shy wolf scanned the crowd for signs of his friend. Marco had convinced him to come--practically dragged him along was more like--then almost immediately vanished, leaving him to fend for himself in such an alien environment. There wasn't much of this place that seemed familiar. The behavior of the people was so different compared to his usual haunts. Granted his usual haunts were places like the library and the research archives, where any good historian could be found. This was so far outside the norm for Shane that he found himself strongly compelled to get up and walk out.

The wolf climbed to his feet and shuffled forward, trying to push through the crowd. Everyone was taller than him. His five and a half foot stature saw to that. It often resulted in people not seeing anything of him but the very tips of his ears. And often that wasn't enough until it was too late. Shane was vigilant, keeping a sharp eye out and his head on a swivel, watching for anyone that might accidentally bump into him, or that he might bump into. The last thing he wanted was someone spilling their lukewarm beer on top of his head or in his face. That stuff tended to sting if it got in your eyes.

And then the very thing he feared happened.

A tall buck wearing a letter jacket happened to be escorting a lady right into his path. The cervine kept his free arm wrapped around the vixen to guide her. Without realizing it, the turn he had made ensured the two travelers would connect. Shane's nose ran directly into his chest with a little too much force. The short lupine yelped softly in pain and lifted both paws to rub the end of his snout, then whimpered. It was less from the discomfort of jamming his muzzle into something as solid as a quarterback deer, and more out of anticipated agony from what would come next.

"Woah! Easy there lil dude! Where are you goin' in such a hurry? It's a party! Kick back and relax!" The tall cervine said. He was being more magnanimous than Shane expected.

The wolf looked up at him with eyes expecting pain of some sort; physical, psychological, emotional, grammatical. When none came, he was surprised. It didn't change his tactics though. Apologies for being the one that got in the way flowed immediately.

"Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to! I was just leaving!" Shane said abruptly.

"Woah there, ease down. Whadaya mean leaving? The party's only just gettin' started. Why do ya wanna leave?" The buck asked, sounding genuinely sympathetic.

Shane knew better than to take it at face value. This was clearly one of the wiser jocks who preferred to toy with their victims before moving in for the kill. The build-up leading to teardown was often more satisfying for the more sadistic. The wolf's shoulders slumped and started to look around.

"Look at me. I don't belong here. Hell, I'm not even tall enough for anyone to notice me. I was dragged here by a friend and he disappeared. I'm just gonna go. Enjoy the party." Shane said, trying his best to not sound like a defeatist.

"Awww, don't be that way, lil man," the buck said. He even reached out with a hand to ruffle Shane's hair and give him a light scritch between the ears, "Everyone's welcome here. Ya just gotta find the right spot ta hang. Hey, there's a game that's about ta start in the living room! Go check it out! I'll bet it's right up your alley!"

Shane fought to keep from jiggling his leg as the buck offered the casual affection. It wasn't unusual for taller people to treat him as if he was a puppy. And honestly, he didn't mind that. It was far better than being beaten up, pantsed, or given a swirly. High school had not been a happy time for the small lupine. He expected college to go down a similar route.

"What kinda game?" Shane asked.

"Aww the best kind! Lotsa pretty girls will be there. Lotta laughs to be had. Everyone has a good time, and you will too. I guarantee it." The buck winked, then cocked a 'finger-gun' at him and clicked his tongue as if firing.

The little wolf wasn't sure if he should trust the buck, but he didn't see the harm in at least watching from the sidelines. Maybe it would be interesting to spectate at the very least.

"Th-thanks... I'll go have a look." Shane said.

"Cool. I know you'll have a blast. Maybe I'll see ya there." The buck said.

The wolf turned to leave, aiming for the room in question. Every few moments, he turned to glance back at the deer, checking to see if he was going to show any sign that he was giving him bad advice. Shane never saw anything of the sort. Once he was out of sight, the buck just grinned and took a sip of his drink.

"That was mean of you, Doug. You know what game that is. Either he'll get laughed out of the room or he'll get eaten alive." The lovely vixen in his arm said.

"Nah, he'll be fine. Well, except for the eaten alive part. That's supposed to happen. But he was wrong about something. He did get noticed. And the person that noticed him wanted to make sure he'd get pointed that way." Doug said.

"Well I hope no one makes fun of the little guy. He's kinda cute." Sasha said.

"That's what got him noticed," Doug said with a chuckle, "And yeah, he is kinda cute. Like a puppy. Didja see his tail start to wag when I scratched him behind the ear? Adorable."

Shane slowly slipped through the crowd until he had reached the living room. There was a small gathering there, milling around as if waiting for something. He planted himself against a wall out of the way where he thought he'd have a good vantage. He was certain that the game in question wouldn't be anything like the sort he enjoyed. But, that wasn't really the point. He would give this game a chance. And if he found it boring, he would just slip out and head back to his dorm. He had an archeology documentary he really wanted to watch waiting for him.

And then he saw her. Rebecca. Head of the cheer squad.

The lapine woman stood chatting with another girl, unaware of his presence. The wolf's eyes were fixed on her, unable to rip them away. She was beautiful, and so much taller than him. A full head at least. Her softly tan fur was broken up only by the creamy white of her throat and tummy, and a fair bit of the trim midriff showed under her short-cut shirt. Another patch of white mingled with the caramel pelt in the form of a white stripe that ran down the center of her face, right between her eyes and ending at her nose. Shane couldn't help but think of just how cute that little stripe was. Her long ears hung loose behind her, pinned together in an elastic hair tie as if they formed a ponytail.

The rabbit's deep brown eyes were soft, warm, inviting. He could have stared into them for hours. She stood, gazing slightly downward at everyone she spoke to, taller than all of them. For being so tall, she wasn't lanky or gangly. She was fit, athletic. The wolf couldn't help but appreciate her figure as well. She was well shaped; broad hips, subtly narrow waist, graceful legs, generous bust without being too generous. Shane kicked himself for objectifying her like that. That was what all the jocks did and he didn't want to be like them. But he couldn't seem to help himself sometimes. She was truly beautiful, and ever since he first saw her, he couldn't get her out of his mind.

He watched her carefully, aware that he could be caught and thought to be ogling her. If anyone looked his way, he could easily avert his gaze casually. As he watched her though, he saw her laugh and it tugged at his heart. He wanted to be the one making her laugh. She was clearly having a good time. And yet, he couldn't find an alcoholic beverage in her hand. Maybe she had already had something, or she was waiting until later. The idea that she didn't have to get drunk to have fun only further sank Shane into his powerful crush for her.

"I've got it!" Called a girl's voice.

A hand rose up from out of the crowd, off to one side. She'd clearly come in from a different entryway. And she was holding a bottle aloft. A cheer sounded and the group began to form a circle. Shane sighed as he guessed it was drinking related, expecting he'd be leaving sooner rather than later. But he was wrong. Soon, a mix of boys and girls were crouching down on the floor, either down on their knees or even just outright sitting.

"Anyone who's playing, get in here now!" Called the same girl, "You! You look like you wanna play! Get in here!" Her voice wasn't angry but enthusiastic. And she was pointing at the diminutive wolf.

Shane didn't understand what was happening at first. He glanced back and forth, expecting the feline pointing at him to mean someone just next to him. There wasn't anyone.

"Yeah! You! The cute little puppy! Get in here! You know you wanna play!" The cat said.

Shane bit his lower lip and stepped forward slowly. His legs wobbled under him. He knew what this was, and he was deeply conflicted on the idea of joining. A couple of large hands clamped down firmly on his shoulders and began to push him forward.

"Yeah! Get in there lil man!" It was Doug, 'helping' him join the circle.

Shane stammered and tried to back-peddle but his feet skidded on the carpet. Soon, he was taking up an empty spot in the circle and 'helped' to sit down. He landed on his rump with a thunk and he tried to make himself as small as he could, his cheeks flushing deeply. And then he saw who was just across the circle from him. Rebecca. She was playing too.

"I take it everyone here knows the rules of 'spin the bottle'?" The striped tabby said, "If its your turn, you spin. Whoever you land on, you take them into the closet with you. Yeah, ordinarily you do the deed right here in the circle, but by overwhelming vote, it's been decided that it's more fun when it's a mystery."

Spin the bottle. They were playing spin the bottle. And Shane was sitting directly across from Rebecca. Quickly, he began doing a few calculations to determine the odds of either him spinning the bottle and landing on her, or her spinning and it landing on him. After a moment, he stopped, remembering he wasn't a math major. Still, the odds couldn't be that bad. There were only ten people playing. The wolf sat there, unable to look anywhere but at the ravishing bunny who tormented his waking thoughts, and sometimes his dreams. He almost didn't notice it when the girl who had organized all of this called out again.

"So who goes first?"

Spin the Bottle part 2 - Rebecca lands on Shane

"I'll go first." Came a voice Shane hadn't quite expected. It was Rebecca. She had opted to be the first to spin. And she was looking directly at the small wolf. Her eyes shifted their gaze down to the bottle in front of her as she reached out for it....

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"C'mon Ema!" Mira called as she bounded out of bed, "We gotta hurry if we're gonna make it to the market when they open!" The slender girl was far too enthused for it being so early in the morning. Her feline ears flicked as she tugged her dress on,...

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Fox was rather mad at himself. He was mad at a few choice people to be sure, but right now, he was focused on beating himself up. He was stupid. He shouldn't have attempted so risky a maneuver without backup. Now his ship was destroyed. Thankfully, his...

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