The perfect Halloween Trick

Story by Blake_Foxx on SoFurry

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#1 of Holiday Stories

Browsing a local Halloween shop, a young fox named Jessie, finds what he believes to be the perfect costume for the perfect prank. Unfortunately for the young vulpine there is a little more to the outfit than he realizes, and when he tries it on at a friend's Halloween party he finds himself in a rather lewd situation.

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The young college aged fox walked through the isles of the Halloween store. His delicate ocean blue eyes trailing over the various spooky artifacts strewn about the building. Fake spiderwebs dangling from the ceilings and walls with artificial spiders atop them, Skeletons hidden around various corners and down a few isles to catch the occasional customer by surprise, and of course various carved pumpkins as well to complete the aesthetic. Jessie knew that Halloween was only a few weeks away now, and he needed to find himself the perfect costume for the occasion. With so many options though he was feeling a bit overwhelmed as to how he might decide on the perfect one.

"Oh man, all of these costumes suck" the fox groaned out in dissatisfaction as he thumbed over a few poorly constructed plastic masks, "Don't they have anything good?" he added as a side thought continuing his search into a new aisle of the shop.

As he glanced around, he again found himself unhappy with the options. Despite the various options, most of which were cheaply made, he couldn't seem to settle on anything that felt suitable to him. The fox letting his large bushy tail sway idly back and forth behind him made his way towards the back of the store, hoping maybe they had a few things hanging up along the back wall which might be better suited for him.

One he approached the wall, he again found himself disapproving of everything laid out before him, until his eye caught one costume in particular. Hanging up was a rather well designed witches costume. It was clearly meant for women, given the cute little frilly black skirt bottom, but something about the costume seemed to calling to him. With a curious smirk on his face he approached the outfit and let his fingers touch along the soft material of it as a devious idea began to form in his head.

"Oh man, I bet I could totally fool my friends with this" the fox mused to himself, "I'd go to the party, and they'd all think I was some hot babe and all try to get my phone number and hit on me. Then before the night was over I'd reveal I was actually a guy all along. Oh man, I can already see the look on their faces" he spoke with a bit of a chuckle plotting a little scheme to himself.

Without much thought he grasped the costume and made his way towards the front of the store. An elderly canine glanced down at the costume and up at the boy offering a curious eyebrow raise, but said nothing as he scanned it. The fox reached into the pockets of his tight fitting jeans and fished out his wallet as he offered payment for the outfit and thanked the older male before skipping off with a costume and a plan.

A few weeks passed and it was now finally the big day. Jessie found himself excited as he prepared for the big party they'd all set up week or so before. He knew that most of his friends would be attending, and they'd be partying fairly late into the night. A snicker left his lips as he fished out his costume and imagined it all over again, all his friends fawning over him only to realize that they'd been hitting on a guy. Naturally, he intended to not let them live it down for quite some time.

He found himself thumbing over the expensive material of the costume. Just touching it made him feel a small tingle of sensation for some strange reason. Ever since he'd picked up the curious costume he'd felt as if it was meant to fall into his hands, almost like fate. Shaking away the thought, however, he began the work of fitting himself into the cute little getup.

The first part was the easiest he found as he slide those long black stockings up the length of his well defined and feminine legs going one at a time. Once those were in place he turned his focus to the cute pair of purple panties that'd come with the costume. Carefully he slid them up along his legs and over his crotch keeping himself fairly modest, though as they came to rest against him, the fox felt a strange sensation of warmth spreading over his body.

Ignoring the odd sensation he continued to dress himself. Next up was that frilly looking skirt which he slid up over his waist the material puffing out as it barely covered anything on him leaving him mostly exposed, though that didn't seem to bother the fox too much. Next came the purple and white stripped corset, which he carefully worked onto himself and securely fashioned to the best of his ability before he attached two cute purple bows to the stockings and brought the other end of the ribbons up to the corset and connected them. He found himself oddly enjoying the feeling of freedom the outfit seemed to be giving him.

The fox then slid the long black sleeves up each of his arms, feeling the material cling to his arms hugging them rather nicely bring a bigger smile to his face. Following that he carefully attatched the cute little purple bow around his neck smirking excitedly. The only thing left was to place the large witches hat with that purple stripe at the base onto his head to complete the outfit.

Giddly, the fox skipped his way over towards the restroom mirror. With a confident smirk he eyed himself over. Those delicate eyes of his scanned over the form of his body, drinking_ I _in his own features with satisfaction. The outfit was doing a lot to show off his rather well curved body and his nice thick hips. The boy's tail eagerly bouncing back and forth behind him as he could tell the plan was going to work.

"Damn, I look hot" he commented himself.

_ It feels so good to be a pretty girl. _

A sudden thought snapped the fox away from his giddy nature as he found himself shaking his head, "Woah, where the hell did that come from?" he questioned before just brushing it aside as a random fluke, "I shouldn't get so carried away I guess." the fox mused to himself as he made his way down the stairs and out of the door to his apartment.

The fox arrived at the party and looked around. There was a large orange banner hanging from the ceiling that read 'Happy Halloween' in black spooky text, various skeletons and ghouls set up throughout the room, and in the back there was a table with various alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks as well as a large candy bowl. Jessie smiled as he stepped into the room immediately noticing a few eyes had turn towards him.

His ears perked up a bit as he listened to the sounds of the music beating against his ears, it seemed someone had requested a remix of the 'spooky scary skeleton' song from all the memes to be the current jam. It didn't bother Jessie much, however, as he happened to really enjoy that song more than he probably should.

Curiously his eyes began to roam about the room seeing who all had shown up already. One of his friends, a large muscular bull, was over by the drink table texting away. Jessie found himself lingering of the sight of the broad male with those rippling muscles which were worked rather nicely into a pirates costume. That long red coat, that cool skull hat, and even an eyepatch. The fox found himself temporarily enamored with the sight of his friend, who he couldn't help noticing was rather handsome.

_ He's very handsome, I wonder if he's as big down there? _

The sudden invasive thought into his head snapped the gawking fox away from himself as he turned his focus to other parts of the room. Eventually his eyes would rest on another friend of his a dashing tiger who was chatting with a few people the fox didn't recognize. The tiger had more of a runner's build, and with his Nathan Drake outfit some of his more rugged features were being show off rather well. The fox found himself once against gawking at his friend.

_ I'd love to show him, what a proper girl could do for him. _

"Dammit" the fox mumbled to himself placing a hand against his head shaking it a bit trying to force out the strange thoughts starting to corrupt his mind. It wasn't clear what was going on, but he was starting to think he must be sick or something. Despite that he still was curious to see if his other friends were anywhere near by.

He happened to spot two more of his friends over by a beer pong table that had been set up. The two of them playing a match against one another. The first was a rather handsome husky with a beautiful coat of black and white fur. The fox gazed over his form, a little disappointed he couldn't get a good look at his features with that long wizard robe draped over his body, but he just brushed that aside as he turned his eyes towards the other participant.

He glanced over to the other side of the beer pong table and found himself gazing over that tall muscular dragon who'd just found himself having to take a drink. In a humorously ironic costume the large scaled dragon had elected to dress up as a dragon slayer. A rather charming suit of fake chainmail covering his form doing little to hide his more masculine features which the fox gawked at for just a moment.

_ I wouldn't mind slaying that dragon _

Jessie found himself once against having the lewdest of thoughts in his head. It seemed almost beyond his control at this point as he struggled to get a grip on himself. Weirdly enough he also found a strange feeling of warmth starting to spread through his chest. It was odd, but almost delightful, but he tried to ignore it as best he could.

Carefully the fox navigated around the crowd and made his way towards the table in the back of the room. Looking around at the various different options he found himself unsure of just what he should grab for himself when suddenly the large bull who'd been texting before approached him.

"I haven't see you around here before" the bull spoke as Jessie turned to meet him. The fox's eyes exploring up and down his broad masculine frame for a moment before settling on his eyes. The bull offering a confident glare and a friendly enough smile.

"Oh well I'm new here" the fox offered in deceit glad that his plan seemed to be off to a good start.

"I noticed you eyeing the drinks, I might be able to fix up a lil something for you if you're interested" the bull offered with a playful tone of voice.

Almost on some kind of instinct the fox replied, "Now just what kinda drink would a handsome guy like you be thinking of fixing for lady like myself?" he questioned, taking small note of the change in his pitch. His voice sounding oddly more feminine than usual, as that warm feeling at his chest continued to spread and grow.

"Now why would I spoil the surprise by just telling you" the bull teased as he moved to mix a few things together before handing her a glass. Jessie glanced down at the glass and noticed it was a pretty colorful drink, and as he pressed his soft lips to the glass and tilted it back found that it had a rather inviting fruity taste about it.

"Mmm" he half moaned out in a rather suggestive manner, "Well I know you can make a nice drink, but what else is there to know about you Mr.Pirate?" the fox inquired.

"All you need to know about this pirate is that his name is Mike. The real question is what is there to know about this cute little witch at this humble little Halloween party?"

"hehe well first off my name is..."

_ Jessica _

"Jessica, and I supposed there isn't too much to say. I just like unwinding from time to time and having a little fun. Same as any other girl" he offered feeling a strange sensation moving through him as he openly referred to himself as a girl.

"Oh?" the bull inquired with a curious expression on his face, "Well how's about you and I head over to the couch and you show me just how a girl like you unwinds?" he offered rather boldly.

_ Mmm sounds like fun _

Jessie found the thought once more ceeping inside of his mind and jarred himself back to reality. Offering a warm smile the fox looked up to the larger male, "Oh well as fun as that sounds, do you think you could point me to the ladies room first?" he questioned and the bull obliged before making his way over to the couch awaiting the cute little fem witch to return.

The fox quickly scurried along into the restroom and made his way over towards the mirror. That feeling of heat was starting to spread some through him as he leaned down and turned on the sink before splashing some of the cold water against his face, to try and pull himself together. As he lifted back up he caught sight of himself in the mirror and gasped in surprise.

Nervously taking a few steps back to get a complete view of himself the fox was rather shocked at what he saw. His chest had expanded during the course of the party, and he found himself with a hefty ample chest, at least a D cup he found which was firmly squished inside of his outfit threatening to pop free at any moment. His hips had thickened up a bit as well, and his backside seemed more round and jiggly than before. Confused the fox gazed along his face and noticed his masculine features had mostly disappeared as well.

"W..what the hell!?" he exclaimed as he began to feel a sensation of warmth spread through his crotch. It felt good to him, but he found himself panicking a bit as he feared the worst case scenario. He was starting to reach for the witch's outfit to pull it off when that voice in the back of his mind filled his thoughts again.

_ Relax _

As the word filled his thoughts he felt his body relaxing a bit. Taking in a deep breath, allowing his new chest to rise and fall the fox eased his mind a bit and gently moved back to towards the mirror glancing over his figure.

_ It feels so good to have a body like this. To be such a curvy young woman, a pretty girl. I love how good it feels. _

The thought crawled its way into the back of the fox's mind and he found himself getting into his look a bit. That warmth was still spreading through his crotch and he seemed unable to resist it any longer. He allowed that warmth to grow and spread as his body heated up more and more. He could feel his panties dampening a bit as that heat spread through him. Something felt completely different, and he wasn't fully sure what it was.

_ We shouldn't keep that stud waiting _

The fox brushed aside the growing warmth between his legs, and that dampness he was experiencing as he made his way out of the restroom. The bull was sitting casually on the couch, everyone else busy enjoying the party. Gliding delicately across the room and fox made his way over and sat next to the male offering a playful smile as his tail danced back and forth behind him.

"Sorry about that" he offered in a sweet little voice

"Hey when they're as cute as you, I can wait all day" he offered in an attempt to come across as smooth.

"I'm sure you say that to all the girls" the fox teased

_ Feels so good to be a girl _

"As long as it works" the bull offered in a flirty manner.

"Well it might be working"

"Is that so?" the bull questioned with a raise of his brow, "How close am I to finding out how a girl like you unwinds?" he added reviving their discussion from before.

_ He's bold, I like that _

"Mmm...very close" the fox murred out seductively

"Well since I'm so close how about you tell me just what unwinding looks like for you?"

_ Whatever you want it to look like, stud _

"Well I like to unwind, by helping studs like you unwind a bit." the fox offered back, "So tell me, if you could have anything from a girl like me what would you want?"

"Are you sure you want me to answer that? I'm a very adventurous kind of guy" the bull replied.

"I can be a very adventurous girl." the fox offered letting the words dance off his tongue, "Tell me exactly what you want."

"Well don't say I didn't warn you." the bull started, "Well for starters..." he spoke as he gestured over towards the tiger, "Why don't you go over to my friend there, don't say a word, just drop down onto your knees and fish that cock of his out in front of everyone" the bull spoke not seeming to mind the lewdness of his suggestion, "If a girl like you can manage that, maybe you can handle a guy like me" the bull teased.

_ You love it, don't you? It feels so good to be talked to this way, it feels good to be given an order, and it'll feel so much better when you obey. _

The fox felt suddenly flustered, his cheeks turning a light shade of red. Without much thought, he lifted himself up off of the couch and carefully approached the tiger. The beat of his heart was growing more and more fierce as his nerves began to grow. Despite that, a calming influence seemed to be easing him along with every step as he approached the tiger who offered a confident smile to the young girl who was now approaching him.

"Hey there, what's a pretty thing like you doing around here?" he questioned

Not bothering to give an answer the fox dipped down onto his knees and gazed up with a lustful glare at the tiger. Something about this felt so lewd and dirty, but also so good. He could barely contain himself as he reached his soft hands up and grasped the button of the male's pants and undid it, leaving the tiger to smirk in a rather wicked and almost knowing manner.

"Damn, been awhile since Mike found himself a girl like you. Too long." the tiger offered just watching as the fox worked down his pants leaving a small crowd to form and watch, "Go on girl, don't be shy, fish it out and show me what you can do with those pretty lips of yours"

_ mmm everyone's watching. It makes you feel so good, you can't even stand it. You need to taste him, you need to show off, and you need to impress that stud. Show them you're a good girl. _

Jessie carefully worked the pants down around the tiger's ankles and slid his boxers down next. The tiger's length was on full display now. He was still soft that thick uncut meat of his rather impressive even without being hard. The fox's nose twitching a bit as that intoxicating male scent filled it driving him to lean forward and sniff at the male a bit before firmly grasping that thick size to stroke up and down the length of him peeling the foreskin back with every stroke.

"mmmm damn, always love a good slut" the tiger moaned out starting to stiffen a bit.

_ Feels good to be called a slut, doesn't it? _

Jessie felt a heat burning through his body as he continued to stroke along the tiger's shaft playing with his foreskin a bit more. Those soft supple lips of his gently delving lower as he parted them to wrap around the male's heavy sac, the taste of sweat and musk burning on his tongue as he began to lewdly slurp on them, the sound filling the room as the crowd egged them on further. Out of the corner of his eye he could see one of the guests was even filming now, making the fox's cheeks flush red.

For a little while the fox continued to slurp on those heavy orbs while stroking, using the tiger's pre which had begun to leak down his shaft to lube him up. Suddenly though he pulled away before gently working his tongue up the base of the shaft all the way up to the tip, taking a moment to swirl his tongue around the head of the male's cock before pulling him into that warm eager mouth of his.

_ Tastes good, doesn't it girl? _

Jessie was completely lost in the moment. His resistance to the thoughts in his mind had completely faded. He longed for nothing more than to pleasure the male before him and impress the other. Those lips of his firmly wrapped around the head of the male's shaft as he began to guide his lips down that thick size working him in a gentle up and down motion, being sure to use his hands to grope and squeeze those orbs of his all the while.

"mmm fuck, you're good at this whore" the tiger panted out as he moved a hand down to grasp Jessie's hair. The male's own hips starting to buck forward driving a few more inches into that warm wet mouth.

The fox found the taste divine as his lips began to bob faster and more eagerly working along with the thrusting of the tiger's hips. Each inch of that thick size pumping into his mouth threatening to push down his throat. A few lewd gagging noises left the fox, but that seemed to only encourage them both to push even harder. The fox desperate to deep throat the male and have a taste of that messy cream of his.

"F..fuck, g..gonna" the tiger panted out heavily already feeling on edge.

The fox moaned softly sending a vibration through the male's shaft as he continued to bob his head faster and more eagerly up and down that thick size. The tiger grasped his hair a bit roughly and slammed that thick size of his all the way down the fox's throat burying himself to the hilt in those supple lips leaving the fox to gaze up lewdly at the tiger as he reached his peak, those orbs of his tightening.

"Here it cums s..slut!" he cried out as he began to unload. Thick wave after thick wave of messy cum began to pump down the fox's throat. His instincts leading him to eagerly gulp down each and every mouthful of it as he kept himself firmly locked onto the tiger's thick meat, before the tiger would relax his grip and pull his shaft from that eager mouth and wipe a bit of the saliva off on Jessie's cheek.

"F..fuck" the tiger panted out, "That was fun slut" he mumbled out as he worked his pants back on. Now that they'd finished up the crowd offered a few lewd words to one another, some going to check out the video one of the guests had recorded. Jessie on the other hand made her way back to the the bull.

_ That was fun wasn't it? You love being used for everyone to see. It your role, your place. Nothing excites you more. _

"How was that?" Jessie asked the bull licking along her lips.

"Not bad, slut" the bull commented casually, "Though if you wanna tango with this bull you're gonna have to show me just how dirty you can really be"

"How might I do that?" the fox inquired

"Get creative" was all he offered in response.

_ This will be fun _

The fox found his eyes glancing around the room, when he noticed the table they had set up for beer pong had been cleared off. The two men who'd been playing the game were resetting the cups for a second round it would seem. Seeing an opportunity to put on a show the fox made his way playfully over towards the table and climbed up onto of it.

Laying on his back the fox gently parted his legs exposing those cute little panties hidden underneath that skirt along the wetspot that had formed. His new and ample chest popping out quite nicely from the position as he turned towards the two men who were busy refilling the cups for another round.

"Why waste your time on that silly game, when you could be playing a much more fun game?" came the voice of the fox in a teasing seductive manner.

Both the husky and the dragon had turned to glance upon the beautiful figure spread out on their pong table. The two of them offered a playful smirk as they approached closer. Already they had a pretty good idea of just what kind of game the flirty fox was wanting to play with them.

"I think I know exactly what kind of game we could play" the husky offered with a smirk.

"Same here" the dragon chimmed in, "I won the last round, so I get first pick" he offered boldly.

"Aw come on, no fair" the husky protested.

"Fair is fair" the fox chimed in, "Besides I'll make sure you're well taken care of" she assured him.

"Can't argue with that" the husky offered as he casually slipped out of his robe and approched the table letting his hefty sheath rest up against her face waiting for her to get to work. The dragon had also decided to take note as he moved to the other side of the pong table and climbed up on it being careful as he gently moved to straddle her waist.

"This has got Mike written all over it" the dragon commented.

"Probably, but who cares man I ain't turning down a nice slut" the husky offered.

"Same" the dragon replied as he moved his hands down and gently pushed up the skirt. With a smirk he gripped the panties underneath and began to slide them down the fox's legs and off of him. To the fox's surprise and pleasure he found that his maleness was no longer there. It had been replaced with a tight dripping little slit, his new feminine scent filling the air. Jessie wasn't sure what had happened, but he had become a she.

"Fuck you look good" the dragon complimented as he carefully worked off the chainmail he'd been wearing before grasping his stiffening shaft. That thick tower of meat throbbing with excitement. His pointed tip gently pressing against the fox's tight little slit drawing a light moan from both of them.

"Get to it whore" the husky offered impatiently his sheath still resting against Jessica's face.

The fox gently parted her lips and wrapped them around the husky's orbs playfully suckling on them, drawing a moan from his lips as his shaft began to slip from that sheath of his. His taste was drawing her in further as she found her mind dulling with desires and thoughts about having her lips stuffed with the husky's length.

Without any warning the dragon firmly grasped her hips and gave a rough thrust forward driving his thick size into her tight little virgin slit. The fox cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure as her virgin passage was forced to spread around that thick size, her inner walls clamping down on his meat milking and massaging him for all that she could.

"A..ah" she whined out around the husky's sac vibrating him against her lips.

"F..fuck, I think this bitch is a virgin" the dragon moaned out, "Heh well I hope you don't mind the first time being a bit rough, I don't like to hold back" the dragon warned as he pulled himself back to the tip before slamming his hips forward again driving himself to the hilt inside of her.

The fox found herself whining and moaning in pain and pleasure as the dragon assaulted her delicate folds. Feminine juices dripping along his shaft as he eagerly pumped himself inside of her. Jessie tenderly worked over the husky's orbs for awhile before he suddenly pulled himself away from her and re-positioned himself to have that thick red tip pressing up against her lips.

"I see you're the kind of bitch who likes it rough" the husky teased, "So how about you part them lips of yours and we show you how rough we can be" the male teased.

Without thinking the fox parted her lips and wrapped them around the male's shaft. The taste of him burning along her tongue. His masculine scent filling her nose. The two of them were now thrusting in unison eagerly pumping themselves in and out of her eager holes. Her tight cunt walls clamping down on the dragon's shaft as the husky began to rock his hips wildly into her mouth.

"F..fuck damn she's good" the dragon panted out.

" should try her mouth, she's a" the huksy added.

"Mphpmp" the fox moaned out in pleasure slurping lewdly as she was being used as a pleasure toy by the duo.

The crowd once against had begun to form. Everyone watching the slutty little witch being fucked by two studs this time. It seemed they all enjoyed the show, some of them even moving to touch themselves during the perfomance, others taking to just simply filming it all for later use. Her body was feeling so heated as she allowed the two men to use her body for their pleasure.

"A..ah d..damn gonna.." the husky panted out.

"S..same" the dragon offered heatedly

Suddenly the two of them slammed their hips forward burrying themselves inside of her tight holes before they began to unload their messy cum into her. She could feel the dragon's seed inside of heated walls, and the husky's seed was painting her tongue filling her with his taste. Once finished the two of them pulled themselves out of her and smirked playfully.

"That was fun slut." the dragon offered.

"Yeah, hit us up again sometime" the husky added.

With that out of the way the fox made her way back towards the bull. She'd neglected to collect her panties, the male's seed dripping down her legs a bit as she approached the large muscular stud whom she'd been trying to impress with her little performance.

"How was that?" the fox questioned.

"Heh, I like it" the bull offered, "That's what I like in a girl, a willingness to do anything no matter how dirty." he offered as he finished off a drink in his hand.

"Well glad I could impress"

"I think it's time I put you to the test myself." he spoke as he smirked wickedly, "Alright get on your hand hands knees slut" the bull ordered.

On instinct the fox dipped down onto her hands and knees before the bull. Her eyes gazing up at him she was there on all fours with her tight little slit exposed to anyone who happened to look in her direction. It was a bit embarrassing, but that only seemed to turn her on even more.

_**It feels right, doesn't it? You like this. You like being on your hands and knees serving a man, don't you?


"Heh, you've certainly got the right attitude" the bull chimed in casually as he kicked off both of his shoes, exposing his large socked feet. The faint scent of them catching the fox's nose as she glanced up at him, "How's about we start off simple? Take my socks off and show me that you're the kind of girl who knows her place is groveling at the feet of a man." the bull spoke rather boldly and arrogantly

Jessie felt compelled as she moved her hands to grasp his socks and slide them off of his large feet. One after the other they were exposed to her as she leaned in and gently began to sniff them. The scent of his feet was intoxicating to her as she found herself eagerly exploring his scent for awhile before moving her hands to grasp his right foot as she started to massage it.

"Mmm that feels nice, slut" the male spoke in a soft relaxed tone of voice, "But don't leave my other foot hanging, show it some love too" the male spoke as he lifted his left foot and pressed it up against her face. The fox felt her cheeks flushing as she sniffed a bit at it before her tongue slipped out and began to explore up and down the sole, curiously examining every inch of his soles savoring the taste filling her tongue.

"mmmm" she moaned out heatedly as she continued to rub his right foot, letting her tongue coat the male's sole in her saliva before delving her tongue between his toes. Eagerly going about the task of worshiping his feet and cleaning them for him. The bull seemed relaxed with her efforts as he allowed her to continue.

Jessica was completely lost in the moment. Her mind filled with lewd thoughts as her tongue delved and explored more and more drenching him in her saliva as her fingers worked out the tension of his other foot .Suddenly though she pulled away and switched letting her tongue bath and lather his right foot as her hands went to work on his left foot not seeming to mind the saliva coating them as she did her work

_ Such a good girl. _

For awhile she kept it up switching back and forth between his feet. Occasionally wrapping her lips around his toes to suckle and slurp on them, savoring his musky taste as she explored every inch of his large broad soles enjoying the way it felt to be on her knees tending to male in such a way. Before long the bull withdrew his feet.

"Been awhile since I had a good footslut" the bull commented as he smirked down at her, "But let's see just how kinky you're willing to get" he commented as he unzipped his own pants and slid them along with his boxers down his leg exposing his thick towering length to her. He was at least 12" and very thick, that uncut shaft of his making her mouth water a bit as she gazed up to him.

"Oh my" she whined out in lust.

"Sounds like you're enjoying the view slut." the bull spoke casually, "Get that top of yours off and wrap those tits around it. I wanna see just what you're capable of" the bull offered in a commanding voice.

Jessica complied as she eagerly worked off the corset letting it fall to the ground, her heavy ample chest bouncing freely in the open. Her perky nipples on full display as she gently groped her heavy chest and leaned up pressing them against his cock as she began to stroke up and down his length titfucking him.

"Mmm fuck that feels good slut, now wrap your lips around me, show my cock the love it deserves" he ordered of her.

The fox gently leaned up and parted her eager lips around the head of his cock as her ample chest continued to bounce up and down the length of his shaft. Her drool was coating the head of his cock as her tongue playfully explored his foreskin while she slurped lewdly on his length. The taste of him driving her wild.

"A..ah fuck." he moaned out, "Damn I..I love a good slut, but now for the real fun" the male spoke and Jessica glanced up at him with a curious glare.

Without any warning for the poor fox the Bull sighed gently in relief as he relaxed his body. She suddenly felt a warm flow starting to fill her lips as a strong musky taste began to burn into her mouth. On instinct she pulled her lips back as the male's golden stream began to flow freely over the soft fur on her face coating it and dampening it.

"F..fuck had too much to drink" he offered playfully as he suddenly clenched himself stopping his flow, "Come on, don't disappoint me now, get those lips back around me and drink like a good little slut would"

Jessica tensed up a bit, but that same voice in the back of her mind began to ease her again as she suddenly parted her lips and wrapped them back around the head of his cock firmly locking them around his head as her nose was filled with the male's marking scent. A few lewd slurping noises filling the room once more.

"Good girl" the male praised making her blush as he once again relaxed himself and that heavy flow began to fill her lips.

"She found herself being offered mouthful after mouthful of his musky urine. She gulped down each and every helping feeling it trail down her throat as she struggled to keep up with his heavy flow, some of it dripping down her chin as she continued to drink from the male which only seemed to fuel him further.

Eventually his stream would tapper off and he'd pulled her head away from his cock, "mmm fuck that was fun whore" he complimented as she smirked down at her, "I hope you enjoyed the taste, but it's time for the main event now" he spoke boldly, "I want you on all fours with that ass hiked up high in the air. I think it's time someone stuffed that tight little ass of yours"

Jessica found herself heating up, the taste of the male's urine was still heavy on her lips and his scent was all around her. She blushed deeply as she moved onto her hands and knees and hiked up that round bubbly little ass of hers exposing her tight slit and tailhole to the bull who moved right up behind her and began to rub his messy shaft between her cheeks.

"F..fuck I bet you're a tight little bitch, aren't ya?" the bull moaned out soflty before pressing his thick heavy length against her tight backdoor and began to prod a bit, as his hands moved down to grasp at her ample heavy chest roughly groping and squeezing them making her moan out softly.

Just as the dragon had done, the bull suddenly slammed his hips forward driving his length as deep into her tight little virgin as possible. She cried out in a sound of pain and light pleasure, but he didn't seem to be paying much mind as he squeezed her chest and began to furiously thrust himself in and out of that tight hole loving the feeling of her inner walls squeezing his thick cock.

"F..fuck I'm gonna make you take it all slut" he assured her as he began to ram himself harder and faster into her. Each thrust driving a few more inches into her tight little backside. She could feel her inner walls being forced apart as his thickness drove deeper and deeper inside of her. The feelings starting to give way to pleasure.

"A..ah" she moaned out heatedly her pussy dripping juices down her legs as the bull continued to mercilessly assault her backdoor without any consideration for her. His hips slamming harder and harder as he began to drive himself even deep into her. Before long he'd burried himself to the hilt in her tight little ass those heavy cum filled balls of his smacking against her cunt as he rammed in and out of her ass.

"F..fuck" she moaned out heatedly groaning in surprise as the bull suddenly brought a strong hand down on her left asscheek causing it to jiggle and bounce from the impact the added pain making her back arch up a bit allowing him to drive himself even deeper inside. The bull smirked and began to furiously assault her cheeks smacking one after the other without mercy, savoring the sounds of pain and pleasure leaving her.

"D..damn so good" he moaned out as he continued to ram himself balls deep inside of her. She could feel his thick size stuffing her insides as he continued to assault her ass with that strong hand of his leaving her cheeks red and swollen. The male panted heavily as his pre leaked inside of that tight little hole slickening her up and allowing him to delve deeper inside of her.

"A..ah" she whined out in pleasure.

"F..fuck slut, I'm about to fill that ass" the bull moaned out feeling his balls tightening.

Mike slammed himself a few more times roughly inside of her before suddenly pulling back to just the tip before forcefully pushing his hips forward driving himself all the way to the hilt inside of her. His thick messy seed pumping into her tight little ass filling her with his messy cream as it leaked around his shaft and down her thighs, leaving both of them panting and heated.

_ You love being a good girl, don't you? _

"Dam slut, I think I like you" the bull panted out heavily, "I might have to keep you."

_ You'd love that wouldn't you? _

"I bet you'd love that, wouldn't you Jessie?" the male offered with a knowing smirk painted across his face.

"Y..yes" the fox whined out heatedly.

"That's what I like to hear" the bull offered with a smirk before pulling himself out of the foxes abused hole leaving him gaping and leaking cum, "Wait there slut, and spread those cheeks. Let everyone see what a slut you are" he commanded.

The fox without thinking gasped his round soft cheeks and spread them apart leaving everyone to gawk and stare at that messy hole of his. The bulls cum dripping down his legs and onto the floor as the fox's cheeks flushed a soft shade of red.

A short while later the bull returned with a leash and collar. Carefully he wrapped the collar around the fox's neck and then attached the leash, "From now on, you're mine Jessie." the bull explained to him, "I know that's what you want. Don't worry we'll have plenty of fun together, I have lots of friends who'd enjoy using a slut like you and besides there is still so much more we haven't gotten to try out together just yet. I bet you love the sound of that, don't you?"
