Defending Their Territory

Story by Mongol the Flygon on SoFurry

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#1 of The Dragoness' Cave

It was a lovely day in Movarah, giving way to an equally beautiful sunset. While it looked pretty, but he knew what sort of pokemon lurked in the night, and a king like him would be a target. Needing to find a place to settle down for the night, he headed to one of the caves he lived in as a trapinch.

Unbeknownst to the male Flygon, the cave in question was already inhabited by another. A female anthro Noivern with moderate curves and average breasts- which were nonetheless quite perky- was flapping about the cave, storing berries for the winter, unaware of the newcomer.

Making his way inside, her gathered bits of wood to make a makeshift torch, lighting it with flamethrower. Using the light, he examined the large cave, many tunnels and passages, more than he remembered. "Ah, I was probably to short to remember all of these." He saw a small drawing in the stone he made, remembering this place well. It was strangely well kept.

He'd hear a flapping sound as Reishi approached- her sharp ears and echo-location skills had detected his presence in the cave and she was not happy. She flew in from one of the tunnels and landed on the the floor not too far from him, her ruff standing on end to make her look bigger as she let out a growl, eyes narrowing. "This isn't your cave, Flygon! Buzz off!"

Somewhere in the darkness, fearsome roars echoed, most likely because of the acoustics of the cave making them more threatening. Holding the torch up, he roared back, "This is my home, my den, whoever you are, show yourself."

She snarled and crept into the light, her tail swishing behind her as she crouched like a predator, teeth bared and the scales on her body raising a bit like shingles. Her eyes were narrowed. "Your den my butt, I've been here for a whole two years! This is my place to stay during the Winter, so if you don't leave I'm gonna have to force you out!"

Crushing the torch in his claw, he dropped down on his claws. As much as he hated to play this card with his subjects, this cave was special to him, "You dare steal from the Movarah King?" He crawled along the floor, his claws scraping the stone. "And I will fight to defend my territory. he may have preferred to make love, not war, but he will stand and fight. Snarling back, with fangs bared.

Her growl turned gutteral as she crouched and prepared to attack; "I owe my loyalty to no king," she hissed. "You don't get to order me around! I stole nothing from anybody, now this is your last chance!" She didn't care what he said- she needed a place to stay during the freezing winter and she'd rather die defending the one protective place she had found rather than die in the cold.

He was sympathetic to their plight, as that way why he sought sanctuary here, so long ago. "So. Be. It." He knew his aggressor, who ever he, she or it was, had the advantage, his eyes were used to the light, theirs the dark. Heat grew inside of him, and he spewed a massive stream of flame, lighting up the room, hoping the sudden light would momentarily blind them.

She hissed and covered her eyes, backing off a bit and trying to get her bearings- his ploy had worked.

When the flames ceased, a few embers burned, on what, he did not know. Rapidly, he searched for his target, but there was little for him to see. "Where are you!?" Hissing.

She got her bearings back and flapped into the air, circling around above and narrowing her eyes like a hawk on his position. "Like I'd tell you!" she screeched before unleashing, from her ears, an incredible blast of sound that was so powerful it counted as an attack. -Boomburst-

His adversary had taken to the air, and quickly, he tried to pinpoint the sound. As his ears were not adapted to caves, his head tossed and turned, it seemed it was everywhere at once. Then, high amplitude concussive pulses of sound hit his body, the noise deafening to his ears. Covering them as he growled in pain, his ears rung from the intense volume.

She alighted on a stalactite above, gripping the ceiling with her feet so she was hanging upside down. She gathered some energy in her mouth, the aimed and fired a Dragon Pulse at him from above.

His ears rung painfully. Disoriented from the blast, he stumbled around in a seemingly drunken state. Then, he felt a blast slam into his back, forcing him on the ground. Groaning in pain, he tried to crawl out of the attack, now he was angry. His eyes burned with rage as he led out a mighty war cry, he felt nothing, the dragon pulse seemingly a gentle breeze as he bore his teeth in a snarl, and shot upwards. In his blood rage he forgot what this place was to him, as he flew he began burning the place with flamethrower.

Reishi's eyes widened in sudden fear at what Mongol was doing; "No, stop! Stop it!" she called out, detaching from the ceiling and trying to barrel into him to stop his destruction, not knowing it was already too late.

Momentarily stopping to inhale, he smelled burning, food burning, and traces of melting stone. "Oh no." He said, realizing what he had done, only to be slammed into the ground. As he hit, he saw the cave ablaze, "You made me do this, YOU!" He roared in rage, only seeing a black smudged figure in his anger blurred vision.

"Me?! You burned the place down, you idiot!" Reishi roared, tears in her eyes as she saw the damage to the place. She was sprawled on the floor after having crashed into him. "You bastard, now I'm definitely gonna freeze!"

"My...home..." He watched the ashes fall, tears began to form in his eyes. His claws burned and he slashed at her, expecting to his muscle. But then he felt something warm and soft, his aggressor was...female? "In my village, we had a way of dealing with those who take what they do not have. Dealing with people like you." He grabbed her arms, slamming the Noivern onto her back. His burning hot cock out.


She was pinned down, much to her surprise as she blinked up at him, then noticed his cock and fear reflected in her eyes. "What?!, you're not-No, I, please, please don't-!!"

Her fear was rightfully so, Noivern were in mating season, very few other species could detect this, even Mongol himself didn't know. "Do what?" He asked through gnashed teeth. Beating his wings powerfully, he summoned a massive gale, extinguishing most of the flames.

"D-Don't do this..." she pleaded, ears flat against her head. "I..I-I didn't know this was your home, h-honest...! It's-It's just.."

thrusting his hips forward, his dragonhood pierced her. Growling in pleasure as he took her, his organ sank into her, nestled between her warm, fleshy walls. His arms pinning her's. "Too late."

She screamed out in pain- she wasn't a virgin, but she'd only had sex one other time, and that time, she had been raped as well. "N-NO, STOP IT! STOP IT!!"

Her pleas fell on deaf ears. In his rage, he failed to see the parts he most treasured remained safe, while unfortunately her food stored had not survived the inferno.

She was weeping profusely now, thrashing and struggling wildly in his grip, though the struggles were already fading away. "S-Stop...!" she begged, even as she was being rammed, "Please...! I d-didn't know, I didn't- AH!- I DIDN'T KNOW, I'M SORRY PLEASE-!!"

Madly thrusting into her, his cock making her belly bulge from his size. As his eyes began to acclimate to the darkness, her saw her tears. Slowly, his thrusting ceased, his head shaking slightly, "I-I'm so-sorry." Mongol, realizing he had become like his father, stopped.

She didn't seem to hear him, just covering her face with her wings, though she could be heard sobbing heavily. She said nothing, just kept weeping.

He wanted to apologize. Holding her closely, he pulled out of her. Picking her up, he brought her to where he slept before. Hugging her as he carried her, cradling her in his arms. He felt awful for what he had done to her.

She kept crying, but after a few moments, began squirming. Her rage flared, and she suddenly growled and yelled, "Let me go! Put me down right now, fucking selfish rapist /beast/, get away from me!"

He set her down, gently. "I'm sorry." Just shaking his head. "I'm sorry..." His voice was full of regret.

She hissed and backed away into a corner of the cave, though she was clearly limping a bit. "Sorry?!" she yelled; "Sorry?! That's it?! You think that's gonna make me feel better? You hurt me! You fucking /raped/ me, you monster, you're not a king! You're just a fucking selfish prick with a crown, now get out of here and leave me alone...!" Her voice cracked towards the end and she just collapsed into a heap and fell sobbing again.

Leaning against a wall, "You're right." He stared into his hands, her sobbing, her crying, he couldn't stand it, knowing he hurt someone. "Well dad, you fucking bastard, I guess you finally fucking got me." Right next to her was one of Mongol's scratching's, one of him running from his father, Lithorex. He bowed his head in shame.

She continued to cry for a bit, then murmured, in a low, angry tone, "Worst part is, you're not even the first to have done're just more proof that every guy I meet is a fucking bastard destined to rape me someday. I haven't met a single decent person in my life, so I hide. But even that didn't fucking work, because you showed unlucky do I have to be to find myself in the home of some rapist Flygon?" She spat the last few words at him hatefully, before curling up a bit. "All I wanted was shelter from the I'm going to starve, and die. It's all your fault..."

Looking down, guilt crawled all over him. Not only had he done this, but someone else before him had. "I-it wasn't a tyranitar, was it, perchance?" Deep down he was hoping he was wrong.

"So what if it was?" she growled indignantly. "I was, like, only fourteen...the fucker soiled my flower when I was still just a kid. Another four years later and you come along. What a life...."

Looking over at her, annoyed she wasn't accepting his kindness, "It matters because if it is who I think it is, I know where you can go to kick his ass," Looking back at the ground, "For both of us..."

"I don't want to kick anyone's ass," she murmured disconsolately, just sinking to the ground a bit. "I don't care about all that...I just want to live without being scared of men like..." She hesitated to say "Men like you" because she'd caught onto the fact that he pretty much regretted what he did; instead, she said, " like that other guy." She closed her eyes and shifted a bit in discomfort- his cock had been disproportionately large. While he hadn't been inside her long enough to destroy anything, it had still been rough. "...I'm sorry for being so difficult. It's just..well, you know what you did."

"I know what I did, and I'm sorry." Signing, "Well, if-if it means anything, you can come to my castle, you can stay as long as you want." He probably worded that /very/ poorly, but he kept on. "I-I wanna help."

She looked at him with no small amount of disgust; "First you rape me then decide the best way of apologising is by getting me to live with you?" she hissed, words dripping with venom. "Like some kind of trophy? You know what, fuck that, and fuck you! I'd rather die. You can go back to being an asshole king without me, thank you very much."

Even as she said this, though, she knew she'd probably be eating her own words soon enough. She needed a place to stay, especially now that he'd ruined the only shelter for miles around, and with him offering it so readily she couldn't afford to reject him. But it was more than just pride that was getting in the way- she seemed unable to forgive him for what he'd done. Eventually though, she stated reluctantly, "...if...if I can come to your castle, I want it on the condition that you stay the fuck away from me while I'm there till Winter's over."

Her vitriol was not unexpected. "I will." Standing up, he walked over to some charred remains, brushing off some of the ashes that lay on top of berries. A few of the lower ones remained unharmed. Pulling a few out, he walked over to her, them in hand. As he came back, he felt a bit dizzy.

She looked at the berries in his hand, then looked at him warily; her tail tip wiggled a bit in intrigue. She noticed his dizziness however and commented dryly, "I think you need those more than I do."

"I may need them, but I do not dese- Uhhhh" His eyes rolled back, and they fell out of his hands as he fell to the floor. Her sound attacks disrupting his internal equilibrium, and the rush of blood from his head down made him fall. Groaning as he lay there, his mind flashed back to a few years ago.

She gasped a bit and skittered away from him, looking panicked- she seemed torn between being repelled by him and oddly looking concerned. Despite her foul language and obvious hatred for him, the Noivern was a kind soul at heart- her concern ultimately won out. "It's not about deserving, you idiot!" she exclaimed, gathering the berries and trying to feed them to him. "Come on, I know the effect my attacks have on people, you'll be fine if you just eat and rest..."

He saw her over him, but the hazy outline reminded him of another. Reaching up, he remembered his mother, the first time she showed him this place, where he was a hatchling, "M-mommy? W-where is Lithorex?" His head pounded, blurring before he passed out, the smell of berries filling his nostrils.

"Mommy? Lithorex? What the heck.."

She just shook her head and laid down beside him, huddling against him a bit. Not out of affection, she was adamant about that, but because body heat needed to be shared. She sighed, and closed her eyes, going to sleep. Whatever would happen in the morning, she just hoped she didn't get assaulted again.

Many hours passed, and in the morning, a massive weight was laid on his chest. All of last night was a blur. Opening his eyes, he was light filtering in from out side, and atop him, a rather attractive female Noivern. "Um..." He said, trying to wiggle out, looking at her rather large bust, and being pressed against her made his erection grow.

She was snoring rather comically, a bubble coming from her nose periodically. Upon his wiggling, she simply rolled off him a bit, snorting, but remained asleep.

She was warm, and when he felt her sliding off, "Oh, no." He grabbed her, where he grabbed her happened to be her plump, luscious ass.

She squeaked a bit and opened her eyes, feeling his claws on her ass, and paused. She blushed a bit, but glared and slapped him in the face.

*WHAP* Her hand hit his face painfully, "What the heck was that for?"

"For groping my ass, you asshole," she spat, getting off him. "You completely forgot what happened yesterday, didn't you? Typical."

"Hey," Rubbing the side of his face as he sat up, "I was trying to keep you from falling." Her words were odd, "What happened last nigh~OW!" His head hurt when he tried to think back to last night.

She jolted a bit when he yelled out, but shook her head. "You really don't remember? You coming here and burning the place down because I was here? The part where you, uh, I dunno, casually RAPED ME? You fucking idiot."

Shaking his head, "I-I did what?" Looking around, the walls burns, scared by his rampage, "No, No, this this has to be a mistake." Hyperventilating, he felt like a small child caught doing something wrong. "I-I..." His voice shook.

Reishi looked at him sadly; he genuinely looked traumatised by this, but...she found it hard to sympathise. He'd done too much damage. "Look, regardless of what you remember," she told him quietly, "you promised me you'd take me to your castle and let me live there a while because thanks to you, this cave isn't habitable anymore. You'd do that much for me, at least?"

Rubbing his head. "That sounds like something I'd offer. "Standing up, he stumbled a bit, but regained his composure. "So..."

She stood as well- seemed the limp from yesterday was gone, though her groinal area was noticeably a bit red from the rough treatment it had received and was still recovering from. "Let's just get there as soon as possible," she told him with little excitement. "The sooner I get there, the sooner I get to not have to look at your rapist face..."

That hurt, but if what she said was true, he deserved it. Spreading his wings, he hovered. Still he did not feel well, but he didn't want to have her be stuck with him any longer than needed. "Let us be off then."

She spread her own wings and took off after him, saying seriously, "Lead the way."

while his wings were not meant for long periods of flight, added to his lack of wellness meant it unlikely they'd be through without incident. As they flew, he could tell she could go much faster than him, and his castle was visible, on his mountain top home unmistakable.

Despite her ability to go faster, she could tell he was unwell so she stayed close enough to him in case he suddenly dropped out of the sky. They were pretty close now, and she couldn't help but marvel at his mountaintop castle.

Blinking his eyes, and shaking his head, his flight path wavered. "...home..." He said quietly, the desert sun beating on his back. they were nearly there when he stopped, falling near the front door.

"Oh shit!" Reishi exclaimed, flapping down and landing beside him. "Come on, man, we're literally right there! Don't faint on me now!"

Even after he nearly hit the ground, his wings still fluttered on, trying to keep going. He felt her try to help him to the door. As they were within sight, he heard his daughter Byron, "Guards, quick, Father needs help!" His Latias daughter flew over, with several guards.

Reishi looked at the oncoming guards and raised her claws in defence; "He's ill!" she told them hurriedly, "He promised to bring me here but he isn't looking too well...woah."

The 'woah' part was seeing a Mewtwo with probably the biggest tits she'd ever seen floating over with Byron and the guards, looking intensely worried for the fainting Mongol. "Let's get him inside," she proclaimed. "Quickly, now!"

A guard took him, "thank ma'am, for returning our king." Byron pushed past the Mewtwo. "My name is Bryon, Mongol's daughter." Quickly she hugged Reishi, tears of joy running down her face, "thank you, thank you so much."

Then, a little latias named Kari, Mongol's youngest, walked over to her, "Thank you fow wescuing daddy." The little child hugging Reishi's leg.

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