A New Phase - Chapter 6

Story by KitFox on SoFurry

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#6 of A New Phase

All that plot and sooooo much more

A New Phase

Chapter 6

"Not a good idea? Well, look, it helped, didn't it?"

"Um... We need to talk."

Jack stared at the ceiling. Wow. Pretty! Was he drugged? His side didn't hurt anymore. They thought he had done something bad to Selkine? Well, guess it could have looked that way. Right... never annoy midphase people. The tigress almost ripped his dick off. The white vixen went all Sith on the tigress. Sess'tha has REALLY sharp claws. They can kick your butt, Jack old boy. Stay on their good side.

Who was that white vixen, anyway? She didn't look like one of the snow foxes. What, arctic fox? Those foxes have different shaped heads and ears. Just a normal vixen with white fur. Wow... bunnies on the ceiling. What WAS going on with him? His reverie was interrupted by a spotted feline face inserting itself into his frame of vision. "He looks zonked," Sess'tha proclaimed after studying him for a while.

"Oooo... ish a pretty kitty," Jack murmured, his speech slurred. He reached up with a hand to pet Sess'tha's head. He was pretty sure it was his hand. Probably not somebody else's hand. He didn't know for sure though.

He felt pressure at his side where Sess'tha's claw had pierced him. He ignored it, running his hand down Sess'tha's back when he realized that she was on all fours, straddling him to examine his face.

"It's all healed," he heard Farren proclaim, and Sess'tha looked away from him.

Wait... where did the kitty go? He felt her back still, but he couldn't see her face. Awww! "KITTY!?" he exclaimed woefully, and suddenly glomped onto an exceptionally surprised feline, clutching her tightly. He felt jubilation at the sudden feel of fur against him and held on more tightly, not noticing the strangled mewl of dismay and complaint as the cat's spine protested with unpleasant pops and crunches.

"Ow, hey, leggo!!" Sess'tha wheezed and whimpered, scrambling to try to break free. He felt Farren tugging powerfully at his arms, trying to pry them loose; enough to lift him off the ground even. But he was oblivious. Happy Jack with a kitty! Dazed, glomped, clueless... And when did he get this strong?

Sess'tha whined as he squeezed tighter. She soon panicked as her own health and safety were severely threatened. Extremely strong clawed hind feet braced against his hips and she tried to pry herself free of his grip. He responded in his dazed condition by holding on more tightly, eliciting another strangled cry of pain from Sess'tha. Farren was beginning to panic now as Sess'tha was obviously in severe distress, and Jack was just oblivious.

Sess'tha felt herself beginning to black out, and in desperation pushed harder with her legs. They started to slip, and claws came out automatically, the pressure making them suddenly slide fully down Jack's thighs. The sudden sharp discomfort of hindclaws digging four grooves to the bone of each thigh down finally got through the haze Jack was in, and he released Sess'tha with a look of shock on his face. Sess'tha sprang away with the pressure she was already exerting to free herself, and Farren fell over backwards as the arm she had been tugging on went limp.

Sess'tha knew full well where her claws had slipped, and was desperately trying to catch breath through her own pain as well as whimpering and crying how sorry she was to Jack. Jack tried to make sense of the recent few moments. What had just happened? Shouldn't he be in agonizing pain and bleeding profusely? He felt a tingle around his thighs, but that was it.

He sat up, confused, and took half a moment to note that other than some faint blood marks on his thighs where he was certain the claws had ripped through his flesh, there was no sign of any injury. Then Sess'tha's mewling and Farren's panicked activity got his attention, and he remembered that he had been holding her firmly. From what he remembered, TOO firmly.

"Oh, crap! Sess'tha! I'm sorry!" he exclaimed, spinning on his rump and flopping over to her. He looked helplessly at the severely pained feline, unsure of what to do. He remembered that he had heard spine popping through his haze, and in retrospect he even realized he had felt a rib crack against his chest.

Trying to soothe the injured cat, or find anything to do at all, he began to feel along her back with one hand, and tried to locate the broken rib with his other. He wasn't sure what he'd do overall, but he felt the need to try to do something. She whimpered under his touch, and he flinched. He froze as his fingers began to tingle oddly again where he was touching her, becoming worried, but she began to calm down suddenly, and so something he was doing must be right.

Figuring and hoping that maybe she had just pulled something, he tried massaging her rib and back lightly, cautious not to hurt her. She calmed down further, obviously getting relief from this, beginning to purr very quietly from relief. Farren's panic level dropped substantially as he continued. His fingers were still tingling, now up his whole forearm in fact, but he'd be damned if he was going to let that stop him. He made this mess. He had to try to help fix it.

Sess'tha curled her arm over her face, taking obvious relief in his touch. "I don't know what you're doing, but it helps so much, please don't stop," she murmured quietly.

"Don't worry, I won't," he responded softly, rubbing at a sore spot. Sess'tha suddenly froze and took her arm off her face, peering at him. He was pretty sure almost all the damage was undone too, by what he could feel.

"Won't what? Huh?" Farren asked from beside him.

Jack glanced at her, "I won't stop, like she asked me not to." Sess'tha just continued to peer at him, now no longer in pain.

"She didn't say anything, did she?" Farren muttered, sounding confused.

"Well actually, she said she didn't know what I was doing, but it helped, and asked me not to stop. She just said it really quietly," Jack responded, patting Sess'tha's back lightly. "You okay, Sess'tha? God, I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened!"

Sess'tha didn't respond, exchanging a glance with Farren. Neither of them responded, and Jack began to wonder. Then Farren murmured, "And I didn't..." but Sess'tha flipped a paw up to cover the vixen's muzzle. Jack blinked at Farren in surprise.

"Jack!" Sess'tha exclaimed beside him. He looked at her.

"What?" he asked.

She looked thoughtful for a moment. Covering her face fully with her paws, she seemed about ready to cry. "It's okay, you were under the effect of a spell. Thank you for doing what you did to help. Are you okay too?" she asked from beneath her fingers.

"A spell?" Jack asked. "Great, magic everywhere. You're welcome, and I seem to be okay, though I could have sworn that you had sliced my legs wide open."

Sess'tha let out a sigh and muttered, "Shit." She uncovered her face and looked at Farren. "Directed only. But still... And might be slightly broadcast sensitive."

Farren laid her own ears to the side. "Great, we're gonna be in trouble. And his legs too. What bout what he did to you? Do you think...?"

Sess'tha nodded, "Definitely."

Jack looked from one to the other, confused as all heck. "Hey, what's going on anyway?"

Farren shook her head and looked at him. "Jack... you're... um... changing. Stuff is happening. So we've just got to be really careful until the Spell Masters can see you and figure out what's going on."

Jack jumped. "Changing?? How?!" He looked behind himself, halfway expecting to see a tail, but found none. He poked at his arm gingerly, wondering if it was going to explode with fur, or turn green and slimy.

Sess'tha patted his arm. "Not physically. Magically. Healing yourself and me. Really strong. Reading thoughts directed at you."

Jack looked at her as if she had gone insane. "Okay, no way. I know things have been weird, but not THAT weird. I don't think I could DEAL with things being THAT weird. So no. Nuh uh. Not a chance. No..."

Sess'tha shook her head at his protestations and simply tightened her grip on his arm. She surprised him by suddenly extending her claws, making very deep punctures into his arm as she stared at him.

"OU...ch...?" Jack was looking at his arm. He knew that there were five claws embedded deep in it, but there was no blood. He watched as she extracted her claws and the holes in his arm closed up even as they were coming out, leaving nary a mark. There had been a bit of discomfort from the action, like pressure, but no real pain. He stared at his arm in disbelief.

Sess'tha caught his chin and brought his face up to look at him. Her mouth didn't move, but he heard clearly,"Now tell me no again, Jack." His jaw dropped.

"Okay, this is getting weirder," he muttered. Then he had a thought. Still staring at Sess'tha, he gritted his teeth, and tried to think of her hearing as he voiced in his mind."So I can hear you, but can you hear me too?"

The reaction was dramatic. Sess'tha suddenly puffed up all her fur and leaped backwards, staring at him in disbelief as she landed on all four paws. "How...?!" she exclaimed.

"What?!" Farren asked, worried.

"He projected to me!" Sess'tha stated, as if in complete disbelief.

Farren's jaw dropped. "You're kidding!" Sess'tha shook her head and forced herself to calm down, taking deep breaths, obviously shaken. "And you HEARD it?!" Farren demanded. Sess'tha nodded.

"Wait a MINUTE!!" Jack barked. "I can hear you, and that is surprising as all hell to me, but why are you so shocked that she can hear me?"

Sess'tha finally calmed herself down, and returned to Jack, putting her hand on his wrist. She looked sad for a moment. Farren took a step back. "Thought reading - and speaking - takes psionics. One of the forms of magic. Somewhat common. Being able to hear my thoughts that are directed at you, well, that's well enough. Being able to TALK to me with thoughts should be impossible."

Jack snorted. "Me being in this phase should be impossible. Me just talking to you at all should be impossible. So why the heck should being able to think to you be impossible? It's just another impossible thing that's happening to me."

Sess'tha shook her head, hanging it sadly. "I was psionicly burned decades ago, when I was young. I'm psionicly blind. That's why I'm a great fighter, but not in the forces. I couldn't receive directions in the field. You can't imagine how crushed I was when I found that..." She blinked and looked up suddenly. "Wait... if you can... Maybe you healed me!"

Jack stepped back in surprise as Sess'tha suddenly rushed out of the room past him. He looked at Farren, but she just shrugged, apparently just as confused. Sess'tha's outraged cry rang in from the living room, making Jack and Farren both jump.

Sess'tha rushed back in and pressed a small box into Farren's hands. "Tell me if it still works!"

Farren looked at the box and glared at Sess'tha. "You said you stopped checking years ago!"

Sess'tha nodded, "I did! But I didn't get rid of this. Don't nag! Just check!"

Farren sighed and took the box, fiddling with a dial on the side. She tilted her head. "Sorry, Sess... It works fine."

Sess'tha earwilted, then looked worried. She shot over to Jack, grabbing his hand and making him step back again. "Talk to me!!" she demanded of him.

"Um, anytime, but..." he began, but she interrupted him.

"No, in my head!! Um, THINK to me!!" she exclaimed.

He blinked, then tried to concentrate."I can try?" he thought at her. Her ears perked immediately.

"I heard that!" she exclaimed. "But I still can't hear the psidio."

"The what?" Jack asked, and took the small box as Farren held it out to him. He almost dropped it as what sounded like a talk show flowed into his mind. He was making the distinction well enough to know that he didn't hear it with his ears. He just heard it in his head. The ultimate private headphones! He frowned. "Tingly too."

Farren frowned as well and snatched the box back from him. "Tingly might be bad right now. If anything else tingles when you touch it, besides us, you should stop touching it right away."

"Hey," Sess'tha said, "So I can't hear regular psi still, but I can hear Jack. That's a start at least. Right?" She looked very hopeful, and hugged Jack warmly. He smiled and patted her head, and then realized he was still start naked. He was about to try to disengage from the short purrcat that Sess'tha was being when Selkine's voice rang in from outside the bedroom.

"I'm back! They're getting stuff ready, and they'll be here in two hours! So we... HEY! I hear you purring Sess'tha!" She appeared around the door and took in the scene, and her ears went askance. "Oh. Anyway, we only have a little bit of time!"

Farren nodded, "I take it they said we had to do something to get ready before they got here?"

Selkine looked confused, "Wha...? Oh, no! We only have a little time to make Jack cum! I am NOT going to let him get away with not cumming after everything we put him through!"

Jack felt just as confused as Farren and Sess'tha looked, but Selkine was all business... so to speak. She took his hand and wouldn't have any protests as she pushed him back onto the bed, straddling him again. She looked over her shoulder at the cat and grey vixen. "You two too! We'll tag-team! I even got a spell to help!"

Farren frowned. "Don't use any spells on Jack." But she was obviously happy with the idea of getting to finally get some with Jack.

"Don't worry," Selkine said happily, sitting on Jack's tummy. "It says it gets cast on the female to make the male feel twice as big to the female, and the female feel twice as tight to the male. It was in the bargain bin!"

Her tail was swishing past Jack's groin. He figured it was likely intentional. It got the attention of his cock very quickly. He wasn't so sure about being tag-teamed by all three of them, but he decided not to argue. He also noticed that both Farren and Sess'tha were eyeing his erection hungrily when the tail exposed it.

"Oh! I left the bag on the couch! Farren, will you go grab it?" Selkine requested. Farren sighed wistfully and nodded, then scampered out to get the item. Jack was curious for a moment, but his attention was swiftly perted as Selkine lifted herself off his belly and caught his shaft in her hand. He almost purred like Sess'tha as she gave it a few rubs before getting aim and plunging herself down onto it.

Jack settled into bliss. Selkine was cumming instantaneously again, and aware of Sess'tha almost drooling at the sight as she held Jack's hand against her own thigh. "Sess... Sess... Ooooo... Get ready... It's just soooo strong..." Selkine bit out between gasps for breath. Jack slipped his fingers up between the feline's legs curiously, and she purred explosively in response as he found her wet fur. She grasped his wrist, pulling his touch closer as Selkine bravely rode through the sensations.

Selkine didn't last too long before lifting herself off him and flopping off to the side panting. Jack was plenty pleased, though not close to cumming, when Sess'tha took her cue and was atop him in an instant. He found his mouth covered by a feline muzzle and invaded by a tongue much more limber and much rougher textured than his own. It was actually quite exciting to gaze into the slitted eyes that went half-lidded so close to his own. He felt the kitty's paw grasp his flesh and get her aim before he nudged at her wet lips.

Jack rubbed at Sess'tha's back lightly as she teased his tip between her wet folds, enjoying the attention to say the least. She broke the kiss as she started panting, pressing herself down onto him and shaking from multiple climaxes before she even finished engulfing him. Jack grasped her hips, trying to help her ride him and feeling her smaller body shuddering in reaction, her throaty yowls filling the room around purrs of delight as she did her part to work him towards his own peak.

"Okay, I found it," Farren announced as she returned. "Oooooo... that looks like too much fun!" she observed, noticing Sess'tha's activities and the recovering red vixen. She held up the little box that apparently contained the spell. "So who's gonna use this, and how does it work?" she asked as she walked over to take Jack's hand. He treated her to the same attentions he had given Sess'tha, much to her delight as his fingers slipped between her legs. She distractedly removed the small sphere from the box, setting the box aside as she peered at the spell globe.

Selkine sat up, having mostly recovered, and grabbed the box, looking at the box of it. Jack was in heaven, and definitely getting closer to the possible idea of cumming, but Sess'tha was obviously nearing her limits. Her pleased yowls had reduced to little mewls that were sounding quite tired.

"Oh, it's just a command phrase," Selkine stated after examining the box. "Just say 'Tighten me up baby' to activate it."

Jack jumped and Farren yelped as his hand was pulled away by her body traveling downward, and slipped from between her legs. Sess'tha called it and rolled off Jack weakly as Farren growled, "It doesn't have possession protection?! Anybody ELSE can activate it when you're holding it?! No WONDER the damn thing was in the bargain bin!"

Jack blinked and looked over at the poor grey vixen as Selkine started laughing softly. Farren had been shrunk in size to half her original height, though her ears and tail were still normal-sized and looked big on her much tinier body. She looked a bit miffed. "This is just like the time you accidentally turned me blue!" she accused Selkine.

Selkine tilted her head. "Well, the two weren't both at the same time. I guess that shrinking you makes sense though. That would make you twice as tight and him twice as big. But if you're not up to it now, I'll try a go again. It says it'll wear off in about a half hour." She started to climb over to Jack around the placidly panting pussycat.

Farren's reaction was overwhelmingly adamant. "Hell no! I'm not gonna let you push me out of the way by shrinking me!" She was atop the bed and shouldering the infringing red vixen out of the way in a heartbeat as she climbed atop Jack. Jack was still enjoying everything, though the interruptions left him hanging. But Farren was... how to put it... Very Small now.

"Ah, Farren, are you sure you want to...?" he began, but she shushed him promptly with a little muzzle pressed against his lips. Her size difference didn't change her ability to kiss or to tangle tongues, that was certain.

Her hand was definitely small as it gripped him, and he wasn't certain what to be ready for. Selkine looked on curiously and even Sess'tha rolled over to observe through her panting recovery as Farren broke the kiss and righted herself for proper aim. Jack let his hands rest lightly on the tiny vixen's hips, but didn't want to push, lest he hurt her. He felt her heat, amplified by the cool that his flesh had become from its exposure to the air while wet.

"Gonna do it!" Farren decreed, then let herself settle onto him. He gasped at the sensation. Tight didn't begin to describe it. Farren wiggled as she slid down onto him, easing in little by little as she took him further. Her clenching as she came almost squeezed him out at first, but she kept him in, and soon he was simply being milked in her exquisitely taut form.

Jack decided she was fine soon enough as he felt himself almost fully engulfed before he hit her limits, and he finally gave in to just enjoying the sensations the girls were trying to achieve for him. Farren rode him like a trooper for quite some time before she had to pass off to Selkine. Selkine gave it her all until Sess'tha had to take over. And the feline was ecstatic to give it another go before Farren took the task again.

Their staying power was waning quickly though, and the breaks between their attentions definitely created a drop in his libido at that point. He was getting ever so close, but not quite there before they couldn't take it anymore. And after Selkine had been so worn out by him, he wasn't about to suggest being on top.

Farren was trying to hold out as long as she could for who knows what turn she was on. Sess'tha was still panting on the bed, and Selkine was trying to catch her breath still as well. "He can heal himself and others now, and he has psionics now. Hell, he can even think to ME. But we can't last long enough to make him cum! Damn but he feels soooo good though!" Sess'tha grumped as Farren called her turn to an end and dragged herself off to his side.

Selkine blinked at Sess'tha and looked at Jack. "He has PSIONICS?! Why the hell didn't you say so?" Jack blinked at her exuberance as she climbed atop him again with a new purpose gleaming in her eye. "Jack, if THIS doesn't make you cum, I don't know what will!" she proclaimed.

Jack was panting. He was sooo close from Farren's tightness, but she couldn't hold on long enough herself. He peered up at Selkine curiously, having no clue what she was up to. She positioned herself again, beginning to pant as she nestled him between her nether lips. She stared at him and tried to concentrate, and then suddenly he heard her in his mind.

"Okay, Jack, this is it!" He blinked at her determination as she thought to him. Then suddenly he was made fully aware of what she was up to. His mind flooded over with HER pleasure. It was amazing, as if he were in both bodies at once. He could feel his tip nestled in her folds from her point of view, and could definitely appreciate the distinctive pleasure that she derived from touching him. It was almost sexual, but different in a good way. And it enhanced the sexual feelings immensely.

He was left panting heavily already from just being swamped in that pleasure. The moment she began to lower her hips down and engulf him though, his mind exploded with the superb feeling of it all. She got all of an inch of his flesh into herself before her first orgasm detonated through her and into him. The mingled impressions slammed into his mind and body, causing him to arch his hips up and drive himself into her.

And that just solidified things. His hands gripped her hips as he dragged her writhing form down onto himself, his back arching him more strongly into her as his peak hit. He had the unprecedented and unique sensation of feeling his screaming orgasm from both points of view. He savored the milking of her flesh around his throbbing shaft, and marveled at the immersive feeling that her body had of his cock bucking within her, giving up that hot fluid that she had been so desperate to get from him as a signal of his pleasure.

To make things even more fascinating, he couldn't drop down from his peak. He just kept cumming and cumming, powered by the feedback loop from Selkine's mind and body. He was long since out of juice to give to her, but the feeling didn't end. He was gasping for breath already, and had no idea how the girls had taken so much more than this themselves.

Finally he felt hands on Selkine's waist through her link to him, and they tugged her off him, leaving him to finally descend back onto the bed, panting and gasping as Selkine collapsed on top of him. He heard Selkine murmur "Finally..." as she drifted off and he lost touch with her mind. In his exhausted state, he felt Sess'tha and Farren snuggling against his sides, and both their minds exuded success and a sense of accomplishment. Then they all drifted off to sleep to try to recover.

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