Chapters, pt 2

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Chapters, part 2

copyright 2008 comidacomida

Jack looked down at the picture in his paw; it had been taken almost exactly eight years before that night. Devon, his boyfriend at the time, was leaning back against him as they both stood with the backdrop of the Grand Canyon behind them. They had it taken while they were on vacation.

He used to smile every time he saw it; a kindly old goose had taken the picture for them while her husband was practically pulling his feathers out complaining that they were going to be late. For what, he never mentioned, but she certainly seemed to be in no hurry.

The bear wiped a tear off of the picture frame and set it face down on the table. He heard the sound of the door closing downstairs; it was three o clock; Travis had just returned from school. Jack brought a paw up to his eyes, wiping the fur around them. The bear loved his nephew more than life itself. For the past two years, Travis had lived with him, ever since the accident that had taken Jack's brother and sister in law-- Travis' parents, from them.

Jack remembered receiving the phone call from the hospital. Al and Laura had been out of town on a trip with her parents. It had been a car accident. Laura and her parents had died on the scene. Alfred, who was hardier than the lions, had survived transport tot he hospital but was in critical condition.

Jack had rushed to the hospital and had taken several days off to be with his brother, talking to him, crying, holding his paw, but never leaving his side. At some point Travis had joined them, brought there by Laura's sister Vanessa.

Vanessa hadn't stayed long. She never really liked Al and had no real interaction with Jack. The lioness gave a curt greeting and farewell, returning to her own family to grieve. Jack was not ready to give up on his brother, and remained with him through the week, spending his time jointly with Al, and with comforting Travis. When there was nothing more the doctors could do for Al, Jack continued to remain by his side after encouraging Travis to go back to his home with Devon.

Two days later, Albert passed away. Jack was holding his paw the whole time. Once the nurse left to collect a doctor, Jack leaned forward, eyes filled with tears, and kissed his brother softly. Standing, the bear walked out of the room in a haze, and called a taxi to take him home.

Jack considered it to be the worst day in his life... but, little did he know, that it would quickly become the worst month in his life. The sound of a banging cabinet downstairs pulled Jack from his reverie. Wiping his eyes yet again, the bear grunted, lifting himself out of his armchair.

While Jack still worked for a fast food restaurant, he no longer handled the food. When he had been managing the restaurants he had almost tipped the scales at 400 pounds. Since he became a corporate manager he cut back drastically on burgers and fries but still never managed to get under 300; it wasn't bad for a bear, but he wasn't exactly an Adonis.

Making the way down the stairs, Jack listened to the refrigerator door opening. There was a long pause with no movement. Jack continued down the stairs, his ears swiveling slightly before he spoke up, "Get a glass!" he called into the kitchen. The sound of paws fumbling with a milk jug, followed by a cabinet opening and closing made Jack smile.

The bear reached the bottom of the steps, taking a left turn and passing through the archway that separated the living room from the kitchen. Travis was putting the milk jug away into the fridge, a glass of milk on the counter, and droplets of milk on his whiskers. As the lion made his way to the cookies with glass in paw, Jack watched silently.

Although more lion in appearance, Travis still took after the ursine side of his family. The lion had brown, slightly shaggy fur, and even his mane came in thick with reddish-brown hair. While Travis' build had originally followed that of his mother, in recent years since moving in with Jack, the lion had begun to develop a slight weight issue.

Seeing the six cookies in his nephew's paw, Jack wasn't surprised to see why. The bear chuckled, which made Travis pause. When Jack saw the young lion look back at him with another two cookies in his muzzle, he burst into laughter.

"Whaff fo funneh?" questioned his nephew, and Jack laughed even louder. Setting the cookies from his paw on the counter, Travis grabbed the two out of his muzzle, but not before taking a bite out of both of them, "I got a glass!" he objected indignantly.

"We're going out to dinner, Travis... don't spoil your appetite." Jack offered, still grinning. He'd seen his nephew pack away cookies before, and had no doubt that the lion could probably have finished off half the package and still have had room for more, but he wasn't above reminding his nephew about dinner plans.

"Dinner?" Travis questioned, ears going up. The young lion's tail stuck nearly straight out as the realization hit him, "My birthday!"

Jack chuckled again, heading into the kitchen to close up the cookie package before putting it back into the cabinet. Leaning across the counter, the bear snatched two cookies from Travis' pile, the action accentuated by the lion's indignant "Hey!"

"We'll leave in about a half hour... go get ready." the bear noted, tossing one of the cookies whole into his own muzzle. The bear followed after his nephew at a more leisurely pace; although Travis was slightly pudgy he was still able to move quickly. Ascending the stairs, the lion headed down the hall to the right while Jack took a turn to the left, heading back towards his own room. Taking a seat on the bed, the bear located both of his shoes. Downing his second cookie, Jack freed his paws so he could get ready for the trip to the restaurant.

Dinner went well enough. As usual, Travis focused on his meal and inhaled it as only a teenager could. Jack laughed heartily when the restaurant staff came out to sing their happy birthday song and present the young lion with a small bowl of ice cream covered brownie. While the bear could easily tell that his nephew got a kick out of it, Travis did a good job of putting on the embarrassed-teenager face.

All that disappeared when he finally got down to eating the birthday dessert. The two left the restaurant around eight and headed home. It was a Friday night so neither had plans the following day, but Jack never was much for staying out late, and getting back to videogames was always bonus for Travis.

The car ride home was about fifteen minutes and, for the first part of the trip all was quiet. Just as the car was leaving the highway and turning towards the residential district, Travis spoke up. "Uncle J?"

"Yea, kiddo?" Jack offered. Travis had called him Uncle J ever since he could remember... well since he was a cub since J was easier for him to say than Jack.

"When was the last time you heard from Aunt Vanessa?" the question came out of nowhere, catching Jack by surprise. He took a moment to let his brain assess the question before answering.

"I'm not sure, Trav... probably right before your last birthday when she stopped off to give you that card. Why?"

"She didn't call or anything this year?" the young lion asked.

Jack really didn't know how to answer the question. After her last visit, Vanessa left him with the impression that she wanted nothing to do with Travis and that she was considering calling it quits. Ever since he had won custody of his nephew he and Vanessa hadn't been on the greatest of terms, but he hated to think that she'd cut all ties with the young lion just because of it. A series of answers went through his head, everything from half truths to out-and-out lies. In the end, however, honesty won over, "No. She hasn't called."

"Do you think she meant what she said to the judge?" the question was vague, but Jack knew exactly what Travis meant. During the court proceedings, Vanessa had made an outburst promising the judge that she would never be in her nephew's life if he gave Jack custody. She had said some other things, of course, including allegations about the bear's relationship with Devon, and slinging some caustic comments about his sexuality... but he knew that wasn't Travis' focus. In the end, however, it made the judge all the more certain that Jack should have custody.

"I don't know, Trav... sometimes people aren't very easy to read." Jack offered honestly, "Maybe you could write her a letter?"

"Nah..." Travis replied, idly playing with the glove box, "It'd be cool if she stopped by to say hi or something, but if she doesn't want to she doesn't have to."

Jack didn't really know how to respond; instead he said nothing. Silent for the rest of the ride, the bear eased the car into the driveway and took it out of gear, pulling the emergency brake. Looking to his nephew, he saw that the lion was staring at the glove box. "Hey, kiddo..." he spoke up, making the lion turn to regard him. He smiled tentatively at his nephew, "Happy birthday."

"Thanks, Uncle J." he responded, reaching across the center console to give him a hug. Jack felt warmed by the gesture and, smiling, embraced his nephew in return. Travis curled his head underneath Jack's nuzzle, resting it against his throat and upper chest while the bear lowered his chin over the lion's mane. Jack held his nephew for some time, feeling the young lion's heart beat heavy, knowing that Travis must have been more affected by the absence of his aunt than he had first thought.

When Travis finally pulled back, Jack let him go. The lion wordlessly got out of the car and headed for the house. The bear turned the engine off and got out of the car, closing the door and activating the alarm. He went after his nephew, entering the front door after him and locking it behind himself. Travis was already making his way up the stairs, but Jack knew enough about the lion to know when he didn't want to talk. The bear gave his nephew a little space, then went up the stairs, heading to his own room.

Jack flopped out on his bed, kicking off his shoes as he stared at the ceiling. The bear had done a lot of ceiling searching since Travis had come to stay with him. Out of the tragedy of losing his brother and sister in law, Jack had gained his nephew, who had practically felt like a part of his immediate family ever since he first held the little cub.

The choice to become his nephew's legal guardian was obvious to the bear, who had always loved the boy. What made it difficult, however, was Devon's admission that he didn't want to have any children, or have children anywhere around.

Though their relationship wasn't perfect in any sense of the word, Jack could never get around the knowledge that it was the inclusion of Travis into their lives that finally caused Devon to leave. The bear certainly didn't blame his nephew, anymore than he could blame Devon.

He and his boyfriend simply had a difference in opinion on lifestyles and family... and the fact that Jack would not give up the chance to have Travis with him meant that he had instead to give up the boar with whom he'd shared over a dozen years of his life. Although their separation was over a year ago, it didn't make Jack hurt any less-- it was another chapter of his life that had come to a close.

Getting undressed, Jack slipped into bed, hitting the switch on the nightstand to turn off the lights. He often thought about Devon during life events and Travis' birthday was only one more reason for the boar to be on his mind. Wiping tears out of his eyes, Jack continued to stare at the ceiling, unable to go to sleep with so many thoughts on his mind. The bear was just at the point of crossing over into slumber when a quiet knock on his door dashed his chance at sleep. Jack glanced to the clock: 12:04.

"Uncle Jack? You awake?" the call came from beyond the door.

"Yea, Trav... what's up?" he asked, sitting up as the door cracked open. He saw the young lion's eyes first, glinting in the faint light that tricked in from the window on the opposite side of the bedroom.

"I had a nightmare." his nephew admitted. For a moment, Jack was brought back to Travis' first year with him. The young lion had nightmares regularly and had seen psychologists about them for several months.

It was right after the time when he and Devon had parted ways, and Jack had no hesitation about letting his nephew share the bed with him. Many were the nights when Travis came into his room and fell asleep in his arms; it was the most needed that Jack had ever felt, and the most gratifying experience for him to be so comforting to someone he loved as much as his nephew.

This time, however, Jack was hesitant. His eyes were adjusted to the darkness, and he watched the lion.. He saw his nephew standing just inside the doorway, white briefs a stark contrast to his otherwise mocha-colored fur. Travis' tail was curled down his leg in muted embarrassment at his admittance of fear.

The young lion's body was just beginning to fill out, shoulders not yet broadened, muscles only beginning to firm, and his mane was still short and curled. Comforting a thirteen year old was one thing, but Jack was disquieted at the thought of sharing his bed with a fifteen-year-old nephew.

"I had a dream about mom and dad." Travis choked, and Jack realized that his nephew was crying.

Letting out the sigh of a bear whose decision was made for him, Jack held out his arms, "Come here, kiddo."

Travis moved to him, falling into his embrace. The lion buried his muzzle into the bear's chest, and began crying. Jack rested his back against the headboard of his bed and held his nephew close. The bear felt his nephews arms as far around him as they could go, and gave the lion a gentle squeeze, letting out a shaky breath himself as he felt his eyes water. Many were the times when he too relived his memories of that unpleasant time. He was unable to fault his nephew for being so shaken up over the event, and he made no issues of his tears that wetted Travis' mane.

Jack wasn't sure how long Travis cried... or how long he cried, for that matter. Eventually, however, the lion relaxed in his grip, simply laying against him as they each breathed, practically in unison. He felt his eyelids grow heavy once more, a certain contentment with having his beloved nephew in his arms... but the sensation of a rough tongue caress his chest quickly snapped the bear out of his half-sleep. Looking down, he saw Travis propped up and licking him. Jack did a double-take, and slowly drew the lion out to arm's length.

"U--Uncle J..." Travis spoke up quickly, stuttering, "I..."

The bear paused long, feeling his nephew's body pressed against him. Even through the blanket and Travis' underwear, Jack could feel his nephew's erection.

"Travis? What--" but Jack didn't finish asking the question as his nephew looked away, covering his face with his paws. It took several more seconds before Jack truly came to understand... the feeling of their embrace in the car... the quickening of the lion's heartbeat wasn't because of the discussion... it was because of him.

Jack eased the pressure of his paws on either of his nephew's shoulders, and slowly drew him close again, giving the lion a powerful embrace, "Travis... you don't want to be here with me... not like this... not right now."

The young lion responded in a crackling voice, "Uncle Jack... I... I think I like boys."

The comment wasn't one that Jack had ever expected hearing from his nephew. He was content to think that Travis would grow up, get married, have kids, and live a standard leonine life. It was a surprise, to say the least, but it wasn't something that hit Jack hard emotionally. The bear was quiet for several seconds before his nephew spoke up again.

"I... I haven't ever... done anything with anyone before." the young lion noted, the tone of embarrassment was clear in his voice, "but... I... I really want to...." Travis swallowed audibly, "...with you."

That comment hit Jack like a ton of bricks. It froze him for a moment as thousands of thoughts flew through his head, not the least of which being that Travis was his underage nephew. He opened his muzzle, almost ready to form an objection... but all thoughts were wiped clean off his mind the moment the young lion leaned forward and drew his sandpapery tongue through his fur, and across one of his nipples.

The bear let out a deep, shaky breath, mixed with a moan. Gripping his nephew's shoulders tightly, he closed his eyes as the sensation of the lion's hot breath coated his fur with warmth.

Encouraged by Jack's reaction, Travis continued, his paws tracing their way around the bear's belly as he slid himself further onto his uncle. Jack rested his head back against the wall, softly cupping his nephew's head in his hands as the young lion nibbled and licked at his large stomach.

Travis' paws slid along the underside of his paunch, forcing the bear to fight back a laugh as the lion's half-exposed claws tickled him in their movement. The laugh was short lived, however, as it got stuck in his throat the moment those claws slipped beneath the blankets and slowly traced the edge of his groin. Jack held his breath as his nephew slowly drew back the bedding.

Travis' glinting green eyes stared down between Jack's legs. He waited patiently as the young lion looked at him. One of his paws fell to his nephew's shoulder, gently rubbing it as his other paw caressed the side of the lion's face. Jack smiled as he felt Travis' body vibrate with a soft purring, and continued to watch the lion's eyes as they traversed his groin. Travis had never seen him naked, and he was sure that the young lion had a lot to take in.

"Everything alright, kiddo?" he asked his nephew softly.

"You... look different than me..." Travis replied hesitantly, "more like Dad."

Jack smiled softly at that, gently pulling his nephew close once again. He rested Travis' head on his chest as he caressed the lion's back, "Well... we were brothers, Trav... and you take after your mom in a lot of ways." he slowly eased himself to one side of the bed, and rolled the lion onto a free spot on the mattress, "Let's see how different." he smiled playfully, leaning forward to touch his nose to his nephew's.

Travis' ears flushed immediately, and his whiskers pulled back in a show of embarrassment, but he did not resist as Jack hooked his thumbs up under the elastic band of the boy's underwear, and slowly slid them down his legs. The bear saw a faint ring of lighter fur beneath the briefs-- the lion's groin fur.

Travis had hit puberty a scant year earlier, shortly after coming to live with him. Like his mane, the lion's endowments were just starting to show signs of adulthood. His sac was filling out and his sheath was already withdrawn, showing a very firm, excited sliver of pink flesh, standing erect and eager. Jack laughed softly; his nephew was very different.

The lion's member was tapered to a sharp tip. Not quite four inches long, Travis' length was almost bubblegum pink. Jack remembered a tale that Laura told him about lion males-- that they had little spines near the tip of their penises... but Travis apparently had yet to come into full adulthood, as his still lacked any signs of them.

Leaning forward, Jack snuffled his nephew's groin, taking in the scent of the young lion. He ran his paws through Travis' thick brown fur, and gently gripped his waist. His memories drifted back to the night he shared with his brother in the tent long ago. Closing his eyes, he leaned forward and slid his lips around his nephew's rigid shaft.

Travis went rigid the moment Jack's muzzle surrounded his flesh. The bear felt his nephew's back arch, and he gently rested his paws on the lion's belly, easing him back to the mattress. He ran his tongue along the underside of Travis' length and heard the young lion moan in response.

Keeping one paw gently running his claws through his nephew's belly fur, his other paw slid down the lion's hips and along the inside of his thigh until the bear cupped Travis' endowments in his palm. Jack felt his nephew's toes curl against his shins and he gently caressed Travis' velvety, brown sac, feeling the lion's testicles within constrict up against his body... and the bear knew his nephew was already drawing close.

Jack slowly drew his muzzle off of Travis' flesh, leaving it stiff, bobbing in the air in time with the young lion's rapid heart beat. Travis slowly opened one of his eyes, then the other, green orbs split by thin pupils focusing on him in the darkness.

"Uncle.... Uncle J..." his nephew whimpered softly, but Jack slowly drew him up off of the bed, pulling him to the floor as he set the young lion into his lap. The feel of Travis' slightly curly, brown fur against his stiff erection made Jack's head swim, but he had other intentions for his curious nephew.

"Relax, Trav... shhh...." the big bear murmured, softly licking Travis's forehead. He gently raised his nephew up to a standing position even as he sat beneath him. The bear slowly turned the lion with his paws, resting them his nephew's hips as he slowly got to his knees, easing Travis forward until the lion rested his elbows on the mattress.

Without another word, Jack brushed his nose up beneath the cub's tail. Travis jumped in surprise at the maneuver, but Jack felt him relax immediately the moment his tongue slid out to caress the young lion's tender flesh.

Travis moaned louder, gripping the blankets with his claws as the bear licked at his opening. Jack felt his nephew's tail curl away, then curve back, practically encircling his head as he mixed between nibbling at the young lion's rump fur and languidly massaging the boy's tail hole with his tongue. As

Travis' tail started flicking and whipping back and forth with continued force, Jack finally let go of the lion's hip, instead moving his paw up to encircle the base of his tail. Travis gasped, lowering his chest to the bed, and Jack removed his other paw from his nephew's back. The young lion purred continuously, but the sound was interrupted when Jack's spare paw moved to his nephew's throbbing shaft.

"Oh... god...." Travis moaned, biting down on a muzzle full of blankets and sheets as Jack eased his tongue into his nephew's tail hole. He felt the young lion's opening spasm around the intrusion, and his nephew's member pulsed rhythmically in his paw. It didn't take much coaxing before the bear felt hot, thick lion seed coat his paw and then spray onto his leg as he continued to work Travis from both sides, causing the young lion to whimper in pure ecstasy.

Jack finally let the gasping teen rest as he eased paw off of the young lion's still-twitching member. He withdrew his tongue from Travis' quivering opening, and sat back down on his rump, letting his nephew catch his breath as he too took a moment to breathe. Jack had never thought of such intimate acts with his ward... never imagined that the lion would have possibly come to him, asking to be shown so much. Still breathing heavily, the bear laid back against the floor, gazing at the ceiling as he continued to revel in the scent of the joint arousal of himself and his nephew.

"Uncle Jack..." Travis murmured from his position on the bed.

"Yea, Trav?"

"That was a lot better than... um..." he could practically hear the lion blushing, "...doing it myself."

Jack laughed, heartily, speaking after he calmed enough to do so, "I'm glad you liked it, kiddo."

"Do you ever... you know... do it?" the young lion asked, slipping off the mattress and onto the floor beside him.

Jack continued looking at the ceiling, "What?"

"You know... with your paw?" the lion noted, embarrassed.

"You mean masturbate?"

"Um..." Jack could tell that the lion was blushing again, "...yea."

He rolled to the side, looking at Travis, a grin all the way across his muzzle, "Why do you think they call it 'Jack'-ing-off?" His nephew burst into laughter.

The bear smiled, rubbing his belly as it lay against the floor, slightly lopsided as he propped himself up by the elbow. He slowly brought his paw down to his crotch, still sticky and slick with his nephew's semen, and gently began caressing his still-firm bear hood.

He watched Travis' eyes as the young lion gave rapt attention to the action. He smiled, noticing that his nephew's sheath, which had begun to swallow the withdrawing length of pink flesh, was already beginning to regurgitate it. Jack remembered when he too had been so quick to recuperate after being spent.

"Do you want to try?" he asked, releasing his shaft, as he opened himself to the young lion. Travis looked the bear in the eye, then down at the throbbing erection, then back up into his face. "Go ahead." Jack offered, "I'll tell you if you hurt me... just keep those claws in, okay, kiddo?" The two shared a grin.

Jack slowly rolled onto his back as his nephew inched his way over, walking on his knees. The young lion rested himself against his uncle's ample belly, propping himself up with an armpit as he encircled Jack's stomach with a paw. Jack again rested his head on the ground, looking up at the ceiling as he felt Travis tentatively inch a paw across his groin fur.

The bear let out a calming breath as the lion slowly closed his paw around his withdrawn sheath. He smiled, closing his eyes as the paw caressed the sheath, and slowly delved down to his full sac. Jack smiled, enjoying the sensation his nephew's rough paw pads as they first cupped one testicle before releasing it, then the other.

"You're doing fine, Trav." he offered quietly. The young lion rubbed the side of the bear's belly, and Jack tensed for a moment once he felt Travis' hot breath at the tip of his member. The feeling created a shockwave of pleasure flowing through him, harkening back to his memory of the camping trip.

He felt the tentative muzzle brush across the tip of his sensitive flesh-- the first partial recoil as Travis tasted him for the first time, and the feel of curled red mane as he gently caressed his nephew's head. Jack remembered his first time... the time with his brother when he had taken Al into his muzzle... and now had an inkling of what his brother had felt.

He reveled in the experience with the inexperienced... the shiver that tantalized his flesh when Travis fought back the gag reflex after taking in too much of his length. Jack rumbled in pleasure as the young lion finally figured out how to put his tongue to best use. He almost cried out in bliss as Travis finally, after three attempts, managed to touch the bear's groin with his nose, having taken in the entirety of his uncle's member.

"Good... very good, Travis." Jack gasped, gently rubbing his nephew's head with his paws, but also slowly pulling the lion's muzzle from his excited organ.

"Uh..Uncle J... you didn't... um... cum." the lion cub blushed at the word. Jack chuckled, lowering a paw to gently stroke the side of his nephew's face. The young lion closed his eyes, purring happily as he rubbed his face into the paw.

"When you get to my age you don't tend to fire one off so quick, my boy." he smiled, raising his head up even as he brought his nephew's head down to join his own. He touched his muzzle to Travis', and he felt the young lion melt in his grasp. Closing his eyes, he held the boy close, gently licking the lion's lips. Without any more coaxing, Travis opened his muzzle, his own tongue coming out to meet the bear's.

Although Travis was no light weight, Jack managed to pick him up, resting him back against the bed. This close, their bellies pressed against one another, and Jack could feel his nephew's hard erection jabbing up against his gut.

As their muzzles parted, Travis looked up at him. "Uncle Jack... I want to make you cum."

Jack smiled at that, the grin spreading all the way across his muzzle. He held one paw on his nephew's belly, the other gently stroking his still hard member as he slowly guided it to the young lion's saliva-slickened tail-hole, "You will, my boy... you will."

The bear gently rubbed the thick, tan fur of Travis' belly, smiling down at him as he felt the soft flesh at the base of his nephew's tail press up against the tip of his shaft. The young lions' tail-hole tensed up upon its touch, and Jack patted the cub's stomach, "Relax, Trav... just relax and let me do everything."

The young lion swallowed audibly, and nodded, the nervousness to the action obvious as wide emerald eyes stared back at the bear in the half-light. Jack smiled down at his nephew and gently stroked his belly with one paw as the other helped ease the head of his member up under the lion's tail. Travis closed his eyes, leaning his head back as he grit his teeth, but the bear felt the cub's muscles relax at the entrance to his body, and he began pushing forward.

"Ow!" the young lion winced, moving an inch further away on the bed, pushing back against the mattress with his paws.

Jack pressed down on Travis' stomach, holding him, "It's like that the first time, Trav... you're not used to it, and it'll hurt, but just a little..." he caressed the young lion's furry belly, "Listen... if you don't want to do this, it's fine, my boy... you don't have to..."

"I DO, Uncle J... I really do..." Travis offered in earnest, but slowly looked away, "It's just... I haven't before, and... well... I don't know... it's... just new and-- it won't hurt TOO much, will it?"

"Hey..." Jack responded, patting the cub's stomach again, "if it hurts too much, you just let me know and I'll stop... but if it hurt a lot, then you'd think that people wouldn't do it... and we both know that they do it, right?" he winked at his nephew, who coughed back a hesitant giggle in response, "That's my boy..." he reached forward and stroked the side of the young lion's muzzle, smiling at the resounding purr emerging from him.

Travis wriggled closer to him on the mattress once again, and Jack, keeping one paw on the cub's midsection, slid his other paw up beneath his tail, gingerly caressing the underside of the young lion's tail until his thumb gently kneaded the opening. He felt Travis tense up again, but, true to his promise, the cub remained where he was on the bed, head slowly lowering to the mattress as he stared up at the ceiling.

"There you go... that's a good boy..." Jack crooned softly, caressing the ball of his thumb up against the saliva-slickened opening. Travis' foot paws crinkled their toes, spreading them out, then pulling them in tightly. At first, Travis' tail clenched down against Jack's thumb but, slowly, after several seconds of gentle circles, the tail began to relax, finally lowering against the bed.

Jack leaned forward across his nephew to gently press his nose to Travis'. The young lion licked at his lips and Jack opened his muzzle, caressing the cub's tongue with his own. Travis let out a soft moan as the bear curved his thumb slightly, a blunt claw playing at entering the lion's tail hole.

Jack pressed his bulk more firmly down against his nephew, breaking the kiss, and holding him in place as the digit applied pressure, very slowly beginning its entrance into the young lion's body. "Shhhh..." he whispered softly against Travis' whimpers as the thumb slipped into the trembling lion.

The bear stopped the progress when he felt the lion's opening quiver around his thumb's joint. "Are you alright, Trav?" he asked softly, nose to nose his nephew. Travis slowly opened one eye, then the other, both of them damp. He worked his muzzle several times, having clenched his teeth as Jack's thumb made its entry. "Y... yea... I'm alright." he noted, "Are.... you in?"

Jack quickly fought back the urge to laugh, calming himself and removing the chuckle from his voice before he answered, "That's my thumb, kid-o... I'm trying to be gentle... help loosen you up some first."

Travis looked up at the bear, eyes still glowing green, and blinked, "Thank you." he offered, ears visibly pink even in the half-light.

"No problem, kiddo." replied the bear, and gently kissed the cub's nose, moving his thumb within the young lion very slowly, working the tip back and forth just enough so it would hopefully relax his nephew's insides.

Travis lowered his head back to the mattress, letting out a deep breath, "It.... feels okay, Uncle J... it doesn't hurt THAT much now."

"Just let me know if it does, Trav... I don't mind you screaming, but I want it to be for the RIGHT reasons." he offered in a deep, seductive voice. He felt the shiver hit his finger as it ran up his nephew's spine. The bear licked his lips, imagining how it might feel against something other than his thumb, and he rumbled softly, licking his nephew's neck as he began pushing his thumb further into the lion.

Travis gasped anew, feet pressed against one of the Jack's thighs, and the bear felt half-extended claws brush through his fur. The lion paused for a moment, issuing out a muted apology; Jack just smiled in response, and slid his thumb fully up into his nephew. Travis mewled in surprise, an embarrassing sound to be sure, but the bear didn't mind the exclamation, nor the feel of the young lion's very-stiff erection jolt up noticeably against his abdomen as Jack hit just the right spot.

"OooooOOoohhhh... Unc...le...J....." Travis, who had raised shoulders at the sudden pressure, slowly slid his head back to the mattress, tongue lolling in his muzzle as all of his fur stood on end. Jack chuckled, gingerly caressing his nephew's insides with his thumb. Gently, and with utmost care, the bear started drawing his thumb back out.

When his finger-joint was free, he slid it back in. The motion made Travis gasp, back arching slightly as his tail kinked towards the tip. Leaning forward, Jack silenced the young lion's heavy breath with another kiss, and continued slowly fingering the cub's opening, working his thumb in and out of the tight hole as Travis writhed beneath him.

The bear hadn't counted the minutes but, after a time, he gently disengaged with his nephew. Travis panted, laying on the bed as Jack slowly pulled his thumb all the way out of the young lion's tail hole. Meeting the gaze of the cub, Jack spoke softly, "Alright, Travis..." the bear reached a paw to the

night-stand beside the bed, and opened the drawer. "I have something that should make things a bit easier..." He pulled out a small tube and unscrewed the cap. Applying a liberal amount to his index finger, he slowly drew close to his nephew again, and slid it up underneath Travis' tail.

"Oooh!" the lion wheezed, fur standing on end, "C-C-COLD!"

"Give it a minute, Trav..." Jack chuckled, making slow circles with his finger against his nephew's tail-hole, working the lubricant around the lion's entrance before sliding his index finger into him. The digit went all the way in, up to the knuckle without incident.

"Oh... that's a lot better..." the lion offered, his paw's toes wriggling as he let out a calm breath, stiff pink flesh crowning his withdrawn sheath still bobbing in time with his heart beat.

Jack rose back up, taking hold of one of Travis' legs and bringing it around one side of his hips, and then doing the same with his other paw, ignoring the slick line of lube he left on his nephew's fur. Positioned between the young lion's legs, the bear took hold of his semi-hard flesh and began stroking it.

He used to be able to maintain an erection despite his mindset, but, so earnest he was in making certain that Travis wasn't harmed, that it slipped away without his notice. The squirming young lion, on his back before him quickly changed things, and it wasn't long before he pressed the hard tip of his flesh against the eager young cub's slickened tail hole.

"Let me know if I hurt you, kiddo." offered the bear, and Travis simply nodded mutedly, closing his eyes as Jack slowly began to press his hips forward. Jack watched as his nephew's face tightened in anticipation of pain. He caressed the young lion's cheek as Travis grit his teeth, jaw squaring as Jack felt the cub's tail hole begin to give way, reluctantly stretching to accommodate his girth. Travis began to squirm beneath him.

Jack slowed, holding steady one he felt the head of his member slip into his nephew. The young lion breathed heavily beneath him, panting once he ceased gritting his teeth. He leaned forward, kissing Travis on the forehead, "You alright, Trav?"

"Mmm-hmm... just... gimme a minute... ogh... that's... a lot bigger than your... ugh... th--thumb, Uncle J."

The bear chuckled, "Just let me know if you're okay to continue, Kiddo." he smiled, gently licking at one of the young lion's rounded ears. The touch of his tongue made Travis shiver, and Jack shivered in return as the cub's tail hole quivered around his shaft. A rumbling murmur escaped his throat, and he opened his muzzle, clamping down lightly on the young lion's ear. Travis gasped, and Jack felt the cub's stiff erection flex between their bodies.

"Uncle... Uncle J... go... ahead..." the young lion noted, inhaling and holding his breath, clenching his claws into the mattress with anticipation.

Jack straightened himself, kneeling on the floor. His paws migrated slowly to either side of his nephew's waist, caressing across the cub's fur before taking hold of his hips, gripping them tightly as he eased his own forward, holding Travis in place while sliding further and further into the young lion's tight tail hole. The cub issued out a soft mewling sound, tail kinking as it remained pulled to the side, thrashing against Jack's thigh.

The bear smiled, watching as the young lion tightened his grip on the blankets. Jack felt the hot insides of his nephew caress his flesh as he parted them further than they'd ever gone, being the first the young lion had ever taken into himself. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, feeling Travis' insides spasm against the invasion.

He held his nephew for several seconds, not yet finishing his insertion as he waited for the cub's stretched tail hole to get used to his presence. His paws caressed the young lion's hips, gently kneading the shivering muscles. Travis was breathing heavily, panting on the bed, eyes closed; the cub's stiff member was bobbing continuously: an obvious sign of his excitement. Jack leaned forward and licked his nephew's chest, drawing his muzzle slowly upward until he was softly nibbling the young lion's neck fur.

Travis purred heavily, murmuring and gasping as his uncle licked and nibbled. The bear smiled, keeping hold of the young lion's hips as he pushed his own forward until they met. The cub didn't react to the shove immediately, still apparently focused on Jack's teeth lightly grazing the flesh on his neck.

The bear hadn't been with anyone his nephew's age before, and only one other time with another virgin... but he knew enough of how to help his newest partner through their first encounter... and he held himself firmly against the lion, hips pressed close as his nephew writhed against him, moaning.

"Oohhh..." the lion's voice was shaky, claws fully extended, puncturing holes in the mattress, but Jack didn't care. His nephew's body was vibrating with the full-force of a rhythmic purring the likes of which Jack had never before imagined. He felt the purring through his shaft and deep into his groin.

Holding the young lion tightly, Jack lowered his body down to rest against his nephew's pushing him back against the mattress as he dug his toe claws into the carpet, gaining traction as he began to draw his length back out of the cub, only to ease it back in, slowly, and carefully.

Travis responded immediately, muzzle gaping, as if to say something, but no words came out, only a stifled moan, cut-short as his tail-hole was filled again by his uncle's thrust. Jack felt the young lion's back arch beneath him, pudgy belly pressing up against his own gut as Travis' legs spread further out, his nephew's ankles locking behind his own as he felt his thrust met in kind by the lion pushing back into him. The eagerness of his nephew made him smile but, more so, made him even harder... Travis wanted him-- and he wanted Travis.

Jack drew his hips back again, more reluctantly this time. The young lion's insides stroked him more completely than anything he'd encountered in a long time. Travis was tight, and eager, and, despite Jack's reluctance to admit it of his nephew... he was something that Jack desired very, very much. The sensations barraging his belabored erection were beyond anything he'd ever recalled having felt... and he was unable to control himself for much longer. Looking down to the young lion, he spoke to him with an urgency in his growled voice, "I hope you're ready, Trav... because I am."

"J..." Travis whimpered, voice vibrating from his purring, "do it... please..." the last word came out almost as a whimper, muscles tense all across his body as he lay his head back on the mattress, eyes tearing even as he drooled out of his muzzle, toes against Jack's thighs clenching and unclenching spasmodically. Jack needed no further invitation.

The bear growled lustily, finally permitting his body revel in the feel of the lion. Gripping his nephew's hips, Jack drew his groin back, but only half way, before powering forward with a full thrust, threatening to push Travis across the bed if not for his rock-hard grip. The bear leaned forward, using his weight to pin Travis to the mattress, jaws opening wide before they clamped down across his nephew's throat biting, but not hard.

The young lion cried out at that, not quite a scream, but not quite a moan. Jack felt his nephew's shaft convulse between them, but he didn't stop his thrusting. Travis' orgasm caused his tail hole to clench down around the bear's invading member, caressing him and stroking him as he continued rocking his groin into his nephew's opening. The young lion moaned deeply, throat still constricted by Jack's muzzle, clamped down across it. The bear felt his stomach grow warm and sticky with the cub's ejaculate, but he was too close to his own release to care.

The last of Travis' convulsions finally slackened, and Jack clenched his claws against his nephew's hips. The young lion cried out as the bear roared, thrusting forward hard, feeling his testicles squeezed tightly between their bodies as he was shaken through to the core by the most powerful release he could remember. His toe claws dug into the carpet as he jack-knifed his body forward, bending his back in an arch as he ground his hips into the tortured tail hole of his gasping nephew.

He felt his ejaculation explode through his senses, and each roiling gout of seed shocked him all over, releasing himself deep into his young ward. Jack held still for several seconds, floating in the euphoria of the sensations as Travis mrrrred softly beneath him, "So.... warm..." he cooed. After several seconds, the bear finally collapsed atop the lion, rolling to the side and taking his nephew with him.

"Are you alright?" Jack asked softly, gently licking the side of Travis' muzzle.

"Alright?" Travis asked, panting, "That.... was.... awesome." The lion's ears turned red a moment later, as if realizing what he was saying after admitting it.

Jack smiled, touching his nose to Travis', "I think so too, Trav... I think so too." he embraced his nephew, holding him close. The young lion yawned in his grasp, and he felt it grow contagious. He yawned and rested his head atop the curly brownish-red mane of his nephew.

"Thank you, Uncle J..." the young lion offered quietly.

"You're welcome, Trav..." he said aloud, closing his eyes as he felt his nephew slowly nod off into slumber. He lovingly caressed the cub's back, resting him against his side, and whispered softly, "Thank you too." Jack fell asleep with Travis close, not knowing what their time together that night would mean for the next day, but he was too happy with that night to look that far forward.

Chapters, pt 3

Chapters, pt 3 copyright 2008 comidacomida Travis drifted for a time between the stages of asleep and awake, riding the currents of a euphoric existence somewhere beyond consciousness, but just peeking out from sleep. He felt the soft sheets...

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Chapters, pt 1

Chapters (pt 1/2) copyright 2008 comidacomida Jack's life had always been a mixture of bitter-sweet happenstance. Jack was eight and his brother, Albert had been twelve when their mother was buried and their father was given a life sentence in...

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Where Things Go From Here? / Breakfast and Bad Puns

Where Things Go From Here copyright 2009 comidacomida Paul looked at himself in the mirror, the faint ghost of a smile still on his lips, "My god... I do love him." he murmured quietly to himself, reveling in the feeling of warmth that spread...

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