Chapters, pt 1

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Chapters (pt 1/2)

copyright 2008 comidacomida

Jack's life had always been a mixture of bitter-sweet happenstance. Jack was eight and his brother, Albert had been twelve when their mother was buried and their father was given a life sentence in jail. He and his brother had become wards of the state at a fairly young age after their father had turned a shotgun on their mother. As far as all demographics went, bears weren't known as the most prone to domestic violence, but neither Jack nor Albert really cared much about statistics at the time.

By some strange twist of fate they managed to be assigned to the same foster parents. Jack had later heard that siblings weren't usually kept together once they were accepted into the foster program but, somehow, it happened. The two bear cubs were shuffled from family to family every few years-- some Jack liked, and others he didn't. Despite all the changes in his life, the one thing that remained consistent was his brother, Al.

During the brothers' initial stay at the communal foster youths' home before placement with foster families, Jack kept the other kits and cubs jealous due to their high opinion of his brother Al. To Jack, Al was everything a big brother should have been. Al was always there to help him at difficult times. Jack always counted on Al to come to his rescue and to support him if things were too tough. The two siblings were inseparable and did everything together-- everything.

When Al was 16 and Jack was not yet 13, the two were brought out on a camping trip by their foster father. At that time, their current foster father was the outdoorsy type... a badger who knew exactly what to do in every survival situation. He thought that bringing the two bears out with his own son into the woods would be a good bonding exercise. The two bears were taught to raise a tent as the badger father and son team showed them how. The bear brothers shared their tent and the two badgers had their own. It was that night upon which Jack had his first sexual encounter... with his brother.

Albert was going through his middle teenage years when he was exploring himself, both physically, and in identity. Jack remembered beginning to doze off when he heard his brother rustling in the sleeping bag, and felt his own bag unzip. His brother's paw slid down against his belly, slipping further down until it pressed up against the front of his pajama bottoms. The sensation was strange as the paw against the cloth applied some pressure to his groin. He didn't recall what he had thought at the time, but he was more awake as he rolled over to see his brother.

Al had been sitting atop his opened sleeping bag, one paw stroking the furless flesh of his more mature member as it stood, emerged out of his sheath, and hard. Jack didn't really know what to think when he saw it, but, as his brother continued to caress his own sheath through his pajamas, he began to feel the sensations of physical arousal welling within him. He recalled how his brother directed everything... told him what to do... helped him to do it. Under his brother's direction, Jack experienced his first ejaculation, Al's paw on his thigh as his brother watched-on, coaching him on masturbation... but the encounter hadn't ended there.

Jack could still remember the flavor of his brother. Al had some how convinced Jack to taste him... and his older brother kept a paw on one of his shoulders, the other at the back of his head. The feel of Al's member thrusting slowly into and out of his muzzle was one of the most vivid memories that Jack had of him... and the sensations of his brother's thick semen seeping down the back of his throat. That was the only night he ever tasted his brother... but it was not the last time they would involve one another so intimately.

In school, Jack had always been the quiet one. Al had a large number of friends and was always the focus of the crowd, but he never forgot his brother. Al was the leader and Jack was always the follower; he was eager to be near his brother and stand just to the side of his spotlight, enjoying the warmth that came from being so close to a social star. Jack was an introvert and Al was the extrovert. Al was in sports throughout high school but Jack was never into that scene. During Al's senior year in high school, Jack, who was then a freshman, spent most of his time on the sidelines providing support to his brother.

While the two brothers looked a lot alike when they were younger, Al became the muscular, athletic one, while Jack filled-out more around his gut, gaining the beginnings of a paunch. After Al graduated, he managed to gain custody of his brother, finally pulling Jack out of the foster system. They had a much more stable life-- just the two of them. So began another chapter of his life, living with his brother as his legal guardian, continuing to enjoy the time he had with Al while he finished his education. It was during that time in which Albert met Laura.

Albert had taken a job at a local car dealer working as a mechanic for them. Jack spent his after school time working fast food at the local burger joint. The older brother gained a reputation as a skilled mechanic while the younger brother gained a few more pounds. On most days, Albert got home two or three hours before Jack, and it was on one such day that Jack entered their apartment to see his brother laying on the sofa, half naked with his paw slid up the back of a lioness' dress.

Jack, of course, felt immediate embarrassment, but neither his brother nor the lioness seemed to mind. Still mostly naked, Laura was introduced by his brother, and Jack was likewise introduced to Laura. Al brought the two closer, and helped Jack draw the rest of Laura's clothing from her as she began undoing the younger bear's belt. Memories of the night with his brother ran through Jack's head, and he didn't last much more than a few licks as Laura's tongue coaxed his seed from him.

Albert and Laura showed Jack about so very much that night, and it was another chapter from his life that he would never forget. The sensations of Laura's muzzle around him... the feel of her paws across his muzzle, and caressing his large stomach as she sucked him off, all while she was being taken from behind by Al. The feel of slipping inside her was almost too much for him to bear, but, when his brother joined him in the lioness, forcing her further open as his member pressed up against his brother's-- Jack came immediately.

The three didn't sleep that night yet it still passed quickly... even so, Jack remembered it well. His memories often drifted back to the night when he was lonely... the feel of both of them including them in the intimate acts... the feel of both of their bodies. It took some time for Jack to come to grips with it but, in the end, that night taught him something very important about himself. Jack was in love with his brother... and when the three had been together, it was his brother that aroused him the most.

Jack graduated high school that year. Albert and Laura continued to grow closer; he never again joined them for another night of lovemaking. Jack didn't expect to, and didn't ask to. Though jealous of how close the two were, he realized that his brother had his own life. When Al popped the question, Jack was very happy for him, but knew their lives were going to change forever. Jack was asked by both of them to be best man, and he agreed. Another chapter in his life came to a close and he smiled even as he cried inside.

Things in fast food went far better for Jack than he had initially expected. He was eager enough to get out of the industry, but when he was made restaurant manager the incredible raise made him think twice. Nobody was more surprised than Jack when the quiet, unassuming, pudgy fry cook turned out to be a very capable manager. His quarterly bonuses helped him quickly build up enough money to move into his own apartment... something that was important to him because he had rapidly begun to feel like a third wheel.

Albert and Laura moved out of state when Al got the opportunity to attend college for mechanical engineering. Laura was working as a law office secretary, but they fell on some hard times two months later when she had to take maternity leave. Jack had sent them some of his own money, writing a letter saying that they needed it far more than he did. As far as he could figure, they did. Jack didn't have a family and had the disposable income to help them in their time of need. It brought him great joy to think that he was able to help back his brother, who spent so much time looking out for him.

Jack could still remember the day when Al called him to tell him the good news; he was going to be an uncle. That was also the day that Jack had a long talk with his brother. It wasn't something that Jack had been planning on speaking about, especially with the backdrop of Al's wonderful news, but it was something that Jack had to say. Jack told his brother that he was gay.

The discussion went on for nearly two hours. Al had let him speak his mind, and then responded back with a long series of questions. Was Jack sure? Yes. Had Jack found someone? No. Was Jack looking? Not actively. The analytical questions were impersonal and, at first, Jack was starting to worry about how their relationship might suffer when Al took a break from the questions, adding, "You know... I go to school with a guy that might like to meet you." For the first time since Al had become married, Jack felt a deep connection with him, and he knew everything would be okay. A new chapter in his life would be starting.

Jack did ultimately meet with Albert's classmate. Devon was an exchange student, a boar from Germany. The two hit it off immediately and, by the time Jack's nephew was born, the two were living together. Jack went to visit his brother and his sister in law shortly after the birth and saw his nephew, Travis for the fist time. The little cub looked a lot like his mother; he was very leonine with a slighter frame than a bear and a long tail with a tuft of fur at the end. His eyes, like his mother's, were amber and had slitted pupils. From his father, however, he gained his shaggy, brown fur.

Very few fast food employees had vacation time but, since being promoted to a corporate position after proving himself in a management capacity, Jack had several weeks a year he could take off with pay. The happy uncle stayed with the family for a week. As years went by, Jack visited with ritualistic predictability, showing up for at least four or five days every year around Travis' birthday.

Jack considered those visits to be some of the happiest days of his adult life, and he enjoyed watching his nephew grow each year. As a family, they celebrated each milestone in Travis' life including his first steps, first words, and learning control of his retractable claws. The visits were happy affairs, but it was shortly after the last visit, and the celebration of Travis starting to grow in his adult mane, that things began to unravel, and yet another chapter in Jack's life came to a close.

Chapters, pt 2

Chapters, part 2 copyright 2008 comidacomida Jack looked down at the picture in his paw; it had been taken almost exactly eight years before that night. Devon, his boyfriend at the time, was leaning back against him as they both stood with the...

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