As High As the Moon

Story by Lykanos on SoFurry

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On a chill autumn night, two strangers happen upon one another. With drugs involved, the conversations get a little weird. One thing is for certain, though:

Don't do drugs. Especially not with werewolves!

Since not every werewolf can be as nice as me, this was a fun little poke at the darker side of lycanthropy while exploring a little theory on how werewolves might handle drug use. As I have never used nor do I ever plan to use drugs, I can only hope I did it justice. Like always, read, share, enjoy!

As High As the Moon By Lykanos Wulfheart

Barefoot and wearing not much more than rags, Ashley definitely looked like she was in the right place. The crisp chill of the autumn air wisped between the buildings in broken spurts. Fortunately, the back alleys were somewhat shielded from the wind that managed to cut into the large cityscape. With a quick shiver, she continued on, looking for some company on this lonely night.

Dan flattened himself against an old brick wall. It wasn't the most scenic of spots, but it was solitary. The cops never looked around these parts, and it was just far enough away from the drug dealers that he didn't have to worry about the junkies looking for a handout. After settling himself a few feet downwind of a breeze-blocking dumpster, he slid down the rough surface and sat with his legs stretched out. "This'll do." He mumbled to himself as he rubbed his numbing hands together. "A bit cold, but this'll do."

After regaining some feeling, he reached into his old black leather jacket and produced a clear plastic envelope. In it was a single, softer brown square tab that almost looked like a chunk from an old paper grocery bag. Giving his prize a flick, he smiled. He had to pay a little extra, but his dealer had promised that this batch of LSD was a bit stronger than his usual purchase. Having used for a while now, Dan was starting to build up a bit of a tolerance, so he was more than happy to spring for the strong stuff.

Slipping a single finger into the packaging, he quickly looked over his environment one last time before moving the precious tab below his tongue. With a satisfied smirk, he let the plastic blow away as he settled in, waiting for his high.

Only a couple minutes in and someone rounded the corner. Dan flinched, but was rapidly put at ease when he noticed his visitor's sorry state. He at least had decent clothes; Holey-kneed jeans, a decent tee-shirt, and his leather jacket. This new guest was far worse for wear. Her hair was matted and ragged, a mid-length blonde that may or may not have been a little curly. It was kind of hard to tell through all the grime. She had no shoes and her shirt and shorts looked like something the victim of a slasher movie would end up with. Giving a satisfied nod, Dan went back to resting and waiting.

Ashley calmly shuffled toward the relaxing man. Fairly toned, he didn't look like your typical strung-out junkie. She gave a wave as she moved into the wind-break. "Hey there. Mind if I join ya? It's been pretty cold and I could use some company."

With an amused huff, Dan replied, "I'm really not looking for that kind of company, but if you'd like to chat a while, I have a few minutes until I start to feel my kick."

Ashley couldn't hold back her smile. "What do you think I am? A hooker? If I were, I'd probably be better dressed." She chuckled as she sat along the wall, about five feet from her new companion. Dan nodded. "You've got me there. Definitely don't look like a hooker. So, what are you doing out on a night like this? You look pretty cold there."

Crossing her legs and rubbing her arms, she still managed to sound cheery. "Well, it was such a beautiful night, I figured I'd go out looking around. Gets kinda boring out here all alone, ya know?"

"Oh, I know. Part of why I picked this spot," He said as he closed his eyes and leaned harder against the abrasive bricks. Peeking out of one eye, he followed up, "Not that I mind the company. Just used to beggars is all."

Ashley nodded, "Yea, I totally get that." Slowly scooting closer, she grinned. "Only begging I'll be doing is begging for a little more warmth. Don't mind if I sneak a little closer, do you? The wind is still getting me over here."

With a weak flick of his wrist, he motioned her over. "Yea, go ahead. Just no getting grabby, ok?" As she scooted closer, she replied, "Deal," And curled back up into herself.

After a moment of awkward silence, Ashley spoke up. "So, what's your poison?" Moving his head off the wall, Dan focused on her. "Hallucinogens. Namely LSD. How about yourself?"

"Don't take drugs," she said while shaking her head. "Too hard on the body." With a wink, she continued, "Plus, I'm weird enough as it is." With that, she gave a little half-hearted howl, quickly followed by a giggle.

"Wha- what was that?" Dan chuckled. "You think you're some kind of dog or something?" The thought obviously amused him. Still giggling, Ashley teased, "Oh, no. Maybe a werewolf." As Dan scoffed, she continued, "Oh, come on. Everyone knows werewolves aren't real. But, if they were, I wonder how drugs would affect them."

Closing his eyes again, Dan considered it. "I dunno... they wouldn't would they? I thought only silver did stuff to those things."

Slumping forward, Ashley looked over to her new friend. "That's just in movies and such. I think drugs would still work, but why inject yourself when you can get it in other ways?"

"What do you mean?" Dan asked as he slumped forward, eyes opening with a bit of interest. Ashley grinned slyly as she spoke, "Well, some drugs tend to stay in the body, right?"


"Well," she continued, "what if a werewolf ate someone who was on drugs? The chemicals would be in their system still, wouldn't they?"

With a shutter, Dan huffed, "As someone currently on drugs, I would not like to be eaten by a werewolf, thank you." Ashley could only respond with an apologetic nod.

The silence grew thick again, save for the occasional howl of wind rushing past the dumpster. After a few minutes of peace, Ashley perked up again. "You know, I bet with the right drugs, the liver would filter out all the bad stuff and the effects would still have built up in certain tissues."

With a subtle glare, Dan shifted. "You talking about werewolves eating people again? Why are you so fascinated by this? Raised by wolves or something?"

"No, not quite." She laughed at the thought. "No, I'm just fascinated with the effects of narcotics on the body."

After a few seconds of thinking, Dan shot back, "I don't think LSD is actually a narcotic."

"Well," She snorted, "drugs in general, then."

"You know," the man twisted his body to have a better view of his visitor, "You could always try them for yourself. Feel the effects firsthand." As he said it, he started feeling his hallucinogens kicking in, forcing him to slump back with a sigh.

With a pleased smile, she nodded. "Oh, I know the effects of some drugs."

"I don't mean what you read about. I'm talking the feelings. Really experiencing the rush." After he said it, he was pretty sure he was experiencing just that. As he watched her, he thought he could see her ears getting all pointy and weird, much like an elf or something out of a fantasy novel.

She watched as his gaze focused on her. "Starting to kick in, huh? Well, that's just it. I have felt the rush of a few drugs."

Dan shook his head as he was sure her nose was starting to contort into some black, doggish looking thing. "I- I thought you said you've never done drugs before? Also, I think all your talk of werewolves might have influenced my trip here. Your face is kind of pushing out." He cupped his hand and drew it away from his own face, indicating something like a muzzle.

"Oh," she spoke through her sly grin, "I've never done drugs, myself. Too hard on the body, like I said." She raised a single hand as the knuckles cracked and popped, nails taking on a far more claw-like appearance.

"Ho, damn!" Dan braced himself against the building, still firmly seated. "Yea, this is a bad trip. It's like you're changing right before my eyes. Shit."

As coarse, dark grey fur started to cover her body, his focus was drawn to her teeth. Her now wolf-like maw was filled with deadly, pointed fangs. Ashley, now sounding a bit gruff, continued. "It's a shame, really. The liver filters out all the waste, so if you don't eat that, you get most of the high without the detrimental consequences. Sadly, the liver is also one of the tastier parts."

Wide eyed and cowering against the wall, Dan was terrified. He started mumbling loudly, "Not real. This is not real. Damn bad trip. Just fucking high. Just fucking high!"

With a wicked, wolfish grin, Ashley looked the part of Dan's nightmare. With a beastly growl in her voice, she replied, "Oh, this is no hallucination. I can assure you of that. This is how I get my high!"

With that, the last thing Dan noticed was the dried blood on the woman's rags getting covered up with fresh, steamy spurts of his own as the werewolf beside him tore into his throat.

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