The Cult of Sexuality Chapter 1: Raised on the Basics

Story by GerboiseBleu on SoFurry

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A sexuality cult based on the literal imaginations of a lustful man. It raises one from birth to be a good slut and here we'll begin the life journey.

One man, a man with the ultimate imagination machine, was able to make anything in his imagination true. While it could not change everything in the universe, it could at least make things real. He used the machine to satisfy his lusts. He wanted a sexuality cult based around him. First he made a giant island that was able to be cloaked from anyone who wasn't on it and in a remote part of the world to avoid any accidental discoveries by others. Then he made a huge palace for himself with plentiful food and resources for him to survive forever on the island. However the cult part itself would be more complicated.

This upright male tiger indeed had the right features to make himself a sexual cult figure. He was super fit and muscular, he was tall, handsome in the face, had a nice voice, his eyes were a silver blue. But the problem was in his morality. He didn't want to get real people involved, he didn't want to ruin anyone's life. But he wanted the cult members to essentially be his personal harem. What he ended up doing was using the machine to make famous cartoon animals into anthropomorphic real versions of themselves. But he'd make sure their personality and memories were altered enough to make them the sluts he wanted. Even childhood memories. He wanted to make it as if they had been a part of his cult their entire lives to where it would be ingrained in them. However he wanted to make sure there was a new generation as well. He added a few child characters to be raised with the adults. He wanted to test how effective his cult was. He was eager to see the results.

Kiara walked out of her room. She wore no clothes just like everyone and didn't know such a thing existed. She saw her mother Nala and grandmother Sarabi looking at a picture and masturbating. They moaned and kept fingering themselves until they both squirted cum in delight. They were made to enjoy sexual pleasure more than normal and achieve an orgasm with much less effort. Kiara had always seen them do this every morning and she was curious as to why. Being only six she never thought to ask.

"Mama, why do you do that every morning?" she asked while watching them recover from their orgasms. Nala panted and smiled at her curiosity. She then invited her to sit on her lap.

"See that picture up there?" she asks her daughter. The daughter sees a full body relatively large portrait of the male tiger. He also had an erect penis in the picture and gave off a sexy glance that appeared to follow you. The daughter felt a sort of good feeling inside her upon seeing the picture. She'd also never seen a male before and was amazed at how unique looking this person was. He had a weird appendage between his legs and no breasts. But the muscles there looked...good to her.

"Yeah Mama." she answered as she kept staring at it.

"That is a picture of The Master," Nala explained, "He is the reason for our good lives and our sexual pleasure."

"Sexual pleasure?" Kiara asked, again curious.

"Our purpose in life is to sexually please him," answers Nala, "In exchange for doing so, he lets us feel our own sexual pleasure. Every time we please the master or even think about it, it feels good. It's all thanks to him. Did you feel a good tingly sensation inside when you saw the picture?" Kiara smiled.

"Yeah!" she grinned, happy to be a part of something like this.

"That's an example," she said, "Just by looking at him you feel good." With him being the only male, they always linked any normal sexual feelings to his existence, increasing the effectiveness of his cult. "One of his requirements is to give tribute to him every morning. We look at his portrait and stroke our pussy. By doing this, we show we know we exist to sexually please him. He rewards our loyalty by letting it feel great."

"Can I try, mama?" Kiara asked excitedly. Nala and Sarabi looked at each other and smiled.

"You're old enough by now, so sure!" encouraged Nala. Kiara spread her legs and looked at the portrait. She got that tingly sensation then rubbed her pussy with her fingers. She then received the greatest feeling she's ever felt. She moans and keeps at it. "Do you feel something building up inside you? Like it could squirt out?"

"Y-yes mama~" she moaned as she kept at it.

"Let it come out," Nala said, "It's the ultimate sexual pleasure." Eventually Kiara squirted her pussy's juices, being overwhelmed with pleasure. She moaned loudly then panted.

"That felt amazing, mama~~" she panted as her cheeks blushed. Nala smiled and kissed her.

"And it's thanks to us being good sluts for The Master." said Sarabi. "Now you can do this with us every morning." Nala smiled and nodded then put her arms around Sarabi. Their eyes met and then they kissed each other.

"Are you gonna do your wrestling now, mama?" asked Kiara giggling.

"Oh you silly little cub it's not wrestling," explained Nala. "This is another way to sexually please The Master. If we stroke each other, rub our pussies together, play with our bodies, and tongue kiss each other in front of the portrait, he'll see it and reward us with sexual pleasure." It made sense to Kiara. She then watched them get into it. Nala fingered Sarabi as she moaned softly. Then she pressed her mouth back onto Nala's but then opened it to press her tongue inside her mouth. Tongue kissing was what everyone did as a standard greeting. Kiara had no idea it could also please The Master.

Nala then licked Sarabi's pussy. Sarabi gasped and moaned while pressing her head closer. Kiara blushed and felt the urge to masturbate again. She made sure she was in front of the portrait then began doing so again. But then she got an urge to join in with them. She walked up to Sarabi and without warning pressed her mouth against her to tongue kiss her. Sarabi at first is surprised but then slowly closes her eyes and immerses herself into the tongue kiss. Kiara had tongue kissed before but this felt different, felt...better. They kept up their tribute as the portrait watched, continuing to give off the handsome smile.

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