Hypnos Academy: Year 2 Profiles

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#7 of Hypnos Academy

Hypnos Academy: Year Two Profiles

Pronunciations of characters' names will be in (parentheses)

Pronunciation Key: Ai- pronounce with long "i" as in sky, Ay- pronounce with a long "a" as hey, Ah- pronounce exactly as it sounds as in pasta, Eh- pronounced with short "e" as in help, Ee- pronounce with a long "e" as in squeal, oh- pronounce with a long "o" as in hose, ooh- pronounce like the double "o" in "goo", Ih- pronounce with a short "i" as in list, oi â€" pronounce as it sounds as in moist

Class 1 Roster

Class Member 1

Name: Skye Eldrich (Skai Ehl-drihch)

Age: 11

Gender: Herm (Dual)

Species: Angelfox (Fennec)

Hair/Fur Color: Pink with blue forelock, cream/sand fur

Eye Color: Green

Favorite Class: Recess

Grade Average: B +

Crush: Kiyone Karu

Discipline: Somewhat of a troublemaker

Sexual Attributes: Possesses two penises, in addition to a vagina. Penises are 8" long and 2 ½" thick, identical in length and width.

Orgasm Amount: Massive, bare minimum is 1 1/2 gallons of semen per orgasm.

Class Member 2

Name: Kiyone Karu (Kee-yoh-nay Kah-roo)

Age: 11

Gender: Herm (Dual)

Species: Angelfox (Red)

Hair/Fur Color: Red fading into blonde with multicolor highlights, red fur

Eye Color: Heterochromatic. Left eye is violet, right eye is blue.

Favorite Class: Social Studies

Grade Average: A-

Crush: Skye Eldrich

Discipline: Well-behaved, although sometimes mischievous

Sexual Attributes: Possesses two penises, in addition to a vagina. Penises are 10" long and 4" thick, identical in length and width. Possesses foreskins on penises.

Orgasm amount: Massive, bare minimum is 3.5 quarts of semen per orgasm.

Class Member 3

Name: Teru Mikami (Tay-roo Mee-kah-mee)

Age: 11

Gender: Male

Species: Cat

Hair/Fur Color: Blue with red fur

Eye Color: Brown

Favorite Class: Phys Ed

Grade Average: C+

Crush: Skye Eldrich

Discipline: Energetic, but well-behaved

Sexual Attributes: 7" penis. Just under the head, on the glans, are soft barbs that stimulate the walls of the vagina.

Orgasm Amount: Average, bare minimum is 2 pints.

Class Member 4

Name: Ali Dillen (Ah-lee Dih-lehn)

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Species: Rabbit

Hair/Fur Color: Blonde with red tips, white fur

Eye Color: Pink

Favorite Class: Music

Grade Average: A++

Crush: N/A

Discipline: Extremely well-behaved (Class tattle-tale)

Sexual Attributes: Arouses easily under hypnosis, has multiple orgasms every time

Orgasm Amount: Above Average, 3-4 orgasms per session.

Class Member 5

Name: Train Kirek (Trayn Kee-rek)

Age: 11

Gender: Male

Species: Horse

Hair/Fur Color: Green with Brown Fur

Eye Color: Black

Favorite Class: N/A

Grade Average: D+

Crush: Ali Dillen

Discipline: Poor (Class Clown)

Sexual Attributes: 12" penis, very susceptible to collar control

Orgasm Amount: Large, 3 pints bare minimum

Class Member 6

Name: Rosa Lio (Roh-sah Lee-oh)

Age: 11

Gender: Female

Species: Squirrel

Hair/Fur Color: Black with reddish-brown fur

Eye Color: Blue

Favorite Class: Math

Grade Average: A-

Crush: Kiyone, Teru

Discipline: Well-behaved, but VERY quiet

Sexual Attributes: Extremely tight vagina

Orgasm Amount: Normal, but fairly easy to set off

Class Member 7

Name: Fea Tillio (Fay-ah Tee-lee-oh)

Age: 11

Gender: Herm

Species: Avian (Bluebird)

Hair/Feather color: Yellow hair, with blue feathers

Eye Color: Gold

Favorite Class: Homeroom

Grade Average: B

Crush: N/A

Discipline: Rebellious and rude

Sexual Attributes: 7" penis, penis has ridges to help pleasure females

Orgasm Amount: Above average, at least two pints.

Class 2 Students

Name: Fire Tenderfoot

Age: 11

Gender: Male

Species: Red Angelfox

Hair/Fur/Feather color: Red-orange hair, orange fur

Eye Color: Light blue

Favorite Class: Art

Grade Average: B+

Crush: Arisa Armende

Discipline: Usually friendly and behaved, but does tend to be mischievous at times

Sexual Attributes: 7 inch penis, raspberry-flavored semen, penis heats up with arousal.

Orgasm Amount: Massive, minimum is over 2 ½ quarts.

Name: Arisa Armende (Ah-ree-sah Ahrm-ehn-day)

Age: 11

Gender: Female

Species: Raccoon

Hair/Fur Color: Blue hair, pink and purple striped fur.

Eye Color: Purple

Favorite Class: Music

Average Grade: B-

Crush: Fire Tenderfoot

Discipline: Well behaved. Bit of a wet blanket.

Sexual Attributes: Can emit pheromones that induce a sort of trance and state of love/lust in anyone nearby (works better on cubs than on adults), clitoris is supersensitive

Orgasm Amount: Massive

Name: Noa Delcroix (Noh-ah Dehl-croi)

Age: 8

Gender: Herm

Species: Cheetah

Hair/Fur Color: Red hair with black-spotted yellow fur.

Eye Color: Cyan, glowing green when using hypnotic power

Favorite Class: Lunch

Average Grade: A+

Crush: None, but looks up to Skye and Fire as older siblings

Discipline: EXTREMELY hyperactive and ditzy, but surprisingly adept at paying attention in class.

Sexual attributes: 5" inch penis, ejaculates hard enough to spray semen upwards of six feet straight up. Also possesses innate hypnotic abilities, although they are hard to control.

Orgasm Amount: Massive, minimum of 3 quarts.

Name: Adriano Svelte (Ah-dree-ah-noh Sveelt)

Age: 11

Gender: Male

Species: Avian (Robin)

Hair/Feather Color: Blonde with red feathers.

Eye Color: Blue

Favorite Class: Science

Average Grade: C

Discipline: Arrogant, stuck-up, snobby.

Crush: Fea Tillio

Sexual Attributes: 6 ½ inch penis, can control all aspects of his orgasms: starting, stopping, length, intensity, amount of semen spurted, number of orgasms, etc...

Orgasm Amount: Variable. Without orgasm control, average, around 2 pints. With orgasm control, massive, more than a gallon.

Name: Matt Pawford

Age: 11

Gender: Male

Species: Wolf

Hair/Fur Color: Light grey

Eye Color: Teal

Favorite Class: Recess

Average Grade: B+

Discipline: Average, gets into trouble with Fire

Crush: Sashi Kimono

Sexual Attributes: 7 inch penis, has knot that inflates close to orgasm

Orgasm Amount: Average, about 3 pints

Name: Sashi Kimono (Sah-shee Kee-moh-noh)

Age: 11

Gender: Female

Species: Lizard

Hair/Scale color: Black with green scales

Eye Color: Green

Favorite Class: English

Average Grade: A

Discipline: Quiet and VERY well behaved

Crush: Matt Pawford

Sexual Attributes: Vagina ripples and twitches constantly, milking and caressing anything inside her.

Orgasm Amount: Average

Name: Bebe Cadency (Bay-bay Kay-dehn-see)

Age: 11

Gender: Female

Species: Monkey

Hair/Fur Color: Jet black, with brown fur

Eye Color: Brown

Favorite Class: Gym

Average Grade: C-

Discipline: Athletic and mischievous

Crush: Teru Mikami

Sexual Attributes: Becomes a nymphomaniac when aroused.

Orgasm Amount: Above average

Teachers and Other Students

Class 3 Student

Name: Serena Farraday (Seh-ree-nah Fahr-rah-day)

Age: 11

Gender: Herm

Species: Red fox

Hair/fur color: Yellow with golden fur

Eye Color: Blue

Favorite Class:

Average Grade: A

Discipline: Boisterous, friendly, has the gift of blarney.

Crush: Skye Eldrich

Sexual Attributes: 8 inch penis, EXTREMELY thick, ejaculates semen in a constant stream rather than individual spurts, also is naturally gifted at the sex arts.

Orgasm Amount: Massive, at least 3 quarts.

Class 1 Homeroom Teacher/ Science Teacher

Name: Ms. Sierra Heindell (See-ay-rah Hain-dehl)

Age: 33

Gender: Female

Species: Mouse

Hair/Fur Color: Silver with grey fur

Teaching Style: Easygoing, but strict when a child is misbehaving

Favorite Student: Skye

Least Favorite Student: Train

Sexual Attributes: Fairly large breasts for a mouse, also possesses very strong pelvic muscles

Orgasm Amount: Normal

Phys Ed Teacher

Name: Mr. Rallis (Rahl-ihs)

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Species: Raccoon

Hair/Fur Color: Salt and pepper with grey and black fur

Teaching Style: Very strict, but fun

Favorite Student: Teru

Least Favorite Student: Fea

Sexual Attributes: 14" penis, semen is very thick and sticky

Orgasm Amount: Large, over 3 pints

Math Teacher

Name: Mrs. Bazan (Bay-zan)

Age: .......Old. VERY old.

Gender: Female

Species: Mink (really a weasel)

Hair/Fur Color: White hair, brown fur

Teaching style: EXTREMELY surly and strict

Favorite student: None, but holds a small amount of affection for Rosa

Least Favorite Student: Everyone else (Hates all children)

Sexual Attributes: N/A

Orgasm Amount: N/A

Social Studies Teacher

Name: Mrs. Quina (Kwee-nah)

Age: 26

Gender: Herm

Species: Deer

Hair/Fur Color: Purple with light brown fur

Teaching Style: Rather boring and dry, and strict with troublemakers

Favorite Student: Kiyone

Least Favorite Student: Teru

Sexual Attributes: 12" penis, orgasm is very powerful.

Orgasm amount: Massive, over a gallon of semen.

Music Teacher

Name: Mr. Acari (Ah-cah-ree)

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Species: Avian (Duck)

Hair/Feather Color: Black with Green Feathers

Teaching Style: Very loose and laid back

Favorite Student: Ali

Least Favorite Student: Rosa (because she's tone-deaf, not due to personality)

Sexual Attributes: 8" penis, spurts precum constantly from moment of first arousal to orgasm.

Orgasm Amount: Average, about a pint

English Teacher/ Class 2 Homeroom Teacher

Name: Ms. Aya Wesker (Ai-ah Wehs-kehr)

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Species: Badger

Hair/Fur Color: Red with Black and white fur

Teaching Style: Fairly balanced

Favorite Student: Fea

Least Favorite Student: None

Sexual Attributes: None

Orgasm Amount: Large, has powerful climaxes.

Hypnos Academy Headmaster

Name: Arlen Hypnos (Ahr-lehn Haip-nohs, not Hihp-nohs)

Age: 61

Gender: Male

Species: Wolf

Hair/Fur Color: White hair with grey fur

Personality: Cheerful and friendly

Special Item: Possesses the master controller, allowing him to entrance the entire student body at once. Also the inventor of the control collar and all related technology.

Favorite Student: None, but has a special interest in Skye and Kiyone, being the only two herm angelfoxes at the school.

Least Favorite Student: Jam

Sexual Attributes: 13" penis, knot on base of penis inflate on orgasm, locking him to his partner.

Orgasm amount: Large, around 2 quarts.

Class 16 Student

Name: Jam Baran (Jam Bah-ran)

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Species: Bear

Hair/Fur Color: Brown, with brown fur

Favorite Class: None

Grade Average: F

Crush: All Class 1 females

Discipline: Nonexistent (School bully)

Sexual Attributes: 6" penis, remains erect until completely satisfied sexually

Orgasm Amount: Average, slightly above a pint

Class 11 Student

Name: Fai Tillio (Fai Tee-lee-oh)

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Species: Avian (Bluebird)

Hair/Feather Color: Yellow hair, with blue feathers

Favorite Class: Phys Ed

Crush: None, but VERY protective of his sister Fea

Discipline: Rowdy, but well-behaved in front of adults

Sexual Attributes: 6" penis, with ridges to pleasure females

Orgasm Amount: Above average, at least 2 pints

Class 10 Student

Name: Enkai Mukerji (Ehn-kai Moo-kehr-jee)

Age: 16

Gender: Herm

Species: Wolf

Hair/Fur Color: Silver hair with grey fur

Favorite Class: Social Studies

Crush: None

Discipline: Model student

Sexual attributes: 8 inch penis

Orgasm Amount: Above average, at least 3 pints.

Name: Rio Karu (Ree-oh Kah-roo)

Age: 6

Gender: Male (Dual)

Species: Red Angelfox

Hair/Fur Color: Black with red fur

Eye Color: Violet

Relations: Kiyone Karu- Older sister; Lia Karu, older sister; Mia Karu, Older sister

Discipline: VERY quiet and shy

Sexual Attributes: Two 5 inch penises (massive for a six year old), with surprisingly large testicles.

Orgasm Amount: Massive, minimum 1 quart

Name: Lia Karu (Lee-ah Kah-roo)

Age: 8

Gender: Herm (Dual)

Species: Red Angelfox

Hair/Fur color: Blonde with red fur

Eye color: Blue

Relations: Kiyone Karu- older sister; Mia Karu- identical twin; Rio Karu, younger brother.

Discipline: Quiet and a little nervous, more submissive.

Sexual Attributes: Two 7 inch penises along with a vagina, always orgasms at the same time as her sister, no matter what her arousal level is. (For example, if Mia is at orgasm, but Lia is completely unaroused, when Mia achieves climax, Lia will immediately orgasm as well.)

Orgasm Amount: Massive, minimum 3 quarts

Name: Mia Karu (Mee-ah Kah-roo)

Age: 8

Gender: Herm

Species: Red Angelfox

Hair/Fur Color: Blonde with red fur

Eye Color: Blue

Relations: Kiyone Karu- older sister; Lia Karu- identical twin; Rio Karu, younger brother.

Discipline: Loud and mischievous, more dominant.

Sexual Attributes: 12 inch penis, always orgasms at the same time as her sister, no matter what her arousal level is. (For example, if Lia is at orgasm, but Mia is completely unaroused, when Lia achieves climax, Mia will immediately orgasm as well.)

Orgasm Amount: Massive, minimum 3 quarts.

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