The Dragon's Pagoda Tavern

Story by Chus Cruz on SoFurry

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I went downtown by myself, it was around midnight, summer. I was bored and wanted some action but the whores from the local tavern weren't doing much for me at the moment, so I decided to try out that place my friend Miquel had told me about.

I got off the train that took me to the Ash District, the part of town famous for its movement of contraband (potions, exotic herbs, weapons and scrolls carried from faraway lands). Another aspect of the Ash district was its entertainment. There were bars who featured performers for all likings, from sophisticated burlesque-like shows, to the most vulgar or intense shows that actively involved the audience. The place Miquel had told me about was kind of like that. A bar that served drinks with meat, so to speak. It was an orgy, people hardly cared about your sex, they only wanted a body (or bodies) to fuck with.

This "tavern" was called The Dragon's Pagoda. Of course, it was not such a thing. From the outside, it had only three levels, and looked like a very narrow building. In front of it there was a big tiger who guarded the entrance, I approached him, he didn't even look at me, I handed him some sort of billet that Miquel had given me, it was one of the only ways to enter, only members could acquire such billets to invite more members in. The tiger looked at it briefly, took it from my hand and ripped it. Then he moved aside to let me in, next time I wanted to come back I'll have to bring a plaque for official members.

Concrete stairs in the outside of the building let to a black door. I knocked and someone in the inside opened to me. The inside of the Dragon's pagoda had no walls, on its first level it looked like a normal tavern, the lights were dim, there were tables with benches on the sides and people sitting on them, although the sketchy looks of it from the outside, on the inside it was clearly exclusive. All around me where creatures clearly from the highest ranks of town. Lords, judges and heroes who had already made big names of their own. They weren't drinking plane beer, neither, on the menu there was the biggest variety of sophisticated drinks. But I wasn't there for a drink. Miquel had told me that the fun was in the second floor, the first floor was simply a warm up. The stairs to the second floor were on the right, at the end of the room, right beside the bar, it was a spiral staircase guarded by yet another tiger. Well, I didn't expect that, Miquel didn't tell me there was going to be yet another dude I'd have to pass through. I got closer to him and asked

"Excuse me, sir. I'd like to go up. See, I have some matters I need to attend, do you understand?" I smirked at the dude, hoping he would understand, but he did not move. I tried again, insisting that I knew what was going on upstairs and that it was my intentions to go there. He again did not move. I was getting a bit angry, when a group of people, a big grey wolf accompanied by two other smaller female wolves walked past me, showed the tiger something and went up, laughing. I didn't get it... did I have to go up in a group? Did I need to purchase some kind of pass? I thought the most obvious thing would be going to the bar and asking the bartender, who was a very sophisticated looking black horse a foot taller than me. Regardless of his looks, he spoke to me in a very condescending way.

"Is your first time in the Dragon's pagoda, right? See, down here it's just a bar, we sell some exclusive drinks, sure, but the prices aren't very high, see? It's a regular place. But it's just a cover for what's up there. That's not so cheap, my friend, and only those who prove they can pay for the merchandise can actually go and check it up. No one else, whoever got you your pass should've told you that."

"Well, I'm no peasant, sir! I carry gold and silver on me, I just need to know what is it that I need to purchase to get me to the next level."

"It's not so much as a purchase, see. It's more like a reward. You have to be a frequent here, y'know. You spend here some time every week and whenever the boss thinks you're ready, you get the opportunity to buy a pass to go to the second and third level. That's it, but it's no easy, I've seen people coming here every day for a year and never get picked up. It's not like it's random, it simply isn't for everyone."

Well, fuck. Every day for months? Not only would that take me some time, but I would need to get a fucking member plaque to come back whenever... I didn't have time for that shit.

I looked at the horse, he was a draft horse, he was black on his mane, his hands and the tip of his thick muzzle, but his forearms and neck actually looked brown. I myself was a hybrid of a draft horse and a lion, almost all of my anatomy was of a horse, but I was of a more blonde color, almost white on my mane and feet, I didn't have hooves; my paws and tail was of a lion, this curious appearance of me had got me out of the most dangerous situations, my body was in shape, I wasn't as buff as my bartender friend in front of me, but I was lean and as muscular as a hero should be.

"Listen... I don't have a lot of time, I'm sort of a traveler, I don't spend a lot of time in one single place, you know? I'm a busy fella. So, if you could help me, and I'm sure you could, to get me up one floor, I'm sure you won't regret it, and I'll be very, very grateful to you. I do have money for the merchandise, as you say, I just don't have the time to do all that 'here once a week for the Gods know how much time' thing. So, just tell me what a guy like me can do _to you_to get me in there, yeah?"

The bartender didn't change his expression, not for a second, I was ready to sigh, ditch everything and go, but he said, in a voice slightly lower than before "Alright, since you've been way politer than half the people who come in here, I'll see what we can do, hold on in here". He got out of the bar, and went to the front of the place to get another guy in the same uniform as him, they came back to where I was, he opened the small door to get inside the bar again, but first he made me a signal to go in first, he went after, and after came his workmate. He made me go to a door in the corner of the bar, "let's get in here". His workmate stayed at the bar, taking his place, I supposed.

We found ourselves in a small warehouse where they kept bottles and bottles of... stuff, I couldn't stop to look, he led me to another set of spiral staircase but this went down, to the basement. It was dark, I couldn't see past my nose when we got all the way down, he was still back to me, and turned the lights on, then I could see. I couldn't tell the size of the basement, it had piles of stuff in the back until I couldn't see anything else, although it roughly had the same dimensions as the bar floor, but it now it was clearly that the bar wasn't their business. It was filled with furniture, mattresses, couches, some very old, some brand new, decoration, and other artifacts, but there was hardly anything for a tavern, it looked like a dismantled inn.

Now my bartender friend took me by the hand and led me to a corner of the room, furniture and other things piled up to our sides, creating a very obvious path to follow, though I could see pathways going off from the one we were going. It wasn't long when I saw a wall made of those screen decorations that fold onto itself to help separate the spaces of a room. He then folded one, so that now that space was open for us to go into, on the other side wasn't much, just a big mattress and a couple of chairs. I stood there, he closed the screen thingy and approached me, when in front of me, he took me by the forearm.

"Well, this is how we do in here the dragon's pagoda." He took me closer to him, his face just above mine, his eyes looking directly into mine, his body pressed against mine, I could feel his strong midriff, his hand was holding my forearm tightly, almost painfully. "See, up there is very though, it's not for amateurs, you know? So, since you wanted a fast past to the second floor, my job is to make sure you can take it, our merchandise doesn't mind amateurs, but our clients like to mess around as well and there's a reason why we're so selective, you know? So, yeah, let's see how much you can take". He pushed me, unbuttoned his shirt, undid his tie and pulled down his pants, underneath, he was wearing black briefs, his shaft coming out of his sheath shyly. He sat down on the bed, no pants on and with a white shirt open over him, I could see his toned torso which was, indeed, dark brown, but darkened in his belly, his thighs were darker, but not completely black. He made a signal with his hand, pointing at me, ordering me to undress, I did so quickly, I was not nervous, but excited, I would've preferred not showing it, but my member was evident enough, I was completely naked and he pulled me down to my knees, both of his hands to his sides. He didn't have to say no more, I found my way to his cock.

My paws rubbed his thighs and my muzzle approached his bulge. I moved away the briefs to find a big black ballsack, and his sheath with a bit of his shaft showing off. With one hand, I massaged his balls, and I stroked his member with the other as I opened my mouth and licked the base of his black cock, moving my way upwards, as my hand stroked the soft head, trying to get some pre-cum out of it. I did this for a while until I had his full length displayed in front of me, he barely showed any signs of excitement, his breath had barely been altered, I was panting heavily and my cock throbbing. His dick was so big and heavy it could barely point upwards, some precum was already coming out and I was quick to suck it, thirsty for more. Both my hands worked his base while I busied my mouth with his head and as much length as I could take. My eyes were cloudy, looking at him and at nothing at the same time. The tip of his cock tingled the back of my throat and I gagged.

"...mmmh... yeah... my cock is too big for you to take it whole, isn't it?"

"mmh-mmh" was the only thing I could reply, a guttural sound that made him shiver.

"oooh... fuck... you don't even care, do you, you just want to suck me dry..."

I stopped for a second to speak, my mouth already filled with the heavy precum of the stallion in front of me, "yeah... I'm so thirsty." He immediately took me by my mane and forced me into his cock again, I gagged and some tears came out from the force.

"I didn't say you could talk, did I? You have only one job right now and is to make me cum loads, you hear me?"

I nodded and continued. My hands alternating between his balls and his base.

In a matter of minutes, it was all a mess. I had worked my way to half his length, as much as I could take, I bobbed his cock up and down and every time I filled my chin with pre-cum, to the point where my chest and stomach had shiny lines of fluid running down and my muzzle was sticky and white. My own cock was about to explode but whenever I tried to jerk off he made me put my hands back to his shaft, I moaned in protest which only aroused him more. I was bobbing furiously, tired of the position already, trying to make him cum at last but he proved a hard task of it.

Finally, he stood up, I straightened my position a little and he put his hand around my head.

"Now get ready for the big finale, you'll like it." He said keeping my head in the same position with his hands, he then started to thrust against my mouth as hard as he could go, I was being facefucked, opening my mouth as much as I could, trying to get some air out, as I gagged against his throbbing cock.

He started to pant, moan. I could finally take my paws to my dick and find some relief, it wasn't long when I came on thick ropes to the floor, moaning in desperation from the force of his hips against my head and my own orgasm, he found his. With a loud neigh, he let it all out into my mouth, I could barely take such load and he quickly pulled out, one of my hands quickly took hold of his big and warm horse-cock and stroked it fast, pointing the cum shots to my body and licking it from my face.

"oooooohh fffuuck yeeesss, do it like that, stroke my cock like that. Oooofucckk yeah, you're a cum slut aren't you ffffuck" he helped himself as well. Liters and liters came out of his cock which each stroke. I was in a bliss of cum and joy.

We recovered ourselves after a few moments. His dick was flaccid in front of me, he ordered me to clean him up, so I did. Then we retrieved our clothes and got out of there.

Once we were at the bar he looked at me, getting something from a locked drawer bellow the cashier. "You did a good job down there" I smirked "so I guess you earned something" He then pulled out a pvc card, it was black with white lettering on the front, and on the back, it had more white on black designs and a holo sticker for authenticity, I figured.

"Well, thank you very much, sir. It was a pleasure to make business with you" I said, as I took my well-earned pass and walked out of that side of the bar.

"Pleasure was mine" he said, grabbing my ass with his big hooved hands and leaning in my ear. "I'll see you in two weeks, we can discuss a discount card for the rooms in the 3rd. floor.