Chapter 1: Arrival

Story by Ooraka Kutanaga on SoFurry

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#1 of The REAL reason behind the Bermuda Triangle

This is the first chapter of the series. Please post a link to your fursona or a description so either I, or the commissioner, Cornel, can choose who gets to be the first transformed human.

As always, this commission is from Cornel, and all characters used are just for this story at Cornel's permission. DO NOT USE without asking first.

This story is about the voyage of the ship Grostenburg, a vessel that had gotten caught in a freak storm, only to end up back in time. These are the stories of how they survive. Stay awhile and read.

The day started out as any other, my crew and I were going through our cleaning of the ship and inspections. We knew there was a storm coming, so we wanted to get everything tied down and covered, to make sure it would not get out of working order. We all knew how hard it was to keep the main cannons clean.

I should probably introduce myself and my crew. I am Calienta, Captain of the ship. Most would wonder why a scorpataur would be aboard the seas, but I proved them why, my legs gave me more stability, as well as my tail giving an anchor point. Now, what most of you may not know, I come from a time way in the future. 30,000 years or so. In that time, we have evolved, learned, and made great strides in both science and community. Most think that owning slaves is a bad thing, and normally they'd be right. However, those who ARE slaves are those who have committed crimes. Depending on the crime depends on how strong the serum is. Mostly, it just makes one completely at their 'owner's' mercy and listens to orders. The bigger crimes get genetic modifications and also become more of a sex/breeding slave for the property.

Now, as one of the creatures, for lack of a better term, to have worked on it, I know how to make more if need be, which is useful when out on the seas. Of course, a very mild version is used to start a ship orgy now and then, but the crew doesn't seem to mind, at least until they show with pregnancy. Ah, the children we'd had in the past. Unfortunately, our current mission was not allowing us such leniency with the day. The storm was supposed to be just a normal hurricane, so we prepared for such.

My first mate, Shellandra, a lovely wolf morph, came to me with a message from our radar specialist.

"Captain! Captain! You NEED to see this!" Shi came to me and held the paper in front of me, not moving until I took it. Delilah, a horse morph, was NEVER wrong in hir knowledge of the radar and sensory equipment. And here shi was, saying the storm is part of some sort of electrical anomaly. Apparently it is like if there is a thunderstorm in it's center, messing with the normal composition. At this time, I order EVERYONE below deck, and seal the ship. Thankfully, the armor of the ship would take a LOT of pressure before breaking, and with it being sealed, any electricity would just move around the ship. I wish I knew then what I know now. We could have prepared better and sent a distress signal. But, now was not the time to worry about such things, although we did not know just how much trouble we'd be in IF we made it back.

Back to the matter at hand. We all waited with baited breath in silence for the storm to hit. We waited for about 30 minutes before the first shock hit. The electricity cascading around the ship was messing with the external sensors in the armor. We were getting a weird reading, and everything flashed before going dark. Shortly after, the cryogenic sleep system came online, as the oxygen had been disconnected somehow. It was a failsafe to make sure that we'd be safe while the repair drones got to work.

We did not know how long we were out, but upon checking the repair system, we were out for about a month. Apparently, during our time out, there had been a wave of something going through the ship, and there was no damage to the ship or any of it's sensors. Of course, that was until we checked the calendar. Our chronograph was rarely wrong, but this couldn't be. The chronograph said it was 1943. This was impossible! Time travel is NOT possible! There have been no documentations, no research, no nothing, to explain what had happened to us.

Shutting down the armor, we took a glance outside to where we were. In our original time, these islands had been destroyed by a large explosion. But now, we were in the middle of what is known as the Bermuda Triangle. We knew that if anyone found out about us, we'd be in deep trouble for letting someone from the past see our ship. So, we did something smart. Since this time's ability to detect electronic destabilization was horrendous, if not impossible, we sent one of the shark girls to plant a sensor on each island, so we could form roughly where the triangle should be.

Now, thankfully we found an island in the center, and it was a good size. Being a crew of only 50, it would fit us well. We spent the better part of a month setting up, getting the mobile stations setup, and even figuring out which foods and animals were dangerous. Word of advice to any who travel back to this time frame: Three Leaf plants are NOT good for ANYTHING!!! Except developing a rash that was hard as hell to remove.

After we settled in, we sent out scouts regularly, with the intent to knock out any ships or planes, and bring the people in it to the island. In the meantime, I would go to work synthesizing more chemicals to get the new arrivals under control. Hopefully this new world did not give us many issues with the formula and how it affects the injected. Testing on some of the cabin girls, we found nothing out of the ordinary, except the fact they became more animalistic in mind. Not that we minded, as all animals need to breed.

Of course, everyone knows and understands why we use the chemicals. For one, it makes it easier to keep a loyal crew, as a well fucked crewmate will stay with you. Now, being a Scorpataur, it is quite hard for one to have sex with. Of course, it works out that my race has a second set of genitals on the end of our tail. Those destined for power and leadership are born with a penis, while those who aren't are born with, effectively, two pussies for fucking.

Of course, with genetics being what they are, I was able to adjust the shape, and chose a combination between canine and feline. Faint barbs along the top half, meant for stimulation, but not big enough for pain, while at the base was two lobes of a knot. I've seen some go as far as 6 lobes, like a gryphon. Those are ones you only mate with when you are free the whole night. I am able to have sex with others face to face, as my own female sex is located where my torsos connect, so as to make it easier for non-taurs to enjoy some fun. Of course, being the only taur, and captain of the ship, means I am exotic to those who we encounter.

Once the recon team came back, it was proven that the chronometer was indeed correct. This would pose many threats to our well-being. Would those who encounter us be welcoming, will they be ready to kill, what? These thoughts ran through my head, but I told the crew to put down their chores and find as much food as they could. Tonight would be a feast of survival!

Throughout the feast, most of which was fruits and seafood, not that those there cared, even if they looked like the food's descendants. But, since none went missing, it was safe to say that we were safe from messing with the timeline. As we ate, I looked over the crew, wondering who had been needing a turn with me. That is something I try to do: Allow each member of the crew some time.

After the feast, we set the alarms to let us know if anyone passed our barriers. I pulled aside one of the shark ladies, and Delilah. Shi deserved a fitting reward for giving us the heads up on the storm. Without it, we would have most likely died. Moving off and talking to Delilah and Tinius, I lead them back to my quarters with intent to have ourselves a night to remember.

Once inside, I made sure to lock the cabin, setting it so only an emergency would open it unless one of us opened the door. Licking my lips, I approached Delilah and kissed hir, holding hir close. I beckoned Tini, her nickname, to us and proceeded to tease my tail about her, pulling her into a hug as well.

Sliding my hands along Delilah's sides, slipping into hir shirt, I nibble hir neck, chittering softly. Shedding our clothes, I push hir back onto the bed and move over hir. Looking down, I reach to fondle hir sheath, licking my lips as shi slid out. Running my hands up and down hir length, I smiled up to hir.

"You did a wonderful job keeping us alive, Delilah. For that, you will be in control tonight." Giving up control was not something I did often, but it did make for a nice gift to help boost morale.

"Well, then, Calienta, my sexy scorp, suck my cock and force your breasts around it as well." Shi knew I was not as orally skilled as the others, partially due to the mandibles on either side of my mouth. I was able to suck hir off, but anything too deep would be a pain.

During this time, Tini had been teasing herself against my tail, her rough body felt good against my carapace, and the teasing flicks of her tongue along the length of my cock were good enough to get some pre dripping from the tip. Reaching to run her hands along the length, she was getting it nice and lubed for what she would want it for later. Those soft-skinned hands felt almost like silk upon me, and one of these days I'd see if she could give a good back massage, with the way she glided against me.

Taking a glance around the room, I was glad for soundproofing. A few mirrors lay along the walls, each one angled to get a good view from the corner, where a lone camera sat, activated by my mental command. I was always a big fan of home movies, and shared that fact with the crew, so they knew they'd be in one whenever in my cabin. The rest of the walls, decorated so it looked like the interior of an old wooden ship, were decorated with pictures of the crew, each one being on their first night aboard the ship. I was glad to see very few were crossed off, as I hadn't lost as many as I expected.

Nodding and shifting so as to lean along Delilah's length, I gently ran my mandibles along either side of the length, teasing hir with the light, yet sharp, contrast of what would be coming soon. Pulling my teeth back into my gums, I descended upon that thick equine spire of fertility, suckling upon the tip as a babe would at a teat. With one hand, I teased along hir inner thigh, the other pulling the length against my chest, breasts mashing up against hir, throbbing horseflesh pulsing as I worked. Tini was replicating my actions, including pulling her teeth into her gums, knowing from past experiences that teeth are not good along sensitive flesh.

Feeling a hand upon my head, I looked up, giving an innocent grin around the thick shaft in my mouth. Pushing down some, shi was signaling that it was time for me to do more, and it was something I didn't mind doing. Like the rest of the crew, I knew and enjoyed the taste of cum, though more often than not, it was the lower crew who'd get the most of it. Swallowing the pre shi gave, I began to bob my head, taking a little bit more with each trip down, showing that I had been practicing since the last time shi had hir cock in my mouth. Squirming to wiggle my breasts along the length, I was thankful I was not scaled above the waist, or it could be painful. Soft groans and moans could be heard from all three of us, the arousal increasing, as did the scents of sex. All three of us were dripping, although me and Delilah were dripping for two. Of course, now would have been the wrong time for my fertile cycle to spike, but such as it was, I wasn't going to stop just because of the risk. If I had hir child, it would be an honor, as shi saved us all.

Feeling hir throbbing in my throat, I pulled back and licked my lips. Chittering softly, I looked between Tini and Delilah, blushing as I rolled onto my back. Giving Delilah an open invitation, I didn't have to wait long before I felt the flared tip probing my slit. Trying to keep still, I could not help but squirm as I felt hir trying to push hirself into me, as it had been a while since I last had hir. Once the tip popped inside, shi hilted deep inside, kissing my cervix with the tip of hir pillar of horseflesh.

I gave a shudder as I felt Tini lowering herself down upon my tailcock, and though she was looser than I was, she still moved slowly, both of us savoring each pulse and throb of each other. The inside of Tini, and our other shark girls, was ribbed, making each movement in and out more pleasurable for the both of us. I tried focusing more on the feeling of Delilah's horsecock pulling and pushing through my body, but it was hard to focus on two ends at the same time.

The three of us kept on for the night, and halfway into the next morning, all three of us a mess from the cum and juices we all shared. I was full and empty, but damn, was it worth it. After a quick shower, we headed to see how things were going. After getting a report of the overnight happenings, most of which were just ships getting close, but not seeing what was here, we decided to send one of the drones out to see what sort of technology the world had, and how we could tap in to it.

A couple hours later, the drone returned, followed by the alarm going off. Apparently, it had been seen, and was running, only to be followed by a small craft. We all prepared for the arrival, getting the stun guns and serum prepared. We were not in for much of a fight though, as the person was interested in us, not so much the technology. We explained to them that they could not leave, and that they'd need to be given a serum that would make them forget their time before, se we gave a feast so they would enjoy their last day as a human.

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MLP: FiS Chapter 1

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